genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Small fuckin mercies

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat is there a way to mute instances?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Honestly bless

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Chamomile(relaxation), lavender(relaxation), peppermint(nausea deterrent), and lemon(sore throats and the like). Catnip's also kinda neat when tea'd; got an interesting flavor to it, but I'm not sure if there's any therapeutic benefits to that.

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 96%

    Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Unironic comments from yesterday
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    The best people are the people who don't tolerate illegally-colonizing settler-invader scum. And if you do for some reason tolerate illegally-colonizing settler-invader scum, I don't want you in my orbit.

  • genzedong GenZedong its just a meme people
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    if those liberal invertebrates could read they'd be very upset with you

  • askchapo askchapo How would you respond to claims about Gaza taking settler civillians hostages?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Enough of them to be a problem if left unchecked.

  • genzedong GenZedong I'm annoyed how many 'communists' failed such a basic political litmus test
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Every day it shows that the imperial core is almost incapable of doing an actual movement.

    And even if against all odds they somehow did, it'd inevitably be a mission of simply REDIRECTING the harm, rather than eradicating it. I've been at this point for... A while now. Tells me how things will shake out in Amerika when push comes to shove.

  • indigenous indigenous Authorities name 85 soldiers, 37 police officers killed in Hamas attack
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 92%

    Wish it was happening in Amerika; but I'll take imports for now

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Critical support for Vaush's fight against his fan base
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    I'm convinced one of the seals of the Apocalypse was undone with this one tbh

  • privacy Privacy Please, do not use Brave.
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 76%

    Anyone who knows the climate and environmental cost of one of your bullshit coins is well within their rights to hate the nasty fucking things. Y'all would broil this planet alive just to be able to buy your dark web treats.

  • indigenous indigenous Authorities name 85 soldiers, 37 police officers killed in Hamas attack
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 95%

    🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀

  • memes Memes Does mountain dew taste better than black tea? Yes. Does it also cost 30 times as much to get the caffeine fix? Yes.
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Does mountain dew taste better than black tea? Yes.

    my brother in christ what

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse No one should ever forget that Israel has experienced its own...
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    What's Ja Rule got to say about this?

  • genzedong GenZedong Do Not Come.
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    To any liberal chauvinistic pigs who might be reading this. No one believes you give an actual shit about dead women or the fate of Shani Louk. Where was the wailing and nashing of teeth for the countless dead Palestinian women? Stop cynically using emotionally charged events to retroactively justify 80 years of genocide.

    Please, they're settler-descent western whites, at least 7 of 10 times. They'll never stop it; genocide is in their blood, just as surely as the cynical puppeteering of the dead for their own crooked ends is. Death to the worldwide colonizer menace.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Critical support for Vaush's fight against his fan base
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Ugh. There should never be a day where Vaush and I share a stance, no matter how correct that stance is

  • lemmy Lemmy Lemmy developer, @SleeplessOne1917, argues for the killing of Israeli civilians and children
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 90%

    Unlimited death to the first world and All her allies

  • lemmy Lemmy Lemmy developer, @SleeplessOne1917, argues for the killing of Israeli civilians and children
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 75%

    Go play in live fire with your settler homies cac; you and every other crooked motherfucker who doesn't see an issue with invading colonizers committing a second apartheid.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse I mean for fucks sake is this propaganda? every post a new atrocity. what's next grandmother's were knitting at the festival ffs
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Nayirah wept.

  • lemmy Lemmy Lemmy developer, @SleeplessOne1917, argues for the killing of Israeli civilians and children
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 50%
  • us_news US News Nikki Haley openly calls for genocide on social media
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Unlimited death to the first world's 'leadership'

  • askchapo askchapo How would you respond to claims about Gaza taking settler civillians hostages?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Not sure if I can immediately spitball if only because then you have to start asking qualitative questions about how removed from active duty service the hostages are, how gung-ho they were about keeping their training up, et cetera. Start getting a wide range of dispositions just from those questions alone, dig?

  • askchapo askchapo How would you respond to claims about Gaza taking settler civillians hostages?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Israel has no civilians outside the children too young to have been pressganged into the IDF. Ergo, it's just settler invaders getting taken hostage; which is to be expected during a war of existential question.

  • shitposting shitposting Could Saul get Junko off?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    oh i see what you did there

  • shitposting shitposting Could Saul get Junko off?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    "Look lady, I could give two shits less about your 'despair' schtick; but if you want client-attorney privilege, ya kinda gotta pay me first. Now make with the dollar, alright?"

  • worldnews World News Who Exactly Is Ashton Kutcher’s Anti-Sex-Trafficking Tech Company Helping?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 84%

    debate pervert

    Take this amateur debatebro shit back to reddit, fuckboy. You're the one who wanted to get huffy with me tryna up some hollywood weirdo who probably has just as many skeletons as Masterson in his closet; I don't owe you shit

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse It's all white supremacy, isn't it?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    All the way down. Death to the west.

