

vegan sharkfucker420 16 hours ago 94%
What's y'all's position on lab grown meat?

I'm also curious about y'all's take on imitation meat as well. My assumption is no harm to foul but I am not educated on the subject. Also I mostly mean conceptually, I am aware that lab grown meat is no where near efficient or viable for mass production

vegan AcidCommunist 1 day ago 95%
vegan hypercracker 1 week ago 100%
Saying that people from some countries eat cats or dogs, an objective fact, is not racist. Saying that it makes them barbaric or that they're coming after your pets is racist.

No really, please do come up with an argument for why eating chicken/goats/pigs/cows is totally fine but eating cats & dogs is not. It is a dreary day outside so I would like a laugh.

vegan ButtBidet 2 weeks ago 95%
Non Vegans critiquing PETA is just them concern trolling their frustration that they shouldn't be eating animals

Please disregard my mod status for this post. This isn't a comm wide opinion and fellow vegans are welcome to disagree. Every time a obviously decent PETA post is shared on social media, maybe about fur or pet breeding, people come out of the woodwork to comment "wow one good opinion of PETA" or "broken clock is right twice a day". A very easy way for content creators to get views is to make yet another [anti-PETA video]( I needed to unfollow one YouTuber I liked, Call Me Kevin, because he [played all the PETA video games](, did the snarky thing, and had **nothing** to say about animals consumed for food. Sure PETA isn't perfect. They're an NGO and have most of the problems of the NGO-industrial-complex. They don't have anything to say about non animal issues. Arguably they're not intersectional. Their campaigns can be a be weird or cringe by Hexbear standards. The objectifying people's bodies thing is very debatable, although in PETA's defense, all the naked people in their campaigns are volunteers. It's questionable if someone who's eagerly signing up for a cause is being "objectified". I've had mates, better looking than me, passionately strip to their underwear for the cause of hurting less animals. But I'm not a woman nor an expert, and there may be some real space for critique, *if you're a vegan*. The number of times I've had to hear non-vegans, even left wing non-vegans, repeat [corporate talking points]( is embarrassing af for non vegans. On multiple occasions I've been banned from non-vegan pages for pushing back against this, politely and without insults. The amount of times I've been treated worse than racists get treated on social media and banned for gently pointing out animal abuse is at least a dozen. So some PETA Twitter post made some carnist sad/angry for ten seconds. Non-vegans feel stress from getting called out on their contribution to animals abuse. To this I say: good, I hope you feel stressed about what you do. I can't stress enough. PETA isn't perfect. But I have worked with them for animal-rights campaigns, and they're very helpful with resources and funding. In regards to the animal euthanasia thing, they could easily be liberals and give it up for marketing purposes. But their attitude is basically "we don't give a damn about what non-vegans think on the issue", which is kinda based. And I hope carnists continue to get cry about what PETA and other vegans are saying.

vegan Pili 2 weeks ago 100%
Ethical question about "EquiCoaching"

Hello everyone, I have an ethical question. My company is going to take us on a team outing, theoretically a secret, but it seems like it might be 'EquiCoaching'. I think the english term is "Equine assisted coaching" but it's difficult to actually find information on it. From what I’ve read, it's life coaching done by manipulating or establishing a relation with a horse (there is no riding involved I believe). It seems to me that this involves exploiting horses for financial gain, and I feel uneasy about being asked to participate in such activities, especially without being informed in advance (the theme of our seminars is always kept secret until the last moment). However, I am not at all familiar with this kind of practice, so I don’t know where the horses come from, how they are treated, what happens to them if they get injured, etc. So before I veto my participation, I’d like to hear from people who know more about it. Are there ethical issues in EquiCoaching that I should bring up to my management? Here are the pages of the two life coaches for EquiCoaching my management is in contact with if you want more info (be careful it's in french): I can't find any resources in english, there is a french Wikipedia page that isn't translated into any other language: There is an english page for Equine-assisted therapy but it seems to encompass a lot more that just life coaching.

vegan BeamBrain 3 weeks ago 94%
When a carnist tells you it's inappropriate to compare animal oppression to human oppression, they're demanding your capitulation.

