dontdeadopeninside Don't Dead - Open Inside I actually might go to both of these
  • Bishma Bishma 4 hours ago 100%

    When I watched Highlander, I assumed the final Gathering would involve more fanfare.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit is DOWN for thousands of users
  • Bishma Bishma 7 hours ago 100%

    The bots that are reddit's biggest users can detect downtime in milliseconds.

  • Bishma Bishma 10 hours ago 100%

    When I was getting my bio degree, carpet sharks (including Wobbegons) are what I was most interested in studying. Just about every family in the order is fascinating in some way.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Off by one solitude
  • Bishma Bishma 13 hours ago 100%

    I love the idea that they're at two adjacent tables, each one staring at the other wondering why they hate them.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Another job lost because of technology 👿
  • Bishma Bishma 1 day ago 100%

    Ah yeah, that's the good stuff. I always got the side-bound version.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor total programmer meme
  • Bishma Bishma 1 day ago 100%

    In the rare occasions that my wife needs to use my phone, I need to type my (12 digit) pincode out on a number pad and read it back to her to be sure I get it right. I can type it flawlessly a dozen times a day but if I try to recite it, I screw up the order.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Another job lost because of technology 👿
  • Bishma Bishma 1 day ago 100%

    Part of me still misses TripTiks. It was fun to go through them ahead of trips and always have that nicely printed, spiral bound book with you on the road.

    At some point in the 90s they automated TripTiks with the idea that you'd print them at home yourself. It was all the same info but the magic was gone.

  • Bishma Bishma 2 days ago 100%

    It saddens me a little when I see people that I like still using the bird corpse. Harry is empowering Elon by burning him.

  • politics politics Laura Loomer’s latest brag is probably sending team Trump into a panic
  • Bishma Bishma 3 days ago 85%

    “The media is full of shit. OK?” Loomer said

    Given the stories about what Trump's staffers say about his BO, she knows shit. Up close and personal.

  • Bishma Bishma 3 days ago 100%

    Rich people can get away with anything. Maybe we're the fools for not connecting this to the Kardashians. Kim, Chloe, and... another one are trying to influence who'll be Japan's new prime minister because one of them wants to crack down on influencer tourism.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • Bishma Bishma 4 days ago 100%

    Oatmeal flavored with a mix of sweet chili sauce and soy sauce or cheerios.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Catching you up with the party of family values
  • Bishma Bishma 4 days ago 100%

    They dubbed this "The Trump Show" during the 2016 election. An unending chain of increasingly deranged acts and reactions by other Republicans that dominate the news cycle and don't allow any news about then Clinton, now Harris. No news is the same as bad news this close to the election,

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes I've been told this is offensive
  • Bishma Bishma 5 days ago 100%

    Totally. This person needs to put some mod podge on top to protect the paper and add weight.

  • cat cats Rockstar
  • Bishma Bishma 5 days ago 100%

    We are Meow Bob-omb and we are here to make you think about tuna and feel fluffy and stuff!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • Bishma Bishma 5 days ago 100%

    Based on my year end wrap up things Pearl Jam is my favorite band. I'm in the top 0.01% of listeners on Tidal, and the same was true when I was on Spotify.

    They just came out with a new album called "Dark Matter" that is quite good (though I think I liked the last album a bit better). I'd put "Riot Act" as my favorite album of there's, but I think I might point you toward a song on what is probably my least favorite album (Back Spacer), Unthought Known

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    My wife and I got around to the watching Guy Mongomery's My Brain Is Blowing Me Crazy. We've been watching his stuff since Taskmaster NZ series 2 but only recently found he released that on YT.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    I remember when that was popular. Haven't thought about it in years. I'll have to check it out again.

  • tmbl This Might Be Lemmy: They Might Be Giants (tmbg) Community 🎶 *Here comes birthday. Beware of the birthday.* 🎶
  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    A lot of amazing songs on this album. AKA Driver, Meet James Ensor, Extra Savoir-Faire, and End of The Tour pop to mind right away. I also liked it when Michael McKean recited End of the Tour on a Tale of Two Johns.

  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    I find it comforting. I'm pretty sure -0 is false vacuum decay.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Some rows of videos have different padding
  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    I see this too. I assumed it was the result of one of the many FF add-ons I need to use to keep Youtube usable.