  • worldnews World News Who Exactly Is Ashton Kutcher’s Anti-Sex-Trafficking Tech Company Helping?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 80%

    I don't address techbro wastemen; and I haven't been given any reason to believe any of them are worth addressing if they're still schlepping facial recognition routines that still routinely misidentify Black and brown faces. I love how you completely disregard the weirdos in the room to peddle your wagon-circling crap.

  • 2000snostalgia 2000snostalgia For Puma sightings you’ll have to go straight to their site now as Rooster Teeth moved Red vs Blue off YouTube citing decreasing ad revenue.
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 50%

    How do people manage to still watch Red vs Blue after they so thoroughly showed their asses with RWBY? Like, how they opted to Try tackling racism in a setting of their own creation revealed just how "white guy from texas" everyone but Monty was.

  • worldnews World News Who Exactly Is Ashton Kutcher’s Anti-Sex-Trafficking Tech Company Helping?
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 92%

    Iunno, if someone I knew was involved in trafficking-victim advocacy efforts, then turned around and penned a letter in defense of a rapist who caught 30 to life, I'd suddenly be second-guessing said advocate's bonafides, and double-checking them too. That's too rowdy a lapse of judgment for me personally to let slide; and all the parasocial weirdos suddenly jumping to Kutcher's aid when it's well known he was a 20 year old with a tongue down a 14 year old's throat on primetime television is equally as sketchy.

    "‘Just trust Ashton Kutcher’ is terrible public policy.”

  • palestine Palestine To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%


  • palestine Palestine To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    it isn’t the fault of the palestinians that those kids are on the front lines of a genocide.

    Nor am I saying it is. Honestly, if the Zionists wanted the guarantee of safety for their kids, they shouldn't have had them in a territory they were illegally occupying. That's just asking for trouble.

  • palestine Palestine To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 94%

    Afaic, there's no such thing as israeli civilians. They're almost all IDF reserve, except like-- the children. By RoEs, they're almost ENTIRELY legal combatants. And considering the IDF blows away Palestinian children with seeming carté blanche, I'm not exactly weeping about the worst-case.

  • palestine Palestine To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    Koupe tet, boule kay.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 66%

    All the huffy .world and adjacent fash caping for their favorite eastern european terrorists rn

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 80%

    ITT: collaborating scum

  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%


  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    oh fuck no

  • memes Memes Pro Israel crowd in a nutshell
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 96%

    I almost had a fit linking that avi to those words lmfao

    fits tho, these the type mfs to totally misconstrue EVERYTHING about Huey Freeman so they don't have to think about it being them he was talking about half the time

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat *Permanently Deleted*
  • absentthereaper absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%

    I don't know who on the staff did it, as the modlogs are irritatingly opaque about 'who did what', but someone tried reading her talk about decolonization, especially of Palestine, as 'advocacy for terrorism'. She took offense, and got VERY understandably heated about it. To this day, I feel like she got Vaush'd, hard by someone on the mod-team.

  • blackleftist
    Black Comrades absentthereaper 12 months ago 100%
    Why Barack Obama Can't Shut Up | Black Agenda Report

    It will forever be galling that such a veritable horseman of the apocalypse ever earned a Nobel _Peace_ Prize. That moment was about the moment the prestige of that award died for me, was knowing that a man who destroyed two nations, killed thousands of civilians, and is the root cause of the emergence of slavery in Libya was getting a fuckin Nobel for his work in service of the oligarchs. > _We will never be rid of this man. As long as he lives, he will claim innocence and practice misdirection to keep millions of people confused about the cause of their travails. Those of us who pay attention know better. Barack Obama will always act like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. It is up to everyone else to tell the truth about him._

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 63%
    Musings from the Margins # 3: The Crimes of the White West are Coming Home Again, Or as Malcolm X Said, “The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost” | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > Ajamu Baraka just _does not miss._ Some choice excerpts from these musings (though I exhort you to read the article yourself): > > >_It is important to keep in mind that the foundation for Russiagate was erected on the repressive legislative superstructure under the Bush and Obama Administrations. The result? Today, opposition is systematically criminalized in the U.S. The indictments of the Uhuru 3 for opposing Ukraine war, charges of domestic terrorism and conspiracy in the fight against Cop-City, and the ongoing attempts to extradite Julian Assange represent the consolidation and normalization of bipartisan totalitarian power._ > > > > ... > > > > _There is something to what I call the psychopathology of white supremacy. It is a “racialized narcissistic cognitive disorder that centers so-called white people’s and European civilization and renders the afflicted with an inability to perceive objective reality in the same way as others. This affliction is not reducible to the race of so-called whites but can affect all those who have come in contact with the ideological and cultural mechanisms of the Pan-European colonial project.”_ > > > > ... > > > > _Sanders demonstrates why he was revealed as the sheepdog that he was. He was never committed to struggling for real power in the democrat party. That is why he sold out his supporters and surrendered. Sanders is nothing more than an opportunist democrat and a fraud._

