rollercoasters RollerCoasters 'The beast is back' | New roller coaster announced for Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 5 days ago 100%

    One of my bigger complaints about BGW as a whole is the theming. I just don’t feel like the countries, rides, and other theming all flow together well. Then some rides have potential for theming and it falls flat, and some don’t even try.

  • parenting Parenting What is the latest funny thing that your child did or said recently?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 days ago 100%

    We took our daughter to a high school football game last night. As we’re parking she goes, “I want to watch people play game ball!”

  • rollercoasters RollerCoasters Busch Gardens Williamsburg platinum pass review
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 days ago 100%

    I went to Busch Gardens Tampa once, SeaWorld Orlando twice, and Aquatica in Orlando once. I was planning on going to SeaWorld in San Antonio (cancelled by hurricane) and Sesame Place (cancelled by too much other unexpected travel). Most of the people who live around here have a lower tier pass, which offers different benefits.

  • rollercoasters
    RollerCoasters 93maddie94 7 days ago 100%
    Busch Gardens Williamsburg platinum pass review

    I’ve had my platinum pass for Seaworld parks for 11 months now, it was my first time having a non Cedar Fair or Six Flags pass. Since I’ve lived 25 minutes from Williamsburg I figured it was the time to try, especially since almost everybody I know has a pass.  First, cost. My platinum pass was over $400. I have never paid this much for a pass before, and to rub salt in the wound, I could’ve gotten the same pass for only $200 if I didn’t live in Virginia (or any other state with a Seaworld park) by purchasing the San Antonio platinum pass. Having the same pass (with some differing benefits) for such a difference in price depending on location is insane.  Now, I will say that there have been a lot of benefits that I have been able to take advantage of with this pass. My 6 free tickets became easily over 10 if you count the platinum bonus tickets or the extra Water Country USA tickets, nobody else in my family needed a pass and we were able to go together or with friends multiple times. There were also double discounts on food and drinks, $10 “Busch bucks”, extra discounts on specific stores, and other free things that could be redeemed during your visit. Most of these were once a month benefits. There’s also a one time fast pass per trip, but I honestly never used it.  However, redemption of the pass perks is difficult. First you either need to wait in line at a kiosk or at guest services for them to print out individual cards. These cannot be reprinted, so if you lose one or don’t redeem it and forget to bring it back, you’re out of luck. Then, employees are unable to make all the discounts work appropriately. I think only once was I able to get both my platinum pass discount and whatever extra discount was on the card. Every other time after examining the receipt something didn’t come off correctly. I’m not sure how their computers are set up or their employees are training but something isn’t right.  The park map and the app is confusing. Most parks I can take a lap around and have a general idea of at least where all the big rides are. Here I felt like I hit so many dead ends and main paths that look like they lead nowhere. The map on the app does not allow rotating and as soon as you toggle something “on” giant labels take up so much of the screen space. The app itself also offers no filtering. You can see an alphabetical list of rides. You cannot filter by height requirements, type of ride, wait time, or anything else. The picture that is shown of the ride is usually not very helpful in determining what type of ride it is either.  Ride operations are honestly not too bad. They’re not the most efficient I’ve seen but I have also seen much, much worse. During busier times they also have single rider lines available at Griffon, Alpengeist, and Apollo’s Chariot (though honestly the lines never seem that long anyway). It’s important to note that the entire park doesn’t always open when the park does, which is something I’ve mostly seen at SeaWorld parks. I was planning on hitting Loch Ness Monster and then DarKoaster, only to find that all paths to get to DarKoaster were blocked off.  The coaster lineup is decent, and is definitely worth the trip if you’ve never been. There’s some good credits. You’ve got your Arrow looper, launch coaster, dive coaster, inverted coaster, indoor coaster, and your B\&M hyper. Verbolten is also a fun experience.  My conclusion is that Busch Gardens Williamsburg is a perfectly fine park, but is overpriced when compared to others, especially if your reason for visiting is thrill rides. I will not be renewing my pass, opting instead for Cedar Fair passports for this next year. (My toddler is almost 36” and wants “baby rollercoasters” in the worst way, and the Busch Gardens kiddie coaster is 38”). My biggest reason in the future for getting a SeaWorld pass again would be the convenient location and the number of friends that have passes. For just me, I’ll pass (no pun intended).

