memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 66%

    Backwards compatibility is a double-edged sword. It's cool that you can run an apk from 10 years ago but there should be a point where you say that's enough and drop support from them. Looking at Windows.

  • MarvelSnap MavelSnap June 22nd - Balance Updates
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    Doom deserved it! Red Skull and Nick Fury buffs are fine but I'm most stoked about Nimrod. My Move Nimrod deck is going to kill it!

  • MarvelSnap
    MavelSnap vis5 1 year ago 100%
    June 22nd - Balance Updates

    Hope everyone has been enjoying the new Conquest mode! We’ve got a suite of balance updates for you this week before the first Infinite Conquest starts next week: one nerf affecting a wide range of decks, and three buffs. Let’s get right to it! –-- **Doctor Doom** ● [Old] 6/5 - On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location. ● [New] 6/5 - On Reveal: Add a 4-Power DoomBot to each other location. Doctor Doom is our most played 6-Cost card by a large margin, and for good reason. His ability to spread power and bypass restrictive locations makes him an excellent card in many past and current top decks like Lockdown, Electro Ramp, and Lockjaw. In fact, he's so good at contesting "closed" locations that he actually encourages decks to be built around doing so more often. By taking 1 Power off his DoomBots, we’re looking to tone down his overall strength and improve the diversity among our 6-Cost cards in top decks. While we’re sad to lose the symmetry between Doctor Doom and his DoomBots, we hope this will bring his decks more in line with the rest of the competition–besides, Doom's tougher than a Doombot. **Red Skull** ● [Old] 5/12 - Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +1 Power. ● [New] 5/14 - Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +2 Power. Red Skull terrorized our meta for a while in a strong partnership with Shuri. Now that Shuri has been nerfed, we felt it was a good time to restore Red Skull to a higher value. Red Skull is a more interesting card with more base Power and a more detrimental Ongoing effect. This has helped him perform well in decks with cards like Enchantress, Sauron, and of course Shuri. We hope powering up Red Skull will give these decks a boost and create more meta diversity. Sorry, Cerebro. **Nimrod** ● [Old] 5/5 - When this is destroyed, add a copy to each other location. ● [New] 5/6 - When this is destroyed, add a copy to each other location. This one’s been on our wishlist for a while, but we’d been wary of it for fear of making Galactus more popular as a consequence, since that was the most popular Nimrod deck. Now that we’ve shipped our Galactus nerf, we’re confident in giving Nimrod a small boost that will hopefully make him more promising fodder for Forge, Shuri, and Venom. We've also got some upcoming cards we expect to reward destroying cards even more, so stay tuned for those synergies!. **Nick Fury** ● [Old] 5/7 - On Reveal: Add 3 random 6-Cost cards to your hand. ● [New] 4/5 - On Reveal: Add 3 random 6-Cost cards to your hand. Nick Fury has never quite found a place to shine. As a 5-Cost that grants 6-Cost cards, there’s not much time to take advantage of the cards he spawns. By bumping him down to a 4-Cost, effects like Titan and Quinjet give players the opportunity to play two of his reinforcements on turns 5 and 6. Plus, it gives Agent Coulson the ability to give Nick a call when he's in a jam and could use some avenging. We’re excited to see what you’ll assemble with Nick Fury’s new stats! **Pig** ● [Old] 4/0 – “oink!” ● [New] 0/0 – “oink!” Spider-Ham’s token wasn’t meant to consider its own base cost to be 4, and that has some interactions with cards and locations like Zabu and Asteroid M that just aren’t intuitive to play with. We’re adjusting it to 0-Cost to avoid those interactions. Bonus OTA: KrakoNAH With this update, we’re also taking Krakoa out of the game to be redesigned at a future date. Turn 5s everywhere rejoice!

