waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    No it was a repeated upload of literal white noise images. Not even posts, just files uploaded.

  • waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Probably around 300 USD a month

  • waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    With the new forum feature of discord this might not be a bad idea.

    Let me know if you’ll follow through. I’d probably join.

  • waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Not really. I could host this in a more robust place but the costs would be prohibitive.

    Of course, you could let everyone know where you’re going. I might follow too. There’s some talk in this post about a discord server.

  • waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I am aware that images aren't loading properly right now. This is because the pictures engine crashed again and I wasn't able to recover it this time.

  • waveform
    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 96%
    Sunsetting Waveform.social

    Hi there, I have decided to take down waveform.social. There are too many nefarious actors trying to break it and I don't have the time or energy to keep fighting them off. For your information: Over the pas month I have had to: 1. Add various DDOS prevention measures to block unwanted (repeated) signups. 2. Delete a bunch of literal white noise uploads that filled my 4TB picture storage... Twice. 3. Repair Lemmy (or rather pictures) after it crashed because of full storage. I will keep waveform.social active until Friday next week so you can pull data from here, though I expect most of it has been federated to other servers anyway.

    synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - August 4, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I was, but it's really not available anywhere. I also tried building my own using RaspberryPi but gave up because the software is pretty outdated, so getting it to run was more of a challenge than I was ready for at that point.

    Right now I am learning to use Resolume. I am working with Resolume Avenue right now but considering switching to Resolume Wire to get a bit more flexibility.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - August 4, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve been eying pigments. They might just win me over now. I’m a huge fan of their V Collection.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - August 4, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve been working on some live visualisations to make my time in the studio even more fun.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 28, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Man! that little thing sounds huge

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 28, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Fun! Feel free to share things. Maybe we have some tips 😊

  • musicproduction Music and audio production How to start? What are the steps?
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    As with any creative field, the proces is:

    1. Try something
    2. Get stuck
    3. Overcome the problem
    4. Repeat

    So the key part is to do things that are fun to you so you stay motivated.

    My route started with learning an instrument (trumpet and drums) from a teacher. That way I learned the basic music theory. But everyone's path is different. I don't think there is a general way to learn.

    For example: If you want to learn to make beats. That's a skill you can develop without a complicated DAW. I would but Koala Sampler for Android or iPhone, record some simple sounds from your environment and try to recreate drums from songs you like.

    Then you have learned one of the skills needed to progress to the next step. And when you start to learn a DAW, you'll already have the drum programming skill available to apply there.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 28, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Oh I’m not doubting that I’ll improve from practice. I’m wondering if there’s any sense in getting regular lessons.

    Edit: hold on, I just read your message again 😅

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 28, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I've been practicing piano and drums a lot. As a kid I used to be an instrumentalist (and played a bunch of different instruments in bands). Lately I haven't performed anything. To be fair, my current music is better, but I think I miss the pride in being able to perform something right then and there.

    So I am now working on a routine practicing piano and drums almost daily. I'm considering getting lessons again, but not sure how much that would help a 29 year old.

    Oh and I have been trying to sell some stuff. I've got a Drumbrute Impact and an MPC Live II left. Not getting much interest in those sadly.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 28, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I feel you. I've spent more money on synths than would be healthy. I've bought and sold the same synth multiple times. The new and shiny thing is always so attractive...

    I've yet to find a solution. What helped me temporarily is forcing myself to make music. I am ha hobbyist, not a professional. So I don't put a value on my time making music. Me making music IS the value.

    So what I did for a while (until I got too busy to pick them up) was make music for people who needed it and release that music into the public domain. Kinda like open source music. I got a few people who were making documentaries, videogames, video stories, and the like. It was good to have someone you'd disappoint if you didn't make them a full track. I drove me to actually get the music done.

    But when I got too busy, I shut down the website.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 21, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Thomas White dual lpg

    As a complete eurorack noob: What's an LPG?

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 21, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I’m a happy dude!

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 21, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    @Shadowbait@waveform.social I have an idea that might help people like us: a little bit of healthy pressure.

    What if we host a weekly “song in a day” challenge. Once a week we’ll post a description of a vibe. Then everyone will have 24 hours to turn that vibe into a full song. This means no time for endless loops or tuning sound design. Just song composition.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 21, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    No I feel absolutely the same! I use Ableton Live as my primary daw but rarely ever touch session view. Straight to arrangement. In my case, a song evolves as I am writing it. And when you make changes in arrangement view you make a change in one place. It doesn’t change every copy-paste of a clip. This feel more like it inspires change to me.

    Of course everyone has their own flow and I’m just a hobbyist but yeah. This is the reason I went back into the DAW. Hardware is a ton of fun but actually making music was harder for me.

