enshittification Enshittification YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 100%

    That sounds like the perfect beverage to keep my reactions razor sharp while I enjoy the split-second thrills of playing League of Legends with my attractive, ethnically diverse friends.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Counterintelligence
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 100%

    I have no idea how/why some people decided that she's the exemplar that should be representing them.

  • world World News Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 94%

    Just to get it out of the way at the start - Hamas is terrible. They are violent fundamentalists and do not deserve support. Neither Israel nor Hamas are "good" and the only side that deserves support and recognition are the civilians, Israeli or Palestinian, suffering because of/under their evil regimes. Now on to the rebuttal.

    Israel needs no "baiting" to kill or otherwise abuse Palestinians - it's their policy and has been for a long time. From the Nakba until today, the history of Israeli human rights violations, violence, lies, etc. is well-established. "Look at what you made me do" is such a typical excuse used by abusers that it's almost a trope. Moreover, Netanyahu's government deliberately kept Hamas in power as a useful bogeyman and an way to divide/foil Palestinian statehood. There is ample evidence that Israel has directly supported Hamas and other extremists for decades.

    "Hamas, for its part, is alleged to have emerged out of the Israeli-financed Islamist movement in Gaza, Israel’s then-military governor in that territory, Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, disclosing in 1981 that he had been given a budget for funding Palestinian Islamists to counter the rising power of Palestinian secularists."

    "In a 1994 book, “The Other Side of Deception,” Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky contended that aiding Hamas meshed with “Mossad’s general plan” for an Arab world “run by fundamentalists” that would reject “any negotiations with the West,” thereby leaving Israel as “the only democratic, rational country in the region.” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official involved in Gaza for over two decades, told a newspaper interviewer in 2009 that, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.”

    As far as the nature of the demands: "one-sided deals" is a matter of opinion, but "we need guarantees you'll actually leave, stop killing/injuring many tens of thousands of civilians, destroying hospitals/schools/aid, etc." seems like a pretty standard request at peace negotiations. Especially since Israel has repeatedly promised to continue to prosecute the war and establish long-term armed forces in Gaza.

  • news News Trump’s mass purge of state department likely to sow chaos, US diplomats say
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 97%

    If he can follow up on even a portion of what he promises, a 2nd Trump presidency will bring the USA to a halt at multiple levels like a car hitting a reinforced wall. The best version of a Trump presidency is him raging daily as he's blocked constantly by legal challenges and bureaucratic measures thus getting nothing done. The worst version is that he succeeds in his goals, reforms the USA into a right-wing autocracy and destroys things like checks/balances and separation of church and state.

  • world World News Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 92%

    Israel has repeatedly stated their intent to continue the war in Gaza regardless of international approval. Netanyahu, among others, has stated intent to establish a long-term/permanent security presence in Gaza.

    Since Oct. 7th the Israeli military has either directly killed or provided protection to lethal settler attacks in the West Bank, resulting in over 500 deaths in a section of Occupied Palestinian Territory that theoretically isn't at war. So there's Israeli military presence, violence, and oppression of Palestinians even where Hamas isn't in control.

    Hamas are not good guys by any stretch, but unfortunately they are the folks bargaining for Gazans. In the face of continued Israeli aggression, disregard for international approval/law, and stated plans it's no wonder they're demanding that any deals have rock-solid guarantees on an enforceable timetable.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 88%

    No. You said "Biden is great". I said, "I acknowledge he's done some good, I still disagree, and here's a concise list of reasons why. In spite of that, I'm willing to get on board to fight Trump". You replied (and this is an exact quote): "I talk about how Biden’s done great, and you talk about how he’s not Trump", completely disregarding that I directly addressed why I don't think Biden is great. I did NOT just talk about how he's not Trump.

