Framework uhf_vhf 10 months ago 100%
Turn-around-time for Framework Support Requests

What is the usual turn-around-time for a Framework Support ticket? I contacted Support on Monday evening and am yet to hear back from them. I haven't even received an Support Ticket until now. **** Details: My Framework AMD 13 was delivered on Monday. Everything seems to working well except some keys on the keyboard are not registering (I am typing this from an external keyboard). The users in Framework Community suggested that I try contacting official Framework Support because this could be a possible hardware issue with a bent pin or a damaged socket. I raised a Support Ticket on Monday evening and since then, I haven't heard anything from their end. I realize that this may be a busy time for them and that they would be getting support requests from all over given all the order deliveries. So, I don't want to raise *another* ticket just to clog their system. But an email with a ticket number would have been nice.