movies movies Jared Leto Went Method on Set of ‘Tron: Ares’ While Playing “Big Rockstar,” Says Co-Star Jeff Bridges
  • southsamurai southsamurai 6 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, their last album was solid. Not their best, but keeping the overall level of songwriting, production, and performance that they've always had. Now, if someone didn't like them at all, had a bad opinion about those things, then that person would obviously say that them being consistent with their previous work is a bad thing lol.

    But, yeah, they're still relevant, they still have a solid fanbase that's into the way they follow their nose, so to speak.

    Myself, I tend to enjoy specific songs, but not entire albums. I don't think the songwriting is consistent across all songs, they have a lot of highs and lows for me. But, the band is damn good on an instrumental level for me, and Leto's voice works well for what they do, even when I don't like a particular song.

    But it has always been a vanity project imo. I just don't think it's zombie, at least not yet

  • asktransgender AskTransgender Why do people think that you need bottom surgery to be trans?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 6 hours ago 100%

    Well, I'm not able to posit an answer to this as to why trans people don't consider it valid, but I've seen discussions about it.

    What I can point to is the cis side of things. Ignoring the jerks that are coming from bigotry, berated that's the answer for them: bigotry.

    But I know some people that are supporters of trans rights, but still hold onto that view, that until someone, particularly mtf people, has bottom surgery, they haven't transitioned, or at least not fully.

    Now, it took me a bit to wrap my head around it, why someone that would want to transition at all wouldn't want all possible methods used. And it comes down to the binary. People in general still haven't grasped that not everyone is binary in the first place, much less that transition is not necessarily about changing the body.

    It's certainly a big thing, it's important, but making that mental leap from "oh, they want their body to be right, and that means being as direct a match to the organs and body shapes of the confirmed gender as possible" to "oh, everyone can have different needs regarding any given part of their body to be transitioned for themselves"

    See, a lot of the fight about trans rights revolves around genitals. A lot of what people that are binary build their idea of gender around as they learn and age is the sexual characteristics, with the primary characteristics of genitals being the most defining. In other words, me being a cis man, my gender identity is very much tied to my genitals as the most relevant factor in my body matching my inner self. I've moved past it being the only factor (though that took time), but my junk is part and parcel of the physical aspects that make my body a man's body (for my body, not others')

    When the tie between gender and sex and identity are first developed, it's inside the self. So the closer one hews to the binary, the more import ends up being placed on genitals because of being at the binary points. "I am a boy/man, and I have a penis, therefore men have a penis". We all start with our own viewpoint.

    And, for some trans people, genitals are a primary factor. But they don't have to be, and it takes a combination of exposure to the possibilities as well as willingness to change one's mind to truly grasp that.

    You know the most significant thing that helped me get that transition confirmation isn't purely about surgery? It was talking to trans men. The bottom surgery options aren't as sought after among the trans men I've known. Hormonal effects have turned out to be perfect for them. It confused me at first, what with my gender identity being significantly tied to my genitals looking and working in a distinctly cis way. But it eventually broke through that you don't need a cis penis or testicles to be a man.

    And that is what directly led to internalizing that the notion surgery for trans women isn't necessary either. If I lose my penis, I don't become a woman. Recognizing that fact flipped my head. It means that, just like phalloplasty not being necessary to become a man; you don't have to have vaginoplasty to be a woman.

    A woman that happens to have a penis is still a woman.

    But it takes knowing enough trans people, having enough conversations about it, to break out of the binary way of thinking even for trans people that are binary.

    To refocus, I think that the reason people think you have to have bottom surgery is that they've not had the right combination of events to make them break out of binary thinking as the default. Now, the ones that refuse to accept the fact of it not being the defining characteristic, that's as much about humans being stubborn and sometimes arrogant about our own thoughts and opinions being the right ones. Most of us don't want to change our minds at all, about anything.

    But I suspect that, given enough time and exposure to the concepts, anyone that's otherwise on the path of understanding trans people will get there eventually. It's only the ones that aren't trying to understand that won't get there.

  • cooking Cooking [Question] "Baking in the American South" - what to make first?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 7 hours ago 100%

    Don't know if it's in there, but when it comes to southern baking, the king of the heap that's distinctly southern, but not biscuits or cornbread, is probably pecan pie, with sweet potato pie being an almost tie.