    How am I arguing in bad faith? That is the sequence of events, and it's easily confirmed. I'm also not calling you out just because you didn't watch the video. I'm saying you didn't watch AND disregarded that I explicitly gave you the video as a source for my disagreement with you to instead say I focus on "not Trump". Now you've doubled down with a response that paints me as arguing in bad faith and linking that to insults/abuse. I never insulted you. Disagreeing is not inherently a slur or abusive, nor is pointing out the holes in an rebuttal. If you don't have time to watch the vid that's understandable but wait to respond until you do or at least don't say I only focused on "not Trump" when that's provably not the case.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 100%

    So you won't spend 90 seconds to watch the criticisms laid out, but you'll take the time to tell me they are all either nonexistent or invalid?

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 90%

    Biden has done some good things. I disagree that he's great. If you want specifics, the first 90 seconds of that Sanders video is him detailing several grievances I agree with in a clear, concise and fairly complete list. However, to quote Sanders: "But while we may have our disagreements with Biden, it's important to take a minute to think about what a Trump presidency would mean to our country, and in fact the world."

    I know what needs to be done which is why I stopped encouraging/supporting 3rd party or undecided voting months ago. I could go on a lot longer, but that's the bottom line. I'll join the effort to stop Trump - just don't ask me to agree that my concerns are invalid or have been adequately addressed.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 100%

    Historical misinformation spreads most readily simply by being repeated and undisputed.

    This is admittedly a bit nitpickey, but I specifically said you address misinformation with facts and sources to back up those facts. That's the opposite of repeating and/or letting it go undisputed.

    Disagreeing with someone civilly acknowledges the validity of their point or position.

    No. You can say, emphatically, "you're wrong" without also calling someone idiotic, etc.

    is “Every political position, even the one I’m part of, has flaws” really that bad in your eyes?

    I've said right from the start that I agree with some points you make, and I stand by that. Being aware that everyone is wrong sometimes is undeniably a virtue.

    That’s the right approach, honestly.

    Thank you :) I appreciate that, and respect that you're willing to give me that even if we have had our disagreements today.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 71%

    how am I supposed to respond to a blatant bad faith effort to spread historical misinformation?

    With facts and sources to back up those facts. You can disagree with someone in a civil manner. If you actually care about my point about delivery, please watch that Bernie video.

    Your meme does indeed make fun of all quadrants, but I used it because it's an example of the type of the insults. And let's be honest, there's evidence in those other posts that some of those opinions are not JUST satire for you. I mean, you called me out for being naively kind and employing "flower power", aka chances are you think I'm one of the useful idiots.

    Aside from that, like I said - I can't stop you from insulting people. Your arguments seem to point to a belief in your right to do so. I don't think I would force you even if I could since I usually try to convince people instead. If I didn't change your mind, maybe I will change the minds of some others who may read this.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 54%

    Just today?

    What did I say about being able to read your post history?

    • "But hey, since when are fascists internally consistent?"
    • "Democracy is. I didn’t realize that this metaphor was getting too complex for you."
    • Here's your post from today where you call LibLefts "useful idiots who serve above (authoritarians) only to be purged when the revolution is complete". You also say they support terrorism, and their only solution to community violence is lynch mobs.
    • "It doesn’t matter. They don’t believe in democracy, much less convincing people. They’re vanguardist fascists, after all."
    • "Wow. Literally saying the quiet part out loud - “As long as the Democrats are not 100% in line with my views, it’s okay to endorse inaction and the takeover of a fascist regime on the pretext that the Democrats Aren’t Good Enough™”"
    • "I’m used to tankie whinging about how they can’t support fascist regimes without being called out."
    • "The literal opposite of the truth. But I guess the guilt of having MLs backstab the leftist opposition so Fascist Spain could win hurts your point, huh?"
    • "Oh, they see the connection. They just want Republicans in office. They don’t give a fuck about the suffering of minorities, they just want the worst possible option in power so they can feel smug about “not supporting the system”."

    Those are all examples from just the last 2 hours, across multiple threads. The tragic thing is, I probably agree with a lot of your points. You really do appear to want to deliver those points with as much dehumanization and dismissal as possible however.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 62%

    I can read your post history. I'm getting tired making the same point but insults are, as near as I can tell, your go-to and I don't even know if you try anything else. You've insulted people disagreeing with you several times just today. I mean, look at how dismissive you are (kindness doesn't work, flower power) of me and Senator Sander's approach of using calmly delivered facts to win over those who will likely decide the upcoming election. It's an attempt to make sure people are convinced you are a true defender of democracy and that your modus operandi of attacks are the only reasonable way to do it properly.

