• CoolBeance CoolBeance 3 months ago 100%

    thank mr skeltal

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how are some people able to fall asleep anywheres?
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 4 months ago 97%

    At some point you're just so tired that comfort and time is much less of a factor, I mean I feel like I can fall asleep anyti

  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 4 months ago 100%

    When in doubt with alchemy

    Just recall the Rule of Three

    Thrice the same ingredient

    Forms an extract excellent

  • gamingcirclejerk gamingcirclejerk Good for him ☺️👍
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 5 months ago 100%

    He co-founded an auto racing team with someone at Valve called The Heart of Racing. He's pretty active there actually, even participates in some of the marketing material for a racing series called IMSA(International Motor Sports Association).

  • gamingcirclejerk gamingcirclejerk Good for him ☺️👍
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 5 months ago 100%

    This man does not look like he owns a racing team

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Season 3 finale. They put all the good shit in the trailer
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 6 months ago 100%

    I think I stopped when they just found Alexandria. Honestly the intro theme is what kept me coming back when it was getting really slow, like The Governor's arc.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions CoolBeance 7 months ago 97%
    What can I do daily to improve my on-the-spot cognitive abilities?

    Hey all I just came across an emergency situation irl that I felt useless in because of how slowly I was thinking. Basically it was someone getting an epileptic seizure and I had the info in my head for what to do but I did end up freezing a bit before I did anything. Really didn't like it. The person is fine now but if I had reacted faster, we might have been able to prevent a couple problems. I've been in other emergencies before where I had to call the shots but I guess I want to think faster and keep it consistent at a higher level, and I want to improve on it for future scenarios, but what can I do to do that? Edit: Just wanted to say thanks for everyone's replies, I'll be looking into a routine to acclimate myself with these kinds of situations

    microblogmemes Microblog Memes Living the high life
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 7 months ago 100%

    No need for milk crates, just take out all of the beer and use the carton as the stand then lean the TV against the wall. Put the chair in its lowest setting and you're good

    If the carton is too flimsy, down a couple beers and put them in the carton standing up on both sides

  • memes Memes Low-hanging fruit 🥱
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 8 months ago 62%

    I'm from Asia and honestly it's really tiring to hear people keep making fun of Americans.

    It was never funny to bring up shit like children fucking dying from school shootings in a snarky comment, and I think any reasonable person with actual, genuine concern for the world's problems understands that if all we had to do was give, everyone would well have fucking received already.

  • dadjokes Dad Jokes Is this community dead? I haven't seen a post all year
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 9 months ago 95%

    I rage-clicked, rage-chuckled, and rage-upvoted. God dammit

  • memes memes This is too loud
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 9 months ago 100%

    I heard from some incredibly unreliable source that people do this because they don't get told that they're doing a good job enough. For what it's worth you're all doing great

  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 9 months ago 95%

    Lol what do you even do in this situation? I don't even know what I did wrong, just trying to connect

  • memes memes toilet humour
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    Well now I'm going to expect something surprising

  • memes memes toilet humour
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    "By the way, I'm not too sure if this deal will last until after your afternoon nappies, so you should probably think about when you're gonna pick this up! I mean, what a waste it would be, right? Remember Mr. Sprinklemuffins?"

  • privacy Privacy Plex starts narcing on its own users' anime and X-rated habits with an opt-out service, and it's going terribly
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    No, rated arr

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    Hahaha well then what better experience can you have with an ebb and flow like that? That's beyond living it up, and more like riding the storm 😆

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    Ten seconds? I think Mother Nature can understand if you wanna live it up a little bit more you know?

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Drinking in your 20s vs 30s [Sarah Anderson]
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    I've never had a hangover ever in my life, but could that be from my genes? My mom could really hold her alcohol well even though she didn't drink a lot.

  • memes Memes Get Bread Get Dead
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    Yeah I agree, I don't think it's all luck either. But I do paint him in a bad light for not doing well with what he had in his hands. I'll probably never know what kinds of unseen pressure one tends to experience as a billionaire but he's really not doing well, to put it kindly.

  • memes Memes The second coming is near
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%

    Waluigi hentai, so disgusting and so sinful.

