technology Technology Gen Z is ditching iPhones for $100 'feature phones,' and the numbers don't lie
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's a book you really enjoyed, that you feel like no one else on lemmy has read?
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    I have never met anyone who has read Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space series. It’s one of my favourite sci-fi’s and I can’t even get someone I know to read it, everyone thinks it’s boring :)

  • technology Technology Shakespeare Serif - an experimental font based on the First Folio
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Of course they do, better than ever actually. Google OpenType ligatures, for example. You can even use those on the web using CSS.

    Some fonts have hundreds of different ligatures.

  • technology Technology Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it | Engadget
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Both are broken as far as I know. First one hasn’t updated for years, and recent reviews for the second one claim it crashes on startup.

  • technology Technology Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it | Engadget
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Are there any good iOS Tor browsers? All that I’ve seen are either shit or require some insane subscription.

  • news News Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    It’s what should have been expected though. Lots of people check it out during the hype, and later only those who actually found it useful/interesting/fun remain.

    Most of the hype-launched services should have similar numbers.

  • world World News China likely supplying Russia's war in Ukraine, alleges US
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Likely? I feel like I’ve read several news stories confirming arms shipments from China here and there. Weren’t there?

  • technology Technology ChatGPT broke the Turing test — the race is on for new ways to assess AI
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    I don’t understand how Chinese room is a valuable argument. To me, while the person inside the room doesn’t understand Chinese, the system room-person-instructions does. You don’t argue that you don’t understand your language because none of your individual neurons understand it.

    I don’t claim that chatGPT “understands” the language, I just don’t think that this argument applies in general.

  • technology Technology Universal Chat Application, Beeper, Will Be Available To Everyone (For Free) In A Matter Of Weeks.
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Idk, that’s more of a “not yet finished” thing rather than “failed” imo

  • reddit Reddit u/kometes is permanently banned from r/funny
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 66%

    I guess that depends on your definition of a flamethrower. To me, a flamethrower is primarily a weapon. And what you are describing is a roofing torch. Googling it now, I can’t seem to find anyone calling them “roofing flamethrowers”. Flame gun — sometimes — but never actually a flamethrower.

    So the legality is probably an issue with not being specific enough with the tool/weapon differentiation. I don’t think actual flamethrowers should be legal.

  • reddit Reddit u/kometes is permanently banned from r/funny
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 57%

    We were doing stupid shit with regular propane torches as kids. Doesn’t mean those were flamethrowers tho.

  • reddit Reddit u/kometes is permanently banned from r/funny
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 87%

    That’s a stupid reason for banning people, but weren’t those just propane torches? You can buy one at any hardware store and tape it to a nerf gun to make a similar toy. While they do “throw flames”, I wouldn’t really call those flamethrowers, which usually utilize liquid fuel and are actually weapons.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Kbin's "Log in" bug is discouraging me from participating
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Same. I’ve only ever seen this error after some time of inactivity, and reloading the page always helps.

  • world World News Ancient Roman ship carrying hundreds of jars discovered off Italian coast – video
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Oh right, didn’t consider some may remain sealed, that’s cool.

    Out of weird drinks, I’m betting on kykeon, an LSD-like psychedelic drink made from ergot-infected barley :)

  • world World News Ancient Roman ship carrying hundreds of jars discovered off Italian coast – video
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Considering that it sank like 2000 years ago, would there be any detectable molecular traces left to figure out amphoras’ contents? Or would everything be destroyed by now?

  • reddit Reddit I just spent 20 minutes writing out a response to a thread in the reddit app, just about to hit submit and it crashes
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve had this happen on kbin quite a few times as well, but even if it redirects to a new page with an error message, it always saves the text in the input field. Haven’t lost a single letter once.

    Does it work differently for you? At what point does it lose some of your content?

  • technology Technology New Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being, Radiation Free
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    I had a CT scan after an accident, and no one told me what contrast is going to feel like, the nurse simply injected me without any explanation.

