startrek Star Trek Just for a moment
  • directive0 directive0 17 hours ago 100%

    Thats a backrooms I'd almost enjoy being cursed to be lost in.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming ANBERNIC To Release 3 New Transparent RG35XXSP Handheld Variants Soon | Retro Dodo
  • directive0 directive0 4 days ago 100%

    (woah I dunno why I made a wall of text but here it is)

    Yeah i'm rocking muOS on my 35xxSP (I hate that name everytime I have to type it), and its pretty dang great. In not much of one for the curated library experience with like lush game covers and cool flashy layouts so I dont have much insight to offer there. I downloaded a Star Trek LCARS theme and that was good enough for me.

    MUOS has had no problem reading roms off the main boot SD card (which thanks to their rom directory rules is super grab and go, select a rom, select a core your first time and you're off) is really seamless. You can set favourites etc its very intuitive with on screen button guides. By just launching retroarch on its own you can load roms off the second SD card even if its not formatted to their ROM directory rules which in my case is good because me second SD is just my mass storage card and isn't organized, so its a bit more of a manual Retroarch process to play but not problem for me.

    The SP hardware is fully supported, there is lid close detection and you can tell it how you want that handled, I have it set to save my game state and power down after a set time. My play sessions are typically 3-5 minutes long when I have a brief moment to myself (job and family = gaming atrophy) so its nice to just close it up when I am needed and not have to worry about powering down etc, then when I power it back up again it does take a minute or two to boot but then instantly brings me right back to the game and state I was in when I left. Very nice and it saves me having to constantly charge a dead device I forgot to power down.

    There are some omissions like bluetooth audio, but I've never really had a good experience with bt audio and emulation on handhelds in general so its not glaring for me. I make do with wired headphones if I need them, but the audio response is very quiet. Not sure thats MuOS fault. I think there is also support for BT controllers, but I've never tried that. Nor have I experimented with HDMI out or the like.

    The team making muOS are pretty cool and seem like they have a good vibe. Recently they announced they were actively making changes to the firmware to block a third party application that automagically downloads roms, and it caused some discord drama. I get their motivations, and their desire to protect their work from unwanted ninty litigation, it just kinda seemed like an over correction to me. Just one parasites opinion though. I don't think they are being dicks, just looking out for their hard work and I respect that.

    On the side of general purpose computing theres a number of convenience apps built in, an MP3 player, a video player, some file management tools, a terminal. Theres also an integrated backup and restore tool if you want to nuke and pave. There's also a web based file server if you want to transfer files over wifi which has been SUPER handy.

    On the whole I feel muOS has been a really good experience on the ANBERNIC RG35XXSP and if you're on the fence about trying it consider this a recommendation.

  • startrek Star Trek Just realized these are the same.
  • directive0 directive0 5 days ago 100%

    I love Future's End. It's so much fun!!

  • startrek Star Trek I just finish to see all TNG movies.
  • directive0 directive0 2 weeks ago 100%

    Adjacent to the bridge. Close enough.

  • startrek Star Trek I just finish to see all TNG movies.
  • directive0 directive0 2 weeks ago 100%

    It was cool how they killed off Kirk though. He died as he lived; on the bridge!

  • startrek Star Trek An Exclusive Look and Poster for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Debuts on Star Trek Day
  • directive0 directive0 2 weeks ago 100%

    Lower decks is the only star trek my kids give a damn about, we've watched every season together. The only reason they even considered watching SNW is cause they knew Mariner and Boimler were in the episode.

    I'm going to really miss it.

  • startrek Star Trek ‘Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V’ Audio Drama Podcast Is Currently Casting
  • directive0 directive0 4 weeks ago 100%

    Canon is a beautiful lady and we love her.

  • android Android Big oof: The Google Pixel Watch 3 can't be repaired, only replaced
  • directive0 directive0 4 weeks ago 100%

    Smart watches really feel like the palm pilots/pdas of this generation.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Which was better in 1996: Nights into Dreams or Super Mario 64?
  • directive0 directive0 4 weeks ago 100%

    Wow. What a question. Its hard for me not to be dismissive.

    I'm going to have to go with Mario 64 by a country mile.

    Appreciate the thought experiment though.

