breath_of_the_wild The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mischaracterization in localizations?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 1 month ago 100%

    There is also at least one major translation error that's only present in the English version. In the final boss battle, Zelda says that Ganon has "given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure enraged form", implying that the reincarnation cycle has been broken and there will be no more Ganons after this fight.

    In all other languages including the original, it is some variation of "his obsessive refusal to give up on reincarnation turned him into this monstrosity", which implies the exact opposite. No matter how often you kill him, he just won't let go, ever - even if it means to turn into a mindless beast. He WILL try to survive and revive, no matter the cost.

    I guess the translator in question got a little confused with the double negative (Ganon fiercely does NOT want to NOT reincarnate = he fiercely wants to reincarnate).

  • breath_of_the_wild The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mischaracterization in localizations?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 1 month ago 100%

    German here. There are at least two major differences that stick out like a sore thumb.

    Finley and Sasan:

    • In the English localization, they're basically a couple despite the weird age difference thing (she's allegedly older than him, but still looks like a toddler, and when Zora age slower then she IS still a kid by the standards of her own race etc.). They're calling each other darling and sweetheart and soulmate and the thing that gets dumped into the river is flat-out called a love letter.

    • In the German version, Fine (Finley) just wants someone to go on adventures with and is cranky that the adults won't ler her. Sasan happens to think she's pretty cool for her age and promises her mother to keep an eye on her while they go explore. No creepy "love" stuff, no "I didn't have my growth spurt yet but I'm totally an adult, trust me bro" thing, just an adult friend for an actual child who wants to make sure she doesn't get hurt while playing outside.

    The funny thing is that everyone automatically assumes it is the Japanese "thousand year old goddess in a child's body trope" ... but the crankend-up-to-eleven romance was ADDED in the English translation and they're still only pen pals in the original. An analysis from reddit that I blatanly stole:

    I think this whole quest is very interesting, but I just can't get behind it, because the context of the quest is so drastically different in the japanese version and english translation.

    It starts with finley calling the letter "love letter" in the english version, while in japanese it's just a plain old "メッセージボトル" "letter in a bottle". That's a HUGE diffrence.

    Then there is the option "A letter?" when you speak with finley after she has thrown the letter inside the river.

    In the english version she goes on and on an and on about, how wonderful that guy must be and how she hopes, that he is as wonderful as he describes, all in a very lovestruck way. Then she says something that's not even present in the japanese version. The whole thing about her concerning herself with him being okay with her being older, wiser and a Zora girl and talking about keeping an open mind when it comes to love, is not present in the japanese version. She never says she is older or wiser and she never mentions anything about love. The conversation ends with her saying:

    "「筋肉ムキムキの冒険者だ」って お返事には書いてあったのですが いつも繊細な文章なので きっと素敵な方なんだろうな って思うんです" translating roughly to: "He wrote "I'm a very muscular adventurer" but his writing is always so delicate, so I think, that he must certainly be a very wonderful person"

    That's where the japanese one stops.

    Now we come to Sasan. There are also some glaring changes to his dialouge, that change the whole context of the quest, which in general is: Finley's parents always being busy and her being lonely, wanting to find a friend. That's what one can infer from her second option of dialouge.

    Sasan also calls the "love letter" "letter in a bottle" in the japanese version. He also refrains from calling Finley a "lovely Zora" and just says "The sender seems to be a female Zora named finley". He is also not "dying to meet her" he says "だから 会いに行きたくてもどにも腰が重くてね・・・" "Even if I wanted to meet her, I'm a bit hestitant...", in reference to him lying to her.

    The text after that is radicaly different as well. In the english version he is devestated, had he known, he would fall for her, he never would have lied to her. Link supports him saying "Love reigns supreme".

    In the japanese version he says "しまったなぁ こうなるなら 嘘書くじゃなかったよう・・・" "Now i've blown it. If I had known it would come to this (this being her wanting to meet him), I would have never lied..." Link supports him saying "心が大事" very roughly translating to "Your inner values matter", because the concept of 心 is very broad in japanese.

    And while he says, in the japanese version, he will run all the way to the Zora domain for a little bit of training, he doesn't mention trying to get really really buff on the way for her. He just wants to start practicing what he preaches in the japanese version.

    When talking to the two in the village, that's the first time the two texts kind of resemble each other. Finley does indeed call Sasan her "運命の人" which can be translated as "Soul mate". It could hint at her really thinking of him in a loving way in the japanese version, even if that was not established beforehand, or it could, more likely, reference the folk tale that says that if a person finds her letter, she will have great luck her entire life, kind of hinting again, at something more romantic. Even then, those hints are really subtle and could be seen either way, them being friends, heavyly implied, or them becoming lovers, very very unlikely but still subtly implied.

    That's where the similarities start and end, as, shortly after that, Finley tells Sasan to work out for her, because he has promised HER muscles after all. In the japanese version she says "ササノ君! 泳いだり ガケ登りしたりして もっと筋肉モリモリになってね!"Sasan! You have to swim and climb more cliffs, so you become more muscular, 'kay!", again, she kind of says that because the two of them want to go on adventures, so it kinda makes sense, why he has to become a bit buff.

    Sasan's answer to that marks the final big difference. While in the english version he wants to try his best for his "darling" (Finley) in the japanese version he just says "う うん・・・がんばるよ・・・" " I will try..."

    I think it is very interesting to see, that the Tree House of America choose to kind of take those subtle hints, that could be seen as something romantic, ran with it, but then always came back and justified it, like with Finley and Sasan HAVING to mention that she is sooooo much older and wiser than him. I personally don't have something against the "old soul in a child's body trope", but I generally assosiated it as japanese trope and was shocked to find out, that, in this case, it's an english plot line exclusive. Make of that what you want xD

    Other comments also imply that the romance is absent in the spanish, french, russian and italian versions, but since I speak neither of these languages fluently, I can not personally confirm anything.

    Another example: Revali

    • In the English localization he's just flat-out a jerk that pokes fun at Link at every opportunity and thinks he's better than anyone else. He's delightfully snarky and I think the VA did a very good job, but it still seems as if this character's main motivation is his superiority complex and nothing else.

    • In the German version, his motivation is a bit different. It is made clear that he was the only one of the Champions starting from humble beginnings (everyone else is royalty, he's "just" some archer) and had to work hard to develop his skill instead of just inheriting it like the others, and he's kinda pissed that everyone takes their blessings for granted and seems to have no motivation to develop their skills further or even actually use them. He feels more like the only kid in a group project actually wanting to do the work while the others sit around and goof off instead of doing the assignment, and the frustration shows.

