politics politics Kamala Harris’ Donors Privately Urge Firing of FTC’s Khan, SEC’s Gensler
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 days ago 0%

    Then it should be a very simple matter for her campaign to put out a statement expressing her support for Khan and Gensler

    The Harris campaign didn’t provide a comment for this story.

  • politics politics Eighty-eight corporate leaders endorse Harris in new letter, including CEOs of Yelp, Box
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 100%

    there's a lot who sense their interests are diametrically opposed to the CEOs who've spent billions lobbying congress.

    The donor class is willing to spend a lot of money to break those people and convince them that they'll only ever get oligarchic bullshit or the blatant incompetence and violent bigotry of Republicans from their government

    I bet these donations were at least implicitly contingent on being publicly announced like this

  • politics
    politics gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 85%
    The Growing Threat of State Domestic Terrorism Laws to the First Amendment www.justsecurity.org

    >A majority of states – 32 states and Washington DC – have the crime of domestic terrorism. Further, 21 states and DC criminalize assisting or supporting terrorism, and 25 states have a separate crime of terroristic threat. Most of these state domestic terrorism laws were enacted in the wake of 9/11. They traditionally were relatively rarely enforced as crimes of political violence can, and have been, prosecuted by federal or state officials using other criminal law provisions. However, as concerns about terrorism have evolved in the United States, these laws have taken on an increasingly prominent and often politicized role. > >Prosecutors in Georgia brought charges last year using its state domestic terrorism law against dozens of activists protesting a proposed law enforcement training facility near Atlanta, dubbed “Cop City.” While this case has progressed further than others, this targeting of protest-related activity is not a new occurrence. In the last few years, authorities in Oklahoma, New York, Louisiana, and Florida have all used domestic terrorism laws in the context of protests or activism. Meanwhile, three states – Texas, North Dakota, and Oregon – adopted domestic terrorism laws for the first time in 2023, signaling new interest in these laws. And in the 2024 legislative session, at least 15 states have considered changes to their domestic terrorism laws, many in response to pro-Palestine protests. > >Since political violence is already criminalized under other state and federal laws, state domestic terrorism laws are arguably unnecessary. In addition, these laws create serious, and often underappreciated, civil liberties concerns, particularly in relation to the freedoms of speech, assembly, and association. State domestic terrorism laws are frequently overbroad and trigger severe penalties that have been used in multiple states to target individuals, including nonviolent activists, in activity not typically associated with terrorism. Policymakers in both major political parties though are only slowly waking up to the danger these laws can pose. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240906120919/https://www.justsecurity.org/99787/state-domestic-terrorism-laws/

    News gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 95%
    Everyone’s talking about a Venezuelan gang in Aurora. Here’s what we know — and what we don’t https://denverite.com/2024/09/04/venezuelan-gang-aurora-colorado-factcheck/

    >Denverite reviewed the news stories and the claims made by the landlord, officials, politicians, activists and the police. We spent time at one apartment building, speaking with residents; observed the City of Aurora displacing residents of another building; and reviewed federal and local government statements. > >**We learned the apartment buildings have been in terrible shape for years and still are. Many residents say they are not scared of gangs, instead saying they fear the owners of the complex.** And local police departments say Tren de Aragua does not have an outsized role in metro area crimes, despite claims the gang has taken over the Denver area. > >Still, the gang’s members have allegedly been involved in one high-profile robbery and an attempted homicide in the metro. Aurora police say they have identified 10 gang members and that six were in custody on Wednesday. > >Meanwhile, **while police acknowledged the allegations of rent theft, they said they had not yet found probable cause to make arrests in those cases**. We could not substantiate whether the gang members had chased out property managers. > >[Bolding added] Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240906120345/https://denverite.com/2024/09/04/venezuelan-gang-aurora-colorado-factcheck/

    news News Former students report injuries and isolation at Elevations Residential Treatment Center, a Utah facility for troubled teens that is part of the same company as a wilderness camp where a boy died.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 100%

    Seriously, it's truly infuriating how much money there is to be made beating children in this country, but at least another one of these trauma factories is getting exposed and probably going to be shut down

  • news
    News gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 97%
    No prison time but sexual offender registry awaits Jamel Bradley, former deputy and basketball star who sexually assaulted two students at school where he had worked https://apnews.com/article/jamel-bradley-sex-offender-deputy-south-carolina-fb8f014e4a882abc7a69ef216e69d54a

    >Bradley pleaded guilty to third-degree criminal sexual conduct and sexual battery with a student. He faced up to 15 years in prison, but Bradley’s lawyer and prosecutors agreed to ask the judge for probation and to keep him off the sex offender registry. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240905124019/https://apnews.com/article/jamel-bradley-sex-offender-deputy-south-carolina-fb8f014e4a882abc7a69ef216e69d54a e; forgot the archive link

    News gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 100%
    Former students report injuries and isolation at Elevations Residential Treatment Center, a Utah facility for troubled teens that is part of the same company as a wilderness camp where a boy died. www.nbcnews.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240905124029/https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/utah-elevations-rtc-injuries-troubled-teen-facility-rcna159783

