chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 11 months ago 100%

    This monday i have experienced my first earthquake so that was exiting for me and my cats they was on top shelf i dont know if they felt somehow something is comming although they go on that shelf offten but rarely together. Luckily no one was injured but there was some damage on buildings near epicenter i heard. In central europe it is very rare so buildings are not very optimized for this and this was strongest since 1930. As for other things in life i think i am fine mentally and financially and i am looking forward for when parts for my electronic project arrive. I am making lightswitches but with keyboard mechanical switches btw. I didnt want to post here anything so it will not look like i am flexing that nothing horrible happend in my circle thankfully but on the other hand this thread is going really dark so i hope i will bring some light to it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you want to see more of on Lemmy?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 12 months ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you want to see more of on Lemmy?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 12 months ago 100%

    Trackballs i came here because my favourite trackball group migrated here but there is very few posts from them now.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Why do people act like coffee in the morning is such a sacred routine but soda in the morning [basically the same drink] is lowbrow and unhealthy?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 33%

    Also the amount is important soft drinks are packed in 300ml or 500ml where coffee you get only 30ml shot and glass of water

  • linux Linux System76 values and ethics (Opinion)
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Their focus is i think in making pop os for hardware from clevo or someone similar or themselves in case of desktops not making websites. I mean i agree that this suck because this websites represents them. I am just saying that maybe they dont even have its own web developers for the site and the company that handles their eshop probably dont offer alternative capcha method and for them to change that they need to change the conpany that handles eshop or make their own. Both are very complicated and expensive solutions i think.

  • opensource Open Source Mozilla asks people to sign petition to stop France from forcing browsers to censor websites
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah i agree those are stupid especially with todays electricity prices

  • opensource Open Source Mozilla asks people to sign petition to stop France from forcing browsers to censor websites
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Actally about those lightbulbs they are used if you are a machienist because most led lights tends to flicker which could cause stroboscope effect on fast moving parts and sometimes could present effect that something looks like is moving slower or in different direction that is really moving which could be dangerous. But there are also special machienist led bulbs but are more expensive than normal led bulbs. I am not a profesional machienist so sorry if i didnt describe it correctly but my point is that leds (if are not designed for machienist) are not safe in that particular usecase

  • opensource Open Source Youtube alternative solution
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Actually you are right i am using rss for news and for notifications even from lemmy if someone adds new comment but when i was creating my account on nebula they didnt suport rss now they do so thank you. I would still like if i can get updates for all my nebula subscribed channels because right now i have to add them manually one by one. Maybe i will create some app to which you can link various video services and it will show you timeline with all new videos from multiple places since nothing like it aparently does not exist.

  • opensource Open Source Youtube alternative solution
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 66%

    I was wondering if there would be app which is not hosting videos itself only shows me content from nebula and all other services maybe including youtube in one convinient place so it work kind of like just provide me nice interface for existing services so to check if there is new interesting video i need to check only one app and not the whole bunch of apps.

  • opensource Open Source Youtube alternative solution
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Yes i agree that creators need money for their great work but i will prefer to pay them through floatplane or nebula or patreon because with yt premium you also support google and i really dont like what they are doing recently with chrome but that is topic for another time.

  • opensource
    Open Source Fabrik872 1 year ago 93%
    Youtube alternative solution

    Hello guys, I have noticed that all the big internet services are starting to get worse and worse. And I am forced to migrate to foss alternatives. I have moved from Windows to OpenSUSE, from Reddit to Lemmy, etc. But I have an issue with moving from youtube. It is not that my favourite channels are not bringing me alternative they do but it is somewhat fragmented. Some of them are on PeerTube, some on Floatplane, and some on Nebula and I would rather pay those than youtube. My issue is that each of these has its app and I would like to have them united in one app to which I link all my accounts to. Does something like this exist?

    asklemmy Asklemmy What is an extremely dangerous thing that we use daily?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I think from stuff thats powers our homes gas is far more dangerous. I am genuanly scared of gas stove in my place since the incident from few years ago when whole apartman building exploded in nereby city because of faulty gas pipe

  • firefox Firefox What obscure about:config settings would you recommend changing?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah i think someone might hit it accidentally i think it is a good decition to have it disabled by default but i still like it a lot and it is great to have a way to set it how i like it

  • firefox
    Firefox Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%
    About:config saving in account settings

    Is there a add-on or something to store my about:config settings in cloud so when i distrohop i dont have to set it manually?

    firefox Firefox What obscure about:config settings would you recommend changing?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 85%

    Backspace behavior: 1 something like that. Sets backspace to go to previous page it was once default but it is not anymore

  • memes Memes We did it folks!
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    For me 2016 was year of linux desktop since than i started using linux. And if i see linux in the wild it is very often Ubuntu 16.04 with that beautifull Unity DE.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that dating is hard sometimes...?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    You know what? i will give it a chance if i find how it is called

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that dating is hard sometimes...?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Will you try it again? If yes in a different app? On some post on lemmy i heard about open source dating app probably not very popular but this could be better since the target of the app is not get money from you but make you happy to donate them and also it would be very cool to find someone else who likes nerdy open source software because most people who i know are quite the oposite.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating The new bottle cap holder thingies that are now mandated across the EU
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I am from europe and i also tought that it is qc issue but i dont get it. I mean i dont hate it i just dont know why this needs to exist does it suppose to help not loose the cap or is it easier to recycle somehow?