  • politics politics "Trump's embrace of a vile extremist troll is dividing the GOP"
  • Bishma Bishma 6 days ago 100%

    Dividing the GOP between those who are public vile extremists and those that keep their vial extremism more private.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Is this reflective of something?
  • Bishma Bishma 7 days ago 100%

    Thank you. The further I scrolled down the comments without a reference, the more uncomfortable I felt.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Ok, I'm a day late but hear me out
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Am I the only one scanning the image for a well hidden Saddam?

  • news News Trump Media stock has plunged 33% in a month
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Everybody be on guard. That uncle is about to hit you up for money after they put all of their non-Trump NFT money into DJT stock.

  • news News Longtime GOP Pollster: Trump’s Campaign Is Over After Debate
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    To some degree that's irrelevant at this point as ballots are printed or at least printing. No matter what it will be Trump/Vance people see in their pamphlets. But the more republicans think he should have dropped, the less motivated they'll be to bother voting.

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Former Infowars Weirdo lets her racist flag fly high
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Given she's still on FB shouting about NESARA, child tunnels, and The Storm on a pretty much daily basis, I'd say this is about as low-key and civil as Loony Loomer gets.

  • news News Longtime GOP Pollster: Trump’s Campaign Is Over After Debate
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    This is how the snowball started rolling with Biden right after the first debate. I doubt there are enough R's with spines to make it a trend, but here's hoping.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Ow! My balls! from Idiocracy

    There's been some stuff coming out lately that makes me think this show isn't far off.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery from Invader Zim

    Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery logo from the episode Gaz, Taster of Pork

    Come to Zim!

  • technology Technology Google Search will take you ‘Wayback’ with links to the Internet Archive | With Google’s cached results gone, embedded Internet Archive links in search may be the next best thing
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Ideally it'd be a check that comes close to what they saved from no longer hosting caches themselves.

  • superbowl Superbowl Yes it's me!
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    "It says here you're wanted for stalking and pellet littering."

  • world World News Nestlé Waters avoids trial with €2m fine for illegal water drilling in France.
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Oh good. By avoiding trial Nestle has more time to enslave children.

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost Bishma 1 week ago 99%
    Lovely Man. He wants to have you for dinner.

    I don't know why my brain connected Trump's "a concept of a plan" and his obsession with Hannibal (Lecter, but I went with Smith), but here you go.

    lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Don’t you DARE come home with the artificial variety!
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    One of them is filled with a dye that turns mice transparent, and other other is crab juice.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I'd like to thank my supporters...
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    I stopped visiting very shortly after it opened up because every post was stuff like you said:

    • "Where those gunshots?"
      • No it was the prick 2 blocks over that lights off fireworks all year long or the train yard that's about a mile from here.
    • "Tall man in hoodie walks down street! Who has photos?"
      • I might. I'm tall, usually wear a hoodie, and am able to walk.
    • "Thieves walk among us! I left a bowl of walnuts on my porch overnight and now they're gone!!!"
      • That explains the squirrel sitting on my fence patting its belly.

    I used to think I just had extra shitty neighbors, but I've heard similar from a lot of people.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I'd like to thank my supporters...
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    I'm normally an inbox-zero kind of person, because unaddressed notifications are super stressful for me. But I haven't used gmail for anything but spam in a several years so this prompted me to go have a look:

    3,958 in my inbox - and instead of stress, I love it. Over 1300 of those are because I, apparently, never deleted my nextdoor account.

  • news News Republicans threaten a government shutdown unless Congress makes it harder to vote
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    They demand Dems give them something to campaign on by threatening to do something Dems could then use to campaign against them?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost there can be only one
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    I am immortal
    I have inside me cud of kings

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost blue jean beam sans beans
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Find a pic if Eugene Mirman in a Beefsquatch mask and add it to the background, and you get: "blue jean beam sans beans featuring Eugene as Gene."

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Scotty, one to beam up
  • Bishma Bishma 1 week ago 100%

    Its a beam now, but it started as a standard duranium test cylinder. So Scotty's got some work to do.

    TNG era transporter test cylinder

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Bishma Bishma 2 weeks ago 100%

    Who knows how many in my youth. Since then, I've had the one of the two pair I currently have since 2008ish (first time I got vision benefits, they're memory wire) and the other pair I picked up at a thrift store in 96 or 97. The latter is still my favorite.