A core tenant, perhaps *the* core tenant, of veganism is that animals have a moral worth comparable to that of humans and that we have similar moral responsibilities toward them that we do to other people. When a carnist tries to tell you that you're not allowed to compare animal oppression to human oppression, they are demanding that you implicitly accept the carnist view: that animals are inferior and lesser beings, and therefore we can brutalize and kill them without compunction. The comparison between animal oppression and human oppression is *only* degrading to humans if you start with this premise. It has nothing to do with being considerate to marginalized people (as they claim) and everything to do with creating a left-sounding justification to make your views verboten. If you are a minority discussing *your own experience* as a marginalized person in relation to animal oppression, carnists will try to dictate how you're allowed to talk about your oppression and use your solidarity with animals to get you into trouble. I have experienced this firsthand. They'll happily silence you in this manner because, for them, their concern was never with marginalized people - it was with their perceived right to not only enable the endless horrors of carnism, but to never be made the slightest bit uncomfortable about them.

vegan Yor 4 weeks ago 98%
I made spicy ramen!

[Recipe link]( ![comfy-cool]( "emoji comfy-cool")

vegan BeamBrain 4 weeks ago 100%
Sometimes I wonder if cultural fear of aliens is projection of carnism in addition to colonialism.

If someone concludes that it's fine for them to eat cows because cows never invented computers, then there's not really much of an argument against aliens turning us into meat slurry because they have the 4-chambered quantum brains needed to invent hyperdrive and we don't, is there?

vegan ButtBidet 1 month ago 98%
Lemmy world vegan community - hostile takeover

cross-posted from: [View the original post to see the images]( > (posting to both communities) > > A carnist lemmy world instance admin has stepped in and meatsplained to the mods while restoring comments that violated the community's rules. They deleted comments that they did not agree with, citing 'misinformation', and threatened to demod the mods if those comments were removed again. The comments were deleted and the admin was banned from the community as per violating the rules of the community, that was until they unbanned themselves (admin abuse) and unmodded two of the moderators because of "promoting harmfull actions against pets". > > As far as it stands, if the lemmy world community wasn't already not a safe vegan place for you (it really wasn't) it most certainly isn't now as carnists (lemmy world instance admin) currently mod it. > > I suggest any vegan who wants a safe and welcoming space to come and interact with Sorry for any inconvienance that this may have caused. I am deeply upset at the admins actions today and don't condone them whatsoever. > > > ![]( > > > ![](

vegan ButtBidet 1 month ago 100%
Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts

>All environmental indicators showed a positive association with amounts of animal-based food consumed. Dietary impacts of vegans were 25.1% (95% uncertainty interval, 15.1–37.0%) of high meat-eaters (≥100 g total meat consumed per day) for greenhouse gas emissions, 25.1% (7.1–44.5%) for land use, 46.4% (21.0–81.0%) for water use, 27.0% (19.4–40.4%) for eutrophication and 34.3% (12.0–65.3%) for biodiversity. At least 30% differences were found between low and high meat-eaters for most indicators. Despite substantial variation due to where and how food is produced, the relationship between environmental impact and animal-based food consumption is clear and should prompt the reduction of the latter.

vegan Robert_Kennedy_Jr 1 month ago 94%
I'm convinced some restaurants absolutely hate vegetarians/vegans

Is this a punishment? Did a vegan turn them down for prom and they swore eternal vengeance?

vegan ButtBidet 1 month ago 97%
Asking your date about veganism is such a good personality litmus test

