workreform Work Reform What this community is for (and welcome!)
  • rivvvver rivvvver 3 weeks ago 100%

    "uhh u gotta have some kind of wage slavery! lets just beg for the slave conditions to get just a little better! oh this person is saying we should abolish slavery?? ridiculous! dont they know nothing would ever get done in society??"

    i dont wanna argue with the crippled remains of the antiwork movement, bc it frustrates me to no end. but please read some antiwork theory before saying so much dumb shit all at once.

  • technology Technology Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO - 9to5Mac
  • rivvvver rivvvver 1 month ago 100%

    During the call, the Reddit co-founder said the company would begin testing AI-powered search results later this year [and] that search could one day be a significant source of advertising revenue for the company.

    this does not seem to be an alternative to the existing method of profiting from ads etc., but more of an additional way to make loads of money

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🌈🏡🐒🐴iel
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    darf man denn wirklich kein kunterbuntes haus haben? was soll der scheiß?

  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    that kids dad works at nintendo

  • memes Memes can we be all rich together?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    i mean, thats great! but the moneys gotta come from somewhere, and in most cases someone else is being exploited.

    most non-profits actually suffer from this issue where getting funding is the number one priority.

    the organization has to bend its methods to what will look good on paper vs what would actually be best for their cause

  • memes Memes can we be all rich together?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    what is ur answer to this system?

  • memes Memes can we be all rich together?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    theres companies making money off of prison labor, if u want a not very subtle example. in the US, prisons are also for-profit institutions, making it even more insidious.

    then ur typical capitalist labor situation ofc. ur boss makes more off of their workers labor than their workers get paid. this "surplus value" is how bosses get richer than the ppl who work for them; all without having to do any actual work of their own.

    ow also landlords who rent housing to ppl for a price, often providing very little or even no maintenance at all for that building. this exploits peoples need of shelter for the landlords personal gain, as landlords squeeze as much money out of ppl as they can get away with (also for example, keeping security deposits for no good reason).

  • memes Memes can we be all rich together?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 94%

    what if it means taking other ppls freedom away from them in the process?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MEME-----
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    yea would be interesting. but im also too lazy to type all that text in by hand to verify

  • hackernews Hacker News The CrowdStrike Failure Was a Warning
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%


  • politicalmemes Political Memes At the end of the day, they're a lot similar than they'd like to admit
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    yeee not quite horseshoe theory tho, is it?

    after all, the meme is just pointing out that both conservatives and tankies are pro-authority. said nothing about left and right

  • worldnews World News Children as young as 7 'arrested' by German police at Gaza demos
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 92%

    Iirc this can fall under antisemitism as it impies the wish to "destroy" izzy. I don't agree, but thats why.

    yea, im aware of the bullshit they make up so they can crack down on protests.

    doesnt make it true tho.

  • worldnews World News Children as young as 7 'arrested' by German police at Gaza demos
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 84%

    also german here. the demo i recently went to was cut short by police for no apparent reason.

    also many others are being blocked by the cops before they get to happen.

    this country is also raiding organizers homes and recently banned a group called "palästina solidarität duisburg" which organized protests as well.

    and its all happening in the name of what they call "staatsräson" or some vague ideas of chants like "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" being antisemitic.

    lastly, the idea that cops give a shit abt following the law is ridiculous if u ask me

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    sooo theres no way of preventing ur phones storage from being copied. it has to be stored on a chip somewhere, and that chips contents can be copied.

    there is however a different way of protecting the data.

    a strong encryption password is the only real protection against this kind of attack. modern phones have a chip called a Trusted Platform Module, that is capable of storing secret keys in a way thats very difficult to get to even with physical access to the device.

    the way i understand encryption on modern phones, is that ur unlock PIN is passed to the TPM, which then passes a secret key (longer and more complex password than ur PIN) to the system to decrypt ur files.

    this way, if u only copy the phones storage, u will have to bruteforce this very complex key thats stored in the TPM. or u would have to try to hack or brute-force the TPM itself, which is hardened against those types of attacks specifically.

    having said all that, idk if its even reasonable to expect a phone to ever be secure against targeted government agencies attacks. best protection is not having anything personal on ur phone in the first place. so set disappearing messages on messengers, etc.

    TL;DR use a long pin or a strong password for ur phone and try to remove any incriminating information from ur phone as soon as its not needed there anymore.

  • comics Comics Plato vs Democracy
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    i mean, good point. so what if u have a vote to kick someone for stalling or filibustering?

