communism Communism do you know of any short texts that raise class conscious
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Parenti lectures are great

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism If We Raise the Minimum Wage, What Will Happen to My Gruel Business?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Definitely prevalent among the petty bourgeoisie, to which I counter that they can restructure the business as a worker co-op so all employees are owners, and therefore exempt from minimum wage laws

  • communism101 Communism101 Are slaves considered part of the proletariat?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Working class yes, but unlike proletariat who sell labor power for wages and are variable capital, slaves are do not sell their labor power for wages and they are constant capital

  • communism101 Communism101 what do you think about censorship in china
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 78%

    Lots of Western media isn't blocked, CNN isn't blocked

    What was blocked recently was BBC in response to CGTN getting blocked first in the UK

    Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were blocked because they refused to take down terrorist recruitment pages and accounts. Remember 2011 ISIS Twitter? Like that. Those services were available before

    Additionally, the idea of Internet sovereignty is important to a healthy Web industry in any country. Without the firewall, companies like WeChat and Douyin/TikTok could not have developed

    Furthermore, getting around the firewall is trivially easy. OpenVPN on port 443 does the trick, I've set one up for a friend before. Anyone who wants to get a VPN account and browse the wider Internet is freely able to, and many do this

    Finally, censorship has a purpose, and that's public safety first and foremost. China doesn't have large conspiracy cults like QAnon or antivaxxers, because rumor-mongering gets reported and dealt with seriously. It's like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, stopping it is censorship but also perfectly legal. They don't have graveyards full of children or measles, mumps, or rubella making a comeback because of this

  • privacy Privacy Supermicro Implants, Raise Hand if you Think it is Real
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Like it said, is within the realm of possibility, you should be focused on making applications secure to work around it as it's an insurmountable problem to address directly

  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 66%

    Netscape Navigator gang rise up!

  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Wait, it's just OpenVPN, can you just try using your certs and username/password on the normal OpenVPN client?

  • communism Communism how would one run a Marxist study group
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Also if you're a party member of an organization with a publishing arm, you could get discounts on bulk orders

  • communism Communism how would one run a Marxist study group
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100% is a great resource. My study group has had some growing pains, but it's helpful to start reading some material during the sessions, like Lenin's Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder

  • china China, 中国 Hemp In China: A Hemp Growing Superpower
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Yeah, looking forward to more bioplastic research

  • china China, 中国 Hemp In China: A Hemp Growing Superpower
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    My friend's aunts from Qingdao were totally open to using CBD for pain relief. Since CBD doesn't make you high like THC, I can see hemp being legalized, especially since hemp also has historical usage in TCM. Marijuana, though, I think won't happen for a long while since seeing and treating the effects of opium addiction is in living memory. Some other friends who went to Tibet a few times did mention that there are some hookah cafes where there's something other than tobacco in them

  • china China, 中国 Hemp In China: A Hemp Growing Superpower
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    They could easily control the entire market once they legalize flower extraction and food/medicine usage

  • china China, 中国 Hemp In China: A Hemp Growing Superpower
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Wow, China is already one of the world leaders in CBD production, and they're only using the leaves?

  • green Green - An environmentalist community Are machined metal casings for consumer electronics unsustainable?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Casting is imprecise for that and cast metal is very brittle

    Forging might work, but that still requires a lot of energy

  • opensource Open Source Use this bootable USB drive on Linux to rescue Windows users - WoeUSB makes Windows boot disks from Linux
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Great tool, used it often

  • linux Linux RANT: Zoom's Linux client is annoying AF
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Hard agree, they also don't have certain features enabled when you're a host, which really screws things royally when you find this out in the middle of cohosting an event and you're supposed to handle the heavy lifting of moderation

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Sexy Communist redjoker 4 years ago 50%
    Young Donghua Karl and Fred
    communism101 Communism101 Risks of Joining Communist Party in the USA
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 87%

    You shouldn't be divulging political affiliation on a job form, and it won't come up on a background check as what they check are credit and criminal records

    The only thing you should be worried about with joining any Communist organization is if you're a noncitizen or a naturalized citizen for less than 5 years, as that can get you deported

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Could it be an unofficial port reporting it?

