
Fediverse Futures

Fediverse Futures humanetech 3 years ago 100%
We. The PeopleVerse. We weave web. Happy 2022!

Hi there fellow fedizen, it is great to see you in this community 😊 Why did I create this space, you ask? Well, first of all because Lemmy rocks of course, and I wanted to be part of the fun. ### [Fediverse Futures: Visions & Dreams]( This community will focus on the future of the fediverse mostly. Because our potential is humongous and remains largely untapped. Fedi has come a long way, and has explored 'doing social media differently'. Free, libre and open software, a great online culture, tremendous diversity and wonderful people. It is time to go beyond microblogging and - like Lemmy and other [splendid apps]( - go way further in the realm of possiblities. The dream of Fediverse Futures is ... ## "Social Media Reimagined" Yeah, that's right. We should _go wild_ in exploring what is possible. Dream our most beautiful dreams, and cooperatively work on materializing them. Make them real. In this space we'll brainstorm and ideate, letting our imagination run free. This community is a companion to [Fediverse Futures]( that exists at [SocialHub]( This community is non-technical at heart. It is for everyone dreaming fedi dreams. Visionary ideas discussed here, can be taken further on the SocialHub forum to be elaborated and further flesh them out with more technical discussion.

Fediverse Futures wargreymon2023 7 months ago 57%
A true fediverse that is free from capitalism of data brokers

1. Reddit sells its api for high and is about to go for an IPO, its economy bases entirely on the data made by the users/communities. It is the work of the public, get robbed by a small group of individuals. A living example of capitalism. 2. Fediverse isn't enough to secure the publicity and usage of public data. What if the host of Lemmy instance also releases the snapshots of all the posts and modlogs, everyday, in the form of bittorrent? Only by doing so, we are safe from the host erasing public knowledge and data brokers.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 1 year ago 100%
Towards a #Peopleverse

Just gave my satyrical take on [The Splinterverse]( Grassroots movements adopt an implicit "Divided we will be conquered" approach, where big corporate newcomers can easily disrupt with Big Marketing™ followed by an Eternal September by their user influx to the Fediverse. The Muskening™ already gave a taste of that. Currently new channels are abuzz with the Reddit shenanigans, and there's potential for another influx. People are inventing names like "threadiverse" for forum-like federated apps. There's a broader vibe where people come to the realization that [enshittification]( on proprietary walled garden platforms is inevitable, and that the old web is re-emerging with blogs and webrings. And the heterogenous Social Web with countless alternative federated/decentralized apps where there isn't a single gatekeeper. That opportunity certainly exists (as Meta likely know all too wel also). The common name that has stuck is "Fediverse", or affectionally spoken the "fedi". Many say it is a bad name, and maybe it is. It is a name you get used to, though, and it is not easy _at all_ to introduce a new name in a grassroots movement. But that is NOT what I find important at all .. The Fediverse has slowly matured during many years. That slow growth has shaped an all-important aspect: A vibrant culture. This is what all growth-hacking enterpreneurial minds easily overlook. There have been a shit ton of social media launched.. and failed. The big ones we have have their solid position with FOMO and network effects. Those who say social media is easy have survivorship bias. _"It is the culture that matters, stupid!"_ I love all the quirky aspects of the Fediverse. The diversity and inclusion. The weird angles. And also, weirdly enough.. the friction. Friction to get on the Fediverse has also served as a filter. We now have 'competitor' decentralized social networks with Nostr and Bluesky. "Nostr is developing way faster.. come to us!" --> This is a purely technical viewpoint. Wait till you see what culture that creates. Technical buzzwords like "encryption", "censorship-resistance", "micropayment", etc. that seem like features may see all the wrong types being attracted to those networks. What I feel is the biggest thing that is missing on the Fediverse is a **shared vision**, a common notion of where we are headed, where the potential of the Fediverse is, what we might achieve collectively. It is "App focus". App app app app app ... **Apps are siloes!** Related to "marketing against Meta" it was asked "Where is the Mastodon branding agency?" --> They branded an app, not an ecosystem / online environment. And them being successful means we have this big confusion now, where people "Join the Mastodon". We should get rid of app focus. The vision that appeals to me, and I am advocating for quite a while is that of a **Peopleverse** to emerge. - Fediverse (technical) --> Peopleverse (social) The Peopleverse is NOT a name.. it is an abstract idea, a vision of how things might be. The Peopleverse is where people find value online. Where they interact with others in a way that is enriching to their lives. It is where online and offline worlds are seamlessly intertwined. Considered like that means that this Peopleverse will also have implications for the technical perspective, when looking at the Fediverse technology landscape and ecosystem. It highlights the amount of socio-technological support that is needed. It highlights a **technology vision** that encompasses the Fediverse's full potential.

