opensource Open Source Software as a public good
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 hour ago 100%

    get rid of companies making money off the FOSS

    I'm afraid if we discourage companies from adopting open source we'll end up with even more closed source garbage.

    There are industry sectors where closed source is the norm, and it just leads to more vendor lock-in and less standardization and interop.

    I'm a bit young to say for sure, but I believe closed source was the norm in the software world 20-30 years ago and openness was stigmatized. I certainly don't want to live in that world.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost That explains it.
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 hours ago 100%

    doesn't look a day over 69

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost That explains it.
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 hours ago 100%

    40 on each leg

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes About that...
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 3 hours ago 100%

    it does work though, on windows i can see ads and intrusive crap all the time. Linux distros don't bother you at all, it's like linux is not even trying at this point.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Average LinkedIn experience
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 5 hours ago 100%

    you can be anything you want, bud, don't let them tell you otherwise!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Average LinkedIn experience
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 6 hours ago 100%

    That's the billion dollar use case for AI! Time to post it to

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Average LinkedIn experience
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 8 hours ago 100%

    not enough linkedin

    Engaged in an enriching 3/4 hour guided exploration of the prestigious Stanford University campus, which offered an in-depth look at the institution's distinguished landmarks and vibrant academic environment. (Was not accepted)

    that should do it

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I hope you don't have any plans this evening.
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 day ago 100%

    nonsense, there are only 12 months

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming GTA Online now has BattlEye Anti-Cheat and is no more playable(for now?)
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 days ago 100%

    "oh no, anyway..."

    GTA online was fun from 2015 until a couple years later before flying bikes and sky races. R* kept pushing updates that appeal to teenagers and absolutely ruined it.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost dataisbeautiful
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 3 days ago 100%

    this is what I'm talking about, Pete. It's for your own good. This obsession with gathering data has to stop.

  • technology Technology AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 4 days ago 68%

    as opposed to human-generated code

  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 100%

    i cast str to int

  • programming Programming Good software development habits
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 96%


    1. Keep Commits Small: Ensure commits are small and manageable to facilitate easy reverts and debugging.
    2. Continuous Refactoring: Prioritize frequent, minor refactorings to simplify future changes.
    3. Deploy Continuously: Regularly deploy code to ensure it works in production, as working software is progress.
    4. Trust Frameworks: Avoid over-testing framework capabilities; focus on application-specific logic.
    5. Create Independent Modules: Place functions in new modules if they don’t fit existing ones, preserving code organization.
    6. Write Tests Early: Use tests to design APIs and guide development, but don’t be rigid about TDD.
    7. Avoid Duplication: Prevent repeated code by abstracting similar implementations after copying once.
    8. Embrace Change: Accept and adapt to evolving designs, understanding that change is intrinsic to software development.
    9. Manage Technical Debt: Focus on minimizing immediate blockers and plan for potential future issues.
    10. Prioritize Testability: Ensure that your code and design facilitate easy testing to maintain code quality and coverage.
  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux only has 0.3% market share in Antarctica unfortunately
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 96%

    Scientists using macs connecting to servers and other machines running Linux.

    Unknown share is high too; Linux usage on desktop in Antarctica could be as high as 15%.

  • privacy Privacy What browser do yall use?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 66%

    valid question, idk why would people downvote it

    broken websites on desktop are rare and not nearly enough to drive a browser change, but they usually fall into two categories:

    1. websites that "break" on purpose for no good reason when they detect it's not chromium. Either avoid the site or change the user agent.

    2. websites that degrade some functionalities because they rely on newer features or on how things appear on chromium. They're usually CSS breakages and do not affect browsing that much.

    Support for manifest v2 greatly outweighs these potential issues imo.

  • memes memes Lemmy in a nutshell
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 100%

    top 5 best things I've done in the last year

  • linux Linux It'sFOSS's tips to understanding the man pages and CLI
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 100%

    mah man

  • space Space In future when we land on other planets we will need a different calendar, Do you think we need a secular calendar or the current Gregorian one?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 100%

    those damn romans, man...

    one month would need to be more flexible for the division remain and leap years, but it would I suppose.

  • space Space In future when we land on other planets we will need a different calendar, Do you think we need a secular calendar or the current Gregorian one?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 1 week ago 100%

    It makes budgeting easier, for one. But it's just a really arbitrary way to have a measure when a week is too little and a season / year too much.

  • linux Linux It'sFOSS's tips to understanding the man pages and CLI
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    man man

    oh man

  • dataisbeautiful Data is Beautiful Clustering 250K+ Tech Job Postings in 2024
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    no wonder it was taking long to load; it's a 58MB HTML file.

    really cool stuff though - I'd love to see more information of what's on the screen:

    • Number of postings (updated when filtered using the search);
    • Some way to visualize posts in the intersection of these clusters e.g. Software Dev with Education; AI and DevOps.
    • Word cloud of most common terms in the posting selection;
    • Ways to export the filtered data.
  • technology Technology Best large TV (70+ inches) for under $1000?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    they have moved, but I wouldn't call a 40" TV large for almost 10 years now.