I was hanging out with a women I went on a few dates with in the early 2010s. I was taken aback by her bad takes that evening, especially the body shaming and gossiping going on about mutual friends. She asks me why I'm vegan and I'm like "oh I went into a slaughterhouse once before, you can't believe...". And she interrupts me "Oh please don't tell me!" Honestly this woman if *fine*. She's not evil, just a bit bougie and lib. I've met much worse though. I can't get over all the women I've dated that have been super anti vegan or vegetarian, they were kinda shitty about other stuff later on. At the time it was shitty to fight with and lose someone who I cared about and spent a lot of time with, but in hindsight I'm so lucky they're gone. Quite a few dates I've been on have been fine or positive about veganism, and our friendship has stood the test of time. I'm *sure* this is just true for caring about other oppressed groups. Like if a date didn't give a feck about Palestine or queer people, they probably suck. I'm honestly sorry for people that date men, as so many of us have terrible convictions.

vegan ButtBidet 1 month ago 100%
Is it bad that I don't do B12 everyday as I often forget? Do any of you do other supplements?

Because really I just forget sometimes. Often it can be bad as one dose a week. I do the sublingual B12, as supposedly that absorbs better.

vegan Yor 1 month ago 98%
Scrambled tofu over rice

scrambled tofu with mushrooms, peppers, onions, and garlic, sriracha on top. v tasty ![comfy]( "emoji comfy")

vegan Angel 2 months ago 100%
Haha, you can't give an ENLIGHTENEDCENTRIST take on veganism, that would be impossi-

![cereal2]( "emoji cereal2")

vegan khizuo 2 months ago 94%
"this is why people hate vegans" no people hate vegans because they want to continue engaging in carnism and are looking for justification, lol

So tired of concern-trollers saying shit like "oh the uncreative recipes are why people hate vegans" "people hate vegans because they're white single-issue activists" "people hate vegans because they're annoying" "people hate vegans because the food is bad" like 1. literally none of those things are even true and 2. even if they were it's not why people hate vegans. also somewhat unrelated but i'm going to soapbox about substitutions: complaining about vegan substitutions is almost always anti-vegan unless it's a person having specific qualms with a specific thing. but there are people who will shit on substitutions as a whole concept and pretend they're so original and have the highest opinions of food ever created. like I'm sick and tired of non-vegans (and vegans too) complaining about tofu being used as a substitute in a lot of vegan dishes. just let people enjoy their goddamn food in peace.

vegan Angel 2 months ago 100%
wtf gonna be vegan even harder now

ignore my funky phone font

vegan Breath_Of_The_Snake 2 months ago 100%
Vegan frozen treat I just learned about!

Roast/cook some beans (literally any sort), season them, and put them in the freezer. It’s awesome, beat the heat with a bean treat!

vegan Angel 2 months ago 100%
I unironically have reclaimed "soyboy," so this meme only seemed appropriate.

It's over, carnists. As you can see here, I have depicted **YOU** as the Chad and **MYSELF** as the soyjak, so you've already lost.

vegan ButtBidet 2 months ago 95%
People​ who won't transition to vegan because it's hard when we all did it when it was way harder

Like in the 90s, there were zero veg restaurants (in my town, anyways). The best you could do was Indian, and damn I ate a lot of Indian. I was lucky if a store had one kind of tofu. Soymilk wasn't really sold in the store. Fake meats and specialty veg foods didn't exist. No vegan ice creams and desserts and shit. Also no Uber Eats. I listen to people complaining today and I really have no patience for it. I went vegetarian (not vegan*) at 19. I bought and cooked my own meals. I made a fuck ton of rice and beans. And I had to do this in a suburban hell with no car. Adults in a city whinge that it's hard and I'm like ![badeline-scream]( "emoji badeline-scream") Granted, people living in rural Kansas or whatever food desert might have it harder. For the rest, fucking just do it. *I've been vegan for ten years now

vegan QueerCommie 3 months ago 100%
My weakness
vegan marcie 3 months ago 100%
Interesting graph
vegan Angel 3 months ago 100%
Vanguard - Defeatist [Vegan Metallic Hardcore]

