programming_languages Programming Languages Dune Shell: bash + lisp
  • jerkface jerkface 22 hours ago 66%

    Pros and cons vs eshell?

  • ontario Ontario Doug Ford wants to stop doctors from handing out clean needles. Here’s why they shouldn’t listen
  • jerkface jerkface 22 hours ago 66%

    This nonsense with safe injection sites, politicians interfering with patent care, and the push for "involuntary treatment" in BC makes me think that the brief era of "science-based policy" where empirical data trump public ignorance is coming to a crashing end.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • jerkface jerkface 1 day ago 83%

    It really isn't. Having emotions is not weak. Pretending like you don't is weak. Expressing the emotions you have, processing them, letting them move through you, and moving on productively is not weak, it is strong. Shoving them down and the having them come out in other nonconstructive ways is not strong, it is avoidant. Allowing yourself to have emotions despite the judgement of others does not make you vulnerable, it means you are healthy and self-assured enough to support yourself emotionally.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • jerkface jerkface 3 days ago 75%

    heck compare the cost of labour 40 years ago to now

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 3 days ago 66%

    Sorry, I did what? "All of my accounts?" Do I know you?

  • jerkface jerkface 3 days ago 50%

    Did you know that vegans are hated on par with drug addicts? Perhaps. Did you know that people who consume a plant-based diet for their health or for the environment are hated much less than people who are vegan because of concerns about animal welfare? I think that's interesting. People feel judged by the mere existence of ethical vegans. And I think you are demonstrating how those feelings of being judged are expressed as defensiveness and "hatred" (though I know that language seems strong in this context).

  • vegan vegan Vegan Nutella, made with chickpeas and rice syrup, to hit shelves
  • jerkface jerkface 3 days ago 50%

    Fun is fun, but consumption of carbohydrates doesn't cause diabetes.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 50% this comment deserves a response.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 37%

    Was de-modding two other moderators because of paranoid fantasies about a conspiracy part of the adequate reaction?

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 37%

    When I shared what I thought of events as one of those moderators, I was de-modded. It's clear what is really happening here.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 37%

    I DID receive a message from Beaver a day before the other moderator went wild with power, stating her intentions to perform a three day moderation blitz where things would be extra strict. Due to the limitations of the medium we're working in, I don't know if anyone replied to that, but it hasn't been mentioned. According to the evidence I have, Beaver was trying to communicate and the other moderator was not.

    I note that Beaver has now left the site completely, probably due to the dog piling and bullying. So, job well done. You made people unhappy. Good work, the Internet is safe once again.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 50%

    If Beaver committed some kind of moderator offense by not responding in the second moderator's unstated timeframe, then surely that second moderator committed an equal offense by demodding THREE moderators without consulting anyone else. No one even knew that this was up his ass before he went nuclear. I don't know how you all can look at this and say it is anything less than a transparent coup.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 5 days ago 33%

    Sorry you're having trouble following this. It's honestly not very complicated. I think if you read the thread from the beginning with an open mind instead of preconceived biases, you will find it easier to follow.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 12%

    Clearly you are not interested in engaging. I still love you, though. I just don't like you very much right now.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 66%
  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 20%

    Downvoting a post can be brigading. Voting posts up or down is indeed the primary thing that brigades do.

    I did not say that this was an example of brigading. I don't know that. I pointed out that the views you are sharing imply that you would also be against taking action against brigading.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 20%

    Thanks. Interesting thoughts.

    A) is an opinion and it was stated as an opinion, since the post served in place of the discussion that was skipped. I feel justified in sharing my opinion about the direction I want the community to take. I can't force my views on anyone, and it seems amazingly insecure to respond to that with a unilateral de-mod.

    B) was a request for patience and discussion before people started de-modding each other. But okay, let's call it "downplaying" for the sake of argument. I don't see how such downplaying amounts to justification to de-mod me.

    C) I can't respond to but I do find it rather uncharitable. If you can give an example, I'd appreciate that. And D) I can never assure someone who wishes to believe otherwise.

    When it comes down to it, it sounds like you are saying the other mod was justified in de-modding me because I voiced disagreement with his choices. Plus a bunch of other stuff about me just plain not deserving to be a mod for reasons I admit I don't grasp; that I'm just intrinsically deserving of being de-modded. Have I got it?