    After that, peach cobbler/pie.

    Then probably strawberry rhubarb pie/cobbler

    Pies are a little more old school southern, since they've been baked in some form or another since europeans came over.

    But, if you step out of that, bread pudding is maybe more ubiquitous, depending on where in the south you are.

    Now, cake wise, hummingbird cake is likely the one most people think of, and is likely to be in that book.

    However, soda cakes are incredibly beloved. Coke and cheerwine in particular have honored places. RC cola, and sun-drop too, though the sun-drop is a bit more regional. But any recipe for any of the sodiepop cakes are interchangeable. They're obviously more recent, but still a staple.

    If there's a recipe in there, fresh apple cake is amazing, but it isn't as popular.

    Another one that's not purely southern, but has become a deep tradition in some families are "friendship" cakes. They're called that because part of the process involves fermenting fruit, and when you make the cake, you split off part of the resulting starter and give it to others. It's essentially fruitcake, but much better than any of the usual commercial brands. Moist, rich, and full of flavor.

    It depends on what's in the book though.

  • cooking Cooking [Question] "Baking in the American South" - what to make first?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 7 hours ago 100%

    With pound cakes, you can sub in almost any fruit and be fine since it's an addition rather than a core ingredient. The fruit isn't necessary for the cake to bake right. You can even leave it out, and the cake will be fine. Most of the time, it wouldn't even change how moist the final result is.

  • cooking Cooking [Question] "Baking in the American South" - what to make first?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 7 hours ago 100%

    With pound cakes, you can sub in almost any fruit and be fine since it's an addition rather than a core ingredient. The fruit isn't necessary for the cake to bake right. You can even leave it out, and the cake will be fine. Most of the time, it wouldn't even change how moist the final result is.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 16 hours ago 100%

    Afaik, nowhere has tried to ban that kind of treatment, only the ones for transition.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion If you don't use /s when being sarcastic, I'm going to treat your comment as being earnest
  • southsamurai southsamurai 18 hours ago 100%

    Definitely an unpopular opinion, but it's one that's catching on for sure. Great post, no sarcasm.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What lemmy thinks of Iraq?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 18 hours ago 100%

    Well, we don't get a lot of easy to find news on Iraq here in the US. You have to go looking for it.

    That being said, with the little that I have gone looking for, it really seems like the people of Iraq are busting their asses to recover, and have shown incredible resilience in the face of so much destruction that hit them in the last fifty years. It's impressive as hell tbh.

  • thefarside The Far Side 19 September 2024
  • southsamurai southsamurai 19 hours ago 100%

    But mislabeled!

  • bloomcounty Bloom County 19 September 1981
  • southsamurai southsamurai 19 hours ago 100%

    And this is the origin story of furries

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 19 hours ago 100%

    It's been a pleasant disagreement :)

    That's the kind of disagreement that is best.

    Edit: also, my apologies. When I saw this earlier, I was on my phone and fat-fingered the down vote. I corrected that. Not that votes matter, but this far down a thread it can seem like disrespect.

  • war War in Ukraine More Americans want the US to stay the course in Ukraine as long as it takes
  • southsamurai southsamurai 19 hours ago 88%

    Yeah, I'm one of them.

    Ukraine needs the backing, it's smart policy for the present and future, and we could forge an alliance with them that could last as long as the ones we have in Europe already.

    Yeah, war sucks, and it would be nice if Russia would fuck off. Yeah, it's expensive and we have trouble of our own. But some things are about the long view, and in that regard, there's just no benefit to not backing them.

  • southsamurai southsamurai 19 hours ago 100%

    I love the specificity of this

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 21 hours ago 66%

    Dude. You know what I'm talking about, don't pretend otherwise

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 50%

    So, all I have to do is pump my semen into enough women, get them knocked up, and have thirty votes? Awesome! I'll be my own bloc!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    No, no citizen whatsoever should be able to cast the votes of other citizens, period.

    If the kid can't get in the voting booth by themselves, cast their own vote without assistance, then they aren't voting, someone else is.

  • openstreetmap OpenStreetMap community What's up with Overture Maps?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    Eh, when you scroll down to "steering members", it starts to look a lot less attractive.

