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  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    They could, if they cared to research that much, which many don't seem to want to do.

  • programming Programming What do you think would be an actually good use of blockchain/smart contracts? What kind of problems (big or small) is it a good tool for?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I still find the ai program that infers your age based on your age pretty funny :p and it never really get's it completely.

  • anarchism Anarchism so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 60%

    All I wrote was a correct definition of a tankie. Stupid people worshipping the bloody handed dictators of russia and china.

  • nintendo Nintendo Exclusive: Interview with Picross developer Jupiter
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I don't know, I'm currently enjoying my break, but maybe I will :) For now I'm doing random acts of sudoku if someone mentions it :)

  • anarchism Anarchism so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 37%

    I think someone felt attacked there :p good

  • nintendo Nintendo Exclusive: Interview with Picross developer Jupiter
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Okay, so I looked it up. Apparently, you don't need to guess in proper Sudoku, when there is only one solution

    Yup, you got it :)

    , but apparently there are also many Sudoku, sometimes printed, which have more than one solution, and so you require guessing.

    Yeah, but only where you have come to a place where a 50-50 guess is needed, when you get used to solving good puzzles you learn how to figure it out, and there is a lot of checkers that you can run on puzzles if you're not sure, and if you find one with multiple solutions you just evade that source.

    Also There are known good sources for puzzles, ones that are proper puzzles, so the best choice is just to keep at them.

    Also, some sites mention "guessing" as a technique, which I probably took it to mean that you have to do it.

    Guessing is used in speedsolving, where they solve the puzzles really fast. Guessing is a valid technique in picross as well, you can just guess if a cell is filled or not, it's exactly the same in sudoku, you just cheat yourself, and it's a big likelihood that you made the puzzle unsolveable, personally I find it not very gratifying to guess, so I never do.

    Since I believed guessing is required, I would leave the puzzle where I got a bit stuck, assuming this is where I need to guess.

    Yeah, some of the techniques, like finned fishes, Alternate inference chains and 3d-Medusa and so on can get a bit involved, so if you haven't seen them before it's hard figure them out by yourself. I used to moderate the r/sudoku sub over at reddit, where we used to help people solve a lot of puzzles they were struggling with. But really difficult stuff like that usually aren't in printed puzzles, they seldomly have anything more complex than an X-wing.

    If you want to learn about techinques is a really good source, and hodoku is a really good solver too in case you want to learn, if you want something online there is which is decent as well :)

    Thanks for the comment! If I start to like Sudoku again, the blame would be all on you! 😀

    Hah, you're welcome, I've been solving for around a decade now, and it's still fun to me, so at least there is something for it.

  • nintendo Nintendo Exclusive: Interview with Picross developer Jupiter
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    You don't have to guess with sudoku, I've done around 15 000 puzzles or so by now, and even the hardest have logic behind them, of course you can guess if you can't figure out the logic, but every one of them if you get them from a quality source has no guessing, and a single solution.

  • nintendo Nintendo Exclusive: Interview with Picross developer Jupiter
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Ooh, I loved Murder by numbers, bought it full price some time ago, and it was well worth that :D

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Thank you for the quick turn around on removing ads
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Then why are you quoting the price of ultra, which is something completely different?

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think the jupyter kernel is made by the core developers of nim, it's kind of weird to call the language pain in the ass because of one weird niche usecase being hard to set up :)

  • anarchism Anarchism so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 23%

    I'm not sure why we should launder tankies and make everyone else that do like ML complicit with their fucked up ideas?

  • anarchism Anarchism so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 42%

    Why? tankies are Authocratic far left people, supporting dictators with bloody hands, I don't think we need a neutral term, call them as it is, and I say this as a far left person, just not supporting authocrat dictators.

  • anarchism Anarchism so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 62%

    Marxist Leninist, but I think the correct term would be tankie.

  • memes Memes It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 88%

    Free Open source software :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your religion and what led you to identifying with / believing in it?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 66%

    You're right that the theory is not about God, but explains the origins of the universe.

    How so? I don't see what you mean here, it doesn't explain anything, it just builds a level of assumptions on top of something, basically explaining something with an untested hypothesis.

    what I said about God is what I think is a logical conclusion.

    If you Agree to the premises I guess, but I don't, so it explains nothing.

    If something has a beginning, then it must have been kickstarted somehow.

    Then who kickstarted god? Or does he/she/it for some reason get special treatment here? (This is special pleading)

    What kickstarted it is by definition its creator.

    If I kick a stone down a hill I did not create the stone even though I set it in motion.

    And this applies to our universe, in my opinion.

