politics politics FBI Uses January 6 Rioter’s Self-Published Amazon Book as Evidence Against Him
  • ticho ticho 3 weeks ago 100%

    I can't believe It's not TheOnion.com.

  • politics politics 'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 90%

    Elon Musk reminds me of a demented Elon Musk. :)

  • politics politics Trump Goes off the Deep End During Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 100%

    After leaving him, she can just make money by having someone ghost-write a "My Life With an Orange" book for her and selling that.

  • world World News Ukraine attacks Moscow in one of largest ever drone strikes on Russian capital
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 100%

    And even that is debatable. Japanese surrender came shortly after a quick succession of several events - the first bomb at Hiroshima, Soviet Union declaring war and invading continental Japanese land, the second bomb at Nagasaki, allies completely obliterating Japanese navy, and preparing to invade their home islands, etc.

    Many argue that Japan would surrender even without the two nuclear bombs.

  • technology Technology YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yep, most of my non-tech friends just say "Ads? Oh yeah, I don't even notice them anymore, I got so used to them." whenever that topic pops up in a conversation.

  • technology Technology YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 100%

    Enshittification actually does work, but only up to a point. Unfortunately, all the corporations have all the subtlety of a Sherman tank, so they always go all in on it.

  • technology Technology YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • ticho ticho 4 weeks ago 100%

    There is nebula.tv which works like that, but it lacks content. I am a subscriber, but I'm running out of interesting content to watch there.

    OBviously there is network effect in play here. If Youtube switched to subs-only model tomorrow, they would have much wider content offer from the get-go.

  • politics politics Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    I really don't know, it's just something that I scrolled past on social media, perhaps it was just a joke/troll post. I'm kind of sorry I even brought it up here.

    EDIT: I think I'm remembering this https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/russian-conservative-village/, and the porn actress thing must have been some joke someone on the internet came up with to mock it.

  • politics politics Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    Wasn't there an ad a few months back, put out by the Russians, claiming the same thing - a sanctuary for westerners who want to keep traditional values? I remember it because it had some supposedly well-known Russian porn actress in it, acting as a pure smiling maiden or something like that...

  • openstreetmap OpenStreetMap community Street Complete Notes - Am I doing this right?
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    I'm quite new to OSM mapping myself, but I found following flow working for me - while out, I create a note via Street Complete reminding me to add something (stairs, bench, wastebin), maybe take a photo and attach it to the note for reference, and later, when I get home, I add the thing in openstreetmap.org editor. Last step is to "resolve" the note I created.

    I only tried this once or twice a few days ago, I'm still not sure it's a good idea, maybe it's discouraged to "spam" notes like this, and also I don't know how long the attached photos stay hosted, increasing hosting costs to whoever pays the bills.

  • politics politics Kamala Harris’s campaign mocks how much Donald Trump and Elon Musk suck at the Internet
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    I mean, we've had a solution to this decades ago - multicast. It would have been perfect exactly for this kind of one-to-many TV-like broadcast.

    Too bad greedy ISPs and ISVs killed anything that isn't HTTP, so smart people had to scramble and find alternate sub-par solutions.

  • ukraine Ukraine The first prisoners of regular troops that were sent as reinforcements to the Kursk region .
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    That was over two years ago. Surely even a mediocre tactician would anticipate something like this happening eventually.

    My guess is that Russia simply does not have the means to effectively defend all of its border anymore, and they've been praying that the Ukraine's western benefactors will keep them "on the leash" for as long as possible.

  • ukraine Ukraine Evidence Shows ‘Hand to Mouth’ Production of Russia’s Advanced Weapons
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 80%

    Yep, that's a more accurate way of putting it. @Pronell@lemmy.world's phrasing made it sound like some well-organized kanban thing. 🤣

  • world World News State of emergency declared as Ukraine launches raid into Russia
  • ticho ticho 1 month ago 100%

    As a Slovak person, currently horribly embarrassed for my own proto-fascist government, I wholeheartedly agree. We've had our chance, but majority of voters over here are mentally 50 years in the past and brainwashed by Russian disinfo campaigns. We really are gullible idiots.

    EDIT: That said, it's mostly just our government making performative noise for benefit of its voter base. We are not affected nowhere near as much by Ukraine's current gas block as they want you to believe.