    But whatever. I've made my point, given a solid example of what I think is a far more attractive approach that has worked for me and others, and that's all I wanted to add to the conversation. Feel free to reiterate that I'm a idiotic hippy who will usher in unending fascism.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 54%

    "I'm allowed to call people idiots, fascists, etc. basically daily because I can justify it." Everyone willing to dehumanize and denigrate others has what they believe to be validating reasons. I can't stop you from trying to win people over by insulting everyone who disagrees, but I wanted to be a voice asking for kinder, calmer discourse a la the Bernie video I posted.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 84%

    Given the attitudes on this platform I'm bracing for the downvotes, but I genuinely wish you and others like you would stop trying to (nearly daily) insult/shame others into voting the way you want. You should watch this video by Bernie Sanders about winning votes for Biden on merit and logic. Note that he never uses insults, and the reasoned arguments Sanders has been making for months convinced me to stop telling people to vote 3rd party months ago. I'm now willing to ask people to vote Biden in spite of my reservations - not because Biden is great but because Trump absolutely cannot be allowed to win.

    You and others with the same views could try that approach as opposed to reflexively calling everyone who brings up concerns or expresses reservations fascists, complete idiots, bots, and so on. I have no clue why so many people on Lemmy believe that incessantly attacking everyone who disagrees with them with the most extreme accusations they can muster makes their position welcoming or attractive. I won't speak for others but I was won over by calm reason, not being called slurs every time I opened Lemmy.

  • memes Memes Never forget what they took from us...
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 3 months ago 100%

    I almost never buy multiplayer-focused games anymore. Of course not all gamers are shitty, but enough are to matter. Having left those games behind I can see how they were taking more joy from my life than they added. If friends want to do private co-op that's cool, but it's also rarer now that we're all older.

    As far as sales go, I love playing a year or two behind new releases. Patched games at a discount ftw and timing doesn't matter in single-player games.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha The type of high-quality content that the internet was made for
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    At first I was like

    But within an hour I was all

  • games Games Baldur's Gate 3 lead says Larian "did start pushing around ideas for Baldur's Gate 4, and they didn't excite us"
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Got to respect the decision to just step away instead of settling for mediocrity.

  • grimdank
    grimdank GrymEdm 4 months ago 96%
    Top Dakka

    [Source (or at least where I found it).](https://www.facebook.com/groups/237880526402718/user/100028564870639/)

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do you recover from seeing something awful on the Internet?
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Serious answer: I remind myself it's normal to be shocked by some stuff people do/create. I check the content against my ethics, and try to decide if I'm being uptight or if it really is messed up. If it's something that isn't unethical/harmful but I just don't like, then I remind myself that not everyone needs to share my tastes.

    If it's genuinely terrible I allow myself to feel the anger/sorrow for a bit, try not to let it become excessive, and congratulate myself on having limits that fit my ethics. I remind myself that good people exist and they are the ones I want to support, emulate, and engage with. As others have mentioned, distraction can also help. Video games, music, socializing - whatever will move your train of thought along.

  • world World News Knesset to vote on declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization - The Jerusalem Post
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 98%

    Upvoted because it's a story worth knowing, but as far as I can tell this is just further harassment/condemnation of anything pro-Palestinian. As of the end of April, independent review "finds no evidence for Israel's claims about UNRWA and Hamas".

    Israel has declared organizations as terrorists on bad premises before. E.g. - in 2021 Defence for Children International was formally labelled a terrorist organization after they reported the rape of a 13-year-old Palestinian to the US State Department. Josh Paul, a director involved with the investigation, gives details in an interview about why he resigned from the State Dept. post-Oct. 7th. The short version is: the allegations of rape were credible, Israel was confronted, the next day Israeli forces seized all the local assets of Defence for Children International and declared them terrorists.

    EU nations have formally rejected "terrorist organization" labels being applied to humanitarian/watchdog agencies in Israel/OPT before.