  • memes Memes Remember when western media was convinced Kim Jong-un died several times last year?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Not from a liberal

  • memes Memes Remember when western media was convinced Kim Jong-un died several times last year?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Behold the power of juche!

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Everyone has biases. Those biases are in each sub's rules. People are free to make their own subs and host their own servers if a sub or server isn't to one's liking

  • communism101 Communism101 how dose the politcal system in the dprk work
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Candidates are debated over at the local level and eventually one candidate is decided on for the position. The community ratifies this in a plebiscite. Higher levels of government are elected in similar fashion from the lower levels

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Socialism redjoker 4 years ago 66%
    Utah wants your help in preserving the historical records around the 1915 execution of labor icon Joe Hill
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    History redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Utah wants your help in preserving the historical records around the 1915 execution of labor icon Joe Hill
    shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Hilarious thread w/ Anarchists trying to take credit for libraries and prison abolition.
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    • Angela Davis, was an ML, now some sort of Marxist Communist, but definitely not an anarchist

    • Cedric Robinson was a Marxist

    • WEB Du Bois was an ML

    • Libraries originally started being attached to feudal research institutions, and public libraries can safely be considered to have originated with liberals and liberally-inclined lords of the late-feudal era. The idea that poor people are simply lacking education which hinders them from raising their status is a wholly liberal notion

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Washington Post: Is criticizing billionaires the new wearing blackface? (yes that's the actual title)
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%


  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Washington Post: Is criticizing billionaires the new wearing blackface? (yes that's the actual title)
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    I'm glad that Tom Toles was actually being critical of billionaires complaining about public criticism, and whichever editor chose the headline needs to get smacked a few times

  • communism Communism how do we stop mass surveillance
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Some things can't be broken, like a sufficiently strong GPG key. That's something which can't be backdoored in and of itself. What they could exploit is weak protection of your private key

    Other things you could use are physical one-time pads, writing notes on flash paper and burning them when not needed, holding meetings in areas where nobody has a phone or electronics in a sufficiently remote location

    All of these methods increase the expense of surveillance. Even if they could backdoor everything, there's still the expense of assigning police agents to track groups and individuals

    If your operation is implementing proper guerilla tactics of leaderless resistance, taking out the #1 or #2 of a cell wouldn't affect anything as everyone is trained to take on the role of each person 3 levels above them

  • communism Communism how do we stop mass surveillance
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    You can't stop it, but you can make it more expensive by using end-to-end encrypted communication and running your own encrypted personal cloud

  • communism Communism what do you think of the dprk
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 86%

    I think they've done well for themselves given they're one of the most-sanctioned countries in the world, and I can understand their military-first system given that the US and ROK have semi-annual training exercises to invade their country

    If you want to see relatively unbiased explorations of the country, I recommend checking out Douyin videos from Chinese tourists

    Are they living the most ideal life possible? No, no place is that way, but the only way to improve things would be for the US to withdraw its troops from the Korean peninsula (like the treaty they made at the end of the war stated they would) and for sanctions to end

  • communism Communism how dose state-owned property work in china
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    That's going to be a little complicated depending on different groups definition of state-ownership. For example, do you mean wholly-owned, partially-owned, or state-subsidized with heavy regulation?

  • communism Communism how do i know what media to trust
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    China Daily as well, Ian Goodrum works for them

    For non-Chinese news, I like

  • acab
    All Cops Are Bastards redjoker 4 years ago 75%
    Hannah Schneeberger ID'd as Rochester Officer Pepper Spraying Child

    Hannah Schneeberger has been identified as one of the Rochester Police officers that pepper sprayed a 9 year old black girl earlier this week. She was identified thanks to the Open Oversight database, the Reddit postings of an ex, her own social media activity, and of course the video of her pepper spraying the child in the back seat of a patrol car...

    latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism No conflict of interests here.
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Well you likely won't be disturbed in the DMZ until you step on a landmine

  • communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Check out the changes, let me know if you find it appropriate

  • communism101 Communism101 The Claudia Jones School for Political Education YouTube Channel
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Hope you like it, I'm an organizer for the CJS and we usually have an event at least once a month

  • communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    I will do my best, thanks

  • communism101
    Communism101 redjoker 4 years ago 50%
    Upcoming Marxist Classes for February

    Marxist classes are a series of webinars offered by CPUSA

    Communist Party USA redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Upcoming Marxist Classes for February

    Marxist classes are a series of webinars offered by CPUSA

    communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    lol, sure, why not?

  • communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    I also found a tweet with some good resources

  • communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Deng wasn't even kicked out of the Party, just removed from leadership. Reading Jude Woodward's book The US vs China: Asia's New Cold War really helped me appreciate Deng's vision for building up a stable China.

    Regarding allowing monopolies to form, that has been a strategy by MLs since Lenin's time to allow a company to rise to the level of a monopoly and then nationalize it. In China the critical infrastructure monopolies are still state-owned enterprises so capitalists can't control the government. Juxtaposed to countries like the US where PG&E can burn California through neglect and merely get a slap on the wrist.

  • communism101 Communism101 Why Do ML's Defend Deng and Revisionism in China?
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Revisionism is specifically the idea of blending capitalism and communism in a peaceful coexistence which will lead to communism through gradual reforms. Deng Xiaoping Theory not only draws from Lenin's NEP, but also Mao's New Democracy period, which allowed for strictly-controlled capitalism for the purpose of building productive forces and wasn't a seamless blending. The New Democracy plans were scrapped because heavy sanctions severely limited foreign trade.

    The reform and opening up under Deng was also the result of China accepting World Bank and IMF loans. Taking those loans comes with stipulations that the government loosen control over sectors of the economy as well as institute reduced spending on welfare. Deng approached it in a way which would allow China to get through the rules imposed by outsiders as fast as possible before it destabilized the government.

    Now had Khrushchev not moved towards appeasing the West and instead created a strong trading bloc with China and newly liberated countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, Deng would never have needed to appeal to the West. However by the time Deng was leading the country, the USSR was a shadow of its former self, and even Gorbachev's attempt to end the Sino-Soviet split without preconditions couldn't save it.

    Mao did criticize Deng as a capitalist roader and sent him to the countryside to learn from the peasantry, but this ignores that Mao also invited Deng back after Lin Biao tried to stage a coup. This was criticism and education, not an expulsion from the Party. Had Mao thought Deng so irredeemable he would have pushed for expulsion.

    Furthermore, the reasons for Deng and Zhou being sent away the 2nd time revolve around their criticisms of the Cultural Revolution, which was leading to an incredible amount of suffering, particularly in urban areas. Personally I think the CR had noble intentions and had better outcomes in rural areas where the peasantry was empowered to take control back from the most corrupt Party officials, but overall was idealistic to presume students would not succumb to excessive violence which the Red Guards became infamous for. The Cultural Revolution was correctly denounced as a left deviation.

  • communism Communism should i join my local communist party
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Hey Fellow Worker! It's also a good idea to dual-card with a reactionary union in your trade as they have better collective bargaining strength. I know plenty of dual-carders

  • memes Memes Actual Tweet
  • redjoker redjoker 4 years ago 100%

    Chen 2024

  • communism
    Communism redjoker 4 years ago 66%
    Archive of January 6, 2021 MAGA rioters

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Antifascist activism redjoker 4 years ago 66%
    Archive of January 6, 2021 MAGA rioters MAGNET: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c91aa813f2ad2d982e0d760bfce62deefc9d9b5d&dn=Trump%20protest%20Jan%2006%202021&

    FULLCOMMUNISM redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Something something leopards eating faces party wouldn't eat my face

    Insert Malcolm X chickens come home to roost.gif Create post

    All Cops Are Bastards redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Claudia Jones School Webinar: Community Control of the Police

