brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Defiant Release Event (Full Re-upload)
  • fax fax 10 months ago 100%

    This stream includes a new Interlude reading from SA5!!!

  • sffgaming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Gaming What have you been playing 10/15/23
  • fax fax 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah it takes me some time to get through it, cause I am constantly having to put my controller down and do other things, but it's been a fun game. Usually I play with football on in the background or something lol

  • sffgaming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Gaming What have you been playing 10/15/23
  • fax fax 11 months ago 100%

    I've actually been playing Vampire The Masquerade: Coteries of New York. Working on the platinum just because I can actually obtain it lol It is actually much better than I was expecting it to be.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans The Official Release of "The Sunlit Man" + Weekly Update!
  • fax fax 11 months ago 100%

    yeah this one is a bit less newbie-friendly, but overall I think it can be done. The mysterious magic stuff isn't that different from the stuff at the end of Tress. The biggest issues are all the Stormlight references that never get explained because.

  • discworld Discworld Remarkable way Terry Pratchett’s lost stories were found by fans: ‘A million-to-one-chance’
  • fax fax 11 months ago 100%

    I'm actually so excited for this. I got my copy of The Lost Stories yesterday and next May for short story month we're gonna read it in book club. This just feels so special.

  • fantasy Fantasy General [Meta] Are pictures posts allowed?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    I never saw this post, sorry. Yes, totally within the rules :)

  • fantasy Fantasy General [What are you reading?] Week of 18th of August
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Just finished the Mage Errant series and now I am reading Song of Silver Flame like Night. Mage Errant was light and fun, this new one feels more involved, but the prose is beautiful and I am enjoying it so far a lot.

  • cosmere Cosmere [All Cosmere] Can Feruchemists use other Investiture?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    I'm actually not sure we have any information on this. A feruchemist sort of requires a metalmind, and I am not entirely sure they can substitute other Investiture as a metalmind or not. This is a really interesting question and perhaps it should be brought up to Brandon at the next spoiler stream or livestream Q&A.

  • fantasy Fantasy General Humble Book Bundle: Pathfinder Tales by Paizo
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing this, I've cross-posted it to our notice board community Hawker's Alley, where sales and promotions can be posted :D

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Finally got my bookcase moved into rhe living room and I can show off my Sanderson books properly!
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Oh that's nice, I like that!

  • cosmere Cosmere Cremposting
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    The subreddit mods for r/cremposting have already created ! as well. That's an official refuge for the subreddit refugees. We also have a cremposting community here at SFFA.

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    We have a Discworld community here as well, it's just taking a bit to get it going. Our instance is trying to be a collective home for anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy related :)

    If you haven't read it yet, Murderbot Diaries is fun Sci-Fi. Short, quick reads but very tight pacing and storytelling and a wonderful main POV character (it's told in first-person).

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Oh Reaper was really nice, you have some great stuff coming up in the next books. I finished Cradle this summer and it was SO good. Very satisfying finish.

    I'm still on my first go-through of Discworld. I've read City Watch, a few standalones and am on the Witches books now. Next up is Maskerade.

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    If you decide to we can make one for you here and hand it over to you to mod/lead :) A gaming community would be a great addition.

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    It absolutely counts :D Not all fantasy is just books :)

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    We are still pretty new, but we're trying :D

  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Murderbot is great! Nowhere near as dark as some books I've read, but yeah they do definitely have LGBT rep in them!

  • fantasy Fantasy General What are you reading this August?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Any reason in particular you're not reading the last book?

  • cosmere Cosmere New SA5 Excerpt!!!!!!
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    I didn't hate the relationship, I found it interesting and it was kinda neat seeing it from Jasnah's side and her reasonings and such. I'm sad for her that it's not going to work out, but like... it was never going to work out. Hoid has too much going on to settle down in a realistic way with another person.

    And yeah the memory confirmation was great. Hoid being terrified is GREAT tension in the scene and for the book.

  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    I actually don't mind slice of life. Sometimes a slow paced opening is a breath of fresh air.

  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    A long Way to a Small Angry Planet was cute. It was a good little book and I went into it knowing nothing really and was pleasantly surprised by the queer rep. It felt natural and realistic even if it did involve aliens. Enjoyed it.

