unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion For men, finding woman online to have a relationship with is impossible.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    "I mean outside of the areas that are documented by people that work, it is impossible."

  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 25%
  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    You know what else is small brain thinking? INCORRECTLY being pedantic about word choices. That's the part that pisses me off the most with these apologists. They are literally incorrecting people using words properly.

  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    I cited the definitions of "murder" above. Explain to me, with reference to these definitions, how the term "murder" doesn't apply. (Hint: this is not possible.)

  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 83%
  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    I quoted the dictionary definition of murder above. Can you point to the part that says governments can't murder?

  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 86%
  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 86%

    Where, precisely (and be detailed, with a map) do you think Hamas should be locating itself in Gaza that doesn't have civilians all around them?

    You go get a map of Gaza and point it out. I'll wait.

  • canada Canada CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 95%

    You'd think that it would be considered more brutal given that the people committing the killings aren't even exposing themselves to a threat.

    Cowards, in a word.

  • technology Technology China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 21%
  • technology Technology China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 31%
  • technology Technology China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 20%

    I arrived in China 2001.

    I experienced the harshest and largest lockdown in all of history: Wuhan, January 23rd, 2020. A real lockdown, not the cosplay bullshit you experienced outside of China. (Yes, this is me saying you've never fucking set foot in the country.)

    The rest you're just flat-out lying about. Sorry, Sparky. Did pet killings happen? Yes. They were not the mass shit that the press you're so obviously reciting acts like they were. Did some doors get welded? Yes. But nowhere near you and, again, nowhere near in the masses the press you're basing your lies on made it seem like. The local salaries are garbage iff you're a fuckwit sitting in the west applying western prices to Chinese salaries. (Which, naturally, you are, good little fuckwit liar that you are.) And you've changed your tune from 14 hours to 12 hours really fucking quickly there, Sparky, not to mention using the proper slang only after I gave it to you.

    So yeah, you're just a west-dwelling fuckwit lying about being here. Go toddle off in your China Watcher corners and play with the rest of the intellectual children you belong with. There's a good boy.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    If you don't actually understand why you got Trumped, making shit up to explain it is the wrong approach and just leads to another Trump or worse.

  • fediverse Fediverse Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 95%

    Wow! Someone who gets "choice" and "freedom of association"!

  • fediverse Fediverse Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 66%

    Usually it’s just the self-righteousness instinct…

    I love¹ telepathic people who can read other people's minds and post on their behalf.

    ¹ This is sarcasm. I hate the delusional who think they're telepaths.

  • fediverse Fediverse Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 85%

    So it's freedom of association you're opposed to then?

  • technology Technology China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 25%
  • fediverse Fediverse Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 92%

    By "BOFH that happens to run the server" you mean "the volunteer whose money, time, and effort are being expended on your behalf", right?

    This is the single most entitled opinion I've ever heard in this. "I, the person who bears none of the pecuniary, temporal, or psychological costs of running the server insist that 'the free software ethos' means I get what I want on someone else's computer."

    Fuck that noise.

    If you want a server run your way that federates with the people you want to federate with, put your own skin in the game. Run your own server with your own rules. THAT is the actual free software ethos: DIY if you don't like the way someone else does it.

    The free software ethos is the punk ethos, not the hippy dippy shits ethos.

  • fediverse Fediverse Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    Replace "communist tankie shit" with "CSAM" or "torture porn" or such and see if that makes any sense to you (keeping in mind that all content from your "whitelisted" stuff is stored on the server owner's hardware).

  • programming General Programming Discussion Why optimization is important.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    Not trolling. Just:

    • showing how clever optimizers can get these days
    • introducing a cool web site
    • highlighting the importance of occasionally peeking under the hood to spot gross inefficiencies
  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 66%

    I’m not as familiar with the history of telecom in the US–but also, the modern-day telecom industry is a hell of a lot healthier in the US.

    Read up. It amazes me that we live in an age where information is at our fingertips in seconds and people still "debate" while saying things like "I don't actually know ...". Read. The fuck. Up.

    The reason the American telecom industry is "healthy" (FSVO "healthy") right now is because the government stepped in. It was literally government intervention that caused telecoms to blossom.

    (Hint: this happened in my lifetime, and not that long before your lifetime, likely.)

    ...the same way Consumer Reports gives safety ratings for cars without government funding.

    After government enforced safety regulations set the baseline standards, yes. Again, just as with the telecoms industry (and the airline industry, for that matter) Read. The fuck. Up. This is not esoteric information that's concealed and known only to a select few. This is the motherfucking public record.

    And there’s the name-calling! Boy, you sure showed them libertarians!

    You. You libertarians. (It's utterly adorable that you're pretending not to be one and are just "giving their side". You're transparent as all fucking Hell, with about the subtlety of a riot.)