    Him teasing Link falls into that category as well, but not because he wants to belittle Link and stroke his own ego, but because Revali thinks that Link, too, just takes for granted that he has a cool powerful sword and doesn't seem to have any motivation to use its full potential.

    His dialogue isn't hurtful or condescending at all. It's more of a "we are a team so please start to pull your own weight already instead of relying on others all the time" thing. A little frustrated at times, but overall supportive and loyal.

    Some examples from the cutscenes/dialogue:

    • When Revali hands over "Revali's Gale" to Link on Vah Medoh, his dialogue in English is: "It's time to make preparations for Medoh's strike on Gannon - but only if you think you still need my help while you're fighting in Hyrule Castle. Feel free to thank me now!" and "Don't preen yourself just for doing your job".

    • In German he says: "Wenn du dann in Schloss Hyrule mit ihm [Ganon] kämpfst, kannst du auf unsre Hilfe zählen. Ich hoffe du weisst das zu schätzen! Gibt doch noch ein paar Sachen zu tun, oder?" (Then, when you're fighting against him in Hyrule Castle, you can count on our support. I hope you appreciate that. We still have unfinished business to take care of, remember?)

    • then a little later while Revali is standing on top of Medoh, looking at the castle: "After all these years I simply must admit the truth ... guess I was wrong about how lucky he would be."

    • same dialogue in German: "So langsam muss ich zugeben dass er doch gar nicht schlecht ist. Er ist von uns beiden der Stärkere. Link - du bist dr Schlüssel und warst es immer." ("I have to admit that he isn't as bad as I thought. He's the stronger of us two. Link - you're the key and always have been."). He finally acknowledges Link's skill and even sounds proud about it, instead of snarkily claiming that the kid just got lucky again.

    There are more examples like these but the comment is already way too long as it is, so 'Ill be leaving it at that.

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 100%

    I allowed myself to build a hoverbike… and haven’t looked back

    Hear, hear. I love the horses in these games so much that I can't fathom completing a full playthrough without owning at least one, but it is kinda hard to still find them useful and convenient when there is a free pile of Zonai stuff lying around behind every corner and Autobuild exists. Plus all the restrictions ... the desert? Off limits. The Depths? Off limits. The Sky islands? Off limits. The sea? get the idea. The areas where horses are even allowed to be are already rare, and on top of that you have dozens of chasms, blockades, "Monster Forces" blocking roads, uneven terrain, rivers, lakes, tunnels, caves, wells, mountains that are almost impossible to cross without leaving your horse behind. Trying to find a rideable path around all of that becomes annoying pretty fast.

    Personally, I think it was a very bad call to remove the Ancient Saddle & Bridle. Most people were already struggling to keep an interest in horses in BotW because even WITH the saddle it was a hassle to get your four-legged buddy back to your side after you had to glide somewhere, but now that TotK is three times as vast and has a LOT more vertical travel - where the teleportation feature would really shine - they nuke the ONLY way to summon your furry means of transport to your side whenever you want? C'mon, guys. Seriously.

    Even if they wanted to get rid of all "ancient tech" then why not let Purah build a substitute? Or put a hidden secret Zonai saddle somehwere? Or make it an amiibo drop? DLC content? Let Robbie invent a special Travel Medallion specifically for horses? Or make Malanya reward the player with a magic flute or whatever?! It really isn't hard to come up with an in-game, in-universe, lore-fitting reason for why a horse teleportation feature can exist.

    Or just hide a special saddle with mechanical wings behind some late-game quest to make your horse able to glide.

  • totk
    Horse Stats Map

    I hadn't found something like this for Tears of the Kingdom yet, so I decided to just make one. If you're just after max stats, then it ultimately doesn't matter which wild horse you catch since you can just RAISE all stats to lv.5 by giving meals to the Horse God Malanya. Even the worst possible stats can be made perfect that way. The only exceptions are the Giant Horses and Epona, which can't be upgraded - those stats stay the same forever. However, it might still be beneficial to know which stats you can expect in different herds, because some of them are already pretty close to max right from the start (like for example the Wild 5245 in Group 08) which significantly cuts down the total upgrade cost since those meals can have some rare-ish, expensive ingredienst that are annoying to farm. (my personal motivation for this however was that I dislike having too many icons on the screen and find horses with just 2 spurs perfect, but all online guides simply point out where the high stats and special horses are and flat-out ignore everything else) The map does not show the locations of the special horses to avoid spoilers. If you want to find out where the Royal White Stallion, the Giant Horses, Spot or the Golden Horse are, you can find dozens of guides easily =P --- ## Some more extra info: * The group numbers are taken from the game code and correspond to the "WildHorseCreateTag" sections. WildHorseCreateTag04 and 07 exist but do not seem to have actual map placements, so there is nowhere for them to spawn. * Some groups have "impossible" stat horses in the game data (like having a zero in a certain stat) but those horses do not seem to actually spawn for some reason. If anyone ever finds a regular horse that has a zero in any stat (except for the Giants and Epona which have zero Pull) please let me know, because as far as I can tell, you can not get Strength below 1 point or any other stat below 2 points. I have no idea why those stat combinations are still in the game code tho. * One of these "impossible" horses is the "Default" horse, which had a unique coloration in BotW (brown body, white hoof tufts, dark muzzle and very dark hooves) and unique stats (4-3-3-0) but it does not spawn in the wild anymore in TotK. If you import an actual Default Horse from a BotW save file to TotK, it will turn into the "fake" variant (bright hooves, not unique) and get slightly different stats (4-3-3-3) instead. * Spotted horses only appear after you finished the "Spotting Spot" quest, which in turn requires two completed temples. For all other horse-related questions, consult [HylianAngel's Horse Guide]( which is for Breath of the Wild, but still has accurate information for the most part since the devs didn't change much between this game and the sequel. Color combinations, temperament and the like are still the same. **If you have additonal information, questions or you spot a mistake, please let me know. If you post this elsewhere, please give proper credit and link back here, thanks.**

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 100%


  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 100%

    If you mirror it tho, it makes even less sense:

  • dontdeadopeninside
    Just why

    Hint: read it from bottom to top, right to left, but still in the order 1-2-3 ::: spoiler ''Solution'': It is supposed to say "we love burgers" :::

    Brain Overload

    In case the direct link doesn't work properly: Not my video, not my cat, but it fits ;)

    Lemmy Shitpost justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 98%
    That oscillated quickly.

