linux4noobs linux4noobs Why can't I create posts/comments on Lemmy with copy/paste from terminal to show what I did wrong?
  • remotelove remotelove 9 hours ago 100%

    There are about a million different flavors of how to download and execute a shell script. Regardless, you need to redirect the output of curl into bash with the -s flag. Bash needs to know that it is reading from STDIN.

    Here is an over-thought stackoverflow page on it:

    Also, if the script is not being read properly, that might explain the dpkg lock issue. Running two instances of dpkg simultaneously is likely causing that collision you are seeing. (If one instance is running, it will touch a lock file and then delete it when it stops. It prevents "bad things" from happening when two instances of the same app want the same resources.)

    That is odd if your path is broken. It curl should be in /usr/bin and 'which' should find it. Are you somehow launching another shell inside a shell? Like zsh inside of bash, or something in that flavor? (In some rare cases, that would break paths and profile configs for your active shell.)

    Regardless of why curl isn't being found, or only partially found, or something, learn "env". You need to get a decent picture of what your working environment is and why something as basic as curl "isn't found". ('which' is about as a baseline of a command as there is.)

  • linux4noobs linux4noobs Why can't I create posts/comments on Lemmy with copy/paste from terminal to show what I did wrong?
  • remotelove remotelove 12 hours ago 100%

    The script is complaining that it can't find curl? What is this script that you are using? It's probably got a super-basic check for curl (in the wrong location) that can be modified. (Type in the source URL for it here, or something.)

    However, running any script without fully understanding it is not advisable to begin with.

    Typing in 'which curl' at the command line should give you the proper location of the existing binary of curl.

  • news News How the debate 'whistleblower' car crash conspiracy went viral
  • remotelove remotelove 23 hours ago 87%

    Fake or outdated info, actually. While this is a small tangent, I make it a habit to review basic, introductory information on a regular basis. (For example, I'll still watch the occasional 3D printer 101 guide even though I could probably build one from scratch while blindfolded.)

    I have been in IT for a very long time and have branched out into other engineering fields over the years. What I have found, unsurprisingly, is that methods and theories can get outdated quick. So, regularly reviewing things I consider "engineering gospel" is just healthy practice.

    For the topic at hand, it doesn't take much misinformation (or outdated information) to morph into something absolutely fake, or at best, completely wrong. It takes work to separate fact from fiction and many people are too lazy to look past internet pictures with words, or 15 second video clips. (It's also hard to break out of believing unverified information "just because that's the way is".)

  • remotelove remotelove 1 day ago 100%

    You missed this one?

  • news News How the debate 'whistleblower' car crash conspiracy went viral
  • remotelove remotelove 1 day ago 100%

    It doesn't matter if it's a dumb theory. Repeat a conspiracy theory enough and it sticks. (That is not surprising given the number of people that believe in magic.)

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Bisexual lighting
  • remotelove remotelove 1 day ago 100%

    You dun turned frog the gay.

  • politics politics ‘Brazen gaslighting’: J.D. Vance slammed for telling Dems ‘tone down the rhetoric’
  • remotelove remotelove 1 day ago 100%

    Not according to some.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • remotelove remotelove 2 days ago 100%

    That wasn't much of a pay wall.

    Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' Kenneth Niemeyer Sep 15, 2024, 10:06 AM MDT

    Walking down a suburban neighborhood street already feels like a Ring doorbell panopticon.

    But this is only the start of our surveillance dystopia, according to Larry Ellison, the billionaire cofounder of Oracle. He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure "citizens will be on their best behavior."

    Ellison made the comments as he spoke to investors earlier this week during an Oracle financial analysts meeting, where he shared his thoughts on the future of AI-powered surveillance tools.

    Ellison said AI would be used in the future to constantly watch and analyze vast surveillance systems, like security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dashboard cameras.

    "We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."

    Ellison also expects AI drones to replace police cars in high-speed chases. "You just have a drone follow the car," Ellison said. "It's very simple in the age of autonomous drones." He did not say if those drones would broadcast the chases on network news.

  • conservative Conservative Florida hospitals ask immigrants about their legal status. Texas to try it next
  • remotelove remotelove 2 days ago 66%

    My status is "Fuck you!". Good enough?

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sovcit got his fake passport but doesn't know what it's for.
  • remotelove remotelove 2 days ago 100%

    It's a federal ID, not a state ID. I assume that makes it a federal crime based on that link above.