  • memes memes I hope it's not gross this time
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

  • technology Technology Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 85%

  • usa United States | News & Politics Fontana pays nearly $900,000 to victim of Police torture.
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Fair point and you may be joking because it's a good question for that. If serious, I honestly don't know what the odds are in a gamble like that. Was he "lucky" or do most people the police abuse like this get big payouts? Is it worth forgoing legal counsel in the hopes that the police screw up in a manner that can be prosecuted into a payout?

    If I knew I was going to get 900k I'd likely be willing to go through such a rough day, but those are quite the dice to roll in the moment methinks. If I ever end up in a police station my plan is to get counsel.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Fontana pays nearly $900,000 to victim of Police torture.
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Remember in many countries you have the right to legal counsel and to have them present during any questioning. Getting said counsel should be a priority if you find yourself in a police station. Be respectful but clear from the start that you aren't discussing your day until the lawyer/attorney is present.

    This story is exactly why people need to be educated about their rights. If this poor guy had asked for an attorney the cops would have had to stop the interview immediately until one was present. I imagine once they resumed the question it would have gone differently with a legal professional in the room.

  • technology Technology Arizona lawmaker uses ChatGPT to help craft legislation to combat deepfakes
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 96%

  • world World News No sign Israel will change course after Gaza ruling
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 96%

    Agreed. This is more about the court saying, "You countries signed us into existence to monitor the most serious instances of international law and here's our ruling as legal experts. Now it's up to you to decide what to do with it."

    I still love seeing this because:

    • It lends legitimacy to the accusations against Israel and provides a legal foundation upon which to start measures meant to bring Israel back into line with international law.
    • In recent months my dreams have changed. If given the choice I'd give up personal wealth and fulfillment to see Netanyahu and his cabinet of thugs prosecuted in a modern Nuremberg Trial and end their lives in prison as befits the war criminals they are. Leaders should be held accountable for things like bombing hospitals and starving millions no matter which nation they represent.
  • world World News Germany has too many solar panels, and it's pushed energy prices into negative territory
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Too much clean energy that is nearly free sounds like a much better type of problem to solve than most.

  • world
    World News GrymEdm 4 months ago 97%
    Israel says it will stop work of Spanish consulate for Palestinians www.lemonde.fr

    Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Friday, May 24, that he had decided to "sever the connection" between Spain's diplomatic mission and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank over Madrid's recognition of a Palestinian state. "I have decided to sever the connection between Spain's representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians from the West Bank," Katz said in a post on X. It was not immediately clear how Israel would carry out the threat. Asked by Agence France-Presse (AFP) about the practicalities and consequences of Katz's announcement, the Foreign Ministry did not immediately comment. Katz said his decision was made "in response to Spain's recognition of a Palestinian state and the anti-Semitic call by Spain's deputy prime minister to (...) 'liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.'"

    196 196 the rule 🤗
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    I totally missed that when I wrote it.

  • 196 196 the rule 🤗
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Every time I get close it says "Press X to Interact" but I don't think my stats are high enough yet. I'm grinding on unattended toddlers until I level a few times.

  • news News A tired, testy and fractured Supreme Court prepares for more drama
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    If the senior citizens near-ruling the USA from the SCOTUS find that making unpopular and legally questionable decisions is exhausting then they are free to retire. People will care a lot less about luxury RV's, free vacations, flags, etc. when they're no longer steering things like national reproductive rights and who actually has to obey the law.

  • imaginarywarhammer Imaginary Warhammer Epic artwork by John Blanche
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    My favorite part is the Marine riding a jetboard(?) of some kind using a bolter to do what looks like an attack run against a Titan.

  • world World News Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Those are some mental gymnastics, to try to tell me that when a Palestinian purchases fuel or other products in Palestine and the tax money goes to Israel that it's not Palestinian taxes. That it's Israeli money and is only returned (or sometimes not) because Israel is kind to Palestine. Or that when Israel collects the taxes on a Palestinian's job located in the OPT, i.e. all work is done outside Israeli borders, that it's not Israel collecting Palestinian taxes.