    News gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 100%
    The fatal flaw in the Border Patrol’s rescue program: The Missing Migrant Program is meant to prevent deaths, but instead it may be causing them. www.hcn.org

    >For over a decade, local authorities in U.S. border towns have redirected calls from lost Spanish-speaking callers to the Border Patrol, the subagency of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that pursues and arrests border crossers. The agency’s Missing Migrant Program is the federal government’s primary response to the migrant death toll, which has been trending upward for 20 years. Between 2014 and 2023, nearly 60% of the migrant deaths in the Americas occurred in the U.S.-Mexico border region — far surpassing the toll in the waters of the Caribbean and the jungles of the Darien Gap. > >... > >Many local officials and residents believe that the Border Patrol should bear primary responsibility for migrant rescues and recoveries. The agency is part of CBP, which is itself part of the Department of Homeland Security, and its resources dwarf those of local emergency teams and nonprofits. But some aid workers and border researchers see a conflict of interest between the agency’s primary mandate, which is to detain and deport migrants, and the humanitarian goal of saving lives. Both outside critics and Border Patrol agents acknowledge that the two goals are intertwined, but only the former see this as a problem. > >*Type Investigations* and *High Country News* looked into the complicated relationship between the Border Patrol’s law enforcement and rescue operations, using internal documents, data logs, congressional reports, migrant accounts and the testimony of agents. These records reveal how the agency’s dogged pursuit of migrants can increase the danger for those same migrants, occasionally ending in tragedy. Migrants drown or fall off cliffs; they die in car crashes and from the direct use of force by Border Patrol agents. While the agency does appear to pick up thousands of migrant callers alive, those rescues often end in arrest and deportation. So far, there has been little public accountability for the program’s failures, while the data shows that hundreds of migrants who reach out for help fall through the cracks and are never seen again. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240905124008/https://www.hcn.org/issues/56-9/the-fatal-flaw-in-the-border-patrols-rescue-program/

    nottheonion Not The Onion US conservative influencers say they are ‘victims’ of Russian disinformation campaign
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 days ago 97%

    Unfortunately the US Department of Justice says they agree because they are (yet again) bending over backwards to protect right wingers from being held accountable for their actions to harm our country

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 1 week ago 95%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 1 week ago 100%

    Not the most evil bastard in history, but I think the world would be a vastly different and better place if Klemens von Metternich died young.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 1 week ago 90%

    he did.

    *organized labor forced him to do.

  • politics politics SITE CHANGED HEADLINE: Harris says she would appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 1 week ago 100%

    Also, I imagine they would look for ways to deny benefits to transgender veterans, veteran survivors of sexual assault who got discharged under corrupt circumstances, and other veterans they dislike for hateful reasons

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Challenged on Policy Flip-Flops in First TV Interview
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 1 week ago 80%

    All this, minus the respect part. The only thing different between them and the MAGAs is they have the small amount of intelligence required to know that in the long term Trump is going to hold them back and diminish their own power. This does not change the fact that they have been, for decades of their adult lives now, members of a political party that's been implicitly and explicitly traitorous bigoted and anti-science since at least the mid 1960s.

  • news News A Day After Receiving Police Endorsement, Ruben Gallego Asks DOJ To Ease Up On Oversight Of Phoenix PD
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    His opponent is Kari fucking Lake, so I guess he figures we'll just roll over and take it. The country is more fucked up and hopelessly mired in systems of violent subjugation than I've ever seen in my lifetime and I have no idea what to do about it other than share the news and volunteer in my community.

  • politics
    politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Prosecutors in the Passing Lane: Racial Disparities, Public Safety, and Prosecutorial Declinations of Pretextual Stops https://digital.sandiego.edu/sdlr/vol61/iss1/4/

    >In response to a growing set of empirical studies demonstrating their widespread discriminatory effects, pretextual stops have been subjected to decades of criticism from scholars, the public, and jurists. However, pretextual stops have been defended by some as a necessary public safety measure, particularly in the fight against violent gun crimes. Following a series of highly publicized police shootings of unarmed Black drivers during pretextual stops, and in the absence of substantial judicial or legislative guidance, a growing number of prosecutors have developed policies deprecating the prosecution of pretextual stops absent a clear public safety benefit. Without empirical evaluations of pretextual stops, however, it has been difficult for practitioners or justice advocates to rebut complaints that these new policies remove an important deterrent to crime and the circulation of illegal firearms. **This Article reports the results of the first empirical evaluation of the impact of pretextual stops on crime and gun seizures, made possible by the Ramsey County Attorney’s decision to both decline prosecution of non-public-safety stops and to share data about those stops. We find that reduced stops have led to decreased racial disparities without affecting crime rates.** Notably, the most common justification for pretextual stops—the recovery of illegal firearms—remained constant in the largest police department aligned with the new policy. We urge prosecutors to review the growing body of evidence we describe and contribute to this evidence base by gathering and sharing data about their policies with researchers. To that end, this Article provides a comprehensive review of relevant empirical evidence, reports the findings of the Ramsey County evaluation, and outlines how prosecutors and police departments in other jurisdictions can utilize the Ramsey County model to engage in evidence-based reform. > >[Bolding added] Abstract page archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829115138/https://digital.sandiego.edu/sdlr/vol61/iss1/4/ PDF download link is https://digital.sandiego.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3478&context=sdlr PDF download archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829115121/https://digital.sandiego.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3478&context=sdlr

    politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 92%
    Jeffrey Clark, Donald Trump, and Control of the Department of Justice - There’s a dissonance between Jeffrey Clark’s bar proceedings and the Supreme Court’s immunity decision www.lawfaremedia.org