    And omfg, that might’ve been one of the scariest 30 seconds of my life. It felt like I was injected with straight up lava. My whole body was burning from the inside, and I felt like I would just spontaneously combust any second. It very quickly subsided though and there was no negative reaction overall, just higher sensitivity than average. But holy shit, I would want to know about stuff like this beforehand.

  • technology Technology Reddit is testing verification labels for brands
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%


  • technology Technology Reddit is testing verification labels for brands
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    At this rate, he’ll also copy musk’s advertiser turnaround and changes in company valuation

  • technology Technology After Raising $235K, Abode Remains Committed to Taking on Adobe
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    His pigments are pretty cool. I’ve used several over the years and quite liked them.

  • technology Technology If the cream of the crop is original content, bots are useless
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    You know scientists always trying to make things happen but never asking if they “Should”?

    I’ve never seen someone use this as an argument, only as a joke. Can you provide some examples of the things that you think scientists tried to make happen without thinking whether they should or not?

    Also, how is user-specific trust at play here? I never even look at usernames, instead I will upvote or ignore posts based on their content. I don’t think you can really ease Lemmy/kbin users into believing some divisive nonsense that easily.

  • news News July set to be hottest month on record
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Mostly because august hasn’t started yet.

  • technology Technology Universal Chat Application, Beeper, Will Be Available To Everyone (For Free) In A Matter Of Weeks.
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Why do you feel like matrix has failed? I joined it recently and to me it looks like it’s kinda growing.

  • technology Technology Will ultra high-res climate modeling finally convince climate deniers?
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    With stuff like “act of god” clauses and limited liability bankruptcies it might not really bother them that much.

  • world World News The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 66%

    I agree that it should be a platform feature, just offering a suggestion how to evade some scrutiny for now. People seem to comment about it quite often, so it might be an ok temporary solution.

    And, you know, it does look weird.

  • worldnews World News Nefarious Data Collection Masking as Public Art? An A.I. Company Has Placed Mirrored Spheres Around the World in a Massive Eye-Scanning Project
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    “I’ve been very interested in things like universal basic income and what’s going to happen to global wealth redistribution,” Sam Altman, Worldcoin’s cofounder

    Holy crap it’s Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. After that recent article about his $2 Kenyan workers it’s much harder to believe in benevolent intentions.

  • news News First room temperature and pressure superconductor discovered
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    You're right, haven't heard about that one. They actually do use superconducting magnets on a train that runs along a magnetic track.

    But I feel like my feasibility comment still stands. It seems like all they had built is a 18km test track, and there's some info about extending it to 48 km, but it doesn't seem like the extended part uses superconducting tech yet, it only mentions regular maglev. The Tokyo — Osaka line is planned for 2037. So yeah, its technically possible, but it's not like you can cover Europe or the US with this type of track for any sensible amount of money.

    That's the cool part about room temperature superconductors, they make this type of tech possible on much larger scales.

  • world World News The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 84%

    As a suggestion, I think it might be a good idea to space out the submissions by some amount of time, like half an hour or so. I’d guess the biggest gripe that people have is that it occupies a large chunk of the timeline simultaneously and it’s just weird to suddenly notice it. Here’s how it looks like for me.

  • tech Technology Tesla’s secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    It's amazing what one person's actions can do to an entire brand. For the first several years after the Model S release I was sure that my next car is going to be a Tesla. Now, I'm 100% sure that I'll never buy one.

  • technology Technology Google it? People now are searching with TikTok or Reddit.
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Not surprising really. Google has decided that it really doesn't want me to use it so I switched to DDG a couple of years ago. And it doesn't feel like I've lost anything of value.

  • world World News The UFO Whistleblower Is Back With More Crazy Claims
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    What about them? Can you link to a published and verified piece of evidence that has been provided by them?

  • world World News The UFO Whistleblower Is Back With More Crazy Claims
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    I have yet to see one. Can you link to something that can’t be explained by planes and balloons? Genuine question.

