til Today I Learned TIL about hair traps
  • Boozilla Boozilla 4 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, I always glove up when I clean out the p-traps under the sinks. The smell is the worst part.

  • til Today I Learned TIL about hair traps
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 hours ago 100%

    All of it, like alopecia? Or male pattern baldness? Or none my damn bidness?

  • til Today I Learned TIL about hair traps
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 hours ago 100%

    That one is my backup if the one I got doesn't work! Thanks for the recommendation.

  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5 What is sex trafficking and how does it work?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 hours ago 100%

    It takes different forms, but one horrifying example is smuggling people in from poverty-stricken countries and forcing them to be sex slaves. People with no resources that have very little chance of rescue.

  • til
    Today I Learned Boozilla 6 hours ago 100%
    TIL about hair traps

    I feel like an idiot for not knowing about these. Every 2-3 months I have to snake out our shower drain with a 25' snake. Giant PITA. After some web searches, I stumbled across these hair trap devices. They come in both external and internal configurations. Many different types to choose from. I purchased an internal one, installed it, and am going to give it a try. In theory I can just pop it out and clean it instead of snaking the pipes. Folks tell me they work well. If this one doesn't work I'll try another type. They are fairly inexpensive.

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy If the logic of copyright/trademark/IP law applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of for it?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 6 hours ago 100%

    Didn't Nestle want to do this with water?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 6 hours ago 100%

    Became an atheist and quit going to church. After decades of being very involved in church. My experience wasn't nearly as difficult or traumatic as it is for many who go through this. But it still sucked. I pissed off some friends and family members. And some folks I really liked froze me out, which is not fun. Atheist friends were supportive, which was a big help.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do you decide on which news sources to read?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 hours ago 100%

    They should give lite.cnn.com a try.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 11 hours ago 100%

    No, because his popularity with the cult of fools is primarily based on two things: 1. talking at a third grade level and 2. fear mongering about black and brown people.

    I suppose you could add "appearing to be rich and successful" and some other ingredients in there. But I think the 2 mentioned are his biggest power sources by far.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts The world needs fewer cynics and more skeptics.
  • Boozilla Boozilla 11 hours ago 100%

    A skeptic will seek more information. A cynic will just shit on it first and maybe (probably not) ask questions later.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the best place to drop random, unfileable thoughts I think of?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 14 hours ago 100%
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do you decide on which news sources to read?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 14 hours ago 83%

    I posted this in a different thread a while back. Here are some primary news sources:

    • New York Times (NYT)
    • Reuters
    • Associated Press (AP)
    • BBC News
    • The Guardian
    • Al Jazeera
    • Bloomberg
    • The Washington Post
    • CNN
    • Deutsche Welle (DW)
  • news News Ohio city cancels cultural festival after political furor over Haitians.
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    Focus on the lost revenue for small businesses owners. That's all these shitfuck Republicans care about.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If Reddit users are Redditors, are Lemmy users Lemurs?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 80%

    I prefer lemmys to lemmings, but I think we got out voted.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Does anyone else here have lupus? Just got diagnosed and I am really scared/upset
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    But did you know, that when it snows, my eyes become large and the light that you shine can't be seen?

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I like him, too.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    Never liked this guy. And Oracle DB has always kinda sucked.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Does anyone else here have lupus? Just got diagnosed and I am really scared/upset
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Does anyone else here have lupus? Just got diagnosed and I am really scared/upset
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    Sorry to hear this.

    An internet forum like Lemmy is not the best place for medical advice. Most diseases can vary significantly from person to person. Lupus comes in multiple forms. The musician Seal has a form of lupus, and he's 61. Autoimmune disorders are very complicated, because the immune system is very complicated.

    Your doctor should be able to give you guidance and "what to expect" type information. If there is a patient portal or email you can use, be proactive and reach out to your doctor with your questions. If you're in the USA, patients very much have to actively navigate this stuff, and advocate for themselves. Your doctor might give you a pamphlet or booklet. Read it.

