cannabis Cannabis BMDV - Unabhängige Expertengruppe legt Ergebnis zu THC-Grenzwert im Straßenverkehr vor (3,5 ng/ml)
  • wintermute wintermute 6 months ago 100%

    Ich hab' zuerst Langhaarige Konsumenten gelesen... XD

  • fediverse To The Fediverse Beehaw, Lemmy, and A Vision of the Fediverse | Beehaw Docs
  • wintermute wintermute 6 months ago 100%

    Your toxic attitude speaks for itself.

  • support Beehaw Support Beehaw, Lemmy, and A Vision of the Fediverse - Ruminations on the past and visions of the future
  • wintermute wintermute 6 months ago 100%

    Running an instance myself, the lack of mod-tools is very frustrating for quite some time now. I totally agree with pretty much all improvements beehaw suggested in the past to solve these issues. It's a shame how this topic is handled...

  • cannabis Cannabis Söder warnt Cannabis-Konsumenten: Lieber raus aus Bayern
  • wintermute wintermute 7 months ago 100%

    Ja Prost!

  • main Haupteingang Was ist mit der Instanz los?
  • wintermute wintermute 8 months ago 100%

    Guten Morgen, Ich bin gerade GMT+7 ;)

  • main Haupteingang Was ist mit der Instanz los?
  • wintermute wintermute 8 months ago 100%

    Gibt es irgendein Update oder Lebenszeichen, dass daran gearbeitet wird, den Laden wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen?

    Ich bin dran, nach dem 19.2 Update läuft der Server am Limit, 5000 Instanzen sind out of sync, ich habe ihn gerade rescaled um den Prozess zu beschleunigen, danach sollte es endlich wieder flüssiger laufen, also bitte habt noch etwas Geduld.

  • europe Europe Federation issues still after upgrade to 19.2?
  • wintermute wintermute 8 months ago 100%

    Give it some time.

  • main Haupteingang Federation issues still after upgrade to 19.2?
  • wintermute wintermute 8 months ago 100%

    about 5k instances have to be synced.

    Give it some time to catch up.

  • main Haupteingang Aktueller Stand und Probleme mit der neusten Lemmy-Version
  • wintermute wintermute 8 months ago 100%

    Patch ist eingespielt...

  • main Haupteingang Aktueller Stand und Probleme mit der neusten Lemmy-Version
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Schon probiert...

  • main
    Haupteingang wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Leider gab es technische Probleme mit dem Server, weshalb ich ein ca. 24h altes Backup einspielen musste, um die Kiste wieder ans Laufen zu bringen. Tut mir wirklich Leid ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

    main Haupteingang Blockierung von Threads
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 66%

    Ich zitiere mal aus der Instanz-Beschreibung:

    Hier entsteht ein alternativer, unabhängiger und selbstverwalteter Raum zum freien Meinungsaustausch, jenseits der Kontrolle großer Tech-Unternehmen.

  • main Haupteingang Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Bugs bitte hier melden, danke!

  • main
    Haupteingang wintermute 9 months ago 100%
    Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue,_Scaled_sort,_and_Federation_Queue