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you have trouble explaining your job to people?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 7 days ago 100%

    When I say I’m a school librarian, most people can make a connection and have an understanding. And as long as their next comment isn’t some Fox News bullshit (which was real fun at my grandmother’s funeral), I can usually leave it at that.

    But the actual day-to-day complexities of what I do isn’t going to be understood. Most days I am checking out over 400 books to students, which means my volunteers, me, and my para (assistant) are checking in and reshelving over 400 books each morning. That’s over 800 books scanned each day. Then, I am also teaching six 45-minute classes every day and I see each student in our school (over 700) twice a week in those classes. So I am planning and prepping for those classes, teaching those classes, and running the book checkout. Not to mention managing behaviors and helping some of our new students (especially kindergarten) understand the expectations of the library. I am currently planning our book fair happening in a few weeks, getting ready to start my after school club, facilitating a $500 per grade level order for books and supplies, fielding sales phone calls, balancing my ~$10K budget, and being the team lead which involves monthly meetings to attend, twice a month meetings to run, and many additional emails. So yes, I do read to kids and let them take books home, but that’s nowhere near the end of my to-do list.

  • fucksubscriptions Fuck Subscriptions Outrage As Canva Triples Subscription Price
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 1 week ago 100%

    I really like Canva. I used Canva for education both in grad school and now at the school where I work. Its problem is that it thinks it is better than it actually is. It is throwing all these “features” nobody wants and is charging outrageous prices.

  • technology Technology New panic alarm system at Georgia H.S. saved lives during shooting, officials say. Advocates want it nationwide.
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 weeks ago 100%

    I like these badges, and want them for my school. First, we absolutely need better gun laws and need to change the gun culture in the United States. But even the school shooter stuff aside, we have 700 elementary kids at my school. Several are prone to seizures. Several are diabetic. MANY have life threatening allergies. Several have disabilities (or poor parenting/lack of resources at home) that leave them prone to outbursts that at a minimum disrupt the classroom and at most endanger the safety of the other students. We do not have enough walkies to give one to every teacher who has a severe need in their classroom. That leaves the option of calling the front office or going to the wall and pushing the call button for the office to respond. Badges like this can help so many stressful situations, and eliminate the excessive amount of chatter on a walkie.

  • parenting Parenting Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 4 weeks ago 100%

    The Halloween section at Costco

  • parenting Parenting Progress Tuesday - What is your child's latest achievement?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 1 month ago 100%

    Today was a big day! My two year old went on three new non-kiddie rides at an amusement park (pirate ship, caterpillar ride, and log flume) and also went number 2 on the potty twice

  • parenting Parenting Stuff I never thought I’d say as a parent Sunday
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Please don’t eat your shoes

  • parenting Parenting It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    2 year old taking a big drink of milk. “Tastes like ahhhh”

  • rollercoasters RollerCoasters Kennywood closes rollercoaster after photo appears to show cinderblocks supporting part of the ride
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Yeah for the most part rides are not operated unsafely. Not addressing it specifically and closing it for a day is probably the best call. The internet allows people who don’t know what they’re talking about say a lot.