    It was super easy to make a fake ID out of my passport when I was a kid. I scanned the photo page, Photoshoped it and printed it out on a color printer. I cut out the picture on the printout with a razor, covered it with a lamination sheet and stuck it on top of the real ID. After a quick trim, nobody could tell the difference.

    The real trick was that hardly anyone uses a passport as an ID at a bar so bouncers and bartenders didn't know what to look for in a fake. (It still looked very real for what was almost 25 years ago or more.)

  • running Running any actually good ear buds out there?
  • remotelove remotelove 2 days ago 100%

    They seem safer as well. I stumbled across a few reviews while I was researching proper studio headphones and they seem ideal.

    This video is a little commercial-like and I usually watch his music production videos, but it's good enough for what we are discussing:

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Running into inconsistent extrusion when printing a circular model
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    All good! It's the same situation as I described and I see that increasing temps did help. It's good to do a temperature tower test for quality and also a full speed test after that. After temperature calibration, print a square that is only 2 or 3 bottom layers that covers the entire bed at full speed or faster. (It's essentially a combined adhesion/leveling/extrusion volume/z offset test, but you need to understand what you are looking at to see the issues separately.)

    If you have extrusion problems, the layer line will start strong from the corners, get thin during the acceleration and may thicken up again at the bottom of the deceleration curve. A tiny bit of line width variation is normal, but full line separation needs attention.

    Just be aware if you get caught in a loop of needing to keep bumping up temperatures as that starts to get into thermistor, heating element or even some mechanical issues/problems.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck FSR 4 has been in development for 9-12 months already, and one of the biggest focuses is improving battery life for handhelds
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    I am curious as to why they would offload any AI tasks to another chip? I just did a super quick search for upscaling models on GitHub ( and they are tiny as far as AI models go.

    Its the rendering bit that takes all the complex maths, and if that is reduced, that would leave plenty of room for running a baby AI. Granted, the method I linked to was only doing 29k pixels per second, but they said they weren't GPU optimized. (FSR4 is going to be fully GPU optimized, I am sure of it.)

    If the rendered image is only 85% of a 4k image, that's ~1.2 million pixels that need to be computed and it still seems plausible to keep everything on the GPU.

    With all of that blurted out, is FSR4 AI going to be offloaded to something else? It seems like there would be a significant technical challenges in creating another data bus that would also have to sync with memory and the GPU for offloading AI compute at speeds that didn't risk create additional lag. (I am just hypothesizing, btw.)

  • news News Chinese H-6 Missile Carrier Jets Appear For The First Time Off Alaska (Updated)
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 92%

    And there are significant technology differences. The new upgrade will be the B-52J or K.

    Proper aircraft maintenance cycles are intense, so it would surprise me if any of airframes we use now have 1952 original parts. Aircraft are subject to lots of vibration and the aluminum in B-52s will eventually stress-crack because of it. (It wouldn't surprise me if composites were added in many places instead of aluminum replacements, but that is just speculation.)

    Also during those maintenance cycles, it's much easier to do systems upgrades since the aircraft is basically torn down to its frame anyway.

    It's the same design to what we had in 1952, but they ain't the same aircraft, philosophically speaking.

  • politics politics Taylor Swift's Kamala Harris Endorsement Took On AI Misinformation
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 83%

    I'm down with that logic, but the bot is just going to keep doing its botty things.

  • world World News Trudeau says Ukraine can strike deep into Russia with NATO arms, Putin hints at war
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 98%

    Putin has been saying NATO was already at war with Russia, so what is it, bub? You can't start a war that is already started, supposedly.

    Hell, there was even a Ukrainian video released from Kursk of some old dude telling Ukrainian soldiers that he expected US troops... because the TV said it was the US that was invading Russia.

  • technology Technology AI chatbots might be better at swaying conspiracy theorists than humans
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    Report it. (New account, blog spam, funky domain, poorly configured server, etc.)

  • politics politics Taylor Swift's Kamala Harris Endorsement Took On AI Misinformation
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 80%

    I concur, doctor. I'll report all its posts and let the mods decide what they want to do.

  • politics politics Taylor Swift's Kamala Harris Endorsement Took On AI Misinformation
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 80%

    Ok, cool. Usually those are attached to random sales fronts to boost SEO or something like that. Odd that this one is just blog spamming into the void and getting boosted here, of all places.

