climatememes The memes of the climate Little things you can do to save the environment
  • JdW JdW 4 months ago 68%

    Preaching by fanatics is sooo appealing and convincing... /s

  • politics politics Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins
  • JdW JdW 4 months ago 100%

    Left of center? You mean left from totally bonkers actual Fascists....

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating What is Reddit doing
  • JdW JdW 4 months ago 100%

    Many ways to detect this, but let's start with the basics: Are you using the same Ip address?

  • politics politics Hush money isn't illegal, it's 'democracy,' Trump lawyer says in defiant trial opening statements
  • JdW JdW 5 months ago 100%

    No, they are confusing the issue so the jurors won;t know what he was really accused of. Their best tactic, and one that could very well pay off for them, sadly. Jury trials are a joke.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's a band that has one album that is just about perfect in your opinion, but rest of their discography misses the mark with you?
  • JdW JdW 5 months ago 93%

    The Strokes. Their debut *Is This It *is one of the best if not the best Rock debuts. Eveything else after is just meh to me.

  • news News Evidence Does Not Support the Use of the Death Penalty
  • JdW JdW 6 months ago 100%

    Using Gish gallop makes people look at you with wary eyes and ignore whatever you have to say, as the only people using this technique are zaelots without facts.

    You are intelligent enough to know what logical fallacies are in principle, and you can work on actually spotting them, and presumably at the core of you there's a right thinking person somewhere. Do yourself a favour and step back a moment and think about the company you are keeping ideologically. And what hill you are deciding to fight on.

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM California Cop Who Shot 18-Year-Old Had His Bodycam Off, But Surveillance Footage Captured Him Shooting Suspect in the Back as He Fled
  • JdW JdW 6 months ago 100%

    "Coleman was implicated in court testimony in 2022 for participating in the Vallejo police badge bending scandal, where officers bent the tips of their badges to mark fatal shootings. Coleman testified his badge was bent against his will, but a department superior testified that he was more involved than he said and may have even helped spread the practice to other officers."

    You make some good points in general, but Coleman seems to be everything a cop should not be...

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sovereign citizen says we can only pay bills in gold and silver.
  • JdW JdW 6 months ago 100%

    Most of these sovcits are gullible, ignorent and stupid. This one however shows clear signs of mental illness, sadly.

  • technology Technology Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs
  • JdW JdW 7 months ago 30%
  • news News Kenneth Smith ‘struggled for life’ for 22 minutes in Alabama nitrogen gas execution: Updates
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 85%

    It does not. We are not animals.

  • news News Kenneth Smith ‘struggled for life’ for 22 minutes in Alabama nitrogen gas execution: Updates
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 72%

    The state does not care whether they are innocent as well, and that callousness is just as bad from the eyes of people living in a civilized society...

  • technology Technology Microsoft lays off 1,900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 100%
  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sovereign citizen who has no valid driver's license got let go as a result, wants unemployment from the government she doesn't recognize.
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 100%

    Rare, but not super rare. You are misremembering the large amount of pamphlets, direct mail and newspaper/magazine ads that fed a propensity for stupid people to try and get rich or circumvent rules. There were no doubt regional differences, but e.g. in the Netherlands there were a few people with large tax trick companies/movements that gained a lot of traction and money before they eventually got stopped by the courts. Talking late 70s/80s. here.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 100%

    Neither does his platform...

  • politics politics Trump fraud trial: Trump intends to deliver part of closing argument himself, say sources
  • JdW JdW 8 months ago 100%

    Pulling a Hitler would actually entail a conviction for a failed coup and years in prison before the grab for power.... And a shitty political book written in prison.

    He's even failing in emulating Hitler the right way.

  • world World News Trump businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office
  • JdW JdW 9 months ago 100%

    Yes. We knew back then. This is all no surprise to anyone. But now what, there seems to be no consequences to anything the guy did or does. Short of divine intervention and a pop of his clogged heart he'll be president again in the US's last free elections for probably at least a generation.

