technology technology Jesus christ, now you have to train your family in opsec
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 3 hours ago 100%

    Everyone should talk to their relatives, especially elderly relatives about scams. The most important points are:

    That they should never trust that the person calling is who they say they are, they can always hang up, look up the number and call the company/police/whoever directly. Also talk about how scammers create a false sense of urgency. Lastly, talk about the ways scammers collect their money, by having you send venmo/Apple pay/Zelle, gift cards or crypto atms, nobody legitimate requires that kind of payment.

    It's a hard thing to talk about without making them feel like you're calling them dumb or gullible. The way I broached it with my mom was to tell her about someone smart I knew that got tricked by one of those tech support scams.

    Nothing guarantees you won't get tricked into a scam, but you can make it harder

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Is there a history analog of bitcoin tho?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 4 hours ago 100%

    The Mississippi Company was something like bitcoin. John Law basically invented fractional reserve banking by assuming the national debt in exchange for the right to print paper notes backed by France and exclusive trade rights to the Americas. The whole thing blew up because there was no mechanism to stop inflation, investors could buy an unlimited amount of shares of a finite investment.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank King Bazinga presents some poetry about how we actually need Supply-Side Cultural Christianity.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 24 hours ago 100%

  • badposting badposting /c/badposting was a conspiracy to do entryism on Hexbe[POST INTERRUPTED] Check out my EPIC!!! new Bill Murray challenge coin!!!
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 day ago 100%

    Is that you Brian Quinby?

  • covid covid Anyone else get the new Moderna Covid vax and having the worst time with it?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 day ago 100%

    My partner and I had basically no issues with it, but we both had covid a few months ago, I don't know if that affects it.

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 day ago 100%

    There's a really cool produce market near me. This place has a truck they take to a city hours away and load it with produce once a week. On Saturday and Sunday they have a reverse auction where the prices keep going down until it's all gone. Restaurants and people looking for cheap food get great deals and no food goes to waste.

    They're also really good at only stocking produce when it's a good time of year for it. Walmart will have peaches year round, but they're not good for like half the year. They also end up with some stuff that's just not ever available around here, like lychee and diakon radishes, when they can get it. Plus they carry stuff from local farms when it's available.

    I feel like this is a business that could be replicated in a lot of rural areas. It's basically just a barn on the side of the road with very little overhead, but it's always busy.

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 days ago 100%

    I fucking hate the, "Sitting on the porch with the shotgun, scaring my daughter's boyfriend" genre of boomer joke.

    It's such a gross sentiment, trying to "defend" their daughters chastity, like the virginity belongs to the father.

  • memes memes Schrödinger's Immigrant
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 days ago 100%

    Do these people realize that these federal programs don't run out of money? You can't "use up all the food stamps". The one guy in that video was complaining that his disability was cut off, like that has anything to do with the Haitian refugees who can't even get disability benefits.

  • askchapo askchapo Ways people say certain words that stick in your mind for some reason?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 days ago 100%

    I watched a police interrogation video years ago where a Canadian cop said "garage" like garr-aaaj, and it's stuck with me since.

    Also the way Trump says "china" sounds like the second syllable to vagina to me.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse One of the problems with billionaires is that they don't understand that a biome collapse and great extinction event isn't something you can just wait out in a bunker.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 days ago 100%

    In Douglas Rushkoff's book "Survival of the Richest" he talks about the survival ideas of these rich morons he talked to at some event. They were discussing strategies to keep security guards loyal in a post apocalyptic scenario. Shit like shock collars, timed safes, anything besides treating them well. It's a good book.

    They'd rather keep driving us towards an apocalypse they wouldn't survive than do something to avoid it.

  • memes memes Endorsements just keep pouring in
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 3 days ago 100%

    I really don't believe SCOTUS would have let Biden get away with that. They wrote that decision is such a weasely way that it gave Trump practical immunity, but allows them to decide when it applies to other presidents.

    Still I agree that if Democrats actually cared about things they'd consistently force SCOTUS to overturn popular policies, if only to show the public they're simply unelected political actors.

