casualuk Casual UK Has anyone else given up on daytime Radio 2?
  • losttourist losttourist 6 months ago 100%

    I enjoy Sara Cox's evening drivetime show. I sometimes wish I didn't, but when you're doing yet another 4-hour slog up the M1/M6 in evening rush hour traffic it's perfect company.

    And Zoe Ball can be OK in the mornings, although I'll often tune into something with a bit less chatter unless I'm feeling particularly enthusiastic. Other than those two shows, R2 doesn't really do it for me. And yes, Jeremy Vine is utterly off-putting.

  • linux Linux First real Arch user moment [Mission Failed]
  • losttourist losttourist 6 months ago 100%

    Linux doesn't really know about drives, it knows about partitions and mount points.

    Obviously this is a simplification, but in general it's close enough. It also could well be your problem - timeshift doesn't know or care that /boot is on the same physical drive as the rest of your system: if it's a different partition, it's separate.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Good mini PC for around 100€
  • losttourist losttourist 7 months ago 100%

    It's a little more than 100€

    It's half as much again! If your budget is that flexible you really should have mentioned it in the original post so that people could give you a wider range of options.

    Translate it up by a couple of orders of magnitude and you get "I want to buy a car, I have €10,000 to spend" ... "I found one for €15,000, it's a little bit more but ..."

  • 80smusic 80's Music Jennifer Rush, "The Power of Love" (live, 1985)
  • losttourist losttourist 7 months ago 100%

    In the UK we had three songs in the top ten in 1985 all called "The Power of Love", all different.

    • This one by Jennifer Rush
    • Huey Lewis & The News song from Back to the Future
    • Frankie Goes To Hollywood's power ballad, now a UK Christmas classic

    All of them completely awesome in their own ways.

  • kbin /kbin So much spam
  • losttourist losttourist 7 months ago 100%

    You can easily report if you're using kbin website, don't know how it works if you're using an app. You just hover over the "more" link and a dropdown appears with "Report" as the first option.

  • technology Technology TfL's AI Tube Station experiment is amazing and slightly terrifying: Mind the Orwellian Surveillance Apparatus
  • losttourist losttourist 7 months ago 100%

    Which would be what, exactly?

    Literally the next line on the image tells you what:

    "This includes: disability, pregnancy/maternity for the purposes of the mobility assistance use case."

  • cybersecurity cybersecurity [fake-news] Three million malware-infected smart toothbrushes used in Swiss DDoS attacks — botnet causes millions of euros in damages
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    It's a great story. It's also completely Fake News. DIdn't happen at all.

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sovereign citizen wants to travel with her child who has no ID.
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    Legally a citizen (assuming born in the US) because lack of paperwork doesn't change the law - but with no way of actually proving it.

  • fediverse Fediverse Mastodon security update: every version prior to today's is vulnerable to remote user impersonation and takeover
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    Without a published POC there's a slightly longer window before clueless script kiddies start having a go at exploiting the vulnerability, though.

  • programming Programming Recommend me a programming language
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 92%

    Give Clojure a go.

    It's a modern variant of lisp that runs on the JVM and has deep interoperability with Java, so you can leverage your existing knowledge of Java libraries.

    But as it's a lisp, it will have you thinking about problems in a very different way.

  • linux Linux Issues filling forms in PDFs
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    Not really a viable solution for many scenarios though. What if your PDF has half a dozen pages, your answer becomes really tedious. And in a lot of cases a PDF with forms is expected to be sent back to the person or company that created it once the fields have been filled in. They're not likely to want to receive a bunch of JPEG screenshots instead.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    From the sidebar

    Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise.

    Nothing there saying it's specifically for Linux News.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where can a Boomer catch up on current computer/software technology?
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    You don't need a desktop for CAD anymore.

    Not for the raw processing power, but anyone doing serious CAD work is going to want at least a 21" monitor, relying on just the laptop screen is going to be difficult especially (and I speak as someone aged over 50 myself) as your eyes become less able to focus on fine details as you get older.