  • energy Green Energy How we can make solar power at night (or, how we can use solar heated molten salt as a giant battery at night) | DW
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    It's been in commercial operation ever since it started operating, and the company running it have since started two more solar projects in Spain, so I'd say it is economical.

    Kinda makes sense, Spain, and especially southern Spain, where these are located, is getting a lot of sun all year.

  • energy Green Energy How we can make solar power at night (or, how we can use solar heated molten salt as a giant battery at night) | DW
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    There is also one in Spain, near Sevilla - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemasolar_Thermosolar_Plant

  • space Space Nova explosion 3,000 light-years away will be seen from Earth with the naked eye
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    How does it compare to the SkyMap app? I've been using that one for years, and am happy with it.

  • news News AOC's Deepfake AI Porn Bill Unanimously Passes the Senate
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 83%

    A bit of unfortunate wording there. :) I had to go back and reread it slowly in order to understand what you meant.

  • space Space Astronauts confident Boeing space capsule can safely return them to Earth, despite failures
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    If I understand it correctly, they were confident a while ago already that they could return safely, but they're taking advantage of the situation to do some tests and experiments to learn more about the failure.

    (If you disagree, go yell at Scott Manley, I heard it in one of his recent videos.)

  • running Running Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 13 July 2024
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    Being nervous and tense is normal. I get it all the time before a race, even after having started in many races, often even before shorter just-for-fun races. When the starting signal sounds, the nervousness immediately falls away, and your head will get into it, don't worry. :)

  • technology Technology Firefox CTO Responds On Collecting User Advertisement Data
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 90%

    An experiment should be opt-in, not opt-out.

  • paradoxgames Paradox Games Project Caesar Dev Diary | Tinto Talks #20 - 10th of July 2024
  • ticho ticho 2 months ago 100%

    I was very disappointed by the choose-one-branch-for-entire-age thing, until I realized that it's just a lesser portion of the available advances that get gated by that choice, not all of the advances in a given age.

    With that realization, I think I like the system. Looking forward to see it in action once the game releases!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Firefox Docker + VPN is so awesome
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    All through the same network, I'm afraid. I haven't felt the need to separate it like that, although it should be doable using docker networks, or maybe on even lower level, via Linux network namespaces.

  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    Alright, so it can do some direct syncs via Garmin API, I didn't know that. Last time I checked, only manually uploading your gpx files was possible.

    Neat, I'll definitely set this up. Dockerized, of course, my little server already has lot of services on it, got to keep things neatly separated. :)

  • running Running Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 29 June 2024
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    Done! 30km, little over 3 hours, and the brain is drowning in serotonin. :)

  • running Running new Garmin Connect v5.0
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    I still hate the activity summary screen. The old design, with some basic numbers in the three circles in the middle beneath the map, looked great, had better information density, and looked unique. The new one looks bland and generic, and has oodles of wasted blank space.

    It saddens me that somebody over at Garmin got actually paid designing that.

  • running Running Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 29 June 2024
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    Going for a long slow run tomorrow morning, after missing such run last weekend, because we had a 35C heat wave here then.

    Zone 2 mostly, some zone 3 because I am too undisciplined. :)

  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    So, what do you think of the Garmin intergration? I have had Fittrackee in my sights for a good while now, and the only thimg holding me back from trying it is that I donk know how painful (or painless) the activity upload/sync from my Garmin watch will be.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Firefox Docker + VPN is so awesome
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    I just use my own custom built docker images and have a few aliases set up for different "instances", e.g. one for banking, one for tis eshop, one for that eshop, etc. Each with its own firefox data dir and own downloads subfolder. Plus an alias to launch a temporary clean instance that gets discarded after it exits.

  • energy Green Energy Solar leading Baltic states to energy security
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    But at latitudes 55 to 60, days are really very short in midwinter, so wind and waste wood are the likely candidates in future - after oil shale leaves the scene, but before synthetic gas becomes feasible.

    I was wondering exactly this - the Baltic countries are quite far to the north, so the feasibility of solar energy must be bordering on questionable there. Thank you.

  • running Running Waterproof shoes or socks ?
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    My solution is to use slightly smaller sock sizes, so that they are always stretched tightly around my foot, and there is minimum movement between the sock and my skin.

