news News Feds target SUV, truck size to save pedestrian lives — ‘one of the last frontiers of vehicle safety’
  • socphoenix socphoenix 11 hours ago 100%

    Counting the differences in cost (loan, gas, expected maintenance, insurance etc) it came out to where I would have to use the truck to haul something at least a very weekend possibly more to break even with a much newer car vs just renting a truck once or twice a year. Pickups are almost universally owned by people too stupid for middle school math imo.

  • news News A bystander the NYPD shot in the head during their mass shooting on Sunday, identified by his family as Gregory Delpeche, is now brain dead.
  • socphoenix socphoenix 12 hours ago 100%

    The article doesn’t match the headline, did you link the right article?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If a website allowed users to select their favorite mythological figure when creating an account, what would you do?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 3 days ago 100%

    Report this egregious infraction on my privacy to who? The Illuminati?

  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 days ago 100%

    Depends on whether the study is from places likely to be subject to bias like the “conservative” group institute for family values that claims county level polling shows more democrats get divorced (despite conceding the accuracy of state level polling?), or more normal groups that have shown for a decade plus now that red states have higher divorce rates. Top five are:

    1. Nevada
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Wyoming
    4. Alabama
    5. Arkansas
  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • socphoenix socphoenix 6 days ago 100%

    In the US (including Colorado), citizens arrests are only legal for felonies. Last I checked hopping a fence isn’t a felony so blocking them in and waving a gun is just a multitude of gun crimes and kidnapping charges even if he didn’t shoot one of them.

  • news News Kroger Invests $1B in Antitrust Defense.
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 week ago 66%

    Walmart consistently saves me $10 per grocery trip at a minimum and their vegetables are fresher!

  • news News Americans' inflation-adjusted incomes rebounded to pre-pandemic levels last year
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 week ago 96%

    Our family income only went up because I picked up two (very) part time jobs lol it’s amazing that that is somehow a sign we’re back to normal in their eyes.

  • linux Linux BSD Vs. Linux
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 week ago 100%

    While you're not wrong there are still FreeBSD pain points particularly around wifi that remind me of 2007 when I first moved to Linux (and then FreeBSD). They're working on it and have some funding put aside to pay developers to help remedy this. Laptops also are very likely to have odd and end edge cases, for instance my chromebook needs to pass audio over i2c which FreeBSD doesn't support and even linux needs some hacky scripts to run through the commands to enable this (and the script needed an update because THIS particular model was slightly different from others by the same brand...). Linux in this regard moves much faster in getting support going and requires little to no pain especially in comparison. I love FreeBSD and use it everywhere I possilby can but there's certainly things it's just not easy/practical to use it for right now.

  • linux Linux BSD Vs. Linux
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 week ago 100%

    I use FreeBSD on a desktop as a server and for desktop usage with a touchscreen to run a virtual pipe organ that needs an obscene amount of resources to run. There’s a few things that I see as pros:

    1. Zfs on root/by default. Absolutely love zfs and not having to screw around with dkms/kernel issues etc to get it running is a huge plus imo

    2. Jails - I cannot stand docker. It’s opaque and I’m stuck trusting that whatever image I’m downloading is updated/secured and or running multiple extra containers to stack together. With jails I spent my time setting up the jail once (installing services etc), and using a jail manager (bastille) I can maintain what I think is better control of the internals and updates etc. the commands mirror the os as well which is nice

    3. Integrated world - the way bsd integrates the core system and separates out the packages means most security updates just need a service restart not a full reboot so uptime between OS patches can be months at a time. They’re also very conservative about changing how the core system functions so how I install/set up/maintain the system in 2007 is the same as today.

    4. The manual. Anything I need to know when adding services including edge use cases is in the manual on their website. Much cleaner written than the arch manual, and has a pdf download available if you aren’t going to always have the internet (and a terminal interfaced manual option to download).

    For my usage there’s not much I can think of for cons, but I will say laptops and particularly WiFi suffer currently. There’s funding and works in progress to fix this but still idk I’d use it on a laptop today without carefully checking support for the hardware like I would’ve with old school Linux. They’ve come a long way recently with edge cases for instance I’m currently running a windows vm with gpu pass thru using their bhyve vm manager, something that wasn’t supported a year ago, so I am optimistic the funding will help in the next few years on some of the laptop issues.