  • reddit Reddit Now Reddit sell NFT-like stuff
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Mostly because hosting an image within the blockchain would require so much computational power and excess energy usage, that it wouldn’t be profitable even for the most successful scams.

    And I’m not sure whether calculating proof of work for a blockchain that holds images within is even possible using the current algorithms. But I’ve looked at it a while ago, could be that some updated system already exists. But it’s still very much not free, and quite damaging environmentally.

  • world World News The UFO Whistleblower Is Back With More Crazy Claims
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 66%

    Edit: This person deleted their comments, so to clarify, it’s an answer to something along these lines: “You need evidence? Did you look at the post?”

    I did. And there is exactly zero verifiable evidence. Are there any verified photos? Material or biological analyses? Spectrography graphs? For now, there is none.

    At this point it's still just "one dude heard that another dude says it's totally true". Once something goes public, we can discuss it. But for now, nothing can be seriously discussed, it's all speculation.

    Hell, I would love for it to be aliens. But up to this point in our collective history, it's never aliens.

  • world World News The UFO Whistleblower Is Back With More Crazy Claims
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 85%

    — UFOs are real and we’re shooting them down with energy weapons!
    — I have yet to see any evidence supporting that. Plus, is has a lot of logical holes too.
    — And what’s your evidence for that? Haha gottem

    The burden of proof lies on the person making the original claim, not someone disbelieving it for lacking actual real-life evidence.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars There's 3000 cars on fire in the North Sea
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    It’s a reference to this, not a literal suggestion

  • reddit Reddit Now Reddit sell NFT-like stuff
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 90%

    It’s quite different, and your purchase seems more sensible to me.

    When you buy a skin, you’re buying an asset that you’ll see and use in your game. Sure, it’s just cosmetics, but it’s kinda usable cosmetics. If the game goes down, your skin is probably lost as well, but at least you had some fun with it.

    When you buy an nft, you buy your rights to a link to an image. It’s way more “protected” than simply buying a skin, in a similar way to how owning crypto works. Your right to that link is saved on a blockchain and you become the sole “owner” of that link. You could technically resell it (not sure if it’s allowed on Reddit though), but if a server hosting that image goes down, you’re left owning a broken link.

    And while there’s no other way to get an asset into a game other than to buy it (or mod the game), you could just save an image you like and use it as an avatar anyway, so you’re not even required to buy nfts to use those as an avatar/banner. It’s more of a trading service.

    That technology seems great for proving your rights to some documents or IDs, but it’s still weird to me that people decided to use NFTs for selling link rights to generated jpgs. You don’t even get the licence or usage rights to an image itself, it could be copyright-protected and owned by someone else.

  • news News First room temperature and pressure superconductor discovered
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    You still need a magnet-superconductor pair for quantum locking and magnetic levitation. This is called the Meissner effect and it seems like it has been confirmed for this material. Here’s a video showing an example of such a system.

    Before, the best way to scale this up might’ve been to make permanent magnet rails and run a superconductor train along those rails, but that would have been totally infeasible and inapplicable in real life, since building rails out of permanent magnets is expensive and dangerous, and the train would need to house a really large superconductor chilled to liquid nitrogen temperatures. You couldn’t have built a track out of superconductors irl because good luck keeping those at the temperatures required for superconductivity to kick in.

    If this material turns out to actually work as claimed and to be producible at scale, you can switch those and make an electromagnetic train that travels along superconductor tracks. Which is way easier, cheaper and much more doable in general.

    But the earth’s magnetic field is extremely weak, and even the tiniest pieces of superconductors are unable to lock with it. So no, it does not allow for trackless levitation.

    But a cool new train system design becomes possible though!

  • technology Technology Brands that don't buy enough Twitter ads will lose verification
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    He’s playing with his new middle age crisis toy. Cars and spaceships got boring.