Fediverse Futures Tomat0 1 year ago 100%
Looking for Developers to Help the Fediverse: Join Guild Alpha!

cross-posted from: > Today, we are taking the first step in building out an initiative to create opportunities for people to help build the Fediverse and create an organizational structure which can allow developers to coordinate their efforts where most needed. > > We call upon anyone with both the skills and motivation to join us and the Guild we are starting, Guild Alpha. Read the announcement linked to learn more and find out how you can participate! > > > If anything discussed here has your interest or you want to help grow free-software and the Fediverse, fill out this [form]( to let us know! > >

Fediverse Futures humanetech 1 year ago 100%
Will Forge Federation turn the tide of One-Stop-Shop Software Development?

Copying some of my [thoughts](!$sZiISAydRsc6bnrAd3GimuOpvxmR_TYzJtkWkABa7aw? from [forge federation]( chatroom: --- Hmm, I have bumped into in the past, marked it as "interesting" for myself, and moved on. Yesterday became the [hot thing on HN]( (though on AI topics). Just again navigating the site now.. and here we see another platform operating on a breadth of services, that may just give Github folks a cold sweat. It is not all smooth.. there are quirks in the site. But they are highly innovative, it shows. And apparently raking in investment money. Here we have another one-stop-shop integrated experience offering "Help with Software Development". I wonder what this disruptive trend will mean for FOSS code forges in the future. We are moving towards this: - Most devs: "We develop in Github / Replit / JetBrains / Gitlab.. it great. Highly productive." - FOSS folks: "Use our tools. We have a huge patchwork of them, and you must configure them all, copy/paste between, have manual processes, and who needs that slick UX, right?" (Actually this is already the current situation) The tagline on Replit is interesting (highlight mine): _"Build software collaboratively with the power of AI, on any device, **without spending a second on setup**"_ We are so used to the way we develop software now, that we think that setting all the infra, CI, docker/k8s, what-have-you, and then configuring/tweaking, documenting it in README and Docs comes with the job. Well, it does not. It is a huge time-waster and the low-hanging fruit of increasing productivity. Any platform that removes all that from the picture, turned into some point-and-click UI, selecting from a marketplace of dev environments, etc. will give any manager 🤩 eyes.. and competitive advantage. And that's only the start. There's so many other common chores to be taken out of the equation on one-stop-shop automated online platforms. In this trend I also expect Git to die eventually. It is very powerful tool, and lovely to do common things. But devs hate it when more advanced Git things need to be done. In the one-stop-shop future, git is implementation detail abstracted away deep in the platform. You don't need to be aware of it, even when developing locally offline. Because you will do that based on a full-blown "dev environment" package that you obtain from the platform. - "I want to develop offline" --> sync local all-in dev package --> start package, code in package's IDE offline --> syncs back automatically when online again. - "I want to contribute to this other project with other infra/techstack" --> click & code --> done. I might also highlight the _"**collaboratively**"_ in the same tagline. Replit already offers collaborative coding where - similar to Google Docs - you see the other people's cursor and activities. But this collaboration will of course be scaled to include the needs of any type of stakeholder involved in the Software Development process. That this will happen is a no-brainer. Most software projects fail because of all the handovers between stakeholders with poor collab and communication barriers. The idea behind [Social Coding]( and the Free Software Development Lifecycle ([FSDL](, is that we in the Free Software movement should spend time to fill the gaps in this regard, where the FOSS movement is even weaker than corporate IT world with our tech-mostly focus.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 1 year ago 100%
From Splinterverse to resilient GrassrootsFedi dev community: The time is now!

