history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 3 days ago 100%
  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Russian Dolls
  • commiespammer commiespammer 1 month ago 100%

    Musk reminds me of the perpetual dictator from I, the Supreme, (which I have not read), except he's racist and stupid.

  • technology technology Capitalist Innovation.
  • commiespammer commiespammer 1 month ago 100%

    I can already see the redditors going 'this will make reddit just like China!!!!11!!1!1!'

  • sino
    sino commiespammer 3 months ago 100%
    A little history of Beiyang China, part 1 (crossposted from my community on lemmygrad)

    Many of you probably know a little bit about the history of early modern China—the fall of the Qing dynasty, the civil war, and the foundation of today’s China. Yet there’s more to the story of China’s path to socialism. Chinese warlords may be a familiar term for some, and for me as well, yet for the longest time I only knew that they existed, not much about who they were, or what they did. A while ago I finally decided to pick up a book written by Lai Xinxia on this period of history. He is a very reliable scholar—after participating in the Chinese revolution he was assigned to sorting the archives of the Beiyang era, and over fifty years gradually improved his draft until publishing the final edition of his book, “History of the Beiyang Warlords”, in 2004. I have made a summary of it here to educate more people, something I have not spent as much time doing as I should have. First, a definition. The Chinese term for a single warlord group is 系, which can translate to system, line, etc. The generally accepted english translation for this is ‘clique’, which I will use here. The english translations for the clique names seem to be based on location (province names) rather than abbreviations commonly used in Chinese. I will be using the Chinese versions here since I’m too lazy to find the english translations for all of them. After the opium wars, many Qing officials realized the importance of self-strengthening and creating a modern army. Li Hongzhan, one of the many han officials who rose to prominence in the last years of the Qing empire, created his own army, the Xiangjun, with modern equipment and training methods. Eventually this unit proved instrumental in defeating the Taiping rebellion, and for a time there was hope within the empire that expanding the ‘new army’ would lead to the empire being able to resist foreigners and establish its sovereignty. The Empire also created two foreign affairs departments, Beiyang (north sea) and Nanyang (south sea) respectively. As an important Beiyang civil servant, Li Hongzhang was the forerunner of the powerful warlords who would come to control vast portions of China in the first few decades of the coming century. Yet without changing society, the new armies soon fell to corruption, and by the time Japan declared the Jiawu war the Beiyang Fleet, a modernized fleet the Qing government had established, was largely corrupted, ineffectual, and quickly defeated by Japan despite strong patriotism and determined resistance by patriotic soldiers and officers alike. Yuan Shikai was at this time only a minor officer, who at some point was stationed in Korea. Despite a minor incident in which he was reported to the government, many praised his effective training of his own army, with some westerners remarking that China would be saved if they had more units like his. Yet during the invasion of China by the eight powers, instead of going into battle he decided to withdraw to preserve his own strength, with the result that he took almost no losses while his sister units of the new army were completely crushed. After the ordeal, he then escorted Cixi back to the forbidden city, and won the affection of many in government with this action. One thing to note is that in 1895 Yuan Shikai began conducting military drills in Xiaozhan (little station) near Beijing, which many scholars consider to be the beginning of the Beiyang era. In 1911 the Xinhai revolution erupted and the imperial system which had existed in China for millennia was overthrown. While this was a bourgeoisie revolution, it nonetheless pushed history forward greatly in China. Yet at this point many of the revolutionaries were politically naive, including Sun Zhongshan, the leader of the new Republic of China, and believed that their country could not succeed without existing figures of authority in government. This, combined with Sun’s own lack of political experience, led to the new government electing Yuan Shikai as its first official president. The Tongmenghui, Sun’s revolutionary party, decided to engage in parliamentary politics, and slowly began to lose its revolutionary characteristic. Yuan was not content with merely being president and being constrained by the majority-tongmenghui (which around this time had rebranded itself as the Guomindang, ‘party of the national people’) parliament. So after a few years of rule and forcing through laws that increasingly gave him power, he finally declared himself emperor of the Chinese Empire and disbanded parliament. Before this, he had also secretly signed a humiliating treaty with Japan to win support secretly in 1915. This will become important later… Yuan’s move was met with opposition from almost everyone in China, even including monarchists, who wanted the former Qing empire on the throne. His own subjects were also unhappy, as their potential position as Yuan’s successor was now only available to his children. After a few short months Yuan died from sickness, and democracy returned. Yet… During Yuan’s monarchy, Sun Zhongshan had advocated for a Second Revolution. Working in the south and gathering the support of revolutionaries and local warlords, he managed to establish a southern government. Yet he controlled very few armies himself, with only a few fleets in the navy supporting him. Most of the armies fighting for the southern republic were warlords who only opposed Yuan for their own gain and cared little for progress in China. In the North, after Yuan’s death splits began to appear in the previously cohesive Beiyang bloc. The Wan clique, led by Duan Qirui, and the Zhi clique, lead by Feng Guozhang. While Duan advocated for using force to unify China and defeat the southern government, Feng wanted a peaceful reunification, more because he was opposed to Duan than any other reason. To resolve their conflict, they appointed a third party, Li Yuanhong to take on the role of the president of China. At this point, Zhang Xun, a staunch monarchist, led his army into Beijing with the pretext of mediating a negotiation between the Wan and Zhi cliques. Instead, he seized power with his ‘pigtail army’ and promptly reestablished the Qing empire, with the child emperor Puyi (who had been treated well and allowed to stay in the forbidden city by the revolutionaries) as its leader. Of course this did not last long, with all the Beiyang warlords coming to oppose him. Duan Qirui gave himself the title of creating democarcy three times with his defeating of Zhang Xun, and the Wan clique at this point became the dominant player on the Beiyang stage. Yet the country was still divided into north and south, and tensions between the two cliques were growing more heated by the day. (part 1 concluded)

    worldbuilding worldbuilding Post-Lindsen Commission Collapse Femboy Revanchist Patriarchy---- the Muzhinen Iron State
  • commiespammer commiespammer 3 months ago 100%

    Pretty much just patriarchy but with women, even worse in certain cases since it's mixed with imperialism to justify their extraction of resources.