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 9%

    I'm sure you are aware that brigading has been a problem in The Motherland since the very beginning. Now that we have the tools to detect and address such behaviour, are you prepared to say you are categorically against using that information to inform moderation decisions?

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 6%

    Aggressive? Gasp. removedINESS? I am wounded. But I still love you.

    Would you care to assay on what justification exists to demod me?

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 9%

    I don't wish for us to interact.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 28%

    Look buddy, I'm just in this post to circlejerk. If you want to argue, kindly go back to the OP

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 10%

    He ain't even done yet.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama 11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 8%

    Am I a sockpuppet? Do my parents know this?? WHY DID THEY NEVER TELL ME?!

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 68%

    In light of rising tempers and what I consider emotional abuses of power against fellow moderators, I am going to take a break from this thread.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 23%

    Do you not think there was a point between when you sent a casual private note to when you made a big public attack on Beaver where you should have engaged with your fellow moderators?

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 22%

    Lots of words are used colloquially that we know we should not. We don't call each other "crazy". As someone with bipolar, you are probably very familiar with people being hypercritical of every change in your mood and labeling things as "manic" for their own reasons. It's not nice.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 22%

    she actively replied but to something else, showing that she was deliberately ignoring the other portion.

    That is jumping to a conclusion. You don't know what her motivations are for not responding. I think we can afford to assume good faith. Because there is nothing of significance at stake here.

    You make a diagnosis of mania. I am myself disabled. If you think that this is a mental health issue, I think a compassionate community could approach it from a compassionate point of view. And if you don't think it is a mental health issue and you are just throwing words around, please be careful.

    Rather than making assumptions about my relationship with Beaver, I would encourage you to ask me.

  • vegan vegan Recent happenings
  • jerkface jerkface 6 days ago 14%

    fwiw, if I had been asked, I'd have said I'm fine with banning people for voting behaviour if that's the sort of place we want to be. Every vegan community does not have to be about the needs of activism, or the needs of non-vegans and potential vegans. It's a valid discussion what this community should be about, but until there is some kind of consensus agreement about that, a lot of it legitimately comes down to individual interpretation and personal preferences. I don't see that any lines have been crossed that needed an intervention and power struggle. This isn't serious world-changing stuff and if someone needs a few days to process a reply, nbd.

    I'd like to see Beaver restored to moderator status if they still want it and are interested in reaching a consensus agreement.

  • vegan vegan That is not vegan.
  • jerkface jerkface 7 days ago 100%

    I came across this idea about twenty years ago, before I was even vegan, but still concerned with being an "ethical meat eater". At the time I found the arguments convincing. It's amazing the lies you will believe when you want to. When I became a vegan, I did not rely on my ability to determine the validity of the argument that bivalves don't suffer. I had seen time and time and time again as an "ethical meat eater" I had an incentive to lie to myself, and that if I wanted to, I would always find a way to excuse any bad behaviour. It didn't really matter to me in that moment whether or not bivalves might be a vegan loophole; my veganism exists not only to keep animals safe, but to keep ME safe from harming animals. It tells me, if there is doubt, don't fucking do it.

    What I have learned about bivalve behaviour since then has made me think that this was always just a way for us to lie to ourselves. They are amazingly sophisticated compared to what a casual observer would assume. They have interests. There is no reason I need to exploit them for food, jewelry, or other personal uses.

    Bivalves are exploited by humans in another way: to remediate ecological damage that we have caused. They are excellent at water filtration. They get to live out their natural life cycle, but we've taken autonomy from them and removed them from the selection pressures of reality, imposing instead our own self-interested selection pressures. This seems a bit more thorny to me.

  • vegan vegan That is not vegan.
  • jerkface jerkface 7 days ago 100%

    According to medieval beliefs, fish are a naturally occurring phenomenon in waterways. They just manifest spontaneously in rivers and lakes, making them not an animal. It was convenient for Catholics to believe this, because they were prohibited from eating meat on Fridays. If fish aren't animals, then Catholics can eat them on Fridays. So, they were encouraged to continue thinking of fish as just a part of the lake, and that weird "fish are vegetarian" idea persists to this day...

  • vegan vegan That is not vegan.
  • jerkface jerkface 7 days ago 71%

    It isn't a matter of "casting people out". Most vegans don't even have a vegan community to be cast out of. It's not a helpful lens to be viewing this from.