  • education Education Do Bible stories belong in K-5 curriculum? Texas board to vote in November
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    I mean, there's nothing wrong with using fiction for education.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    In that regard, they already have representation by their parents' votes. All it would achieve is giving parents outsized voting power.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 83%

    Well, if they're much past infancy, there's only so much that could be done until they're adults anyway. Afaik, the kind of hormonal treatments to cause growth work way less past the early years. After that, it tends to need surgical intervention to change, but that's just based on the last time I was reading up on it, which has been about a year at this point.

    That being said, it's worth talking to their doctor because the underlying causes can cause other problems that would be better detected early.

    It's a really simple thing to have checked, it's just measuring the penis and comparing that to charts. No trauma involved, no complicated procedure, and unless it does point to a formal diagnosis there's no further action needed.

    It's one of those things where knowing can give everyone involved time to prepare for anything down the road.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    Well, no, not really.

    Being a "grower" isn't the same thing at all.

    Someone putting on weight could be called buried penis. Totally different thing as well.

    Libido loss doesn't have anything to do with the penis itself, directly. There may be an underlying hormonal issue that causes both, but that's still different. And, sometimes people with micropenis may have psychological issues with their penis that interferes with libido as well. But, again that's not the same thing.

    And, no, it doesn't "turn" micro later. By definition, it's an inborn thing. It would be called something else if it happens later in life.

    The most recent research into this is barely a year old, but it only backed up and refined previous information; this stuff has been documented and studied since at least the seventies, since that's when the first surgeries for altering the condition took place. And that's just as far as I know currently.

    It's maybe one of those things where there's a gap between the actual definition of a medical term and the colloquial usage, but I'm going off of the medical version. Again, from that standard, it is inborn, with the key factor in causing it being hormonal abnormalities in utero. The reasons for those hormonal issues are varied, and may have other symptoms after birth, but for it to be micropenis instead of something else, it's an in utero malformation.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 96%

    Man, it's a tough one.

    In theory, nobody should be disenfranchised by age at all. But at what age would they be able to vote, as in understand what to do, how to do it, and do so without adult supervision?

    Until they reach that point, it's essentially their parents or guardians getting an extra vote.

    And then you have to look at other things we limit minors on by virtue of not being able to make informed decisions. So, would we go with driving age, since that's when we trust them with a ton of death machine? Drinking age? Age of consent for sex (which isn't always 18)?

    If we change it away from 18 to lower, showing that they have the full rights of any citizen, why don't they get those other rights with enfranchisement? Why is someone able to vote like someone that has the ability to make an informed choice, but they can't drink? Hell, that's already a problem since 18 year olds can be sent to fight and die in the military, but can't have a beer legally.

    I would be fine with 16 being the age of majority for everything if the individual wanted it. You wanna step into adult life, with all the rights and responsibilities, I don't have an objection to that at 16. I had too many patients that were married and working before 18 to pretend that it isn't realistic for someone that age to step into adulthood. I don't think it's the best choice, but I wouldn't fight it if the world decided that way.

    I could definitely made an informed decision for voting at 16. I had access to alcohol, and was able to make the decision to not use it, same with tobacco. I had access to sex, and made the decision to make it safe sex. I was a decent driver, and didn't have even a fender bender until I was 19, and I wasn't the one that caused it then. All of the stuff that we limit to "adults", I know I would have been fully capable of making informed and conscientious decision about any of them.

    But I also knew other teenagers that were absolute morons that couldn't be trusted not to jerk off in the school bathroom. I knew 16 yos that wrecked cars and put other people's lives at risk in the process. So I'm okay with the age of majority being 18 too; some of those morons would just flip a coin for their vote, and the mock votes we'd have in school were laughable across the board.

    Not everyone can make an informed and conscientious decision at 30, much less 18.

    So I don't really think it needs to change, but I agree with you that it sucks that it's so arbitrary.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    Yeah, that's true. I just don't think that way. Kinda dumb of me to not consider the possibilities. I mean, it could be a step-dad, and they didn't become anon's dad until later. Could have been deployed in the military and didn't have the chance. Someone else pointed out that the dad could have been older, in the actual baby boomer range; and that reminded me that I had assumed anon was a younger person when that doesn't have to be the case

    I just default to the idea of fatherhood that I was raised around, and how I wanted to be a dad. Couldn't get out of my own head before I commented lol. You'd think I'd know better

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 88%

    Micropenis is typically noticed in the initial physical exam after birth. The upper limit for that criteria is about half of the typical/normative, so it's visually distinct even at birth. It's not determined by erect length at all.