    >On Aug. 1, a hearing committee of the District of Columbia Bar recommended the suspension of Jeffrey Clark from the practice of law for two years with reinstatement to be conditioned on demonstrating his fitness to practice law. Clark, one will recall, is the former Trump assistant attorney general who briefly seemed to be designated by Trump as acting attorney general at the Department of Justice, as part of Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. > >... > >... the dissonance between the committee’s recommendation and the Supreme Court’s immunity decision in Trump v. United States is stunning. Clark is to be disciplined for conduct as to which the Court says Trump is immune. Though it is possible, logically, to resolve the dissonance without legal gyrations (if only on the ground that presidents are not their subordinates), the difference in outlook is, nonetheless, as stark a demonstration as possible of how differently the bar and the Court conceive of the law and the obligations of the president and the legal profession. Archived at https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/jeffrey-clark--donald-trump--and-control-of-the-department-of-justice

    politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 98%
    The Origin of Specious - Three new books explain how the anti-democratic and illogical theory of judicial originalism can be toppled washingtonmonthly.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829114852/https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/08/25/the-origin-of-specious-2/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Experts raise issues with DNA, witnesses in Marcellus Williams’ Missouri death penalty hearing https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article291530650.html

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829114625/https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article291530650.html

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 97%
    A Day After Receiving Police Endorsement, Ruben Gallego Asks DOJ To Ease Up On Oversight Of Phoenix PD www.huffpost.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829121109/https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ruben-gallego-kari-lake-arizona-police-association_n_66cf833fe4b0b422df2148d1

    politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    On Native Land, a New Push to Expand Voting Meets the Long Tail of State Violence boltsmag.org

    >Ongoing negotiations between tribal leaders and Colorado officials may chart a new path for automatically registering Native voters and growing voter rolls nationwide. But first the state is having to confront a legacy of mistrust. Archived at https://boltsmag.org/automatic-voter-registration-native-tribe-members/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Florida argues execution shouldn't be stayed for man's Parkinson's symptoms www.nbcnews.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829114712/https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-argues-execution-shouldnt-stayed-parkinsons-symptoms-rcna168546

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 93%
    At least 17 Guard members have died while deployed to Texas border www.stripes.com

    >At least 17 Texas National Guard members have died while deployed on the state’s three-year-old mission to deter criminal activity at the U.S. border with Mexico, according to state military officials. > > Of those, the families of four service members received the newly authorized $500,000 death benefit and six families are waiting for a determination on whether they are eligible for the money. The remaining cases were denied the benefit or the service member had no eligible relative to receive the money. > >The Texas Military Department has been tightlipped about troops serving at the border, though how many troops have died in connection to the mission came out during a hearing last week of the Texas House Committee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs. Members heard from state officials regarding implementation of a new law to provide death benefits for troops who die while on state missions. Read more at: https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2024-08-27/texas-national-guard-death-benefits-border-mission-14993111.html Source - Stars and Stripes Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829114658/https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2024-08-27/texas-national-guard-death-benefits-border-mission-14993111.html

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    In Massachusetts, former Stoughton police detective Matthew G. Farwell indicted on charges he killed Sandra Birchmore in 2021 www.bostonglobe.com

    >Former Stoughton police detective Matthew G. Farwell was indicted Wednesday on a federal charge that he killed a 23-year-old pregnant woman in 2021 after she claimed he fathered her unborn baby and initiated sexual contact when she was a teenage participant in a law enforcement youth program. > >The arrest of Farwell, 38, marked a dramatic turn in the case of Sandra Birchmore, whose body was found on Feb. 4, 2021, in her apartment in Canton. State authorities initially ruled her death a suicide, though Birchmore’s family and friends have raised questions about the investigation over the last several years. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240829114642/https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/08/28/metro/stoughton-police-department-matthew-farwell-death-sandra-birchmore/

    asklemmy Asklemmy Can you suggest some energetic, dream-like alternative songs?
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 92%

    You might dig No Joy, Lush, Cindy Lee, the Cocteau Twins and My Bloody Valentine

    What the hell is shoegaze, anyway?

