news Australian News Protest photographer loses part of ear after being shot by rubber bullet
  • eureka eureka 19 hours ago 100%

    You're right, I didn't mean to say they're not at fault for shooting people. What I meant to say was that we shouldn't get tunnel-vision either and assume that officers just need better training or vetting to make sure they don't miss or don't shoot as early.

  • news Australian News Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks
  • eureka eureka 19 hours ago 100%

    Be cool if they could do something about the amount of gambling ads attached to sports. But no, it must be video games that are bad.

    Yes. And on the other hand, the video game loot boxes are gambling itself, ads are bad enough.

  • news Australian News Protest photographer loses part of ear after being shot by rubber bullet
  • eureka eureka 5 days ago 90%

    The problem is the disproportionate force. The police should not be using those weapons. If an officer panicking goes this badly, we shouldn't be blaming that officer or the protest. The problem is that police were firing bullets into a protest, at all. That this was a plan they had on the table for this situation, and they're clearly happy with this plan.

  • australia Australia Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow
  • eureka eureka 6 days ago 100%

    Reminder: no out-of-area ('absent') votes in this election.

    Council elections may not the be most exciting I find them much more interesting, because while my vote is still statistically negligible, it's much more powerful than in a state or federal election. So less popular choices have a higher chance of competing.

    Unfortunately* it feels like most of my local candidates have almost identical policies, so my second and third preferences might as well be a coin flip. At least I know who's going last.

  • news Australian News Large crowd of protesters gather at Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne's CBD
  • eureka eureka 1 week ago 91%

    [Premier Jacinta Allan] also defended the state government's sponsorship of the Land Forces conference, and said delegates attending the event had the right to gather.

    "Any industry deserves the right to have these sort of events in a peaceful and respectful way."

    When your industry is undeniably dedicated to murder and maim, you don't deserve peace (or, for that matter, respect).

  • news Australian News Large crowd of protesters gather at Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne's CBD
  • eureka eureka 1 week ago 100%

    Rubber bullets are especially concerning. Many of us saw the damage they did to journalists and protestors who were shot with them in the US protests by police a few years ago.

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics The latest Coalition scare campaign about Labor may scare itself more than voters
  • eureka eureka 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hi OP, when quoting the article in your post, it's helpful to use the quote formatting to show us you're giving quotes and not just supplying additional commentary.

    Writing: > You need to only look at the modern crossbench


    You need to only look at the modern crossbench

  • melbourne Melbourne Bollards installed in Melbourne CBD as tens of thousands anti-war protesters plan blockade
  • eureka eureka 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sounds like something out of a futuristic dystopian movie. ::: spoiler spoiler :::

    I haven't seen a terrorism act invoked in my state but police have called a few designated areas this year and they bring the cavalry mounted troops to most protests.

    I’m calling it now. Somebody’s gonna die or get seriously injured

    Big ten-thousands protests generally try to be more big-tent than radical, so as eager as police are to make a show of force against anti-military protesters, my bet is that it will be limited to shoving. But honestly, I won't be shocked if your call turns out right.

  • news Australian News Government faces likely High Court challenge to its CFMEU legislation
  • eureka eureka 3 weeks ago 100%

    There's a point made about how no courts were involved in the action. In wonder if the High Court has a pragmatic interest in stopping this kind of summary action. If the courts can be bypassed, what power will they have?

  • australia Australia PM warns of 'consequences' as thousands of CFMEU workers march across Australia
  • eureka eureka 3 weeks ago 100%

    Seriously, watching that interview is a little painful with all the interrupting to try and railroad the conversation, and attaching weird attacks and assertions to make loaded questions, or rather, framing a claim as a question. I haven't seen it so bad outside of Faux News in the US.

    Glad to hear Max got a quick mention of the Green Bans of the BLF in.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Discussion Thread: 🏖️🌊 🛋️🐩💤 Monday, August 26, 2024
  • eureka eureka 3 weeks ago 100%

    So their argument is:

    No, that's not what they were saying. For starters, they're clearly pointing out that the hypocrisy is that "The CFMEU [is being forced into administration] on the back of a handful of rumours and allegations", contrasting that against the "damning findings" of the Royal commissions which were tolerated, not that the CFMEU "should be allowed to be corrupt" (where did that strawman come from?!). Also, the ETU are not the CFMEU.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Discussion Thread: 🏖️🌊 🛋️🐩💤 Monday, August 26, 2024
  • eureka eureka 3 weeks ago 100%

    That would miss the point of the protest. It was a mass action from the community, where a broad range of unions and non-union organisations participated, to rally together and voice our response to the extreme administration bills. I've gone into a little detail on my perspective here. Overall, we must recognise the way this bill was handled as a knowingly-inappropriate response to the situation and a threat to the whole labour movement.