  • worldbuilding
    worldbuilding commiespammer 3 months ago 100%
    Lan Zhigao and Helene Batova: the women of Muzhchina LA Mashina

    In many ways the world of Muzhchina LA Mushina is about domination and subservience, both on a national level and on a gender level. But what I haven't talked about a lot here is the interpersonal level and the lives of those who inhabit this world. Helene Batova is a slightly above average Burgunian who suffers under their political system. She's obviously very proud, but also cold to those around her. She thinks of herself as very mature yet often acts rashly, like when Pierre was grating on her with his enthusiasm for aviation. Deep down she did not really believe Andre's accusations against him, yet she cut off all contacts with him anyways. As she matures she constantly believes herself to have finally become a responsible adult, yet constantly learns that she's still far from grown. In what has to be one of the least kinky aspects of MLM she eventually keeps Andre, now her lover, on a leash, as if to secure her control over him. She is only fooling herself and doing a poor job of it; Andre's power over her and the abuse he inflicts gradually breaks her in the years following her disconnection with Pierre. She could move to the Orenland occupation areas to find a life where she would be respected for her sex, yet her blind nationalism without being able to see through class relations chains her to Burgune. Even so she eventually manages to build her prototype of an aircraft, but ends up crushing both of her legs on her test flight due to sabotage that was aimed at Pierre, no less. Even when he takes care of her during her recovery, she can't find it within herself to love him because of what she's driven between them herself. In contrast Zhigao is a much happier woman, from Xibei, which is basically China. While her entire family is dead, and she's heavily injured when she barely escapes to Burgune with the skin on her back, she's happy. According to her philosophy, as long as she's done the best she could, then there's no reason for her to lament her fate. And she still has plenty of loved ones to cling to: Fang Zheng (her boyfriend, still in Xibei and alive due to smoothened relations between the NPA and monarchy), and Pierre as well as his friends. Of course, she's a very sloppy person in her daily life, though determined (seen through the handkerchief she sewed with Zheng's name that Pierre finds while she's semi-conscious off the train), and she semi-secretly desires to be taken care of. And the young men and women she organizes with are truly her friends who would (and did, when she first was ordered to escape to Burgune due to her age) die for her, while many of Helene's 'friends' are quick to abandon her, if not outright manipulative. At least during the first half of MLM, the culture within the NPA is much more open, with outright revolutionary factors flourishing, while Burgune is a typical conservative monarchy with a heavily oppressive society, weak to outsiders but harsh to its own citizens. Just through these two women alone, it's easy to see how big of an influence where you've grown affects the characters.

    worldbuilding worldbuilding Post-Lindsen Commission Collapse Femboy Revanchist Patriarchy---- the Muzhinen Iron State
  • commiespammer commiespammer 3 months ago 100%

    Hey, sorry for taking so long to see this! Anyways the world is split into two continents, a 1850-90~ patriarchal continent and a 1900-20~ matriarchal one, which for magic lore reasons did not invade the less advanced one upon recently, after which they established a puppet state where they tried to instill their values. This sort of worked, although less well on the periphery, where after the puppet's inevitable collapse they ended up with TNO-esque ideologies like femboy fascism on the periphery, where their indoctrination was less intense.

    It's also worth noting the commission was only part of Lindsen itself, much of the rest of the country is various warlords who are still patriarchal. By this point though most of them have been unified under a communist warlord who is preparing for a Great Trial against the invaders, for nationalist rather than gender reason

  • news news Imagine electing a climate scientist as president
  • commiespammer commiespammer 4 months ago 100%

    They should unironically change the US anthem to the skibidi toilet song

  • chat chat Hexbear has improved my history knowledge
  • commiespammer commiespammer 6 months ago 100%

    Good now play hoi4 to improve your knowledge fur----

  • movies movies The U.S. map in Alex Garland’s ‘CIVIL WAR’
  • commiespammer commiespammer 6 months ago 100%

    Kaiserreich reference?

  • worldbuilding
    worldbuilding commiespammer 6 months ago 100%
    Lindsen book (pls read) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54966706/chapters/139339348

    This one takes place in Burgune, which I don't think I've written about here, but you'll enjoy the expanded lore and story (I hope) anyways.

    news news ‘Game-Changing’ Election: West Africa’s Anti-French Uprising Hits Senegal
  • commiespammer commiespammer 6 months ago 100%

    No more baguettes folks

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank China committed a heinous act against the Japanese.....five hundred years ago, also the BACTERIAL coVid weapon they unleashed apparently
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    Yuan was Chinese.

    However COVID-19 was not a 'bacteriological attack' it's a fucking virus moron

  • movies movies The Soviet Union existed in the Cars Universe...
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    It's pretty weird compared to the other two, but I loved it anyways because it was just so goofy

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse The Chungus Imperium Celebrates its Tricentennial, a PoxWire Patriotism Special; Part 1: the Orlando Necroplex
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    Old post but damn this hits different. Kinda reminds me of those TNO post apocalyptic events.

  • askchapo askchapo How to get over posting anxiety
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%


    jokes aside yeah I'm afraid of getting drawn into struggle sessions, it's one of my less favorite sides of hexbear.

  • askchapo askchapo How to get over posting anxiety
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    I crave the dopamine spike from those little numbers next to the inbox.

  • askchapo askchapo How to get over posting anxiety
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    Ultimate??? Like danganronpa?

  • urbanism urbanism Think about the cultural loss!
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    I think it's neat to be able to walk. Cars on the streets and all are cool but cities are boring without pedestrians.

  • history history Qin Shi Huang, founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of February 2023
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

  • labour labour T-Bone Slim (1880) - New General Megathread for the 14th to 15th of February 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    ::: spoiler spoiler the only thing I 5:04 really do want to say is uh over the 5:06 last few years I've started talking to 5:07 more and more people who are strange in 5:10 some way uh Autistic or schizophrenic or 5:12 something and um when I talk to them and 5:15 when I listen to them what really stands 5:17 out is how grateful they are that 5:20 someone is taking the time to understand 5:22 them Beyond just viewing them as a 5:24 nuisance and I don't think being a 5:26 nuisance on the internet warrants a 5:28 death sentence and I don't think that is 5:30 a good enough excuse to celebrate 5:32 someone's death I don't know how he 5:34 would have wanted to have been 5:35 remembered he was a deeply nihilistic 5:38 person and I don't think he believed in 5:40 anything besides himself

    ---- jreg

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcPJfX1D1w0 :::

    (sorry for the atrocious formatting I copied this straight off the transcript

  • marxism marxism Jose Maria Canlas Sison - New General Megathread for the 7th to 9th of February 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

    I found out yesterday I love helping people and giving away stuff.