  • bobsburgers
    bobsburgers Bishma 2 weeks ago 96%
    Happy anniversary Bob and Linda

    I used to think Bob was right, "a lot of numbers are divisible by 3" and so its a bad mnemonic. But, on the other hand, I have an easier time remembering the Belcher's anniversary than my own.

    John and John perform Letterbox while hosting Post-Modern MTV (1989)

    Surprisingly good quality for something from 80's cable TV. In 2024 the first thing that struck me was that I can barely remember the last time I cared about what was in the mailbox.

    They'll Need a Crane on Late Night with Letterman (1989)

    A very early performance from TMBG, back when Letterman was still on NBC. February 1989 performing They'll Need a Crane I love their old TV performances. Especially the Conan appearances. If there's an audience for it I'll post the best (video/audio) quality ones I can find, from time to time.

    Oregon Bishma 4 weeks ago 100%
    Over 100,000 Oregon Zoo visitors warned that their payment card details were stolen in security breach

    I'm pretty sure this is a new sentence for me: I'm glad I haven't been to the zoo in a few years.

    Superbowl Bishma 1 month ago 100%

    [Original post]( via [](

    Oregon Bishma 1 month ago 100%
    VIDEO: Oregon Lottery billboards taken over by possible furry hack

    > LED screens designed to show the current Powerball Jackpot were affected in seemingly random locations, including billboards in Coos Bay, Albany and Portland between Aug. 12 and 14. Roughly four of the affected billboards were in the Portland area. > One of the affected billboards was recorded by Reddit user “HanginWithMrPooper” near the intersection of 68th Ave. and Halsey Street in Northeast Portland.

    Technology Bishma 1 month ago 97%
    Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers

    Stratasys is claiming infringements on patents it owns (included ones acquired from Makerbot) on things like purge towers, heated beds, and force detection. Many of them things common to most FFF/FDM 3D printers. Its an interesting coincidence that this lawsuit against one printer maker is happening on the same day as a new product announcement (the [Prusa MK4s]( from another major printer maker. > In two complaints, filed in the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division, against six entities related to Bambu Lab, Stratasys alleges that Bambu Lab infringed upon 10 patents that it owns, some through subsidiaries like Makerbot (acquired in 2013). Among the patents cited are US9421713B2, "Additive manufacturing method for printing three-dimensional parts with purge towers," and US9592660B2, "Heated build platform and system for three-dimensional printing methods." > There are not many, if any, 3D printers sold to consumers that do not have a heated bed, which prevents the first layers of a model from cooling during printing and potentially shrinking and warping the model. "Purge towers" (or "prime towers" in Bambu's parlance) allow for multicolor printing by providing a place for the filament remaining in a nozzle to be extracted and prevent bleed-over between colors.

    News Bishma 1 month ago 97%
    Ad industry initiative abruptly shuts down after lawsuit filed by Elon Musk’s X

    The SLAPP seems to working as intended. > An advertising industry initiative targeted by an Elon Musk lawsuit is "discontinuing" its activities and has deleted the member list from its website. > Stephan Loerke, the CEO of the WFA, wrote in an email to members, seen by Business Insider, that the decision was "not made lightly" but that GARM is a not-for-profit organization with limited resources. > Today, the House Judiciary GOP's official account on X called GARM being discontinued a "big win for the First Amendment" and a "big win for oversight." X CEO Linda Yaccarino also applauded the news.

    News Bishma 1 month ago 95%
    Boeing Starliner astronauts might get a ride home from SpaceX — in 2025

    Originally set to return in mid-June, Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams may be on the station until February, 2025. > During a press conference today, NASA representatives confirmed they have a contingency plan to bring astronauts Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams home from the International Space Station (ISS) early next year. If they’re unable to leave sooner aboard the Boeing Starliner spacecraft that brought them there > Tests conducted at NASA’s White Sands Test Facility pointed to deformed Teflon seals being a potential cause of the Starliner’s thrusters failing, but the agency isn’t expected to make a final decision on whether or not Williams and Wilmore will return using Boeing’s spacecraft until mid-August.

    bobsburgers Bishma 2 months ago 97%
    Jen appreciation post

    I used the phrase "the unusual one" this morning, and half way through I started to hear it in Jen's voice. What are some other favorite Jen moments?