    This event will feature the following panelists: Frank Chapman was wrongfully convicted of murder and armed robbery in 1961 and sentenced to life and 50 years in the Missouri State Prison. His case was taken up by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) in 1973, and in 1976 he was released. He had been incarcerated for 14 years. In 1983, he was elected executive director of NAARPR. He worked with Charlene Mitchell, who preceded him as executive director of NAARPR, on building an international campaign to free Rev. Ben Chavis and the Wilmington Ten, Joann Little, and others falsely accused and politically persecuted. He was a part of the international campaign to free Nelson Mandela. He has been a part of leading the struggle in Chicago for the past seven years to stop police crimes — especially murder, torture, beatings and racial profiling. He is presently co-chair and educational director of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. In addition to being a community organizer, Frank is also a published writer since 1971, when he first published “Pages from the Life of a Black Prisoner” in the Fall 1971 edition of Freedomways magazine. He became a contributing editor of Freedomways magazine in 1981-83. Max Rameau is a Haitian born Pan-African theorist, campaign strategist, organizer and author. While a student in the Washington, DC area, Max was introduced to Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist theory. After moving to Miami, Florida in 1991, he began organizing around a broad range of human rights issues impacting low-income Black communities, including Immigrant rights (particularly Haitian immigrants), economic justice, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, particularly for ex-felons and police abuse, among others. In October 2006, Take Back the Land seized control of a vacant lot in the Liberty City section of Miami and built the Umoja Village, a full urban shantytown, addressing the issues of land, self-determination and homelessness in the Black community. In October 2007, Take Back the Land initiated a bold campaign that sparked a national movement: "liberating" vacant government owned and foreclosed homes and moving homeless families into them. Max is an organizer with Pan-African Community Action and travels the country facilitating workshops, engaging in campaign strategy sessions and developing models for community control over land and the human right to housing. Max Rameau continues to develop movement theory and is currently working on a book on Community Control Over Police. L. Gato Martinez-Bentley is a native Washingtonian who’s an integral part of the revolutionary socialist movement. He’s a proud father of two daughters and two granddaughters. He’s taught locally, as well as internationally, working with children's theater, and professional community collaborations for well over 30 years. He's a rebel with a cause, who believes in and teaches the importance of all history regarding people of color. He’s a Nubian Warrior / Olmec Spirit. His accomplishments are being a teacher for more than 30 years. As well as being a conductor of a children's choir. He's an accomplished contract negotiator, organizer, and co-founder of the Rosemount Childcare Workers Union and the sole creator of Return To Salt Of The Productions. He’s a passionate believer for people's rights, who began his activist journey at the tender age of 14. He's an accomplished, credited teacher, playwright, producer, director, actor, and social activist. He epitomizes what it means to be a griot, who fully embraces the meaning of keeping an oral history, to educate and entertain with stories, poems, songs, dances, and more. The event will be moderated by: Dr. Marsha Coleman Adebayo is the author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated: No FEAR: A Whistleblowers Triumph over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA. She worked at the EPA for 18 years and blew the whistle on a US multinational corporation that endangered South African vanadium mine workers. Marsha's successful lawsuit led to the introduction and passage of the first civil rights and whistle-blower law of the 21st century: the Notification of Federal Employees Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act). Marsha was inducted into the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame, March 2017. Currently, she is working to stop the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) and the Bethesda Self-Storage Company/1784 Holdings from its continue desecration of Moses African Cemetery in Bethesda, Maryland. Luci Murphy is a singer, political activist, community organizer, and language interpreter. Since the 1950s, she has been a featured vocalist at progressive events leading group singing. She has performed internationally such as in Cuba, China, Brazil, Palestine and elsewhere and can also sing in ten different languages. She is a native from Washington D.C. whose insights are informed by the movements and folkways of people across the globe. She currently sings with the D.C. Labor Chorus and the ONE DC Black Workers Center Chorus and in 2007 she received the Paul Robeson Award for Peace and Justice from the Friends of the People’s Weekly World. Queshia Bradley is a global public health and new business development leader with over 14 years experience. Her expertise is in designing, developing, managing, and implementing a diverse range of programs for international and national NGOs. She is also an accomplished grant and proposal writer, effective capacity building/ training specialist, proficient researcher and strategic analyst. Queshia holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business with a concentration in Marketing from Howard University in Washington, D.C. She enjoys travelling abroad, dancing, speaking Portuguese, learning about esoteric teachings from around the world, and debating foreign policy and geopolitics. Queshia serves on 3 Boards, and lends her expertise to 11 community organizations, whose missions range from adult workforce development, youth development, immigration rights, supporting returning citizens, anti-war efforts, expanding political education in underserved African-American communities, to promoting international solidarity, fostering collaboration across the Afrikan Diaspora, and advancing the role of women of color working in peace and security fields. Our co-hosts are the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression ( , Pan African Community Action ( , and DC Metro CPUSA ( . ASL interpretation will be provided. In Solidarity, Claudia Jones School for Political Education Donate (