  • chat chat Did anyone else have very limited acceptable family convo topics
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 5 days ago 100%

    I go to see my partners family a few times a year and the conversation is so awkward. Their mom does nothing but watch reruns of law and order SVU and 50's shows on TV Land, and their dad runs out of normal stuff to talk in about 20 minutes.

    We can't talk about any kind of current events because the dad has incredibly reactionary takes despite claiming to be a progressive Democrat. I had a meltdown when he started talking about the Palestine student protests like they were brainwashed into supporting terrorists.

    I've tried to have things to talk about to avoid getting into arguments, but they seem so bored with anything I have to say, so we end up sitting in silence for long stretches. Then when we leave they're like, "Leaving already? You just got here".

  • food food I don't have access to a heating element or fridge for a week or more. What should I eat?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 5 days ago 100%

    Nut butters on bread/crackers, PBJ. Cheddar cheese in block form lasts a long time unrefrigerated, cured meats like pepperoni. Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes all keep pretty well unrefrigerated.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Mao 🤝 Kamala Harris
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 5 days ago 100%

    who have not missed rent in the last two years

    Come the fuck on. What in the hell kind of means tested bullshit is this?

  • news news Pretty pog from jurors
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 6 days ago 100%

    They have a stronger version than the US because lawyers can argue for it to the jury. In the US they aren't allowed to do it, and most states have model jury instructions that tell them they are not allowed to ignore the law because they think it unjust.

  • askchapo askchapo Ebook or Physical?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 6 days ago 100%

    E-books all the way. Piracy is awesome, but the biggest reason is being able to configure the font,size,spacing and margins. It's also easier to use with one hand and I can hold even very large books up so I don't get tech neck.

    Physical books are nice because they're easy to lend, though.

  • neurodiverse neurodiverse So most salaries are based on your position in the social hierarchy and it’s never been about work, right?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber(pdf) has a lot to say on the subject of pointless, low effort jobs that pay well.

  • main main Tell me your most radical or controversial non-political opinion. Here's mine.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    I am for getting rid of cars, but it's not like new headlight technology stops that from happening.

  • main main Tell me your most radical or controversial non-political opinion. Here's mine.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 95%

    The OEM reflector style ones are mostly fine, IMO. It's the projector style lights, and when people jam LEDs in a reflector that wasn't meant for them, that are the problem.

    These are the projector lamps: They rely on a little piece of metal covering the top half to keep the intense and evenly diffused light from blinding you, which doesn't work if you're not on flat ground.

    Reflector style led lights diffuse the light unevenly, no differently than halogens, other than the color temperature.

    The absolute worst are when people take led bulbs in jam them in headlight housings that are meant for halogens. The light doesn't leave the bulb in the same way affecting the diffusion pattern, plus they're more bright than intended.

    The new matrix style LEDs could be a game changer. They allow some of the lights to turn off when there are oncoming cars, and darken just the areas where they are. The only downfall is the computer hardware needed, but the same hardware that tracks cars for automatic emergency braking systems can do it. If past is any guide, those systems will be mandatory in new cars at some point.

  • technology technology Ukraine is fielding machine-gun turrets remotely controlled by the Steam Deck video game system
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    I wonder how much of this stuff is really useful, or is meant to portray them as scrappy underdogs in need of aid.

  • memes
    memes LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 96%
    Kamala is on a roll
    askchapo askchapo Why is Christman so attractive to me?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    Marry-fuck-kill Chapo edition:

    Marry Matt, Fuck Felix, Kill Will

  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    I hate this argument. How does buying something incentivize more of it to be made when there is a substitute(dirty energy)?

    It's like saying you're going to incentivize people to eat healthier by destroying vegetable crops

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    It depends on what you want to do with it. It's a useful certification to get jobs, but a lot of them are really difficult jobs with not great pay. I think it depends a lot on the area, though.

    I was considering getting my CNA to get a specific social services type job working with disabled kids. I decided against it because the other CNA jobs available in my area were difficult and low paying nursing home jobs. I didn't want to do school to end up making a couple dollars more an hour than McDonald's pays.

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    I had those when I quit smoking weed.

    Sometimes I'd realize I was dreaming, then wake up and explain the dream to my partner, all while still in the first layer of dream.

  • technology technology Texas bitcoin mining operation holds electric grid ransom, is paid more than it earns mining to not run its hardware on high-load days
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 1 week ago 100%

    That was Chicago.