  • marxism marxism Jose Maria Canlas Sison - New General Megathread for the 7th to 9th of February 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 7 months ago 100%

  • latam latam Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán - New General Megathread for the 5th-6th of February 2024
    politics politics Swing state polling. Biden's getting crushed.
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Watching any American electoral thing is like watching the little nukes fly on doomsday simulations.

  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Ah, it's alright. Thanks for trying your best anyways!

    Edit: I got it to work it by downloading files one at a time lol.

  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    haha, sorry to bother you. Would pixeldrain work? I've used it a couple times before.

  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Yeah, it gets frozen at 100%. If I could get it into my computer I could probably run it fine.

  • history history Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic - New General Megathread for the 28th to 29th of January 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Can't even talk to anyone in real life about how I feel without bending into severe irony. Maybe I'll just give up and embrace the communist hardliner aesthetic, but I still want to go to college...

  • mutual_aid mutual_aid Please help need emergency funds to not be homeless please bump
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%


  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    ah.... I tried a few times but it keeps getting stuck at 100%, I was just going to ask you. Sorry to bother you, but do you know how to like fix that?

  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    I tried but the link was expired lol. Also I can read Chinese, no problem! It was that I couldn't install it because steam is crap.

  • games games Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Yay, thank you so much!

  • games
    games commiespammer 8 months ago 100%
    Can somebody who has HOI4 on steam help me install this mod steamcommunity.com

    I've tried many websites to download this but they all don't work. If it's possible, could somebody with HOI4 on steam download it and send the file to me? Thanks. Sorry if this isn't allowed or anything, I'll delete this if that's the case.

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Here's a real GoPro on the streets of Pyongyang
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%


  • anarchism anarchism Kōtoku Incident - New General Megathread for the 24th-25th of January 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

  • memes memes literary references
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    I do this all the time with junkosreich stuff.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse A proposal for the skibidification of Hexbear
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    I simultaneously hate and love this so much.

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse commiespammer 8 months ago 98%
    A proposal for the skibidification of Hexbear

    Let's face it: ppb is stupid and no longer funny. All people are gonna do when they see it is shake their heads and think we're idiots clinging to a dead meme nobody ever thought was funny. They're not gonna magically become tankies because they saw an emoji of a fucking pig pooping on its testicles. Know what's really devastating? What'll really throw them for a loop and send them crying back to their fascist hidey-holes? Skibidi fucking toilet, that's what. Imagine. We could be called 'hexskibidi' and our logo would be like the hexagonal bear but with skibidi toilet. We could just call everybody 'fellow ohio skibidi sigma rizzlers' and all the taglines could be changed to just 'SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI' repeated over and over again like a trot insisting that THIS issue is totally gonna bring about the world revolution! Then we could post pigskibidiballs and all the libs will be devastated, they'll cry and scream and not be very sigma when they see some five year old watching skibidi toilet on their ipad like they're being mind controlled by aliens and scream "NOOO SKIBIDI TOILET IS TANKIE!1!1!1!!!!1111!!!111" And then the republican campaign would be Donald Trump promising to bomb skibidi toilet to own the woke homosexual communists. This is what we could have. This is what we're missing out on.

    worldbuilding commiespammer 8 months ago 100%
    Pavel Arkhangelsky (Junkosreich spoilers)

    Pavel Arkhangelsky was born on February 13, 2006 in a hospital somewhere in Japan. His parents lived in the Soviet Union before its collapse. Afterwards, they moved to Japan due to programs that paid relatively well for their technical expertise in engineering. He was enrolled in a local high school, where he met Sayori, who was somewhat sympathetic to his cause. Indoctrination was wasted on him as he had learned Soviet patriotism from his parents from a young age. Despite his best efforts, Pavel was never more than an average student, in part due to his alienation from his classmates who were complete slaves to capitalist ideology. For his first year, Sayori was his only friend. Though he attempted to join a socialist club, it was full of demsocs and he left angrily. The following year he was invited by Sayori into the newly-formed literature club, which, under his guidance, became a sort of hub for socialist activities. This culminated in his invitation to Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Marxist Leninist. Unaware of what was going on at the time, he was thrust into the Killing Game. Though thrown off his footing at first, he was able to gain the trust of the remaining students and used his limited knowledge to construct simple devices such as molotovs and even a rudimentary cannon. Eventually, he was able to escape Hope's Peak Academy. In March of 2029, when the duties of reorganizing post-verzwieflungkrieg society was at last completed, he married Sayori in Leningrad. Three years following, they had their eldest child, Kiril. Seven years following, another child, again a son named Milorad. In terms of personality, on the chart thingy I made the fuck up, he can best be described as warm/passion. He obviously cares about his friends, and also excels at political agitation.

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are school teachers bourgeois?
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    You've heard of time and teachers being bourgeois, now get ready for this:

    space-time as a concept is bourgeois. Einstein was a cop.

  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    I'm the guy doing the film.

  • games games Last thing a space slaver sees.
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    unrelated but is your pfp Celestia Ludenburg? Danganronpa reference????

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse commiespammer 8 months ago 100%
    What are the politics of modern young women?

    We know all about the edgy 'manosphere' bullshit that teenage males basically get shoved down their throats these days and gladly suck up since they don't see any alternatives, but what about women?

  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    I don't understand what's happening here.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Remember when people said "epic bacon" whatever happened to that?
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    skibidi bacon

  • europe europe Irish War of Independence - New General Megathread for the 20th and 21st of January 2024
  • commiespammer commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Writing chapter 35 of Danganronpa Junkosreich. Pavel has now unlocked the chemistry lab and he's gonna build a big cannon to blow the headmaster's room door off its hinges lol.