    I’m sure you can break through that block. It just takes more discipline and practice. Practicing small loops is quick. Only takes about 10 minutes to make a loop and if you repeat it long enough it’ll always sound right. That’s why ostinato have always been popular. To practice making songs you need to finish songs… takes a while.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 21, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I am taking delivery of a new digital piano tomorrow! :D

  • musicproduction Music Production I got the Aiaiai TMA-2 STUDIO WIRELESS+ headphone and here's what I think
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I've decided to return the headphones and stick with my better ones. I will just pull some wires to common points where I sit in the studio and plug in headphone there.

    Nice idea the wireless, but not so great execution.

  • musicproduction Music Production I got the Aiaiai TMA-2 STUDIO WIRELESS+ headphone and here's what I think
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    So far I've just let the transmitter turned on so I hadn't noticed that yet.

  • musicproduction Music and audio production Are your tracks in phase? Ø
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I’m probably just not trained to spot these things in context. I’m just a hobbyist musician.

  • musicproduction Music Production I got the Aiaiai TMA-2 STUDIO WIRELESS+ headphone and here's what I think
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    That would be awesome but no, they built the receiver into the headband. So while I think it might be possible, I am guessing the drivers are extremely easy to drive and attaching just any other driver to the headband will cause trouble. But you can try I suppose.

  • musicproduction Music Production I got the Aiaiai TMA-2 STUDIO WIRELESS+ headphone and here's what I think
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    That’s convenient. I might take a look at that this weekend!

  • musicproduction Music and audio production Are your tracks in phase? Ø
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 50%

    I actually don't hear a difference 🤷🏼‍♂️ so maybe make clear to the noobs what the difference is they are supposed to hear? Also, but that might be a personal thing, I am a bad reader so focussing on audio and reading text at the same time is near impossible. (But that probably good for views since I had to play it three times).

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    It’s a 3D puzzle platformer set in a utopian dream world. Which is musically very interesting because every world has an entirely different vibe.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Because it’s fun? 🤷‍♂️ to me it’s both a moment to say fuck it to the world and isolate myself to recharge as well as a way to help people by making music for their projects to elevate them.

  • synths Synthesizers Korg takes its popular Gadget app into the virtual reality (VR), now available
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I haven’t played the switch version but I’m guessing it is a direct port. Since the UI would feel a lot more “native” to the Nintendo Switch where button combinations and navigation are probably the most natural setup.

  • synths Synthesizers Korg takes its popular Gadget app into the virtual reality (VR), now available
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I tried it and it’s underwhelming to me. The UI is really clunky and other than the visuals there is no use to the VR setup at all.

    They are fun instruments though but without automation and many button based menus, I can’t recommend.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Ah that’s so sad. I really like the idea of it a lot. It’s so mesmerising

  • synthesizers Synthesizers How do you store and/or organize your audio cables?
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Rolled up and bound with cable ties. I’ve got a drawer per category: audio, data, power.

    If I can I roll them so that each connector is at the same end. That way I know exactly what cable I’m picking up.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve started working on an OST for a new game. I’ve got a motif down and will be working on the song structure this weekend. Pretty excited.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    That sounds like a lot of fun 🤩

  • synthesizers
    Synthesizers ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Selling a bunch of music gear

    I am offloading a bunch of music gear. If you're in Europe and are interested in any of it, get in touch: https://www.marktplaats.nl/u/thomas-biesaart/16654962/ - Drumbrute Impact: € 180 - MPC Live 2 + Decksaver + SSD: € 750 - Custom case for 2 electron digi boxes + power supply and cabling: €250 If you feel like sales shouldn't happen on this community, also let me know and I will probably delete my post. We're still looking to find a general consensus.

    synthesizers Synthesizers Reactive Audio Lights?
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I haven't made all the decisions yet but my goal is to have a multi-sensory experience while making music in headphones. Meaning I don't need a professional light show nor do I want to spend much time programming lights.

    What I am thinking now is I will build a Raspberry Pi based video synth to throw nice visuals on a spare monitor. Then if I want to invest some more I will get a roland vc-1-dmx to convert the raspberry pi hdmi signal to a dmx universe to connect some LED tubes around the studio.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Reactive Audio Lights?
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Oh yeah his videos are always interesting. For now I’ve decided to go with a small DMX setup because of its super low latency.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers The ETI Powertran Vocoder
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I found polykit through Sam. Loved all the kosmo format stuff. I haven’t don’t any rack DIY though.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers The ETI Powertran Vocoder
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Hahaha funny. I was watching YouTube on my TV and scanning the instance to see if there is any content that needs moderation. Guess what video was watching when I found this post 😂.

  • synthesizers Synthesizers Considering getting a Waldorf Streichfett. Is there anything else I should consider as well that you recommend?
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    I love the cheesy / classic feel of the modern Roland stuff. Like, the amount of nostalgia present in a little box like MC 101 is amazing.

  • synths Synthesizers Korg takes its popular Gadget app into the virtual reality (VR), now available
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Okay, that's a cool idea. I will check that out tonight

  • synthesizers Synthesizers mini moog 1969
  • ChappIO ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    In the Netherlands when we are amazed we say something like "That turned me upside down".