    So OP needs to decide if they're going to want to use the machine for other things as well, in which case a laptop + external monitor might be fine, or if it's a dedicated work/hobby CAD machine in which case why not get the desktop + monitor.

  • ukcasual UKCasual Anyone else unreasonably hyped for new Gladiators?
  • losttourist losttourist 8 months ago 100%

    Ha, I enjoyed that. Trashy TV of the most enjoyable kind but good clean fun as well. Although I have to agree with whoever it was on Mastodon said that it looked like every round was designed to cater to a very specific kink or fetish!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What sci-fi-esque inventions are the most plausible and could happen soonest?
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 50%

    With flying cars we'd have the opportunity to take the human factor out of the equation, which is the cause of the vast majority of car crashes.

    Imagine we had never invented cars and trucks and highways and were just doing it now. Do you think we'd take these two ton death machines and say "let's put them under control of an individual person, with all the distractions and fallibility and other problems we know we suffer from"? Or would be instead design a system where every single vehicle has a computer that is constantly in communication with all the other vehicles around it, and can react far quicker to any issue than a person could.

    The problem with self-driving cars is that they have to operate in a world where there are also human-driven cars, and cyclists, and pedestrians, etc. If the only things on the road were computer-controlled, it's a completely different scenario. And that's what we'd have with flying cars. At least I hope so!

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Last few days are the least functional kbin has been for me since the July exodus. Just me?
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    It seems a lot more stable right now. I expect @ernest has been occupied with, y'know, actually having a life. Seeing as it's Christmas and all that.

  • books Books *Permanently Deleted*
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    You might enjoy Peter F Hamilton's books Pandora's Star and its sequel, Judas Unchained. It's somewhere between space opera and hard sci-fi but there are significant plots and sub-plots involving alien creatures ranging from the vaguely comprehensible (to humans) through to creatures that are almost beyond our ability to understand.

  • metal Metal Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark [England, 1992]
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    Years ago this came on the radio while I was driving and my wife said "It sounds like he's singing 'Fear of the Duck'" and honestly I can't hear anything else now.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom can my image be recorded at British airports by tv crews even if I don't consent?
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 85%

    If an officer at a British airport asks you if he can search your luggage and you say no and you ask him if you are under arrest, what happens then?

    The police (and Border Force staff when you're in a place under their jurisdiction) have the legal right to search you and your belongings, as long as they can justify the reason for that request. If you refuse to allow them to do that you will most likely be arrested and you will have your belongings confiscated and searched anyway.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom can my image be recorded at British airports by tv crews even if I don't consent?
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    They can’t broadcast your image without consent.

    They absolutely can. The principle has been tested multiple times in court and the case law is very clear - anyone who is in a public place can have no reasonable expectation of privacy. If a photo is taken and published, or video is recorded and shown then anyone in the crowd is basically fair game.

    For under-18s there is a code of ethics that means any responsible photographer will blur out the faces of anyone who appears to be a child, but even that's (probably) not enforceable by law.

  • linux Linux How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 98%

    That all seems ... incredibly complicated.

    Why not use fwupd? (link is the Arch wiki but should be relevant for any distro). I've been using fwupd to keep my Dell XPS15 BIOS updated for the last few years, with no problems at all.

  • map_enthusiasts Map Enthusiasts Power socket types around the world
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    How did we let this happen?

    How could we not have done? When electricity was first being proposed of a way of powering homes and industry we couldn't even agree on a standard for distribution (Tesla vs Edison). The world's governments didn't step in because this was a dispute between private companies. Just like governments didn't decide whether we should use VHS vs Betamax, or drink Coke vs Pepsi.

    And then once a country decided on a standard distribution method they had to pick a voltage, a frequency, and a plug/socket design. Again, there was no real reason for governments to get heavily involved at this point - after all, nobody knew if this new-fangled electricity thing would ever really catch on.

    Can we just start again?