  • programming General Programming Discussion Why optimization is important.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    I mean it could hurt:

            push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp}
            sub     sp, sp, #112
            add     r7, sp, #0
            str     r0, [r7, #92]
            mov     r3, sp
            mov     ip, r3
            ldr     r1, [r7, #92]
            ldr     r0, [r7, #92]
            ldr     r6, [r7, #92]
            subs    r3, r1, #1
            str     r3, [r7, #108]
            mov     r2, r1
            movs    r3, #0
            mov     r4, r2
            mov     r5, r3
            mov     r2, #0
            mov     r3, #0
            lsls    r3, r5, #3
            orr     r3, r3, r4, lsr #29
            lsls    r2, r4, #3
            subs    r3, r0, #1
            str     r3, [r7, #104]
            mov     r2, r1
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #80]
            str     r3, [r7, #84]
            mov     r2, r0
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #64]
            str     r3, [r7, #68]
            ldrd    r4, [r7, #80]
            mov     r3, r5
            ldr     r2, [r7, #64]
            mul     r2, r2, r3
            ldr     r3, [r7, #68]
            strd    r4, [r7, #80]
            ldr     r4, [r7, #80]
            mul     r3, r4, r3
            add     r3, r3, r2
            ldr     r2, [r7, #80]
            ldr     r4, [r7, #64]
            umull   r8, r9, r2, r4
            add     r3, r3, r9
            mov     r9, r3
            mov     r2, #0
            mov     r3, #0
            lsl     r3, r9, #3
            orr     r3, r3, r8, lsr #29
            lsl     r2, r8, #3
            subs    r3, r6, #1
            str     r3, [r7, #100]
            mov     r2, r1
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #32]
            str     r3, [r7, #36]
            mov     r2, r0
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #72]
            str     r3, [r7, #76]
            ldrd    r4, [r7, #32]
            mov     r3, r5
            ldrd    r8, [r7, #72]
            mov     r2, r8
            mul     r2, r2, r3
            strd    r8, [r7, #72]
            ldr     r3, [r7, #76]
            mov     r8, r4
            mov     r9, r5
            mov     r4, r8
            mul     r3, r4, r3
            add     r3, r3, r2
            mov     r2, r8
            ldr     r4, [r7, #72]
            umull   r10, fp, r2, r4
            add     r3, r3, fp
            mov     fp, r3
            mov     r2, r6
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #24]
            str     r3, [r7, #28]
            ldrd    r4, [r7, #24]
            mov     r3, r4
            mul     r2, r3, fp
            mov     r3, r5
            mul     r3, r10, r3
            add     r3, r3, r2
            mov     r2, r4
            umull   r4, r2, r10, r2
            str     r2, [r7, #60]
            mov     r2, r4
            str     r2, [r7, #56]
            ldr     r2, [r7, #60]
            add     r3, r3, r2
            str     r3, [r7, #60]
            mov     r2, #0
            mov     r3, #0
            ldrd    r8, [r7, #56]
            mov     r4, r9
            lsls    r3, r4, #3
            mov     r4, r8
            orr     r3, r3, r4, lsr #29
            mov     r4, r8
            lsls    r2, r4, #3
            mov     r2, r1
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #16]
            str     r3, [r7, #20]
            mov     r2, r0
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7, #8]
            str     r3, [r7, #12]
            ldrd    r8, [r7, #16]
            mov     r3, r9
            ldrd    r10, [r7, #8]
            mov     r2, r10
            mul     r2, r2, r3
            mov     r3, fp
            mov     r4, r8
            mul     r3, r4, r3
            add     r3, r3, r2
            mov     r2, r8
            mov     r4, r10
            umull   r4, r2, r2, r4
            str     r2, [r7, #52]
            mov     r2, r4
            str     r2, [r7, #48]
            ldr     r2, [r7, #52]
            add     r3, r3, r2
            str     r3, [r7, #52]
            mov     r2, r6
            movs    r3, #0
            str     r2, [r7]
            str     r3, [r7, #4]
            ldrd    r8, [r7, #48]
            mov     r3, r9
            ldrd    r10, [r7]
            mov     r2, r10
            mul     r2, r2, r3
            mov     r3, fp
            mov     r4, r8
            mul     r3, r4, r3
            add     r3, r3, r2
            mov     r2, r8
            mov     r4, r10
            umull   r4, r2, r2, r4
            str     r2, [r7, #44]
            mov     r2, r4
            str     r2, [r7, #40]
            ldr     r2, [r7, #44]
            add     r3, r3, r2
            str     r3, [r7, #44]
            mov     r2, #0
            mov     r3, #0
            ldrd    r8, [r7, #40]
            mov     r4, r9
            lsls    r3, r4, #3
            mov     r4, r8
            orr     r3, r3, r4, lsr #29
            mov     r4, r8
            lsls    r2, r4, #3
            mov     r3, r1
            mov     r2, r0
            mul     r3, r2, r3
            mov     r2, r6
            mul     r3, r2, r3
            adds    r3, r3, #7
            lsrs    r3, r3, #3
            lsls    r3, r3, #3
            sub     sp, sp, r3
            mov     r3, sp
            str     r3, [r7, #96]
            mov     r3, r1
            mov     r2, r0
            mul     r3, r2, r3
            mov     r2, r6
            mul     r3, r2, r3
            mov     sp, ip
            mov     r0, r3
            adds    r7, r7, #112
            mov     sp, r7
            pop     {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp}
            bx      lr
  • programming General Programming Discussion Why optimization is important.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    Multiplication hurts? 😲