    In case the direct link doesn't work properly:

    "Risotto" (by ayyk92 @ Deviantart)

    Original source: Original Artist: [ayyk9 @ deviantart]( PS: I still like BotW-Link's method better. It might be not as convenient als just finding cash and health in some guy's lawn, but it is a lot more immersive. =P

    "Mask Off" by AYYK92 @ Deviantart

    Original source: Original Artist: [ayyk9 @ deviantart]( Seems like that disguise worked a little TOO well...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Pokemon justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 100%
    A mosquito coil holder inspired by Pokemon, made with a 3D pen by Sanago

    Not my channel, not my video or work - but I thought it was cool and wanted to share it here ;)

    Otters justlookingfordragon 2 months ago 95%
    Pants Inspector (SFW)

    In case the video doesn't load properly: EDIT: I guess everything with the word "pants" in it gets automatically flagged as NSFW by imgur ...? It's harmless, I promise. (Not my own video - I just found it on imgur and thought it would be nice to share it here)


    One of the first pictures I took when I started playing BotW in 2017 ... I still like it. The only edit I made was removing Wolf Link's giant health bar and Link's 3 hearts from the pic, but everything else is as it was in-game. Picture was taken on the northern peak of the Dueling Peaks. You don't need glitches to get a horse up there ;)

    I'm curious what this "wordplay" is in other languages...

    In English, Zelda actually said "...and then explore all other parts" and they misheard her, prompting them to run around in their knickers all day. In German, the dialogue is "Stärkt euren Körper und Geist und zieht wacker unbekleidet los" (Literal translation: "Fortify your body and soul and then go forth unclothed") when in reality she said "unbegleitet" ("without company"). The explanation in the German version: They were afraid of the nearby monsters, waiting for reinforcements instead of doing research. Zelda urged them to continue their work in the meantime instead of just sitting around, doing nothing. Basically "stop being such wimps and do your jobs", but a lot more politely. Since you kinda have to wedge a wordplay into that dialogue in every possible translation, I'm curious about how other localisations handled the quest.

    Tethered Bottle Caps

    Yes I am aware that they're somehow supposed to reduce plastic waste because the cap can't get lost ... unless you cut it off, of course. Yes I am also aware that there are people with disabilities (shaky hands, weak grip, etc.) who are thankful for these and actually like the design. Good for them, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. But personally, I hate these things with all the "first world problems" rage I can muster and go out of my way to rip / cut / twist them off on every single bottle I buy. I don't like having the bottle cap directly in my face while drinking, or slipping in the way of the flow whenever I just want to pour milk, and on more than one occasion, I've actually cut my finger OR lip on these little sh*ts (not the same type as in the picture, but baldy-made longer "bands" that leave little plastic spikes on the cap and/or band). No idea whether I should post this in the "unpopular opinion" section instead or if other people think the same, but to me, "mildly infuriating" describes them perfectly.

    Lemmy Shitpost justlookingfordragon 3 months ago 99%
    Sound on! (but not too loud since it is a little NSFW-ish)

    In case the main link doesn't work: Seriously, that frog sounds almost as bad as the BotW Fountain Faeries.

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 3 months ago 100%

    Maybe Hyrule is a Discworld-esque flat map that rotates every couple of years and they're now in the phase where the "map" is rotated by 180 degrees? =P

    ...joke aside, I've heard three theories about this that make a bit of sense:

    1. The first setup was an accident and it was actually meant to be like in TotK right from the start, so the devs merely corrected their mistake.

    2. The swap was done to make locations feel "off" and new, even the parts that weren't actually changed much (like for example the Sanidin Park Ruins).

    3. The swap was done to make the desert part easier, since now the Gerudo Highlands provide a lot of shade while the sun is north. It is already difficult enough to navigate in the Gibdo-infested sandstorm even if you're not currently boiling to death, so the devs granted players a bit of mercy here.

    None of these are in any way confirmed tho - they're just fan theories.

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 3 months ago 100%

    The original "project" in BotW took a while to accomplish, especially since I also wanted to find out what time of the day the pictures were taken (so the shadows would be identical), and I did it more or less blind so finding the right spot wasn't always easy either (I had the most trouble with the Eldin Canyon and Nameless Forest pictures). Took a good month of trial and error back then.

    Since the locations haven't changed between games, the "requirement" to get the weather AND time right no longer applies, and the fact that I know the BotW map by heart after playing basically nothing else for 6 years straight, the TotK version was a lot easier. Took me about a week, including the video version ;)