  • news News First room temperature and pressure superconductor discovered
  • fearout fearout 1 year ago 100%

    Not really. If that turns out to be true (nothing is guaranteed yet), the processes described are pretty straightforward and don’t require any super-advanced tech to be reproduced. Full-scale production could be rolled out in mere years. That would become beneficial for stuff like MRIs or electric cars as soon as production starts.

    After that, my guess would be that some large-scale energy infrastructure projects, for example, could be completed in about a decade.

  • ArtemisApp
    Artemis App fearout 1 year ago 100%
    I made some icons for the next icon pack, what do you guys think?

    Some more info and the reasoning behind design decisions. Artemis’ quiver is a reworked Artemis’ kbin community icon, but while that icon had 7 arrows for good luck, this one has five — for future five stars in the App Store :) Stellar siblings is called that because the stars on the background are taken from a region in the night sky that includes the Lyra constellation — one that is associated with Apollo, Artemis’ brother. Larger stars are from the constellation itself, while smaller ones are those visible around the constellation. All the stars are carefully placed using stellar maps, so what you see on the icon should pretty closely resemble what you’d see irl if you can find Lyra. [Icon with stellar map overlaid]( And Artebierre is just fun imo :) The name is a nod to Alcubierre drive, the fastest sci-fi-ish FTL drive (to get "to the moon"). Not completely sure about the nebula shape yet, and whether it should have more or less contrast in general. [A previous version and one other icon](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChatGPT, dude fearout 1 year ago 100%
    It’s weird to see chatGPT mentioned on random poultry produce ads (translation: “And can chatGPT do this? Let’s keep it natural”)
    Urban Details fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Let’s play Roulette Obscura — getting to know random interesting places

    [Follow this link]( It leads to a random page on Atlas Obscura — a website dedicated to collecting unusual places around the world. Tell us what you landed on and share a few thoughts about that subject. You can reroll a few times since not all the results might fit the theme of the community. Also, I’m thinking this might make a fun weekly tradition to have an interesting discussion. What do you think about that?

    New Communities fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Jewelry Design — community dedicated to modern jewelry design: share your work, interesting pieces you come across, or discuss recent trends. Both jewellers and lurkers are welcome

    The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are several threads there right now. Links galore (hopefully at least one works): !jewelrydesign | !jewelrydesign [!jewelrydesign](!jewelrydesign) | [!](! [Full web link]( [/c/JewelryDesign](/c/ [@JewelryDesign]( [Local link]( Or just paste this into search:

    Technology fearout 1 year ago 98%
    Twitter seems to ban all Threads links to reaffirm its position as a “free speech absolutist” platform

    A search for Threads content on Twitter currently brings up zero results, despite plenty of links to Meta’s microblogging rival being posted on the platform.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Kbinicons Part 3 is here: 19 EU flags in two different styles each + a psd file to generate small instance logos for separate kbin instances

    Hi everyone, I’m back with another kbin icon pack. This time it’s flags for 18 EU countries (the non-fancy ones) + an EU flag. So 38 icons in total. All icons come in two styles: semi-transparent/glassy and opaque metallic. I also made a simple instance logo generator. **Flags** List of all countries included in this pack: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden + an EU flag. Here are the previews for all the [glassy]( and [metallic]( icons. All icons are rendered on transparent background. Don’t trim or change the aspect ratio of the image — the icons are carefully placed to avoid both cutout zones (small icon circle/banner rectangle). I’ve also changed the lighting setup a bit so that the icons should work well on both white and black backgrounds. Download links: **[Glassy icons pack](** | **[Metallic icons pack](** *(edit: there turned out to be a few flag rotation mistakes, wait for an update please)* **Instance mini-icon generator** (that top left website logo) [Sample icon preview]( Since this whole flag thing started from [@cnk]( asking for a flag icon for his separate country-specific kbin instance, I also made a .psd file that would make it easy to create such an icon yourself. All you need to do is edit a smart group adding the flag (or any other image) of your choosing. The file also includes a preset for 2-, 3-, 4-striped, and cross flags. For those you’d need to only edit the colors. **[Download .psd](** **Terms of use**, just in case You can use these icons for *any community on any kbin instance*. Attribution *is not required*, although I’d appreciate it if you link to my profile or to any of my communities. If you share these outside of kbin for non-commercial purposes, *attribution is required* (either to my profile or [portfolio]( *Commercial use is forbidden.* **[Tips](** Since I got asked about this a few times already, if you like or use something I made and would like to support me, you can [tip me here](, I'd appreciate it. But again, totally not required, you’re free to use the icons anyways. **Kbinicons community** I also started a [community dedicated to these icons]( There, you can request a specific icon or just lurk and see what’s new. If you want a flag icon for your community, request it in the [pinned post]( Or comment here.