            mul     r3, r0, r0
            mul     r0, r3, r0
            bx      lr
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearPR
    Why optimization is important. godbolt.org

    If you use a compiled language, you should periodically look at Godbolt and see what your code is doing and what changes to your code will do in the compiled output. In this case a positively *insane* way of calculating squares and cubes generates 311 lines of ARM assembler output that will swallow your memory. With even something as simple as `-O1` on the command line it's replaced by one or two multiplications respectively. With `-fwhole-program` it removes the functions entirely and interlaces them into the loop in `main()`. Know your tools. It makes huge differences!

    unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Plain cheesecake is the only good cheesecake
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 16%

    Then why obfuscate it with all the verbiage? Just say "I don't like any cheesecake but plain cheesecake."

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Plain cheesecake is the only good cheesecake
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 42%

    OK, so as I suspected, your "unpopular opinion" is, when all the blather is stripped away, "I don't like anything but plain cheesecake".

    Not so impressive when worded that way, is it?

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 83%

    I gave a counterpoint re: healthcare, where free market healthcare worked really well.

    The nation noted for its "free market healthcare" on the world stage has shit health stats. Working real well there, Sparky.

    Telecom was largely rolled out by government monopolies, in order to do it quickly.

    Time to open up a history book, there, dude. 'Cause you are so fucking far off the mark it's hilarious.

    I’m skeptical about airlines ... They’d have worked themselves out eventually, if left to market forces, but that’s never been allowed to happen.

    At what cost in bodies? I know to the libertarian mindset death counts are just number, but each increment of those numbers is a human life. The ultimate loss of liberty is death.

    Want to see what "market forces" do in airline industries? Look at the 737-MAX fiasco, where government abrogated its oversight of the airline, permitting companies to "self-certify", a decision that you can draw a direct line from to 346 dead bodies.

    Seriously, go visit those 346 people's families. Tell them that "market forces" would have eventually settled out the issues. Be ready to run. 346 times.

    The idea of regulation is to stop the bodies from happening in the first place instead of waiting, while the body count racks up, for "market forces" to fix everything.

    This religion of "the market solves all" is why libertarians are fuckwits.

  • enoughmuskspam
    Enough Musk Spam ttmrichter 9 months ago 79%
    DEBUNKING STARLINK www.youtube.com

    You know, for a lauded "genius", Apartheid Edgelord seems to have a problem with basic arithmetic.

    unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 69%

    Now, think of industries that suck, where the companies are really shitty causing people to complain about them all the time, but are nonetheless stuck using them for lack of options.


    Or…were you maybe thinking (depending where you live) of banking, airline, healthcare, insurance, or telecom industries?

    Okay, now, change of topic: think of some industries with lots of regulation and government intervention.

    Did you by any chance come up with the same list?

    Typical libertarian blather.

    In each one of these cases the industry predates the regulation. The regulation of banking is a response to the shitty behaviour of pre-regulation banks. Ditto for airlines, health care, insurance, telecom, etc. etc. etc.

    The old adage "each regulation is written in blood" applies (albeit the blood being metaphorical in some cases).

    The libertarian cinematic universe (coughRandroidscough) has it that businessmen were just chugging along merrily making a profit when suddenly, out of nowhere, the government leaped in to slap regulations on things. The reality is that regulations (which are themselves, naturally, not perfect, often applied long after the need has vanished, and prone to being corrupted) are a response to corporate malfeasance. Very few regulations are made ahead of the fact. (Politicians are constitutionally incapable of thinking ahead, after all.)

    So airlines being heavily-regulated? Go look at the history of the airline industry. Look at the accident rates caused by the complete and utter profiteering of early airlines. Then ask yourself if regulation made these industries evil, or if perhaps regulations came in because of the evil of said industries.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Plain cheesecake is the only good cheesecake
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 60%

    I'll address your opinion once you define your terms. Specifically:

    • define "good"
  • fediverse Fediverse Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    Ah. Idiot assumptions over and above idiot collaboration.

    sh.itjust.works seems to attract the dullest.

  • fediverse Fediverse Authorized Fetch Circumvented by Alt-Right Developers
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 33%

    Whatever you say, child. Buh-bye.