    In case I need to state it, I'm not defending corruption, I'm not saying that there aren't people who should be charged and removed. There are real problems with the CFMEU and the members should be empowered to root it out of their union. Putting in a dictator with huge conflicts of interest with the workers is not how to do that. That's how to union-bust.

    and protest outside of federal liberal party headquarters demanding equal action on political corruption

    The Liberal party didn't do this. The protest is critiquing the Labor party and their attack on the labour movement.

    The Liberal party also probably couldn't care less about the protesters, might as well be vegans threatening to boycott a butcher. Union reps are a major component of the Labor party, and union rank-and-file are a large part of their voter support base.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Discussion Thread: 🏖️🌊 🛋️🐩💤 Monday, August 26, 2024
  • eureka eureka 3 weeks ago 83%

    For those going to the CFMEU protest tomorrow, be advised the location has been changed to the Trades Hall due to expected large crowd.

  • australianpolitics
    Australian Politics eureka 4 weeks ago 93%
    CFMEU Rallies Upcoming [Tues 27th] in Many Cities: [ ! Melbourne location changed ! ]

    **The CFMEU are hosting rallies in various cities this Tuesday and are encouraging the community to join them**. Despite any critiques we have of the union leadership, it is important to show solidarity in protesting the dictatorial union-busting administration laws, which were covered well in [a post made here this week]( and which have a serious chilling effect on other unions and workers altogether as we fight for better conditions. Among other things, [it's noteworthy that the CFMEU have been one of the few unions to strike in solidarity with Palestine encampment protestors at ANU]( > "We encourage all members of the community to join us. CFMEU members deserve control over their Union, just like any other worker. Together, we stand strong to defend the future of our families and our union. ✊" CHECK YOUR OWN CITY, the following are just some ***examples*** I've been able to find out so far, and more are being added as I've typed: * Adelaide: Tuesday 27 August. 12pm at Parliament House [[fb annoucement]]( * Brisbane: Tuesday 27 August. 11am at Queens Garden Park [[fb announcement]]( * Cairns: Tuesday 27th August, 11am at Cairns esplanade across from the RSL [[fb announcement]]( * Canberra: Tuesday 27th August, 11am Woden Town Square. [[fb announcement]]( * Melbourne: Tuesday 27 August. 11am at the ~~State Library [[fb announcement]]( @ the Trades Hall * Perth: Tuesday 27 August, 11am at Forrest Chase [[fb annoucement]]( * Sydney: Tuesday 27 August. 11am at NSW Parliament House [[fb announcement]](

    australia Australia Gina Rinehart urges government to ‘drill, baby drill’ and build Israeli-style ‘iron dome’ in northern Australia
  • eureka eureka 4 weeks ago 100%

    Seriously, shame on the opportunistic people who bothered giving her a platform.

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics A bill to kill a union: What is actually in the government’s CFMEU legislation
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    This article is very clear and to-the-point. Thanks for sharing.

    In order to ensure the administrator doesn’t run wild, the administrator has to be satisfied that the administrator is acting in the interests of members.

    Great system.

  • australia Australia The Cat Empire postpones shows as musicians vote no confidence in MSO
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    It's a sharp reminder of the industrialisation of art as entertainment, more than as expression.

  • news Australian News ANU to stop long-term investments in 'controversial' weapons manufacturers following months-long Gaza protest on campus
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    That's a great start! Congrats to the students and the communities who stood in solidarity to help them stay there.

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics Media companies need [the revenue from] gaming ads, government minister argues
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    When we're talking about ads and media, I highly recommend reading the relevant chapter in Manufacturing Consent (PDF version can easily be found for free online).

    But really, intuition will get you the raw basics: using the ad revenue model gives the advertiser control over a media outlet. If media truly 'need gambling ads', then this implies they cannot afford to lose them. So, they therefore cannot offend the gambling industry or especially the companies advertising with them. And therefore, they are pressured into media bias, into failing to be critical of an obviously harmful, corrupt industry dealing in addiction manufacture AND laundering at the same time!