    Penises do grow over time, no matter what size they start, but there's limits to how much. Even as puberty hits, someone with a micropenis will only get so much extra because of the underlying limitations of the tissues. If someone of normative length gets a 10% change (as an example, I don't recall the actual number ranges for pubertal changes), that same basic range is all the person with a micropenis is going to get too.

    And you're exactly right, it has next to zero impact on long term relationships. I wanna say that out of maybe fifteen or sixteen patients I had that fit the criteria, all but three had kids. So it's definitely not a barrier to sex at all. The one patient I had that was unusually talkative about it (most of them would just state the fact and describe any special needs they'd have for bathing, then never mention it again) said that once he read "the joy of sex" and learned how to do oral, he and his wife did fine, which she said was true as well, fwiw.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 100%

    Well, considering the is dated last year, I didn't consider that anon would be old enough to have boomer parents and be coming out late in life, but that is possible. I sometimes forget that my generation hasn't all come out yet. I'm just so used to the only people coming put in my life being under 30, that it's become three unconscious association that someone coming out has to be younger.

    You'd think I'd know better, what with seeing the occasional article about someone from my mom's age range deciding it's time to transition, and she was at the tail end of the baby boom.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1 day ago 94%

    Yeah, it's pretty obvious.

    It tends to happen the most with other atypicalities, but even when it doesn't, it just doesn't look right. Humans have certain proportions, ratios, and we can usually tell when someone is off by a fairly small margin. Genitals are no different in that regard.

    You might not immediately think "micropenis", but you'd be able to tell things weren't normative.

    Now, it might be pretty easy to shove that aside and assume it would grow later on, and they do. They just don't grow to normative proportions, they stay micro, just not the same size as they start.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon, sources say
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    Just wait until they find out what they did to the jockstraps Hezbollah ordered last month

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 97%

    Did the dad never change any diapers?

    Micropenis is almost always evident from birth. Always afaik, but I'm leaving room for edge cases I've never heard of.

    So you'd have to be a pretty hands off dad not to see it, even if it somehow wasn't noticed or reported to the parents by the doctors involved.

    Edit: also, obviously fake and gay, forgot where I was for a second and was pretending it was real for discussion/entertainment sake.

  • firefox Firefox That's disappointing. I love #FireFox and #Mozilla but this is the wrong direction. The org doesn't appear to have a strong strategy, constantly moving from VPN, to fedi, to AI. Supporting federated
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    Eh, if they were moving towards a more focused, less ridiculously "ai" model, it would make sense to stop spending resources on something that's not even tangential to their core purposes. But they're wasting those resources chasing "ai" bullshit, and trying to edge into the ad market.

    I mean, as long as the browser and thunderbird stay open source, I don't really care overall, but it's still not great.

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Tobacco smoke enema
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    Oh, that's okay then!

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Tobacco smoke enema
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    Are you blowing smoke up my ass?

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion YouTuber drama is just celebrity drama but even stupider
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    I've heard similar a lot. Not necessarily the exact phrasing you used, but close enough when it wasn't essentially a difference in which term was used instead of "stupid"

    But I agree. Pretty much any drama is stupid to at least a small degree, because drama is stupid. You handle a problem, or you don't; drama is just being loud for attention, be it from the people involved, or hangers on.

    The scale doesn't even matter. Small scale family drama is just as stupid as drama around a singer, or some YouTube talking head.

  • backyardchickens

    Well, it happened. We have a bird with bumblefoot. So I've been looking at what needs to be done. All the home treatment options are within my skill set from doing human wound care as a nurse's assistant. But *should* I do it is still a question. All the online stuff seems to be biased purely in favor of that, and while it seems to be true, I can't help but want to make sure it isn't malarkey. So, any of you folks have any input? For it, against it, or specific preferences as to which methods to use? Again, I've handled similar situations with humans, including the removal of deep "kernels" or roots from cysts and abcesses, so I know I can do the job right, I'm just wanting to make sure I *should* do it myself rather than have the hen dealing with the added stress of travel and the vet visit.

    economics Economics Tupperware in fight to survive after bankruptcy filing
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    I mean, the company made progressively crappier products, while still wanting to charge top tier prices because of their old reputation. I'm kinda amazed they lasted this long

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Number of the beast
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%



    wait, it isn't about them?