  • world World News Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over
  • JdW JdW 9 months ago 100%


  • reddit Reddit Out of the frying pan
  • JdW JdW 9 months ago 93%

    How can a toxic wastedump exclusevely filled with trolls, edgelords and questionable porn go downhill? That place's been as low as possible just about from the start. Can't believe anyone would voluntarily admit to posting there back here in the civilized world.

  • technology Technology Steve Jobs Rigged The First iPhone Demo By Faking Full Signal Strength And Secretly Swapping Devices Because Of Fragile Prototypes And Bug-Riddled Software
  • JdW JdW 9 months ago 97%
  • world World News When will Mickey Mouse enter the public domain?
  • JdW JdW 9 months ago 97%

    Are you for real? The creators have been dead for decades. Apart from the discussion of who was actually creatively responsible for Disney's as significant characters. Copyright was invented to protect them, not to be a gravy train for their useless descendants or the faceless companies owning the right for some (often murky) reason.

  • technology Technology Kiss say farewell to live touring, become first US band to go virtual and become digital avatars
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 88%

    Kiss. Pretending to be a real band and becoming more of a joke every year after year since the 70s. Still, an impressive new low for them.

  • games Games Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 80%

    troubled development

    This is the biggest understatement of the year.

    you don’t know what you are talking about

    EXCUSE me? I was an original backer, I know EXACTLY what I backed. If you like what Star Citizen is doing then enjoy yourself. But do not tell me what was promised to me and what is being delivered now has ANY bearing on each other. Beacuse it does not.

  • games Games Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 74%

    I am not proud to say I was an original backer, but luckily only for like 25 bucks.

    It became clear after a year or two it was vaporware. even if a product ever comes out it'll not be what I backed originally, which was Privateer TNG. So I stopped following the game, never played any of the tech demo's and just shake my head warily when I see news articles like this. Bernie Madoff is in jail for basically the same thing. How can people still support this travesty.

  • technology Technology YouTube’s Loaded With EV Disinformation
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 97%

    youtube's loaded with EV disinformation...

    In other news, sky's still blue.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 44%

    Why would you wear either? Have not worn watches since cellphones became a thing in the late 90s and smart watches are just a solution looking for a problem...

  • comicstrips Comic Strips "Thanksgiving" by TheOtherEnd
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 50%

    Bloody typical. Finally a good comic between the awful mediocrity in this group and people are slagging it off. This has become reddit already.

  • world World News Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 100%

    Yes, I know. But I was not making the point the PVV are not promlematic. Read what I wrote.

    My point was that the media is portraying his voters as rabit right-wing bigots, and that is simply not true. dangeourly he managed to appeal to the centre, and people that look for housing, healthcare and spending power without too much interest in his extreme rhetoric.

  • world World News Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 100%

    Listen, I would be the first to point fingers. And I did in case of the FvD. And yes, Wilders is inherently untustworthy and undemocratic.

    But the people voting for him en masse do not vote for him for that. I did not make the point that the PVV is not a dangerous party, but the media is portraying his voters as rabid racists, and that is (sadly) untrue, he managed to grab the interest of the lower middleclass and elderly, incuding second and third generation immigrants. They are concerned with housing, healthcare and spending power.

  • world World News Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 100%

    But that's hardly the point.

    Look, I am not saying Wilders is not a creep. But their success right now is despite him and his anti-constitutional viewpoints. There was room for a big populist party with mass appeal and they fill that void. And the media is misrepresenting his voters. I am not one of them, and would never be, but I do know quite a few of people that switched to PVV and they did so because they felt he would work to get the lower middle class and elderly a better standard of living, something all other parties seem to fail to deliver on.