    Ask four different people and you'll get four different answers, but the term first started to get thrown at bands as an insult around the late 80s in the UK because guitarists in certain alternative bands would be using so many different effects during their performances they'd spend the whole show staring at their pedalboards (I think a review of a My Bloody Valentine show in particular is where the term got coined)

  • usa United States | News & Politics Disaffected Republicans and former Trump officials spoke at the DNC. Fox News didn't air a second of any of their speeches.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 86%

    The sad part is this is how people in the DNC must actually think to give these assholes speaking time at their convention when the only commendable thing they ever did was admit to making a mistake most Americans were smart enough to not make in the first place

  • news
    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Citing the Hyde Amendment, insurance refused to pay for federal employee's abortion, even when her life was at stake https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/08/26/nx-s1-5068276/abortion-ban-exception-health-insurance

    >Under the 1849 Wisconsin abortion ban, Bennett, an associate clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, needed two other physicians to attest that Ashley was facing death. > >But even with an arsenal of medical documentation, Ashley’s health insurer, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, did not cover the abortion procedure. Months later, Ashley logged in to her medical billing portal and was surprised to see that the insurer had paid for her three-night hospital stay but not the abortion. > >“Every time I called insurance about my bill, I was sobbing on the phone because it was so frustrating to have to explain the situation and why I think it should be covered,” she said. “It’s making me feel like it was my fault, and I should be ashamed of it.” > >Eventually, Ashley talked to a woman in the hospital billing department who relayed what the insurance company had said. > >“She told me,” Ashley said, “quote, ‘FEP Blue does not cover any abortions whatsoever. Period. Doesn’t matter what it is. We don’t cover abortions.’” > >... > >In response to an interview request, FEP Blue emailed a statement saying it “is required to comply with federal legislation which prohibits Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans from covering procedures, services, drugs, and supplies related to abortions except when the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or when the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” > >Those restrictions, known as the Hyde Amendment, have been passed each year since 1976 by Congress and prohibit federal funds from covering abortion services. But the Hyde Amendment has exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, as the health insurer noted in response to questions from KFF Health News and NPR. > >... > >What tripped up Ashley’s bill was the word “abortion” and a billing code that is insurance kryptonite, said Salganicoff. > >“Right now, we’re in a situation where there is really heightened sensitivity about what is a life-threatening emergency, and when is it a life-threatening emergency,” Salganicoff said. > >The same chilling effect that has spooked doctors and hospitals from providing legal abortion care, she said, may also be affecting insurance coverage. > >... > >Recently, the bill for $1,700 disappeared from Ashley’s online bill portal. The hospital confirmed that eight months later, after multiple appeals, the insurer paid the claim. When contacted again on Aug. 7, FEP Blue responded that it would “not comment on the specifics of the health care received by individual members.” Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828140134/https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/08/26/nx-s1-5068276/abortion-ban-exception-health-insurance

    news News Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports despite concerns over racial bias in AI technology
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    This isn't about them using them for monthly reports, this is about them using LLMs for individual incident reports

    Pulling from all the sounds and radio chatter picked up by the microphone attached to Gilbert’s body camera, the AI tool churned out a report in eight seconds. ...

    Oklahoma City’s police department is one of a handful to experiment with AI chatbots to produce the first drafts of incident reports. Police officers who’ve tried it are enthused about the time-saving technology, while some prosecutors, police watchdogs and legal scholars have concerns about how it could alter a fundamental document in the criminal justice system that plays a role in who gets prosecuted or imprisoned.

  • news
    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Immigrants suffered 'rampant abuse' inside Louisiana ICE detention facilities, report says www.nola.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828115857/https://www.nola.com/news/politics/immigrants-held-in-la-ice-detention-suffered-abuse-report/article_02623fa4-63c2-11ef-8a23-53b35b2debbe.html

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 99%
    Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports despite concerns over racial bias in AI technology https://thegrio.com/2024/08/27/police-officers-are-starting-to-use-ai-chatbots-to-write-crime-reports-despite-concerns-over-racial-bias-in-ai-technology/

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828120602/https://thegrio.com/2024/08/27/police-officers-are-starting-to-use-ai-chatbots-to-write-crime-reports-despite-concerns-over-racial-bias-in-ai-technology/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    New Louisiana law that undoes mug shot restrictions can affect livelihoods, advocates say veritenews.org

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828114715/https://veritenews.org/2024/08/26/act-281-sb-24-mug-shot-law-crime-bills/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 99%
    Nebraska Reverts to 19th-Century Voting Restrictions, Clouding Rights for Thousands boltsmag.org

    >The Nebraska Voting Rights Restoration Coalition was ready for July 19. A new state law, Legislative Bill 20, would take effect that day, instantly granting voting rights to some 7,000 people with past felony convictions. > >... > >[But] two Republican elected officials in Nebraska—Attorney General Mike Hilgers and Secretary of State Bob Evnen—halted implementation of the new law, shutting down new registrations for people with past felonies and throwing into question the voting rights of tens of thousands of other Nebraskans who, until last month, were legally, unambiguously eligible to vote. > >... > >On July 17, less than 48 hours before LB 20 was to take effect, Hilgers issued an advisory opinion stating that the new law was unconstitutional. But Hilgers didn’t stop there; he also declared unconstitutional a 2005 reform law ending lifetime disenfranchisement of anyone convicted of any felony; the 2005 law, Legislative Bill 53, allowed Nebraskans to vote two years after completing their sentences, a waiting period that LB 20 was set to eliminate. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828114456/https://boltsmag.org/nebraska-voting-rights-restoration/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 98%
    Tennessee Republican leaders threaten to withhold funds as Memphis preps to put gun control measures on the ballot https://apnews.com/article/gun-control-tennessee-6a475238d8aa3d5a833a16e0ef25fb5c