    Veganism isn't a club. It's a moral philosophy and the ethical consequences of that philosophy. Whether or not you are a vegan doesn't depend on what other people think of your conduct, it depends on whether you accept and believe the axioms of veganism.

    If someone thinks that all women should be allowed to own property... except for his wife, he is not 99.99999% a feminist. He's not a feminist at all, he's just someone with preferences that coincidentally align with the philosophy most of the time. But clearly he does not believe and accept the principles of that philosophy, so he is in no way a feminist.

  • vegan vegan In light of Lemmy.World's new ToS regarding "unhealthy diets", here are some credible resources on that matter as it pertains to a plant-based diet in humans
  • jerkface jerkface 7 days ago 100%

    And what would that look like? Because I think it looks like not enslaving, raping and killing intelligent creatures.

  • vegan vegan Proposal for a weekly AskVegans sticky post
  • jerkface jerkface 7 days ago 75%

    Speaking as a user / member, I would like to see a new community for online activism like this. Activism is amazing, but it takes a lot of spoons. I like having a friendly place that doesn't set off my vystopia.

    Speaking as a recently minted moderator, I won't be venturing into these threads, and I'd rather use my energies to help maintain a community for vegans to be around vegans.

  • vegan vegan In light of Lemmy.World's new ToS regarding "unhealthy diets", here are some credible resources on that matter as it pertains to a plant-based diet in humans
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 100%

    Aren't most dairies in India (I presume) owned by people who aren't Hindu, like Sikhs? A billion Indians cannot consume dairy every single day without unholy things being done to cattle. Maybe you get milk from the one dairy in India that miraculously doesn't abuse cattle, but that means someone else can't get their milk there and has to use the cruel stuff.

  • vegan vegan In light of Lemmy.World's new ToS regarding "unhealthy diets", here are some credible resources on that matter as it pertains to a plant-based diet in humans
    fuckcars Fuck Cars [article] What to do about America’s killer cars
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 75%

    Except that, E = 1/2 m v^2. You can't get rid of that m. All else being equal, lethality scales linearly with vehicle weight. The safety features that exist are still for the occupants; there are crumple zones for decelerating another vehicle hitting head on, not foam padding for protecting pedestrians. Some features of trucks are extra bad for impacts, but a heavy EV is going to be worse than the same frame with less mass.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars [article] What to do about America’s killer cars
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 92%

    Don't need legislation. Simply needed mechanical sorting. Place barriers only reasonably-sized vehicles can fit through without being damaged. Added bonuses: traffic calming, driver competency testing.

  • techtakes TechTakes In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 12%
  • techtakes TechTakes In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 25%
  • techtakes TechTakes In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • jerkface jerkface 1 week ago 66%
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    What does this number mean?

    This number is getting pretty big. What is this, like, XP or something? Can I level up? Is it bad? Does anything happen if it gets too big?

    Fuck Cars jerkface 2 months ago 92%
    Anti-20mph group refuses to back down despite big drop in casualty numbers

    cross-posted from: > Figures published by the Welsh Government show casualty reductions as follows for the period January to March 2024, in comparison with January to March 2023: > > All severities at all speeds: 811 (2024); 4348 (2023); > > 20mph. All severities: 300 (2024); 662 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 63 (2024); 144 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 237 (2024); 518 (2023) > > 30mph. All severities: 77 (2024); 1522 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 15 (2024); 343 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 62 (2024); 1179 (2023) > > 40mph. All severities: 74 (2024); 397 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 20 (2024); 98 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 54 (2024); 299 (2023) > > 50mph. All severities: 94 (2024); 273 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 23 (2024); 67 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 71(2024); 206 (2023) > > 60mph. All severities: 214 (2024); 1235 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 71 (2024); 401 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 143 (2024); 834 (2023) > > 70mph. All severities: 52 (2024); 259 (2023) > > Killed or seriously injured: 12 (2024); 73 (2023) > > Slightly injured: 40 (2024); 186 (2023)

    Veganism jerkface 10 months ago 93%
    Joaquin Phoenix joined animal rights activists outside Burlington, Ontario slaughterhouse

    Phoenix has spoken out about Ontario's so-called 'ag-gag' bill and the death of Regan Russell

    Waterloo jerkface 10 months ago 100%
    CEO of [Epic Pinball] Developer Digital Extremes stepping down

    Digital Extremes has always been a major local name in game development. It's been lead by Eric Schmalz since the 90s until the end of last month.