  • startrek Star Trek ‘Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V’ Audio Drama Podcast Is Currently Casting
  • directive0 directive0 4 weeks ago 100%

    They ain't hurtin anyone by having some fun.

  • startrek Star Trek Video Preview: Factory Entertainment's Upcoming Star Trek Phaser and Medical Tricorder Prop Replicas
  • directive0 directive0 4 weeks ago 100%

    I wish 12 year old me was still here to see this he would've flipped.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Designing a new printer
  • directive0 directive0 1 month ago 100%

    I too would like to hear some hot takes on core xy

  • startrek Star Trek The ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Movie Sees A “Misfit” Crew Balancing Special Ops Mission And Starfleet Morality
  • directive0 directive0 1 month ago 100%

    Oh for petes sake.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming It's honestly good advice, but I much prefer original hardware when possible.
  • directive0 directive0 2 months ago 100%

    I love old consoles... but old media (carts, cds/dvds) not so much. Flashcarts have been a revelation for me. I'm happy to help out the collectors out there by lowering the demand for original cartridges for my NES or gameboys.

    And honestly its a much purer and more fun experience than an everything emulator where you spend most of your time setting it up and then deciding which game of all the games ever created you feel like playing right now. But I do also enjoy setting up emulator devices be they handheld or set top, and playing on them. I'm not a snob, it's all good stuff and its a great time no matter what your choice, tbh.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Donkey Kong DX Brings The Classic Game To Your Game Boy Color In 2025
  • directive0 directive0 2 months ago 100%

    I wish I had known about this game back in the 90s. What a sleeper hit. Easily in the top ten Gameboy games imo.

    I always just figured it was a port of the arcade game. Imagine my shock after the first few levels it turns into its own amazing game with some zany puzzle platformer mechanics.

    I ended up buying the cart because it was just too good not to have a copy of.

  • microcontrollers MICROCONTROLLERS Joey Castillo Unveils Sensor Watch Pro, a Hackable, Low-Power, Open Source Wristwatch Platform
  • directive0 directive0 2 months ago 100%

    I love my sensorwatch!! I have an f91w and an a158w with an OG sensor watch and a lite respectively and they have been so much fun to mess with.

    Glad to see the Pro is on the way!

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Prusa slicer 2.8 UI changes
  • directive0 directive0 2 months ago 100%

    To my knowledge the only way to "turn off" the menu bar is to run a program in full screen mode on a mac.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming The FPS That Paved The Way For Wolfenstein 3D & Doom Is Getting A New Big Box Release | Time Extension
  • directive0 directive0 3 months ago 100%

    Some of us never forget. And the path it paved for the greatest trilogy in gaming (for Mac users anyhow).

    Somewhere in the heavens they are waiting...

  • startrek
    Star Trek directive0 3 months ago 100%
    Fan Short - Federation Cargo Corps

    After seeing Corgana post the Dilithium and You video, I thought I'd share this fan short I found that feels like a public service/propaganda video. Its some fun stuff. Enjoy.

    retrogaming RetroGaming The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]
  • directive0 directive0 3 months ago 100%

    Videos like that I'm always amazed the creator even bothers uploading. I'd be so fucking embarassed it would never see the light of day.

    But I guess its sunk cost fallacy. Gotta get that content out there I spent a week working on. I guess I can appreciate that. Theres also something to be said about being honest about your fuckups. I was so embarassed for him I noped out of that video so I dont really know how it ended, but I dont recall there being much humility about it?

  • blender Blender USS Poliakoff flyby render test. a WIP Star Trek styled ship with some anamorphic flares and good stuff.
  • directive0 directive0 3 months ago 100%

    Hey cool thanks for the critiques! I'll make some changes with that in mind.

  • blender
    Blender directive0 3 months ago 88%
    USS Poliakoff flyby render test. a WIP Star Trek styled ship with some anamorphic flares and good stuff.

    Been playing with more space stuff. Trying to cook up a TOS style Miranda class ship. I dont have the panelling where I want it but I'm pretty happy so far. Next step is animating some of the ship details like the bussard collectors and anti-colission strobes, etc.

    selfhosting Self-hosting The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC
  • directive0 directive0 3 months ago 100%

    I dunno what everyone else is using pis for but for me it's not media centers or servers. The pi has a full gpio header with i2c and spi. I can hook up LCD screens, sensors, servos, etc without much additional components. It's like an Arduino except I get a real file system, network stack, multicore performance.