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Embedding Content https://chappio.gitlab.io/embed-demo/

    I am working on a small web app to allow sharing audio and videos on my instance. I read that lemmy supports embedding pages that provide opengraph metadata. To test this I created a simple page: https://chappio.gitlab.io/embed-demo/ But when I post it, no content gets embedded. My goal is to provide an embeddable widget to my instance. What am I missing?

    Synthesizers ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Reactive Audio Lights?

    I make music for therapeutic reasons. I've found that immersive visualisations and lights help with this a lot. I've already bought a couple of rack-mount spectrum analysers and they are awesome. Do you know of other devices that provide a similar visual experience? I know there are a bunch of cheap bouncing led bars on ali express and the likes but there is a problem: They work based on microphones. I need to be able to **plug them in because I use headphones** most of the time. I know it is kind of niche but any pointers would be appreciated.

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    What theme are you using?

    I am thinking about adding some functionality to this instance (audio and video upload) which probably requires me to make changes to the themes. To limit the amount of work I have to do, would you please let me know what theme you are using? 1. Visit your settings to check: https://waveform.social/settings 2. Fill out the poll: https://fast-poll.com/poll/903a1e38

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Custom HTML in themes?

    I am looking to add video and audio clip upload functionality to the instance over at [waveform.social](https://waveform.social) since this is a music-focussed instance. The way I am thinking about doing this is building a micro-app (similar to pictrs but with a mini frontend) that allows my users to upload audio and video clips and adding the required metadata to the pages to allow embedding. I would love to add a few buttons (in nav and on the create-post) page to link to this micro app to allow users to find it more easily. My first thought was to create a custom theme. But from reading the docs, I can only see mentions of css. Is there a way for me to modify the html to add these buttons? Or do I have to fork lemmy-ui to be able to achieve this?

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Any funny taglines?

    So Lemmy (the software that runs this website) allows admins to define taglines. When people visit the website a random one shows up. Any funny suggestions that work with the theme of this instance? ![](https://waveform.social/pictrs/image/7a3e72de-a723-496b-b8ce-202863400eb7.png)

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Looking for UX / Graphical designer

    Hi there, This site has a focus on music. Not being able to share audio clips makes no sense. Of course you can use a third party tool to share audio clips but I think the barrier is too big. Here’s what I want to do: I want to create a micro application that allows people to upload audio or video clips to be able to embed them into their posts. The design goals are: - low barrier of entry - good viewing experience - useful on mobile Now I can easily do the technical stuff (upload and store files, embedding, deployment) but I’ve always had a hard time with graphical design for small apps with very few features. Would any of you have the skills and time to contribute a design?

    Synthesizers ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Getting MPC soundcloud.com

    I’m receiving an MPC Live II in the mail today. Any tips or resources on getting started? EDIT: Just made a first attempt at a tune: https://soundcloud.com/thomasbiesaart/learning-wav/s-QW3gkTQgRJM

    Synthesizers ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    DnB when you have to www.instagram.com

    We don’t have a memes community so I figured I’d just share here.

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    App Update Week 1: Getting Started share.icloud.com

    I got started on an app for this community. I’ve got a basic integration and spent most time on project setup. My plan is to post an update every week with what I did and what I expect to do next week. ## Next Week I will be working on the comments viewer and maybe making an attempt at a login function. I also expect to set up a beta program for iOS so you can help me test if you want to. (Android will follow later).

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    I am making a waveform.social app

    I am looking to get better at native app development so why not make an app to provide access to this community? 😁 Comment here if you want to join the beta testing group. I will post updates from time to time.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNE
    News ChappIO 1 year ago 100%
    Song mode for Ableton Push 2 / 3 / 3 Standalone!

    cross-posted from: https://waveform.social/post/165 > I've been helping out eclipxe with the development of a M4L device that adds a song mode to Ableton Push (inside the session view). > > I just test a beta version and it is looking great! Can't wait for it to be released so you can enjoy it for yourself. > > > ![](https://waveform.social/pictrs/image/796b7696-c4c3-4b01-b9f1-4edb9fe6baf8.jpeg)

    Ableton ChappIO 1 year ago 93%
    Song mode for Ableton Push 2 / 3 / 3 Standalone!

    I've been helping out eclipxe with the development of a M4L device that adds a song mode to Ableton Push (inside the session view). ~~I just test a beta version and it is looking great! Can't wait for it to be released so you can enjoy it for yourself.~~ IT IS READY 😁 https://eclipxe.gumroad.com/l/scenechainer ![](https://waveform.social/pictrs/image/796b7696-c4c3-4b01-b9f1-4edb9fe6baf8.jpeg)

    Waveform ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Hi there, I am currently working on getting things up and running so we can create a place to share our passion for music. Feel free to ask any questions or leave any suggestions you might have.

    Synthesizers ChappIO 1 year ago 100%

    Hi there! I am currently working on getting the technical stuff up and running. Please bear with me as the service today might be a bit flaky.