    Beavers Bishma 2 months ago 100%
    Happy (belated) Big Wet Rodent Day

    Back in the 00s there was a Canadian nature show called The Nature Nut (hosted by John Acorn) that did an episode of dedicated to beavers. It featured a catchy kids tune [Big Wet Rodent Day]( that got some internet attention back then... mostly in kids music circles- never mind what age I was. At some point people decided this celebratory day was July 26th and we'd celebrate the beavers, nutria, [coypu](, and alike every year. [Full Episode]( of the Nature Nut episode in question\ Same episode, [timestamped to the original song]( *With beavers large and muskrats small\ We stop to celebrate them all\ The glory of a beaver dam\ That makes you say I am (that makes me say I am)\ A big wet rodent fan.*

    News Bishma 2 months ago 99%
    Biden says he’ll call for Supreme Court reform in final months in office

    > Biden delivered remarks from the Oval Office outlining his decision not to seek reelection, his first on-camera remarks since making that announcement on Sunday. In addition to explaining why he is ending his candidacy, he listed off his priorities for his remaining time as president. > “And I’m going to call for Supreme Court reform, because this is critical to our democracy,” Biden said. > Multiple outlets have reported that Biden is considering proposals to establish term limits for Supreme Court justices and an enforceable ethics code for those on the high court.

    Technology Bishma 2 months ago 100%
    Dear AWS, please let me be a cloud engineer again

    As an AWS focused solutions/systems architect, I've been feeling this for the last 10ish months too. I attended the first 9 re:Invent conferences (up until Covid upended things) but I was glad I didn't attend last year; and re:Inforce sounds like it was even worse.

    Eugene Bishma 2 months ago 77%
    No Parking For Pride – Eugene Weekly

    > These lots will sit empty while 12,000-plus people try to attend the event,” Eugene Pride President Brooks McLain writes in an emailed statement to Eugene Weekly. “Parking is being blocked starting before our festival begins.”0 > Pride’s parking needs are “superseded” by an August 10 Ween concert at the Cuthbert Amphitheater, which is owned and operated by Kesey Enterprises, according to a press release from Pride organizers. > Per a 2006 concession agreement — a contract — between Kesey Enterprises and the city of Eugene, the private entertainment company has first right of refusal for parking around Cuthbert between May 1 and Oct. 31 annually.

    Technology Bishma 2 months ago 99%
    Businesses are harvesting our biometric data. We need new protections

    > These days, our biometric data is valuable to businesses for security purposes, to enhance customer experience or to improve their own efficiency. > Facial recognition technology [...] scans images or videos from devices including CCTV cameras and picks out faces. > From supermarkets to car parks and railway stations, CCTV cameras are everywhere, silently doing their job. But what exactly is their job now? > > Businesses may justify collecting biometric data, but with power comes responsibility and the use of facial recognition raises significant transparency, ethical, and privacy concerns. > If your password gets stolen, you can change it. If your credit card is compromised, you can cancel it. But your face? That’s permanent. Biometric data is incredibly sensitive because it cannot be altered once it’s compromised. This makes it a high-stakes game when it comes to security.

    Beavers Bishma 2 months ago 95%
    First beaver born in Northumberland for 400 years

    > "We are thrilled that after an absence of around 400 years we now have beavers back and breeding." > > She added: "The beavers have put a lot of effort into building and maintaining their lodges and getting their family settled, showing great perseverance and resilience during their relocation and then during the floods we’ve had over the last year,"

    Oxygen Not Included Bishma 2 months ago 100%
    The Frosty Planet Pack DLC releases Thursday July 18th!

    We have a release date and price ($7.99 usd) for the new DLC. Also info that there are features in the final not in the beta. Released on Steam first, Epic and WeGame "soon after." [Steam Page](

    News Bishma 2 months ago 99%
    ‘Bob’s Burgers’ & ‘Anchorman’ Actor Jay Johnston Pleads Guilty To Felony Charge Related To January 6 Capitol Siege – Update

    > ... sentencing guidelines suggest a from eight to 14 months in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 7. Back on June 25: > Former Bob’s Burgers voice actor Jay Johnston agreed today to plead guilty to federal charges stemming from his participation in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The 55-year-old actor [...] faces multiple charges including civil disorder and disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds.