    It's more than just a single board computer it feels like an ultra microcontroller.

    I feel like this whole "micro PCs are better than raspis" is coming from the group of people who never really used pis for what they were intended? I don't know. Maybe I'm out to lunch here, I'm not trying to defend the pi because it is definitely a really bad choice for a lot of things but honestly despite all the bad blood they've accrued there still isn't an sbc that can really match it's utility and community support at least that I've seen.

  • thefarside The Far Side 14 June 2024
  • directive0 directive0 3 months ago 40%

    Someone should update this. Put a gun in the hand of the standing astronaut and add a line of dialogue "always has been"

    *hhaha oof I'll show myself out.

  • imaginary Imaginary Capital by Ruan Jia
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    Theres no way that stairwell is to code.

  • startrek Star Trek Why this feels recent?
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    War never changes.

  • startrek Star Trek Star Trek 3 Is Finding Its Way Back to Theaters
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    Even as a kid watching that I remember being like "wait what... really?"

  • oldtimers_youngtimers Oldtimers, Youngtimers and Vintage Motoring Care for some Citicar Cheese Wedge?
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    Always wanted to get one of these and make it into a drivable Star Trek workbee

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook I just can't even.
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    I imagined that as a Gary Larson cartoon for some reason.

  • risa Risa Writers telegraphing their fetishes
  • directive0 directive0 4 months ago 100%

    When they made it a major part of nemesis I was so annoyed.

  • cat
    cats directive0 4 months ago 100%
    This is Jasper, she is our chief of security.

    Jasper (so named for her jasperite like patterning, my daughter likes minerals) adopted our family as a skinny little street cat. My daughter begged us for a cat for months and she just kinda showed up which was perfect. Shes got what we think are siblings that come by but shes the runt of the litter as she has remained small while the other kittens are now big bois. I kind of love that. Smol little cat thats tough as nails is the goods. Apparently she had a place to crash across the street but stopped going as they had too many cats (her previous staff told us all about her and gave us their blessing to take her in). They think she was born and abandoned by momma cat in the alley out back. But she persevered and now she's got a forever home. Shes street smart, but now lives with us mostly in doors and doesn't seem to mind. If she does go outside its just to hang on the back deck and take in the smells. I freaking love this cat. Lots of personality, always down for some pets, constantly wants to be with us but can handle her own and will let you know when you're bugging her.

    lotrmemes Lord of the memes Either that, or Sam was simply uncorruptible and should have been carrying it the whole time
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    This comment thread was a trip!

  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%
  • nostalgia Nostalgia Remember zip drives?
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    That was how me and my friends would get around the Foolproof software on the macs in high school.

    Put a bootable os 9 system folder on a zip drive, boot from it, open the Foolproof control panel in resedit, delete all the resources, reboot into regular os 9, open quake3arena, profit.

  • retrotechnology Retro Technology My Grandfathers pre-war Signal Electric MFG Co. Morse Key
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    It is yeah. His other key has his call sign on it.

  • retrotechnology
    Retro Technology directive0 5 months ago 100%
    My Grandfathers pre-war Signal Electric MFG Co. Morse Key

    I've inherited all my grandfathers radio and telegraph equipment. I have lots of memories of sitting on his lap in his radio room while he talked to people on the other side of the world before the internet was really a thing. He passed away in the mid 90's and I think he would have loved this modern world and all its tools for instant communication. This piece is likely from Signal Electrics Telegraph learners kit, there appears to be many eras of this kit from the 1920s until the 40s. I suspect he got this around the 30's but I'm not sure. Its a really cool piece of retro tech tho.

  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    Maybe its less like a number as we know it, and more like an ant poem or other mnemonic representation?

  • bluey Bluey [The Sign Spoiler] Well, no...
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    The best part was finally getting more lore on Grandpa Bob. Im so glad none of the internet theories were correct.

  • weedtime Weedtime Gets even lighter when some mf pockets it
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    One of those movies I just can't bring myself to watch again. Almost feels like we're living it now.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor "prompt engineering"
  • directive0 directive0 5 months ago 100%

    Ensign Sonya Gomez over here thanking the replicator

    TNG "Q Who?"