    It doesn't seem harmful, but I don't understand the motivation behind it yet.

    Could be a reputation bot here on Lemmy, maybe. That makes sense on Reddit where there is visible karma, but here? (I dunno how kbin works or if it is karma driven. I just noticed that..)

  • politics politics Taylor Swift's Kamala Harris Endorsement Took On AI Misinformation
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 80%

    Dunno. Something-something The Freedom Project.

    This page (hxxps:// is just a generic Hello World page, so that is weird. The title link is just hxxps://

    Imma dig deeper and see if I can find anything. First guess is it's just an AI bot?

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Running into inconsistent extrusion when printing a circular model
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    185C is cold for PLA. It may work for slow prints, but my personal minimum has always been around 200C and my normal print temperature is usually at 215C.

    Long extrusions are probably sucking out all the heat from the nozzle and it's temporarily jamming until the filament can heat up again.

    Think of the hotend as a reservoir for heat. For long extrusions, it will drain really fast. Once the hotend isn't printing for a quick second, it will fill back up really fast. At 185C, you are trying to print without a heat reservoir. I mean, it'll work, but not during intense or extended extrusions.

  • newjerseycannabis New Jersey Cannabis Nixon Admitted Marijuana Is 'Not Particularly Dangerous' In Newly Discovered Recording
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    Just an addendum to this thread, here are some references. (I didn't even bother to look up El Pharma political contributions; No reason to.)

    Political contributions from private prisons are not massive, but still significant and party specific.



    Pharma stands to loose hundreds of millions for each state that legalizes. (Also, it's of note that any THC/CBD product officially approved by the FDA is branded.)

  • pcmasterrace PC Master Race RAM: higher capacity vs higher speed
  • remotelove remotelove 3 days ago 100%

    For my applications, quantity is better. Since I do CAD work in addition to 3D scanning with only occasional gaming, I need the capacity.

    While I am 3D scanning, I can use in upwards of 30GB of RAM (or more) in one session. CAD work may be just as intensive in the first stages of processing those files. However, I wouldn't consider that "typical" use for someone.

    For what you describe, I doubt you will see much of a performance hit unless you are benchmarking and being super picky about the scores. My immediate answer for you is quantity over speed, but you need to test and work with both configurations yourself.

    I don't think I saw anyone mention that under-clocked RAM may be unstable, in some circumstances. After you get the new setup booting with additional RAM, do some stress tests with Memtest86 and Prime95. If those are unstable, play with the memory clocks and timings a bit to find a stable zone. (Toying with memory speeds and timings can get complicated quick, btw. Learn what timings mean first before you adjust them as clock speed isn't everything.)

  • antifascism Antifascism Klan trying to recruit in Springfield
  • remotelove remotelove 4 days ago 97%

    Absolutely don't troll this number or send 2ft dildos to this P.O. box. (I also can't tell you that packages do not require boxes, so don't just slap a few stamps on a silicone shlong and not send it.)

    Edit: Also, this is likely from 2023 based on this post on stormfront forum. hxxps:// (broken link to prevent accidental clicks and hinder search engine indexing.)

  • newjerseycannabis New Jersey Cannabis Nixon Admitted Marijuana Is 'Not Particularly Dangerous' In Newly Discovered Recording
  • remotelove remotelove 4 days ago 100%

    The only reason it stays schedule 1 is because of the private prison system, religious influence and who knows what else.... Oh yeah. It also cuts into drug company profits.

  • popculture Pop Culture Taylor Swift Got Nearly Half a Million People to Visit
  • remotelove remotelove 4 days ago 92%

    The GOP has their own celebs to include Elon Musk, who has his own fan base and an entire social media platform to endorse those views every day, if he wishes. There are plenty of other well known actors and celebrities that back the GOP as well. But yet, here you are.

    Celebrity status aside, most of those people are actually US citizens as well. While they have larger platforms to speak on, you just complaining about freedom of speech. Just like you are free to spout of nonsensical garbage, Swift is free to endorse whoever she wants.

    this isn't her field

    What? She is a voting citizen expressing her opinion about politics. It's quite literally the field of every person in the US.

    Restrictions on any kind of speech for anyone, unless those words pose an immediate threat to other lives, is the exact opposite of the first amendment.

    Learn how rights work.