    MarvelSnap MavelSnap Weekly Card Release Discussion 6/19: Spider-Ham
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    I have not played the game yet but this is the card I am most concerned on how it would affect the meta. Are 6 cost cards just dead? Is Death gonna see resurgence? or is Spider-Ham just gonna be an overhyped card?
    Either way, I think it's a good move to release it at Series 4. If it turns out to be a meta/meta-warping card, most players should be able to afford it.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Anyone else a little disappointed how the blackout is going?
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    Same, I'm leaving reddit for good.

  • MarvelSnap MavelSnap Conquest mode thoughts?
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    Total dud imo! They need to reduce the charge bar thingy to 8 from 10 or set a maximum number of rounds. As it is, one playthrough takes way too long. Not to mention the type of opponents who ropes, abuses Magik and Kang, retreats on the last turn etc. The experience is just not enjoyable.
    Rewards can be nice I guess, but due to the aforementioned issues I am only playing this mode till I get the mystery variant.

  • Anime Anime What anime was your favorite from Spring 2023?
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    Jigokuraku. I can't wait for Shion badassery.

  • MarvelSnap MavelSnap OTA update June 8th Discussion
  • vis5 vis5 1 year ago 100%

    Personally, I don't like the Beast change. They should've hit Hit-Monkey instead if they wanted to bring bounce a notch down.
    Excited for Rogue and Medusa though. Medusa is now a Lizard for different purpose. Even though I think having to play in the middle is worse than opponent's side being full, Medusa should now see play compared to her none before.

  • MarvelSnap
    MavelSnap vis5 1 year ago 100%
    OTA update June 8th Discussion

    **Spider-Man** [Old] 4/3 - On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn. [New] 5/4 - On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn. > > > Spider-Man performs very well in multiple decks like High Evolutionary lockdown and Galactus. We want to avoid these kinds of playstyles being too powerful as they are frustrating to play against, so we’ve decided to adjust Spider-Man to limit his play in combos like Spider-Man into Professor X. While this does put him at the same Cost as his lockdown peer Professor X, we think that their effects are distinct enough that they can both sit at 5-Cost. > > **Beast** [Old] 2/2 - On Reveal: Return your other cards at this location to your hand. They cost 1 less. [New] 3/4 - On Reveal: Return your other cards at this location to your hand. They cost 1 less. > > > Bounce decks with cards like Kitty Pryde, Bast, and Hit-Monkey have been performing very well lately. Beast in particular stood out to us as a very powerful enabler in the deck. We want Beast’s effect to take more investment to get returns, so we’re adjusting him to be a 3-Cost card. This also helps give Falcon more room to spread his wings, as he often felt like a worse Beast without the cost reduction effect. > > **The Hood** [Old] 1/-2 - On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand. [New] 1/-3 - On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand. > > > Many decks are able to take great advantage of the cheap 6-Power Demon while neutralizing The Hood’s negative Power. We’re making a small nerf to The Hood’s Power to make him more punishing to play if you’re unable to counteract his base Power. Notably, this is actually a buff to Viper decks that hand The Hood over to the opponent to deal with. > > **Rogue** [Old] 3/1 - On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location. [New] 3/2 - On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location. > > > In a similar vein to our Enchantress buffs, Rogue is a card we’d expect to see more of to counteract powerful Ongoing effects. While it’s not surprising that Enchantress is more popular with her higher base Power, more universal coverage, and synergy with cards like Zabu and Lizard, we were surprised to see that Rogue performs poorly even in Silver Surfer decks. We’re giving her a small bump in Power to help her be a more viable tool to counter Ongoing cards. > > **Medusa** [Old] 2/2 - On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, +2 Power. [New] 2/2 - On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, +3 Power. > > > Players move past many of the starter cards pretty quickly, but most of them make a comeback in a variety of later archetypes. For example, Quicksilver was in a Lockjaw deck for a while, Iron Man sees play in Thanos Ongoing and Mr. Negative, and just recently High Evolutionary brought back all the vanilla cards. Medusa however stands out as a card that sees virtually no play anywhere beyond the early stages of SNAP. Even though she’s consistently a 2/4 currently, her restriction makes her weaker than she may seem. We’re giving her a buff to allow her to better compete with other options at the 2-Cost slot. > >