    Sure. But it will cost maybe hundreds of billions. Maybe more than that. It doesn't matter which plug/socket design you say is the right one for the whole world, most of the world won't already be using it (just look at the map!). So all those countries are going to have to change not only the plug on every single appliance in existence in their country, but also every single socket on every wall in every building. And what's the benefit to the countries that have spent al those billions doing that? Absolutely nothing - the advantage and profits will be reaped by product manufacturers who don't have to produce a variety of connectors.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • losttourist losttourist 9 months ago 100%

    No. The whole point of Federated software is that things happen on one server, and by the very design of the system those things get shared out to other servers. "Things" could be anything from posts to comments to up/down votes.

    The only way to have anonymous voting would be to make the up/down votes strictly local to a particular server, which kind of defeats the purpose of a federated system.

  • linux Linux Am I wrong to assume that docker is perfect for single board computers that relies on low life expectancy drives (microsd)?
  • losttourist losttourist 10 months ago 100%

    I'm still struggling to understand what advantage Docker brings to the set-up.

    Maybe the application doesn't need to write anything to disk at all (which seems unlikely) but if so, then you're not saving any disk-write cycles by using docker.

    Or maybe you want it only to write to filesystems mounted from longer-life storage e.g. magnetic disk and mark the SD card filesystems as --read-only. In which case you could mount those filesystems directly in the host OS (indeed you have to do this to make them visible to docker) and configure the app to use those directly, no need for docker.

    Docker has many great features, but at the end of the day it's just software - it can't magic away some of the foundational limitiations of system architecture.

  • linux Linux Am I wrong to assume that docker is perfect for single board computers that relies on low life expectancy drives (microsd)?
  • losttourist losttourist 10 months ago 100%

    I'm not sure why Docker would be a particularly good (or particularly bad) fit for the scenario you're referring to.

    If you're suggesting that Docker could make it easy to transfer a system onto a new SD card if one fails, then yes that's true ... to a degree. You'd still need to have taken a backup of the system BEFORE the card failed, and if you're making regular backups then to be honest it will make little difference if you've containerised the system or not, you'll still need to restore it onto a new SD card / clean OS. That might be a simpler process with a Docker app but it very much depends on which app and how it's been set up.

  • 80smusic 80's Music Nik Kershaw - The Riddle [1984]
  • losttourist losttourist 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I remember listening to the radio and the DJ saying he had some free stuff to give away to anyone who could phone or write in with a good explanation of those lyrics. Off the back of that I rushed out and bought the 7" single and spent hours listening to it and writing down lyrics trying to get some meaning out of them.

    I didn't work out what it was about, I didn't get the free shit from the radio station, but Nik Kershaw did get a additional record sold. Genius!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Could someone explain the networking behind transparent proxies and MiTM snooping using certificates to me?
  • losttourist losttourist 11 months ago 100%

    Yes, I think that 'masquerading' is the key bit to grasp. The MITM Proxy isn't just intercepting the traffic, it alters the traffic as it passes through.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Any free ***beginer*** resources?
  • losttourist losttourist 11 months ago 100%

    DigitalOcean's guides in general are pretty good for all sorts of things, whether it's a generic discussion of a concept like the ones you've posted, or a step-by-step guide for installing and configuring specific systems or software. Even if you're not using DO as a host, much of what they suggest is still very useful.

  • losttourist losttourist 11 months ago 100%

    Do you want zombie orphans? Cos that's how you get zombie orphans. Listen to the AI, it's trying to save the world from becoming a dystopian TV series!

  • world World News 34 Palestinian children killed this year alone by Israeli forces
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 71%

    It's not a numbers game. "They killed one of our children" does NOT make it OK for us to kill one of their children.

  • germany Germany Why aren't hot dog buns more popular in Germany?
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    Neither sausage-on-a-stick fast food nor sausage-in-a-bun fast food bear any resemblance to the traditional German way of serving wurst. Neither is "closer" they are both a million miles away from the original.

  • world World News Sunak proposes raising smoking age every year to create 'smoke-free' generation
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 65%

    How is this supposed to be enforced? In a decade's time are shopkeepers going to have to challenge anyone buying a packet of fags who looks under 28? And then later it'll be "sorry mate, can you prove you're 44?" and so on.