  • rollercoasters
    RollerCoasters 93maddie94 2 months ago 96%
    Kennywood closes rollercoaster after photo appears to show cinderblocks supporting part of the ride

    Kennywood closes rollercoaster after photo appears to show cinderblocks supporting part of the ride  WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. — Two days after an alarming photo from oneBURGH media blew up on Facebook, Kennywood pumped the brakes on the Racer, temporarily shutting the rollercoaster down Wednesday. The picture appears to show part of the ride jacked up on two large cinder blocks. “That’s not okay,” said Patrice Klimchock of Greensburg. “That’s scary to me.” Channel 11 showed people the photo, including Justin Gambrell, a Kennywood employee. “This doesn’t look right,” Gambrell said. “I didn’t even know about this, so this is a shocker for me. As somebody who works here, I feel like this should be stuff we know.” A spokesperson for Kennywood said rides are inspected daily but wouldn’t say how this could’ve gone unnoticed. “From my understanding that was inspected a few days ago, and that was how it was left to be running?” Klimchock said. “That concerns me.” The Racer is one of Kennywood’s oldest rides, first opening in 1927. Without going into detail about why the ride was closed, the amusement park’s communications director Lynsey Winters sent a brief statement saying, “A non-structural enhancement under the station is being made and the ride will reopen tomorrow.” Some parkgoers are raising questions about safety protocols. “I would want to know something like that even for the safety of others...because anything is possible,” Gambrell said. Klimchock agreed. “Kennywood’s a great place and we love Pittsburgh and want to support it, but they need to take better care,” she said. When Channel 11 first inquired about the photo of the rollercoaster on Monday, Kennywood’s press team sent this statement: “The safety of our attractions is our top priority. All rides at the park are inspected daily by Pennsylvania-certified state inspectors before opening so that they may be enjoyed safely by all guests.” Channel 11 emailed and called the Department of Agriculture that oversees the ride’s inspectors and we have not heard back.

    news News New York City nonprofit provides free swimming lessons to underserved communities.
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Our local school district provides swim lessons as part of a PE unit to all second graders by busing them to a local indoor facility. They even have free swimwear available for students who don’t have it. A previous school district I was in had a PE program where 3-5th graders got to learn to ride bikes, they brought in a huge trailer of different sized bikes. There’s a lot of physical activity that some people take for granted without realizing that not everybody has the same opportunities. Programs like this are so important.

  • parenting Parenting It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Yesterday while sitting at a table waiting for ice cream my two year old looks at me and says “I wanna touch the wall. I wanna touch the wall a widdle bit” So I told her to go ahead. Helped her down. She walked over. Placed her hand on the wall. Then came back to sit. Kids.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your list of banned brands?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%
  • parenting Parenting Trick Wednesday - what is the latest "hack" you figured out?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Using a stroller fan to cool down hot food. I prop up the fan and then my hands are free to stir the food around. Works much quicker than blowing on it and don’t have to worry about getting lightheaded

  • parenting Parenting Progress Tuesday - What is your child's latest achievement?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    So an attempted achievement we had was going ice skating yesterday. There was a toddler class where the ice wasn’t clean from the previous day’s practice and kids could go out on their street shoes. They have sleds to pull them around, mini hockey sticks to hit around pucks, Pom-poms to throw in the net, and other activities to get them used to the ice surface. Then they put on skates off-ice and get used to the feeling. My child took three steps onto the ice and stated “I need all done ice”. We tried for about thirty minutes to get her comfortable in various ways and she wasn’t having any of it. I think a big part of the problem was for whatever reason she was literally the only kid there. So it was her and three adults, two of whom were complete strangers, in a completely new environment, with no other kids to feed off of. So while it didn’t go as I had hoped, she did step on the ice for the first time and hopefully when we go back in a few weeks she’s more comfortable with the idea.

  • parenting Parenting It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 2 months ago 100%

    Coming home from vacation we sent my husband on the plane first to set up her car seat and I boarded last with LO to get out last minute energy. She saw a plane outside the big window and yells “Hi dada! Go ahead! See you later!”

  • news News These queer farmers and ranchers are boycotting Tractor Supply and want you to join them
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    The one near us has a self serve dog wash. I can take my dogs and use their water, their shampoo, their towels, their dryers, and not have my bathroom covered in dog hair for $10.