cross-posted from: > Fediverse is going mainstream fast. And it is going to be a corporate hellhole if the grassroots initiatives that drove it to its current success are losing their grip on evolution in proper direction: Humane tech that is to the benefit of the people andd society, free culture thriving. > > While corporate threads are looming, meanwhile the activated developer community is once again splintering, fragmenting initiatives appearing that dilute attention to focus on common efforts, cohesion, cross-pollination and collaboration. The "herding cats" problem of grassroots movements. > > Great opportunity is now. Cohesion means that initiatives remain independent, but take care to coordinate with what is going on elsewhere. > > 👉 You can help! Avoid a CorporaVerse where you are exploited and milked. Bring attention to the opportunity and participate in the related initiatives to help bring them closer together. You might also boost my [related toot](

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Please promote your SocialHub. It is important!

With Fediverse going mainstream and corporate interests aplenty, it is very important to promote SocialHub and the FEP process, so that there's higher chance of keeping the fedi open and accessible to anyone. Anyone can help in this regard.

Fediverse Futures Tomat0 2 years ago 60%
Scheduling Posts on Mastodon

A video exploring the brief history of scheduling posts as a feature on Mastodon, in which ways it has been implemented, and progress being made to implement it. [YouTube Link](

Fediverse Futures serenity 2 years ago 100%
Friendica 2022.12 released – friendica

Tobias | 20. December 2022 We are very happy to announce the avail-ability of the new stable version of Friendica. Wrapping up the sprint from the 2022.10 release of Friendica we closed 73 filed issues and had almost 300 pull requests by 19 contributors.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Priorities to Make the Fediverse Sustainable

Very interesting article tooted by author [Alek Tarkowski](

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Contribute to Fediverse curated lists of the Delightful Club

The Fediverse going mainstream is ablaze with new developer activities. Many new projects are starting. I am co-maintaining 3 lists, part of the [delightful project]( (this is similar to Github Awesome lists, but only for FOSS, Open Data and Open Science, and without sponsored ads) and can need your help to keep the lists up-to-date. Find a new project or an entry that needs updating? Please PR to one of the following repositories: - - - The apps and ActivityPub resources from these lists will be hand-picked for inclusion in [Fediverse Party]( website. And the lists are auto-compiled into the [Delightful Club]( website. If you want to become part of the Delightful Club and maintain a sub-list on a subject of your choice, then [file an issue]( to the top-level ist.

Fediverse Futures poVoq 2 years ago 100%
Skill Guilds for Remote Workers

Not sure why, but I feel this might be related to the Fediverse :)

Fediverse Futures TimothyMcFuck 2 years ago 90%
So how does the fediverse work in regards to lemmy?

Who else do they federation with?

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Important: We need Your Input on the Future of the SocialHub

The activity of the SocialHub community, like all other 'fediverse-substrate' bodies, has waned. From an active community to just a forum. Now a decision has to be made for the future of SocialHub. The options are stopping, be just a forum, or revitalize a vibrant community. The last option needs people willing and committed to do so. To step up for the sake of Fediverse Futures.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 95%
Help make the European Commission EUVoice and EUVideo pilot a success