  • foodporn FoodPorn [Homemade] pizza with ground beef, bacon and onions .
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    That looks amazing. In the last year or two I've found a pretty good, reliable dough recipe, but I'm never really satisfied with the tomato sauce I use. Do you have a recipe you stick to?

  • fediverse Fediverse Mastodon features
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    markdown support

    If you are on (or migrate to) a server using the Glitch-Social fork of Mastodon, you'll get markdown support. It's a game-changer, in my opinion. (glitch-soc has lots of other nice features too, btw).

  • linux Linux Question: is systemd-homed ready for everyday use yet?
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    While true, I think most people's concern is that their laptop is stolen and along with it all the access details for their email, online banking and so on.

    If you're doing things that mean you're going to be the target of people with the knowledge, time, and technology to freeze the RAM and attempt to recover the data, you're presumably already well aware of those (and other) dangers anyway.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Quadlets might make me finally stop using docker-compose
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    systemd [is] a niche

    Maybe in the wider world of all the operating systems installed on all the computers, but for Linux-based computing it is, like it or not, near ubiquitous these days. And in particular for server systems (and this is, after all, /m/selfhosted), good luck finding something that isn't systemd-based unless you're deliberately choosing a BSD or aiming for a system which has ever-decreasing amounts of support available.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Quadlets might make me finally stop using docker-compose
  • losttourist losttourist 12 months ago 100%

    what if I'm not using CoreOS?

    Podman runs on any distro (or more strictly: any distro that uses systemd). It's essentially a FOSS alternative to Docker.

  • ukcasual UKCasual First Day in the UK, tested the most casual thing I could think about. Your English Breakfast is awesome!
  • losttourist losttourist 1 year ago 87%

    This post is generating waves of nostalgia for /r/Fryup for me. We need somewhere on the Fediverse to post, lust over and critique other people's fry-ups.

  • ukcasual UKCasual First Day in the UK, tested the most casual thing I could think about. Your English Breakfast is awesome!
  • losttourist losttourist 1 year ago 87%

    "Black pudding", surely.

    Blood sausage sounds yuk, black pudding is ... well I'm not a huge fan (hands in passport) but at least it sounds like it should be palatable.

  • ukcasual UKCasual So. What degenerate thing do YOU* put in your Yorkshire puddings?
  • losttourist losttourist 1 year ago 100%

    Your photo makes me feel a little bit unwell. Sorry.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    80's Music losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita

    I don't know if this was a hit in the US, but it was absolutely massive in Europe in 1983

    Reddit Migration losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    /r/LegalAdviceUK is forced back open, vows to move the entire community off Reddit

    As with many other subreddits, /r/LegalAdviceUK (which had been dark since the start of the blackout) has been sent a thinly-veiled threat by Reddit. So they've reopened in order to start moving the entire community of 810,000 subscribers to somewhere else. As you can imagine there are a number of legal professionals who moderate that sub, and they really don't take kindly to being threatened. They sign off their reopening message with "Fuck /u/Spez and long live John Oliver." but for the real fun you might want to look up a very famous British legal case they reference, [Arkell v Pressdram 1971](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    r/pics is now a sub for pics of John Oliver looking sexy.

    Reddit has told r/pics mods to open the sub, and to be the sub their users want it to be. So they ran a user poll. By overwhelming mandate, r/pics is now a sub for pics of John Oliver looking sexy. [\_decide\_on\_the\_future\_of\_rpics/](

    Fediverse losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    Trying to subscribe to []( from So far no luck - I've tried searching for that exact url, and also going to "Magazines" and just

    Trying to subscribe to []( from So far no luck - I've tried searching for that exact url, and also going to "Magazines" and just searching for "". But both return no results. So I'm going to see if just making a post with that link in it somehow kick-starts the federation between the two instances. [\#fediverse](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Music losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    From the "This Week In the 90s" newsletter, a deep dive into modern music licensing agreements

    'What Is Love' makes the shareholders happy [June 13, 1993] Plus: UB40, Green Jelly, Manics, and Slowdive

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit losttourist 1 year ago 100%
    Watch subreddits going dark in real time

    An open source website to watch subreddits going dark