  • parenting Parenting Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    So here’s one of our conundrums. Toys in the bath. Several months ago a little rubber duckie got caught under the tap when the tub was filling up. This sent our then 18 month old into a panic. We’ve had to completely remove toys from the bath and have only just been able to recently add them to the water after it’s filled up (before that toys even near the water would have her screaming, crying, and throwing them as far away as possible). Toys can stay in the water when it’s draining, but not filling. If the toys are in the empty tub she says “it’s okay. Toys okay.” but you’d think somebody was dying with the way she panics if there’s anything (even a wash cloth) in the tub while the water is on. She loves water otherwise.

  • parenting Parenting Trick Wednesday - what is the latest "hack" you figured out?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    Bubble gun in the bath. I shoot bubbles towards the ceiling and it gets her to look up long enough for me to rinse her hair. Also, we have finger paint soap. For awhile she was refusing to get her body washed after a string of bad diaper rashes from daycare. She would stand up to paint the wall and we could get her clean.

  • rollercoasters RollerCoasters Defunct Coasters
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    Disaster Transport

    Dragon Challenge (Chinese Fireball)

    Dragon Challenge (Hungarian Horntail)

    Lightning Rod (-2020)


    Mean Streak

    Mystery Mine (-2020)

    Steel Curtain

    Top Thrill Dragster

    Volcano - The Blast Coaster

    Wicked Twister

    These are all according to my coaster-count account though some are just updated coasters, not actually defunct.

  • parenting Parenting It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    My two year old saw a bug and immediately knelt down by it, exclaimed “ladybug! How sweet!”, then proceeded to stand up and attempt to stomp on it repeatedly.

  • parenting Parenting Parenting in an uncertain future, solidarity? Feels?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    I’m a teacher and a few days after my first (and only) was born the Uvalde school shooting happened. Postpartum emotions play a part, but it is really difficult to escape the growing negativity about the state of the world. She’s two now and while I do still have many concerns about the future I’m focused now on making each day as positive as I can for her. In my experience, in time, the intensity fades a little. You do what you can, accept you can’t control everything, and make the best with what you have.

  • parenting Parenting Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    2 years old - a puppet at a puppet show story time. She was in tears at the first song then for the rest of the show she kept repeating “puppet not bite you” and “puppet stay in blue box”.

    But then later said “I need more puppet” so maybe she got over it.


  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    Librarian at a PreK-5 school (3-11 years old). I teach 45 minute classes to everyone each week. 700 kids, 32 classes. Less stress than classroom teaching while still following the same schedule.

  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    We have to change our word/phrase/spelling for walk every year or so with our dogs. It’s currently called “going on an adventure”.

  • sciencefiction Science Fiction A new 'Hunger Games' book — and movie — is coming
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 83%

    I never had the impression that the last prequel book and movie were very popular. Sometimes it’s okay to just let things die.

  • texas Texas A Texas county removed 17 books from its libraries. An appeals court says eight must be returned.
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 3 months ago 100%

    Different article:

    Among the books ordered returned to the library shelves are "Caste: The Origins of our Discontent," by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson, and "They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group," by Susan Campbell Bartoletti. A book about a transgender teenager was also among the eight books ordered to remain on library shelves.

    But I can’t find a list of all 8 or a list of the 17 books originally banned.

  • parenting
    Parenting 93maddie94 4 months ago 94%
    What breaks in a toddler's brain when they mess up a task a little bit so they purposefully mess up the rest of the task?

    So I’m thinking along the lines of [this]( (volume warning) But my two year old just did the same thing while “helping” to feed the dogs. She spilled a few pieces, looked at the mess, and then dumped out the rest of the cup. She exclaimed, “I make a mess” then picked up the pieces, put them back in the cup, and successfully poured it into the dog’s bowl. What breaks in their brain where the task doesn’t go according to plan so they make an even bigger mess?

    coolguides Cool Guides Geology Terms
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 5 months ago 100%

    Saltwater lagoons and freshwater lakes maybe?