  • popculture Pop Culture Taylor Swift Got Nearly Half a Million People to Visit
  • remotelove remotelove 4 days ago 100%

    This is a known phenomenon if not a relatively new one.(I think she started being more vocal about 2018'ish, btw.)

    Also, endorsements need good timing. After the debate and it being close enough to November, it gives he fans time to register and not immediately forget the message.

  • games Games AMD plans for FSR4 to be fully AI-based — designed to improve quality and maximize power efficiency
  • remotelove remotelove 5 days ago 100%

    It seems like it would be extremely fast to me. Take a 50x50 block of pixels and expand those across a 100x100 pixel grid leaving blank pixels were you have missing data. If a blank pixel is surrounded by blue pixels, the probability of the missing pixel being blue is fairly high, I would assume.

    That is a problem that is perfect for AI, actually. There is an actual algorithm that can be used for upscaling, but at its core, its likely boiled down to a single function and AI's are excellent for replicating the output of basic functions. It's not a perfect result, but it's tolerable.

    If this example is correct or not for FSR, I have no clue. However, having AI shit out data based on a probability is mostly what they do.

  • aiop AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND Republican Congressman says America isn't worth defending, because he has a friend whose kid's music teacher is transgender
  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 100%

    Technically dance is a separate subject. However, I was in marching band as a kid and that could have been considered dance in some cases.

    The lines between music and dance are blurred since they go hand-in-hand more often than not.

  • games Games Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier Doesn't Include Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Starfield, Diablo 4, and More
  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 87%

    No Starfield? Oh noes!

  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 88%

    That one moderator has just downvoted every comment here and is likely responsible for the single downvote on this post.

    mOr bAns?!

    Edit: Aww shit! Two downvotes! Popcorn time!

  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 60%

    Yeah, there has been a wave of horrid memes on that topic, recently. I don't give a fuck about vegans or their supposed oppressors or any associated drama. Just make decent memes and then everyone can have a giggle.

  • politics politics Democrats Introduce Federal Bill to Make Climate Polluters Pay
  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 100%

    There is another aspect to this that we have seen with banks and social media companies: Fines are just a cost of doing business.

  • phys Scientists discover crude oil decimates sea otter buoyancy
  • remotelove remotelove 6 days ago 100%

    What an odd study. Buoyancy is super important to sea otters, of course. One would think exposure to some super toxic hydrocarbons would be more of a concern. It kinda makes buoyancy a minor issue in comparison, on first thought.

    I guess the study was pushing for a period of temporary captivity after the animal is cleaned? I am getting the feeling like I missed something big here.

  • protonprivacy Proton There's a proton AMA happening on reddit right now. Feel free to use this oportunity to ask about anything you'd like proton to do
  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 80%

    They can do whatever they want on Reddit, TBH. However, pointing Lemmy users to Reddit is a bad move in a number of ways. I won't be touching Reddit for this, as an example.

    Using Lemmy as a place to shit out advertising for a site that gives zero fucks about selling data to Google kinda rubs me wrong, especially since this AMA is just thinly veiled marketing.... for a privacy app.

    While "having the most reach" is a good argument for a few reasons, it doesn't negate how Lemmy was used in this case.

    Edit: Don't let my sentiment get in the way of yours. I have nothing wrong with ProtonMail or what its goals are. However, I will get a little defensive of Lemmy and why many people are here to begin with.

  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 50%


  • protonprivacy Proton There's a proton AMA happening on reddit right now. Feel free to use this oportunity to ask about anything you'd like proton to do
  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 94%

    Tell everyone about Lemmy and host an AMA here, maybe? Using Lemmy as a billboard for Reddit is kind of insulting.

  • memes memes I could make a great PC for that...
  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 100%

    The proper metric to plan around is longevity, unless you absolutely need performance now.

    Performance and cost should be divided by time. Do you think that bit of hardware will be able to support software for the next two years, or five? That is one way to "compute" value, anyway.

    A 4090 will eventually be outdated and unable to run new software, but that may not happen for a good number of years. If you want to get super deep, start crunching the numbers on power costs too. It may simply become too inefficient to run, eventually. (Hell, it's probably super inefficient now, actually.)

    I almost always buy top-tier "last-gen" tech, right after "new-gen" is released when I am saving money. When I have the extra cash and it makes sense, top-tier may also be a good investment.

    Be honest with yourself and determine what matters most to you and put your money there.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts "Shut Down" is redundant.
  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 100%

    So if I just kick a hole in a wall at a friends house, it's ok to pee into it as well?