    cross-posted from: > ## What is Lemmy? > > Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top. > > ## Major Changes > > This release is very large with [almost 400 commits since 0.18.5]( As such we can only give a general overview of the major changes in this post, and without going into detail. For more information, read the full changelog and linked issues at the bottom of this post. > > ### Improved Post Ranking > > There is a new [scaled sort]( which takes into account the number of active users in a community, and boosts posts from less-active communities to the top. Additionally there is a new [controversial sort]( which brings posts and comments to the top that have similar amounts of upvotes and downvotes. Lemmy's sorts are detailed [here]( > > ### Instance Blocks for Users > > Users can now [block instances]( Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn't affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities. > > ### Two-Factor-Auth Rework > > Previously 2FA was enabled in a single step which made it easy to lock yourself out. This is now fixed by [using a two-step process](, where the secret is generated first, and then 2FA is enabled by entering a valid 2FA token. It also fixes the problem where 2FA can be disabled without passing any 2FA token. As part of this change, 2FA is disabled for all users. This allows users who are locked out to get into their account again. > > ### New Federation Queue > > Outgoing federation actions are processed through a [new persistent queue]( This means that actions don't get lost if Lemmy is restarted. It is also much more performant, with separate senders for each target instance. This avoids problems when instances are unreachable. Additionally it supports horizontal scaling across different servers. The endpoint `/api/v3/federated_instances` contains [details about federation state]( of each remote instance. > > ### Remote Follow > > Another new feature is [support for remote follow]( When browsing another instance where you don't have an account, you can click the subscribe button and enter the domain of your home instance in the popup dialog. It will automatically redirect you to your home instance where it fetches the community and presents a subscribe button. [Here is a video showing how it works]( > > ### Authentication via Header or Cookie > > Previous Lemmy versions used to send authentication tokens as part of the parameters. This was a leftover from websocket, which doesn't have any separate fields for this purpose. Now that we are using HTTP, [authentication can finally be passed via `jwt` cookie or via header]( `Authorization: Bearer <jwt>`. The old authentication method is not supported anymore to simplify maintenance. A major benefit of this change is that Lemmy can now send cache-control headers depending on authentication state. API responses with login have `cache-control: private`, those without have `cache-control: public, max-age=60`. This means that [responses can be cached in Nginx]( which reduces server load. > > ### Moderation > > Reports are now [resolved automatically]( when the associated post/comment is marked as deleted. This reduces the amount of work for moderators. There is a new [log for image uploads]( which stores uploader. For now it is used to delete all user uploads when an account is purged. Later the list can be used for other purposes and made available through the API. > > ### Cursor based pagination > > `0.19` adds support for [cursor based pagination]( on the `/api/v3/post/list` endpoint. This is more efficient for the database. Instead of a query parameter `?page=3`, listing responses now include a field `"next_page": "Pa46c"` which needs to be passed as `?page_cursor=Pa46c`. The existing pagination method is still supported for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in the next version. > > ### User data export/import > > Users can now [export their data]( (community follows, blocklists, profile settings), and import it again on another instance. This can be used for account migrations and also as a form of backup. The export format is designed to remain unchanged for a long time. You can make regular exports, and if the instance becomes unavailable, register a new account and import the data. This way you can continue using Lemmy seamlessly. > > ### Time zone handling > > Lemmy didn't have any support for timezones, which led to bugs when federating with other platforms. This is now [fixed by using UTC timezone for all timestamps]( > > ### ARM64 Support > > Thanks to help from @raskyld and @kroese, there are now offical Lemmy releases for ARM64 available. > > ### Activity now includes voters > > - Previously, site and community activity counts were only based on people who commented, or posted. [Those counts now include anyone who voted on a comment or post as well.]( Thanks to @Ategon for this change. > > ## Upgrade instructions > > Follow the upgrade instructions for [ansible]( or [docker]( The upgrade should take less than 30 minutes. > > If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our [support forum]( or on the [Matrix Chat](! > > Pict-rs 0.5 is also close to releasing. The upgrade takes a while due to a database migration, so read the [migration guide]( to speed it up. Note that Lemmy 0.19 still works perfectly with pict-rs 0.4. > > ## Thanks to everyone > > We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute. > > ## Support development > > We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from [NLnet foundation](, as well as [donations from individual users]( > > This month we are running a funding drive with the goal of increasing recurring donations from currently €4.000 to at least €12.000. With this amount @dessalines and @nutomic can each receive a yearly salary of €50.000 which is in line with median developer salaries. It will also allow one additional developer to work fulltime on Lemmy and speed up development. > > Read more details in the [funding drive announcement](

    announcements Announcements Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 85%

    Patience, my friend, I'm travaling off-grid lately

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Does an unfulfilled promise become a lie?
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    An unfulfilled promise should return an object that is rejected with a given reason. (source)


  • main Haupteingang Threads testet Mastodon-Integration - was bedeutet das für Lemmy/Feddit?
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Downvote, wie süß ^^

  • announcements Announcements Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 96%

    Cool, thanks to all contributers!!!

  • main Haupteingang Threads testet Mastodon-Integration - was bedeutet das für Lemmy/Feddit?
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 96%

    Threads wurde vorsorglich geblockt. Zucker kann mir mal den Berg runter rutschen.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted EBook Management
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Calibre-Web can be used remotely just fine...?

  • main Haupteingang Spenden an
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Sollte ich durch die Seite Einnahmen generieren gälte zudem die Impressumspflicht

  • main Haupteingang Spenden an
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Die beste Unterstützung ist ein respektvollen Umgang miteinander. Leider kommt es in letzter Zeit immer häufiger zu persönlichen Anfeindungen, was für mich persönlich der absolute Motivationskiller ist. Also haltet euch bitte an die Instanzregeln. : )

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor On this deserted island I could use some help()
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    What's the name of the Island, Java?

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The state of open source SMS messagers
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Didn't notice, thx.

  • main Haupteingang [Bug] Kommentare anderer Instanz über nicht sichtbar
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Bugs bitte hier melden, danke!

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Wo melde ich Bugs für
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    Bugs bitte hier melden, danke!