    Technology Bishma 2 months ago 98%
    Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Tickets

    > A lawsuit filed in California by concert giant AXS has revealed a legal and technological battle between ticket scalpers and platforms like Ticketmaster and AXS, in which scalpers have figured out how to extract “untransferable” tickets from their accounts by generating entry barcodes on parallel infrastructure that the scalpers control and which can then be sold and transferred to customers. > By reverse-engineering how Ticketmaster and AXS actually make their electronic tickets, scalpers have essentially figured out how to regenerate specific, genuine tickets that they have legally purchased from scratch onto infrastructure that they control. In doing so, they are removing the anti-scalping restrictions put on the tickets by Ticketmaster and AXS. So Ticketmaster and AXS are suing to maintain their monopoly on scalping?

    Ask Lemmy Bishma 3 months ago 98%
    Has anyone used a hard drive data recovery service, and if so do you have any tips?

    We recently had an unfortunate situation where an external magnetic hard drive was dropped while spinning. I knew before we even checked that the heads were gonners, and sure enough the drive seems dead. Unfortunately this was a drive inherited from a deceased relative that were starting to backup at the time the accident happened and now a lot of family photos are inaccessible if not gone forever. I'm just getting my feet wet trying to find potential recovery services to get quotes, but I thought it was worth asking you fine folks if you have any experience that might help out. Companies to avoid or who may be worth it even if their quote is high. One specific question I have pertains to what's recovered (since most of these services seem to charge based on the amount recovered): We're only concerned with photos but this was, at one point, the single drive in Mac, so there's tons of OS and other files we don't want or need. Are we likely to get charged for it anyway?

    Eugene Bishma 3 months ago 100%
    Local organizations hope to bring mobile recycling bus to Eugene, Springfield

    > “Ten dollars is what you need on average to live a day on the street, and so that’s about two bags of cans. If you’re saying you can only bring one, you need two bags, (so) that’s two trips on the bus. How do you protect that one bag of cans while you’re going and canning on another?” On missing redemption facility hours: > “If you don’t make it and you have to keep them,” she said, “if you’re homeless that means you don’t get to sleep that night. You have to stay awake and babysit your cans or someone’s going to come along and steal them from you.”

    Technology Bishma 3 months ago 100%
    Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll

    > informed employees of the filing late Friday [...] that it had filed for a debtor-in-possession loan — a way for companies that are reorganizing after filing for bankruptcy to secure additional working capital to meet payroll. [...] employees have been waiting for paychecks since June 21st [...] it’s not certain that the company will be able to secure such a loan. > Chicken Soup took on $325 million in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022 and has since been sued over a dozen times over unpaid bills.

    Technology Bishma 3 months ago 97%
    What everyone gets wrong about the 2015 Ashley Madison scandal

    Found via the author's [Mastodon Post]( > Generally, the media has focused on the (mainly) men whose names and desires were taken from the company’s subscriber database and shared with the world. [...] Ashley Madison was never really about that. Avid Life Media, its parent company, wasn’t in the business of sex, it was in the business of bots. Its site became a prototype for what social media platforms such as Facebook are becoming: places so packed with AI-generated nonsense that they feel like spam cages, or information prisons where the only messages that get through are auto-generated ads.

    Wizards Bishma 3 months ago 98%
    Master wizard Bob Belcher

    From S12E07 "[Loft in Bedslation]("

    News Bishma 3 months ago 99%
    Sony buys Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

    > Sony Pictures Entertainment has acquired the popular movie theater chain Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, the two companies announced on Wednesday. > Sony, which will oversee the theaters under a new Sony Pictures Experiences division, says it “will preserve Alamo Drafthouse’s distinctive movie-dining experience,” > Sony is acquiring Alamo Drafthouse from Altamont Capital Partners, Fortress Investment Group, and Alamo founder Tim League — a group that took ownership of Alamo after it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2021.

    Taskmaster Bishma 4 months ago 100%
    Taskmaster (UK) Series 18 Cast

    > Join Andy Zaltzman, Babatunde Aléshé, Emma Sidi, Jack Dee & Rosie Jones in Series 18 I just Rosie Jones on something talking about taking a first date to a posh restaurant and then seeing Greg, Alex, and Tim Key at a table, and her being torn about wanting to give her attention to her date but also really wanting to be on Taskmaster. I'm glad at least one worked out.

    Technology Bishma 4 months ago 99%
    Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

    > A purported leak of 2,500 pages of internal documentation from Google sheds light on how Search, the most powerful arbiter of the internet, operates. > The leaked documents touch on topics like what kind of data Google collects and uses, which sites Google elevates for sensitive topics like elections, how Google handles small websites, and more. Some information in the documents appears to be in conflict with public statements by Google representatives, according to Fishkin and King.