  • remotelove remotelove 7 days ago 50%


  • 3dprinting
    3DPrinting remotelove 3 weeks ago 93%
    Side project: Isopropyl distillation from resin printing rinsing

    Edit: Deleting this post. It's starting to get controversial, but that's OK. Not what I planned on, but whatevers.

    Firmware extraction from PIC16F using MPLAB X and Pickit3; BIN is all zeros

    I have been attempting to extract the firmware from an HVAC controller board using my Pickit3 and MPLAB X. It seems that many HVAC controllers are PIC based and most are kind enough to include debug/flash pins. Grabbing the firmware images should be trivial once the correct pins are traced out. MPLAB X will see my Pickit3 and the target MCU, but it fails to pull an image that isn't all zeros. (The "bin" file is a text file with each line noting the start address, followed by 16 byte values.) I do get an occasional "Target device ID invalid message" but that is usually due to my janky wiring to the board. Once I get that issue cleared, MPLAB will always warn that the debug bit (byte?) is set on the MCU. (That doesn't make sense as the MCU should be running standalone on the board during normal operation.) Is there some kind of read protection that may be enabled on the PIC? Do I just need to unsolder the PIC and put it in its own dedicated circuit for pulling the firmware?

    Music and audio production remotelove 1 month ago 100%
    I am composing everything in mono now.

    _The one trick that Big Music doesn't want you to know!_ I was absolutely struggling when I went to do a final mix after writing everything in stereo. For me, it was a whack-a-mole game: Fixing one problem created ten more, bass was unmanageable, highs tended to blare or everything was a midrange soup and I constantly struggled with frequency cancellation. Above all other problems, music was not _portable_. It would sound great with headphones, but became a blown out mess on external speakers. Mono. Just write everything in mono. If the track sounds good in mono, even just the slightest bit of stereo separation makes it sound awesome! As a perk, it forced me to learn more about compression and limiting and when it is applicable. If something is inaudible in mono, it's going to sound like absolute garbage in stereo. (It also forced me into EQ'ing nearly every component of a song at first. I am not nearly as aggressive with that now, but again, it opened up new doors that I didn't realize existed.) Why, oh why, is this technique not pushed more to hobbyists and beginners? Is there a shortcoming that I am not aware of? Obviously, this isn't a cure-all and I kinda framed this post as a magic trick. Its one hell of a teaching tool, if nothing else.

    3DPrinting remotelove 2 months ago 100%
    CAL 3D printing technology for glass microstructures. (2022)

    (Wait, what? This is from _2022_??? I have known about CAL for a while, but this glass stuff is new to me.) 3DPN video: CAL: computed axial lithography _Researchers at UC Berkeley have developed a new way to 3D-print glass microstructures that is faster and produces objects with higher optical quality, design flexibility and strength, according to a new study published in the April 15 issue of Science._

    3DPrinting remotelove 2 months ago 84%
    Resin printing. A call for information. (White papers, documented research or testing data)

    I am fed up with resin slicers. Chitubox is about as stable as a drunk on a tightrope, Lychee is bad for engineering models and over-priced if you just want some basic support functions and PrusaSlicer is under-developed. All of these solutions work for different things based on the goals of the user. (For some, Lychee is an excellent value so my distaste is likely not universal.) What really pissed me off is that support painting shouldn't be a paid feature. You hold the mouse button down and drop a support at specific distance from the last. It doesn't take massive cloud computational clusters or huge storage requirements but yet, money. Fuck. That. I want a completely FOSS tool that is stable and includes functionality for auto-positioning models and has a full set of knobs and levers for support generation, support painting included. So, I spent the morning getting a dev environment setup for PrusaSlicer to use as a base for resin-only tools. Over the next month or so, I'll take some time to strip out all the FDM support and get the slicer into a bare-bones state with only the existing resin features. Of course, it'll be on GitHub. Back to the main subject. I was hoping that y'all had references in regards to anything resin printing: Support placement methods, model rotation optimization, resin strength data, FEP peel force data or anything that could be coded and implemented into a slicer. Hell, even discovering different methods for hollowing an STL would be nice. Data and strategies for various tools would be nice to have at this point to at least start forming a roadmap for development. (One of the first goals is to integrate UVTools as a snap-in, somehow.) FDM tools are plentiful because of wide spread adoption. Resin printers still seem niche so printer manufacturers naturally gravitate to writing their own tools for their own hardware in their race to the bottom. With all of that said, I am actually curious if others would even want to see a project like this kicked off.