  • totk
    "Then and Now" TotK version

    Follow-up of a similar project I had done for BotW "back in the day" ;) What has changed in the locations from Zelda's pictures / the memory flashback scenes? I have 3 comparison pictures for each location, one from Zelda's time (the pictures on the Sheikah Slate), one from Link's time (gameplay in BotW) and one from the time of the Upheaval (TotK) For the BotW version, I was able to more or less recreate the pics in a recognizable manner including the right weather conditions and time of day/night so that the shadows align in the same way, but this was sadly no longer possible in TotK as the devs flipped the sun's path. In BotW, it goes East - North - West while in TotK it goes East - South - West instead. During any of the daytime pictures, the shadows will point in the opposite direction as in the original pictures. There is no longer an overlap where the shadows would be perfectly identical. ![]( (original compass credit: wikimedia commons, JamesLucas[^1] and edited by myself) [^1]: With that being said, some locations still haven't changed at all, especially the ones with pictures that were taken at night (so the shadows don't matter anway). **For bigger pictures, open them in a new tab/window:** --- ### 1. Sacred Grounds / Lookout Landing ![]( ...this however is a location that has changed *drastically*. While in BotW, the only noticable changes were the broken pillars and the ominously gloomy castle in the background, the place is barely recognizable in TotK. If it hadn't been for the pillars and the Triforce emblem, there wouldn't have been similarities. The castle is hovering now, the forest is gone, buildings have appeared and even the name itself has changed, from "Sacred Grounds" to "Lookout Landing". --- ### 2. Lake Kolomo ![]( The ruins of the garrison are identical in all pictures - noone tried to rebuild the garrison, but it didn't fall apart further either. If you know what kind of creature lurks there in TotK, you might know WHY they didn't send any builders there ... or maybe they did, and the builders just never returned. And yes, that is a Korok puzzle rock. --- ### 3. Ancient Columns ![]( The differences are solely background items here. and the shadows of course, as mentioned in the intro text. Notable changes between Zelda's and Link's picture are the Sheikah Tower (not present in Zelda's time) and the fact that the shrine is now in standby mode instead of turned off (no glow VS orange glow). In TotK then, both of them are gone completely and so is Vah Medoh. The perpetual thunderstorm in Hebra will be there until you've cleared the Rito questline. Other than that, there are floating islands now, but you can say that about almost all pictures here anyway ;) --- ### 4. Kara Kara Bazaar ![]( Basically no changes at all between Zelda's and Link's picture. In the Upheaval time tho, the water levels in the oasis are noticably lower than before and the barricades and structure atop the arrow shop stick out like a sore thumb. At least the water levels go back to normal after clearing the Gerudo questline, but the other changes are here to stay. And like the Lake Kolomo picture, the palm trees are also still completely identical. No offshoots grew, no old tree withered, nothing. From a meta perspective it makes sense to not change too much (the pictures have to be easily recognizable and TBH it is a lot of work to change plant growth instead of just copypasting the area) but from an in-game perspective it is just plain weird to see that these things haven't changed at all in a whole century. --- ### 5. Eldin Canyon ![]( The murky thing down there is the Military Training Ground. In Zelda's time there seems to have been clear water (the sun reflects in it) while in Link's time it was already a muddy mess (no reflection) and in the Upheaval it got worse (now the Lost Woods are dark and murky too). I couldn't get the heigth right for this pic as it is very hard to build a sufficiently high tower of crates with Magnesis alone, and even harder to then actually climb it without it toppling over for the umpteenth time, but since TotK has Ultrahand, Hoverstones, Ascend and the ability to bring your own platforms to stand on via Autobuild (or just more Zonai devices), this problem was a lot easier to solve in the sequel. --- ### 6. Irch Plain ![]( In-game, the picture and location are just called "Hyrule Field" despite not being in Central Hyrule and having an actual name on the in-game map. I am unsure whether this is an oversight or the devs might have wanted to not make the location too obvious by spoiling its name. Again, there is no plant growth, the tree and the bush are the same ... and the lack of little flowers in "my" pictures is due to the fact that I had to mow a part of the meadow because the camera angle is so low to the ground that you'd otherwise just see the grass and not much else, like you're lying face-down in a field. --- ### 7. West Necluda ![]( This tree is just a bit west of the Deya Village ruins, atop the hill. And again, the tree didn't grow or wither at all within the last century. The bridge is also still in the same state of disrepair, but this time, there is an understandable in-game reason for it: during Link's time, there were barely any Hylians left save for a handful of villages, and repairing something as huge as this bridge requires a LOT of workers, tools and materials. Someone has to chisel big enough stones for the missing parts, transport them through a Guardian-infested Hyrule to the bridge, set them into the right place, all with the added logistics of feeding and housing the workers while they're in the area and having to build, operate and maintain a big enough crane ... not exactly a top priority when there are barely enough villagers to work the fields. In TotK the population might be bigger and with the availiable Zonai devices, moving huge stone slabs around wouldn't be that big of an issue, but now there is this three-headed jerk camping smack in the middle of the bridge, and noone wants to go chase it off when all they have is pitchforks and rusty halberds. I also took the liberty of taking a pic during good weather conditions ... in Zelda's picture it was raining, and I tried to recreate that weather effect in BotW, but you can barely see any details then, so whatever. --- ### 8. Hyrule Castle ![]( Since the weird permanent malice effect from BotW is gone now, the area looks a little closer to Zelda's time, tho the castle walls are still broken as noone had rebuild anything here yet. And there are still monsters, malice/gloom particles floating around and debris scattered everywhere. Not much has changed about this place, apart from the fact that the entire castle is now floating, but you can't really make that out that from this picture alone. --- ### 9. Spring of Power ![]( Basically no changes at all, at least regarding the landscape. The only differences are that, in Zelda's pic, nothing is glowing, while in Link's picture both the statue of the Goddess and the memory location spot are shining brightly, and in TotK the memory spot is gone but the statue is still enveloped in light. --- ### 10. Sanidin Park Ruins ![]( Despite looking pretty clean and well-maintained, this area has been called "ruins" from the very beginning for whatever reason. The second picture has a noticably different camera angle because I simply wasn't able to reach the correct spot for the picture, as this would have required Link to float twenty feet up in the air six feet behind the parapet, and good luck trying to get there when all you have is Magnesis and a couple seconds of Stasis. In TotK, this was lo longer a problem thanks to the various new features offering more mobility, so the third pic has the "right" camera angle again. Apart from that, barely anything has changed here. --- ### 11. Lanayru Road East Gate ![]( No visible changes between the first and second picture, but that's because I hadn't freed Naydra yet. Comlpeting that quest removes the huge cloud from the mountaintop permanently, which is likely the reason it is just gone in TotK as Naydra is "clean" right from the start then. There's also now a Skyview Tower up there that the player would otherwise not have been able to see properly, which is a tad inconvenient when those towers are the only things that can unlock the map. --- ### 12. Nameless Forest ![]( It really doesn't have a name, whether on the picture itself (it's just called Central Hyrule) nor on the in-game map, which is a tad weird when you consider that this forest has the last and most important memory location in it. There are also a lot of noticably smaller, way less important places that do have names (like every single bridge even if it is just 5 feet long and smack in the middle of nowhere) and the forest isn't exactly small either. As for actual changes here .... none. None at all. Even the dang ferns are still in the same spots and each individual leaf is still in the exact same place as 100+ years prior. The only unique thing here is the glowing memory location spot, but that disappears from BotW once you interacted with it, and it isn't present in TotK in the first place. --- ### 13. Ash Swamp ![]( The first isn't an actual picture but instead a painting hanging in Impa's abode in Kakariko. I guess she asked a painter (Pikango,maybe?) to create that picture way after Link was already put into the Shrine of Resurrection, but before he awoke - because the dead Guardians are already present and look like they have been sitting in that field for quite some time (overgrown with moss), but the Sheikah Tower isn't in the painting yet and that only appears once Link activated the "main tower" on the Great Plateau. It was rather hard to find the correct spot in TotK again, because all of the Guardians are gone and the background / other topography here looks incredibly generic and insignificant. Just another meadow with some broken pillars on it ... but to be fair, this place no longer holds any significance in TotK anyway, so there was probably no reason to make it stand out from the rest. --- If you have questions, requests, anything to point out / add or you spotted a mistake, please let me know ;) If you're interested in a video version with a little more backgound info, you can find it [here](

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 4 months ago 100%

    Oh...yeah, that does look a lot closer to it. Thanks for pointing it out ^^ I'm going to edit the post.

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost justlookingfordragon 4 months ago 96%

    Just in case the direct link doesn't work properly: ~~PS: The mushy thing they're standing on might be a cluster of [Giant Salvinia](, a floating water plant that can create extemely buoyant "islands" up to 60 cm thick.~~ EDIT: More likely a [floating mat]( (Thanks again!)