  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    Or any other rom, really. Stock, which is the Google version of Android, but the pixel line is well supported by lineage and other variants.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If Prometheus stole fire to give to humans. Why was he in trouble? Because could not Zeus lightning strikes on earth create fire? Kind of seems like punishing a person for doing what you do.
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2 days ago 100%

    No worries :)

  • chronicillness Chronic Illness "Oh you're so lucky, I wish I could spend so much time in bed"
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3 days ago 70%

    I almost got arrested for punching someone that said that to me

  • comicbooks Comic Books Anybody remember The Maxx (Image, 1993)?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3 days ago 100%

    Pretty much surrealism as storytelling.

    Kinda hard to keep up with as it was published because the time between issues made it feel janky, but when you experience in collected form, it works a lot better.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3 days ago 100%

    Usually a ball cap of some variety, I have a couple.

    It was probably my favorite, a custom one a friend got me that has "Mrs Lovett's meat pies" on it. Custom because my giant dome made the ones that were available from the show itself look ridiculous lol.

    There's also a pride hat, a pirate hat with "surrender the booty" stitched in small print above the back band, a random ebay find with Bacchus on it, and one that's just plain black.

    I've got a boonie hat that I use when it's raining, and a couple of dressier ones that look nice when I have to/should wear a suit.

    After my hairline started receding and I got my first sunburn, me and hats became friends lol.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3 days ago 100%

    HR isn't the employees friend, ever.

    But that's where you start the paper trail. It's really the safest bet

  • metal
    Metal southsamurai 4 days ago 100%
    Oklahoma Blood, Metal Demolition

    One of two instrumental tracks they have, the other being [Stompin Nachos]( This is their first album of studio recorded music, and I'm digging the hell out of it. I picked the instrumentals just because we don't tend to see a lot of that here on lemmy.

    Metal southsamurai 2 months ago 83%
    Coraje, Venganza

    In any language, this shit is brutal

    Music southsamurai 2 months ago 50%
    Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre - Yeezus Saves

    Because everyone should hear this at least once

    Metal southsamurai 3 months ago 100%
    Diabolical, by Destruction

    Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song. It is, however, unforgettable.

    Metal southsamurai 3 months ago 90%
    Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre, I Wanna Pet Your Dog

    Metal as fuck, and quite good manners

    Metal southsamurai 3 months ago 100%
    Destruction, No Kings - No Masters

    Thrash in your face!

    Metal southsamurai 3 months ago 100%
    Black Sun, Drown in Sin

    I think my face is melting now

    Metal southsamurai 3 months ago 91%
    Mushroomhead, Fall in Line

    Pretty fucking dope

    Metal southsamurai 4 months ago 85%
    Slaughter to Prevail, live @ inkcarceration 2023

    This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 4 months ago 90%
    N.W.A, Fuck the Police

    Because burning the prison down is only part of the story

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 4 months ago 100%
    Boozoo Chavis, Going to the Country

    He's going to the country of Louisiana to get a mojo hand, a voodoo magic working.

    Music southsamurai 4 months ago 62%
    Slash w/ Demi Lovato, Papa was a Rolling Stone

    This may be the sickest cover of the decade. There's so much funk in there that the room you're in will stank. Just bloody amazing track.