    Music and audio production remotelove 2 months ago 94%
    Which DAW, if any, and why?

    I have been using FL Studio for years. It was easy to pirate when I was younger and broke, and it's still flexible enough for anything I want to do now without hassle. (The license these days is "meh" for clips and plugins. However, I am designing and beginning to record most of my own instruments now with a core set of plugins.) I would like to experiment with an open source DAW, but not sure which routes to take there.

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 2 months ago 100%
    [Feature Request] Show spinner when uploading images for post.

    Spinner shows while thumbnail is being shown _after_ upload and thumbnail is being generated, but not when actually uploading. (I am attempting to attach gif to this post, but not sure if upload has failed, still going or just not possible.) I am mobile while I am creating this post, so uploads are laggy anyway.

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 2 months ago 100%
    [Feature Request] Optional input field for manually typing in community names

    Search is fine, but there have been several cases where I have wanted to manually enter a community name and instance. Search can be odd at times and being able to have connect at least attempt to jump to a community would be a nice to have.

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 2 months ago 100%
    [Resolved] Invalid search results. (images in comments)

    Edit: I can now post and view cat pics. Yay! Searching for "cat" or "cats" yields with Connect, but not from web. "cat" is an invalid community. should be correct community and listed in search results.

    Stop Drinking remotelove 2 months ago 100%
    I can't remember the last time I spent a couple of anxiety filled days in bed because of doing something extremely stupid.

    I mean, I still do some stupid and brainless things but I can own that stuff without fear. The absolute worst is only being able to half-remember most of the stupid shit I did. That stuff still kinda haunts me, but in some ways, that is a necessary evil of sobriety. This was just a random thought that I needed to write. Maybe it gives someone else something to hope for. Maybe it reminds others of why we choose not to drink. Regardless: IWNDWYT

    NonCredibleDefense remotelove 2 months ago 98%
    AI Generated Images remotelove 3 months ago 85%
    Mac 'n Trees

    A few hours later, I just discovered how long this cheesy noodle trend has been going on for. Also, this idea was already taken by a previous poster who likely started this trend quite a few days ago, I see. My mistake!

    AI Generated Images remotelove 3 months ago 75%
    Oh Yeah!
    Ask Science remotelove 3 months ago 100%
    Would celite/carbon vacuum filtration perform well enough to remove photopolymers from isopropyl alcohol?

    I am simply on a quest to find an effective non-distillation method for purifying isopropyl alcohol used for rinsing resin 3D prints. I have seen some elaborate systems for curing and then filtering resin that is suspended in the isopropyl by running it through standard carbon water filters. That just seems a bit over-complex and does a poor job of removing dyes. In some cases, the filters are not fine enough and the isopropyl will eventually get "sticky". It seems to me that a finer filtration system would work much better. Carbon and celite should catch most of the monomers and oligomers, but I am not sure about the photoinitiators and other additives. Distillation is obviously the best method for purity, but there may be a worse cleanup and a higher fire hazard risk. Are there better materials that I could use for filtering besides celite and carbon? IPA is tiny compared to the rest of the molecules I am dealing with so filtration seems viable. (I should note that I would bulk develop the used IPA in clear plastic containers in the sun for a day or two first.)

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 3 months ago 100%
    [Request] Fork an open source version of Connect (suggestions and discussion welcomed)

    Before I get into my comments, I just want to ask that if you haven't bought the dev a coffee, please buy him a coffee. Personally, I have bought several with the intent of covering for those who cannot. Our dev has earned it. I am just going to say that Connect is awesome. Even through early development, when there were huge issues, it progressed at a good pace. And yeah, it has gotten super stable and functions great as a simple and easy to use Lemmy client. I would also like to make clear that I respect this app as the sole devs creation. He/She is 100% able to direct this project as they see fit. Period. However. One person development teams can be a serious risk to the longevity and stability of an app. People get tired and burned out. People have actual lives outside of working on a single app. People can just vanish from dev work. _That is all normal_. With the recent Lemmy instance updates and some subtle bugs that are showing, my concern is that it may become a much larger challenge to keep this app up to date. In my limited dev experience, core API changes (or API bugs) are a royal pain in the ass to deal with. A person could spend more time just keeping their app functional instead of developing new features or working on minor bugs. I was hoping that people in this community that have experience with the development of large open source projects, can contribute ideas for our dev that may make it palatable to open this project up to additional contributors. I think the biggest things I would like to call out is that if this project is opened, it may damage any revenue that is being generated by this app for the dev and I don't want to see that happen. (People gotta work and people gotta eat. ) What open source licenses are available that would keep full control of this app in the hands of the original dev? (Is that even a viable option?) Quite simply, other than opening this app up fully, I don't quite know exactly what I am asking for. It would be nice to keep full control of this app in the hands of the dev, while also allowing community development. Just to reiterate, this post is not meant to be rude or pushy. If _anything_ I said came off that way, it was absolutely not the intent and offer a humble apology if it did.