    Where do people even find that? Is there a link or something? So nasty, Waluigi hentai

  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 10 months ago 100%


  • 196 196 Supportive rule
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    Of all the answers I've gotten I think yours was the one that made it the most clear to me with its specificity. Thanks for helping me understand *a lot *more than I expected

  • 196 196 Supportive rule
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    Alright so I'm getting that letting the steam out unburdens you with the emotions you feel from the problem. Another reply said people feel understood when their pain is known, would you say it's the same feeling here or does it branch off a little bit?

    Sorry I don't really talk or vent a lot in real life so it's something I'm still trying to understand

  • 196 196 Supportive rule
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    Okay this makes sense. I didn't realize that people feel tend to feel better when their pain is understood. Maybe I should give it a try sometime. Thanks for opening up my brain!

  • 196 196 Supportive rule
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 96%

    See, I get that this is a thing, but I don't understand why you just want someone to listen. What does sitting here, looking you in the eye and opening my ears, specifically do to make you feel better about the problem you're having?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost PEACHES COME FROM A CAN
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost AI will change the way we do everything. All jobs will be replaced.
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 75%

    It's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this. Interlinked.

  • casualuk Casual UK How I (US) make tea when my British friend comes over to visit
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    You are fucking killing me in this thread

  • memes Memes those ppl...
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    I've had the same experiences actually. It's also a lot more common (at least from what I've experienced) to find people being more composed here even in the face of some divisive or provocative content.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What shitty things have your favourite bands/artists done?
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    I used to really love R. Kelly's Bump N' Grind, until... Well, I think everyone knows at this point

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Defederation from Lemmygrad.ml
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 11 months ago 100%

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

    lemmygrad.ml unfortunately could never thread the needle between entertaining and outright accepting

  • memes Memes The race for "Worst Dumpster Fire" is heating up. Everyone place your bets!
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 12 months ago 100%

    concern trolls

    Thanks for the new term I learned today

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 12 months ago 100%

    I'll probably keep two at most, though I'm pretty close to dropping one in favor of an eyepatch and a peg leg

  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 12 months ago 97%

    Did we ever want to be cool to teenagers?

  • memes Memes Thanks Jake
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 12 months ago 100%

    The most original joke in here (not being sarcastic)

  • memes Memes Based on a true story
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 66%

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure if it's my lack of sleep or a reading comprehension issue on my end but I don't understand your question. Though to answer it literally, English is so influential in my country that our schools tend to speak, read, and write in English more often than our native languages. If you speak English well, it's likely that you'll be regarded as a high-class individual by a good chunk of people here.

    Unfortunately, that has threatened our own identity - to our people's cultural detriment and annoyance - as you'll probably see via English public discourse on American social media interwebs... which is why I'm saying, hey, why don't we stop paying attention to what the US is doing every now and then? I mean, how's Ukraine been really? What's happening with their EU membership? Maybe if the US wasn't always on the world stage they can actually participate more authentically and we can stop defaulting to making fun of kids dying in schools as a counterpoint, you know? It's messed up wherever it happens.

  • memes Memes Based on a true story
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 50%

    Fair, I suppose because the US tends to be belittled so often online so I never made the connection to those sizable facts. It's a bit too much still though, don't you think? News about the US somehow always taking over headlines? The world always looks at the US. There's always something about Elon Musk or the American government even on Lemmy's "non-Reddit-exodus" instances. When Apple releases a new phone, people won't stop talking about it positively and negatively. Europe does a better job with most things yet it's less common to find them in the spotlight.

  • memes Memes Based on a true story
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 62%

    To be fair, the US always seems to be the center of attention anywhere you go. Why that is exactly, I don't know. I mean for fuck's sake, I live all the way out in bumfuck Asia and somehow news about American pop culture makes it here better than my local news does most of the time.

    I'm not belittling America's problems but sometimes I feel like people can benefit from being made aware that too much exposure to anything - like criticism of other countries - is detrimental to our world view. It's literally The Cultivation Theory at work.

  • memes Memes Really makes you wonder...
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%

    What a square, this is what happens when you don't take a single minute out of your day to listen to unrelated Belgian techno anthem "Pump Up the Jam".

    ...pum pum pum

  • memes Memes It's an experience
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%

    I can hear trance music in this post

  • memes Memes Gaming Then vs Gaming Now
  • CoolBeance CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%

    well at least I don't have to keep the CD in the CD Drive to actually play the game now

  • coffee
    Coffee CoolBeance 1 year ago 93%
    Is this moka pot fixable?

