selfhosted Selfhosted tup - open source self-hosted tunnel proxy
  • ogarcia ogarcia 2 months ago 100%

    It is not about leading anything but about having the code in a repository so that it is easy to read/consult/audit/etc.

    You can upload the code to any service (it doesn't have to be GitHub, it can be GitLab, sourcehut, etc...) and disable issues and comments.

  • linux_esp Linux en Español Linuxgram 🐧 (Canal de Telegram chulo con noticias varias de Linux)
  • ogarcia ogarcia 3 months ago 100%

    El problema parte precisamente de lo que comentas, las noticias se producen principalmente en fuentes inglesas y las notas de prensa se remiten a medios especializados directamente en ese idioma, por lo tanto al final todo el contenido que se genera esta en inglés.

    De habla hispana realmente no hay ningún medio que se dedique a ello porque eso tiene un coste grande, les es mas sencillo (y rentable) simplemente traducir noticias que leen en otros medios (de una manera bastante mediocre y añadiendo mucha morralla para posicionarse en Google).

    Como mucho aquí tenemos cosas como esta comunidad Lemmy que a fin de cuentas como somos cuatro gatos pues ponemos cosas que vemos interesantes de vez en cuando y claramente no podemos rivalizar con medios que están dedicados a ello.

  • linux_esp
    Linux en Español ogarcia 3 months ago 100%
    Linuxgram 🐧 (Canal de Telegram chulo con noticias varias de Linux)

    Vamos a ver si le damos un poco de _vidilla_ a esta comunidad que se le ve ligeramente parada. Lo que os paso es un canal de Telegram muy chulo (en inglés) donde publican diariamente un compendio de noticias destacadas del mundo Linux. Suelen ser noticias interesantes (al menos a mi me lo parecen). Que conste que no tengo nada que ver con esta gente, os lo paso por lo que os comenté antes de que creo que son interesantes. Y a ver si levantamos un poco esto y comentamos mas cositas.

    selfhosted Selfhosted Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • ogarcia ogarcia 3 months ago 100%

    Yes, without a doubt, for me it is the most balanced client, a pity that there is not for Android, but well, in mobile Element does not give problems either.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • ogarcia ogarcia 3 months ago 100%

    They are very focused on development and therefore the documentation is a bit sparse (maybe).

    The truth is that it is not very complicated to install. It is simply to download the binary (it is statically compiled so it has no dependencies) place it in /usr/bin and execute it (the best is to create a user in the machine with the home in /var/lib/conduit and then launch it with systemd).

    Another option is to simply launch it with docker.

    In any case, if you have problems, comment it here and we will look to see what could be happening.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • ogarcia ogarcia 3 months ago 100%

    I recommend Matrix with the Conduit server. This server requires almost no resources and even runs on a Raspberry Pi.

    Cinny works perfectly as a desktop client (in case you want to escape from the ubiquitous Element). And for mobile I would use Element for Android/iOS although FluffyChat also works very well.

  • archlinux Arch Linux Gnome 46 is on the repo!
  • ogarcia ogarcia 6 months ago 100%

    If you have an NVIDIA card don't upgrade before see here, here and here.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's wrong with Nextcloud, and why is it slow/clunky?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 7 months ago 100%

    Synching is currently the fastest and lightest you will find, but the concept is different from Seafile or Nextcloud. With Synching there is no central server, you have resources (folders) shared between nodes on a peer-to-peer basis. This has several advantages, the most obvious one is that if a node goes down the rest continues working, but also that if a file is available in two or more nodes when a new node enters it will download that file from all the nodes in which it is available. As a disadvantage we could say that there is no web server where to see the shared files, so you will not be able to enter a URL with username and password and browse the files and upload or download. You will not be able to share files with third parties through a URL either.

  • programming Programming Good GitHub alternatives?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 7 months ago 100%

    Best alternatives:


    Other alternatives:

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's a simple logging service?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 7 months ago 100%

    About that I have made the simplest possible implementation of a syslog server in Rust. I use it to collect OpenWrt logs and store them on my server. ;-)

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Should I use Restic, Borg, or Kopia for container backups?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 9 months ago 100%

    restic without any doubt. I use it with S3 backend and SSH copy and it has an excellent performance (with copies of years).

    Borg I was using it for a while (to compare) and I do not recommend it, it is not a bad product, but it has a lousy performance compared to restic.

    Kopia I didn't know it, but from what I have read about it it seems to be very similar to restic but with some additions to make it pretty (like having ui).

    Some people say that Kopia is faster in sending data to the repository (and other people say it's restic), I think that, unless you need ui, I would use restic.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Anybody Using Nebula?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 9 months ago 100%

    I know this is not the best answer since you would probably like me to talk about Nebula, but I have to say that the best solution I have found for setting up a mesh VPN is Zerotier.

    It is a very complete solution. Multisystem, very simple but very configurable, fast, etc.

    You simply start by creating a network on the public controller (which will generate an ID for that network) and then join the rest to that network and everyone can communicate with everyone (by default, then you can create subnets if you want).

    Using the public controller is completely optional (I personally use it because it is convenient for me and because I have few hosts) but if you want you can set up your own controller, I have an article (the bad thing is that it is in Spanish, but if you run a translator you can understand it perfectly) where I explain how to do it without any requirement. If not, you can use ztncui for it.

    Take a look at it, you might find it more attractive than Nebula.

    By the way, for me one of the great advantages of ZeroTier is that I don't have to worry about certificates and keys, the controller takes care of everything for you and security is guaranteed from the point of view that each node has a unique identifier.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted how much backing up would you do of a media server?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 9 months ago 100%

    If you live in Europe you have 1TB by € 3.81 / month with Hetzner. It works fantastic with Restic (I'm using it too for my backups).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's the point on hosting RSS reader's?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 9 months ago 100%

    I was an Inoreader user too, but I discovered Miniflux and cannot be happier 😉

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Review of LessPass?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 10 months ago 100%

    LessPass has the possibility to connect to a database (via its API) to store the configurations made for each site. This API can be used from any of the clients (either the browser extension, the mobile application, etc.).

    You set up the DB server wherever you want. If you want something light you can use this implementation. And if you are interested, there is also a command line client.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Review of LessPass?
  • ogarcia ogarcia 10 months ago 100%

    In my view, both a password file (vault/database) and LessPass are potentially attackable via brute force. I don't see that one is safer than the other.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Question about backup
  • ogarcia ogarcia 1 year ago 100%

    Before using borg I would recommend you to take a look at restic. In my opinion it is better in everything than borg.

    As for how to backup the database, my advice is to export the database to a SQL file and backup that file. That will always be easier than having to deal with agents that connect to the database.

    As for the number of repositories, if you use restic, a single repository is enough. Besides, as restic does deduplication, if you have the same files between your machines, they will only occupy the space of one. ;-)

    I hope I have helped you with some of my ideas.

    Best regards.