  • technology Technology Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 96%

    so... people who take typing lessons and actively try to improve it have better typing skills than the ones who don't. Shocking.

  • programming Programming Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 50%

    Because you're assuming foo won't be renamed when it becomes a function. A function should start with a verb, say get_foo(), because just foo() tells me nothing about what the function does (or what to expect as output). If you make it a property, get_ is implicit.

    So if the age is computed from the year of birth for example, it's really e.g. thing.age or thing.get_age() - both of which are fine, but I'd pick the property version.

  • space Space In future when we land on other planets we will need a different calendar, Do you think we need a secular calendar or the current Gregorian one?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    I like it. Months are useful on Earth, but their absence in other planets' calendars will go a long way to simplify things. Seasons can remain a function of Sols with periodic corrections over centuries to account for rotational speed changes.

  • programming Programming Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    that we agree on: properties should be cheap to compute.

    Making a simple ternary condition as a function instead of property is a wasted opportunity to make its usage cleaner.

  • programming Programming Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    Properties make semantic sense. Functions do something, while properties are something. IMO if you want to name something lazily evaluated using a noun, it should be a property.

  • programming Programming Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    Totally agree. The hardcoded isAdult: true repeated in all #2 examples seems like a bug waiting to happen; that should be a property dynamically computed from the age during access time, not a static thing.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating My word game had some weird archaic racist word as one of the answers.
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'm a native pt speaker and I had never thought of the word as slur. I remember it being commonly said on TV, music, and written on newspapers without this connotation. It was certainly more common than the preferred alternative "mestiço".

  • python Python Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    insert standards xkcd

  • python Python Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    what do you mean by one server per tool?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost after 40 all meals are horror
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    it ends when you become lunch

  • technology Technology Ford Patents A Way To Bring Ads Inside Your Car
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    Exactly. A few months ago the headline was a patent of Roku hijacking HDMI to show ads.

    I'll save my energy to be pissed off when this garbage actually makes it to market.

  • linux Linux Help a noob with jellyfin on Ubuntu server
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 77%

    Learn a docker compose deploy. It's a knowledge that pays off for services other than jellyfin too.

  • python Python Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    I forgot pyright: it might be a good choice, but since you like strict mode, see basedpyright instead. I don't know about integrating it with emacs though.

    I'd pick between Ruff and (based)pyright - maybe both if that works in emacs.

  • python Python Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%


    MS LSP is also deprecated in favor of Microsoft's pylance AFAIK. I've never used Jedi much, but it's one of the older ones and not very comprehensive to my knowledge. Ruff is relatively new but they already have >800 rules and increasing. Ruff is by far the fastest too.

    No thoughts on py-lsp.

    Ah, just be sure to enable most (or all) rules with ruff, as the default rule sets are pretty relaxed.

  • python Python Confused about multiplying floating-point & integer values
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    h and r are strings on creation:

    type("5.00") # str
    type(5.00) # float
  • kde KDE Is the path "~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals" still used in Plasma 6.1 on Arch, or can I safely remove it?
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't have a ~/.kde for a long time, but I did set my xdg dirs years ago too.

  • linux Linux Square Enix invests in Linux distribution
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    Collectibles are non-fungible tokens by definition, and blockchain is just a data structure.

    I don't care about collectibles / NFTs, but this is nothing new in the gaming world.

  • programming Programming parquet vs csv
  • eager_eagle eager_eagle 2 weeks ago 100%

    since the data is tabular, JSONL works better than JSON for large files

  • programming
    Programming eager_eagle 3 months ago 96%
    GitHub Copilot Workspace Review

    > GitHub Copilot Workspace didn't work on a super simple task regardless of how easy I made the task. I wouldn't use something like this for free, much less pay for it. It sort of failed in every way it could at every step.

    KDE & Plasma users eager_eagle 7 months ago 84%
    Plasma 6 Wayland + NVIDIA

    I've just upgraded to Plasma 6 on EndeavourOS and X11 works, but booting on Wayland via SDDM gives me a blank screen. The display enters power saving mode and switching to a TTY doesn't wake it up. Anyone else having this problem, or with a workaround suggestion? ``` NVIDIA Driver 550.54.14-4 Operating System: EndeavourOS KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.1 KDE Frameworks Version: 6.0.0 Qt Version: 6.6.2 Kernel Version: 6.7.8-arch1-1 (64-bit) ```

    Linux Gaming eager_eagle 9 months ago 91%
    Uplay games on Linux

    I'd like to try the new Assassin's Creed and Avatar, but they're not on Steam - which is how I play almost every other game on Linux. I know I might be able to install Uplay games using Lutris, but I'm not sure if the experience is as smooth as Steam + Proton. Do you have any experience with Ubisoft + Lutris? Is there an equivalent to ProtonDB to have an idea how well a game runs?
