climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Heat Is Costing the U.S. Economy Billions in Lost Productivity
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%
  • tech Technology Musk says Twitter will no longer have a light mode, making dark mode the default option
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    Hasn't it been in dork mode for a while now? Oh wait, I misread... ;)

  • redditwasfun Reddit Was Fun #FuckSpez on r/place
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 86%

    This seems unhealthy and obsessive at this stage... I've been on Reddit for more than 15 years (don't even remember exactly, my account was 15 years old but I lurked without logging in for a long while before that) so I understand letting go can be hard, but I think it's just better for your mental health to do so. Don't ragebait yourself, don't expect that any protest will work - it will not, and reddit will only show potential investors massive engagement numbers when they propose to infest r/place with ads.

    Just give up - that fight is lost, and we can now have our fun here. We couldn't save Digg before, and we can't save reddit now. I have moved on and it was actually easier than expected. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone - just don't engage with reddit and talk to us here!

  • news World News ‘This is barbarism’: shock at Russian strike on Odesa cathedral
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    So you think words of an Ukrainian priest about Russian atrocities published by a British media source are invalid because... Americans vote for warmongering? Really?

    Or do you believe barbarism is a zero-sum game and only one place in the whole wide world can engage in it at the same time?

    And finally, you say "This isn't barbarism. War is barbarism" - what exactly do you believe is happening in Ukraine right now?

  • ps5 PlayStation | PS5 Welcome to the NEW PlayStation 5 Community Location!
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    For some reason I am unable to make any posts or responses here from my regular instance (trying from Kbin now), which is unfortunate, but hopefully I can at least lurk!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How many communities are you blocking?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    A lot. The way I curate my feed is I subscribe to communities that I'm actively and significantly interested in and block all of them that I don't see myself ever wanting to check out. The rest are places that I might want to see, but maybe not all the time. This way I can filter by Subscribed to see a very focused feed and by All if I want some more randomness, but still without topics I'm really disinterested in.

  • fediverse Fediverse Fast growing Lemmy Communities?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    Not sure if a percentage growth of subscribers is the right metric - a growth from 1 to 3 subscribers looks much bigger when expressed in %...

    I visited one of the communities listed, and it literally only had 3 posts - a welcome one and two pinned ones. All by the same author. That's not exactly what I'd call a fast growig or trending community...

  • news News Bank of America fined $150 million for consumer abuses including fake accounts, bogus fees
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    Sigh, sad but true...

  • news News Bank of America fined $150 million for consumer abuses including fake accounts, bogus fees
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    Why don't penalties for fraudulent or criminal practices START at 100% of all revenue generated by such prectices and go up from there? If the only penalty for stealing $1,000 was a $10 fine, I'd just keep stealing - why are companies expected to do otherwise?

  • reddthatsupport
    Intermittent bad gateway errors earlier today, and completely unable to connect now.

    Did somethig happen to the server? Posting ot from Kbin since reddthat is completely inaccessible to me now.

    technology Technology ChatGPT pauses Bing integration to stop people from bypassing paywalls
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    "We have noticed that by accident we provided a user-friendly functionality without trying to extract money out of you. We apologize for the convenience and promise that we will make sure it never happens again"

  • technology Technology It’s bots all the way down at kindle unlimited
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 80%

    So like the rest of Amazon then? Never used kindle, but Amazon for physical goods has been a dumpster fire for a while - completely overrun with dropshipped garbage, to the point it's actually difficult now to find quality stuff in the sea of "brand s" with random string of capital letter names, all using the same poorly photoshopped image...

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Goodbye RIF - Talklittle's Goodbye to Reddit is Fun users
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 0%

    Rif was reddit for me. It was how I accessed it 99.9% of the time. By far the most used app on all my phones for more than a decade. I'm extremely sad that this is how it dies, but all things must end, it seems. Rest in peace old friend. And rot in pieces reddit, for killing the best goddamned app I've ever used...

  • technology Technology Google execs admit users are ‘not quite happy’ with search experience after Reddit blackouts
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    I do wonder sometimes if that advice still holds, or if vacuum tech made it obsolete...

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration All mods on r/TIHI have been removed.
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    This is bullshit reddit - here, fixed it for you.

  • tech Technology Reddit CEO defiant as moderator strike shutters thousands of forums: 'We made a business decision that we’re not negotiating on'
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    The pigheaded doubling- and tripling-down on this is impressive in a way. Let's see in a couple of months how many actual content creators left reddit and came here or somewhere else. I do hope spez is left with an empty site full of lurkers and bots, after all people who actually provided content for free for years leave him in the dust...

    Then again, I'm not going back there anyway, so to be completely honest I don't care that much - the fediverse is my new home (even though I'm repulsed by the name).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the best place to get news now?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    Artifact looks good, but after playing with it for a while I don't think I can deal with the account if ads and autoplaying videos in articles on an unfiltered internet... Might try opening everything in an ublock-fortified external browser, but that's a bit of a pain tbh.

  • worldnews World News Texas Mandates Panic Buttons In All Classrooms In Response To Mass Shootings
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    I do genuinely hope no teacher ever goes postal with a gun issued due to that rule, but I do wonder what the reaction would be to a tragedy like that - a new rule to issue guns to all students when they enter the school so that they can defend themselves? The mind boggles...

  • asklemmy Asklemmy for the Reddit refugees, do you also feel a bit heartbroken?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 year ago 100%

    I feel you - reddit was my daily staple for more than 15 years. Can't remember exactly, since my account is 15 years, but I browsed without it for a long while before that. And I will miss it, dearly. I'm super sad and angry that spez and the rest of his merry band of morons decided to screw it up this bad. I'll miss some local communities, some gaming ones, some silly video ones, and just the general feeling that any time I go to the bathroom there's going to be tons of new content for me to browse through.

    Sure this place will grow too, I'm sure of it, but it will take a lot of time. It's pretty damn hard to change my habits after 15 years - RiF is my most used app BY FAR, and I'm super sad to see it die like this...