    SONYA: Hot chocolate, please.

    LAFORGE: We don't ordinarily say please to food dispensers around here.

    SONYA: Well, since it's listed as intelligent circuitry, why not? After all, working with so much artificial intelligence can be dehumanising, right? So why not combat that tendency with a little simple courtesy. Thank you.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes When I want to use free software to make memes:
  • directive0 directive0 6 months ago 100%

    GIMP is great but it definitely needs its own Blender 3.0 moment where they just completely overhaul the UI.

    I've used it as my primary raster app so I'm way used to it now, but I totally understand the people who just never even bother to learn it because they are so turned off by the absolutely bonkers design decisions.

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sure lady, you bet.
  • directive0 directive0 6 months ago 100%

    If that were true Steve Jobs would still be alive I guess?

  • blender Blender "The Border", my newest render. Let me know what you think!
  • directive0 directive0 6 months ago 100%

    Incredible detailing. So atmospheric!

  • directive0 directive0 6 months ago 100%

    We had a black cat once that jumped in a preheating oven when a back was turned and we didn't see her. We heard her crying before she got hurt but it haunts me what could have happened.

  • blender
    Blender directive0 7 months ago 100%
    Sam Spades Office - Maltese Falcon - WIP

    I've been working on this scene off an on for about 4 years now. Its become a sort of log of my progress learning blender. From subsurface modelling to node texture creation, volumetric effects, etc. Its far from done. It's missing some props (the falcon, some desk stuff) and a real narrative focus. Not to mention the janky scenery outside. Its a work in progress. Its not exactly the stuff that dreams are made of yet but I wanted to share as its getting close to a level I'm proud of. So long!

    Blender directive0 8 months ago 100%
    Starting to get the hang of exterior renderings

    Got this design and was asked to produce an outdoor riverside rendering. Im not fully happy with it yet but I'm liking how its going. It needs more refinement and stochasm to help drive the realism, but for my first real blender archviz attempt with all assets and shaders my work I'm pretty happy with it so far.

    3DPrinting directive0 10 months ago 99%
    Made an enclosure for my beepy. I think enclosures are my favourite part of printing

    I grabbed a [beepy]( a little while back (if interested BE ADVISED: they've since gone dark and left a bunch of people holding out for one, I got really lucky and ordered super early) so I could work on some python stuff on the go. I didn't like having all the parts exposed, and the cases available seemed too flimsy for my liking. I fired up blender and designed a [unibody case]( for it. Printed it out on my Ender 3 and its been pretty great. I use it with some [software I'm writing]( to turn a raspberry pi into a portable sensor data acquisition and visualization platform called a Picorder (Pi + Tricorder). ![Nice back view with my picorder logo]( It took a couple revisions to get here, mostly to get the feel in the hand right. I wanted some bulbousness to make it easier to hold. ![]( It's designed so the PCB slides into it and is affixed by two screws, and then a top cap is secured with four more screws to protect the top. ![]( I've been printing a couple years now and enclosures are still my favourite item to design and print. So satisfying to hold something in your hand that was once just a 3D model and is now a fully real object. I wanted to add some content here as I've enjoyed looking at the other posts! I wish you all easy first layers and good prints!

    Risa directive0 10 months ago 100%
    I mean Sulu flyin' a Huey? 😚👌

    I don't even care that none of it makes sense.

    Risa directive0 10 months ago 99%
    They're always looking for a way to fuck up your day.

    It's like it's part of their job description.

    RetroGaming directive0 1 year ago 100%
    A lil FF7 at lunch time on my RP2+

    Hardly retro hardware but now with the new version coming out it's definitely obsolete. Even so I'm still lovin my rp2+. Even my RP3+ hasn't been able to replace it. Its a great form factor, is capable of emulating a bunch of decent systems, and functions as a general purpose android device. FF7 is a game I never played back in the day even though the commercials are still burned into my brain. While I'm not a huge Final Fantasy guy, I figured I owed it to myself to try and make my way through it. The prerendered scenery mixed with cool stylized polygonal characters is great. Hope everyone is taking their daily recommended dose of pointless nostalgia gaming ;)