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Musings from the Margins # 3: The Crimes of the White West are Coming Home Again, Or as Malcolm X Said, “The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost” | Black Agenda Report

    Ajamu Baraka just _does not miss._ Some choice excerpts from these musings (though I exhort you to read the article yourself): >_It is important to keep in mind that the foundation for Russiagate was erected on the repressive legislative superstructure under the Bush and Obama Administrations. The result? Today, opposition is systematically criminalized in the U.S. The indictments of the Uhuru 3 for opposing Ukraine war, charges of domestic terrorism and conspiracy in the fight against Cop-City, and the ongoing attempts to extradite Julian Assange represent the consolidation and normalization of bipartisan totalitarian power._ > > ... > > _There is something to what I call the psychopathology of white supremacy. It is a “racialized narcissistic cognitive disorder that centers so-called white people’s and European civilization and renders the afflicted with an inability to perceive objective reality in the same way as others. This affliction is not reducible to the race of so-called whites but can affect all those who have come in contact with the ideological and cultural mechanisms of the Pan-European colonial project.”_ > > ... > > _Sanders demonstrates why he was revealed as the sheepdog that he was. He was never committed to struggling for real power in the democrat party. That is why he sold out his supporters and surrendered. Sanders is nothing more than an opportunist democrat and a fraud._

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hip Hop absentthereaper 1 year ago 60%
    Happy Dipset day.

    ![US scared 2]( "us-scared-2")

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    MANIFESTO: Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female, Frances Beal, 1969 | Black Agenda Report

    Similar to BAR's editorial staff, I consider _the entirety of_ Frances Beal's "Double Jeopardy" to be... Practically mandatory reading for anyone who considers themselves serious about, or _wanting_ to get serious about working alongside subjects-of-empire and their formations. This is what came _before_ 'intersectionality', and how Twitter libs absolutely butchered _that_ concept into the limping carcass it is today. (Also: I find it funny that even in 1969, Beal was already penning the paragraphs to categorically nail the ADOS coffin shut regarding "the emasculation of Black men" and how often Nasheed and his orbiters _first_ throw that flag at the feet of Black women before anyone else.) > _It is true that our husbands, fathers, brothers and sons have been emasculated, lynched and brutalized. They have suffered from the cruellest assault on mankind that the world has ever known. However, it is a gross distortion of fact to state that black women have oppressed black men. The capitalist system found it expedient to enslave and oppress them and proceeded to do so without signing any agreements with black women._ > >... > > _Those who are exerting their "manhood" by telling black women to step back into a domestic, submissive role are assuming a counter-revolutionary position. Black women likewise have been abused by the system and we must begin talking about the elimination of all kinds of oppression. If we are talking about building a strong nation, capable of throwing off the yoke of capitalist oppression, then we are talking about the total involvement of every man, woman, and child, each with a highly developed political consciousness. We need our whole army out there dealing with the enemy and not half an army._

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    The Africa Climate Summit has ended. Here's a link to the resulting Nairobi declaration, signed by 54 african countries(, and a t.l.;d.r. below)(, the point 39.IV.2, in particular, may interest you).