cross-posted from: > The EU via their Horizons Europe program, the [Next Generation Internet]( (where e.g. NLnet are associated) (NGI Initiative) are the biggest funders of the [free software projects]( that comprise the fedi. Without their support fedi wouldn't be what it is now. > > The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently [launched a pilot]( to have both a Peertube and Mastodon instance on the Fediverse, hashtagged #EUVideo and #EUVoice respectively. On these servers official European Commission related institutions as well as individuals working at the EC can have their accounts. > > This recognition of the Fediverse and the interest that exists in entering our decentralized social networking environment is an important development. With success of the pilot there will undoubtedly be a follow-up and more initiatives to come. First results until now is that the parties that 'test the waters' are very happy on the kinds of interactions and quality of discussions they encounter on the Fediverse. > > That is no wonder, of course. Fediverse offers **social networking** that is more personal and friendly, than corporate social media which is about 'broadcasting' and influencing. > > Current pilot can be a ramp up to something much bigger: > > #### Fediverse: United in Diversity > > A social networking technology where _everyone_ can find their place and participate, that is not controlled by Big Tech and commercial corporate interests. For the European Commission there is the opportunity to passionately put their support behind fostering **"The European Take On Social Networking"**. Fediverse aligns to the NGI Initiative who envision an [Internet for Humans]( > > ##### How you can help > > To progress towards this vision it is important for the EU/EC pilot to be a success. As fedizen you can help with this. Here are a couple of ways to offer your support: > > → **Follow, boost, favourite the [EUVoice accounts]( on Mastodon and [EUVideo]( Peertube videos.** > > - These early adopter accounts are _still learning_ how the Fediverse works, what the culture is and e.g. how we value accessibility and image captions. You can help them discover. > - Many accounts are still Twitter bridges and broadcast only. Some others respond and interact with fedizens, notably [@EC_OSPO](, [@EDPS]( and [@EC_NGI]( The operators of the Twitter bridges don't know what the value of Fediverse is to them, and if they should spend time with us. All reactions by us are monitored, so we can help them here. > - There are people giving highly toxic reactions to almost any EC-related toot. There are many things to be critical about. Politics is about the discussion of these issues, and good arguments help more than toxicity. Here we have opportunity to show we are different than the cesspit that Twitter is. > - Do not expect too much, too soon. There is a complex organization structure at the EC, and given the politically sensitive nature all communications are weighed carefully and undergo multiple levels of approval. Plans move slowly, but they are in motion. > > → **Let's give the fedi accounts more followers than they have on Twitter, if possible.** > > - For instance the [Director General of Informatics at DG DIGIT](, Veronica Gaffey, has 191 fedi followers in short time, while [on Twitter]( she has 279 followers. > > → **If you are on Twitter, then help encourage EC institutions to also have an account on EUVoice.** > > - A notable example is the [European Parliament]( Respond to their tweets and name-drop the fedi as THE place to be. > > → **We are gathering a group of volunteers on [SocialHub]( that can [help train EC representatives]( in how to use the Fediverse effectively and understand its culture.** > > - The activities we do here, starting later this year, stand to benefit any administration or institution interested to join the Fediverse, not just EU representatives. > > --- > > This post is also [cross-posted]( to the [Social Coding Movement]( that is dedicated among others to establish a Peopleverse on top of the fedi. Social Coding is not yet officially launched.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Idea: Federated Supply-Chain Packaging

And also tooted in

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Federated, free, and/or open source software will not be chosen over proprietary software unless they overcome this hurdle.