  • world World News Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Edit: Just to make sure I was doing my homework, I actually found a copy of the relevant agreement. Read Annex V point 1 (1st page) and Appendix V point 4 (2nd page). Both make it clear that Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes from Palestinians and on purchases made wholly in Palestine with a final destination inside Palestine. Given the very specific language of the agreement, I'm even more sure your assertion that it's Israeli-sourced money is incorrect.

    Your word alone is not enough, and in the absence of requested evidence I'm going to disregard it. I have found MANY sources going back years that state that Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes, as in money that Palestine would be collecting if it wasn't occupied/was a self-governing nation. Israel also frequently withholds these taxes as a political bludgeon even though they are bound by their own signed agreements to pass that money along to Palestinian authorities. Israel even charges a 3% fee to do this for Palestine. I cannot find a single source that backs up your assertion that it's actually Israel's money transferred as an act of charity. Moreover, the idea that Israel is being unnecessarily kind clashes with decades of evidence about how Israel views, controls, and abuses Palestinians.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them. In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

    Unironically, good on you. That's character progress and it takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to accept rejection in a mature way and keep trying regardless. For what it's worth I as an Internet stranger think we should help more people do the same sort of things.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 80%

    Her name is [kept to myself because I'm a gentleman who doesn't kiss and tell]. I hope I, in turn, am not someone's most alarming thing but it's possible :P

  • world World News Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 90%

    As best as -I- can tell, Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes. Here's another article from a different outlet:

    What are the Palestinian funds that Israel collects?

    Israel collects Palestinian import tax revenue as agreed to in the 1994 Paris Accords signed by the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel. The tax revenue Israel collects is made up of indirect taxes imposed on Palestinian imports. It comes from two primary sources: VAT on goods and import tax on goods brought in from outside Israel.

    These are taxes that would normally be collected by a country for transactions within/at their borders, not charity/extra taxes paid for by Israelis. From the Wikipedia article, Israel collects taxes on goods/services that end up in Palestine, and controls/collects tariffs on goods entering Palestine. They tax Palestinian labor both in Israel and in the illegal settlements in OPT. They have also used withholding those taxes as a form of control several times in history and those are listed in the article.

    As you note, this situation was only supposed to last 5 years, instead Israel has enforced it for 30 and according to the UN it's not because Israelis are "giving them free money". "However, 30 years later, the financial settlement continues to give the Israeli state what the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called “a disproportionate influence on the collection of Palestinian fiscal revenue, leading to deficiencies in the structure and collection of customs duties resulting from direct and indirect importing into Palestine”.

    I am not an expert. I may be wrong. But none of the sources I'm finding frame the issue as Israel withholding charity or bonus payments or anything similar - they all say Israel is holding Palestinian taxes. I only care about proof, so if you can provide it I'll check it and if it outweighs the evidence I've found and linked I'll change my mind.

  • world World News Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Edit: I tracked down a copy of the actual relevant agreement, and it definitely is money collected from Palestinians and on purchases made in Palestine on products that are brought into Palestine. Discussion a few comments down if interested.

    I'm not sure if they collect all taxes, but according to the article they do collect at least some (and a meaningful amount):

    "Under decades-old agreements, Israel collects customs and import taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. Those revenues constitute most of the Palestinian budget, particularly as international aid has declined. "

  • funny Funny Behold: the Jimono
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    Alternatively, a fusion with the Canadian Tuxedo - the Canono.

  • news News Supreme Court approves South Carolina congressional map previously found to dilute Black voting power
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 92%

    Prison labor = slave labor, black votes are systematically made worth less than white votes...this is starting to sound familiar.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Well this is just delightful
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%

    For a lot of wild animals, smiling can be a sign of aggression or unease. This is just an initiative to help humanity rediscover it's natural roots by changing the meaning of smiles back.

  • world World News Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds
  • GrymEdm GrymEdm 4 months ago 97%

    So in addition to all the other forms of control, Israel collects and can restrict Palestinian taxes. Tell me again, Israeli propagandists, how Israel doesn't actually occupy what is rightfully internationally known as Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).