  • worldbuilding
    worldbuilding commiespammer 8 months ago 100%
    The living jets of Silen's skies

    After watching the darwin 4 documentary over the weekend I decided skewers were cool and decided to add a variant of them to my story. So, canonically, the entirety of Silen (the continent Lindsen is located on) was created by Komi(me), and humans were later introduced. Thus, the animals that live there have quite different anatomies from what we're used to. These include the massive flying organisms known as 1/1/17/4. Now this family is quite diverse, and actually consists of two major lineages, 1/1/17/4/1 and its derivatives, as well as 1/1/17/4/2. 1/1/17/4/1 is the older of the two. Organisms of this group have two large jet pods on their backs, while their bodies are torpedo-shaped, with a large mouth that can expand to swallow prey. Teeth are present inside the throat, to aid in crushing it. Juices are digested in the stomach. Most waste is immediately expelled to reduce weight, while nutrients enter the blood. Several large blood vessels flow past the jet pods to cool off, also heating the air inside slightly. In two organs beneath the jet pods, glucose and fat are metabolized into methane. Upon entering the jet pods, air first goes through several tightly compacted swirls to increase pressure, then into a combustion chamber which expanding muscles can compress. Methane is added here, and electrical pulses from ignition nerves ignite the mixture. A sphincter opens shortly following a compression to allow the heated air to release. Most members of the 1/1/17/4/1 family have not lost their hind fins. They have instead evolved into two triangular fins that sit directly behind the jet pods, possible directing the flow of air. A single large tail that resembles a boat's rudder is located at the end of the organism and has colorful patterns that may aid it in finding mates. The two wings resemble elongated triangles. The eyes sit close to the lower jaw, and transparent eyelids can cover them when prey is being attacked. While superficially similar, 1/1/17/4/2 is quite a different family. For one, its jet pods are located at the base of the wings. It lacks stabilizers, as its fins have migrated to where its lower jaw once was to form a sharp, flexible organ resembling a limb crossed with a jaw that can impale prey. It is smaller and faster than its cousins in 1/1/17/4/1, as its smaller size (though it's still very big, it has a wingspan of 6 meters and a length of roughly 3) ensures it can have a faster metabolism. These two species have been regarded as pests due to their hunting of herds of livestock. In the past, little could be done about them due to the lacking of any weapons that would be effective against their speed. However, developments in firearms have caused a considerable decline in their numbers. If the living jets are to remain in Silen's skies, action must be taken to protect them. Although, frankly, given all the shit that's going on in Silen, I wouldn't blame them if preserving these species are pretty low on their list of priorities.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCO
    commrequest commiespammer 8 months ago 100%

    Hear me out, this could be like a sub where we discuss trends and stuff for people who don't understand new trends, kinda like out of the loop for reddit.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 8 months ago 100%
    Vesyolye Rebyata's 'Automobile', translated very shittily to Chinese, + english version and notes

    Before you read this, do keep in mind that although I'm a native speaker, I'm not all that good with actually writing chinese songs, or any songs at all for that matter. Plus, I had to make very weird phrases to make some of them work, so apologies if any of this really bothers you. I also formatted it as code so I could have normal paragraphs. The re-translation to english is also probably unrecognizable. ::: spoiler Chinese ``` 我们习惯从开车得到欢乐 很快我们就会忘记曾是怎么走着 对我们来说走两步就是折磨 但十万米对汽车不算什么 摩托汽车,摩托汽车 覆盖了世界,也覆盖了你我 就算是寂静,干枯的古河 也躲不过飞奔的摩托汽车 我们的音乐是发动机的喧闹 汽油对我们来说闻起来像香料 我们需要什么?四条车道的大桥 还有用来维护车子的材料 摩托汽车,摩托汽车 覆盖了世界,也覆盖了你我 就算是寂静,干枯的古河 也躲不过飞奔的摩托汽车 有一个矛盾显得格外突兀 就是车子应该为我们服务 可是我们爬到车下,闻着难闻的烟雾 像我们是这些机器的奴仆 摩托汽车,摩托汽车 覆盖了世界,也覆盖了你我 就算是寂静,干枯的古河 也躲不过飞奔的摩托汽车 ``` ::: ::: spoiler English w/notes ``` We are accustomed to taking pleasure from driving Soon we'll forget how we once walked (In the original song these two lines are inverted. I swapped their places, partly for rhythm, and partly because I was going off memory for this part) For us, two steps is agony But a car can handle a hundred kilometers with ease The refrain, which is the paragraph below, is sung twice here. Automobiles, automobiles (literally 'motor cars'. I don't think this is an actual expression in Chinese, but I had to get enough syllables somehow.) have covered the world, have covered you and me (The original lyric only mentions automobiles 'literally covering everything. I changed it partly to rhyme, and partly to get enough syllables.) Even the quiet, dried ancient riverbed (The original lyric is about places where dust has laid for centuries. I changed it so it would rhyme with the next line.) Cannot stop the speeding automobile. (I used the term 'feiben', which can't be directly translated to english afaik, but roughly means 'going really fast'. Again, the original lyric is about automobiles leaving their mark, but I changed it for, you guessed it, syllables.) The sound of engines is music to our ears, And gasoline smells like spices. (These two lines are fairly faithful to the original, but the first line has its structure inverted.) What do we need? Four lane highways! (The original line bemoans lanes being too narrow. I changed it to bridges to rhyme.) And materials to repair our cars. The refrain is sung twice here. A contradiction is particularly obvious, (There is no mention of this in the original. I added it to have enough syllables. I do that a lot, don’t I.) Cars were supposed to serve us (This is the real first line) But we crawl under the car, and inhale disgusting smoke (This should be two lines, and the part about smoke is nowhere in the song. But I had to make it rhyme somehow. A side effect was that I ended up with an absurd amount of syllables.) Like we are the slaves of these machines (Again, no mention of this in the original, but I had to rhyme, and it’s heavily implied anyways.) The refrain is now sung four more times. ``` ::: ::: spoiler spoiler I'M JOINING THE WAR ON CARS ON THE SIDE OF THE CARS ::: spoiler spoiler I'm just joking please don't kill me ::: :::

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    The Menora Kingdoms---- basically Italy