  • solarpunk Solarpunk What are your favorite Solarpunk novels or short stories that might appeal to someone outside the movement?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I am not much of a reader myself but as a movie i like Treasure Planet but i think it is bit older than solar punk itself or at least i heard of it much later than about the movie.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that dating is hard sometimes...?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Do you guys with successful dating experience think it was worth it? I got ghosted only once and it took me quite some time in tinder even to get to that point but after that i gave up on people and i am more focusing on work and my hobby and i think i am quite happy i have much less suicide tougths than in my dating phase.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that dating is hard sometimes...?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 66%

    I (man) had similar experience as op and i tougth that people on dating apps are really rude for some reason that it is a apps community thing or something this scenario never occure to me as a option. Is really meeting some foreigner as a girl so scary and/or dangerous?

  • memes Memes WOHOOO!!!!
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    What is better for lemmy ecosystem to use server i am currently on ( or to host my own because if i host whole server just for me it would be another server making resquests to bigger instancies like this one but i will not eat capacity from apollo town. Which would be better for lemmy from server capacity perspective?

  • android Android Best cheap Android phone with great battery life
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I have nokia g60 5g and iam loving that thing i have upgraded to it from blackberry key2 after battery died

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People around the world, do you drink tap water without boiling?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Europe, slovakia tap water is drinkable but the taste differs from city to city i think usualy vilages and tiny towns have better tasting water

  • foss Free and Open Source Software What do you think about Apple and its ecosystem? (And a little conversation I had with a colleague)
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I like your scientific way of looking at things i am a software developer and i know few people who are using apple laptops and phones and they are defending everything that company make or say or do even it is a very anti-consumer decition like their implementation of right to repair so i am glad that not every apple user is also in their cult

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy Fabrik872 1 year ago 88%
    how does self hosting works

    Lets say i want to host my own instance of lemmy i will buy some domain and hosting server i will run an lemmy instance and then i can just start adding other instancies and post something on them or they also meeds to approve my instance?

    asklemmy Asklemmy How much of an impact is the protest really having on Reddit?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I am new here i have migrated from reddit few days ago and i love it here. For me the reddit could not pick worse day to to destroy the api since few weeks ago friend told me about existance of third party apps because i was complaining a lot about how many ads is on reddit so i very recently switched to infinity which was much better than original app. However here i am using jeroboa and it is awesome looks like Gnome designers made it also web app is very nice i love rss feed feature i can put messages notification to my feed so i get the reply notification there. I am very happy here and i hope i will be a valuable member.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How many accounts do you have on lemmy/kbin?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I have only one and i really dont want to have more accounts but i cannot access and many others i think it is because every lemmy instance holds its own list of lemmy instancies and each instance has to somehow be approved by target instance or is my inderstanding of this platform incorrect? Anyway i will give it some time and then i think i move to differrnt instance with more connections so i still will be using one account.

  • linux Linux Why should I switch from my MacBook M1? Convince me.
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    In terms what you missing out compared apple os to some linux distro for me as for fellow backend engeneer it is defenetly docker. For work i am forced to choose apple or microsoft os so i picked apple because their docker integration is slightly better but both are far behind linux in this. It is because both need to run vm with some custom linux distro under the hood because docker is built on top of some feature exclusive to linux so it is running slower and also they need to connect base os filesystem with the one on linux vm so you can sync your project files with docker container and this feature especially is worse on windows than on mac altho both again far behind linux where your containers are practicly as fast as if you run nativly.

  • linux Linux What distros would you recommend for use on a (non-gaming) Laptop?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Why not Debian they recently released new version so for some time it will be quite up to date.

  • gaming Gaming Give me your favorite indie games!
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    Kena: bridge of spirits

  • opensuse openSUSE Leap/Tumbleweed/MicroOS(Aeon)?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I have switched to opensuse thumbleweed because i wanted rolling release destro and arch is too complicated for me i mean i gave it few hours of trying and learning but the install script kept failing so i gave up. I tried manjaro for some time but it was too bloated for me. With thumbleweed i feel like at home and yast is an amazing tool and i need to learn bit more about it and use it bit more. To me this is best rolling distro i have used and maybe the best distro ever.

  • linux Linux uhhh... what do I call the "subreddits"?
  • Fabrik872 Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%

    I like the idea to put lemmie in every word it is like with batman. Users should be called Lemmiathans.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Community Requests Fabrik872 1 year ago 100%
    Hello i am trying to upload a video and I found an error

    Every time i try t upload video I get this error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