    I think we'll see more of this stuff. It's just too tempting for politicians. They can fill a budget hole, lower property taxes, etc, and make it some future administrations problem. Especially if they structure it with a gradual increase in prices.

    It's like taxing people 50 years in the future but getting to spend the money now.

  • technology technology Texas bitcoin mining operation holds electric grid ransom, is paid more than it earns mining to not run its hardware on high-load days
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    I think it was the regular political corruption that exists everywhere in the US, lobbying, campaign donations and the revolving door. Texas is definitely winning the race to sell off all the public goods, but this kind of thing happens all over. Chicago sold off the rights to the parking spaces on public streets in a similar kind of deal.

  • technology technology Texas bitcoin mining operation holds electric grid ransom, is paid more than it earns mining to not run its hardware on high-load days
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    Texas is the champ at letting private industry profit from government.

    They built a toll road with $1Billion in public money, using a private equity firm to build it which resulted in large profits, and hazardous work conditions. Then they sold 50 years of toll rights to a different private equity firm for $600mil, with no limit to how much could be charged. When tolls predictably skyrocketed, they had to buy those rights back for $1.7 billion after the firm had collected tolls for 5 years.

  • food food is it just me or are steaks a meme?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    I think it's overrated, like most high status foods. Lobster, truffles, caviar, and steak are all pretty mid, and terrible when considering the price.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse 1.7% of all gsw patients in the US shot themselves in the dick (this is not a bit post this is real)
    guns guns Your local police department could be issuing a $2500 1911 to its thumbs
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    What funding sources do the police have that doesn't come from taxpayers? Unless it was direct donations of guns, it's still a funding source that could have offset other costs, right?

  • fitness fitness A positive reminder to everyone trying to level up their fitness, "trust the process"
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    For me what helped was finding ways to enjoy exercise and focusing on that. I think some of it almost was like self delusion at first, but now I legitimately enjoy my exercise routine. Treating it like some terrible tasting medicine you have to endure makes it easier to stop when you aren't in a great place. That's not to say that I don't still have days where I don't want to start, but once I get going I'm happy I did.

    It's nice to have positive indicators of progress, but for some people it's difficult for that to be your sole motivation.

  • covid covid Potential Cure for COVID Being Researched at University of Texas: Austin?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    I think the anti-Covid vax nonsense has made it so a lot of people wouldn't take *any *future vaccine. Even if it were an even more deadly virus, even if right wing media wanted to push it, most of them are just too brainwormed now.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse I am a follower and admirer of Noam Chomsky
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

  • palestine Palestine Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%


    Genocidal freaks just laying it all out. Smiling and saying every Israeli would push a button to kill every single Palestinian, and basically admitting it has nothing to do with hostages(I assume that's what the statement "even if it happens later" means).

    Edit: They have a Twitter post saying this was taken out of context. What context could make this better?!?!

  • askchapo askchapo Has there ever been a Lib who wandered in here and made actually good arguments or at least tried to actually back up their claims?
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    One of the early Bitcoin arguments was that it would help marginalized people in the global south who were cut off from traditional banking.

    Fast forward to fairly recently, when some people in Palestine are using crypto to receive aid, Binance cut off access when Israel asked. No court orders necessary. Turns out crypto is easier to freeze than money in traditional banking.

  • acab acab ACAB means ACAB. Anyone posting cop apologia will be banned immediately without question even if I like you.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is the shit chuds do with every single instance of police misconduct that gets publicized, they find some fault with the victim and focus on that. This is even worse because it's just rank speculation as to why she gave a fake name.

    You don't have to be a perfect victim to deserve justice.

  • earth earth Ants - New General Megathread for the 5th-6th of September 2024
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    Anyone ever read Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow? It was in a stack of books destined for the trash, I didn't even read the synopsis fully, I just grabbed it because I enjoy gilded era aesthetics. It was really good, I ended up reading it in 2 days.

    I'm curious what other people think about it.

  • chat chat touched liquid explosive and kept all 10 fingers
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    Tor works on clearnet just fine. A lot of sites block tor exit nodes, or at least limit them from creating accounts, but that shouldn't matter here.