  • sydney Sydney Sydney discussion thread for the week of Mon Aug 12 2024
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Didn't know there was such thing as too much. For me it's a nice warm soup.

  • australia Australia 'Brutal culture' at Channel 7 leaves staff suicidal, distressed, and despairing
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%
  • sydney Sydney Sydney discussion thread for the week of Mon Aug 12 2024
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Haven't checked the official .gov What's On site in a while, but it's always good for a quick look if nothing else is on.

  • australia Australia AFP counter-terrorism operation that targeted 13-year-old with autism cost more than $500,000
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Are the AFP employees (coppers) aware they are the wrong people to be handling this? They had an opportunity to help this kid, and instead just accelerated a terrorist operation until they could punish the victim.

  • news Australian News 'Urgent action is required': Laws to be introduced to force CFMEU to accept administrator, after union fails to consent
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    This is very bad news for the worker movement.

    The bottom line is that, despite their flaws, the CFMEU management enables construction workers to fight for better working conditions, including those working in roles where people regularly die in workplace incidents, where safety standards are a life and death matter. If they are replaced by a state-supplied dictator against the will of the workers which a union is created to represent, this introduces a conflict of interest somehow even worse than that in any of the accusations. We've seen in history how state-enforced class collaboration screws over workers. When employees are working for huge multinational companies like Lendlease, they need ways to defend themselves from all the corruption that comes with that. The CFMEU in its current state is not ideal, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing, or one assigned by the government.

    This has already had a chilling effect on the other more-militant trade unions, word-of-mouth is that some are asking members not to draw attention to themselves e.g. by flying banners at the recent NSW Labor conference. Giving the government this power to weaken unions at will is a horrible precedence which I sincerely believe will cost lives when it comes to safety regulations, let alone cost of living, preventing financial abuse of immigrant workers, and the inability to support social movement, such as the Green Bans of the BLF (who were deregistered in various states in 1986 and essentially brought into the coverage of what would become the CFMEU).

  • australianpolitics
    Australian Politics eureka 1 month ago 100%
    USyd students vote en masse to cut ties with Israel

    [Linked is the USyd magazine article]( published by their Student’s Representative Council. The article says 'over 500 students', although other sources such as [Green Left]( estimate over 700, with even News Corp publications (The Australian, Sky News, etc.) claiming almost 800 students. One part which isn't mentioned in those articles: Witnesses at the meeting told me there was some attempt to finish up the meeting before the second motion could be declared, which was counted with a chorus of "Let us stay!". Apparently the meeting was only scheduled for an hour and delayed by a filibuster from a S4P speaker.

    sydney Sydney Sydney mayor survives attempt to oust her over Gaza protest
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Randwick Mayor Philipa Veitch has addressed protests at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and outside the offices of US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin in Matraville.

    A few councils and senators have been standing up on this issue and it's great to see elected officials getting involved and not afraid to take stances. Veitch is a Greens member, so they have party support there, but it's still nice and encouraging to see some support within certain governments (despite my reservations with current electoral politics).

    Greens and Labor councillors combined to vote against the motion, which was defeated by 10 votes to five.

    The motion was amended to remove the vote of no confidence and became a motion condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and acknowledging the council's role in promoting community cohesion.

    I wonder what that means in practice, will supporting human rights protests like this violate "the council's role in promoting community cohesion"?

    [Liberal councillor who launched the motion] Cr Rosenfeld told ABC Radio Sydney local politicians should leave international affairs to the federal member. "We're in the local sector of government, not the federal sphere," he said.

    hahaha this is just silly. Of course a local politician should be allowed to care and engage with international politics. Particularly in Randwick, one of the areas with a major university involved in the war effort (e.g. weapons manufacturers connections to campus), their local area is relevant to international affairs so they shouldn't just block their ears and offload responsibility because it's over 10 kilometres away.

  • australia Australia NSW government ends WFH as workers are ordered back into the office
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Yep, I was going to point out that a decent amount of tech roles had an expectation of WFH long before 2020.

  • australia Australia NSW government ends WFH as workers are ordered back into the office
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    Seriously, I've had a union organiser lament that WFH was making it hard to work with a certain part of the company. You can't just set up a lunch or coffee meeting if everyone is in on different days (it's not a co-operative role).