    Squirrels Bishma 4 months ago 99%
    Working behind the counter

    This is the first time I've found a squirrel sitting in the tray. They usually sit on the countertop to eat. This is also smaller than most of our brown squirrel customers.

    Technology Bishma 4 months ago 98%
    ICQ, One of the Oldest Instant Messengers, Is Shutting Down

    > ICQ will stop working on June 26. It's encouraging users to migrate to a messaging app from Russia-based VK, its parent company. I stopped using ICQ in the very early 00s. I didn't know anything of it still remained.

    Oregon Bishma 4 months ago 96%
    Oregon, Once a People Magnet, Saw Population Fall Again in 2023

    Subheading: If the trend continues through 2030, the state could lose its recently added sixth U.S. House seat, a think tank says. > What does Oregon have in common with West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Louisiana? > > They all lost population in the year ended July 1, 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest estimates, along with California, Hawaii, Illinois and New York. > Overall, Oregon’s population fell by 6,021 people, or 0.14%, to 4,233,358. That’s the seventh-largest loss in the nation, just behind high-cost California at -0.19% and ahead of Rust Belt Pennsylvania at -0.08%. > > The declines, though small, are dangerous for a state like Oregon, which has relied on in-migration for much of its economic growth.

    cats Bishma 5 months ago 100%
    Meet our new buddy Timber

    We adopted Timber (age 4) today from the [a rescue]( in Springfield Oregon. He's only been with us about 4 hours but he's already settling in. We met him at a multi-rescue adaption event this afternoon and were told we'd be called this week to finish the process. Then about 45 minutes later they called to tell us the loud event was making him miserable and they'd be happy to have us take him to our nice quiet home. He's currently in our 2nd bedroom to let him acclimate for a week or so before introducing him to our other cat and the rest of the house. He was very stressed at first but by the end of the first hour he was already training us how he likes to be petted, and how he drools when you're doing it right. ![]( ![](

    Eugene Bishma 5 months ago 100%
    Meiji Makes a Comeback – Eugene Weekly

    Izakaya Meiji is Izakaya Meiji again. I never tried Junglefowl. Did anyone else?

    Wizards Bishma 5 months ago 87%
    Tree Wizard by Alex Plante (from Taskmaster UK)

    [Artwork Source]( Inspired by this [Taskmaster Task](

    Oregon Bishma 6 months ago 100%
    Stargazer’s paradise: Oregon area named world’s largest dark sky sanctuary

    > With clear skies and sparse trees, the Oregon outback has long been regarded as a stargazers’ paradise. Now the region is home to the world’s largest dark sky sanctuary, offering pristine views of the night sky across 2.5m acres. > ...becoming the largest of 19 sites around the world with the same designation. The sanctuary covers Lake county in south-eastern Oregon, a remote area roughly half the size of New Jersey, and could eventually expand to include more than 11m acres.

    Bats Bishma 7 months ago 97%
    The Darkness

    I was reminded of this oldie but goodie by [a post]( my mastodon feed

    MST3K Bishma 7 months ago 93%
    The real Crow

    Bill re-posted [this on bluesky]( last night

    Oregon Bishma 7 months ago 100%
    CenturyLink left customers without Internet for 39 days—until Ars stepped in

    > When a severe winter storm hit Oregon on January 13, Nicholas Brown's CenturyLink fiber Internet service stopped working at his house in Portland. > It took about 39 days for CenturyLink to restore broadband service to Brown and even longer to restore service to one of his neighbors. Those reconnections only happened after Ars Technica contacted the telco firm on the customers' behalf last week. > Brown's situation was almost exactly like one we wrote about in August 2023. In that case... CenturyLink left 86-year-old Minnesota resident Helen Marie Plourde without home Internet and phone service for over a month. This makes me glad my mom was able to dump CenturyLink a year ago.

    homeassistant Bishma 7 months ago 100%
    Nabu Casa joins the Z-Wave Alliance

    From the blog post: > TL;DR: We have joined the Z-Wave Alliance, thanks to revenue from Home Assistant Cloud subscribers, and will start the certification process for Z-Wave JS. As a z-wave user myself, I am pleased by this. I was apprehensive about Z-Wave JS at first, but its been super reliable and stable for me.