    Communist Party USA redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Claudia Jones School Webinar: Community Control of the Police

    This event will feature the following panelists: Frank Chapman was wrongfully convicted of murder and armed robbery in 1961 and sentenced to life and 50 years in the Missouri State Prison. His case was taken up by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) in 1973, and in 1976 he was released. He had been incarcerated for 14 years. In 1983, he was elected executive director of NAARPR. He worked with Charlene Mitchell, who preceded him as executive director of NAARPR, on building an international campaign to free Rev. Ben Chavis and the Wilmington Ten, Joann Little, and others falsely accused and politically persecuted. He was a part of the international campaign to free Nelson Mandela. He has been a part of leading the struggle in Chicago for the past seven years to stop police crimes — especially murder, torture, beatings and racial profiling. He is presently co-chair and educational director of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. In addition to being a community organizer, Frank is also a published writer since 1971, when he first published “Pages from the Life of a Black Prisoner” in the Fall 1971 edition of Freedomways magazine. He became a contributing editor of Freedomways magazine in 1981-83. Max Rameau is a Haitian born Pan-African theorist, campaign strategist, organizer and author. While a student in the Washington, DC area, Max was introduced to Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist theory. After moving to Miami, Florida in 1991, he began organizing around a broad range of human rights issues impacting low-income Black communities, including Immigrant rights (particularly Haitian immigrants), economic justice, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, particularly for ex-felons and police abuse, among others. In October 2006, Take Back the Land seized control of a vacant lot in the Liberty City section of Miami and built the Umoja Village, a full urban shantytown, addressing the issues of land, self-determination and homelessness in the Black community. In October 2007, Take Back the Land initiated a bold campaign that sparked a national movement: "liberating" vacant government owned and foreclosed homes and moving homeless families into them. Max is an organizer with Pan-African Community Action and travels the country facilitating workshops, engaging in campaign strategy sessions and developing models for community control over land and the human right to housing. Max Rameau continues to develop movement theory and is currently working on a book on Community Control Over Police. L. Gato Martinez-Bentley is a native Washingtonian who’s an integral part of the revolutionary socialist movement. He’s a proud father of two daughters and two granddaughters. He’s taught locally, as well as internationally, working with children's theater, and professional community collaborations for well over 30 years. He's a rebel with a cause, who believes in and teaches the importance of all history regarding people of color. He’s a Nubian Warrior / Olmec Spirit. His accomplishments are being a teacher for more than 30 years. As well as being a conductor of a children's choir. He's an accomplished contract negotiator, organizer, and co-founder of the Rosemount Childcare Workers Union and the sole creator of Return To Salt Of The Productions. He’s a passionate believer for people's rights, who began his activist journey at the tender age of 14. He's an accomplished, credited teacher, playwright, producer, director, actor, and social activist. He epitomizes what it means to be a griot, who fully embraces the meaning of keeping an oral history, to educate and entertain with stories, poems, songs, dances, and more. The event will be moderated by: Dr. Marsha Coleman Adebayo is the author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated: No FEAR: A Whistleblowers Triumph over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA. She worked at the EPA for 18 years and blew the whistle on a US multinational corporation that endangered South African vanadium mine workers. Marsha's successful lawsuit led to the introduction and passage of the first civil rights and whistle-blower law of the 21st century: the Notification of Federal Employees Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act). Marsha was inducted into the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame, March 2017. Currently, she is working to stop the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) and the Bethesda Self-Storage Company/1784 Holdings from its continue desecration of Moses African Cemetery in Bethesda, Maryland. Luci Murphy is a singer, political activist, community organizer, and language interpreter. Since the 1950s, she has been a featured vocalist at progressive events leading group singing. She has performed internationally such as in Cuba, China, Brazil, Palestine and elsewhere and can also sing in ten different languages. She is a native from Washington D.C. whose insights are informed by the movements and folkways of people across the globe. She currently sings with the D.C. Labor Chorus and the ONE DC Black Workers Center Chorus and in 2007 she received the Paul Robeson Award for Peace and Justice from the Friends of the People’s Weekly World. Queshia Bradley is a global public health and new business development leader with over 14 years experience. Her expertise is in designing, developing, managing, and implementing a diverse range of programs for international and national NGOs. She is also an accomplished grant and proposal writer, effective capacity building/ training specialist, proficient researcher and strategic analyst. Queshia holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business with a concentration in Marketing from Howard University in Washington, D.C. She enjoys travelling abroad, dancing, speaking Portuguese, learning about esoteric teachings from around the world, and debating foreign policy and geopolitics. Queshia serves on 3 Boards, and lends her expertise to 11 community organizations, whose missions range from adult workforce development, youth development, immigration rights, supporting returning citizens, anti-war efforts, expanding political education in underserved African-American communities, to promoting international solidarity, fostering collaboration across the Afrikan Diaspora, and advancing the role of women of color working in peace and security fields. Our co-hosts are the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression ( , Pan African Community Action ( , and DC Metro CPUSA ( . ASL interpretation will be provided. In Solidarity, Claudia Jones School for Political Education Donate (