Vanguard is unapologetically a vegan leftist band, and actively supports and promotes a host of critical social and political causes, both lyrically and through the direct action and activism of its members. The band is ideologically tied to the animal liberation movement, endorses socialist political theory, is vehemently anti-fascist, and believes and fights for the political, legal, educational, and economic equality of all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or class.

vegan Angel 3 months ago 100%
Silliest Carnist Excuse

A guy on my Steam friends list told me "I'm okay with eating chickens because they descended from dinosaurs, and dinosaurs would kill me if I were alive during their time period." This is such an embarrassing excuse that it would actually be much more honorable for this guy to simply say shit like "I just don't give a shit about animals dying" or "Yeah, it's wrong to eat animals, but I'm a self-admitted hypocrite." Why do some people feel the need to go out of their way to justify carnism instead of... just being a carnist? It's not like I or anyone else can force this guy to stop eating chickens if he isn't to supply a justification for why he does it. As far as the argument itself goes, for a simple deconstruction of such an absurd take: if you want to make the claim that the behavior of one's ancestors can dictate what is an ethical way to treat an individual as a descendant, by this logic, a good person who has a father that's a murderer would be ethical to kill for "self defense." Obviously, this bozo wouldn't believe that, but his absurd take here isn't supposed to be logical; it's just another pathetic grasping at straws that's a part of this unfortunate, never-ending cycle in which carnists say whatever they want to say to pretend that they're not a part of the problem. That's it.

vegan ButtBidet 3 months ago 100%
Uncritical support to comrade bull [cw: injuries to deserving humans]

vegan ButtBidet 3 months ago 100%
Just a concerned YouTuber with double digit number of anti-vegan videos. What could happen?

Animal abusers deserve to see their career destroyed No I'm not complaining about HBomberGuy

vegan Xx_Aru_xX 4 months ago 100%
What's the general thought on Zoos, Aquariums, Safari, Animal reservations...etc

I don't want to be convinced that Zoos are bad or something, I want the points that might make them bad and the general thought you have on other things like that, I asked here because I want it from a point of view from people who also see human exploitation as a bad thing yk.

vegan hamid 4 months ago 100%
Introducing the Vegan Theory Club Lemmy Instance

cross-posted from: > **Introducing to the Vegan Theory Club Lemmy!** > > This is a link sharing site for vegan things. We have open registration if you want to create an account and log in. > > We host four communities which are like "subreddits" > > 1. [Vegan Home Cooks](/c/ > 2. [Vegan Recipes](c/ > 3. [Gardening](c/ > 4. [Vegan](/c/ > > The communities are here to help share links and photos for vegans by vegans. > > [!](/c/ is a site for a discord server called [Vegan Home Cooks Discord]( This is a low-friction post-what-you-cooked community so we can share what we made today and talk about it, no recipes required. We want to provide motivation and encouragement for each other and show off what we made today. > > [!](c/ is focused on how to cook and links to recipe sites. > > [!](c/ is focused on our gardens, plants, hydroponics and learning how to do it. Some of us are pros and some are just learning and want to post what we're reading and what we're doing. > > [!](/c/ is for general vegan news, I don't really know what to do with this one. > > If these don't show up on your home instance please search for them on your instance to subscribe and federate the posts for everyone on your insance! >

vegan BeamBrain 4 months ago 98%
Some anprim TERF wrote a book full of some of the worst arguments against veganism I've ever seen

The book in question is *The Vegetarian Myth* and it is full of arguments of a similar caliber

vegan dat_math 4 months ago 100%
[cw: cheese, dairy, NYU students] most sane cheesebreather in new york (NYU student went to rehab for cheese addiction)

>“I dabble, but not in the way that I used to before,” she said, adding the recent waves of anti-Israel encampments at Columbia and other universities prompted brief relapses. caseomorphins: not even once apologies if I missed a content warning or if this kind of article is inappropriate for the comm