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828114419/https://apnews.com/article/gun-control-tennessee-6a475238d8aa3d5a833a16e0ef25fb5c

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Serving Time for Their Abusers’ Crimes - The Marshall Project found nearly 100 people who were punished for the actions of their abusers under little-known laws like “accomplice liability.” www.themarshallproject.org

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828114417/https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/06/13/abuse-domestic-violence-survivors-liability-prison

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 98%
    Report Exposes 'Systemic Abuse' at For-Profit Migrant Detention Centers in Louisiana www.commondreams.org

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240828115833/https://www.commondreams.org/news/louisiana-ice-abuse

    news News Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, these hypocritical dipshits are the first to cheer on Palestinians getting deplatformed and harassed, and they want me to give a shit that they were occasionally prevented from spreading misinformation about medical realities in the middle of a pandemic? A middle finger the size of the sun isn't big enough for these assholes.

  • technology Technology Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
  • technology Technology Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 81%

    Yeah, I'm not a Texan but I also disagree about this. Also, Austin has produced some amazing music over the years (for example, random Austin band I've been in love with recently is Being Dead).

  • politics politics 'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Its still crazy to me so many people wanted to keep Biden.

    There's tons of people in the Democratic party who loved how "ineffective" Biden was at getting anything progressive done while he kept the taxpayer money to cops and for profit businesses flowing. They were making incredibly stupid arguments, but the hardcore Biden supporters were very much not stupid people.

  • politics politics 'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't believe that the party of any sitting president that was primaried ever won the election.

    Probably because the party was already in a really weak position in the first place, which led to both the nominee getting primaried and the party still losing the general anyway. Like, if someone has a massive coronary and ends up dying during emergency heart surgery you're probably not going to blame the surgery for killing them.

  • politics politics Border numbers are down significantly. But migrant activists say the restrictions President Biden imposed in June are weeding out people who may have legitimate claims of asylum.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    People who have decided they want to lie and manipulate are going to research the process and volunteer these statements. People who are actually fleeing for their lives and are traumatized, sleep deprived, malnourished, etc. are going to zombie sleep walk through their interviews. This policy is going to be great at screening out the people we should be helping and not do anything to stop anyone else.

    The people who answer it less than honestly in order to gain access are diluting the believability of people

    "Hey, this one person lied to me yesterday, so fuck these totally unrelated people today" is pretty far below what I think we should accept from our government

  • thepoliceproblem
    THE POLICE PROBLEM gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 97%
    The shooting death 16-year-old Easter Leafa by police is among a spate that’s upset Anchorage, Alaska residents https://apnews.com/article/police-use-force-officer-shooting-anchorage-456f54d86ad8e3d60e07ab75eb2fcac6

    >Instead of showing her hands as told, they said, the 16-year-old girl stood and approached them with the blade. > >Two officers opened fire simultaneously, one with a less-lethal foam projectile and the other with real bullets, killing her two days before Leafa was to start her junior year of high school. She had recently moved from American Samoa to get a better education and was still learning English, her family said. > >Leafa was among seven people shot by Anchorage police since May... more than twice as many as the department typically shoots in a year. Four of the subjects were killed. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240827115115/https://apnews.com/article/police-use-force-officer-shooting-anchorage-456f54d86ad8e3d60e07ab75eb2fcac6

    Technology gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 99%
    Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech www.texasobserver.org

    >In June, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) signed an acquisition plan for a 5-year, nearly $5.3 million contract for a controversial surveillance tool called Tangles from tech firm PenLink, according to records obtained by the Texas Observer through a public information request. The deal is nearly twice as large as the company’s $2.7 million two-year contract with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). > >Tangles is an artificial intelligence-powered web platform that scrapes information from the open, deep, and dark web. Tangles’ premier add-on feature, WebLoc, is controversial among digital privacy advocates. Any client who purchases access to WebLoc can track different mobile devices’ movements in a specific, virtual area selected by the user, through a capability called “geofencing.” Users of software like Tangles can do this without a search warrant or subpoena. (In a high-profile ruling, the Fifth Circuit recently held that police cannot compel companies like Google to hand over data obtained through geofencing.) Device-tracking services rely on location pings and other personal data pulled from smartphones, usually via in-app advertisers. Surveillance tech companies then buy this information from data brokers and sell access to it as part of their products. > >WebLoc can even be used to access a device’s mobile ad ID, a string of numbers and letters that acts as a unique identifier for mobile devices in the ad marketing ecosystem, according to a US Office of Naval Intelligence procurement notice. > >Wolfie Christl, a public interest researcher and digital rights activist based in Vienna, Austria, argues that data collected for a specific purpose, such as navigation or dating apps, should not be used by different parties for unrelated reasons. “It’s a disaster,” Christl told the Observer. “It’s the largest possible imaginable decontextualization of data. … This cannot be how our future digital society looks like.” Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240827115133/https://www.texasobserver.org/texas-dps-surveillance-tangle-cobwebs/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Medford Police spied on Oregon activists as they planned protests, movie nights, ACLU alleges https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/08/21/medford-oregon-police-progressive-activists/