    3DPrinting remotelove 3 months ago 100%
    [Resolved] Correct Anycubic R_E_R_F filename?

    Edit: Just copy the original filename, Chinese and all, to a custom RERF file. It tested fine with the factory tests and also custom test parts I made. I didn't test with only "R_E_R_F.px6s" as the filename as I proved the original filename works fine with custom models. Edit2: I had the motivation to check the file today without that Chinese and it works fine as well. Just got a new Anycubic Photon Mono X 6Ks and the RERF file on the included USB has Chinese characters in the name. ("R_E_R_Fchch.px6s" / ch being Chinese characters...) Does the printer require those characters for custom RERF test prints, or is it actually just "R_E_R_F.px6s"? The documentation is unclear and online searching is jumbled with several issues regarding this filename across different printer models.

    Ask Lemmy remotelove 3 months ago 94%
    I would like to start a simple business related to 3D printing, reverse engineering and 3D scanning. What are common pitfalls of first time entrepreneurs?

    I am business dumb, but I have a very unique mix of skills I would like to turn into a side hustle. Needless to say, there is going to be a huge learning curve for me. Sure, I could just sell 3D prints on Etsy, but I would rather focus on B2B type work with a more hands on approach than the Chinese print farms/PCB manufacturers. (I'll start an Etsy shop for practice, but that particular market seems extremely saturated.) So, if you have started a business before, what are some basic things that you wish someone had told you before you did? Are there good books or other references I could use?

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 3 months ago 100%
    [Instance Issue/Resolved] Strange pinning issue? A pinned post from another instance in All on .ca

    Update: Not a Connect issue. Strange. I don't see this as a pinned post on that community, but yet, there it is. Did an admin pin a post from another instance on .ca somehow or is this a bug with Connect? (Strange things are happening like this since the last Lemmy update. I can't tell if it's a Connect issue, or a Lemmy issue.)

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 3 months ago 100%
    [Bug] /c/new is listed under other communities. NSFW tiles blurred but not hidden. ( / 0.19.4)

    That feed is not /c/cat on, it seems. I just logged out and logged back in with no change. I'll clear my cache to see if that helps and will update this post if successful. Edit: Clearing the cache did not help. Must be a Lemmy API issue? Edit 2: NSFW communities are not hidden in the faux community feed either. Thankfully, they are blurred, but not hidden. Posting a comment with a picture from what was supposed to be (Did I use "faux" correctly? I rarely use that word, so hopefully the intent shows.) Edit 3: Ok, weird. cat on is broken from my account on .ca, but other communities are not, like business on lemmy on is also broken. The issue is more random than I thought.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Home Improvement remotelove 4 months ago 90%
    Checking and charging HVAC: Plausible DIY?

    I am very much a DIY'er and doing my own HVAC repairs have never been out of the question. Actually, I have rebuilt a couple of systems, less the pressurized parts of the system. HVACs are great until they aren't and the need for repairs always comes up at the worst possible time. It would be nice to know more details for those reasons. If you ignore the direct question about charging an HVAC, there could actually be a small, slow leak in my system as it stands. That'll get troubleshot in due time. (Still, I don't think I have ever had a system that didn't need the system to be topped off after a few years, even with no detectable leaks...) It doesn't seem difficult: Ensure system is at correct temperature; attach a gauge; depressurize/pressurize as needed. There has to be some "gotchas" in there somewhere. The equipment is cheap enough and I am fairly sure I can source the correct refrigerant easy enough. Aside from needing to store and manage a small supply of refrigerant and that there are some annoying risks (like a system freezing over, etc..), what cost factor and equipment am I not taking into account?

