anki Anki Unofficial What are your favorite Anki studying decks (regarding any subject)?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%

    This is the one that has helped me the most with my Japanese vocab:
    This is the one that I made personally for studying Toki Pona:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%

    A toque

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How would you teach digital literacy to 13-18 year old students?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%

    I think about this all the time, I really could see myself getting into computer education ten years down the line.

    What I would do is this:

    • Focus on recreating styles of computing that produced our most digitally literate generation: Gen X (for context, I was born in 2000).
    • Give everyone in the class a Raspberry Pi and a MicroSD card. Guide them through the setup process. This recreates larger, more complicated computers in microcosm.
    • Start out with the Lite version of the Raspi OS, allow students to discover the different components of an operating system: Bash, window management, sound, the desktop, office applications. Take them through some common Raspberry Pi tasks.
    • Do not allow the class to become the Adobe/Microsoft power hour. This is the number one way we are failing our students today.
    • Have a unit focused around free software and the open source movement. Focus on social media literacy as well. Ensure that students understand how social media algorithms work, how these companies make money, understand that users are the product.

    There's probably more I could come up with if I sat down to really plan out a week by week lesson plan, but this is off the cuff where I'd put the focus. So many of these topics have Connections-style related points. "Why is my computer at home different from a Raspberry Pi?" gives you a great opportunity to expand on CPU architecture, which leads to how computers actually "think". I remember when I was a child one of the things that I was most confused by was how a computer was able to turn Python into something it actually understands, that can be a fascinating lesson in the right hands. How does a computer know where to look on the disc when it boots up? It's great!

    Kids already know how to use phones and tablets. Take concepts from those, concepts they are already familiar with, and then explain the deeper process behind it. Computers are engineered by people, you can understand them, it's not magic.

  • games Games Starfield players are desperately trying to convince others it's a good game
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%

    I've been a big Bethesda fan for years, no one else makes games that quite come close to their very simulationist style. I like Starfield, and now that it's a year after launch I have finally found my angle on it to get the enjoyment out of it that I wanted. I think it's a good game.

    But it's also a flawed game, it's clearly not for you, and that's okay too.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Men losing their mind
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%
  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Men losing their mind
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 day ago 100%

    Lemmy is a lot less women-friendly, queer-friendly, trans-friendly than the rest of the fediverse. That really needs to change.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If you could "Eternal Sunshine" a piece of media so that you could listen to it for the first time again, what would it be?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 5 days ago 100%

    I want to play either Skyrim or Breath of the Wild for the first time again, knowing nothing about what's out there to be discovered or the limits of the sandbox. Those games cast a special spell in their first few dozen hours before you know where the boundaries of the world are.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What movie from your past are you completely nostalgia blind too?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 5 days ago 100%

    I can recognize that I love the Star Wars prequels for bad reasons.
    But also they're still masterpieces actually.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Yet another video takedown.
  • koncertejo koncertejo 6 days ago 100%

    Does anyone have a backup of it?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a low technology you really love ?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 6 days ago 96%

    Do vinyl records count? I really like that they make beautiful noise from a simple electromechanical process.

  • technology Technology Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 99%

    If the Play Store becomes required like that then Android's already-shaky status as an open source base platform is going to go out the window. I'm glad there are non-Google distros of Android but there really needs to be more of a push to make a completely FOSS phone platform.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    It was especially poignant for me because so much of the boy-girl bodyswap stuff was very trans coded.

  • humor Jokes and Humor How to Monetize a Blog
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Screaming against the encroaching void that tails us, hell bent on turning every iota of live and culture into something that can be financialized and commoditized.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you think the fediverse/threadiverse will look like in five years?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I've never heard it to mean that

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you think the fediverse/threadiverse will look like in five years?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Oh by Threadiverse I'm referring to Lemmy/Mbin and their co-conspirators.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I'm trying to say that that movie got popular online years ago and is still associated strongly with internet piracy culture!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    You've been on the internet for a while, yeah?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Your Name / 君の名は
    I use it for language learning, watching things repeatedly is very useful for picking up on new words and grammar!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What anime (or animated series in general) of the 2020s decade have the best-looking art styles?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I think Frieren is especially beautiful, like just look at this shot

  • fediverse Fediverse cohost to shut down at end of 2024
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Fedi's daily active users actually went up for the last two months after hitting a low of just under 1,000,000. That's a lot of people, and on a platform that likely has the ability to carry on like a cockroach in a nuclear winter.

  • fediverse Fediverse Mbin instances
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    What exactly happened for the name to be changed from Kbin to Mbin? I missed that plot point.

  • technology
    Technology koncertejo 1 week ago 92%
    cohost to shut down at end of 2024

    We have come to the decision to cease operations of cohost and anti software software club due to lack of funding and burnout. As of today, none of us are being paid for our labor1; all of our money in the bank, and any money coming in from people who buy our merch or don’t cancel cohost plus, is going towards servers and operations — paying the bills so we can turn the lights off with as little disruption as possible. cohost will become read-only on Tuesday, October 1st. At this time, we will make best-effort attempts to keep the servers online through the end of 2024.

    fediverse Fediverse cohost to shut down at end of 2024
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    server costs were not the biggest reason, it was down to salary costs

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%


  • selfhosted Selfhosted Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    The tech savvy will just buy a Raspberry Pi and install yunohost on it.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Dreamcast!
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    They're molded to the hands really well but the analogue stick is entirely plastic and digs into your thumb really easily!