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240827115026/https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/08/21/medford-oregon-police-progressive-activists/

    politics politics Border numbers are down significantly. But migrant activists say the restrictions President Biden imposed in June are weeding out people who may have legitimate claims of asylum.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 91%

    It is difficult to know how many people with legitimate cases are turned back because they don’t know to “manifest fear,” as the practice is known

    [Ital. added]

    This is almost comically dystopian

  • politics
    politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 97%
    Border numbers are down significantly. But migrant activists say the restrictions President Biden imposed in June are weeding out people who may have legitimate claims of asylum. www.nytimes.com

    >... migrant activists say Mr. Biden’s executive order is weeding out far too many people, including those who should be allowed to have their cases heard, even under the new rules. They say the figures are so low in part because of a little-noticed clause in the new policy, which changed how migrants are treated when they first arrive at the border. > >Under the new rules, border agents are no longer required to ask migrants whether they fear for their lives if they are returned home. Unless the migrants raise such a fear on their own, they are quickly processed for deportation to their home countries. > >... >“The government knows full well from past practice that the manifestation standard will result in migrants with legitimate asylum claims being denied even a screening for danger,” Lee Gelernt, the lead attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, which has sued to block the policy in federal court, said in an email. “Put simply, the manifestation standard will send migrants fleeing for their life back to grave danger, and the government knows it.” > >... > >... Although the Department of Homeland Security did not give exact figures, the agency said in a court filing last week that asylum requests had dropped more than 50 percent. > >The migrant advocacy groups Human Rights First and Kino Border Initiative said that 75 percent of migrants at a shelter in Nogales, Mexico, said they had been turned back after border agents ignored their claims or didn’t give them the chance to raise them. Archived at https://ghostarchive.org/archive/jL3R1

    news News United States' Immigration and Customs Enforcement Severely Undercounts Number of People in its Custody
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    So it sounds like, from the article, that ICE wasn't counting those individuals because CBP was/they were initially booked in by CBP?

    Those were some of the previously unreported detentions, but ICE's record keeping has been so sloppy we can't say what percentage of those were caused by that or something else, or why ICE thought they didn't have to report these detentions (like, they couldn't point to a policy to explain why they did count those detentions between 2019-2021 but then just stopped in 2022).

    The agency also failed to be transparent about whether its methodology for determining which detentions of individuals are included or excluded in its reporting has changed over time. In particular, officials told the GAO that ICE included tens of thousands of detentions of individuals where the first stay was at a specific CBP holding facility for 2019 through 2021. However, ICE decided not to include detentions of individuals held in that same holding facility in their calculation of initial book-ins for fiscal year 2022.

    [Ital. added]


    Yea it should be addressed but it's written to sound like ICE was hiding 200k people in their facilities

    I mean, we told ICE to report on how many people they were detaining, then had some auditors double check the number they reported, and the auditors found they didn't report about 42% of the people in their custody, which hid about 200k detained people from lawmakers and policy advocates and anyone else who cares how many people we're locking up to maintain our immigration system.

    It might just be rampant incompetence and apathy on ICE's part, but given all the reports of racism and abuse we've seen come out of that agency in particular there's almost certainly a lot of nefarious behavior being concealed by the incompetence and apathy.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLA
    Law gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Warrantless “Defensive” Searches of FISA Section 702 Data Violate the Fourth Amendment www.justsecurity.org

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240822141004/https://www.justsecurity.org/98741/fisa-defensive-searches/

    Progressive Politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 95%
    Expanded Police Surveillance Will Get Us “Broken Windows” on Steroids https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/08/police-surveillance-wont-make-us-safer-broken-windows-on-steroids.html

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826163429/https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/08/police-surveillance-wont-make-us-safer-broken-windows-on-steroids.html

    Progressive Politics gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 83%
    Democrats show rightward shift on immigration at DNC www.newsweek.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826162711/https://www.newsweek.com/dnc-2024-immigration-border-daca-kamala-harris-1942685

    Technology gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    The US wants to use facial recognition to identify migrant children as they age - A previously unreported project is intended to improve how facial recognition algorithms track children over time www.technologyreview.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826162608/https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/08/14/1096534/homeland-security-facial-recognition-immigration-border/

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%
    Abrupt transfers for Stateville prisoners in Illinois begin as officials rush to comply with a federal court ruling, disrupting prisoners' education www.wbez.org