    New Communities fearout 1 year ago 98%
    Urban Details — a community celebrating everything that cities do right, from tiny Easter eggs or interesting street art pieces to city-encompassing infrastructure projects or unusual public spaces

    Check out [the pinned post]( for a general guide to the community that includes lots of relevant examples. The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are a dozen threads there right now. Links are a still somewhat a mess, but hopefully at least one should work: [!urbandetails](!urbandetails) | !urbandetails [Full web link]( [/c/UrbanDetails](/c/ [@UrbanDetails]( [Local link]( Or just paste this into search:

    New Communities fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Industrial Design — a community to discuss interesting ID projects or techniques, share your work, ask for advice, or see what other designers came up with

    The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are several threads there atm. Links are a bit weird, but at least one should work: [!IndustrialDesign](!IndustrialDesign) | !IndustrialDesign [Full web link]( [/c/IndustrialDesign](/c/ [@IndustrialDesign]( [Local link]( Or just paste this into search:

    Artemis App fearout 1 year ago 100%
    A UI idea on how to merge boosting with up/downvote buttons into one unified voting system in a visual way

    Artemis might use a swipe gesture to visually hint at the relation between upvoting and boosting, as shown in the main animation. Here's a [static app mockup]( with both swipe levels displayed. I'd also imagine that there should be a setting that auto-upvotes posts when boosting.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Assuming boost stays as some sort of a super-upvote/share combo alongside regular up/downvote buttons, here's a UI idea on how to merge it into one unified voting system. App animation + web block moc

    I heard that votes have been changed to behave closer to how people would expect, and boost is staying here as well. So I had an idea how to bring it all together in the interface. *Sidenote: you don't have to click the links here, the images are also posted inline in the comments below.* An app (either Artemis or an official one) might use a swipe gesture to visually hint at the relation between upvoting and boosting, as shown in the attached animation. Here's a static [app mockup]( with both swipe levels displayed. I'd also imagine that there should be a setting that auto-upvotes posts when boosting. And on the web, it's probably a good idea to consolidate all the voting buttons into [a single block]( by adding an additional button at the top. Edit: I’m disappointed in you guys. How come no one noticed the memes? :)

    Industrial Design fearout 1 year ago 0%
    The Continuity of Splines

    Probably the best and most comprehensive video about why curvature continuity is so important in product design, what causes those “bumps” on the edges of regularly rounded rectangles, and why it all works as it works.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta fearout 1 year ago 100%
    I’m back with several more community icons: check out Artemis (future kbin app), Urban Details, 3D Modeling and some other stuff

    Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying making these, probably the most I’ve been excited to model something for months. So I exchanged some sleep for a faster turnaround :) [Previous post here]( *Upd: here are the links to images on transparent backgrounds for creators to use on their pages: [purple]( and [green]( Artemis, [3D modeling](* **[Artemis](** [icon]( Looking at their logo, I assumed the name was related to the hunting goddess, so this icon just had to be a quiver. It holds 7 arrows for good luck and is partially draped over to signify the app’s unfinished state, and as a nod to how the goddess herself is often depicted clothed in a flowing toga-type garment. [Cloth sim result from the back]( And since the current icon uses the pride flag as its background, I figured Artemis would definitely wear a pride pin on her quiver. And besides the original color scheme I also stumbled upon a [fun-looking natural colorway]( Plus a similarly [cosy purple version]( :) Here’s the [logo alone](, btw. Sorry I changed it a bit, but those two thinner lines weren’t working that well for the quiver piece imo. [@hariette](, what do you think? **[Urban Details](** [icon]( So this one took the most time. You have no idea how many different buildings and road arrangements I went through :) [Ghosted view of the final model]( It’s meant for a community that I started which aims to celebrate various interesting details about cities, from tiny local Easter eggs to city-encompassing infrastructure projects. Just stuff that makes life either better or more fun. The icon turned out to have some serious /fuckcars vibe, but I guess it fits well enough. I got a few interesting lighting setups while experimenting with the model, so I included a night scene as well. [High-res evening version]( **[3D Modeling](** [icon]( I made a quick [icon for this community]( the last time, but had a better idea and had to try it out. I think it encompasses the topic way better than before. [@lavender](, I summon thee to check out the updated icon :) **Want one?** Again, if you’re the owner of a kbin community and would like to have a similar icon, comment here to discuss it. I’m mostly making these during my free time on weekends, so I probably won't be able to make more than a couple pieces a week in the future. *I commented below to have some of the icons displayed inline, so that you don't have to click every link. Is that more convenient? Let me know if it clutters the comments and I should delete those.*

    Urban Details fearout 1 year ago 100%
    The coolest city sculptures, in my opinion, are the ones you don't notice right away

    A series of small sculptures of Lemmings from an amazing 90s video game interacting with their environment in Dundee, Scotland

    Urban Details fearout 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to Urban Details! Here's a guide to what this community is about with various examples

    Hi everyone. This is a place to notice and celebrate stuff that cities do right. Here, you can post anything from your own photos of some interesting findings around the world to articles discussing future urbanism projects. I’ve compiled a list of some examples of the content I think fits in this community, and I’m open to your suggestions and ideas on how we can improve the ruleset going forward. **Urban Infrastructure** Bike lanes, pedestrian paths, green tram ways, and all other useful or innovative urban development *Examples:* [Amsterdam bike infrastructure](, [Barcelona superblocks]( or [Reykjavik heated sidewalks]( **Public Spaces** Unique chillout zones, interesting parks, unusual equipment at children's playgrounds or public space design in general *Examples:* [Stockholm metro](, [Superkilen Park Copenhagen](, [Archimedes screw playground thing]( **City Lighting** Anything from streetlights or bollard lights to facade lighting setups that bring something unique to city nights *Examples:* [An article about lighting](, [a random Pinterest board]( **Street Furniture** Unique or interesting outdoor furniture pieces found in public spaces, be they simply modern, beautiful, or unusually comfortable *Examples:* [Random related Pinterest board]( **City Easter Eggs** Small or hidden details in the city, like tiny statues or architectural elements that might be easily missed *Examples:* [Pac-Man cutouts](, [Lemmings statues]( **Successful Accessibility Projects** Effective solutions for accessibility, such as sidewalk ramps, urban navigation totems, braille-annotated 3D representations of various POIs, tactile paths, etc. *Examples:* [Tactile Last Supper](, [wayfinding totems]( **Architectural Details** Special elements in building design, be they part of historic architecture or something totally modern. So pictures of anything from the gothic architecture to Zaha Hadid’s futurism work. **Urban Art and Murals** Vibrant and unique expressions of street art, from large murals to small artistic details *Examples:* [Space Invader graffiti](, [city murals]( Let see some urban goodness!

    Industrial Design fearout 1 year ago 100%
    One of my favourite websites for mindless inspiration-scrolling — leManoosh. What’s yours?

