guitars guitars Behold: Tapout as a guitar
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 4%

    I don’t care at all. I just think it’s funny. You, however, sound like you do care and are offended.

  • guitars guitars Behold: Tapout as a guitar
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 25%

    They should have called it Beef Supreme!!

  • guitars
    guitars an0nym0us 1 year ago 40%
    Behold: Tapout as a guitar

    Only a dude who unironically grows a gigantic bush of pubic hair on his face and drinks creatine would think this is a good-looking guitar. # 🛡️’s SUCK

    fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 25%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 33%
  • lemmydev Lemmy App Development App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 50%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 40%
  • lemmydev Lemmy App Development App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 50%
  • lemmy_dev Lemmy Bots and Tools App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 50%
  • lemmy Lemmy App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 33%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 50%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 60%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 25%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some notable scams in history that went unnoticed for so long?
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 66%

    major part of it, but I also wouldn’t want to live in a world where we could only get aspirin from willow bark. We either wouldn’t have enough aspirin or we wouldn’t have any more willow trees. Medicines derived from the actual source aren’t possible on a global scale in most cases.

    Capitalism is a blight on society and has lead to countless deaths. But in a utopia where money doesn’t exist and people create medicine for the world only to help people wit

    I agree with you but in that case, the need to synthesize it could be made entirely based on practicality rather than profit.

  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 33%
  • fediverse Fediverse App to schedule posts on Lemmy
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 29%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some notable scams in history that went unnoticed for so long?
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 65%

    You’re almost right. Modern medicine needs to synthesize natural compounds to profit fully from them. They can’t just use natural remedies and present them to patients because they can’t patent them.

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk Secrets Hidden in Images (Steganography) - Computerphile [12:13]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    Say me say Many moni, Say me say many, many, many

  • cypherpunk
    cyph3rPunk an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    DEF CON 31 Trailer

    [DEFCON 31: August 10, 2023 - August 13, 2023 in Las Vegas, NV](

    technology Technology The creator of Pixelfed announced an upcoming encrypted messenger for the fediverse that will work across the fediverse
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 98%

    This is good.

  • jordanpeterson
    Fuck Jordan Peterson an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    Jordan Peterson said "There are no Great Socialist Intellectuals" ... here are 8 (reddit xpost)

    1) Albert Einstein The guy who came up with the theory of relativity was a passionate socialist. "Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones." 2) Bertrand Russell In 1918, the philosopher & mathematician said: "I do not think any reasonable person can doubt that the evils of power in the present system (capitalism) are vastly greater than is necessary, nor that they might be diminished by a suitable form of Socialism." 3) Hellen Keller "The creators of wealth are entitled to all they create, thus they find themselves pivoted against the profit-making system. They declare no compromise so long as the majority of the working class lives in want, while the master class lives in luxury." 4) Oscar Wilde The famous playwright wrote an article called "Soul of Man Under Socialism," "Socialism, by converting private property into public wealth will restore society to its proper condition & insure the material well-being of each member of the community." 5) Martin Luther King "Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children." 6) Jack London Author of Call of the Wild "As for me, you wonder why I am a socialist. I'll tell you. It is because socialism is inevitable; because the present rotten and irrational system cannot endure." 7) George Orwell Even though he is considered anti-socialist because of 1984 & Animal Farm, he was actually a staunch socialist: "Every line of serious work I have written since 1936 has been written directly and indirectly against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism." 8) Malala. The Nobel Peace Prize winner is quoted: "I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation." So, yeah Jordan Petterson clearly knows his stuff... ​ EDIT: Going to keep George Orwell in for continuity and integrity of the OP, but after reading comments and doing research, Georgie was not a real socialist. A class traitor who took money from the CIA and would flip-flop on a comrade in a second. People are also saying not to take JP seriously. I agree, and probably overracted, but I think it's important for people to know that there are a lot of smart and successful people in history who *just so happen to be* socialists (which is why I purposefully left off Marx and other great socialist thinkers). So while this is in response to JP (was originally a twitter thread), I think it can be a useful list for people. - *[xposted from here](*

    moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows What's your favorite platform for buying shows and movies digitally?
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    Until the streaming services can come together to create an open, decentralized protocol, they don’t get my money.

    Piracy is an accessibility issue.

    🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️Real debrid with Kodi. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk Spying on the Police | Renegade Cut [11:06]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    This ☝🏿

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk Spying on the Police | Renegade Cut [11:06]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 0%

    That's true. Case in point: the guy who made the mistake of running a Tor exit node and was convicted of distributing child porn. I am in no way condoning such actions. I'm just sharing tools that can help us to be more aware of our options if/when we are already being targeted.

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk Confessions of An Economic Hit Man | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity [18:35]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    clarity on what the book is about:

  • cypherpunk
    cyph3rPunk an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    Confessions of An Economic Hit Man | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity [18:35]

    > John Perkins describes the methods he used to bribe and threaten the heads of state of countries on four continents in order to create a global empire and he reveals how the leaders who did not “play the game" were assassinated or overthrown. He brings us up to date about the way the economic hit man system has spread from developing countries to the US, Europe, and the rest of the world and offers a strategy for turning this around. “Each of us," he says, “can participate in this exciting revolution. We can transform a system that is consuming itself into extinction into one that is sustainable and regenerative." > > John's books, including The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, have sold over a million copies, spent more than 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller lists, and are published in more than 30 languages. As Chief Economist at a major consulting firm, his experiences advising the World Bank, UN, IMF, U.S. government, Fortune 500 corporations, and heads of state convinced him to devote his life to facilitating changes in social, political, and economic systems, as well as in general consciousness. He was founder and CEO of a highly successful alternative energy company and is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofits dedicated to creating a sustainable, just, peaceful, and thriving world. > John's courage in writing his books and speaking out against his former bosses exemplifies the courage shown by our Founding Fathers and Mothers when they stood up to the British Empire. Like them, John defied threats and bribes and took action. it gets interesting [here]( The real-world Jason Bourn is Pete Buttigieg.