  • foodaustralia Food Australia Tucker Time: Wed 31 Jul 2024
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    I was using mine for measuring oil temperature when trying to shallow fry (so bread crumbs fry on impact), so unfortunately in this case it wouldn't help me, but a 50 cent one would be useful for most cooking. Thanks for the tip!

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics Should (and can) we ban political donations?
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    The video does touch on this wrt. the South Australian proposal, they give a few explanations and critiques of how well it does this.

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics Should (and can) we ban political donations?
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 100%

    I'm glad the video covered some good points, I recommend viewing or at least skimming, instead of knee-jerking at the title.

    One of the big issues with political donations, being a form of capital influencing politics, is that people with more available capital can have more influence. On an idealist level, this contradicts some expectations we might have of a democracy with fair representation, like the ideal of one-person-one-vote. But looking at present conditions rather than ideals, we have to consider wealth inequality: I'm no expert but I think it says a lot that in 2023, the Australia Institute claimed "Ninety-three per cent of the gains from economic growth have gone to the top 10 per cent of income earners. The rest of us — the bottom 90 per cent — have only got 7 per cent of that economic growth." (also note, "the top 10 per cent of income earners get a lot of their income from profit", whereas the bottom 90 per cent mainly get it from wages. The importance being they have very different political values and priorities to most workers.) So, we can see that even though the worker class vastly outnumber the owner class who make money from profit, their capital and therefore ability to influence politics, even as individuals rather than interested corporations, far outbalances the masses even if we were somehow all aligned.

    When some parties have enough funding for constant print, internet and television ads while others are basically unknown by most until election day, it's a shame. Look at Clive Palmer as an example of disproportionate funds, although the same applies to the big parties even if we're so used to it. I've seen some countries give free airtime (maybe 5 or 15 minutes?) for every party or candidate to explain their platform, I think that's a great idea at the least to reduce unfair advantage.

    Another reason for removing lobbying is that I'd rather my union (for example) not waste their money on it. In a recent survey they did, one of the questions was what priorities do we think the most of their money should be spent on, and one of the options is lobbying the Labor Party. It's just a coping mechanism for putting their preferred party ahead in a broken system.

    I think it's nice to see that that the proposed South Australia laws also acknowledge the status quo and in some cases give some advantage to newer parties which don't have all the seats and existing exposure of the main parties.

  • australia Australia Young Australians falling down a 'rabbit hole of hate', ASIO boss warns
  • eureka eureka 1 month ago 75%

    Eh, while that hypocrisy is real, your post didn't really describe the situation. When it comes to 'terrorism', in the past few years and much of that article, ASIO have consistently been talking about neo-Nazism (particularly the NSN). Neo-Nazis are not anti-capitalist nor a minority group defending themselves (they are a clear aggressor). And of course they're bad for liberal democracy/capitalism and too foolish/idealistic to work alongside capital like 1920s fascists, instead desperately resorting to lone-wolf terror acts (to try and incite a nonsense 'race war'), so yes, they're being readily branded as terrorists, and correctly - they are explicitly aiming to promote terror.

    As for the other cases being discussed like the Wakeley stabbing, I don't see how that's in the self-defense of a minority group. As far as I've seen, they're not attacking fascists or CEOs, or trying to enact systematic change. There's right ways to do political violence or self-defense, and these cases don't seem to be them them.

    "This is the new thing, people will go to violence with little or no warning, and they [have] little or no planning in some of these that I've talked about," he said.

  • australia Australia TIL about the 1968 Olympic 'Black Power Salute' and the white guy in that photo
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    Both US athletes intended to bring black gloves to the event, but Carlos forgot his, leaving them in the Olympic Village. It was Peter Norman who suggested Carlos wear Smith's left-handed glove. For this reason, Carlos raised his left hand as opposed to his right, differing from the traditional Black Power salute.

    Classic "no worried, she'll be right" attitude, Pete.