  • fediverse Fediverse Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 66%

    Say "I don't know what a wumao is" without using those words.

  • canada Canada Why Canada's ban on foreign buyers hasn't made homes more affordable
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    Oh well. I can't cater to the stupid and the insane. I'll live where I don't need a car to get basic amenities of life and use the money I save to live grandly. They can spend the money, time, and health on living with unnecessary vehicles until they die out.

  • fediverse Fediverse Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net.
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 75%

    I swear, I'm seeing the western equivalent of wumaos servicing Meta here. Only at least the wumaos got paid; it made sense. These idiots are doing the labour for free!

  • fediverse Fediverse Authorized Fetch Circumvented by Alt-Right Developers
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 33%

    I am mocking cryptobro fantasies and their favoured lines of communication.

  • fediverse Fediverse Authorized Fetch Circumvented by Alt-Right Developers
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 50%

    And yet has overwhelmingly cryptobros.

  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 100%

    Calling the USA "cursed" is abrogation of responsibility, because a curse is a third-party affliction.

    The USA's situation is entirely a first-party affliction. It's cultural insanity at work: gun worship, the belief that violence solves all problems, the clinical-grade paranoia over any kind of collective solution to anything, and, more recently, the worship of laissez-faire capitalism.

    There's no curse. There's a fundamentally broken culture and society. That is all.

  • canada Canada Why Canada's ban on foreign buyers hasn't made homes more affordable
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 80%

    Build fifteen minute cities, in short. I live in one, for all practical purposes, and it's GRAND!

  • fediverse Fediverse Authorized Fetch Circumvented by Alt-Right Developers
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 33%

    Again, when you can show me a cryptobro concentration lower than 99.44%, I'll take nostr seriously. And when you can show it not turning into a Hellhole worse than Xhitter and Farcebook combined because of the very philosophy underpinning it, then I'll think it's actually worth looking at. (Hint: this is not possible.)

    Until then I'll call it what it is: a place for cryptobros to wank to their faux-libertarian fantasies.

  • aiop AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND 92% of Republicans, 78% of independents and 58% of Democrats believe crime is rising, as crime rates plummet
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 0%

    Ask him about Oklahoma City.

  • fediverse Fediverse Authorized Fetch Circumvented by Alt-Right Developers
  • ttmrichter ttmrichter 9 months ago 75%

    You always need key management if you have decentralized authentication.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAI
    Untangling Threads | Erin Kissane https://erinkissane.com/untangling-threads

    cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/7593930 > This is the most comprehensive analysis of the Threads situation that I have seen to far. I recommend giving it a read.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAI
    The Case for Criminally Charging the World’s Richest Man robertvanwey.substack.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/9813149

    Enough Musk Spam ttmrichter 9 months ago 94%
    Elon Musk's Big Lie About Tesla Is Finally Exposed www.rollingstone.com

    It's so frustrating that something anybody even only peripherally aware of attempts to automate driving knew for years is only slowly coming out while the Apartheid Edgelord gets richer and richer from his lethal lies.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAI
    Meta in Myanmar (full series) https://erinkissane.com/meta-in-myanmar-full-series

    TL;DR: If you use Meta products you are a quisling supporting war criminals. It's that stark and that blunt. Meta are war criminals.

    Enough Musk Spam ttmrichter 10 months ago 96%
    ... and you feel nothing. https://i.imgur.com/ugzNpDwl.jpg

    ![... and you feel nothing](https://i.imgur.com/ugzNpDwl.jpg)

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 85%
    Sick Pupa - "啃脑" [Lyric Video] www.youtube.com

    The title translates roughly to "eat brains".

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAI
    Fine print bombshell - share information which "undermines trust in government", face jail - Michael West michaelwest.com.au

    When western countries start using language in their laws and policies that reads like it comes straight out of Chinese law books, the world is going to shit. It's unbelievable that this is coming so close to actually being enacted in a "democratic" nation.

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 83%
    Protokult - Get me a Beer! (Official Video) www.youtube.com

    Canadian polka-metal at its finest!

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 100%
    NINE TREASURES - Wisdom Eyes (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) www.youtube.com

    Mongolian metal didn't begin with The Hu, nor will it end with The Hu. Yes, The Hu are absolutely incredible, but there are other voices in the Mongolian metal scene.

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 100%
    LEAH - Kings & Queens - Arcadia www.youtube.com

    Leah is what you get when you have an accident with Enya, a power metal band, a time machine, and a contraceptive. It's not going to be everyone's vibe for sure.

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 100%
    Paschendale (2015 Remaster) www.youtube.com

    Link fixed to point to the official.

    Metal ttmrichter 10 months ago 71%
    Kobra And The Lotus - Soldier www.youtube.com

    In honour of clubb.