    Communism redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Tonight at 6:45 EST: The Legacy of Jack O'Dell in the Black Freedom Movement

    Claudia Jones School webinar on Jack O'Dell

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    meta redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Federation was a mistake

    LIBS INCOMING! Edit: For real I'm proud of the hard work all the devs did to implement federation, it was a difficult task and I love you all!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Education Hub redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool
    Communist Party USA redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Town Hall Forum On The Unemployment Crisis: Sunday, August 16 at 8PM EDT

    Open to the public, please join us for the forum discussion

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Education Hub redjoker 4 years ago 0%
    Revolutionary Study Guide
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Fraud, Famine, and Fascism - The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Did the Good Guys Win in 1776? w Gerald Horne
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    A Reading List for Labor Organizers and Activists - MLToday
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lenin Gang redjoker 4 years ago 100%
    Patrick Stewart as Vladimir Lenin

    You read that right From a series called *Fall of Eagles*

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance by Michael Hudson

    Marxist economics professor at both University of Missouri Kansas City and Tsinghua University

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    DS - Image Series - Hitler vs. Stalin

    Hilarious short Russian comic translated to English about Stalin fighting Hitler using magical powers

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Settlers HTML Version

    Just getting into it now

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Year Hare Affair

    Pros: This show is too cute. If it spreads, everyone will become MLs. Imagine if Hetalia was done from a pro-PRC perspective with adorable animals Cons: Early season 2 is problematic, being chauvinistic towards Tanzanian revolutionaries at the beginning, but the show also emphasizes Mao's appreciation of Africa for getting it to the UNSC and the subsequent duty China has to help Africa rise up in return. Also since the show is propaganda for children, it glosses over things where China was clearly on the wrong side of history, like the Sino-Vietnamese war, or Mao supporting Pol Pot. Purely domestic affairs aren't touched on, so the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution aren't referenced (given the international relations focus, I could let those slide)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Comrade Komi
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Join the One Big Union
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The Pagan Proletariat redjoker 5 years ago 100%
    Happy Midwinter

    Wishing all comrades a happy midwinter