    cross-posted from: > + 4 : The 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [states] that the world is not on track to keeping within the 1.5°C limit agreed upon in Paris and that **global emissions must be cut by 45% in this decade** > + 8 : Africa is not historically responsible for global warming, but bears the brunt of its effect > + 11 : Only seven years remain to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and (...) 600 million people in Africa still lack access to electricity while 970 million lack access to clean cooking; > + 12 : [Africa] is home to the world’s youngest and fastest-growing workforce, coupled with massive untapped renewable energy potential(, see §16), abundant natural assets, and entrepreneurial spirit, our continent has the fundamentals to pioneer a climate-positive pathway as a thriving, cost-competitive industrial hub with the capacity to support other regions in achieving their net zero ambitions. > + 17 : We call upon the global community to (...) honor the commitment to provide $100 billion in annual climate finance, **as promised 14 years ago** at the Copenhagen conference, (...) > > - 39.*I* : [We call for ]Multilateral Development Banks capitalization and deployment reform, (...). > > 39.*IV.1-i)* New debt relief interventions and instruments to pre-empt debt default – with the ability to a) extend sovereign debt tenor, and b) include a 10-year grace period. > > 39.*IV.1.iii)* Decisive action on the Promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the United Nations (Resolution A/C.2/77/L.11/REV.1)–to reduce Africa’s loss of $ 27 billion annual corporate tax revenue through profit shifting, by at least 50% by 2030 and 75% by 2050. > > 39.*IV.2.i)* Increasing Africa’s renewable generation capacity from 56 GW in 2022 to at least 300 GW by 2030, both to address energy poverty and to bolster the global supply of cost-effective clean energy for industry; > > 39.*IV.2.ii)* **Shifting the energy-intensive (...) processing of Africa’s raw material exports [back ]to the continent**, [which would ]also serves as an anchor demand for our renewable energy and a means of rapidly reducing global emissions; > > 39.*IV.2.iii)* **Access to, and transfer of, environmentally sound technologies** > > 39.*IV.2.iv)* Designing global and regional trade mechanisms in a manner that enables products from Africa to compete on **fair and equitable terms**; > > 39.*IV.3)* Trade-related environmental tariffs and non-tariff barriers must be subject to multilateral discussions and agreements and not be unilateral, arbitrary or discriminatory > > > We, therefore; > > 1 : Call upon world leaders to appreciate that decarbonizing the global economy is also an opportunity to contribute to **equality and shared prosperity**; > 3 : Call acceleration of the ongoing initiatives to **reform the multilateral financial system and global financial architecture** including the Bridgetown Initiative, the Accra-Marrakech Agenda, the UN Secretary General’s SDG Stimulate Proposal, and the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact; > 4 : Urge the efforts to refine the G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments > 6 : We note that multilateral finance reform is necessary but not sufficient to provide the scale of climate financing the world needs > 7 : We urge world leaders to rally behind the proposal for a [global] carbon taxation regime including a carbon tax on fossil fuel trade, maritime transport, a biennial, and aviation, that may also be augmented by a global financial transaction tax (FTT)) to provide dedicated affordable and accessible finance for climate-positive investments > 8 : Propose to establish a new financing architecture that is responsive to Africa’s needs including debt restructuring and relief, including the development of a new Global Climate Finance Charter through UNGA and COP processes by 2025; > > Also, [here]('s an extract i found from the Associated Press : > ![](

    World News absentthereaper 1 year ago 86%
    The Climate Crisis Will End When Capitalism Ends | Black Agenda Report

    Posted here, because y'know what? Climate change _is_ an issue that the whole globe will have to deal with if these sociopathic Amerikan energy execs aren't handled. > _“No more drilling on federal lands. Period.^1^ Period.^2^ Period.^3^ Period.^4^” --Joe Biden February 9, 2020_ (^1^ lies, ^2^ more lies, ^3^ damnable lies, ^4^ farce) > _The duopoly’s good cop/bad cop routine is quite predictable. Republicans pledge to drill for oil and proclaim their disdain for environmental concerns by opting out of international climate accords. Democrats join the climate accords and claim they will work towards a fossil free future, as Biden did during his 2020 campaign. But once in office they do what Republicans do. The U.S. is now producing a record 12.8 million barrels of oil per day , more than any other nation. Democrats are the worst liars in this regard, as they are well aware that their voters want action on the environment, but their bread is buttered by big oil._ But the corporate uniparty's two kayfabe-assed wrestling divisions aren't rawdogging us the exact same way, right? _Mmmmh._ > _Biden has issued more permits for oil drilling on federal land than Donald Trump did. He approved the Willow Project on federal lands in Alaska, a project which is estimated to produce more than 239 million metric tons of greenhouse gasses over the project’s 30-year life._ But, 'vote blue no matter who', right? _Mmmmh._ > _The much vaunted Inflation Reduction Act , presented as a path to a fossil free future, actually ties renewable energy programs to oil and gas drilling. The IRA prohibits leasing of federal lands and waters for renewable energy projects such as wind and solar, unless the government has offered at least 2 million acres of public land and 60 million acres in federal waters for oil and gas leasing during the prior year. Any environmental benefits are outweighed by acquiescence to corporate interests that are jeopardizing all life on the planet._ But the only way we can save the country and save our 'democracy'(fuckin lmao) is if we throw away our ballots on the same people charbroiling the planet, right? _Mmmmh._ > _Not only has Biden backtracked on campaign promises, but U.S. inclusion in the Paris climate accords doesn’t amount to very much. The Paris Agreement makes reporting on military CO2 production voluntary. NATO member nations may report on their CO2 emissions but NATO-led operations and training exercises are excluded from any reporting._ Okay, that one's not a surprise. The west would sooner collectively Christ-Bearer themselves than give up their toys of mass war crime, _or_ provide any kind of meaningful transparency on said toys. The fact of the matter is, everything we're doing regarding energy is entirely unsustainable; and I'm honestly at a point where if we can't disarm and pop our collective mouth off the titty of crude oil and fossil fuel _of our own volition,_ I don't have a single issue watching the country cave in on itself. Why should I humor your corrupt blue-ties when they'll cook the planet same as the Trump family cultists? Why should I believe in electoralism, when electoralism is what gave us this absolutely-fraudulent commissioner of skullduggery Biden? We need a new way forward. An _organized_ way forward. A _powerful_ way forward. All with sense know what power _doesn't_ grow out of.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Scratched Liberal
    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    A declaration from West Africa Peoples Organization on Niger