    Metal southsamurai 4 months ago 100%
    Kittie, Vultures

    Nothing to say about perfection

    Vegan Recipes southsamurai 4 months ago 75%
    Chili ala Patrick

    Patrick is the cousin I cook vegan food for. This is his favorite. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 medium onion, diced large. 1 clove garlic minced- *or* 1/2 to 1 tsp garlic powder. 1 or 2 bell peppers, red, yellow, orange or (ugh) green. 1 large or 2 medium zuchini. 1 (15-oz) bag frozen prediced butternut squash 2 tbsp chili powder. 1tsp cumin. 1tsp black pepper. 1 heaping tsp paprika, smoked being a plus. 1 (16-oz) can kidney beans, drained. 1 can black beans, drained. 2 cans tomato sauce. 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, *or* parsley if cilantro is soap to you. 1 medium jalapeño pepper, seeded and finely diced, *or* 1/2 can adobo. In 6 qt pot, add oil. Sweat onions until tender. Add garlic if using minced and cook until fragrant. Add zucchini and saute until zucchini is *barely* tender. Add seasonings , squash, beans, and. simmer 15–20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until hot. Ready to serve. However, this can be done in a crock pot for up to about 2 hours if necessary for other food prep. Best served in bread bowls, but you definitely want some good crusty bread, or some corn bread to go with if you serve in regular bowls. --- This *can* be done as non vegan, but even as a meat eater, this stuff is better without. The textures of the butternut and zucchini disappear when I've tried adding chicken. The recipe is modified from an old Publix recipe that I can't find online currently. The original is pretty amazing on its own, but I've tweaked it for my cousin over the years, and he says he prefers this version, so that's what I went with. I *do* have the original saved in my recipe manager app if anyone wants that; it uses more frozen veggies, and is missing some of the seasonings.

    Metal southsamurai 5 months ago 100%
    Saxon, Witches of Salem

    Like a great wine :)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 5 months ago 88%
    Four Horsemen, Metallica

    They're drawing nearer to the other four horsemen post

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 5 months ago 87%
    Lily Allen, Fuck You

    Because this is an awesome fucking song, and this fucking chain of songs fucks.

    Metal southsamurai 5 months ago 100%
    Skindred, If I Could

    Been debating about posting this for a while because it's at the very edge of metal, moreso than their usual stuff. But gods damn, it's just a great fucking track, and sometimes barely metal is metal enough, imo.

    Metal southsamurai 5 months ago 100%
    Filth, Cement Shoes

    Lyrically dubious, but that fucking intro is beast.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 5 months ago 100%
    Depeche Mode, Waiting for the Night

    Waiting for something is the connection with the Linkin Park post

    Memes southsamurai 6 months ago 97%
    Wise words being quoted
    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    ERSEDU, Black Garden

    Not anything new, but one of those bands I never remember how much I like them until I run across them the next time and seem to keep forgetting to get any of their stuff. Maybe this will make me remember lol.

    Music southsamurai 6 months ago 80%
    Jamie Fine, Seconds Away

    Miss Jamie has some serious range in what styles she does. This is more on the pop end of things and she's killing it as always.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Kittie, We are Shadows

    Gods damn!

    Android southsamurai 6 months ago 84%
    Samsung one ui update broke an app

    As the title says, a samsung tablet got updated, and now refuses to allow an older app that was working fine before the update to launch or do anything other than pop a toast saying it was built for an older android version. While there are other app options, none are the right fit. So, I'm hoping there's a way to make the app work anyway. It's the Swype keyboard. Any help would be appreciated. Edit: solved! As said, there is a version on xda that works, as long as you only need the basic language it comes with. There is a way to make the language packs work, but it is supposedly fiddly. Here's []( the link )

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Accept, The Reckoning

    Out there fucking killing it!

    Music southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Accept, The Reckoning

    Balls out!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Wilbur Ware, Super Bass

    Wilbur ware played on the album with Coltrane and Monk. Also, Super Bass has been sampled or used as the foundation for many an edm track.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Freeze the Fall, Daughters of Witches

    Okay, it isn't *great*. It's remedial metal, with very little real oomph. But it's cool because they're trying really hard to do it right. It isn't there yet, but the effort makes me happy anyway.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Girish and the Chronicles, She's Heavy Metal

    Retro badassery at its best. Anyone with pipes like his deserves to be a metal star

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 71%
    Wicked, Lost in the Dark

    Hair metal rebirth? Yes please!

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Septicflesh, Vampire from Nazareth

    I can not overstate how much I fucking love this.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 100%
    Oath of persistence, At the Gates of R'lyeh

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 72%
    Slash, w/ Brian Johnson and Steven Tyler, Killin Floor

    Okay, I know it isn't metal. It is, however hard blues rock, and I think that it's close enough that maybe users here would still listen to this kind of thing alongside metal. In any case, it's fucking brilliant.

    Metal southsamurai 6 months ago 75%
    Filth, Southern Hostility

    Aka, what you get when you knock on my door when I'm making out with my wife.