    Ask Lemmy remotelove 4 months ago 96%
    If you knew in advance about being laid off, how would you YOLO the exit interview?

    I am fairly sure that I am being laid off with other Sr. Engineers tomorrow and need some ideas. Basically, I saw a calendar mistake by HR, so oops! Meh. It's gonna suck for a bit, but whatevers. Life is more important than a shit job. :)

    AI Generated Images remotelove 4 months ago 90%
    guns remotelove 5 months ago 72%
    [Identification] This is an ORSIS, but it looks like an F-17 that's been modified.

    I just stumbled across this beast that was previously owned by a Russian sniper. It's got characteristics of an F-17 but it looks like the stock as been drilled out in places (or replaced) and I am about 60% sure that those are Vortex optics. Any ideas? ![]( ![](

    Connect for Lemmy App remotelove 5 months ago 62%
    [Solved][Request] Source instance shown at top of post.

    When browsing on and I click through to a post, the local source instance and community for a post is shown as The source instance is something completely different and shown in the post info bar below the title. This can get awkward when I think I am commenting on a post I think is on or when it might actually be Highlighting the source instance a little better would be super awesome.

    196 remotelove 6 months ago 99%
    My Lemmy Rule

    Edit: The above Connect filter only works for title posts. It doesn't seem to filter comments or community names. I mention this only because of some questions here and how people are going to the effort to censor out comments on this post.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Radio Lemmy remotelove 6 months ago 95%
    A Vibroplex Bug from the late 70's or early 80's

    Oops! I actually ment to post this in a ham radio community. RF is still RF, so it kinda fits here if you squint a little bit.

    Ask Science remotelove 6 months ago 94%
    Have we been able to reproduce the conditions to bend rocks? (Even if in a lab.)

    Tectonic activity bends rocks all the time, even hard ones like granite. That takes a ton of heat, pressure and time. It also makes sense that in the right conditions, sheets of rock simply don't have the room to shatter so they must bend. Have we been able to do the same in a lab and would it have any commercial use? Bending a random bit of hard rock would be an interesting novelty, for sure.

    Ask Science remotelove 7 months ago 98%
    How do different body parts (specifically shape) emerge from our genes?

    I am creating a simulation to evolve simple, multi-cell organisms. (Just for fun!) Neural networks are fairly easy to evolve, even more so when it's done by random mutations and not actual training. Build an ANN at random and introduce mutations with every generation. The ANNs that accomplish simple goals (by pure chance) live to duplicate with every evolutionary cycle. Fairly easy stuff. I am stumped when it comes to creating something that would simulate the genes that represent a body. After some reading today, there isn't much info on how cells form into specific shapes for arms, hands, organs, etc. (I am sure there is a ton of data, but I don't know what subject to Google.) Genes can create the patterns for specific chemicals and cells. How to cells then develop into functional body parts? What makes a heart the shape of a heart? I think that having a better understanding of that concept can help me develop a framework for physical evolution, even if it as a very tiny scale. (Putting the ANN in charge of controlling those different body parts is also easy. It's just a matter of allowing those physical traits to evolve first.)

    Shrooms remotelove 7 months ago 81%
    JMF // Pre-Harvest
    Shrooms remotelove 7 months ago 90%
    JMF // Batch #2 (gypsum added to substrate)

    JMF loves a bit of gypsum. It'll delay sporulation quite a bit, otherwise, they are in a hurry to drop their babies and you get much smaller shroomies. (Still a comparable yield.) Gypsum slows down substrate colonization quite a bit as well.

    AI remotelove 7 months ago 83%
    [voice recognition] Audio tools for generating datasets?

    This is more of personal project to learn more about how speech recognition (SR) works and how AI training works at a low level. (Functionally, it's pointless and is just a self-assigned "homework problem") To do this, I need to record a bit of audio to to use as training data. Recording and chopping up .wav files is easy, but it's time consuming. I am toying with my own teleprompter-like python app that will prompt for a word, record and tag, and save for later. However, is there a good app to automatically create utterances that is already built? Ideally, unrecognized words in my own SR system would be automatically turned into tagged audio clips to be used for re-training or fine tuning. I am shortcutting a bit of this work in python with Google SR for my first dataset. Unfortunately, calling external APIs is sidestepping my intent of this project so I'll move away from that soon. People that work with AI typically work with lots of data, so I figured here was a good place to ask.