    >A federal ruling that came down two weeks ago ordering Illinois prison officials to empty the decrepit facility by Sept. 30 seems to have resulted in abrupt transfers from Stateville, despite what educators have said were assurances from the Illinois Department of Corrections that students and alumni from the same education programs would be allowed to move together. > >In March, Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced the state’s plan to close and rebuild Stateville, along with Logan Correctional Center, a women’s prison, due to conditions such as polluted water and crumbling buildings. > >Despite its poor physical infrastructure, Stateville hosts five college programs and has some of the most robust programming of any prison in the state due to its proximity to Chicago. > >About 30 students and alumni were on the list to be moved to Hill Correctional Center in downstate Galesburg – including Matthews – in order to stay with the Prison+Neighborhood Arts/Education Project. But Executive Director Arianna Salgado said Matthews and seven others were among those shipped to other facilities across the state this week. The nonprofit group, which works with Northeastern Illinois, started a petition on Wednesday asking the governor to stop the transfers. > >“We’ve been advocating with IDOC for a group of our students to be able to move with us to the next facility that we end up at,” Salgado said. “We got the notification on Monday that several of our students were scheduled to be transferred this Thursday...to an institution that’s approximately five hours and more away from the City of Chicago.” Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826163136/https://www.wbez.org/criminal-justice/2024/08/22/abrupt-transfers-for-stateville-prisoners-begin-as-officials-rush-to-comply-with-a-federal-court-ruling

    News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 99%
    United States' Immigration and Customs Enforcement Severely Undercounts Number of People in its Custody documentedny.com

    >A new report finds ICE failed to count 203,350 individuals as part of its total detention population between 2019 and 2022 — nearly 42% of the total people detained. > >The faulty and inaccurate data is the focus of the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s latest report, which found that Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s current reporting methodology did not account for the population of individuals who were initially held in certain temporary facilities before being moved to an ICE detention facility. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826162204/https://documentedny.com/2024/08/21/ice-severely-undercounts-number-of-people-in-its-custody/

    World News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 97%
    Mexico's tactic to cut immigration to the US: wear out migrants apnews.com

    >Driven by mounting pressure from the U.S. to block millions of vulnerable people headed north, but lacking the funds to deport them, Mexican authorities are employing a simple but harsh tactic: wearing migrants out until they give up. > >That means migrants are churning in limbo here as authorities round them up across the country and dump them in the southern Mexican cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. Some have been punted back as many as six times. > >Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday that the policy protects migrants. > >... > >But the moves have forced migrants, including pregnant women and children, into even more precarious situations. That’s likely to worsen under President Joe Biden’s new asylum restrictions, analysts say. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826161903/https://apnews.com/article/mexico-immigration-border-lopez-obrador-biden-a5498f0791f5f1ef99f1dfd9accce8f4

    World News gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 96%
    Panama launches US-backed deportation flights aimed at discouraging migrants www.aol.com

    Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240826162703/https://www.aol.com/news/panama-launches-us-backed-deportation-154001727.html

    news News A Muslim woman tweeted about a Gaza protest at the DNC. Then the K-Hive called the Feds
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 71%

    The term's been around since 2017


  • news News Under Biden border move, fewer migrants are released into the U.S. or screened for asylum
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, it fucking sucks how racist both parties are towards South and Central Americans

  • politics politics Harris should go full wonk on crime
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 95%
  • politicalmemes Political Memes Burn. Also interesting fact: She supports JD Vance, who mocks childless women like herself
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Coulter's post is real, Walz's is not

  • music Music 96 Quite Bitter Beings by CKY
    politics politics Democratic National Convention Megathread - Day 3 - Wednesday 8/21
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    She's not Palestinian American and is asking for someone who is to have a chance to speak. AOC gave her speech Monday night when negotiations between the uncommitted delegates and Harris campaign for a Palestinian American speaker were still ongoing, but those talks broke down Wednesday.

  • news News Thousands march on DNC without incident — or a permit: 'We just want a peaceful protest.'
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, there was a ton of news reporting on allegations made by police against protesters, very little news coverage of the numerous times police brutalized protesters, and almost no coverage of the majority of protests where it was just people saying chants and waving signs while cops got paid time and a half to sit around and watch them.

  • news News Thousands march on DNC without incident — or a permit: 'We just want a peaceful protest.'
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 2 weeks ago 100%

    Just as a point of clarification - that article seems to be talking about protests on Tuesday, whereas this article is talking about protests Wednesday night. My general understanding is that there was a permitted and police escorted protest Monday near the DNC convention site, the one in your article Tuesday which wasn't permitted and went near the Israeli consulate and ended up with hospitalized protesters, and then this one Wednesday which also wasn't permitted but marched more towards the DNC convention site and (to the best of my knowledge at this point) didn't end up with anyone needing hospitalization.

    The things that article describes happening to protesters and journalists are unacceptable and demand police accountability, but it seems like those things didn't happen Wednesday night for what that's worth.

  • news News Thousands march on DNC without incident — or a permit: 'We just want a peaceful protest.'
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    Surprised to see police acting reasonable.

    Yeah, same, after all the other heinous shit we've seen cops do to protesters at other times over the years this has been incredibly refreshing.

    Along with 68, I think a big part of it is not wanting to repeat 2020. It took an insane number of wrongful arrests and incidents of brutality being caught on video but it might have finally temporarily sunk in for police leadership in one city that getting aggressive with protesters just makes them get aggressive back, but if you keep force to an absolute minimum people will usually just get their frustrations out of their system verbally and connect with some like minded people and everyone gets to go home without any black eyes or broken bones or shit.