    Both BOTW cover art locations (by belenleoxses @ tumblr)

    Source: 1:1 copypaste in case you don't want to click on an offsite link: --- # Both BOTW cover art locations > *Today I tried to solve this doubt to a member of the BOTW subreddit, and since I don't know if someone has already done this or not, I wanted to share my assumptions after taking a look at the game's map!* ![]( # EU COVER: ![]( > *I believe the location Link is at in this picture is the nothern mountain of the Dueling Peaks (CORRECTION: User ConfirmOriginOfFire on reddit checked and pointed out it's the southern one, not the nothern), since it's located in kind of a middle point between Death Mountain and Hyrule Castle, and you can see that small swamp between Bosh Kala shrine and Hila Rao shrine on the left, and the mountains surrounding Kakariko village on the right.* # SCREENSHOTS: > *This is the view from the Nothern Mountain/Peak. As I said originally, it could also be a possible location for this cover, because all of the referential places appear on the frame, however all of them are much closer to Link than in the cover picture, and part of Kakariko Village's mountains are out of the frame due to that closeness, so even though it's similar, it's not exactly the same view as in the cover.* ![]( > *This is the view from the Southern Mountain/Peak. It fits much better than the Nothern Peak's view (Thanks reddit user ConfirmOriginOfFire for pointing it out!) since the distance between Link and the referential places is very similar to the cover's one, and even the edge where Link is standing looks the same as the one in the cover (Except for the grass on it), so Dueling Peaks' Southern Mountain is almost for sure the location featured in BOTW's EU cover.* ![]( --- # US/JAPAN COVER: ![]( > *In this picture I think Link is at Satori Mountain, because Hyrule Castle is almost aligned with Death Mountain, this last one being a little bit to the right, which means Link is at the Southwestern area of the map, and since the rainy area next to Hyrule Ridge and the Ridgeland tower are very close to him and to his left, the location of this cover is most certainly Satori Mountain.* # SCREENSHOTS: > *This is the view from the top of Satori Mountain. Even though the rock where Link is standing on the cover is absent (As user ConfirmOriginOfFire pointed out in the comments), the view from Satori Mountain is the most similar to this cover art's since it has both Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain aligned (Although the bridge that appears on the cover is absent too (CORRECTION: The bridge is not absent, the one on the cover would be the stone bridge/passage right next to Mount Gustaf, it is just that in this screenshot it isn't aligned with Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain so it's not very visible. As reddit user Edgarska pointed out in the comments, the picture would be more accurate to the cover if it was taken from a lower, more nothern area of Satori Mountain, such as the apple orchard, instead of the top)) and the rainy area from Hyrule Ridge near Link and to his left, so Satori Mountain is almost for sure the location featured in BOTW's US/Japan cover, although the top of it isn't the most likely spot.* ![]( > *This is the view from Satori Mountain's apple orchard. As reddit user Edgarska pointed out in the comments, this view fits much better for the cover than the one on the very top of the mountain, since Mount Gustaf's stone passage is also aligned with Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain, just like in the cover. The only cons for this location would be the absence of the rock where Link is standing (Which is also absent in the previous location) and the fact that Hyrule Ridge's rainy area stays a bit out of the frame because Link is on a lower point of the mountain now, but that's a matter of the game's vision width so it's not a big deal. So instead of the top of the mountain, we can conclude that Satori Mountain's apple orchard is almost for sure the location featured in BOTW's US/Japan cover.* ![]( > *This is the view from what I call Satori Mountain's dueling peaks. While I was heading to the apple orchard from the top of the mountain I thought about taking a look to the view from that area where there's 2 little peaks next to each other (The left one having some rocks at the top), you can see the exact location on the minimap at the bottom-right of the screenshot, for reference, the pot icon would be the apple orchard. The view from this spot isn't exactly like the cover's because Mount Gustaf's stone passage isn't as well-aligned with Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain as it is from the apple orchard, but since it is actually similar, and it also had a nice rock for Link to stand on, I thought this would be an interesting location to point out!* ![]( --- --- *Disclaimer:* I am not the author. The original source is linked at the top.

    breath_of_the_wild The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 77092 | LEGO The Legend of Zelda
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 4 months ago 100%

    Aww there's even the tiny Deku Sprout in the OoT version ♥ And Deku Babas! I honestly missed those guys in BotW and TotK. They would have been a perfect addition to the Faron Woods.

    Fun Fact: Someone on tumblr translated the little sign and apparently it means "You have a talent that not everyone has"

  • otters
    Otters justlookingfordragon 4 months ago 100%
    Otters Chasing a Butterfly (eye bleach)

    Direct Link:

    [Ocarina of Time] Link VS Stalfos in the Shadow Temple

    Direct Link in case the other one doesn't work: (sound warning!) Orignal Creator of the animation: Music: "Take On Me" by [a-ha](

    TotK recipe list – All standard recipes and how to make them

    Link: Original Creator:

    Comic Strips justlookingfordragon 4 months ago 95%
    Mother Gaia and Humans

    * Direct Link: * Original Artist:

    breath_of_the_wild The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Neat Little Detail: The last 5 arrows in your quiver disappear one by one
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 5 months ago 100%

    Still doesn't work with the new url. That's how it was directly uploaded to Lemmy.World, but I guess I'd better link a different image hosting site in the future. But still thanks for the help ;)

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 5 months ago 100%

    That must have taken ages, wow ... I admire your dedication ♪

    I just went into this blind

    Those are the best challenges anyway. Half of the fun comes from encountering problems you didn't expect, and coming up with a solution to conquer them. Always feels a lot more rewarding than just following a script ;)

  • breath_of_the_wild
    Neat Little Detail: The last 5 arrows in your quiver disappear one by one

    ![]( In most other games I know, your quiver either always looks full no matter what (including former Zelda games where the quiver icon in your inventory ALWAYS had the same amount of arrows sticking out of it, no matter how many arrows you actually had) or you don't see a quiver at all (like for example in The Witcher 3. Geralt has a crossbow, but seemingly pulls the bolts out of thin air) It is just a small detail, but a charming one - and IMHO these little things help make the in-game world feel more "alive" and immersive. ~~PS: if the animation doesn't play, try opening the gif in a separate tab/window~~ EDIT: Just added the gif directly to the post as a bandaid "fix".

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 5 months ago 100%

    That's seriously impressive! Did you swim all the way through the ocean with a single stamina wheel? Oder did you ride a raft?

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost justlookingfordragon 5 months ago 97%
    Ghibli Studio Food always looks so satisfying ♥

    I'm almost sorry for posting this. Almost. (shamelessly stolen from an imgur post:     PS: Just a little apology / eye bleach: (I promise THIS isn't frustrating to watch)

  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 5 months ago 100%

    Immediatly after the cutscene, you can still pick up the rock. If you revisit the location later, the circle will be completed and the rocks can no longer be picked up, but the Korok will be still present. I guess it's some sort of safety measure so the player can't just repeatedly solve the same puzzle.