  • technology Technology Denmark takes historic turn and unveils nuclear power engine: There have only been 4 in history
  • socphoenix socphoenix 3 weeks ago 95%

    These advanced reactors are safe, efficient and ‘leaner’ than the first and second generations of nuclear power technology. Of course, you already know that this source is neither renewable nor clean, which is not a good idea, according to what we think.

    These authors don’t sound like they have a very good grasp of the tech they’re “reviewing”…

  • linux Linux no screens found
  • socphoenix socphoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    This happened to me by even though I had never hard configured anything… had to go to the config folder and find the offending definition and delete it

  • linux Linux This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    Almost certainly, and get security updates something I’d very much want if I let the tablet off the local network. I would love to see this thing get to that point to ditch android entirely.

  • linux Linux This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    If your kids software is available in Ubuntu maybe? At a glance I’d wonder how power efficient it would be (my $100 Walmart tablet lasts all week with light usage, I doubt this could compare), and would have to wonder as well on gpu performance. It’s likely not optimized yet so idk I’d trust 800 mhz as enough.

    I think the article sums it up best:

    RISC-V computing is a promising field but best ploughed by developers, early adopters, and tech enthusiasts at present. RISC-V chip performance is improving, but it’s not “there” for mainstream adoption — yet.

    It’d be a ton of fun to tinker with and if you have the money to risk I’d say go for it! But I wouldn’t buy this for a kid unless I had the extra $150 to potentially get them a normal android tablet if this didn’t work as well as hoped.

  • news News New Covid Shots Were Approved. But Who Will Get Them?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    I certainly hope that’s true if I do catch it again!

  • news News New Covid Shots Were Approved. But Who Will Get Them?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    Got Covid for the first time last October and ran a 103 degree fever for days and struggled to feel completely normal for almost two weeks. I was already planning to keep getting the shots prior to catching it but definitely keeping up with them now. I hope to never catch that one again.

  • memes memes The gift has been bestowed
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    That’s still owing money for something I would have never had a say in so call it whatever you want but it meets the definition of debt.

  • memes memes The gift has been bestowed
  • socphoenix socphoenix 4 weeks ago 100%

    Only partly true there I’m afraid. Pennsylvania allows for children to be responsible for medical and long term care bills from their parents under a filial support law:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Whats an absurd luxury you enjoy every day in your life?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    I get to handle over $1 million in musical instruments every day for my job.

    (I’m a church organist and pipe organs are insanely expensive)

  • privacy Privacy Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    I’ve never had an isp complain about me using my own router in the US, is this just common in other countries or have I just been lucky?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Single payer/socialized heath care vs private vs combined
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    That is my biggest fear health wise. Losing $7,800 in premiums and out of pocket plus copays for medicine and office visits would be painful to say the least

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Single payer/socialized heath care vs private vs combined
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    We pay about $300 a month in premiums for healthcare policy provided by the employer. We’re limited to 4.2k out of pocket but nothing at all is covered but the annual physician before that (medications are seperate and always have at least a copay).

    Good years it’s fine, but a few years ago I had a skin growth they scraped to test for cancer and got billed $2,000 after insurance’s “negotiated” price that took a nice chunk of savings to cover. I’d gladly switch to any other system than the one we have here in the US…

  • news News SpaceX accused of dumping mercury into Texas waters for years
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 93%

    The original cnbc report linked in the article posted states their application asked for 113 micrograms per liter of mercury for discharge. Texas considers 2.1 to be toxic to aquatic life and less than that for human life.

    They also mention their application didn’t mention the temperature of the water discharge which could also be a problem if we are trying not to boil the wildlife near the pad.

  • news News FTC head wants investigation into grocery stores over inflated prices
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    My town has a Kroger (city market) and an Albertsons (Safeway). Only other option is Walmart… the proposed merger would be catastrophic to our ability to afford groceries especially since Kroger is already price gouging to the point I can save $10 per 3ish days worth of food going to Walmart.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted I'm at a loss on what server to buy
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    You can look at things like

    To see some ideas of what would work, and I hope you feel free to ask around as you look at things! We all had to learn somehow and once you know what you’re looking for it’s just a small puzzle.

