asklemmy Asklemmy In light of's pre-emptive defederation of hexbear, would anyone support defederating
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, it felt a lot like "you need to prove you're worthy" more than just proving you're not a bot.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy In light of's pre-emptive defederation of hexbear, would anyone support defederating
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Adding to what others have said, opposing viewpoints are GOOD. Well reasoned opinions should be encouraged. I don't want to end up in another curated echo chamber built by someone else. Add the tools for users to block an instance and for blocks to work better in general. Give us the tools to decide our content. Leave the curation up to the users.

    Otherwise you'll just end up with everyone spinning up their own instance and building a million individual echo chambers(tho it wouldn't be bad if there were more instances lol)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy In light of's pre-emptive defederation of hexbear, would anyone support defederating
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Add the fact that and others were/still are doing applications for sign up instead of an automated system. I applied twice for a .ml account and never got a single response, not even a denial or "your application is being processed". I have no idea if my application was ever even seen.

    On the other hand, I signed up to and in minutes and have been using them ever since.

  • gaming Gaming After many weekends and sleepless nights later, here's the first gameplay trailer for my personal project
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    No worries. In case that came off overly critical, please know I just want you to shine. Not accusing you of anything. Just want your unique self to show through. That's part of the beauty of an indie project; it's not the same corporate stuff.

  • gaming Gaming After many weekends and sleepless nights later, here's the first gameplay trailer for my personal project
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I can't be the only one thinking that your image looks like a knockoff of "Star Wars: Rogue One". Same font, same alignment of words.... Make the game YOUR game. Don't rely on familiarity with other brands to draw people in. They'll be disappointed when it's NOT a Star Wars game and you also open yourself up to legal issues from Disney, who owns the star wars brand.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Shoes that dont wear out and start falling apart after a year?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    No problem. I walk ~14 miles a day at work and they hold up nicely. I put some Superfeet insoles in them when I buy them. Here's a pic of the old ones with ~18 months/4000 miles on them next to the same pair brand new. The old ones are still in working condition and have no real issues other than the cosmetic wear. Just wanted to get a new pair lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Shoes that dont wear out and start falling apart after a year?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Bought mine around 2020 and they lasted maybe 9 months before holes were forming in the toe area.

    Bought Keens next and haven't had any issues. Last pair I put 4000 miles on them and the rubber covering the steel toe had worn a nickel sized hole, but otherwise they were still in great shape and fully functional.

  • general General Discussion Do you think editing titles of posts a good idea?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I feel like edits within a short window should be allowed for error correction. After that it should probably be locked.

    If it's left unlocked, either temporarily or permanently, there should be an edit history akin to Wikipedia to track the changes.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    QR codes are WAY too easy to break with a few wrong pixels tho. Would be almost impossible to keep it intact. Text is a better alternative. Or logos because people might leave it alone as you draw it waiting to see what it becomes.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Triangle (not to scale)
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 11%

    Lmao that IS NOT how "scale" works. Proportions stay the same.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Triangle (not to scale)
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 9%

    You can't make a 3 sided object with 4 sides. It's no longer a triangle and is a square. It's the definitions themselves. Non-euclidian geometry would allow the angles to equal more than 180°, but not to "add a side".

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Triangle (not to scale)
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 81%

    A triangle with 90° angles, yes.

    But not a four sided TRIANGLE. That itself is a contradiction.

  • scifi Science Fiction How Apple became the king of sci-fi
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%


    Yeah, that probably is gonna delay things a bit... Hopefully you get to continue(with fair pay of course :) )

  • scifi Science Fiction How Apple became the king of sci-fi
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I felt like that expectation was there for me for the first episode or two, but then you could see how it was doing its own thing and building its own world. It felt familiar to step into and then was a comfortable transition to the rest of the world you all created.

    Thank you for your work; it's cool to talk to someone who worked on it. Can you say if you know how likely the show is to continue on? I haven't heard anything about a season 2, but I'm hoping.


  • kbinMeta /kbin meta /m/MagHub. I made a mag dedicated to promoting yours (or others) magazines!
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    It's on Lemmy, but you might want to consider partnering with @newcommunities They do something very similar.

  • scifi Science Fiction How Apple became the king of sci-fi
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    If it's any consolation, I've been raving about the show since it came out. Been calling it a "realistic fallout prequel that does its own thing".

  • science Science A break from the lawn: can an iconic meadow seed wider change?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Which denies food for the things that eat the ticks, leaving no predators for the ticks, making the ticks worse since they're not having their population controlled. And then those predators of the ticks, that were food for OTHER animals, have less food themselves and slowly the whole ecosystem collapses.