    cross-posted from: > >WAPO therefore strongly and unambiguously condemns the current warmongering attitude of ECOWAS and demands that the military bases of all [neo]imperialist and neo-conservative forces in West Africa be withdrawn. > > > >We call on our member organizations to close ranks and fight against any unjust [neo]imperialist war that might be imposed on our region by the folly of our bankrupt rulers. > > > >We firmly believe that the U.S., France, the U.K. and NATO will be the current beneficiaries of any war in Niger. It is clear that the dignity of our peoples and the sovereignty of Niger will be the losers.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Black Alliance for Peace's Statement on Niger

    cross-posted from: > > The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interests. As Western imperialism seems to be losing its neo-colonialist grip on Africa, it is trying to expand its use of puppets and proxies to undermine resistance. > > No compromise; no retreat. Peace, y'all.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 90%
    Black Alliance for Peace's Statement on Niger

    > The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interests. As Western imperialism seems to be losing its neo-colonialist grip on Africa, it is trying to expand its use of puppets and proxies to undermine resistance. No compromise; no retreat. Peace, y'all.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Black liberation organizers indicted for opposing war

    It's like I keep saying. Rainer Shea can run his mouth about anything regarding the conflict; he'll never know federal harassment over it. Let one of _us_ oppose the conflict, though, and that's ten to life in a federal pen. But y'know, home of the free. Racism doesn't exist, that was solved with the last peckerwood-serving misleader of a president we had. We're not oppressed as an internal colony, _not at all._

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Debate Pervert

    Do pesky liberal shitbags keep trying to talk you in circles wasting time they haven't earned and aren't paying you for? Sounds like you're dealing with a Debate Pervert™. Slap 'em with this stamp.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 75%
    Censorship of the Black Left | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > What do the Washington Post, Rainer Shea, and Youtube all have in common? Your first two guesses are free. > > Now, I'm not going to say I particularly trust Dr. Cornel West-- I'd have to do more research into him as a person before I did as a candidate; but I do rather like the way this article draws up the settler-liberal efforts to sideline him the same way publications like BAR, or channels like BPM and RBN have been getting sidelined and silenced by Youtube. > > > _The man whose politics have been described as fascistic, who has been labeled as the most racist president, is one whom they cannot defeat politically. **That is because the Democratic Party isn’t really much different. And so they are at a loss as to how to secure victory without silencing anyone who might expose their fraudulence.** So it is the liberal class which has led the fight to silence the left._ > > > _This conundrum explains why the Cornel West candidacy is so dangerous as are the outlets which allow him to speak about the issues that matter to millions of people, issues they’re told can’t be addressed. And so the corporate media and the liberal class join in condemning his candidacy. **The Nation magazine, allegedly left, asks West to run as a Democrat, a sure way to be the latest sheepdog, the latest person to sacrifice the needs of millions of people to prop up what can’t be propped up.** And that is why it is important to silence outlets like Black Power Media and Revolutionary Blackout Network. **It is Black people who still keep the Democratic party together and who must be convinced that they can’t stray from its orthodoxy.**_ (emphasis mine)

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Censorship of the Black Left | Black Agenda Report

    What do the Washington Post, Rainer Shea, and Youtube all have in common? Your first two guesses are free. Now, I'm not going to say I particularly trust Dr. Cornel West-- I'd have to do more research into him as a person before I did as a candidate; but I do rather like the way this article draws up the settler-liberal efforts to sideline him the same way publications like BAR, or channels like BPM and RBN have been getting sidelined and silenced by Youtube. > _The man whose politics have been described as fascistic, who has been labeled as the most racist president, is one whom they cannot defeat politically. **That is because the Democratic Party isn’t really much different. And so they are at a loss as to how to secure victory without silencing anyone who might expose their fraudulence.** So it is the liberal class which has led the fight to silence the left._ > _This conundrum explains why the Cornel West candidacy is so dangerous as are the outlets which allow him to speak about the issues that matter to millions of people, issues they’re told can’t be addressed. And so the corporate media and the liberal class join in condemning his candidacy. **The Nation magazine, allegedly left, asks West to run as a Democrat, a sure way to be the latest sheepdog, the latest person to sacrifice the needs of millions of people to prop up what can’t be propped up.** And that is why it is important to silence outlets like Black Power Media and Revolutionary Blackout Network. **It is Black people who still keep the Democratic party together and who must be convinced that they can’t stray from its orthodoxy.**_ (emphasis mine)