  • world
    World News GrymEdm 4 months ago 97%
    Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds www.nytimes.com

    Israel will not transfer much-needed funds to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the decision by three European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, the country’s finance minister said on Wednesday, as its foreign minister denounced the European moves as giving “a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.” The decision by the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right leader who opposes Palestinian sovereignty, threatened to push the Palestinian government into a deeper fiscal crisis. He said in a statement that he had informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would no longer send tax revenues to the authority, which administers parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank in close cooperation with Israel. Mr. Smotrich’s office signaled that the decision was at least partly a response to Spain, Norway and Ireland recognizing Palestinian statehood, and that the Palestinian leadership bore responsibility for campaigning for the move.

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 98%
    Necromancer family reunions must get awkward.

    I believe the artist is [Svetoslav Petrov](https://www.instagram.com/_svetoslavi_/) but I had trouble tracking down the actual source.

    Vampire: The masquerade GrymEdm 4 months ago 93%
    When people compare stats and wonder why werewolves don't just kill all the vampires in close combat.

    The mark of a successful vampire is that violence is a hobby, not an obligation.

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%
    No one is going to believe the guards.

    "You say it was a 12-foot bear with a screaming, toothed sword? How much of what are you drinking on your shift?" I know it's a silly picture, that chainsaws don't exist in most IP's, and most shapeshifters couldn't use them regardless. But it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the template.

    Vampire: The masquerade GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%
    What if, instead of a decade of intrigue, we just hire some people to burn down their hideout at noon?

    Hell, after years of living in the nightlife of major cities I know some maniacs who would probably do it for free.

    Vampire: The masquerade GrymEdm 4 months ago 88%
    Both have some things to sort out.

    Photo source is [this cosplay](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a5m5kw/my_vampire_the_masquerade_bloodlines_therese_and/) from several years ago on Reddit. Edit: Changed the caption slightly to a version I like a bit better.

    Vampire: The masquerade GrymEdm 4 months ago 100%
    A grandmother's love is no Masquerade.

    Source is [Nosferatu by Arvid Volz](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XBnw0w).

    Vampire: The masquerade GrymEdm 4 months ago 94%
    Felt the original infograph left out an important detail

    One thing that became clear before I cross-posted - This meme is not medical advice. If you get a tick bite get it checked out ASAP because of potential Lyme disease.

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 95%
    The special kind of fun that is a full minute or two spent rolling legendary damage.

    Even better if the foe was already almost dead. When you slap something for huge numbers it's also fun having the DM describe the wreckage that's left of your opponents. I feel like some Table Top games are more prone to this than others, just based off watching some different IP's being played.

    News GrymEdm 4 months ago 97%
    GOP introduces bill that would send anyone convicted of unlawful activity on a campus since Oct. 7th, 2023 to Gaza. www.thedailybeast.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15286301 > *"A group of Republican lawmakers introduced a bill on Wednesday which would send “any person convicted of unlawful activity” at a college or university, to do community service in Gaza for six months."* > > *"Strangely, the bill appears to refer to any “unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023” but does not specifically mention the ongoing student protests, rendering it stupidly broad."* > > *"Ogles spoke with Fox News about the bill, saying that, “If you support a terrorist organization, and you participate in unlawful activity on campuses, you should get a taste of your own medicine. I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity.”*

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 94%
    So there's a story with this one (in description)

    The DM's pitch was to roll characters that were the local problem-solvers. Level 5, been adventuring in the same rural area for years, handled bandits/goblins/unruly wildlife. It was an opportunity to play odd/misfit characters for a while if we wanted to. What we didn't know at the time was that our merry band of Goonies were meant to die to amp up the emotional investment for the rest of the campaign. Tragedy in the 1st act, then the movie starts for real. It's one thing to hear about the Big Bad hurting people, it's another to care because you lost a party to them. So the 1st party played for 2 sessions, made it to the boss fight, and started dropping. The wizard realized he wasn't killing the Big Bad by himself so he fled, left the rural area for the local city, and explained what happened at the adventurer's guild/tavern. Of course the players, whose characters had just died, signed up for revenge this time with "professional" properly built characters. Returning with proper characters and the wizard sharing knowledge of traps, layout, tactics etc. we barely managed to win. The DM let the Big Bad (who was never supposed to die) be killed but he talked about "his master's revenge" - the DM simply moved his plans for a villain "one step up". It was still a hard fight - two died and I retired the character I had re-rolled saying it was injury. The wizard went on to be the grizzled sole survivor for the rest of the campaign and it was kind of a cool backstory for that player to work with.