cross-posted from: > # Innovation requires resources > Innovation happens wherever we put our efforts towards. The space race and the technologies it gave us is an example. Finding ways of reducing the cost of production of commodities is another. The green transition is another example. > > These are the bounds that determine how innovation happens in federated social networks. They will only innovate when there is enough effort put towards them. Beyond technical innovation (perhaps in a TOR kind-of-network way, or in a Git kind-of-version-control way), a full-fledged piece of software that is effective and attractive enough for people to use, takes resources. > > These resources largely refer to labor power. Remember, we're not talking about maintenance costs, but development costs. Programmers require money to survive. > > # FLOSS is no exception > > Yes, FLOSS software can survive with volunteers, but even those volunteers have to pay their bills. Yes, the internet plus (as Bruce Schneier defines it), copyleft licenses, and already-existing technical know-how reduce the cost of production, but the costs are there nonetheless. Someone needs to do the work. > > I think about open source projects I admire. Diaspora received exceptional funding, relative to its goals. Signal was heavily funded by donations. Element has a business model that lets them work towards improving Matrix. Linux has many companies that depend on it and are able to finance innovation on it. > > This argument, applied to Lemmy, makes me wonder. How do Nutomic and Dessalines handle it? Are they precious exceptions that drive Lemmy forward because of their personal values and their willingness to use their technical know-how for the development of this platform? Will Lemmy thrive without them? > > This brings me to another point: FLOSS and federated software has the advantage that many people are willing to spend their time working towards laudable goals. They are not motivated by profit as much as improving humanity. > > # FLOSS has a problem that others systematically address: making things attractive > > The issue with FLOSS projects is that they mainly respond to thought-out worldviews. That is, people are willing to engage with this kind of software because of logical reasons (*logos*, as Aristotle and those guys would call it). It is rarer to have people engage with FLOSS and federated software because of emotions (*pathos*). > > Unfortunately for humans, we are emotional creatures. I get put off by how unattractive the Free Software Foundation's website is, despite loving the values that the foundation stands for. I get put off by using terminals, despite the fact that plenty of FLOSS software does not have GUIs. I hate Thunderbird's calendar, despite using it daily. > > Companies with investors and FLOSS projects with enough funding know this and therefore pay graphical designers, user experience experts, and sometimes market researchers to make products attractive. This takes money. > > # Conclusion > > And that brings us back to my point: for free software to be *chosen* by most people, it has to have enough labor behind it to make it both effective and attractive. This is the hurdle it needs to be overcome. > > ## Notes on my sources > > These are reflections that arose after a series of conversations with a friend who works at an 'innovation office'. His job is explicitly to design an 'innovation ecosystem', which attempts to create innovation with minimal investment. Everyone at that office knows this is bullshit. Innovation rarely comes without money. Therefore, they basically look for investors for projects that don't have enough money. That's it. > > This view, that innovation requires investment, is shared by Anwar Shaikh and classical economics. > > However, it's more complicated with the research behind innovation. > > Let's take 'platforms of innovation'. For example, cosmopolitan cities, the internet, and universities are hubs of innovation. However, it's a mistake to think that these are 'neutral' in terms of costs. All of them require operational costs. All of them imply costs of technical training. Even here, there are costs that cannot be ignored. > > If we look at mission-oriented innovation, the situation becomes clearer. Universities doing cancer-related research, States doing green energy-related research, or companies doing market-related research all clearly align with the argument I made above. > > Finally, it's perfectly possible that the argument I made above is not at all original. In fact, I doubt it is. If anything, it could be similar to a high-school student discovering their own proof of the pythagorean theorem: it's not new for the community of knowers who already know it, but it's new from the point of view of the student. At least I get to share this with you and hear your thoughts about it. > > Oh, and given that Lemmy doesn't have terms of service yet, I wanted to make sure I could share this in the future. I licensed it under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]( Weird. I know. Oh well. At least you get to share it without fear!

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
State of the Forge Federation: 2021 to 2023

Forge Federation Needs Your Help 🤗 🚀 Join the [forge federation]( matrix chatroom, or the (less active) [gitea federation]( room.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 80%
Challenge: Overcome complacency and inertia on the Fediverse

!["This is fine" meme. First frame: "lol, as if we need more social tech". Second frame: "This is fine. They are not fedi".](

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Looking for Volunteers: Organize a Fediverse training for EU representatives

Note: Responses on cross-posted threads may be missed. The best way to indicate your interest is to reply to the SocialHub forum topic, or alternatively on the [Fediverse announcement here](

Fediverse Futures Edo_Secco 2 years ago 100%
Content mirroring will be a big problem

Few days ago I discovered that any time you follow a fediverse account on a different instance than your one, the server you are on mirrors the original content of any toot/post, and I think this is a huge issue, because then every Fediverse server/instance could quickly get overloaded from contents from other servers! Am I right? I've always thought that toots/posts from other instances were just "empty shells" retrieving the content on demand.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Fediverse, is there a need to formalize Botiquette?