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 92%
    The State's Constant Attack on Black Liberation | Black Agenda Report

    > Black people who assert their rights to be sovereign and liberated have always been treated as enemies to be silenced or destroyed. Even enslaved people who sought to escape from bondage were labeled as sufferers of “drapetomania.” The effort to pathologize and stigmatize the fight for freedom never ended. To this very day Black liberation is diminished and discredited as being wrong headed or dangerous. It continues to this day. We see it in the way the Uhuru House wasn't allowed to protest the war effort without literally getting raided and incarcerated as "Russian disinfo agents". We see it in the way that online _settler_-liberals can't help but slander any criticism as "bot farms". We see it in the way that when one of our Misleaders thrives on the malicious philanthropy of the settlers(\*cough* CLARENCE \*cough*), _nothing resembling legal consequences ever seems to happen to them._ "Sell out to us and we'll uplift _you,_ at the cost of your community". This is the byline of the Amerikan Dream offered to us. "Sell out to us, and _you'll_ be comfortable. Sell out to us, and we won't send stochastic crackers to gun you down in broad daylight." That's all it is. And when you don't comply, you're "a Russian" in need of silencing. In need of incarceration. In need of _assassination._ > The fear also explains why the forces arrayed against us continue their fight. Black liberation is dangerous to them. Anti-imperialism is dangerous to them. Challenging the political duopoly is dangerous to them. Allowing any counter narrative to thrive puts the system at risk. I struggled for a couple minutes on how to end this; cause ending with a quote makes it feel like an eternal pause-- so I'm going to end it by telling you to get armed. Arm up, learn your tool, practice with it. The hard days are coming; and it's better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Peru’s Black Misleadership Class Complicit with Coup Regime and International Far Right | Black Agenda Report

    I was gonna open this one up with "Amerika ain't the only country with a malfeasant Misleadership Class"; and then I saw the byline. > _The U.S. isn't the only country with a duplicitous Black political class. The coup government in Peru has Black "leaders" who protect and defend the right wing who ousted an elected president and violate the people's human rights._

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 71%
    Who is Afraid of (Black) Nationalism?  - Hood Communist

    > What they fear is that the revolutionary nationalist will engage in the same savagery that has marked the European’s “national conquest”. They fear a reverse “Manifest Destiny” or the brown-black version of the “White Man’s Burden”. Post this link the next time a settler starts getting buck around the concepts of self-determination. The only place I feel this article falls short is that it makes very little mention of our Indigenous comrades, who in many respects, have been dealt a much harsher hand in comparison to what we've gone through. Things that comrades here have given me pause on; with regard to concepts like the Black Belt Republic being a practical nonstarter given that's not even the settler's land, that was always someone else's. While I see _actual Panafricanism_ as a viable road for Black comrades, in Amerika at least, we can't forget that we're not the only ones wronged here; and any liberation we reach means nothing if it's not together with the other colonized subjects-of-empire on this landmass, is where I want to get off this soapbox.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Stop Cop City goes to the people in petition push, opens federal lawsuit

    cross-posted from: > >The city rules around gathering signatures are convoluted. The person signing must reside in Atlanta and have been eligible to vote in the November 2021 election. The person collecting the signatures has to be an Atlanta resident, and each signature must be witnessed by someone who has been registered to vote since Oct. 4, 2021. In some cases, this means that two canvassers are needed in order to collect each signature. > > > >On July 7, four anti-Cop City activists who live in DeKalb County — a majority Black, working-class county located a few miles away from the proposed site of the militarized police training facility — filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Atlanta and the state of Georgia. They charge that the Atlanta law is unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds, saying the law “endangers any effort to successfully petition local governments to amend or repeal laws by popular vote.” > > > >Those who will be most impacted by Cop City — including by the constant sound of gunfire, vehicle-driving exercises, a burn tower, urban warfare training and the environmental devastation Cop City will cause — not only cannot vote, but also can’t participate in making the referendum possible. No date has been set for the court hearing.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hip Hop absentthereaper 1 year ago 80%
    Killer Mike - Scientists & Engineers ft. Future, Andre 3000, Eryn Allen Kane [Audio]

    Not gonna bullshit, I only really came here(to this song) for Three Stacks.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hip Hop absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    JPEGMAFIA - I Just Killed A Cop Now I'm Horny

    cross-posted from: > Who gonna weep when these coppers die?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hip Hop absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    J Dilla - Lightworks

    Classic beat afaic. When the Creator stops fuckin around and calls me home, the first thing I'm doing is picking up that new Dilla and DOOM release.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 100%
    Beyond Affirmative Action, Toward Black Unity | Black Agenda Report