  • mutual_aid mutual_aid Feedback on c/mutual_aid rule changes.
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    Ive seen someone get banned here for saying all US politicians are bad to the wrong mod

    I don't believe that. Care to link the thread? There's a modlog where we can see such things.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Too many of you are g*mers
  • LanyrdSkynrd LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 100%

    I will not touch grass, no matter how nice you make it sound

  • videos
    videos LanyrdSkynrd 2 weeks ago 66%
    Rookie cop stops the final boss of speeders

    Guy unloads a truly impressive string of verbal abuse on a cop. Predictably cops don't let that go unpunished

    videos LanyrdSkynrd 3 weeks ago 100%
    This is why you can't get ADHD treatment - Benn Jordan

    Excellent video about the real reason ADHD drugs are in short supply. Spoiler: it's about profits

    badposting LanyrdSkynrd 4 weeks ago 100%
    Just Bean It
    news LanyrdSkynrd 4 weeks ago 100%
    Republican group claims Kamala can't be President, cites Dred Scott case

    >The National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) has cited the infamous 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, which stated that enslaved people weren’t citizens, to argue that Vice President Kamala Harris is ineligible to run for president according to the Constitution. >The group also challenged the right of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley to appear on Republican primary ballots. >The Republican group’s platform and policy document noted that “The Constitutional qualifications of Presidential eligibility” states that “No person except a natural born Citizen, shall be eligible, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President >“An originalist and strict constructionist understanding of the Constitution in the Scalia and Thomas tradition, as well as precedent-setting U.S. Supreme Court cases ... have found that a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ is defined as a person born on American soil of parents who are both citizens of the United States at the time of the child’s birth,” the document states. >The group then cites six cases including Dred Scott v Sandford. The 1857 ruling came a few years before the 1861 outbreak of the US Civil War over the issue of slavery, stating that enslaved people could not be citizens, meaning that they couldn’t expect to receive any protection from the courts or the federal government. The ruling also said that Congress did not have the power to ban slavery from a federal territory. I thought this was some kind of op, like someone making a fake Republican org and putting out an unhinged policy paper. Citing Dred Scott is crazy, especially since it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the argument that she's not a citizen. Archive link:

    Pets LanyrdSkynrd 4 weeks ago 100%
    How to know if your cat is overweight?

    My cat Pepper has been on a diet for about 9 months. He was definitely overweight and has lost about 2 pounds, but I'm starting to worry he's being underfed now. He just seems more stressed when he goes to check his food bowl and it's empty and will wait for the machine to dispense for hours before his feeding times. He's a bombay, and I found some info online that says they should be under 15 pounds and some that says under 12. He's 12.6 now, and he still looks kinda chubby, but it's hard to tell because he has a big primordial pouch(loose skin in the belly area). I know I should ask a vet, but I can't afford a vet visit.

    chat LanyrdSkynrd 1 month ago 100%
    Effort post about NH school funding system

    New Hampshire's school funding system is the worst that exists in the US. This image is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to add that this is not a cherry-picked example. There are other communities that could be compared that would show significantly larger disparities, but this example was chosen because they are 30 miles apart. ![]( This disparity exists because most of the school funding comes from local property taxes. Property rich towns have plenty to spend on schools, while property poor communities must raise their tax rates. This causes businesses to leave, which lowers tax revenues, which forces them to raise tax rates even more. This also eliminates local jobs, which causes people to leave, which drives down property values, which drives down tax revenue. It's a vicious cycle that destroys communities. One of the aspects of this that enrages me the most is that the NH constitution requires the state to fully fund an adequate education. There was a series of lawsuits starting in 1998, where the NH Supreme Court ruled that the state must fund a study to determine the costs and fund that amount. As a result, the state legislature created SWEPT, a statewide education property tax. The funds would be passed to the state, and the state would be required to divide it out based on an equalization formula. This satisfied the court, despite the fact that the amount would not satisfy the cost of an adequate education established at trial. Just 2 years later, the legislature passed a law allowing communities to retain the SWEPT funds, as long as they spent them on education. Property rich towns reduced their local property taxes to 0% and tried to spend as much as possible even though their schools were already well funded. Despite their best efforts, equalization funds still flowed to the poor communities, they just couldn't spend it all. Then the rich towns discovered they could set a negative local property tax rate. Most of the richest towns did it, bringing their contributions to the SWEPT fund to 0. Over the years since there have been other lawsuits, most targeted at aid for students with disabilities. Some of those resulted in some targeted funding and adequacy aid, but today the funding looks like this(SWEPT in this chart is the amount kept locally, so it's a local tax as well): ![]( This whole situation also makes the entire NH tax system regressive, meaning poor folks a larger share of their income in taxes than the rich. There's no personal income or sales tax and the interest and dividend tax was recently eliminated: ![]( This is a system designed to keep poor people poor. Give them a terrible education, eliminate any chance of jobs in their communities, and tax them more than everyone that has a higher income. There is currently another lawsuit going that the state has lost, but judgement is delayed until after the next legislative cycle. Despite the fact that the state lost, and didn't even contest that they aren't properly funding an adequate education, I'm not hopeful. The current chief justice is a big proponent of private education and represented the state in a previous school funding lawsuit. They also have the roadmap of how to allow the state to continue to violate the constitution. Let them delay, pass small reforms and then undo them, forcing another 5 years of funding studies and litigation.