    grimdank GrymEdm 4 months ago 92%
    The Rogue Trader TTRPG had hardcore Perils of the Warp. (Link in Description) https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/7609c16f-5727-4c95-853a-b3926904328e.gif

    [Full list here.](https://extraheresy.fandom.com/wiki/Perils_of_the_Warp) Sorry about the potato quality. Higher res = pay for subscription and I don't want to. I offer up a small bonus pic as penance. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/00bd5443-161c-4646-9d78-3229ce19fa78.jpeg) []()

    grimdank GrymEdm 4 months ago 97%
    A century or two into a long-term relationship with a Navigator:

    "You're as beautiful as the day I met you!" "Mrglwglwlg!"

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 94%
    Seeing these memes lately. Anyways, -most- druids are like:

    Now don't leave me hanging, and let's get to the next adventure!

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 4 months ago 95%
    What's that my martial friend? Through the door you say, which you'll then block? You know just what to tell me.

    Bonus points for having an athletic friend hold the door closed afterwards until the screaming stops.

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 5 months ago 97%
    When it doesn't take much convincing to get a mortal to sign a soul pact.

    Original quote is from [Dee Dee Warwick](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/dee_dee_warwick_234743), whose last name was kind of perfect and inspired the meme.

    grimdank GrymEdm 5 months ago 97%
    40k Yo Mama
    196 GrymEdm 5 months ago 100%
    1st Rule of Mental Health

    I'm told the source is Usagi Drop.

    RPGMemes GrymEdm 5 months ago 97%
    The next one on my playlist will actually blow your mind.

    Devil and sorceress art can be found [here](https://www.deviantart.com/kathytran16/art/Handsome-devil-873463767) and [here](https://www.deviantart.com/telthona/art/Match-581418163). Freddie Mercury can be found in the hearts of music lovers everywhere.

    grimdank GrymEdm 5 months ago 100%
    The Emperor's Angels are here to save us!

    Full disclosure: I've seen a similar joke before, but I didn't find it after a few minutes looking so I re-made it. So zombie OC? Prompted by watching [this video about the founding of the Astra Militarum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kr0KGlIzDw).

    grimdank GrymEdm 5 months ago 94%
    An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

    Mindwipe, servitor-ed, or *BLAM*. I personally like the idea I read a while ago that the Inquisition says, "Everyone died - discussion's over", then takes the survivors and makes them Inquisitorial troops (after screening). So they're not dead, they're just serving on a farm upstate.

    Star Wars Memes GrymEdm 5 months ago 99%
    I've seen posts recently about "quiet quitting".

    [The quote](https://twitter.com/Rahll/status/1784306087941800360): "Quiet quitters are hard to handle because they continue to complete their assigned workload to the same (often high) standard, giving their managers an uneasy feeling but nothing specific to complain about."

    Star Wars Memes GrymEdm 5 months ago 95%
    Happy May 4th! We Blood Ravens are here from 40k to congratulate your Galactic Empire on its magnificence, and definitely not to steal anything.

    For those who don't know 40k/the joke: The Blood Ravens in 40k are also known as the Bloody Magpies because gear that is precious or even holy to allies has a way of "finding" its way into Blood Raven hands in the Dawn of War video games. FTL Travel in 40k involves hopping into a terrible dimension of pure evil, making SW's hyperdrive a very attractive alternative.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearDN
    DnD Memes GrymEdm 5 months ago 97%
    Stranger Things have happened when I get angry...
    I've got pizza and a grudge with the week I need to sort through.

    The modern equivalent of a cathartic murderhobo campaign.