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Zerowriter Ink is an open source word processor with an E Ink display and a mechanical keyboard
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I do think a split keyboard design would serve a slate like this a bit better though.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Zerowriter Ink is an open source word processor with an E Ink display and a mechanical keyboard
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I'd been looking into building something like this out of a Raspberry Pi, very cool that this is open source.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who Doctor Who: Today is the tenth anniversary of "Deep Breath" (August 23, 2014), the first episode of the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi). Clip from the episode
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    He gets off to a rough start IMO, but by the start of the next season he is already my favourite. Mummy on the Orient Express is an early highlight of his run for sure.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Anecdotally I'll say I feel like I used to be in the habit of typing out responses to posts daily when I first started using the internet. It feels like that was slowly trained out of me as the content and the responses got worse and worse (especially with the advent of LLMs). Trying to change that on Lemmy.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    It is nice to sort Lemmy's posts by new comments sometimes. Turns everything into a much more forum-like experience.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Can someone explain me the appeal of kpop groups and music?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Here's what women really want:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Can someone explain me the appeal of kpop groups and music?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    I dunno man, if you are a girl wouldn’t you want a dude that, yeah, he’s attractive but also that looks manly? That can physically protect you? And that does not has a doll face?..

    I personally prefer cute boys, and I know a lot of other women feel the same. Boys that sometimes wear a little foundation and look really nicely put together are just not something that American pop acts ever do! Luckily at least some of the men in my country are realizing it's nice to look cute sometimes.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Dreamcast!
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 90%

    What's everyone's best Dreamcast memory?

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Dreamcast!
  • koncertejo koncertejo 1 week ago 100%

    Playing some Jet Set Radio today in her honour

  • memes Memes Who ever thought it sounded good this way? I think it's because headphones weren't widely used back then.
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 100%

    It was the early days of a new technology and way of listening that was completely different compared to the past 60+ years of recorded audio. I guess as a more modern analogy it's like those cheap 3D films at the height of the fad that felt the need to gratuitously shove objects directly in front of the camera to get the most out of the 3D effect.

  • memes Memes Who ever thought it sounded good this way? I think it's because headphones weren't widely used back then.
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 100%

    Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys, who produced Pet Sounds, was actually deaf in one ear. Despite that, he got along just fine in a monophonic world, but the switch to stereo completely left him behind. It was a huge change in how music was mixed.

  • memes Memes Who ever thought it sounded good this way? I think it's because headphones weren't widely used back then.
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 100%

    You have to understand that mixing consoles from that era were supremely limited in channels (think four, eight, later sixteen), to the point where they would often have to mix one section (say, the drums) and then record that mix to tape so it would take up a single channel and then do the guitar, bass, and vocals on another channel. The idea of having two of the same thing going through two channels was an exorbitant luxury they couldn't afford!

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy koncertejo 2 weeks ago 97%
    What's your favourite game made for a handheld console?

    Games that *can* be played on a handheld but aren't really meant for it (e.g. most stuff on the Steam Deck) doesn't really count.

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 92%

    I don't remember 9/11

  • linux Linux Why don't more people use Linux? - DHH
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hey just so you know in many people's minds SW doesn't stand for software.

  • linux Linux Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • koncertejo koncertejo 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fedora is what I've got on my Thinkpad right now and so far it seems pretty good! Silverblue is very intriguing to me but I chose not to go with it because I need to be able to modify aspects of how the lower system works (using JACK for audio for music production purposes; afaik this is not really supported through Flatpak). Compared to Arch or Nix OS or whatever else that's popular with the hardcore Linux enthusiasts, Fedora is just right for someone that needs a working system to just get stuff done.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy koncertejo 2 months ago 98%
    What Do You Use Your Personal Website For?

    I'm stuck at a crossroads between what to do with my own. Not sure if I want to make it more of a documentation/wiki style site for everything I'm interested in or if I want to treat it more like a blog. I've got it hooked up to ActivityPub now and I'm intrigued by the possibilities that brings to the table, but I don't think I'd want it to replace my Mastodon account, which puts it in a weird sort of limbo. So I want to know, what do you use your own website for?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Pioneer koncertejo 1 year ago 100%
    This is the Mono W Humans deck I'm taking up to Edmonton this weekend, what would you change?

    3 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar 3 Brave the Elements 4 Brutal Cathar 2 Castle Ardenvale 2 Coppercoat Vanguard 4 Dauntless Bodyguard 4 Hopeful Initiate 4 Luminarch Aspirant 4 Mutavault 3 Ossification 14 Plains 4 Recruitment Officer 3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 4 Thalia's Lieutenant 2 Wedding Announcement SIDEBOARD: 1 Brave the Elements 2 Containment Priest 2 Giant Killer 1 Ossification 3 Portable Hole 3 Skrelv, Defector Mite 2 Sunset Revelry 1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

    Videos koncertejo 1 year ago 88%
    Everything Is Sludge: Art in the Post-Human Era

    Tiktok and its abuse of the human attention span has been a disaster for the human race.

    Asklemmy koncertejo 1 year ago 98%
    Is Lemmy your first time on the Fediverse?

    This question is especially for people who have joined in the last week. Have you used other fediverse platforms or is this your first time really using one? What do you think of it so far? Are you aware that you can comment on Lemmy posts with a Mastodon account?

    Memes koncertejo 1 year ago 99%
    normal amount