    But also, correct shoe for your foot shape, so that everything is tight and snug in there, instead of moving all around - especially around toes, but also the heel.

    I typically only get tiny blisters on longer runs - that's 40km or more for me. But that happens regardless of whether my feet get drenched or not. Of course, everyone's feet are different, so you have to find what works for you. :)

  • running Running Waterproof shoes or socks ?
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    I agree as well, running through creeks, puddles, or even melting snow sludge without a care can be so liberating and enjoyable.

    Or like last week, I went for a run shortly after a rain, and parts of my chosen route were through tall grass and bushes which obscured the path to knee height. My legs had to push through the growth, and all the water on the stalks ended on my knees and shins, leaked down towards the socks and eventually into the shoe. Within five minutes, my feet were as wet as if I had dipped them under water directly, making wet sounds with every step. No waterproof shoe design would be able to protect against that! :)

    Years ago, I read somewhere that professional trail runners, when choosing shoes, do not look at how waterproof they are, but rather how well the water flows out of them.

  • energy Green Energy The US just greenlit the offshore wind farm Trump vowed to kill
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    Then I suggest adding https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/ to your mix of news sources. Sometimes we need to balance out all the click-seeking negative-only news sources.

  • technology Technology Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 92%

    The language choice was because Ladybird started as a component of SerenityOS, which is also written in C++. With this separation, they are free to gradually introduce other language(s) into the codebase, and maybe eventually replace C++ entirely, piece by piece.

    In Hackernews thread about this, the head maintainer mentioned that they have been evaluating several languages already, so we'll see what the future brings.

    In the meantime, let's try to be mature about it, what do you say?

  • technology Technology Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    That's a web rendering engine, not a web browser application. You need a lot of stuff other than the engine to make a browser.

  • running Running Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 15 June 2024
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    You shouldn't have any sloshing if you suck all the air out. I'm mentioning this because to my surprise, a lot of people, even experienced runners do not realize that iscan option, and were used to running with their water sloshing around as they run. :)

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Sorry I can't do it.
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    As a longtime Debian Stable user, I can attest that gaming on it works just fine, whether via Proton or natively.

    It was rough at the first half year or so after Steam Linux client launched where system libraries were simply too old and one had to smuggle in libc from Ubuntu, but that got solved by the next Debian release, and it's been smooth sailing ever since. :)

    Of course, I wouldn't recommend Debian for a gaming system for a newbie. It's just what I've been using as my daily driver for decades, so I did not want to switch to something else just for something as unimportant as gaming.

  • selfhosting Self-hosting Ideation - What to Run?
  • ticho ticho 3 months ago 100%

    Back in college, we had this huge LAN spanning hundreds of computers, and we had a central instance of a search engine that crawled all the Samba and FTP shares, so anyone could just look up whatever media or software they were looking for, and if the particular computer was online at the time (people do turn off their PCs sometimes, go figure :) ), download it.

    Of course, I'm not sure if having unprotected SMB/FTP shares is something fitting into your idea of a local intranet, but it's an option. The guys maintaining the crawler even put the code online, and it should still mostly work: https://github.com/fslts/lase

  • paradoxgames Paradox Games Stellaris: Astral Planes | Announcement Trailer
  • ticho ticho 11 months ago 100%

    I hope the new gameplay is going to be more than just endless progressbars with "OK" buttons at their end (see e.g. archeological digs, space megastructures).

  • paradoxgames Paradox Games FOUNDRY — Factory-Building Sandbox | Announcement Trailer
  • ticho ticho 11 months ago 100%

    Hopefully they will add something unique to the game. Playing the demo was pretty boring - it's basically a paint-by-numbers automation game. It's a decent skeleton to build a good game around, let's hope they do the genre justice. :)

  • oxygennotincluded
    Oxygen Not Included ticho 1 year ago 100%
    Does the build-down-through-closed-door trick no longer work?

    Hi, I was looking at FrancisJohn's video on geothermal power (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyoLDP2tUaI), and tried the trick for building a "spike" deep down into lava (shown off at around 4:30 mark in the video). However, my dupes do not seem able to build through the closed horizontal airlock. Has this trick been patched out?