  • world World News Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 54%

    Intoletance has originally always been a right wing mainstay and that is why the PVV are lumped in with that. But if you look at their program, apart from the anti-islam rhetoric, they want affordable care and lower the pension age. Clear centrist/left-wing viewpoints. And this is overlooked by the oversimplifying media. Yes, PVV are riding on the wave of anti immigration sentiment. But they reached this level of support by not being fascists like the FvD for example. The old left/right wing nomenclature is not sufficient to describe the ways parties amd society change.

    On any case, the foreign media is tarring the PVV voters with the brush of racist extremists, and the reality is much, much more nuanced.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Strange times...
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 100%

    Well said Jerry Smith.

  • technology Technology X Is The Biggest Source Of Fake News And Disinformation, EU Warns
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 100%

    Well, to be fair, slandering the Danish in good fun is quite the established practice.

    I agree pulling Musk into it goes too far.

  • futurama Futurama Meanwhile there is a whole generation that doesn't understand this joke
  • JdW JdW 10 months ago 92%

    Nonsense. Cultural history transferrence is a thing, I did not have to have watched Gilligan's Island or the Honeymooners to get the references in every 80s tv show, it became clear from the context and its own meta joke.

    So no, just like a GenX-er did not need to have been a Baby Boomer to undestand the "One of these days Alice, Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!" reference, a Gen Z-er can quite easily get references about Gen X series from the frequency and context they encounter them.

  • world World News The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 100%

    Quietly? They have been doing so for at least 40 years. Everybody knew and knows.

  • technology Technology New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 100%

    We always knew/suspected this. But the ones that do the fearmongering around vaccines will not be interested in facts...

  • politics politics The ‘great wealth transfer’ isn't $73 trillion but $129 trillion, Bank of America says—and the government gave most of it to baby boomers
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 85%

    Baby Boomers transferring wealth to Millenials? Over Gen X's dead body!

  • news News 'Friends' Star Matthew Perry Dead at 54 After Apparent Drowning
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah basically around 50 you’re just at the mercy of sudden death as a possible outcome.

    True, and I am very aware of this as a 50+ male. But Perry has been in acoma and lost past of his intestines a few years back due to substance and alcohol abuse, as well as suffered a recent heart attack related to his addicitons. So he stacked the deck widely to his own detriment.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 96%

    At least the Taliban have the excuse their holy book is read in its original language. These jokers base themselves on a translation of a translation. Dogma and theocracy are wrong in any version, but if you are spouting ignorant bigotry at least make sure it's what the bronze-age sheepherders really intended...

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Gamers who have gamed for a long time
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 100%

    I have been playing games since 1980 or so and never have trouble picking up new games to play. Gamepass is awesome that way, I get to try a host of new games each month and one or two stick for weeks, months or longer. I almost never go back to previous games, apart from expansions of course.

  • games Games You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next?
  • JdW JdW 11 months ago 100%

    Really hope I can get an entry position at Ryujin Industries (they always seem to be recruiting) so I can afford to not live in the slums and work on getting the skills needed to survive long-term.

  • comics
    Comics JdW 1 year ago 93%
    Kevin Comics - The Future of Entertainment

    More at new comics weekly :-)

    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Sure I will pose for you
    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Flowers? For me? Yum!
    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Did someone call?
    FoodPorn JdW 1 year ago 97%
    Fresh Seafood dish in Malta
    Travel Photography JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Salzburg, Austria

    May 2023, taken from Hohensalzburg Fortress

    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Horde of Gerbils jumbling together in the heat

    There's been tropical temperatures around here and these 4 try to find the most comfortable position :-)

    FoodPorn JdW 1 year ago 95%
    Steakhouse in Warsaw

    Saw another Polish steak being posted, this one was one of the best I ever had.

    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    The Beauty and the Beauty
    Gerbils JdW 1 year ago 100%
    Introducing the icon model... Peter (3 m/o)

    Chilling in his tempororary sandbath not lang after we got him, enjoying a ymmie worm.

    New Communities JdW 1 year ago 93%
    You like Gerbils? We have Gerbils.

    Just created a new space to post pictures and discuss Gerbils. [!]( [](