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Ruby Bridges: civil rights pioneer rejects claim book makes white children uncomfortable
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 5 months ago 83%

    The Scholastic comment in the article is no longer accurate. They did have an optional diverse collection for their book fairs but have since added them back into the regular delivery for book fairs.

    To the issue at hand, if Ruby Bridges was able to live through it as a child, your child can learn about it.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What do you do with your time after leaving Reddit?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 5 months ago 100%

    I browse Lemmy. Sorted by top 12 hours in the voyager app. That gets me through a few hours each day during the week. Then on the weekends when I have a little extra scroll time I go to mastodon when Lemmy is exhausted, and then I visit the few Lemmy communities I subscribe to sorted by new. I also have Feedly for RSS feed articles and Pixelfed occasionally. I have an almost 2 year old. My husband has a couple mobile games (mostly Pokémon related) that he’ll use for a few minutes at a time.

    Edit: I’ve also used Libby to read ebooks. If I have to stop suddenly because kids, I’ll just highlight whatever word I stopped on and pick back up later.

  • news News Teacher faces termination after calling in sick for 2 days to attend a concert in Nashville, district says
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    Teachers don’t have vacation days. They get 10 sick days per year. They get 3 personal days. It’s very possible the only leave she had were sick days.

  • news News Teacher faces termination after calling in sick for 2 days to attend a concert in Nashville, district says
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    Most places I’ve taught in the US don’t have vacation days. You have sick days (10 a year, they stack), and personal days (3 a year, max of 5 before they turn into sick days).

  • news News Youngkin vetoes Virginia bills mandating minimum wage increase, establishing marijuana retail sales
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    Fuck Trumpkin.

  • news News Nvidia Wants to Replace Nurses With AI for $9 an Hour
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    I agree that nurses are invaluable and irreplaceable and that no AI is going to be able to replicate what a human’s judgement can do. But honestly it’ll be the same as what our hospital’s “nursing line” offers us right now. You call and they ask scripted questions and give you scripted responses which usually ends up with them recommending that you go in. I get that it’s for liability but after 2 calls for our newborn we stopped calling and just started making our own judgement. But for actual inpatient settings? Absolutely no way. There’s no replacement for actual healthcare providers.

  • running Running Experiences running without a bra?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    I don’t think you’d have any long term issues if it’s comfortable for you (of course, depending on size). I personally like to run in nursing bras. They offer support without being too tight or restrictive and they’re easier to get on and off. But if no bra is working for you then I think you should be okay with running that way.

  • funny Funny A moment of brilliance
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    We went this fall like we have for the past few years but even the lemonades were $10-15 so I don’t think we’ll be returning.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do Sign Languages have puns?
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    I read a book last year (Song for a Whale) about a Deaf girl who would play a game with her grandfather where they would create a story together while using the same hand shape all throughout. So maybe they would make a fist, or ann open palm, or a “y” shape and then the story was created using signs that used that hand shape. If you couldn’t continue the story with the same hand shape you lost. Not exactly a pun but I thought it was interesting.

  • europe Europe Nearly two million Brits only wash their towels once a year
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 100%

    “No, I don’t wash the towel, the towel washes me! Who washes a towel?”

  • news News California lawmaker to introduce bill to remove artificial dyes from foods served in school
  • 93maddie94 93maddie94 6 months ago 93%

    I looked this up a little while ago because a student had a note in their file that they are to avoid red 40 due to behavioral changes. I think what I gathered is that there is maybe some evidence but nothing has been researched thoroughly to make any real determination. Here’s the conclusion of a study: “ Conclusions: A restriction diet benefits some children with ADHD. Effects of food colors were notable were but susceptible to publication bias or were derived from small, nongeneralizable samples. Renewed investigation of diet and ADHD is warranted.”

  • parenting
    Parenting 93maddie94 1 year ago 90%
    I need to figure out a way to get my one year old to differentiate between “put it away” and “throw it away”

    This message brought to you by the milk cup and makeup bag I’ve had to fish out of the garbage.