    Cardano an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    Dream Wonders feat. Charles Hoskinson

    cross-posted from: > > In this very first episode of Mindplex Community Podcast, Dr. Mihaela Ulieru is joined by none other than Cardano's visionary founder, and CEO of IOG, Charles Hoskinson, to explore his dreams for the world, for Cardano, and for himself.

    Cardano an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    Dream Wonders feat. Charles Hoskinson

    > In this very first episode of Mindplex Community Podcast, Dr. Mihaela Ulieru is joined by none other than Cardano's visionary founder, and CEO of IOG, Charles Hoskinson, to explore his dreams for the world, for Cardano, and for himself.

    cyph3rPunk an0nym0us 1 year ago 94%
    Spying on the Police | Renegade Cut [11:06]

    If the police can spy on us, we can spy on them. Legally, that is.

    privacy Privacy Molly v.s. Signal
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%


    Do you mean proprietary?

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk What are some "new" rights you'd like to see countries commit to? -
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    Ill take a stab at it.

    Action Plan for Societal Rights

    This plan outlines potential actions for enabling certain societal rights. These measures might need substantial changes and persistent, collective action from various stakeholders, including governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, communities, and individuals.

    1) Right to Solidarity

    • Educate the public about their rights to organize, unionize, and engage in collective bargaining.
    • Advocate for and draft legislation to safeguard and expand these rights, including during strikes.
    • Establish legal aid funds for workers facing legal action when involved in strikes.

    2) Right of Initiative and Right to Recall

    • Lobby for legislative reforms permitting citizens to initiate legislation or recall elected officials.
    • Launch educational campaigns to inform citizens about these rights and how to exercise them.

    3) Right to Free Software

    • Encourage the development and use of open-source software through public funding.
    • Urge government and institutions to adopt open-source software and contribute to open-source projects.
    • Promote legislation ensuring proprietary software companies provide public access to their source code or offer free alternatives.

    4) Right to a Third Place

    • Invest in public infrastructure, such as parks, community centers, and libraries, which can function as third places.
    • Encourage businesses and developers to incorporate community spaces into their plans.
    • Implement urban planning policies prioritizing the creation of spaces for community interaction.

    5) Freedom from Eviction

    • Advocate for housing as a human right and push for legislation that protects against eviction, especially during rent strikes or for vulnerable communities.
    • Invest in affordable housing projects and increase public housing funding.
    • Enforce rental control policies and establish legal funds to assist tenants facing eviction.

    6) Right to Democratic Education

    • Advocate for democratic and inclusive education systems allowing students, parents, and teachers a voice in decision-making.
    • Encourage educational policies promoting critical thinking, creativity, and active participation in society.
    • Develop training programs for teachers to implement democratic education in classrooms.

    7) Right to Cross Borders

    • Advocate for fair and compassionate immigration policies.
    • Support international cooperation to address the root causes of forced migration.
    • Improve legal and humanitarian assistance for refugees and asylum seekers.

    8) Right to be Forgotten

    • Advocate for digital privacy laws, including the right to be forgotten, and lobby for their implementation.
    • Raise public awareness about digital privacy and how to protect it.
    • Encourage technology companies to design privacy-preserving systems.

    9) Right to Purpose/Freedom from Meaningless Labor

    • Support the development of employee-owned cooperatives and other forms of worker self-management.
    • Advocate for job guarantee programs and universal basic income to offer economic security.
    • Encourage businesses to provide meaningful work and ensure fair wages, good working conditions, and employee participation in decision-making.

    10) The Right to an Employee Fund

    • Encourage legislation mandating companies to allocate a portion of profits for an employee fund.
    • Create awareness and provide education about the benefits of such a fund.

    This plan, if progressively implemented with broad societal consensus, can help attain the listed rights without necessitating a complete societal revolution. However, these steps require consistent efforts, funding, cooperation, and most importantly, political will.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam I was missing Stephen Hawking, but thankfully we have Elon.
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 75%


  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam A list of people Elon is paying: Anti-Ukraine, Anti Vax, Anti Trans [BirdHellSite]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 95%

    You’re right.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam A list of people Elon is paying: Anti-Ukraine, Anti Vax, Anti Trans [BirdHellSite]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 87%

    Many of these awful pieces keep appearing in my "for you" feed. He is deliberately pushing alt-right trash onto individuals.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam A list of people Elon is paying: Anti-Ukraine, Anti Vax, Anti Trans [BirdHellSite]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 25%
  • guitar_virtuoso Guitar Virtuoso Kazuhito Yamashita - La boda de Luis Alonso: Intermedio (5:26) [Classical Guitar]
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    Testimonial: "I learned to play classical guitar in the style of Kazuhito Yamashita and all I got was this repetitive strain injury!"

  • community_request Community Request linux distro specific communities (looking for gentoo)
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    I think you should try NixOS first since GUIX is still a LOT more experimental. I am sure you could handle it coming from Gentoo but I think you'll find that the nix language is SUPER simple to pick up. It's basically like JSON.

  • community_request Community Request linux distro specific communities (looking for gentoo)
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    You should switch to NixOS. I use NixOS by the way. 😅😅😅😅😅

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk A Cypherpunk's Manifesto
  • an0nym0us an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%

    This is the way. I’d like to be a mod here.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Gear 4 Sale an0nym0us 1 year ago 100%
    The Ideal Seller Community: dangerous yet secure like a public park

    My vision for this place is perhaps too grandiose and idealized. Let's discuss our vision for this place here.