    > While there are differences between affirmative action policies in higher education and business, in our economy and socio-political reality, incorporation into the neoliberal university more often than not sets Black and other racialized students down a path for incorporation into at least the lower rungs of participation, management, and/or investment within the machine of profit- and war-making that is the United States. This is doubly so when those students and graduates are saddled with massive amounts of debt in order to get that education – the debt itself is another conservative tactic to demobilize student movements. As opposed to previously, when Black/African people primarily considered ourselves separate (if at times, unfortunately, subservient) from “white America,” now every piece of patriotic “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) propaganda tells us that we, too, can be part of the white supremacist, settler colonial project. _**Even the term “African-American” is a subtle tactic to suggest that we should see ourselves as part of this machine, this empire.**_ Emphasis mine; this is exactly why I prefer terms like Black and New Afrikan. (I'm even kind of souring a little bit on 'Black' if only because why define ourselves with what settlerdom sees as 'their opposite'? The aim should be to break that particular dyad to be able to define _ourselves,_ from where I sit.) > The sooner that we recognize that no political or entrepreneurial hero is coming to save us, the sooner we refuse to participate in the U.S.’s ongoing project of white supremacist capitalist domination, and the sooner we stop accepting bad checks from charlatans who use their identity or affected cultural cues to hide their crooked motives, then the sooner we can unify against this death-dealing machine of U.S. and European empire and exploitation. If we have urgency for anything, it should be for this. As this article lays out, this is hardly a defense of the bad check that affirmative action _was;_ but a call for unity in the face of the Empire even being willing to bold-facedly renege on that, too. The settler giveth, and the settler taketh away, on some Old Testament YVWH shit. _This should be where and when the lesson is learned._

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 93%
    Outrage as Republican says 1921 Tulsa massacre not motivated by race

    I'm betting in the next couple weeks, someone's gonna try this over the MOVE bombing too, and I'll still be in the same state of fuckin' facepalm. Just once, I'd like to see the settlers own up to the fuckery they committed with their whole chests, like "Yeah, we did that; and it was fuckin wrong"-- but I'm not holding my breath. This country will fall, balkanize, and fall again before the settlers admit any culpability.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hip Hop absentthereaper 1 year ago 66%
    Canibus - Poet Laureate Infinity; All 1000 Bars

    Imagine flowing this effortless for a solid hour. Couldn't be me. Bout to sound mad oldhead... But I _miss_ battle rap like this, even for all the experimental avant-garde acts I listen to nowadays. (A lot of the reason I like Peggy so much, I think)

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 90%
    Black People, Guns, and the Troubling Reaction to Ja Morant | Black Agenda Report

    > While what [Morant] did is not illegal in the state of Tennessee, that is not the authority under which this penalty comes. The NBA Players Association collectively bargained to give the league a great deal of latitude to discipline players for conduct “unfavorable” to the league. This is a dog whistle clause that really means the conduct scared the hell out of the predominant white fan base. This Ja Morant incident should be a salient, timely reminder that the only reason that the NRA even formed in the first place was as a check to the Panthers. Keep arming up. Keep learning your tools. The settlers getting the HOA scared out of them is immaterial to our own liberation; and in this country, power grows out of only one thing.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 76%
    ‘Anti-Black’ Claim Raised About Cuba As Solidarity Activists Stopped at U.S. Border & Black Socialists Arraigned in United States for Collaborating with Russia | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > This has actually been something weighing on my mind for a long time now. You talk about leaving, trying to get to Cuba, or Venezuela, or Colombia, or insert a nation you'd roll bones on being better than Amerika; and here comes a paternalistic cracker on their redwinged blackbird dive-bombing shit _"you know they're racist as shit, yeah? you know they don't like Blacks over there, yeah? you know you're better off right here ~~where we can keep our thumb on you~~ yeah?"_ > > Next time the mayonnaisians hit you with that, just ask one simple question: _"How are **you** any better? How is your **nation** any better?"_ Because it really ain't. > > If you can afford to cut a check right now, there's proper Black socialists staring down the barrel of carceral slavery; hit their [legal fund]( Or if not theirs, hit the [ATL Solidarity Fund.](

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 0%
    ‘Anti-Black’ Claim Raised About Cuba As Solidarity Activists Stopped at U.S. Border & Black Socialists Arraigned in United States for Collaborating with Russia | Black Agenda Report

    This has actually been something weighing on my mind for a long time now. You talk about leaving, trying to get to Cuba, or Venezuela, or Colombia, or insert a nation you'd roll bones on being better than Amerika; and here comes a paternalistic cracker on their redwinged blackbird dive-bombing shit _"you know they're racist as shit, yeah? you know they don't like Blacks over there, yeah? you know you're better off right here ~~where we can keep our thumb on you~~ yeah?"_ Next time the mayonnaisians hit you with that, just ask one simple question: _"How are **you** any better? How is your **nation** any better?"_ Because it really ain't. If you can afford to cut a check right now, there's proper Black socialists staring down the barrel of carceral slavery; hit their [legal fund]( Or if not theirs, hit the [ATL Solidarity Fund.](