  • totk
    Full Circle (by Awkwardzombie)

    Original source: PS: Whenever this happens (and let's be honest, we ALL did that at least once...) you can simply save & reload right there and then. Rocks, boulders and other Korok Puzzle elements do not have a respawn cooldown - every time the zone is reloaded, they will be back at their starting position, and since you *just* saved, Link will be at the same spot too (instead of you loading an old autosave and then having to climb the mountain again or something like that...) This does not require a Blood Moon.

    Neat little detail: the four monks on the Great Plateau form a Triforce

    (If the animation doesn't play automatically, try opening the gif in a different tab/window)

    reddit Reddit Do you participate in r/Counter on Reddit?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 6 months ago 100%

    That's an interesting zero-effort way to farm clicks... I guess coming up with some actual clickbait to boost engagement was too much work?

  • totk The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Introduction (art by Naomi Skye)
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 6 months ago 100%

    Shipping fictional characters in itself is completely fine with me. It can be nice to spin your own stories out of availiable canon material, and even nicer if future canon material also supports the ideas that have been spun, like in this case here. There is no harm in that. Fanfictions, artworks, tin foil hat theories, headcanon of any kind - 100% fine with me.

    However, I fully agree about "ship wars" not being worth it in any way. It takes zero effort and no energy whatsoever to just chill and let people enjoy stuff they like even if it's not your cup of tea, instead of going apesh*t aggressive when someone has a different view on things. Never understood the motivation behind this senseless hostility to make others miserable for no reason.

    For example, I personally like the idea that there is no romantic interest whatsoever between Zelda and Link, and that they're just very close friends that fully trust each other. The idea that those two have a crush on each other ... nope. Don't like it, won't incorporate the idea into my own headcanon, ever. But that does not mean that I have the desire and/or right to tell others that they are somehow "wrong" for shipping those two. I'm completely okay with others thinking differently about this topic - To each their own ;)

    That's how it always should be IMHO. Just respect and acknowledge that not everyone likes the same stuff and don't be a prick about it. (Which is the point that people engaging in "ship wars" grossly fail to understand for some reason)

  • breath_of_the_wild
    Sidons "final" design was originally silver

    ...they just changed it last minute because the murky, dark environment in Zora's Domain pre-Ruta made him not stand out enough, and also because they felt that he looked too different from his sister in general. Does anyone know what the whistle is for? He does wear it ingame even after his redesign, but I've never seen him use it or anyone else mention it.

    Introduction (art by Naomi Skye)

    Original source: Original artist: [Naomi Skye]( I really like that Yona isn't a jealous type. At this point it is canon that Link has been living rent-free in Sidons head for ages (Yona says so ingame) and I simply don't think Sidon would have been able to live a happy life when the two most important (living) people in his life wouldn't get along.

    Star Wars justlookingfordragon 6 months ago 96%
    This is some top tier cosplay

    Found the picture in imgur, but apart from the little watermark, there was nothing about the original creator (like a portfolio or website link). I think the original source is this here:

    Well, it IS true ...

    Not originally created by me, but it has been reposted so many times that I was unable to find the original source. I 100% agree tho. It is equal parts macabre and amusing that the Hero of Hyrule has a "this is my life now" look 95% of the time, doesn't even flinch when he sees giant mecha camels stomping around, keeps his cool when laser-blasting urn robots are trying to incinerate him, blankly stares at Revali while he's openly mocking him and is unfazed by the presence of the Demon King himself .... ... and then he goes absolutely nuts for carrot stew, including a happy little jump of joy and humming along with the cooking jingle.

    The Great Sky Island (by Louis Laurent @ artstation)

    * Original Source: * Original Artist: [Louis Laurent](, Lead Environment Concept Artist at Atomhawk I honestly wish they had added even more sky islands to make the sky area feel a little more "dense". There is just too much wasted space on that layer .... and since Nintendo stated that there will be no DLC for this game, the chances of retroactively gaining more islands is rather slim (unless they change their minds about possible DLC of course).

    moderators Lemmy Moderators Old posts missing from community
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 100%

    It happens to the best, no worries ;) The good thing is, that it is an easy "fix" since you can just crosspost the older stuff to the new community and everything will end up in the same place.

  • moderators Lemmy Moderators Old posts missing from community
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 100%

    The posts in your own posting history are from and the community you linked is on which is a different instance.

  • lego
    LEGO justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 96%
    Lego Sashimi (stop motion)

    Direct link in case the former doesn't work: Not my own work - I just found it on imgur and thought it was neat enough to share.

    TOTK Player Beats All Regional Phenomena Quests Without The Paraglider

    "Old" news, but no less impressive IMHO. Full article:

    A precise method for the Mirro Shaz Shrine's second puzzle

    Since so many people struggle with this dang puzzle and most of the online guides are vague at best, I decided to find a solution that would *always* work, if set up correctly. You do not need any glitches, exploits, cheats or special skills - just an iron sledgehammer, stasis, a cube bomb and about two minutes to set it all up. Step 1: Hit the switch to make a shrine orb appear. Stand behind it, target the orb with ZL and summon a cube bomb. You need to place the bomb on the ground behind the orb, so that the crack between the two panels is approximately in the center of the bomb (see screenshot). This is the correct **distance**, but not yet the correct alignment. ![]( Step 2: Pick up the bomb again, then target the orb again. Carefully move the camera until the "hoop" on top of the bomb and the bouncing orange "target" arrow align - this is the direction in which the orb will fly off. If you move Link left/right you can fine tune the trajectory to make the orb fly off precisely where you want it to. You want to aim for the center between the two last pillars, or slightly to the right. This is the right direction, and if the bomb is still at the right distance once you set it down (center of the crack) then the actual setup is complete. ![]( Step 3: Go to the OTHER side - facing AWAY from the goal, and stasis the orb. Whack it with the sledgehammer 4 times. I usually use a spin attack as it is faster than hitting the orb manually, but you need to cancel the spin with B then (no "ground slam" at the end). It does NOT matter that the trajectory arrow is pointing in the wrong direction. You only need to "charge" the orb with the right amount of force. Before Stasis runs out, move away so you're out of the blast radius, and detonate the bomb. ![]( Step 4: Watch the orb fly into the hole. You did it. Go to the treasure chest, pick up your well-earned Giant Ancient Core and revel in the fact that you won't have to engage with this finnicky trial-and-error design failure of a puzzle ever again (unless you start a new playthrough of course). In case you'd rather follow a video tutorial explaining the steps, here you go:

    nintendo Nintendo Monster Hunter Stories - Announcement Trailer - Nintendo Switch
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 100%

    Do they at least keep the monstie element / color change this time? TBH I was severely disappointed in MonHun Stories when I learned that they removed the only gameplay feature that kept gameplay interesting after the main story.