    chat LanyrdSkynrd 1 month ago 100%
    I hate the way people talk about "The Algorithm"

    People talk about social media algorithms as if they're something disconnected from the decisions of the companies that make and control them. "The Algorithm" is not making YT push shitty content on your home page, YouTube is making that happen. It's a combination of ignoring certain trends and actively promoting others. For starters, these companies made the algorithms, they tweak them constantly. When Elsagate happened, YT made changes the reduced the amount of that very specific type of garbage that was shown. When advertisers stop advertising, they suddenly have great influence over the recommendations. That to me proves they have to ability to control with pretty fine detail what is recommended by their sites. It's been revealed that TikTok has a manual "[heater](" function that allows them to force certain videos to appear in recommendations. They use this to set the tone of the site, lure influencers, and make brand deals. That exposure causes heated channels to gain subscribers, further amplifying the effects. YT trending is manually chosen as well, 10 main videos, 10 gaming videos and 10 shorts, updated every 15 minutes. When videos end up on the trending page, they get more views, which makes them get recommended even more. This gives them a constant source of influence over the recommendations. One mistake I see people make is to assume that recommendation algorithms are simply a reflection of the audience; "The algorithm is bad because we are bad". My counterpoint to that is that when the recommendations hurt the bottom line of the business, these companies change them. At the very least it's social media companies choosing not to fix bad recommendations and at worst intentional manipulation. Sure, people choose to watch a lot of gross stuff, but let's not act like YouTube couldn't get rid of, for example, misogyny for children content(Andrew Tate etc) quickly if they wanted to. The other is to treat it as a sentient creation that nobody has control over, "We're just chasing what the algorithm wants". It's one of the things tech bros dream of with regard to AI. They want to be able to put an algorithm in charge of the orphan crushing machine and say, "Sorry, I don't know why the algorithm keeps choosing to crush the orphans". Tldr: The purpose of a system is what it does.

    badposting LanyrdSkynrd 1 month ago 100%
    Pissing in the shower is praxis

    I'm doing my part ![im-doing-my-part]( "emoji im-doing-my-part")

    podcasts LanyrdSkynrd 2 months ago 100%
    The Michael Parenti Collection

    A collection of Parenti speeches in podcast format. The audio is cleaned up, but some are still a little rough.

    news LanyrdSkynrd 11 months ago 100%
    Ex-British intelligence officer jailed for 13 years for attack on NSA agent

    >Joshua Bowles, 29, repeatedly stabbed the unnamed woman, who was working at British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in March near its base at Cheltenham, England. >Following his arrest, Bowles told the police, “The target was selected for employment at the NSA.” >“Due to the size and resourcing, American intelligence represents the largest contributor within the intelligence community, so made sense as the symbolic target. I consider GCHQ just as guilty.” >Judge Bobbie Cheema-Grubb said on Monday that Bowles had carried out a “politically motivated attack” that was driven by “anger and resentment” towards GCHQ and women. >He had researched the attack online beforehand, including studying the American “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski, who mounted an anonymous bombing campaign from 1978 to 1995. >Bowles also looked up attacks on women and white supremacy. >In one of his police interviews, Bowles said: “The system is rigged. I believe the intelligence community helps ensure this rigging, this view has been reinforced by my time working at GCHQ.” >Penny also said Bowles described himself as a “terrorist” after the attack, saying to one witness: “I make a pretty s*** terrorist, don’t I?”