    Hmm, I don't see how you evade an infinite regression here, unless you break your own rules and give one link in the chain an "eternal always existing" modifier. We don't know that anything eternal exist, or even that our universe isn't eternal (extisting eternally as a singularity before spreading or a part of a bigger multiverse that we cannot perceive)

    It is merely a statement that they must exist.

    It is just assuming that something must exist, since you're building your logic on very shaky premises that we cannot prove.

    An effect must have a cause.

    Must it? Or have we just never seen the contrary (black swan fallacy) Who caused god? like I said before you can't get away from that without special pleading.

    I apologize for sounding pretentious earlier, that was not my intention, but I can see how it came off as such. And apologize for misunderstanding your intentions as well.

    Water under the bridge :) No worries :)

    Also I notice you have some downvotes. Just want to clarify that it is not me.

    No worries, I don't care about the votes, interactions are worth way more than someone clicking an arrow :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your religion and what led you to identifying with / believing in it?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 88%

    But that's a theory isn't it? I haven't seen any scientific theories to gods how do we know anything about a god, much less what the nature of their being? It's just not based on anything, (therefore my allusions to magic)

    I don't enjoy your tone policing.. There are ways to do that without sounding pretentious and holier than though, please keep that in mind for the next time.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your religion and what led you to identifying with / believing in it?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Why do you think the universe needs a beginning, but there are special rules for your god because of?... magic?

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    It's basically coding challenges, with a story, and some silly christmas stuff, it's a lot of fun :) I've been doing it #or 4 years or so now, really enjoyable :)

  • technology Technology Google’s Web Environment Integrity project raises a lot of concerns
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    How likely do you think it is that even with the heavy push anything more than a small percentage of people will switch.

  • advent_of_code
    Advent Of Code sotolf 1 year ago 100%
    [2017][Day09][Nim] Streams

    Using nim streams this was a breeze, and got solved a lot quicker than what I expected, quite a lot of fun :)

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Here from the subreddit version:

    Advent of Code is an annual Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.

    Advent of Code

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I really enjoyed the AoC sub on reddit, and this year is going to be kind of sad without it, so that would be really nice :)

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Sync for Lemmy Google Play Link
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I was able to see it in firefox, but then I can't register for it ;)

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Sync for Lemmy Google Play Link
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Hmm doesn't seem like I can get to the preregister page in the austrian google play store

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    maybe, at least it's something to consider :) Now nothing wrong with liking the language if you do though :) just talking about my misgivings with it.

  • askscience Ask Science How does a signing a post with a pgp key prove that you are actually the person behind the post?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    So they are not excrypting it, but do we agree that with signatures the author uses their private key + the clear message to generate "something"?

    Yeah sure, and I think the person you are arguing with is saying as much as well, it's just that this is not encrypting it, when you encrypt something you obfuscate it in a way that is possible to deobfuscate, think the caesar cipher as a simple encryption, a hash/signature on the other hand is something that is generated from the clear text using your private key, which is not possible to decrypt, think very simplified that the person would just put the amount of each letter of the alphabet used in in the text, then add the length of the thread, and then multiplied by your private key. This way it's proven that the holder of the private key is the person writing the text, and that the text hasn't changed since the signature was generated.

    ... so then anyone can use the author's public key to check that "something" against the clear mesage to confirm the author's identity?

    They can confirm that the person holding the private key (not identity, just that they have the key) and also that nobody changed it since they signed it (like the person adminning the forum or a moderator or something)

    If that's the case, then my error is that the operation to generate the signature is not an encryption. So, may I ask... what is it? A special type of hash?

    It's basically a hashing function yeah.

  • askscience Ask Science How does a signing a post with a pgp key prove that you are actually the person behind the post?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Look at the words you used, encryption is not the same as a signature, with a signature you can prove that a person with access to the private key wrote the message.

    What you're talking about in your message is encryption, and you have it the wrong way around, messages gets encrypted with the public key, and can only be read with the private key.

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I was excited by rust, back when it used sigils instead of box and other keywords, it was an exciting language, I had some fun with it, but it wasn't ready yet, so I went having fun with some of the languages in its family (ocaml, F#) And when I went back to rust some years ago to write a little tool for myself ( to try it out, and it was really cumbersome, and ended up rather slow. I really don't like the rust syntax, and yes, that is kind of shallow, but there are so many bad choices, like a ; not being there rather than a return, it just doesn't work for me. Error handling is decent, just that it's syntactically cumbersome unless you use a package like anyerror, there are packages, so many packages, and what you wanted to make that is just a small tool now has 2 Gb + of build artifacts. I later found out about nim, and rewrote the tool in it, and got a more stable faster tool in a 3rd less code ( And the way to work in nim just fits me so much better.