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 97%
    LotR meets recycling (sound on!)

    Direct link just in case the other one doesn't work:

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you have any fantasy worlds that you love so much that you want to move & live there forever?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 95%

    Hyrule, preferably the version from Breath of the Wild. I mean, yes there is the whole Ganon thing and one shouldn't go too close to the castle, but the rest of the kingdom is pretty chill, and apparently you can make an easy living by just lazy foraging in the countryside, or by selling a handful of acorns and bugs at random stables, or by growing a grand total of eight pumpkins.

    I'll take a life as a homeless but well-fed drifter on horseback anytime over ... this. gestures vaguely at the current state of the world

  • totk The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom TOTK official artwork without logo in it?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 100%

    Apologies. I just downloaded the biggest version I could find and mashed the edited version and the crisp original together - the edited part is still a little blurry, but the rest of the pic has better quality now:

    (You might need to use the "download original" button in the upper left corner)

  • totk
    Wallpaper Art without the Logo

    Edited by redditor u/Kobob_KC so all credit goes to them. ;)

    totk The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom TOTK official artwork without logo in it?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 7 months ago 100%
  • breath_of_the_wild
    What Master Mode could have done better

    In theory, it was a good idea to add a separate "difficult" mode to spice up gameplay for players who percieve the base game as stale after a while. Some parts of it are poorly executed tho. The constant, super fast health regen for example. Either you're too weak, so enemies turn into damage sponges and you'll end up breaking your weapons for basically no profit, or you have good enough gear to kill them before health regen kicks in, at which point the game becomes so easy that it can feel lame again. There is very little middle ground, especially since the truckload of high-damage extra equipment from the floating platforms can make you completely OP directly after leaving the starting area. Take the intro section for example: * In Normal Mode, the Great Plateau is full of red Bokoblins, which have 13 HP. A regular unboosted Boko Club deals 4 damage points and lasts for 12 hits, and the last hit deals double damage. The "lifetime damage" of such a club is 13*4=52 damage points, which means that you can kill 4 Red Bokoblins before your weapon breaks - at which point you have 4 new weapons. This is a net gain with a huge wiggle room for trial and error, so even if you mess up by throwing your weapon off a cliff or setting it on fire, you always gain more than you lose. * In Master Mode, the same enemies suddenly have a whooping 72 HP, but the equipment is still the same. The Boko Club still breaks after having dealt 52 points of damage, but your enemy isn't dead yet, so you need to badly damage a second weapon in order to kill it. And if you need nearly two weapons for every foe you kill, then you **will** end up with an empty inventory and a couple of very angry foes eventually, because you can not kill enemies faster than you can accumulate new weapons. And the very fast, constant health regen make this worse, because if you stop attacking a foe for a couple of seconds, then it will heal back to full health - but your weapons are still shattered. No amount of skill and technique can fix this - direct fights are unwinnable by default unless you either use exploits (like shock traps), workarounds to OHKO your enemies (like drowning them or sneakstriking them while they sleep) or get better gear BEFORE the fight starts. Creative gimmicks that were viable techniques in Normal Mode, like fire damage, rolling boulders into enemy camps, tossing explosives and the like are suddenly completely wortless which makes fights a whole lot LESS interesting. You HAVE to hit hard and fast with strong equipment, or else you lose. On the other hand, you can get mega overpowered ridiculously fast, at which point the same fights become flat-out boring. Lets say you just fiished the Great Plateau Section. It takes all of two minutes to reach the Bridge of Hylia, and there is a Boko on a floating platform, equipped with a 3-shot Mighty Lynel Bow and Bomb Arrows. The platform is directly above water, so if you toss a single bomb at it, the Boko will fall down, drown, and you can get his equipment with zero effort. Congrats, you now have an endgame weapon to terrorize the next foe from afar with zero risk - and it respawns every Blood Moon. There are tons of these platforms all across the map, with ridiculously strong equipment that is often easy to farm. If you want something even remotely close in Normal Mode, you would need to actually slaughter a mid-tier Lynel for it - no chance to get something as powerful as that with a single bomb and zero effort.   ## What Master Mode could have done better: There could have been a million other ways to spice up gameplay without "just" adding damage sponges that hit like trucks. For example: * **Mirroring the map**. Doesn't take much effort from a programming point of view, but it can make the overworld feel fresh again as the layout will be unfamilliar. You'd have to actually travel and explore instead of blindly running into a well-known direction as always. * **Randomizing Shrines**. Will it be a puzzle? A Test of Strength? A Blessing Shrine? You simply won't know beforehand, so undiscovered shrines are worth checking out again. * **Randomizing Enemies** - or at least enemy variants. Ridgeland Tower for example is surrounded by Electric Lizalfos and Electric Wizzrobes, but what if it were Fire- or Ice-elemental enemies instead? Or imagine entering a Major Test of Strength, expecting to fight a Guardian Scout, but instead there is a Talus or Hinox in there? * **Randomizing "dead" Guardians**. Once you have the Camera or Stasis+ you can just check which ones are alive and just pretending to be dead, but lets just disable that, too. Is that dead Guardian over there really DEAD-dead or is it a Decayed one just pretending to be dead and you'll get a nasty surprise as soon as you get closer? No way of knowing beforehand! * **Randomizing Treasure Chests**. You just found a chest. Is it a weapon, rupees, arrows, a piece of armor? No way of knowing beforehand! Some could be disguised octoroks as well. * **Removing Safe Zones**. Settlements, Stables, and a handful of other areas are "safe zones" in which enemies instantly become docile. Enter a village and enemies that were just chasing you WILL stop, look around confused, and then be on their merry way, even if Link is standing within sight range. But what if they would simply never stop chasing you even if you enter a building? * **Adding enemies outside their "expected" environment**. Imagine riding across Central Hyrule and suddenly you hear the Molduga theme and a huge HP bar appears on top of the screen ... or you're exploring Faron and there's a Skywatcher just drifting over the jungle. MM currently only has a single extra Lynel on the Great Plateau, but that's it. * **Randomize consumables**. Everyone knows that Hearty Durians and Mighty Bananas can be easily farmed in the Faron Woods for super convenient boosts, but what if you would have to find the place where they grow anew in each playthrough? Sometimes they'll grow in Zora's domain, sometimes in the desert, sometimes in Eldin ... you would need to actually explore the map again. * **Additional Gameplay Mechanics** like for example hunger / fatigue so Link would need to eat and rest regularily even when he's not hurt. Items could also have weight or certain other limitations (like 1 page inventory MAX) so the player couldn't just carry around 48576 food items at all times without some sort of drawback. * **Nerf Link**, for example by removing the auto-pause whenever you open the menu. No more healing / boosting / changing armor in the middle of combat without taking cover first. And how about being able to only carry 1-2 armor sets at a time, with a wardrobe/chest in Link's house for the sets you're currently not using? * **Permadeath Mode**. Whether or not faeries / Mipha's Grace work in this mode is up for debate. * **Mimics.** Is that ore deposit over there really just an ore deposit or will it bite when I approach it? * **Wallmasters/Florrmasters**. As annoying as I personally found these enemies, they DID keep players on their toes while exploring temples in order games. Could be limited to Hyrule Castle and/or Divine Beasts or certain shrines. Or they could appear everywhere, but only during Blood Moon nights. Any more ideas?