    There's a reason that once you start heavy pesticides, you basically always have to do them from then on in that area. In a few years you've removed all the natural checks and balances

    Remember how everyone was talking about bug populations dropping? Guess what's dropping now? Their predator, birds. The cycle is already here

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How did crocs come back?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 60%

    And I walk 12-14 miles a day in Keens. My last assistant refused to wear anything but Crocs. Guess who was out every other week with foot problems? Not me.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How did crocs come back?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 45%

    There's a reason hiking and activity shoes have ankle support. Ankles aren't glass, but you don't want to roll them in uneven surfaces

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How did crocs come back?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 69%

    People who work on their feet all day don't use crocs. You'd use TreadSafes that have actual support and fit, or you'd use an actual work shoe like Keen. Crocs absolutely will not hold up in a warehouse and will provide zero support or protection for your feet.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How did crocs come back?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 45%

    The offer ZERO ankle support and often don't fit snuggly enough to support anything really. Unless you wear flip flops, don't wear these. Easy way to end up with constant foot, ankle, and knee problems.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Better :) Use "copy URL" not "copy fediverse URL" next time though and it will keep the person in their same instance and they won't have to login.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Dunno if you edited it, but now it links to the sidebar rules.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    You linked to the Alexandrite app, not lemmy itself.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Downvotes = “I disagree” or “this is bad and you should feel bad”?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I caught the joke :) I mentioned playing devils advocate cus I don't want to actually attack you or anything, I just saw an interesting opposing viewpoint that I hadn't heard expressed yet. I think your closer to the best solution in general tho

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Downvotes = “I disagree” or “this is bad and you should feel bad”?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I agree with the above convo you've been having, but your comment made me think, so I'll play a little devils advocate here: do we want 1000 "I agree." comments following each other comment? Not really. There needs to be a simple way to say "I like this but don't have anything to add". An upvote accomplishes this.

    As for downvotes, yes they need to be more than "I disagree". Something akin to "I don't think this contributes". I liked someone's suggestion that we need more than the binary up and down. Maybe a "troll" vote too.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Kbin Error Message on Upvote
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    I would upvote/boost this, but I get the same issue 🤣

  • support Support *Permanently Deleted*
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 40%

    You're only doing this now that a trending post is calling you out. What about when they called you out before? You're just trying to win a popularity contest.

  • support Support *Permanently Deleted*
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 40%

    Thanks for making it clear that you prefer your way because it benefits you and your goals of being noticed instead of just being clear and direct and honest. This is why a lot of people get sick of the bots and just turn them off. Guess you'll just get added to the blocklist too

  • 196 196 Protect and serve my ass rule
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Your error is in thinking they "thwart" the crime. They don't. They punish after the fact. That's still upholding the law(punishment for breaking it) without protecting a person. There is no law that says they have to put their lives in danger, so they're not breaking any laws when they don't intervene.

    It's not mental gymnastics. It's that laws are specific so as not to be too broad and overreaching and in this case, there is a massive Blindspot that has not only been allowed to exist, but has been further codified in legal precedent.

    "Protect and serve" is a PR statement. It is not a codified law anywhere.

  • 196 196 Protect and serve my ass rule
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 100%

    Basically no. They have an obligation to arrest the perpetrator. They can't be made to risk their safety in defending you tho. So no, they don't have to protect you in that situation and they can still do their "job" by arresting the perpetrator after.

  • world World News Sweden charges Greta Thunberg for blockading oil port
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 60%

    I'm not saying protests didn't have a use. Just that their main use was overshadowed. Peacefully sitting in somewhere didn't do much. It was the legal things it lead to that did something. Without the legal precedents set, it would have just been brushed back under the rug eventually. You need to incite change, not just annoyance.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse.
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 0%

    You're missing the point. If I email you, are we talking ON Gmail? ON Hotmail? Not really. We're using our different clients to interact with the same original message. Sure, the message gets converted to your emails specific formatting, but it's just a copy of the original info. The message itself is the conversation, the clients are just access to it.

    You wouldn't say "I drove my Honda to the store". You'd say "I drove my car".

    Nobody said "I'm browsing Apollo/Sync/RIF". You'd say "I'm browsing Reddit" or "fuck spez".

    You're one step from being the mom that calls every video game system a "Nintendo".

  • world World News Sweden charges Greta Thunberg for blockading oil port
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 83%

    Protests actually weren't MLKs strongest tool, and he himself admits it. Getting arrested for doing something and then challenging it in court now that you have standing was his biggest tool. Most of the protests were just a means to get arrested. It's revisionist history that says it was the protests specifically that worked because it's better to emphasize the tactics that didnt work than to point out what actually did and risk a reoccurrence.

  • support Support To the admins- will block Facebook's Threads or are you open to federating with them in the future?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 33%

    Kbin does have private messages. Click on your profile icon/name and you should see "Messages" in the drop down menu.

  • general General Discussion I made a little tool for migrating Lemmy settings / subscriptions / blocks between accounts
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 60%

    Crossposted to BestOf@Kbin.Social

  • fediverse Fediverse Does it seem like we’re mixing two concepts, having servers for users and content?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 33%

    How is that any different than reddit with all the r/X, r/TrueX, r/AltX, r/X2 subs? Whether they're distributed amongst one instance or many, it's functionally the same. Just like we already aggregate content from numerous sources, the fediverse also aggregates the communities too.

    I'm subscribed to many communities/magazines in a variety of instances. And many of those I found through word of mouth on here or just by browsing "Hot". They weren't hard to find. I honestly don't see the problem. It's supposed to be splintered so no central authority has control. That's the whole point.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 87%

    That said, don't just call people out who downvote you. No one owes you an explanation if they thought your post was bad. I've already seen it once and it was pretty childish.

  • fediverse Fediverse Does it seem like we’re mixing two concepts, having servers for users and content?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 50%

    Honestly, good. People shouldn't be picking based on quantity, but quality.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is my home feed nothing but beans?
  • fishos fishos 1 year ago 83%

    I love it as well. It's great to see the insanity before I switch to my subscribed feed lol. People complaining just need to learn how to manage their feed and enjoy the beans.