    Quick suggestion is to decide on the cpu (I’m partial to amd so I’d pick something ryzen based if you want processing power) first then compatible motherboard, as after those two you should be able to just look at spec sheets and see things like the kind of ram you need case type etc.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted I'm at a loss on what server to buy
  • socphoenix socphoenix 1 month ago 100%

    I think this is a fine community, but as a question, is there a reason you aren’t considering building a server? You could fit those requirements into a normal desktop chassis and likely still have some pci slots free for future upgrades.

  • news News RFK Jr admits to dumping bear carcass in New York's Central Park
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I don’t know I’d call it fine tuned given his current polling numbers of 4.2%

  • news News RFK Jr admits to dumping bear carcass in New York's Central Park
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you, fixed it!

  • news
    News socphoenix 2 months ago 98%
    RFK Jr admits to dumping bear carcass in New York's Central Park

    Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has posted a video on social media in which he admits that he dumped a dead bear cub in New York City's Central Park in 2014. The clip, posted to his X account on Sunday, shows him with controversial US comedian Roseanne Barr as he describes bizarre circumstances that led to an incident that mystified New Yorkers 10 years ago. Mr Kennedy said a woman had hit and killed the bear with her car when he was driving behind her outside of the city, and he put it in his van with the intention of skinning the animal and harvesting its meat. It appears he shared the anecdote to get ahead of an upcoming story in The New Yorker magazine. The Kennedy campaign and the New Yorker did not respond to requests for comment. Seated with rolled-up sleeves at a table covered with food, Mr Kennedy tells Ms Barr in the video that he was driving to meet a group of people to go falconing near Goshen, New York, 10 years ago when the bear was killed. He says he pulled over to put the bear in his vehicle. "I was going to skin the bear - and it was in very good condition - and I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator," he says. "And you can do that in New York state: Get a bear tag for a roadkill bear." New York state does allow people to take bears killed on roads, but the law stipulates that a person has to notify law enforcement or the state's Department of Environmental Conservation to acquire such a tag. Mr Kennedy does not appear to have done that. Instead, he says he continued to his falconing venture, which went late into the evening. He says he went on to a dinner reservation he had at Peter Luger Steakhouse in New York City, about 75 miles (121km) south of Goshen. "At the end of the dinner, it was late and I realised I couldn't go home," Mr Kennedy says. "I had to go to the airport, and the bear was in my car, and I didn't want to leave the bear in my car because that would have been bad." That is when, he says, it occurred to him that there had been a series of bicycle accidents in New York and that he had an old bicycle in his car. He tells Ms Barr that he had the idea of staging a bike accident with the bear carcass in Central Park, which several drunk people with him heartily endorsed. He emphasises that he had not been drinking. "So we did that and we thought it would be amusing for whoever found it or something," he says. "The next day... it was on every television station. It was a front page of every paper and I turned on the TV and there was like a mile of yellow tape and 20 cop cars, there were helicopters flying, and I was like, 'Oh my god. What did I do?'"

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy People who are into step sibling porn — did you grow up with a sibling (or close relative of a similar age) of the gender you're attracted to?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    It does if the marriage is good lol

  • news News Growing National Debt Gets Silent Treatment From Candidates
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Most of those people I’ve met think the cuts will only affect OTHER people…

    Some just refuse to think about it while others like my parents are at least honest and expect it to just have an age cutoff that fucks their kids over. Doesn’t matter long as they get theirs basically.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What os do you use on your pc?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Arch on a Chromebook, macOS on a MacBook Air, and FreeBSD on the desktop.

  • technology Technology Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I think you might have meant just hangs for me and never completes the request.

  • news News Bad news for universal basic income.
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 93%

    A whole 1.3 hours a week or $490 per year at federal minimum wage. Essentially a rounding error. Also worth mentioning it doesn’t say what they were working before so this may simply be a reduction on overtime to take better care of other things such as family, health etc. there’s plenty of things other than finding a “better job” or “being an entrepreneur” that would fall into social or leisure but still reduce things like future healthcare, prison system expenses etc.