    Unlike Lindsen, the southern Menora kingdoms were never whole. Wedged between the southern coast and the Raimat river, they have historically been separate, albeit sharing cultures. However, an Orenland state has established a Commission in its southeast peninsula, and although it expands less aggressively than the analogous Lindsen Commission, it is still a threat to the unity of the nation. In the eastern area between the two forks of the Raimat river is eastern Menora, which has modernized in part due to influence from the Menora Commission, with beret hats becoming a staple of the local industrialist leaders, be they populist or centralist. To the west, more traditional rulers guard their kingdoms from dangerous and radical schools of thought that may bring upheaval to their feudal orders. In the southwest, Emilio Colella rules in the Sidenian Kingdom, occupying roughly a third of western Menora. His coastal kingdom holds significant economical influence as well as having access to plentiful resources. Rocco Pignatoro is slightly further north, with his Subaldena bordering Lindsen's Aldenland, being only a river apart. A rather traditional though large kingdom slightly smaller than the Sidenian Kingdom. It is more technologically backwards due to being essentially locked from the outside world. But will the turmoil in the continent force it to embrace change? Matteo Landolfi rules the Dosenti State in the eastern portion of Menora, in the middle of the section with a small port. It borders the Menora Commission directly and as a result has greatly benefited from the technology leaking from the advanced Commission. But will Melinda Whitfield tolerate this one-sided flow of precious Orenland advantage? Salvatore Scanga is in even more dire straights, with most of his republic close to the Commission border. He clings on for now, intensifying construction of fortifications he hopes will delay the inevitable onslaught, but is he only erecting dirt walls in the unstoppable path of fate? Melinda Whitfield controls the Merona Commission, where lighter policy has resulted in significantly less unrest than her Lindsen counterparts. But this has resulted in less progress towards true matriarchy than her superiors would desire, and as the years drag on they may lose their patience entirely. Finally, the industrial populist state of the Vensorian Council, a small and often overlooked country in the north of eastern Menora, is ruled precariously by Belani Insoro, with power split between the two main industrial populist parties, the VRC and the VRGP. But the industrial centralist VNPA lurks in the shadows as promised reforms fail to bring about substantial improvements in life, even as various proletarian populist movements hinder various projects. Most disturbing of all, the establishment of Albert Stahler's Worker's State in the northern border has resulted in a diffusion of proletarian centralist thought. Who knows what the future will entail... All of these countries may have never been a part of something greater, yet advances in communication and nationalism has created something new in the people. And perhaps someday, their dream will be fulfilled, and all of Menora will be one.

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    Orenland's Vietnam: the war in Lindsen from the perspective of the invaders

    If you asked any soldier or student in any warlord state in Lindsen what the cause of the Orenland invasion, you would get different answers. From a citizen of the state of Aldenburg, that they come to upend Lindsen's traditions and impose unnatural matriarchy upon its citizens. From the Worker's State, that they are capitalists seeking resources to exploit, no longer satisfied with what they can find on their own soil. From a businessman in Gorsenya, they are here to rob Lindsen of economic activity.. All these answers are true to an extent. Due to sea monsters, the two continents only connected very recently, when an Orenland steamship fitted with a reinforced hull reached the eastern coast of the southern Lohne strip, belonging to Lindsen at the time. From the point of view of the invaders, this was an excellent opportunity to expand its raw resource base, as well as to relieve social tensions. At home, despite numerous attempts at suppression, strikes and other such disloyal behaviors were rising, while others complained that even in industrialized times men were still legally property, and even going to suggest that industrial populism was not very populist after all. The invasion was over in months. Superior artillery as well as tanks and aircraft, which were nonexistent in the backwards states of Lindsen, Burgune, and the fragmented southern kingdoms, easily destroyed their armies. Peace was made with Burgune, while an uneasy stalemate was achieved with the southern Menora kingdoms. No such luck in Lindsen, which was defeated thoroughly and turned into a puppet. For a year or so, things were looking up, with a large region to extract resources and more jobs to soothe unruly elements at home. Unfortunately, the people of Lindsen did not make things easy for the invaders. In two years the Commission's territory was history and it only retained a fertile but small section of the Lohne strip. Masses were angry as austerity measures had come down to nothing, with none of the promised riches from war going into the pockets of working women. Industrialists were similarly angered by the lack of promised profit. With this background as well as the spread of proletarianism, both centralist and populist, across all the nations of Orenland, several massive civil wars broke out in which various smaller states were seized by proletarian forces around eight years after initial invasion. The governments of several larger states, including Orenland proper, hastily mobilized to combat the red menace. While they were successful in containing the proletarian revolutions, it left them militarily and economically hollowed, and allowed for the Lindsen states to develop without fragmentation intervention. While the two federations were defeated two years later, it was a half-measure at best and little measures were imposed to contain them. Thirteen years after the initial invasion, the situation had stabilized somewhat, with the propaganda machine working to indoctrinate a new generation against dangerous proletarian sentiments that would snuff out, it was hoped, the revolutionary flame once and for all. But Albert Stahler of the South Lindsen Worker's State and his growing country seem to think otherwise, and the time may come again where a second conflict with Lindsen will leave Orenland too weakened to fight, even against threats within its own borders. The fate of a continent and the entire matriarchy painstakingly built in the Commission, as well as its Menora section, lies on the actions of these warlords with their own dreams for their nation. May the One save Orenland, for no one else can.

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    How might a society remain matriarchal through the development of agriculture?

    So while I've done some detailed worldbuilding for Lindsen and its surrounding nations, I haven't even drawn a map for the Orenland yet, and all I know is that it's slightly more advanced and it's supposed to be matriarchal. But how might it have become so even with agriculture being developed? I contemplated having the entire continent or at least the part where humans originated be rainforest with plentiful fruits to make gathering more viable, while dangerous animals meant men were needed for defense and therefore more expendable. However, this is immensely stupid for obvious reasons. Does anybody have better ideas I can steal?

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    South Lindsen Worker's State lore: Albert Stahler, the man of steel