  • comics Comics Plato vs Democracy
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    what about consensus systems? instead of going for a majority, u discuss different solutions until everyone is satisfied or at least ok with the proposed plan

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich📦🤡iel
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    das ging früher auch per email. vor ein paar jahren wurde das dann eingestellt. wahrscheinlich wollte man die ältere kundschaft loswerden :)

  • memes memes My back relates
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    gotta be one of the mega man network games. no clue which one, theres like tens of them

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Bernie Sanders response...
  • rivvvver rivvvver 2 months ago 100%

    both help each other:

    If we are to learn from the successful movements of the past, we can see that all successful pressure has been the collusion of the peaceful and non-peaceful aspects of the movement, such that the peaceful party can lobby the state to concede, saying to them “now see? Wouldn’t you rather deal with me than them? Sit down and make some concessions to those suffering people.” Meanwhile, the non-peaceful protesters escalate the aggression of their actions such as to put a clock on the state.

  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 100%

    theres a movie in the works by Empire Files about this subject:

  • palestine Palestine Why is New York University making protesters watch The Simpsons as punishment?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 100%

    so theyre being told to watch S10E07 "Lisa gets an 'A'", then write about what they "did wrong" in a way that doesnt justify any of their actions.

    i wonder how well u could maliciously comply with that order. maybe talk about how nation states are simply above the law; how the great USA was built on colonialism; how students are just cogs in the machine that are to do what theyre told, without question.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Free time [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 100%

    yea i feel like i need a week or a month to just breathe. and then afterwards i would do all the things i always wanted to do

  • memes Memes Me BTW I use arch
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 90%

    AproPO ich benutze auch Arsch

  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 100%

    yea i mean any belief that fits on a sign has gotta be wrong..

  • privacy Privacy Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 87%

    im gonna assume ur joking. its hard to tell sarcasm on the internet.

    obviously i would like an actual source like at least one of those "important" ppl talking abt what happened to them

  • privacy Privacy Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 95%

    please get some more opinions on this, try to understand the arguments here better, before making up ur mind and believing the founder and CEO of a competing platform that u should switch away from their competitors

  • privacy Privacy Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • rivvvver rivvvver 4 months ago 98%

    arent telegram chats unencrypted by default?

    An alarming number of important people I’ve spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media

    source?? (i bet this ends up being a "they had full access to my unlocked phone" situation again)

    also the whole thing abt US funded encryption is the same bullshit argument ppl use against Tor all the time. it doesnt mean shit.

    this just reads like someone desperately trying to get more market share by spreading FUD

  • 196 196 Me irule
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    "i just need a little to relax from work today"

    *rests until midnight*

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 28%

    hahaha so true, except when its not.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    would that be a reason for it to be removed by a mod?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 37%

    they totally can actually. i get along completely fine with vegan and non-vegan ppl in my life. why cant u?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 66%
  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion The people who write the nastiest, inflammatory comments on Lemmy are usually (not always) frequent commenters in politics related communities.
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 75%

    the personal is political

  • cat cats *Permanently Deleted*
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    yay! get well soon, blue!

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    Give me a break

    lmao no, this cant be real x3

  • memes Memes Time for your medicine grandpa
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    only works with genuine OpenAI-Toast™

  • memes Memes Yeah I tried to access the app and checked downdetector it's down
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 100%

    maybe for u nerds. i havent had downtime in a long while now

  • whatcouldgowrong What Could Go Wrong Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • rivvvver rivvvver 5 months ago 76%

    if non-vegans caring about animals is hypocrisy, then vegans are hypocrites for buying products from companies that make non-vegan or not cruelty-free products as well.

    fight the system that propagates eating meat, not the ppl born into it.

    im vegan btw

  • privacy Privacy Reddit started blocking VPN users on
  • rivvvver rivvvver 6 months ago 100%

    i dont have an account anymore but for anytime i need to view a reddit post i use RedReader. its an open-source thirdparty app thats still allowed to use reddits API for accesibility reasons.

  • piracy
    looking for a specific downloader website

    hi all, i saw a post (or perhaps it was in the comments) about 1-2 weeks ago of a website to download any youtube/vimeo/instagram/tiktok/whatever video/audio in many different formats. it was a FOSS website. dark background, with maybe red text in places? on mobile, it had tabs on the bottom for video/audio/other. i tried searching for it for a while now with no success. was hoping someone here mightve seen it too and bookmarked it.. i remember finding it via a lemmy post or comment. if anyone can help me out its greatly appreciated! thanks yall <3

    sitelen musi rivvvver 11 months ago 100%
    o lape a!