  • australia Australia Question about Australian towns
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    (has been answered in , posted a minute after yours)

  • australia Australia Question about Australian towns
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    Anecdotally, the one in a park near where I lived was much large than that. Some examples of larger ones can be found just by searching images of australia war monument in park (not including the huge ones in some cities, like the Anzac Memorial in Sydney or the Canberra Australian War Memorial)

  • australia Australia Question about Australian towns
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    As some other mentioned, the monuments were often built soon after the war by people who had recently lost their relatives. When there were massacres of Aboriginal peoples, they obviously didn't have the authority and resources to build similar memorials in towns, and to be blunt, the towns probably had few people who cared enough to build anything on their behalf, even now there are few public memorials (and often small ones) of massacres and Aboriginal loss. And that difference you pointed out reveals a lot about we see the historical effects of who has power and who writes history.

  • australia Australia Question about Australian towns
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    I haven't really thought about this much, because military commemoration is just normal here and I thoughtlessly assumed it was similar around the world. And I didn't really consider how unnecessarily big many of them are. Sure, it's easy for me to point to the US and say 'that's what real military worship is!' but you're right that there are many reminders of war around, most obviously the monuments in parks and national ceremonies (ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day). You mention that you have a foreign background; do you mention this because the monuments are not normal where your background is, or is it because our wars are offensive and seem atrocious to have statues for?

    It's important to understand the intended purpose of many of these as similar to a gravestone, it's meant to be a respectful reminder of the town's loss rather than glorifying war, like Aussiemandeus said it's the towns wanting future generations to be aware of their town's sacrifice for the war effort. However, there is also the fact that national ceremonies are sometimes used as propaganda to glorify wars of invasion or imply they were all honourable: the only one of those ANZAC wars where Australia was actually invaded was WWII (various attacks), all the others were joining political allies (first UK, then US) in other continents in imperialist wars, and in many of the wars they were clearly invasive and Australia's participation should be denounced (including the Korean War, Vietnam War and Middle Eastern conflicts).

    So while I can tolerate (critically) the community monuments commemorating dead soldiers, especially those built after WWII when sacrifice was in the self-defense of the country, we must also be critical of those trying to glorify war and imperial conflicts, just as we should be critical of those who glorify or trivialize the colonial invasion of this continent.

  • frugal Aussie Frugal Living Monthly Frugal Discussion Thread - August
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    Reorganised my fridge. Not only is it more pleasant and easier, but I no longer have to throw out unused milk. Also organized my pantry and now have enough storage that I can bulk-buy a few regularly-used items when they go down to half price.

    Have you found a good bargain lately

    Yeah I found the meeting room where my office keeps the gourmet visitor tea. (don't worry: if you've watched the news, ever, you don't like my employer either)

  • foodaustralia Food Australia Tucker Time: Wed 31 Jul 2024
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    Miraculously got some panko veal schnizel on discount yesterday. Came out of my pan blackened on the outside but tasted perfect.

    My digital thermometer seems to top out at 100 so should get a cooking thermometer some day.

  • sydney
    Sydney eureka 2 months ago 100%
    Restaurants with cheap and large serving sizes in the city?

    Unfortunately the guides I could find for Dixon Street (Chinatown) were ten years old and the places no longer exist, but I've heard there's a place somewhere upstairs in Dixon House Food Court with huge plates for average prices. Outside of this and memories of the Town Hall classic 'Big Bite', I wouldn't know where to start.

    asklemmy Asklemmy TV nerds: what should I watch
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    but open to other rabbit holes

    If you like satirical comedy or entertaining educational shows, there's a lot on Australian television (particularly shows from the national Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Also, for people who enjoyed The Office (at least, the UK version, I haven't seen the US variant), I recommend Utopia - it's far from a clone but has a lot of similar themes of workplace life mixed with poking fun at bureaucracy and government.

    but I don't live in australia, or have a VPN to access ABC iView!

    Visit the sidebar resources of !, or even just YouTube will get you a lot of them.

  • australia Australia Nine Publishing on strike. Request the public avoid Nine mastheads including Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Financial Review, and Brisbane Times.
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    I don't blame the workers for the constraints of their garbage company. I doubt they can just pick what they want to write about, they're ultimately working to survive and taking the jobs on offer. Plus, systematic pressures on mass media are a whole thing.

    If the workers get a pay rise, it digs into Nine Publishing's egregeous profits. There's also the broader impact of successful strike action on the rest of the labour movement in our fights for decent conditions. Solidarity is strength.

  • foodaustralia Food Australia Birthday Party Snacks
  • eureka eureka 2 months ago 100%

    Bonus points for a nachos, even a kidney bean vegetarian one is delicious with a good spice mix.