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 66%
    Apologies Not Accepted - Or I Love It When The Universe Proves Me Right | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > > _"...Well, well, well. The party that we were supposed to align with to stop nuclear war comes right out and answers the question I asked in my article and in the video that Blumenthal posted on Twitter to claim I was saying something I was not, and that question was: 'Let’s say nuclear war is avoided by this rally, will these people fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people? No.'"_ > > > _"NO THEY WILL NOT. The Libertarian Party will NOT fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people, because as I made clear in the original article and as the LP itself has made clear over and over again and once more for good measure on April 13, they will oppress people when they have the power to do so!"_ > > One day, we'll learn that the master's _kids_ will not tear down the master's plantation.

    Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 0%
    Apologies Not Accepted - Or I Love It When The Universe Proves Me Right | Black Agenda Report

    > _"...Well, well, well. The party that we were supposed to align with to stop nuclear war comes right out and answers the question I asked in my article and in the video that Blumenthal posted on Twitter to claim I was saying something I was not, and that question was: 'Let’s say nuclear war is avoided by this rally, will these people fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people? No.'"_ > _"NO THEY WILL NOT. The Libertarian Party will NOT fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people, because as I made clear in the original article and as the LP itself has made clear over and over again and once more for good measure on April 13, they will oppress people when they have the power to do so!"_ One day, we'll learn that the master's _kids_ will not tear down the master's plantation.

    GenZedong absentthereaper 1 year ago 83%
    U.S. Push to Strip China's Developing Country Status an Attack on Development Itself | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > Insert 'pithy' joke about "free markets" riiiiiiiiiight here. The past year, year and a half, has been little more than Amerika brazenly displaying its 'grade schooler at recess' mentality with regard to taking _every single under-handed trick_ to attempt to maintain hegemon over China and Russia. > > The decline is happening all around us, and we have the forces of Red Scare-goggled reaction to thank for it.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 1 year ago 84%
    U.S. Push to Strip China's Developing Country Status an Attack on Development Itself | Black Agenda Report

    Insert 'pithy' joke about "free markets" riiiiiiiiiight here. The past year, year and a half, has been little more than Amerika brazenly displaying its 'grade schooler at recess' mentality with regard to taking _every single under-handed trick_ to attempt to maintain hegemon over China and Russia. The decline is happening all around us, and we have the forces of Red Scare-goggled reaction to thank for it.

    GenZedong absentthereaper 2 years ago 94%
    The FBI Wants to Put Me On Trial for Fighting for Black Freedom. Put the Colonial State on Trial! We Will Win! | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > Link to the Uhuru Movement's emergency response pledge: > > I don't know if y'all have been paying attention to the fuckeries of the FBI lately; but damned if the Uhuru House Raid doesn't smack of the same injustices that were perpetrated in antiquity to Tulsa, and in more recent memory to Philadelphia. > > The shit has got to end, or the _country_ will end. Make the motherfuckers pick one.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 2 years ago 87%
    The FBI Wants to Put Me On Trial for Fighting for Black Freedom. Put the Colonial State on Trial! We Will Win! | Black Agenda Report

    Link to the Uhuru Movement's emergency response pledge: I don't know if y'all have been paying attention to the fuckeries of the FBI lately; but damned if the Uhuru House Raid doesn't smack of the same injustices that were perpetrated in antiquity to Tulsa, and in more recent memory to Philadelphia. The shit has got to end, or the _country_ will end. Make the motherfuckers pick one.

    Fuck the Colonists absentthereaper 2 years ago 85%
    An African View On Ukraine | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > > Africa and the Russian people share a history of struggle. When the African people were fighting for their independence for their liberation, those who are condemning Russia today, we are not with them [then]. They were on the other side. They never took our site. Not that our side was wrong. Our side was right. But they never took our side. They took the side of the colonialists. They took the side of the side of apartheid, they took their side of racist superiority against the forces of liberation, African liberation. We'll never forget that.

    The Crime Panic That Helped Elect Eric Adams Is Now Turning Against Him | Black Agenda Report

    cross-posted from: > _"Last week, the New York Post published a front page mocking Adams for accurately talking about the crime rate in the subway. The front page featured a photoshopped Adams riding a winged unicorn next to the NYC skyline with doves, butterflies, a pink teddy bear, and a rainbow above it. The front page headline read “Fantasy Land” and “City is unsafe? It’s just media and false ‘perception’, mayor says.” It’s fitting that the New York Post, which has never had a problem with printing cop lies, would only become skeptical of a cop’s word when it’s the actual truth about crime."_ > > ...And really I got no sympathy for him. Lay down with pigs, don't be surprised when your ass wakes up in the bed of the slaughterhouse truck.