    Found this moka pot at a friend's relative's house, they said it's been in their family for a bit over a decade. It just broke about a week ago, but it seems like it means a lot to them. Unfortunately they're a little too old to check out how to get it fixed, so I'm thinking of doing it for them in the near future just as a gesture. Question is, is it possible? If so, what needs to be done/replaced? ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/aa6e9141-9640-4cc6-a77a-191a35530abe.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/0e991b9d-238a-49ae-bea9-c53313b7a235.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/787df9e8-b2f3-4952-b1b7-d2d25975b634.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/9ddbfe72-5f2e-4aad-955b-a97d041ce1bb.jpeg)

    Ask Lemmy CoolBeance 1 year ago 91%
    Your best friend is leaving the country for a better life. You make a playlist to show how you feel. What songs are in that playlist?

    Hey Lemmy. In my friend group we have someone that's immigrating to a different country to pursue a better life. None of us can follow her (at least not yet) and she'll be all by her lonesome for quite a while. Before she goes though, we want to write letters which we'll hide in her bag along with a QR code to a playlist she can read all of the letters to. Generally, [this is the kind of vibe I was hoping for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ0pazUc3ZA) for the playlist but suggestions are always open. If you have a song that goes perfectly with the imagery of a tough 27-year-old girl in an airport resisting her emotions but inevitably getting her tears all over her 20+ friends' love letters... please share it! Thank you guys, and if you feel like sharing, I'd love to hear stories about how your song(s) make you feel as well. Happy Lemmy'ing all

    Music CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%
    What genre of music is this and who can I look up to find more? www.youtube.com

    Sounds like something you can play on a chill Saturday night drive. I used to listen to trance but I'm not sure if this is that since I'm not exactly updated on genres and artists nowadays. I love that the drop isn't so hardcore. Anyone got more?

    Music CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%
    What's your "Fine, I'll do it myself" song(s)?

    Just looking to have some fun here. Imagine this: Your boss assigns a difficult task to a co-worker who you know will ask you to "help out" for the nth time. You want to refuse but you don't trust his skill if he's left alone and neither does management. "Fine," you think, "I'll do it myself". Your eyes squint in contempt and a few songs play in your head as you begin the paltry task before you. What are those songs? An example: [Feels Like Summer - Childish Gambino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B9Fk_SgI0&pp=ygUiY2hpbGRpc2ggZ2FtYmlubyBmZWVscyBsaWtlIHN1bW1lcg%3D%3D) (Mods if YouTube links aren't allowed just let me know, couldn't find anything in the sidebar)

    Ask Lemmy CoolBeance 1 year ago 96%
    What stance are you entrenched in today that might be a social issue in the future?

    In the past, we've had issues with women suffrage, slavery, and sanitation, among many other things. Today we have gun control, AI, intended/unintended false information, vaccines, etc. as consistently hot topics. In a few decades' time, what views do you have now that may spark major social debate in the future? What conservative and/or progressive stances do you take today that might be too far on either extreme in the far future?

    Monster Hunter CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%
    What does your guild card look like and what's your character's story?

    ::: spoiler My MHR character [![][1]][1] [![][2]][2] [![][3]][3] [![][4]][4] [1]: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/18ebe5ba-29d4-485b-879a-9020be3c6a14.png [2]: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/cb43b362-30ca-4d7c-bd71-1400f554a8dd.png [3]: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/267f8c4c-e5dd-4e9d-919e-d43e6d890826.png [4]: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/3c505b9b-7602-4e6a-ac5e-fe0d08a1fa23.jpeg ::: Both of my main characters in MHW and MHR came all the way back from my Guild Wars 2 days(last image). The male one was my own creation and the female one was my wife's, but I bring both of them through all of my games now as if they're traveling through different game worlds. What about you guys?

    No Stupid Questions CoolBeance 1 year ago 100%
    Is it better if we have another site host images/videos to lessen server load?

    Hey I'm not really a tech-savvy person yet but I was wondering if it's better for server load to upload an image to Imgur or another image/video-hosting site first and then place the link in a post instead of directly uploading to Lemmy? I want to contribute content-wise but I also want servers to stay up and not be overloaded. What would be best you think?