    From the reason link:

    The five researchers who published the paper tracked 1,000 people in Illinois and Texas over three years who were given $1,000 monthly gifts from a nonprofit that funded the study. The average household income for the study's participants was about $29,000 in 2019, so the monthly payments amounted to about a 40 percent increase in their income. Relative to a control group of 2,000 people who received just $50 per month, the participants in the UBI group were less productive and no more likely to pursue better jobs or start businesses, the researchers found. They also reported "no significant effects on investments in human capital" due to the monthly payments. Participants receiving the $1,000 monthly payments saw their income fall by about $1,500 per year (excluding the UBI payments), due to a two percentage point decrease in labor market participation and the fact that participants worked about 1.3 hours less per week than the members of the control group.

    Participants in the study generally did not use the extra time to seek new or better jobs—even though younger participants were slightly more likely to pursue additional education. There was no clear indication that the participants in the study were more likely to take the risk of starting a new business, although Vivalt points out that there was a significant uptick in "precursors" to entrepreneurialism. Instead, the largest increases were in categories that the researchers termed social and solo leisure activities.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I don’t use Immich, but if you open a feature request I’d suggest asking for open street maps, which offers a self hosted tile service

  • selfhosted Selfhosted [Solved] New Network Stack with an Unknown Issue..?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Least you got it working again!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted [Solved] New Network Stack with an Unknown Issue..?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Whatever you are using that provides the brains of the network (like dhcp) in your setup probably the router or controller? I’ve never needed to move past an all in one but it seems like an intermittent routing issue. Have you u checked device logs to see if part of your network equipment is crashing or rebooting during these outages?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted [Solved] New Network Stack with an Unknown Issue..?
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    The only thing I see linking those devices are loosely speaking being Linux based.

    Does the local connection work? Or are you unable to ping other devices on the lan?

    I would guess it’s a switch issue assuming they can’t talk on the lan to each other.

  • news News Angry patients spur new state watchdogs to bring down drug prices
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Man it’s almost like it’d make sense to just have one national board that did this versus a massive host of state led initiatives of various but often bad quality…

  • privacy Privacy Traveling to the US - How to prepare
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 80%

    Yup! Holding power and volume up or down on an iPhone for a few seconds will lock it and require a password before it will unlock again.

  • news News Migrants say border agents continue to throw away their belongings like medicine
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Did you not read your own link twice now?

    The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) amended 8 U.S.C. § 1325 to provide that an alien apprehended while entering or attempting to enter the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty.

    Reading comprehension is hard but there you go just the relevant statute amendment that you sent me yourself. Have a nice day!

  • news News Migrants say border agents continue to throw away their belongings like medicine
  • socphoenix socphoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Your own link states:

    Section 1325 sets forth criminal offenses relating to (1) improper entry into the United States by an alien, (2) entry into marriage for the purpose of evading immigration laws, and (3) establishing a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading immigration laws. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) amended 8 U.S.C. § 1325 to provide that an alien apprehended while entering or attempting to enter the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty.

    So civil penalty without enhancements like fleeing immigration officials.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    10 Times as Much of This Toxic Pesticide Could End Up on Your Tomatoes and Celery Under a New EPA Proposal
    U.S. News socphoenix 9 months ago 100%
    Philips Recalled Breathing Machines in 2021. Chemicals of “Concern” Found in Replacement Machines Raised New Alarm.

    Amid a massive recall in 2021, the medical device maker Philips raced to overcome troubling questions about its replacement machines as customers waited for help.

    FreeBSD socphoenix 10 months ago 100%
    FreeBSD 14.0 out now!

    Some of the highlights: OpenSSH has been updated to version 9.5p1. OpenSSL has been updated to version 3.0.12, a major upgrade from OpenSSL 1.1.1t in FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE. The bhyve hypervisor now supports TPM and GPU passthrough. FreeBSD supports up to 1024 cores on the amd64 and arm64 platforms. ZFS has been upgraded to OpenZFS release 2.2, providing significant performance improvements. It is now possible to perform background filesystem checks on UFS file systems running with journaled soft updates. Experimental ZFS images are now available for AWS and Azure. The default congestion control mechanism for TCP is now CUBIC. And much more…​ For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the online release notes and errata list, available at:

    FreeBSD socphoenix 10 months ago 100%
    Clang sanitizer failure with ASLR enabled