    It’s a Pinterest-like infinite image gallery that posts various interesting industrial design-related images without any needless articles and all that. Everything is pretty well-tagged in case you’re looking for something specific.

    I designed and rendered a couple of icons for the magazines I started. This magazine's creator suggested I share them here as well

    So I 3D modelled two icons (well, illustrations rather) for the communities that I created on kbin: [Industrial Design]( and [Jewelry Design]( These icons are meant to reimagine kbin’s logo in a way that's relevant to each community. *Btw, as a feature request, I think it might be cool to separate the banner on a magazine's page from the mini-icon that shows up in listings. Also, inline images should be a thing, I think.* **Industrial Design**: [icon]( This icon is just an assortment of various gizmos and whatchamacallits that seemed to fit the shape. It was modelled in Rhino and rendered in Keyshot. The model uses curvature continuity, just like any self-respecting grown-up model would. [Ghosted view](, [plaster view]( **Jewelry Design**: [icon]( The Jewelry Design icon is designed as a hypothetically producible piece of jewelry, except that the corners — those tiny semi-spheres that hold the gems — are a bit larger to accommodate the icon's scale. The piece has a partially open back to allow for more light to reach the gems. That makes them look prettier both in renders and irl. [Front view](, [back view]( The model was created in Rhino and later welded and polished in ZBrush to make it appear closer to how it would look in real life. [zBrush smoothing](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta fearout 1 year ago 0%
    I designed and rendered a couple of icons for the magazines I started, and I’d like to share some behind the scenes images with y'all. I’m also open to doing a few more of these in future.

    So I 3D modelled two icons (well, illustrations rather) for the communities that I created on kbin: [Industrial Design]( and [Jewelry Design]( These icons are meant to reimagine kbin’s logo in a way that's relevant to each community. *Btw, as a feature request, I think it might be cool to separate the banner on a magazine's page from the mini-icon that shows up in listings. Also, inline images should be a thing, I think.* **Industrial Design**: [icon]( This icon is just an assortment of various gizmos and whatchamacallits that seemed to fit the shape. It was modelled in Rhino and rendered in Keyshot. The model uses curvature continuity, just like any self-respecting grown-up model would. [Ghosted view](, [plaster view]( **Jewelry Design**: [icon]( This icon is designed as a hypothetically producible piece of jewelry, except that the corners — those tiny semi-spheres that hold the gems — are a tiny bit larger than usual to accommodate the icon's scale. The piece has a partially open back — a common practice in jewelry design — to allow for more light to reach the gems. That makes them look prettier both in renders and irl. [Front view](, [back view]( The model was created in Rhino and later welded and polished in ZBrush to make it appear closer to how it would look in real life. [zBrush smoothing]( **Want one?** Creating these was a lot of fun, so I'm open to making a few more. If you're the owner of a magazine and would like to have a similar icon, comment here to discuss it. I'll be creating these during my free time on weekends, so I probably won't be able to make more than a couple pieces a week though.

    The Signpost of Kbin! fearout 1 year ago 0%
    Where to report bugs and layout errors? Is there a specific magazine or some separate page?

    Where to report bugs and layout errors? Is there a specific magazine or some separate page? [\#FindAKbin](

    Industrial Design fearout 1 year ago 0%
    Welcome to /m/IndustrialDesign! Let’s discuss the future of this community

    Are you an industrial designer actively employed in this field, a student working on your degree, or simply lurking? What kind of content would you like to see? What content you *wouldn’t* want to see posted here? Are you interested in some specific area/genre/method/software/etc. related to industrial design? Do you have any suggestions or questions? Let’s discuss how we should proceed going forward.

    Industrial Design fearout 1 year ago 0%
    To start off, I’d like to share a personal industrial design project from a while ago: a concept of what a semi-pro camera system for smartphones might look like

    Intended mainly as a thought experiment — I tried to come up with a seamless and easy to use system with various accessories, like lenses, filters and blinds, that wouldn’t feel clunky.