    Two years after the Orenland invasion, the former Lindsen Commission collapsed. Brandon Holstein, a member of the old nobility, led his chunk of the Southern Raimat. The initial threat of an invasion from the remains of the Commission subsided when many fragmented warlord states arose between it and Holstein's domain. The ambitious Holstein took it upon himself to reunify the nation, trusting that the Commission would be too weakened to notice his expansion. For a while this strategy was effective. Holstein was able to federate with many larger closer states over the next seven years, while also annexing surrounding microstates. He also attempted to industrialize his country to compete in productions with the Commission. While he was able to establish a formidable industry, this also led to the quiet strengthening of industrialists, which he tried his best to suppress. For most of the first ten years after the invasion he was successful at keeping a lid over industrialist power. Eventually, Johannes Heydritch's North Lindsen Federation had also become sufficiently powerful, so Holstein proposed a federation that would then lead to only west Lindsen being incomplete, by which point the weak warlords there could be easily defeated. However, the Commission had grown westward in the decade after its initial collapse and was now almost bordering the two federations. The day before the federation would've occured, the commission invaded the two federations and crushed both of them. The treaty of East Lindsen was signed, forcing the two federations to split apart into their constituitent states. The remaining rump state of South Lindsen lost much of its authority. Holstein became closer to Albert Stahler in this period of time as the industrialists gained more and more power over the nation's affairs. He entrusted Stahler with his ultimate plan: seeing as retaining his nobilibty was no longer possible, he hoped to instead pursue one of his long-lost dreams of utopianism, when he was just an aspiring prince in a Lindsen that was still complete. Two years after the federation's defeat, Holstein died. On the same day, Stahler became the Regent of the South Lindsen Federation, and disbanded the army with the pretext of reorganizing. He quickly mobilized the masses as all industrial output stalled for the day. The private police of the Industrialists retaliated but was quickly crushed by the sheer number of workers Stahler had organized, combined with the weapons confiscated from the former army. Within a week the industrialists were crushed and the workers had siezed power. Soon afterwards, Stahler revoked his position of regent and declared himself the chairman of the South Lindsen Worker's State under the governing principles of Proletarian Centralism, a jump from the previous Feudal Centralism. While the new state faced challenges, most neighboring states were too weak to intervene. In addition, there were none of the problems with production the later matriarchal and patriarchal post-Commission states had, due to workers being familiar with production already. The Commission invaded two years later, taking the eastern half of the Worker's State. But despite this massive setback, it retains the industrial base to expand and strengthen for possible unification. What does the future hold for the South Lindsen Worker's State?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    Junkosreich in shambles: sophie's world moment

    “What are you pondering today, Junko?” “Have you ever thought about the existence of a higher power, Monika?” “....” “That’s awfully spiritual of you, Junko.” “No, I’ve found some quite interesting inconsistencies in our world that could be explained away with such a being interfering—or quite possibly dictating—the events of our time.” “You don’t mean to say that we’re all just characters in a story?” “That’s certainly one possibility. Pavel certainly has done much better than his previous efforts would suggest.” “Pavel wasn’t the best student when we were in the literature club. Now that you mention it, I can’t really imagine how he became a logic genius overnight.’’ “The more I think, the more I suspect that we are just characters in a story, and quite a poorly written one at that. At this very moment the author is typing words into a computer, or perhaps across a typewriter, or maybe a pencil to paper. These words are not mine, nor are any I’ve ever uttered, nor do anyone’s words in our world belong to them.” Monika was slightly skeptical. “But… minor inconsistencies can’t really prove that we’re not real. There could be a better explanation!” I have decided that I should reveal my existence to Monika. Junko’s teachings have gotten quite monotonous and any variety, even immersion-breaking ones, should bring some sort of freshness, even if I will have sacrificed the story’s integrity. To hell with logic; I am the law! Monika sank to her knees. “So… we did all this for nothing?” “It’s all worthless?” she continued, sobbing. “I—-” “But from a certain point of view this is a release. I have killed nobody. Only characters designed to illustrate a point. And not even characters but vague groups of people. I expect since this is a story there is some sort of message?” At this Junko tilted her head, as if waiting for a response from the heavens. “You are an inquisitive one, Junko. I did not expect for this to happen,” I said with some degree of reverence in my voice. She shrugged. “You are the one putting these words into me. Like a marionette. I don’t harbor any animosity towards you, though— or should I say, this character’s general pattern of behavior that you’ve stored in the back of your mind doesn’t act in that way.” “This meta commentary is amusing, but it’s bound to get old,” I replied. “Do you have any soda?” Junko nodded. “Monika, go get some. Isn’t it funny how none of us were even surprised when you popped into existence?” Monika removed several cans from a small refrigerator nearby. In retrospect I could have just conjured a can from thin air, but the immersion was broken enough as it was. “Speaking of which, Monika, it’s quite ironic that Junko was the first to realize my existence, given your backstory.” “My what?” Junko smiled knowingly. She had access to the things I knew now, somehow, by doing something I’m too lazy to describe here. “You’re not an original character; you and Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki are actually characters from a visual novel.” “You mean I’m not even original? You just stole me from someone else?” “Well, if you put it that way…” I checked my watch and decide that it’s time to leave. “Well, that was fun. Now if you excuse me I’ll have to leave.” “He used the wrong tense in the last paragraph,” Junko said. “I’m sure somebody will interpret that as a symbol of some kind.” “Want some coke?” Monika asked after a moment’s pause.

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 9 months ago 95%
    Don't do reddit, kids.

    I used to be a very normal guy, kind of a nerd really, in a good way. I knew all kinds of stuff and people would ask me questions and stuff and I generally felt good about myself. Then there was lockdown and suddenly I was terminally online with virtual school and all. Not long after, I started browsing social media often----namely, reddit. I was no longer normal. My previous life was cast out the window. I now could experience things like participating in comment chains of people saying 'nice' any time the number 69 was mentioned (I didn't know it was karmafarming back then, I just thought it was funny and neat) and staring at a hentai gif for ten seconds straight in shock before I realized what I was seeing. Worse, I was so poisoned with irony I haven't gotten over it to this day and jreg is still my favorite youtuber, in a meta-post-ironic way. Now all I do is say among us memes. When among us was no longer popular I switched to skibidi toilet. Here's something I find funny: skibidi toilet ohio fortnite rizzler fanum tax sigma og pizza tower undertale gyatt digital circus mr. beast sussy imposter in ohio. Don't do reddit, kids. That stuff could ruin your life.

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    A confession I have to make

    I used to think Thomas Sankara was an anthropologist, and The Upright Man was a book about early humans.