Do we have a need for a good **#Botiquette** that can also be enforced or encouraged by the various social apps of the Fediverse? What are your ideas and considerations? Add them to the referenced Fediverse Futures SocialHub topic if you want them to be part of technical elaboration, if/when it comes to that. See also my toot at:

Fediverse Futures csdummi 2 years ago 100%
Sustainable free software development.

How can we develop free software sustainably? After discussion on Mastodon, I found these criteria were most wanted by the community that was willing to engage me there: - Accessibility of any scheme should match or even be greater than the accessibility of contributing to free software is today. - Decentralization of decision making. Any scheme shouldn't require loyalty to some organization, person or persons. - Independence of Big Tech. Any scheme should work with or without the consent of Big Tech.

Fediverse Futures Liwott 2 years ago 100%
Sewing with threads

I recently started thinking again about the [Social knowledge fabrics]( discussion, and it seems to me that one of the biggest obstacles for fedi to become one is the following. The things we refer to as "threads" are actually "branches of a tree". You have a trunk, basically the whole fedi, each post is a branch, each branch can itself ramify into branches, but all the branches stay independent. It would be useful if a discussion branch was not only shaped like a thread, but also had the usefulness of one : sewing, or tying together different discussion topics. Sometimes I think again about an old discussion when participating in a new one, and so I cite it. But this message is still fundamentally part of the new discussion, while the newly established link should be of equal interest to participants of both threads. What we miss is for that message to be part of both conversations, or a clear way to automatically signify to both threads that something new happens. Of course, this can be done by hand, writing a comment in each cited branch to point to the new one. But we won't remeber to do that everytime, or we will not want to "necrobump", or we just don't want to make the extra effort. So it would be interesting if the relations were established automatically. For example the way I proposed for Friendica's quote-shares in the linked URL, or the way GitHub handles issue that cite each other. Maybe two old topics will come to know about each other that way, effectively being sewed by the new thread.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Howto facilitate the fediverse for its own development?

The lack of deeper integrations between different app types and the federated identity issue (every instance their own signup and user acccount) form significant barrier to widespread collaboration is my general observation. For instance in any well-received toot with a link to a [SocialHub]( forum topic on average no one takes the effort to respond on SocialHub. Mostly the discussion remains microblogging, and then it sinks into history when activity peters out. The insights and collective knowledge isn't gathered and lost.

Fediverse Futures meloo 2 years ago 90%
Why aren't people spreading out to other instances?

cross-posted from: > Pretty much everyone I see is on Why aren't people moving to other instances? I see thisproblems on Matrix too.

Fediverse Futures meloo 2 years ago 91%
I'm after game ideas for fedi tribes.

Basically I want to make a game bot that promotes interaction between instances; so, each instance is a tribe, and you have to go off and play against people on other instances. But I haven't really figured out what the actual game should be. I'm loosely basing it on the idea of Tribal Wars, but I don't think that would work very well since it's intensely precise - most worlds have a forced attack launch delay of 100ms, and this is for a reason. I think something more turn-based is fine. But does it even need to be a territory-control game in the first place? Card games maybe not great since having a hidden hand is annoying.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
What is the Vision of the Fediverse?

Elementary my dear Watson, namely ...