    Veganism jerkface 11 months ago 76%
    Animal Justice Lawyers Argue in Court to Overturn Ontario Ag Gag Law

    This is the Animal Justice site's own blog with lots more information than the press

    Veganism jerkface 11 months ago 46%
    How to Expose Animal Cruelty

    The manual referenced in the video can be found here:

    Veganism jerkface 1 year ago 60%
    YouTube channel of animator and vegan activist, dlal

    Satirical animated skits examining veganism and carnism. You can be one of the first thousand subscribers! I wouldn't be surprised to see this blow up some day. The recent work is very good and the trajectory it's on is very promising. I find channels like this inspirational to work on my own expressions.

    Veganism jerkface 1 year ago 75%
    A Modern Argument for the Rights of Animals | Peter Singer | TED

    Renowned philosopher Peter Singer discusses his experience becoming vegan, and makes his argument for animal rights.

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 62%
    Green MP Mike Morrice's wrist tattoo

    Cropped out of this photo of Mike at last night's #WaterlooJazzFestival:

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 66%
    Fluid transfer operation, Waterloo Waste Treatment Plant

    3 photos. All day today, there have been tractors pulling fluid tanks going in and out of the treatment plant on University. They go straight onto and off of the expressway, aided by a WRPS SUV using its lights to block traffic when needed. Not sure if the lane closure is related but there is a small crew watching things from there. I think it is to help control traffic approaching the place tractors are crossing University frequently. The white sign is about an unrelated closure of Bridge Street.

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 50%
    Early 90s TV listing channel music?

    What was the name of that acoustic guitar song that played on the original VHF 13 "What's on TV?" channel on Rogers in Kitchener in the early 90s? Anyone got a recording?

    Veganism jerkface 1 year ago 75%
    Jennie Gyllblad -- spicy artist's YouTube channel

    Jennie is another YouTuber who produces content from a vegan perspective that isn't necessarily about veganism. She is a comic artist.

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 87%
    UWaterloo weather station graph: Instant relief

    That was a biblical downpour and I ran out to enjoy it! Too bad we never get useful data on precipitation from the weather station.

    Veganism jerkface 1 year ago 75%
    Activists raise awareness to Loblaw's broken promises

    Video description: 6 Jul 2023 Here is a short video of our protest at Shoppers who is owned by Loblaws, to protest and demand a new date for them to only sell cage free eggs in their store. While their own PC brand is Cage Free, in 2016 they said their entire stores supply would be cage free by 2025. They have since gone back on there word, yet again, and now the hens will be confined for even longer, undetermined amount of time. We are holding Loblaws accountable and will be doing this again very soon. Be Vegan My Contact information

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 87%
    MP Mike Morrice addresses r/kitchener