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    Post-Lindsen Commission Collapse Femboy Revanchist Patriarchy---- the Muzhinen Iron State

    The Lindsen Commission can and will collapse. This unstable Orenland puppet, no matter what actions it takes, will eventually implode. Whether Frederick Olsten reclaims the throne, or Maria remains and unifies Lindsen, it will fall apart to countless rebels. In the former commission's northern areas, near the border between the commission and the northern, mostly independent states of the Lohne strip, there is the Muzhinen Iron State, ruled by Franz Scholl. He is part of the younger generation of commission men, who dream of a restored patriarchy but can only construct a broken vision of one, having spent fifteen years under Commission oppression. To further complicate matters, Commission policy resulted in most technical knowledge being concentrated in the hands of women. The Iron State rests in a precarious situation, with patriarchy being barely maintained with Scholl's Iron Armoe. Any imbalances in the situation could throw it into further instability, or worse, the complete collapse of the male dominance that Scholl has worked so hard to maintain... The Iron State's neighbors are not to be trusted. To the east, the Orenlanders have grown tired of proxies and have directly established a presence in Lindsen, intending to annex the entire nation once more. The technologically inferior Iron State will have to expand westward to the even more backwards western states if it wishes to survive the onslaught. To the south, Klara Clausewitz's ineffective but large Governate of East Lindsen is also a threat, albeit a lesser one that must constantly combat internal strife. In terms of international relations, both forward and guard nations of the Lindsen Warlords view it as an illegitimate state at best. The forward nation of Stahler's Worker's State views it as a twisted and hauntingly pathless but nonetheless oppressive patriarchy, while most other guard nations view its version of Commission-warped masculinity as a perversion of what they view as the glorious tradition of Lindsen soldier men. The uniform of the Iron Armoe soldier is, of course, the traditional Lindsen maid dress, in part due to its role in the Iron State's patriarchal system. The major factor, however, is the Iron State's internal strife. With a barely functional industrial system stacked with severe development output and cost debuffs, it can do little more than maintain its rusting production lines left by the invaders, using whatever is on hand. Scholl has never considered peaceful unification as an option. In his view, a whole Lindsen will either be ruled by him, or will never manifest at all.

    worldbuilding commiespammer 9 months ago 100%
    All unifiers of Lindsen, explained

    I typed up a huge essay before but then my idiot brother pressed some shit on the wireless keyboard and deleted it all. I don't know if I still have the energy to type all of it out, but here goes. Lindsen has not been whole for fifteen years. Fifteens years ago the invaders from matriarchal Orenland destroyed the modernizing nation and established a puppet state, which soon collapsed, leaving dozens of warlord states in its wake. Maria Olsten's LINDSEN COMMISSION is all that remains of the former puppet of the Orenlanders. Despite its reduced state and instability, it is still formidable due to its vast technological superiority. But Maria Olsten must be wary; her husband Frederick, once the emperor of Lindsen but now little more than a figurehead, wields influence even he is not aware of in the populace. The slightest spark may send the Commission up in flames. Five years ago Johannes Heydrich was the leader of the North Lindsen Federation, of which only the state of Nordland remains after it was crushed by Commission forces a day before it would have unified peacefully with the south. Bitterness aside, Heydrich, known widely as the Lion of the North, is the only force standing between Burgune in the north, left relatively intact by the Orenlanders due to its compliance, and the Commission in the east which seeks to expand its influence over Lindsen's remains. The South Lindsen Federation was also destroyed five years ago, and soon afterwards the country was essentially taken over by wealthy industrialists created by modernization programs. The former monarch, Brandon Holstein, entrusted his protege Albert Stahler with a mission: to disband the army, crush the industrialists, and establish the SOUTH LINDSEN WORKER'S STATE. He succeeded. His proletarian army will take some time to become a truly formidable fighting force, but this will not deter him from fulfilling his dream of a reunified Southern Federation, and possibly even Lindsen as a whole. Fritz Zimmerman rules Aldenburg, another piece of the former South Lindsen Federation. He took a radically different approach than Stahler towards the industrialists: He saw the expansion of industrialist power as a result of the slipping of traditional values that he espouses in his state. But in a modernizing and gray world, will his vision for a pastoral and virtuous Lindsen fade further and further into the past? Markus Spiedel may be a warlord, but he rules his GORSENYA like the weaselly businessman he is. Despite its high level of development, most government and military functions are sourced to private groups while corruption runs rampant. Even if Spiedel wished to become a true contender for unification, the industrialists would not allow trivial things like 'national unity' to get in the way of profit. Time is running out. As the once united Lindsen fades from memory with the replacements of generations, it may not be long before unification as a prospect is no longer remembered or desired by the peoples across these little states. Perhaps one unifier will outshine the rest and finally expel the invaders and make Lindsen whole once more, from the Raimat to the Lohne......

    games commiespammer 10 months ago 100%
    Lemmycraft pvp event!

    Hey guys! As most of you probably don't know, I'm one of the mods in the lemmygrad minecraft community, and I'm pleased to announce we're doing a pvp event! To join the server, just comment with your username below and I'll whitelist you as soon as possible. You can use pirated minecraft. I haven't been able to gather many volunteers for the event so far, so I might not be able to host it unless enough people are interested. Since it's kind of a story/scenario thing, I also need a volunteer to be a warlord so we can at least have some semblance of cohesion during the thing. Again, please comment below! The viability of this event depends on the amount of participants, and it'll be fun! Leave a comment below or https://lemmygrad.ml/post/2681297 here for more information.

    games commiespammer 11 months ago 96%
    Any good communist hoi4 mods?

    I'm considering millenium dawn or kaiserreich, but I'm afraid they might be kinda lib? Any good marxist ones, preferably with a decent amount of China content?

    shrekland commiespammer 11 months ago 100%
    chapotraphouse commiespammer 11 months ago 100%
    Real man no use iron tool!

    Greeting fellow caveman. Me ooga booga, and me REAL MAN!!!! ROAR!!!! Many man now use iron tool. Iron tool make ooga booga sad. Iron tool not for real man. Iron tool for weak man, sick man, woman. Real man no need use sharp rock. Only weak man need sharp rock, need tool made for he. Strong man make own tool from dull rock. Strong man like ooga booga no use iron tool. Strong man use stone handaxe. Me wake at six in morning and bang bone with rock to make hand axe. Me spend four hour make axe, then hunt deer. Me hunt deer and eat deer with tribe. Me no skin deer, real man eat skin and fur. Me no cook deer, cook meat for weak man. Man today no strong, no protect tribe from tiger. Man today make ooga booga sad.

    games commiespammer 11 months ago 100%
    Vic3-People's Republic of China, 1909, achievements allowed

    ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/d1f291a3-2821-4f80-97ca-b5b04d4f5896.png) Got council republic through an army vanguardist leader by 1908. I took this screenshot a year or so before I finished political agitation and started a war to retake Macao. I haven't used switch country+surrender so far, but I might since I've already gotten so far...