    videos LanyrdSkynrd 11 months ago 100%
    The Lobby USA -

    Al-Jazeera documentary about Israel's illegal lobbying efforts in the US. It was never released, due to US pressure, but was later leaked on YouTube by Electronic Infatada.

    askchapo LanyrdSkynrd 1 year ago 100%
    Have you ever worked a job that you felt was morally wrong? What was the job and what was it like?

    I'm watching Telemarketers and it's reminding me of shady jobs I've had in the past. I worked for Rent-a-Center doing collections. It's a place that preys on the poorest people in America, getting them to pay extortionate interest on rent to own furniture, appliances and electronics. We had customers who would end up paying thousands of dollars on a couch that wasn't even new when they got it. Even worse was people who would hit hard times and get their stuff repoed and end up with nothing to show for thousands of dollars in payments. My job was to learn when these customers got paid, or when they got their disability or welfare check and hound them over the phone or in person. If they didn't pay, I'd be sent out to knock on their doors. If that failed I'd be sent to repo it. It was a soul crushing job. I've had shit jobs, but I'd never had a job that made me feel like I was doing harm to people before. Some of my coworkers would deal with this by demonizing the customers, acting like they were all deadbeats who deserved to get fleeced. Others would blame the customers, saying shit like, 'Anyone stupid enough to buy here was going to get ripped off by someone, and it might as well be us'. I couldn't do that, so I started getting fucked up at work like Pat Pespis. I started pretending to do my job, dialing the number and then hitting the flash button and faking the calls. I'd get sent on a repo and my coworker and I would go out to eat or to the mall and pretend they wouldn't answer the door. I expected my collection stats would fall low enough that I'd eventually be fired, but they barely moved at all. It turned out that hounding people to pay a bill wasn't actually doing much.

    chapotraphouse LanyrdSkynrd 1 year ago 98%
    Googled "When did war in Afghanistan start"

    Google making sure that propaganda is front and center

    news LanyrdSkynrd 1 year ago 100%
    Ohio Republicans Sneak in Sinister Change to Abortion Ballot Language > Republicans are betting their fear-mongering will work when people read the new ballot language at the polls. > > Ohio Republicans are trying once more to thwart an amendment that would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution, this time by amending the ballot initiative language to be more extreme. > > The Ohio Ballot Board voted 3–2, along party lines, on Thursday to reject using the full text of the proposed amendment on the ballot in November. Instead, the ballot will have a summary of the proposal written by Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose, using language such as “unborn child” instead of “fetus.” The summary also removes all mention that the amendment would protect non-abortion forms of reproductive health. > > The full text of the amendment has not changed. The amendment would allow people to decide for themselves about all reproductive health, including abortion, contraception, fertility treatments, and miscarriage treatment. The state could only restrict abortion access after a doctor determines the fetus is viable or could survive outside the uterus. Even then, abortions can be performed if the patient’s health or life is at risk. The text also explicitly states that the state cannot “burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against” someone exercising their reproductive rights. > > Still, the summary language is sure to sway some people at the polls. In addition to replacing the word “fetus” with “unborn child,” the summary also uses the phrase “pregnant person” instead of “pregnant woman” and refers to the procedures as “medical treatment” instead of a “decision.” > > The new text makes two other crucial changes: First, it says that “citizens of the State of Ohio” cannot infringe upon reproductive rights, instead of the state, making it appear as if state officials could still intervene. The summary also says the amendment will “always allow an unborn child to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability if, in the treating physician’s determination, the abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health.” In doing so, the summary invokes the right-wing bogeyman of “late-term abortions,” a term designed to make it seem that pro-choice policies border on infanticide. Interesting that they use the term, "pregnant person"? Ohio Republicans went woke! Obviously it's just another blatant attempt to use transphobia to pass an abortion ban.