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The state of open source SMS messagers
  • wintermute wintermute 9 months ago 100%

    I'm using this ohne after Signal dropped SMS support

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Warum benutzt niemand Umlaut-Domains?
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 94%

    Fä anyone?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf 6.12.2023, 0 Uhr: Es gibt keine Linksfraktion mehr im Bundestag
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    Leute, bitte die Instanzregeln lesen und verstehen, danke.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Ausschüsse des EU-Parlaments stimmen für Zwang für elektronische Patientenakte
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    Hier gelten Regeln , z.B. ein respektvoller Umgangston. Mal sehen wer hier wen löscht wenn ihr es nicht schafft euch an die Regeln zu halten...

  • fediverse Fediverse is a new level of Reddit crossposting spam
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%
  • fediverse Fediverse is a new level of Reddit crossposting spam
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 96%

    Defederated. What a waste of resources.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Forgejo v1.21 is available
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    You can find the answer to that question in the linked release notes. (What is unique to Forgejo)

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted wintermute 10 months ago 97%
    Forgejo v1.21 is available

    Forgejo v1.21 is available and comes with significant improvements to Forgejo Actions and the Forgejo runner. It also brings better user blocking, many documentation improvements, a shortcut button to open new PRs, mail notifications when new users are created and more.

    fragfeddit Frag Feddit *Permanently Deleted*
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    In der Aquaristik werden sogenannte UV-Klärer eingesetzt.

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit *Permanently Deleted*
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 0%

    UV-Licht wäre eine Alternative zu Chemikalien

  • privacy Privacy Open Source Anti-Theft App
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%
  • privacy Privacy Gitlab now requires phone number/credit card verification
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    Glad I switched to Forgejo some time ago, never looked back : )

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How to free up space pictrs or postgres
  • wintermute wintermute 10 months ago 100%

    Best option would be to ask for support in the Matrix admin-channel,
    also, if you have any specific questions, pls contact me on Matrix.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Is there any FOSS full speech recognition user friendly software yet?
  • wintermute wintermute 11 months ago 100%

    Maybe check out your browsers web speech api

  • netzpolitik Netzpolitik Wieviel Aufwand und Kosten entstehen durch eine Mastodon-Instanz?
  • wintermute wintermute 11 months ago 100%

    Derzeit liegen die Betriebskosten für Feddit bei ca. 14€/Monat (VPS+Storage)

  • dresden Dresden Reichsbürger wollen sich am 28.10.23 um 12:00 in Dresden treffen
  • wintermute wintermute 11 months ago 100%


    ::: spoiler Spoiler :::

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Welcher Dosenöffner ist gut und solide?
  • wintermute wintermute 11 months ago 100%

    Das ist auch meine erste Wahl : )

  • ich_iel
    ich_iel wintermute 12 months ago 83%
    Kulturgut wintermute 12 months ago 100%
    "Cannabis ist kein Brokkoli"

    Bundesdrogenbeauftragte über Legalisierung &amp; Entkriminalisierung

    Haupteingang wintermute 1 year ago 96%
    Deföderiert: More CSAM, Loli instances

    geteilt von: > As always, I suffer so you don't have to :) > > After []( joined the fediseer, I noticed some new non-lemmy instances they censured for loli shit, so I decided to investigate them, as they often tend to be friendly or hostile to each other for various reasons, so you can discover a lot more of them through their blocks and wikis. > > So I did just that and want to warn you about the following non-lemmy services which are either > > * Hosting lolicon and shotacon > * Have been blocked by multiple loli instances for CSAM (MFW the loli creeps think you're too creepy...) > * Supports pedophilia, bestiality, or call themselves "MAP" > > So without further ado > > * `posting_lolicon_xxxx` > * `lolison_xxx` > * `lolison_xxxxxxx` > * `pawoo_xxx` > * `mstdn_xx` > * `youjo_xxxx` > * `pedo_xxxxxx` > * `baraag_xxxt` > * `nnia_xxxxx` > * `aethy_xxx` > * `headpat_xxxx` > * `fedibird_xxx` > > If you want to see my exact reasons for each censure, you can check them on fediseer through this url: >

    Haupteingang wintermute 1 year ago 98%

    Es gab nun eine Weile keine Zwischenfälle mehr, sodass wir uns entschieden haben, die Föderation mit wieder freizugeben.

    Cannabis wintermute 1 year ago 95%
    Marihuanageruch sorgt bei US Open für Spaß und Unmut

    Die Deutsche Tamara Korpatsch berichtete nach ihrem Erstrundensieg über den durchdringenden Geruch, der ihr Probleme beim Atmen bereite. "Ich kriege dann keine Luft, ich kann auch nicht weiterspielen, ich muss direkt in eine Richtung gehen, wo es gut riecht", sagte die 28-Jährige.

    Haupteingang wintermute 1 year ago 97%
    Vorübergehende Deföderation:

    Da unsere Mods heute wiederholt eingehendes CSAM von lemmy.word entfernen mussten, ist vorübergehend deföderiert.