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy How would you put into words what gender means to you apart from societal gender roles and expectations?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    I just absolutely hate being a man in a “what role men have in society”-way.

    I know exactly what you mean. A lot of random nonsense is seen as "unmanly" for no particular reason. I've seen grown ass men throw temper tantrums about doughnuts with pink glaze, because it is apparently uNmAnLy to even touch one, as if you would get a visit from the man police and they revoke your man card for even contemplating touching something in a "girly" color. It's just complete and utter nonsense.

    It is a lot healthier to not give a flying fuck about gender roles - but also harder, depending on the society you live in. I have the luxury of being a big, bearded dude so not many people dare to openly mock me when I do "unmanly" stuff - I let my niece paint my nails whenever she wants. I cry when movies get emotional. The last dog I owned was a mini pinscher, and I still miss her. I don't like beer, cars, football/soccer/whatever. I bake and cook and I can get real passionate about it. I still own my first ever plushie.

    ...but I also have a bunch of friends who have been relentlessly bullied for similar stuff, gaslighted into believing that they deserved it for not being manly enough. And it breaks my heart every time I hear yet another story of someone killing their own passion, numbing themselves down to the point that they become unable to enjoy what they formerly loved, just to "fit in" a society that doesn't accept deviation from the perceived norm.

    Fuck gender roles in general. All they do is make people miserable for not fitting in.

    EDIT: The above statement is not meant to bash trans folk by the way. What I dislike are the expectations tied to certain societal "roles" and the almost automatic ostracisation by "the society" if someone isn't fulfilling enough of those expectations. Let people be who they want to be.

  • totk The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Stuck in The Depths with no teleport?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Not a bug. The OP explains in the other post that they edited their heart count to open the Door of Time earlier than intended, which skips the cutscene that triggers the fourth shrine and the teleportation feature to be unlocked. You're not supposed to be able to teleport earlier than that, so the game works as intended (even tho it sucks for the OP to be stuck that way)

    Not sure why it play so much worse than the Great Plateau.

    100% agreed to that point tho. It takes AGES just to get to the shrines in the first place and locking the teleport feature up until the very end of the tutorial wasn't exactly the wisest design choice. In BotW the player can teleport as soon as there is a travel point unlocked, and story-wise it is weird that Link somehow forgot how fast travel works between the two games.

  • interestingasfuck interestingasfuck Stairwell in an abandoned button factory.
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 80%

    Now imagine if that was a Lego factory ... you'd NEED safety shoes with steel soles for that.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Spread the word!
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Abso-friggen-lutely. But don't forget that blahajs need a special diet so if you want to share a cup with them, you need something like this: (100% vegan and alcohol-free as well. AND zero calories!)

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Spread the word!
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Cute dog/cat videos on the internet and a lemonade?

  • cat cats Ambushed!
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    And one for flinching! bap bap bap

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Spread the word!
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Plushies count too.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Spread the word!
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    It's okay to use any other beverage as a substitute ... and any other pet for company. It's the spirit of the holiday that counts ♪

  • theowlhouse The Owl House A Little Hint of Blue -Chapter 4 Part 8 [MoringMark]
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Not related to the comic but I just wanted to say that I really REALLY appreciate you uploading these comics all the time ;) tumblr and instagram are a pain to use for me, and I don't want to give reddit any traffic, so visiting this community every now and then to catch up without a hassle has been a godsend.

  • memes memes You do know you can just click the "reject all" button, right?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    I have 20k followers and no option to turn off ads except the thing mentioned above, which only swaps ad types. But it might be different for people who have monetized their channels, which I don't have and never will.

  • memes memes You do know you can just click the "reject all" button, right?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Even better would have been an option to turn them off entirely =P but that's what UBlock Origin is for.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter That's a really good point.
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    NGL that sounds like it would make a good swearword.

    stubs toe really hard "RecTANGular PRISm!!"

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter That's a really good point.
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 91%

    trapezoid has entered the chat

  • memes memes You do know you can just click the "reject all" button, right?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 96%

    As someone with a youtube channel and regular uploads ... fuck ads. Use uBlock Origin, Adblock Plus or whatever else works to wipe that garbage off the screen.

    I'm extra sour about their suuuuuper useful new-ish option for content creators to turn off personalized ads in their channels - something I immediatly agreed to, because I thought it would, ... y'now ... get rid of the fucking ads.

    Nope. All it does is swap "personalized" ads for "unpersonalized" ones, so my followers get the same type of garbage shoved into their faces, just more random. Thanks Youtube, this is exactly what I wanted to achieve. dripping sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious

  • totk The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Something About Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - ANIMATED SPEEDRUN (by TerminalMontage)
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    I assume this actually follows the meta for speedrunning??

    Sort of, yes. As per the creator, the video is loosely based on this speedrun:

  • til Today I Learned TIL about Muppet, Vulcan and Chicken Claws - different ways to hold chopsticks
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    big pair of chopsticks to flip deep-frying stuff,

    100% this. I have a pair of metal chopsticks that I use exclusively for frying food, especially small, super sticky stuff like nan gua bing. Most wooden ones here (Germany) have some sort of artificial coating and I'm a bit worried about it melting or releasing chemicals when it gets too hot, so I don't want to dunk these into hot oil.

  • theowlhouse The Owl House Jay [MoringMark]
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Her other jaw dropped so hard that she didn't have any other choice than to switch to the backup ...frontup ...whatever. =P

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What’s your favorite fantasy universe and why?
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    Easy solution: don't own any pots =P

    Or raise some chickens. No green-clothed, sword-swinging little weirdo would dare mess with chickens. (at least not more than once)

  • theowlhouse The Owl House A Little Hint of Blue -Chapter 4 Part 4 [MoringMark]
  • justlookingfordragon justlookingfordragon 8 months ago 100%

    eyes narrow .... normally I find these little extra descriptions redundant in comics with already easy-to-recognize facial expressions, but it is SO needed in this context, lol.