    II. Problem Description Some of the Sanitizers cannot work correctly when ASLR is enabled. Therefore, at the initialization of such Sanitizers, ASLR is detected via procctl(2). If ASLR is enabled, it is first disabled, and then the main executable containing the Sanitizer is re-executed, after printing an appropriate message. However, the Sanitizers work by intercepting various function calls, and by mistake the already-intercepted procctl(2) function was used. This causes an internal error, which usually results in a segfault. III. Impact Binaries linked to AddressSanitizer (using -fsanitize=address), MemorySanitizer (using -fsanitize=memory) or ThreadSanitizer (using -fsanitize=thread) can crash at startup with a segfault, if ASLR is enabled. Other binaries are not affected. IV. Workaround If ASLR is enabled system-wide, the problem can be worked around by running the specific binary with proccontrol(1), to temporarily disable ASLR for only that program. For example: proccontrol -m aslr -s disable /path/to/example_program

    FreeBSD socphoenix 10 months ago 100%
    FreeBSD OpenZFS bug patch

    II. Problem Description A check did not test both the dnode itself and its data for dirtiness. This provides a very small window of time while a file is being modified where the dirtiness check can falsely report that the dnode is clean. If this happens a hole may incorrectly be reported where data was written. III. Impact If an access occurs while a file is being modified and a hole is incorrectly reported, the data may instead be interpreted as zero bytes. Any application which checks for holes may be affected by this issue; if this occurs during a file copy it will result in a corrupt copy that retains the incorrect data. Note that the source file remains intact (a subsequent read will return the correct data). IV. Workaround Setting the vfs.zfs.dmu_offset_next_sync sysctl to 0 disables forcing TXG sync to find holes. This is an effective workaround that greatly reduces the likelihood of encountering data corruption, although it does not completely eliminate it. Note that with the workaround holes will not be reported in recently dirtied files. See the zfs(4) man page for more information of the impact of this sysctl setting. The workaround should be removed once the system is updated to include the fix described in this notice.

    Raspberry Pi socphoenix 11 months ago 90%
    RPI 5 will only have software video encoding

    and HEVC as the only video decoding. Kind of dissapointing as using a graphical display remains the worst part of the rpi systems

    U.S. News socphoenix 12 months ago 98%
    Texas man sent to death row over junk science denied US supreme court appeal

    > A Texas prisoner who is facing execution having been sent to death row on the basis of “shaken baby syndrome”, a child abuse theory that has been widely debunked as junk science, has had his petition to the US supreme court denied. > The country’s highest court issued its denial on Monday morning giving no explanation. Robert Roberson, 56, who was sent to death row in 2003 for shaking his two-year-old daughter Nikki to death, had appealed to the justices to take another look at his case focusing on the largely discredited forensic science on which his conviction was secured. > The court’s decision leaves Roberson’s life in jeopardy. Having come within four days of execution in 2016, he has already exhausted appeals through Texas state courts and must now rely on the mercy of the Republican governor Greg Abbott who rarely grants clemency. > “Robert Roberson is an innocent father who has languished on Texas’s death row for 20 years for a crime that never occurred and a conviction based on outdated and now refuted science,” the prisoner’s lawyer, Gretchen Sween, said.

    Philadelphia Flyers socphoenix 12 months ago 72%
    I will be testing the game day bot today (for real....)

    Good afternoon everyone! The bot apparently didn't like a few things with the new schedule but it looks like I have it together now. I'll be back to check on it before game time.

    Philadelphia Flyers socphoenix 1 year ago 100%
    IIHF sanctions Ivan Fedotov and CSKA Hockey Club

    Cross-posted from (Memmy doesn’t have cross posting yet)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    main socphoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Lemmy just had its first major hack. What happens next:

    Posting this for visibility: cross-posted from: > Hi all, > > If you're just now signing in for the first time in 12+ hours, you may just now be finding out that Lemmy World and other instances where hijacked. The hijackers had the full abilities of hijacked user, mod, and admin accounts. At this time, I am only aware of instance defacing and URL redirections to have been done by the hijackers. > > **If you were not forced to sign back in this morning, contact your instance admin to verify mitigations were completed on your instance.** > > ## How? > > This occurred due to an [XSS attack]( in the recently added custom emojis. Instance admins should follow the issue tracker on the [LemmyNet GitHub](, as well as the [Matrix Chat]( Post-Incident Activity is still on-going. > > Currently, it is likely that just your session cookie was stolen, with instance admins being targeted specifically by checking for `navAdmin`, an HTML element only instance admins had. I do not believe this to affect users across instances, but I have yet to confirm this. > > ## What happens next? > > As I am not the developers or affected instance admins, I cannot make any guarantees. However, here is what you'll likely see: > > 1. Post Incident investigation continues. This will include inspecting code, posts, websites, and more used by the hijackers. An official incident writeup may occur. You should expect the following from that report: > > - Exactly what happened, when. > - The incident response that occurred from instance admins > - Information that might have helped resolve the issue sooner > - Any issues that prevented successful resolution > - What should have been done differently by admins > - What should be improved by developers > - What can be used to identify the next attack > - What tools are needed to identify that information > > 2. A CVE is created. This is an official alert of the issue, and notifies security experts (and enthusiasts), even those not using lemmy, about the issue. > > > 3. A code security audit is done. This will likely just be casual reviews by technical lemmy users. However, I will be reaching out to the Mozilla Foundation and Cure53 as they recently did an audit of Mastodon. If there is interest in an external audit of lemmy and the costs are affordable, I'll look into crowdfunding this cost.

    Selfhosted socphoenix 1 year ago 66%
    issue routing from zerotier to container with PF

    I'm trying to set up rules so I can access a few different containers from zerotier. I've already set up an ssh-x11 container and the passthrough is working fine with: > rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8000 -> port 22 where $ext_zero is the variable for the zerotier bridge. However, trying to stream music with jellyfin with: > rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8096 -> port 8096 I get consistent connection refused messages. The full pf.conf for redirections: Code: ``` table <jails> persist nat on $ext_if from <jails> to any -> ($ext_if:0) rdr-anchor "rdr/*" rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8000 -> port 22 rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8096 -> port 8096 rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8920 -> port 8920 rdr on $ext_zero proto udp from any to $ext_zero port 1900 -> port 1900 rdr on $ext_zero proto udp from any to $ext_zero port 7359 -> port 7359 ``` The system is FreeBSD, the jails are roughly equivalent to a docker compose install. Jellyfin is set to accept remote connections, with the whitelist left blank as per their instructions to allow all addresses. Why will ssh connect but not jellyfin?>>

    FreeBSD socphoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Getting Started With Bastille | BastilleBSD

    Looking to get started with FreeBSD jails? bastille is a jail manager that feels like a better, cleaner idea of what Docker was meant to be. It is easy to install, and uses zfs to cache OS versions to reduce the size and footprint of jails. There are [template]( to make it easier to install common services.

    Hockey socphoenix 1 year ago 100%
    nhl bot looking ready to go, but would love feedback before the season

    cross-posted from: > > Good morning hockey fans! It's still a good bit before pre-season, but I've been working on a bot for the flyers community and would like some feedback on what everyone would find useful. Based on tests it should be ready to go once pre-season rolls around. It pull [stats]([standings]( > > /[live scores]( at the moment. If there's other features (or more information you would like to see on the existing ones), please let me know so I can make sure to have it finished before the start of the season! > > > > I'd also love feedback from any community mods that want to use the bot for any way to make it easier for you to do so! Right now it can be installed through python's pip command or through [docker](

    Hockey socphoenix 1 year ago 93%
    nhl bot looking ready to go, but would love feedback before the season

    cross-posted from: > Good morning hockey fans! It's still a good bit before pre-season, but I've been working on a bot for the flyers community and would like some feedback on what everyone would find useful. Based on tests it should be ready to go once pre-season rolls around. It pull [stats]([standings]( > /[live scores]( at the moment. If there's other features (or more information you would like to see on the existing ones), please let me know so I can make sure to have it finished before the start of the season! > > I'd also love feedback from any community mods that want to use the bot for any way to make it easier for you to do so! Right now it can be installed through python's pip command or through [docker](

    Hockey socphoenix 1 year ago 100%
    nhl bot looking ready to go, but would love feedback before the season

    Good morning hockey fans! It's still a good bit before pre-season, but I've been working on a bot for the flyers community and would like some feedback on what everyone would find useful. Based on tests it should be ready to go once pre-season rolls around. It pull [stats]([standings]( /[live scores]( at the moment. If there's other features (or more information you would like to see on the existing ones), please let me know so I can make sure to have it finished before the start of the season! I'd also love feedback from any community mods that want to use the bot for any way to make it easier for you to do so! Right now it can be installed through python's pip command or through [docker](