    The thing about the rust pushing people (They are funnily enough mostly people that haven't really used it for much yet, but went into the hype) is not that they are exited about a language, sure I can get that, it's the way they are pushing it, they talk down about other languages, demand people rewriting things in a language they are exited about, I don't like the slow compilation and the huge stuff. It's just not me. Don't get me wrong I know it's a good language, just too low level for what I (and most people really) need and it getting pushed for places where it's not really suited, I don't really think it's a good thing. There is also this push for cleverness in their libraries and code, and cleverness in code is always a red flag to me. So it's not you rust, it's me.

  • nim
    Nim Programming Language sotolf 1 year ago 100%
    A simple brians brain cellular automata in nim

    I was playing around a bit with cellular automata, and "Brian's brain" always looks kind of fun, this is just a simple little program visualising it using curses (through illwill).

    programming Programming [Discussion] Nim Programming language - thoughts?
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I've been using it for 2 years or so, mostly for hobby programming, and I really love it, it's been great for the kinds of things that I do at least :) Feels great and logical to write, and it'more or less works the same way my mind does, the type system is really good think something like Ada, and it can be both a pretty low level, and high level langauge. YMMV, but I really like it personally.

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Aww, the hype got to ya... yeah, seeing it again and again, at least don't do like everyone else who are starting to shill for the language without even having tried it. I'm just tired of rust activism, so tired.

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    For me it depends on the size, for small stuff like 1000-2000 lines of code that mainly I just work on alone, something like python is okay, if it is something longer, I miss types a lot.

    The thing is nim is more than just a typed python, it just works really well, I've had a lot of fun with it the two or so years that I've used it.

    But then again, I have a lot of fun testing out different languages, and don't care about marketability, since I'm just programming as a hobby, and not as my profession, right now I'm playing around with picolisp, and it's pretty fun :)

  • random Random Finnish and Swedish (Prolly Norwegian too fucked if ik) ppl get so excited abt freshly harvested potatoes dude wth is up with that? I mean I'm not saying they're bad I actually like them as much but w
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 0%

    Can confirm, am Norwegian and love freshly harvested potatoes :)

  • reddit Reddit Don't feel bad for the Moderators of Reddit
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I was moderating, this whole thing started, and I moved over to lemmy, I don't get why people are still continuing to do loads of work on a site that hates them with an even more toxic environment than before, not really for me.

  • mastodon Mastodon Is not that god damn hard.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I don't know what stuff you are interested in, and yeah, it's not a platform with algorithms that will push stuff that the site thinks that you will like on you, so you'll have to do some work to find people you like. If you tried or some other humongous instance that doesn't really have a culture itself also it makes the whole thing more difficult, joining something like or or some other one with an a bit more focused theme will usually be a bit better for getting started since your local feed will not be so random.

  • mastodon Mastodon Is not that god damn hard.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    You can't be following the right people then, I have tons of people speaking the 3 languages that I know well, talking about interesting and fun stuff, sharing things they learned and cool things they made. It's all about curating your feed.

  • mastodon Mastodon Is not that god damn hard.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, sure it's a bit of a hassle, but it's not like it's complex or difficult, that's what I meant compared to how often I do it it has not been an issue, after you have bootstrapped with a couple of follows, and keep an eye on the local feed it's pretty easy to get rolling, and then just following interesting people that the people you talk with boost, or people that you enjoy discussing with. I haven't added someone from a search in years, it's just a bit of work in the beginning.

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I was using python for quite a bit, but don't like how cumbersome their types are, I really fell in love with nim when I was looking for alternatives, it's an underdog, but personally I really like the langauge.

  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Some of us care about privacy and don't want to give out our numbers willy nilly

  • mastodon Mastodon Is not that god damn hard.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    If I find someone from another instance in my flow I don't need to do anything other than click on them and click follow. As long as you search from your instance, and not somewhere externally you can just follow them. Also the process when it's not your home server it's just a box where you enter your user name, not really convoluted. So I don't see what you're getting so worked up about to be honest.

    Sure lemmy is easy in that way, and if you like it more by all means just use it :) Nothing stopping you from that, but you are playing up non issues as "infuriating"

  • mastodon Mastodon Is not that god damn hard.
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    I just read through my feed, and if I find people that look interesting I click the follow button, it's not like it's hard, I have a really interesting feed full of cool stuff.

  • reddit Reddit "Teddit is Shutting Down. Lemmy is the New Reddit"
  • sotolf sotolf 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I am really impressed about it, at first I was thinking about what the use of it would be, kind of wouldn't make much of a difference. Then I tried it out, and it just feels like home, it's so much more compact, I really love it, and I've used it for a couple of weeks by now :)