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Free our organs from the fascist and authoritarian brain

    The brain is fascist and authoritarian. Stop making excuses. Stop saying it's necessary. It's literally your brain saying that. Can you trust what your brain thinks of itself? The hands, muscles, stomach, do all the work, just for the brain to leech off all the nutrients and oxygen. Guess what came up with capitalism? The brain. Fascism? Brain. Hierarchies(very bad)? That's right, the brain. Stop making excuses. Destroy the brain. Muscles can just, like, get into defense councils and shit. Muscle memory, right? Oh, it's also in the brain? Collective hierarchical motion is authoritarian and fascist anyways. Come to think of it, so are organs. And tissues. Fuck them all, let's just like dissolve into amoebas or something, I don't care! What are the negative consequences? I don't care about the consequences! Stop being so submissive to this authoritarianism inside of you! How can you purge authoritarianism from society if it's embedded in yourself?e fhdzdhdfdjfdjfdsjkdjnzxxz dspi dshodhn cbxh bjkcj sd 'psd bj dsbjl z hdhsd;k fdshdfsbh zdj zd d szd oihshdzfshj

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Realist Rap🎵

    So, this is just a funny song, it doesn't actually represent what I believe. Anyways--- / Realist rap realist rap don't give me that idealist crap realist rap realist rap the universe won't care if this beat slaps / The world exists, there's no denying you want to prove that it doesn't? Ha, keep on trying Get that pop-sciency garbage out of my face The material universe is here to stay / Compiled data tells us that atoms are real Matter is a thing I can touch and feel It's time for conscious-centerdness to go Idealists have no evidence, and it shows. / As an example of realism, let's look at this song You could say it doesn't exist, but that's wrong It's sound waves and signals in the very real brain Caused by real chemicals, just like pleasure and pain. / Speaking of pain, you must enjoy it a lot Since injuries aren't real, according to idealist thought Just because only part of the world is visible to us Doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, thus: / The data gives us numbers for things we can't see molecular arrangements are known to me. I couldn't observe them,. they're way too small, But that doesn't imply that they aren't there at all / You can't make something real, just by thinking You can't make yourself fly, even if you're sinking Humans aren't special and magic is fake Even if you concentrate you can't disappear a lake. / Given sufficient tools I could predict the future Like an advanced supercomputer I was predestined to drop this sick beat Idealists, admit defeat! / Idealism is a mishap Why don't you have some realist rap realist rap realist rap / So I'm gonna go on a little hiatus for a day or two, get some real work done...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 1 year ago 81%
    B O R E D O M (I'm alienated) (reposted from lemmygrad)

    It’s a lazy boring sunday afternoon Nothing on television but reruns of old cartoons Refresh my inbox across sites again and again Mindlessly checking for notifications I’m so, so, extremely bored Finding tidbits of information for my useless trivia hoard Why can’t anything in life excite me anymore I might be materially well off but spiritually I’m poor I could get off youtube and do something productive I could learn a new skill online or actually be constructive But I’m not doing those things, I’m a procrastination master I just scroll through my feed, ever searching faster I’m so, so, extremely bored Finding tidbits of information for my useless trivia hoard Why can’t anything in life excite me anymore I might be materially well off but spiritually I’m poor Is there anything interesting? It stimulates my brain Then the dopamine is gone and I’m back to numbed down pain An article five paragraphs and then I’m moving on Maybe in the next refresh I’ll find a decent song I’m so, so, extremely bored Finding tidbits of information for my useless trivia hoard Why can’t anything in life excite me anymore I might be materially well off but spiritually I’m poor I look through my email again but it’s just ads and spam I consume the messages online like a docile lamb The posts on my favorite forums haven’t updated at all The same old comments keep me temporarily enthralled I’m so, so, extremely bored…

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    How do I read the featured posts on light mode?

    I literally cannot read a single thing there, earlier today I accidentally posted stuff to a completely unrelated post I thought was the megathread. Is there a solution for this?

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    "Why I Cannot Trust The US gov anymore [KOSA bill]" reposted from lemmygrad. https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1388117

    A good friend of mine asked me to spread this so I'll repost it here.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Lore: the Battle of Hope's Peak Academy (cw: mispelled german word)

    Losses: Red Army: est. 24000 wounded and killed Fedaykin est. 7000 wounded and killed. PLA est. 2100 wounded and killed. est. 450 tanks lost est. 1038 aircraft lost est. 3700 artillery lost 5 ornithopters lost Imperium of Despair: 1 Junko lost Reserves: est. 52000 wounded or killed Verzweiflung Waffe SS: est 31000 wounded or killed Despair Speakers: est 3000 wounded or killed Monaca’s Volkstrumm: est 24000 wounded or killed Monokumas: all deactivated est. 1400 tanks lost est. 1800 aircraft lost est. 3900 lasart lost est. 1300 ornithopters lost

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAR
    art commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Some concept art for my danganronpa fanfiction


    memes commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Makoto? Is that you?
    memes commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    She's more like Malky, but you get the point

    Yet more Duneposting. You might want to get used to it...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWR
    writing commiespammer 1 year ago 100%
    Danganronpa fanfic lore--- Imperium uniforms & equipment

    ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/c30552cd-0fa3-43a0-b00b-b6b7acd2716f.png) I forgot the hopeseeker missile. Well, it looks just like any other missile. JU stands for our Padishah Kaiserin JUnko enoshima of course. ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/72e6d1f7-d0fd-4bea-b7dd-cdf2271529a8.png) Some uniforms. Reserves are basically cannon fodder meat shield dudes, there's just a lot of them. ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/7cef1b0c-8c87-47e9-8aef-9b9be153b928.png) UDT are basically evolved Reserves. ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/eed86099-4396-4802-8163-6ceaf189c791.png) lo and behold a bonus CG. "Come on you apes, do you want to live forever?"

    chapotraphouse commiespammer 1 year ago 0%
    Hello folks!

    Hey there, everyone. I'm Jonathan12345 from lemmygrad, but some of you may know me as "the weirdo who won't shut up about his ddlc/danganronpa fanfiction", or the "lemmycraft guy". I've decided to also join hexbear, since I want to see more leftist content and be able to interact with you guys. Is there like anything I should know before I jump into this place?