  • history History The many battle wounds of French Marshall Oudinot
  • Boozilla Boozilla 2 days ago 100%

    Modern normie: "I'm a real badass, because I have tattoos."

    Oudinot's ghost: "You people are simply adorable."

  • news News RFK Jr says he faces federal investigation for beheading whale
  • Boozilla Boozilla 3 days ago 100%

    I've never put much stock in the "we are living in a simulation" but stories like this make me wonder if one of the sim developer's kids is in here doing stuff.

  • memes memes This is fine
  • Boozilla Boozilla 3 days ago 100%

    "I want a DQ Blizzard!"

    "We have ice cream at home."

    "But home is a bunch of shipping containers welded together."

    "Correct. And it's wonderful."

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 4 days ago 100%

    Let us know if you ever find a good solution. Stuff in my pants pockets annoys me, too.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Can a COVID test show your level of infectiousness?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 4 days ago 100%

    Too many variables. There's two types of test, antigen and PCR. The chemical reactions in both can be impacted by ambient temperature and humidity, light exposure, air pressure (altitude), air quality (contaminants) and so on. At-home testing is far from lab conditions. False positives and false negatives are possible. I wouldn't put any stock in the timing.

  • til Today I Learned TIL the theme to Sanford and Son has lyrics. And they were sung by Ella Fitzgerald
  • Boozilla Boozilla 4 days ago 100%

    What the heck. This rewrites a chunk of my childhood.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 100%

    One of my friends wears a lightweight (mostly mesh) cargo vest thing that looks good on him. But he's one of those assholes who looks good in anything. I would look like a doofus wearing it. Anyway, it has multiple pockets on the front.

  • til Today I Learned TIL the penduline tit (shut up) makes a nest with a fake entrance to trick predators
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 100%

    No one will suspect a spiral staircase under the manhole cover!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy In Case: NYT is bought
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 100%

    Primary news sources. Here are some others.

    • Reuters
    • Associated Press (AP)
    • BBC News
    • The Guardian
    • Al Jazeera
    • Bloomberg
    • The Washington Post
    • CNN
    • Deutsche Welle (DW)
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why would someone desire a pension instead of a 401k?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 100%

    In an ideal situation you want both assets and income in your retirement. 401k is one type of asset. Pension is one type of income. It's certainly possible to plan for retirement with just assets or just income, but having both is better.

  • til Today I Learned TIL the penduline tit (shut up) makes a nest with a fake entrance to trick predators
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 100%

    I need to do this to my office. I wonder if that wall over there is load bearing. Hmmmm.

  • general General Discussion Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 5 days ago 85%

    I'm guessing the content offering algorithms are looking at your IP, browser profile, etc. and throwing stuff at you that it assumes you and "people in your area" want to see. Even with brand new accounts, they always try to figure this stuff out. It often gets it wrong, but that never stops them from trying.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 6 days ago 93%

    I haven't seen the numbers. I have read that they do this for a few evil reasons.

    • It makes their business look like it's thriving.
    • They can gather intel on who's job hunting.
    • They can use job application tasks to get free work out of candidates.
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 6 days ago 100%

    There are thousands of possible reasons and many of them won't have anything to do with you. There are fake job postings. There are many jobs where the hiring manager already has someone in mind for the job (but they have to check the required boxes and pretend to open the position to any candidate). Another candidate may have gone to the same school or been in a frat with the hiring manager. The list goes on and on.

  • news News Nate Silver reveals who he'll vote for in the US election
  • Boozilla Boozilla 6 days ago 100%

    I have so little faith in polls anymore. I know Silver and others try to patch over the shortcomings by analyzing multiple polls and running weighted probability equations on them and so on. But I always think of GIGO: garbage in, garbage out.