  • news News A white supremacist warned me to comply with his demands or else. Now, he's in federal custody.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    I wish

  • news News California tried to make Google pay news outlets. The company cut a deal that includes funding AI.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    Related statement from the Media Guild of the West, California's journalists do not consent to this shakedown (arc'd)

    This afternoon, Google, California Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, California Governor Gavin Newsom and many of California's publishing lobbies announced "a first-in-the-nation partnership with the State, news publishers, major tech companies and philanthropy, unveiling a pair of multi-year initiatives to provide ongoing financial support to newsrooms across California and launch a National AI Accelerator."

    After two years of advocacy for strong antimonopoly action to start turning around the decline of local newsrooms, we are left almost without words. The publishers who claim to represent our industry are celebrating an opaque deal involving taxpayer funds, a vague AI accelerator project that could very well destroy journalism jobs, and minimal financial commitments from Google to return the wealth this monopoly has stolen from our newsrooms.

    Not a single organization representing journalists and news workers agreed to this undemocratic and secretive deal with one of the businesses destroying our industry. Moments ago, the following opposition letter was filed with the California legislature:

    We represent journalists and news workers who provide essential news for millions of Californians in print, digital, broadcast, commercial and nonprofit newsrooms.

    The future of journalism should not be decided in backroom deals. The Legislature embarked on an effort to regulate monopolies and failed terribly. Now we question whether the state has done more harm than good.

    California’s journalists and news workers OPPOSE this disastrous deal with Google and condemn the news executives who consented to it in our names.

  • news News Kamala Harris’ welcome housing boost is overdue
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    delaying projects so they become uneconomical

    The fact that that is a problem is a problem. We need more taxpayer supported public housing options that don't get jerked around by the whims of the markets so much.

  • news News Biden’s Justice Department backs Donald Trump in DC protest suit
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    There is no SCOTUS decision that forces the DOJ to make any arguments. They are going into court entirely of their own accord to protect some mysterious bullshit idea about the authority of the Executive branch that I don't think they even really understand, but it's just become such a reflexive thing for them to do since Nixon they keep doing it even when it means giving cover to a traitor like rhey are here.

  • news News Biden’s Justice Department backs Donald Trump in DC protest suit
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    It could be more detailed, but the headline is accurate, the DOJ jumped into the middle of this case when they didn't have to (just like they did with the E. Jean Carol one until enough people called them on their shittiness to get them to reverse course) and now is volunteering to commit taxpayer dollars to pay any damages Trump could be found liable for as part of a broader effort to have this whole lawsuit because the DOJ really doesn't like talking about police officers committing brutality after being ordered by their superiors to do so.

    Justice Department attorneys said in a notice filed in federal court in Washington late Monday that Trump is entitled to U.S. government support in the civil case because the suit’s allegations stem from his work as president.

    “On the basis of the information now available … I find that Donald J. Trump was acting within the scope of federal office or employment at the time of the incident out of which the plaintiffs’ claims arise,” wrote James Touhey Jr., the head of the Torts Branch in DOJ’s Civil Division.

    Justice Department attorneys also filed a motion to dismiss the claims against Trump


    I would think they should have stuck with suing The President rather than Trump even if that meant no financial reward.

    I know they can and I'm pretty sure they are pursuing both forms of liability. Lawsuits usually involve plaintiffs making a bunch of different arguments with the expectation that one or more will get dismissed.

  • news News Trump & Harris Each Vow Border Crackdowns as Immigrant Communities Demand Positive Change
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 86%

    So, you're demanding a positive change instead of the border crackdowns that Harris and Trump have vowed to carry out?

  • news News Dozens of migrants have been sleeping outdoors near a large shelter complex on Randall’s Island. On Monday, NYC officials forced them to pack up their tents and move.
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    Requesting asylum is not illegal and is actually a right protected under international law

  • news News 'Shut down the DNC': Protesters clash with police leading to dozens of arrests in West Loop
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 88%

    Yeah, actually, I got slightly more angry there than you deserved and wish I had phrased the first part of the last comment differently, I've just got a lot of pent up frustration over seeing a lot of Messenger shooting recently.

    But still, I don't think The comparisons to or general discussion about 1968 is any kind of media hype. The fact is, when the Democratic party chooses to hold a convention in Chicago, and there's controversial things going on overseas, and there's a nominee change, that's just way too many parallels for them not to pick up that thread

    And it's not like the comparisons to 1968 make the Democratic party look bad, they've come a long way and gotten a lot better. I don't think that should be a determining factor and what the media does or doesn't cover, but still.

  • news News 'Shut down the DNC': Protesters clash with police leading to dozens of arrests in West Loop
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 73%

    First of all, fuck attacking reporters for just bringing us the fucking news, second of all that's an incredibly fucking low bar to clear.

    That said, I do think the Democratic party is handling this a lot better than they've handled dissent previously (e.g. giving the uncommitted delegates a panel to raise awareness about the Palestinian genocide was a step in the right direction), it's just that cops are still prone to doing cop bullshit like this and there's only so much they can do about that.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Should anyone be suprised?
  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform 3 weeks ago 100%

    Pretrial detention would be appropriate for someone with a history of attempted witness intimidation and with the means to flee the country