    Mike Morrice wrote: # Summer Update from Mike Hi again r/kitchener! Mike Morrice here, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre. Parliament has risen for the summer, so my team and I thought it would be a good time to share a brief update with y’all on some recent advocacy we’ve been focused on for our community. Feel free to ask any questions here – I’ll be monitoring over the coming days to answer as many as possible. ## Housing Affordability As I’ve shared here before: how we respond to the housing crisis has already, and will continue to, define our community. It’s why I’ve been so focused on advocating for policies that prioritize homes as places for people to live rather than commodities for institutional investors to trade, as well as for investments in deeply affordable housing at a scale we haven't seen since the mid 90s. Thanks to all of you that signed our petition calling for a reasonable step in the right direction: an end to tax exemptions for real estate investment trusts, and for the revenue from this to be put towards building more affordable housing. Since my last post, the Parliamentary Budget Officer has costed our motion, showing this would generate at least $289M for affordable housing over the next five years. Recent article in The Record on this: Blog post from last fall: Report from the PBO: Example of my advocacy on this in Parliament: ## Climate Action In the midst of wildfires across the country, I’ve continued to call for an end to all fossil fuel subsidies, for a windfall profit tax on oil and gas companies that are gouging Canadians, and for these funds to be re-invested in proven climate solutions instead. Recent op-ed in The Record offering ideas for folks to take action: Text of my motion calling for an end to fossil fuel subsidies: Examples of my advocacy on this in Parliament: and Media event in the midst of wildfires, with Elizabeth May:, which led to media that picked up on quotes like this one - “What will future generations think about us,” asked Morrice, “that we were in the closing window of opportunity to invest in climate solutions, and we were so busy looking at what kind of fossil fuels subsidies we want to keep?” Ending Legislated Poverty for People with Disabilities Since being elected, I’ve been calling on the governing party to follow through on their promise to lift people with disabilities out of poverty (over 40% of those living in poverty are Canadians with a disability!). Just before Parliament rose, while very much imperfect, a bill that would move us in the right direction – the Canada Disability Benefit Act - finally received royal assent. This is after my team and I secured 5 out of 9 successful amendments to improve the bill, all of which came directly from the disability community. Recent article in The Record on this: Examples of my advocacy on this in Parliament: and Example of an amendment passing in committee: Blog post from last April: ## Electoral Reform So many people in our community feel disenfranchised by politics, and this is made worse by our 'winner take all' voting system (here’s some background on the issue put together by Fair Vote Canada). I believe every vote should count. And that the governing party should follow through on what the Prime Minister promised over 1,800 times in 2015. It’s why earlier in this Parliamentary session I put forward a motion calling for a national citizens’ assembly on electoral reform. This would bring together a diverse group of Canadians to recommend to the government the best way forward for our democratic system. We've been building momentum ever since. Working alongside volunteers across the country from Fair Vote, we maxed out the number of MPs that could joint second it. More recently, I found another MP willing to bring it forward for a debate and vote in Parliament, sooner than I would have been able (resulting from bad luck in the lottery system that decides who gets to bring legislation forward first for a vote!). Recent article in The Record on this: Announcing the partnership with MP Lisa Marie Barron: Example of my asking the PM about this in Parliament: More background on this campaign: ## Search for yourself At the bottom of this post I’ve included a handful of other examples of recent advocacy. If you’re curious where I’ve stood on other issues important to you, here are a few tools to search based on your interests: - Easily searchable database of everything I’ve ever said in Parliament and in committee: - Text and video of all 485 times I’ve spoken in Parliament since being elected: - List of every bill and motion I’ve put forward or seconded: - List of all 401 votes I’ve taken in Parliament (note I missed 6 while travelling for the annual climate negotiations; MPs are not permitted to vote when out of the country): - Online repository of each paper newsletter sent to constituents every 3-4 months (most recent June 2023): ## Feel free to connect My sense is that I’ll be a better MP if I’m informed by a wide mix of perspectives and experiences from across our community. If you’re a resident of Kitchener Centre and you’d like to chat more about any of these or other issues that are important to you, feel free to email me at [](, or call my office here: 519-741-2001. My team can setup a 15 min phone or zoom chat. I’m door knocking again all summer (including tonight!), I’ll be at community events, and hosting backyard chats – I hope between all of this, if you would like to chat, we could find a way for this to happen. Mike ------------ ## Additional Priorities Here’s a smattering of other recent points of advocacy that came from our community: - Amplifying a petition started by former SPECTRUM President and trans activist Cait Glasson (now the 3rd most signed petition of any ever presented in Parliament), calling for trans and non-binary folks to be able to successfully claim asylum in Canada: and - Calling for action to address the deep injustice that 96% of those in solitary confinement in federal women's prisons (like the Grand Valley Institution for Women in our community) are Indigenous: - Letter: - Question in QP: - Calling for the federal government to stop the province of Ontario from adding natural gas to the electricity grid by implementing strong Clean Electricity Regulations: - Letter: - Question in QP: - Advocating for federal leadership to address the poisoned drug crisis, following calls from Health Canada’s Expert Task Force on Substance Use recommending decriminalization, safe supply and harm reduction: - Press conference with Moms Stop the Harm: - Question in QP (note this is less recent but very relevant, related to a bill that was voted down last June):

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 75%
    Used computer shops?

    Back in the day, we had Cybernetic Bazaar and other such shops in town where you could go to get used, older components for computers. I don't think there's anything like that in town right now. How far do you have to go to find a computer junk shop?

    Veganism jerkface 1 year ago 75%
    Randy Feltface explains carnism to a room full of uncomfortable carnists who paid to be there

    Veganism doesn't come up very often in his work but when it does he is not shy about it. Otherwise, it's nice to have a comic I know isn't going to say something stupid and cruel.

    Waterloo jerkface 1 year ago 25%
    Chinese police?

    So do we still have Chinese police working in Waterloo or did they fix that? I feel like they would have said something if they fixed that.