    And of course, probabilities are just that: probabilities. So if they say candidate X has a 75% chance to beat candidate Y, that means candidate Y still wins 25% of the time. Which is much higher than we intuit when we just look at the 75%. Anybody who's rolled a 1d4 in D&D knows that 1 will come up more than we'd like.

    Allan Lichtman's analysis is more interesting to me. He's been right 9 out of 10 times. Which certainly doesn't mean he'll be right this time. But I think it's cool that he ignores polls. I wonder if his methodology, while very clever, may not be up to date for 2024 with all the weird shit going on with judges, electors, etc. The "meta issues", if you will, around his "Keys to the White House."


  • news News UPS is laying off more employees amid effort to boost profitability
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 100%

    I hope you're right!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 100%

    The Demiurge. Not that I like the Demiurge itself. But explaining the human condition as being a product of bad design appeals to me. I don't believe the myth and I'm not religious. But as far as myths go, that one is my fave.

  • memes memes Standoff
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 100%

    I'm not an expert by any means, but my understanding is there is a "tax accounting lobby" that works hard to prevent any measures to simplify it, because they would go out of business. Intuit and others.

  • news News UPS is laying off more employees amid effort to boost profitability
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 100%

    Interesting that they are laying off managers while "moving towards more automation". I'm guessing they mean draconian employee-monitoring hardware and software installed in the vehicles, warehouses, repair facilities, etc.

  • memes memes Standoff
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 97%

    Love the meme but JFC I wish they would just send us a simple invoice (or refund) every year. You know, the way adult nations do things.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 7 days ago 100%

    A lot of people made fun of those theories and sarcastically pretended to believe in them. Maybe that's what you remember. Our human memories are not very reliable.

  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5 How come it seems now the old wise tale of Vietnamese eating pets and now its immigrants into the USA?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 1 week ago 100%

    That's a clever and funny way of putting it. It's just one stupid moral panic after the other, and racism is frequently featured.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?
  • Boozilla Boozilla 1 week ago 100%

    Maybe not exactly what you asked for, but I think these two might be close contenders:



  • showerthoughts
    Showerthoughts Boozilla 1 week ago 95%
    I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising.

    We mostly watch news and sports in my house. So unfortunately, live TV. Occasionally we watch other things. I mute the commercials and browse my phone when they're on. But I would love a TV that is smart enough to auto hide & mute every kind of ad. Even little logos on the athletes' uniforms. Hide the ads on the pitcher's mound. Hide the billboards and signs in the stadium. Show some cool little generic animation, music video, or slide show during commercial breaks. Hide the damned popup window ads and scrolling ads that some channels do. Remove product placements from movies and shows. Basically make all ads completely vanish.

    Ask Lemmy Boozilla 2 weeks ago 100%
    Is a detection-proof ad blocker theoretically possible?

    Not asking for tech support here, just wondering if in theory it would be possible to create a plug-in or even a complete browser that blocks ads in a way that's impossible to detect. One model that comes to mind is a quarantined / containerized non-blocking virtual browser which queries the web server directly, then the UX filters the content from that container and presents it to the user ad-free. As far as the web server can tell, the containerized browser is just vanilla Chromium.

    techsupport Boozilla 1 month ago 100%
    [Solved] Amazon Web Services (AWS) - multiple MFAs with root? aws.amazon.com

    Has anybody gotten this to work? If I set up multiple MFA devices with my IAM accounts, they all work flawlessly. But if I set up multiple MFA devices with my root account, only the original MFA device works. No matter how carefully I set up and synch a secondary device, it simply will not work with root. As the linked article says, this should be possible with either root or IAM (though in the past this was not the case). Thanks.

    Ask Lemmy Boozilla 2 months ago 95%
    Do you remember the Segfault website? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segfault_%28website%29

    Some of the satire on there was gold. Had a wonderful lampoon vibe.

    Ask Lemmy Boozilla 4 months ago 100%
    Online geography course recommendations?

    Looking for something engaging and interactive (preferably free, but I don't mind paying a reasonable price). Thanks for your suggestions!