    We're reading Gideon the Ninth (first of Locked Tomb) in book club in October on the Discord server.

    I have The Priory of the Orange Tree purchased in ebook format but I haven't read it yet. Had no idea it had queer rep, so now I am even more excited to get to it.

  • imaginarycosmere Imaginary Cosmere [Way of Kings] Shallan by Alex Allen
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    This is absolutely gorgeous. My new headcanon for her.

  • meta SFFA Meta META: Feature Requests
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Oh wow, I will look into this and see if it is something our devs want to think about.

    In the meantime, is a nice alternative for browsing as well.

  • meta SFFA Meta FYI, this instance is being defederated by everyone due to bots
  • fax fax 1 year ago 0%

    There shouldn't be one, but kbin is also kinda weird. We are federated with them, so we should get their posts, but they don't always seem to update.

  • meta SFFA Meta SFFA GoFundMe Announcement
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Well thank you for the support! We've reached out to a few SFF communities but a lot of them stayed on Reddit so until people want to help grow them here we're a little stagnant. It takes a lot of work to content create for a community to try to grow it. We have quite a few folks subscribed to our communities but without people making posts engagement will be low.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Christopher Paolini at Dragonsteel 2023! + Weekly Update
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    yeah I am excited at watching that little percentage go up lol

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Hopefully this works, first post on kbin! The dog and the dragon remix [RoW]
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    It's more about just making sure content is labeled in accordance to Rule 4 (they're on the sidebar, not sure how easy that is to see on mobile). We don't have nearly as many spoiler tools here as we do on Reddit, so the title labels will really help. Thanks so much :)

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans [All Cosmere] What's your favorite quote from the Cosmere?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    this made my heart hurt the first time I read it.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans [All Cosmere] What's your favorite quote from the Cosmere?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    you have to add the word spoiler after the first three dots.

    '> ::: spoiler WoR

    quote here

    '> :::

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans [All Cosmere] What's your favorite quote from the Cosmere?
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    This should probably be tagged [All Cosmere] or if you haven't read it yet [All Cosmere NO SP3].

    Also your spoiler tagging is broken. it's:

    ::: Spoiler BookName/SpoilerScope

    message here


  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Hopefully this works, first post on kbin! The dog and the dragon remix [RoW]
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Hi, cute comic! Would you mind editing your title to include the spoiler scope? Just a tag like [RoW] would be enough :)

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Welcome to /c/brandonsanderson!
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%


  • meta SFFA Meta SFFA GoFundMe Announcement
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    We appreciate you trying so hard. Don't feel bad. Once we reach a specific goal we are moving to OpenCollective and they may be more forgiving about donating from other countries. Not that you HAVE to, jut saying it might work there.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans How hard will it be to paint the Stormlight Miniatures
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, that may be the best way to go. That chasmfiend is amazing and deserves a nice paint job.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans How hard will it be to paint the Stormlight Miniatures
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    I guess it depends how you are with small detail work. If you have a steady hand and a good magnifier glass and some really nice detail brushes it might not be too bad. My grandpa paints models and has for decades and he has a really nice magnifier that stands on the table so he only has to hold the model under it to make it easier to see close up.

    Another option is getting them unpainted and finding someone local to paint them for you?

  • meta SFFA Meta FYI, this instance is being defederated by everyone due to bots
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention :)

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans Welcome to /c/brandonsanderson!
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I've put that into search at kbin but it turned up empty. We might still have been too new. We are starting to get subscribers and commenters from other instances though, so we're getting there :)

  • meta SFFA Meta FYI, this instance is being defederated by everyone due to bots
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you for that list. We also found and and I've reached out to contact them about it. has said they will refederate. So, we're getting there.

  • brandonsanderson Brandon Sanderson Fans My 3rd secret novel is ariving today and i cant wait
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    It's probably my third favorite after Steris and Vasher. I just love it, it's perfect.

  • meta SFFA Meta FYI, this instance is being defederated by everyone due to bots
  • fax fax 1 year ago 100%

    we're good now :)