Fediverse Futures humanetech 2 years ago 100%
Challenge: Fixing the Fediverse Technology Adoption Lifecycle

On the new [Discuss Social Coding]( (that has not officially launched yet) I posted some notes on a particular challenge the fedi imho faces, that hampers adoption and poses growing risks in the future if not dealt with appropriately. The notes leave a lot of things I've been looking deeper into unmentioned, but you may find them interesting nonetheless.

Fediverse Futures libre_warrior 3 years ago 100%
Topological comment sorting

EDIT: More precise titles. The way we sort comments on lemmy today is through giving everyone the ability to up and downvote any comment. You upvote comments you want to be more visible and downvote comments you want to have less visibility. I think ranking comments are great if some opinions contribute more. Imagine the value of a comment can be determined before voting. Perhaps with a panel of judges. With rankings -10 to 10 where -10 is dangerous misinformation, 0 has no meaningful contribution and 10 is perhaps mindblowingly enlightening or empowering. # Example of lemmy style sorting Lets say a post is submitted. On the first day, it received the comments with a judges score (user, score): (monkey, 8), (zebra, -2), (horse, 5), (panda, 3), (rhino, 3). A post get the most visibility the first day. Therefore, those who post early can get a lot of votes. However on the second day, one user submitted the comment: (Flower, 9) A this point in time the post doesnt have that many voters. And the top comments has increased visibility, so for every vote flower gains, the top comment might have received another. So we end up with the final ranking: Monkey, horse, panda, flower, rhino, zebra. So it ends up only ranking similar to panda and rhino even though the score was much higher. There was a mismatch between votes and score. # Solution, the topoligical sort We should concider moving away from voting on comments individually to voting comparatively. Where you perhaps determine the most valuable comment out of a selection. Then a topological sort can put the best comment on top. So even if flower is late to the party, their insight is still spread.

Fediverse Futures Tomat0 3 years ago 100%
How You Can Help The Fediverse

This video is meant moreso to serve as a pitch to those who are already interested in promoting these values. The focus is really on giving more organization to free culture projects and initiatives. Really what’s needed more than anything else is drive, but if you have any skills or projects you’d like to share, let us know. If PeerTube isn't working, the video is also hosted on YouTube:

Fediverse Futures humanetech 3 years ago 100%
Towards a Greater Federated Architecture

cross-posted from: []( wonderful article highlights many points that need to be explored, challenges to be tackled, for healthy [Fediverse Futures]( ... > Over the years, I've been studying a handful of different fediverse platforms that bring a lot of interesting concepts to the table. > > As someone that has studied and [reported on]( the developments of these various systems, I've decided to put together a summary of things I'd like to one day put into my own federated platform, should I ever develop enough brainpower to actually develop one.

Fediverse Futures humanetech 3 years ago 100%
"Community has no Boundary"

Starting with the posted link and in more recent discussions of [Standardising on ActivityPub Groups]( I have been advocating for some time to make "Community" a native concept of the Fediverse. Something that better represents communities in the real world: groups and individuals with intricate social relationships between them. Why? The following [toot by @cicatriz_jdr]( provides one reason: ![Nerdy man in shirt with beer in hand on a party explains the Fediverse to a woman.]( _**""... and these 'instances' are all on separate servers, so it's totally decentralized. but posts on one instance 'federate' with other instances, except when they don't, which basically half the time. now here's where it gets tricky...""**_ And the [follow-up by @throwawaygiraffoid]( is more hilarious even: _**"THERAPIST: And those ""instances"" are they ""federating"" with us right now?"**_ With a community-native fedi you can avoid talking on the INFRASTRUCTURE level.. ## Fediverse: Peopleverse! ##### _"Yes, the Fediverse is an online world-wide social space where there are numerous communities where you can meet people. They all have different themes and activities and you just join where lies your interest. Or create your own community for your friends and family on whatever has your passion."_

Fediverse Futures humanetech 3 years ago 100%
Podcasting and ActivityPub

Interesting developments to bring Podcasting domain to the Fediverse. Check it out and add your related resources and/or experiences with the projects.