No Stupid Questions 001100010010 1 year ago 80%


I've been depressed for a long time and to my parents, either you're fine and depression is just being dramatic, or your completely insane and you'll get kicked out, there's no in between.

Alright I'm just gonna eat unhealthy food, not excercise. Maybe I can get some sympathy if a get a "real" illness like diabetes. I doubt it tho, they're just gonna blame me for wasting their money. I mean okay then, I'll not go see a doctor so I don't waste any of your fucking money. You happy? I'll love to see a headline in the news "A dependent young adult dies from diabetes because he couldn't afford healthcare, and parents refuse to help." I'll love that headline.

I fucking hate life. Every day is just constsnt yelling in my house. I can't even function well enough to hold a job. Even if I do have a job, my parents will just demand the money to "help cover costs". 100% of the money. Yea like I'm gonna do that. I'm done. I'll make them watch me suffer until they either apologize for abusing me all these years, or until they say something that'll make me instantly end it.

Sorry for the rant, if I sound angry, it's cuz I haven't had my antidepressants for a few days because my parents have been hiding them.

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