warframe Warframe On the future of dormi.zone
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 66%

    After giving it some thought since the announcement to re-open the sub, I arrived at the conclusion that I do not want to be a part of this community anymore, both on Reddit and Lemmy. This will be my last post here and I won't see any replies but feel free to discuss anyway. Don't worry, I won't let the door hit me on my way out, but before they load and open (sad Volt main noises) I'd like to explain why.

    I initially didn't care about Reddit blackout because I was using the official app, thinking the API changes won't affect me, but since my favourite subreddit decided to join, I did some reading on it and I see why people decided to do the blackout. In order to support everyone participating, including r/Warframe, I also deleted my 7 year old Reddit account with over 200k Karma through the Redacted.

    While the people in the Warframe community both here and on Reddit are generally very nice, helpful, and I honestly like interacting with you, I do not want to support a community run by people who bailed on the blackout. I'm not interested in making my own community either because further splintering, albeit miniscule, doesn't benefit anyone.

    I've read your reasoning for reopening but don't agree with them. To me, they are excuses we as a community could work around and resolve but you decided to take the easy way out instead of working with us. We could go into the discussion about this in length but it wouldn't change anything because the decisions have already been made and I've no interest in trying to change your mind as much as you don't care about changing mine.

    Switching to Solo Mode.

  • xbox Xbox Starfield physical edition won't include physical discs
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I've been buying purely digital since half way in PS3 simply because you can share the games with another account, so if my wife and me want to play something together, we have to buy the game only once. Saves a lot of money but I always missed the feeling of reading the instruction manual and drooling over the artwork.

  • games Games How are you ennjoying Final Fantasy XVI?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 0%

    When you say a FF world is lifeless compared to a Souls game, you know FF hit a new low.

  • warframe
    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    The new Battacor mod performs just as I expected - beautifully

    This was tested on lvl 195 Steel Path Exo Gokstad Officers but it works amazingly well in normal gameplay as well. Here's the mod in question: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/40f82fe9-b93b-41ad-b9a8-d45bd023b43b.png) It can be obtained in the current Nightwave. To summarise, as soon as you get the first kill and don't miss, Battacor will work as a very potent laser cannon of death. Basically what Opticor should be. Maybe one day... Anyway, here's my build: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/b7e09f3a-9ba0-4332-8a0c-92146e67b2bd.jpeg) The Riven is +CC +CD +Toxin, which is now totally unnecessary thanks to Sentient Barrage offering much better values. As for Battacor itself, you can mod it for the usual Viral+HM, or what I did is Corrosive+HM with Nourish. Just be aware that kills from HM do not charge it's alt fire (it used to though so I'm hoping it's a bug DE will fix).

    xbox Xbox Starfield physical edition won't include physical discs
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    What's the point of buying the physical edition then?

  • warframe
    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    I sent this to someone over PSN who killed my Synthesis Target and got told I'll be reported and banned! 😥

    If I got a penny every time I receive a threat like this, I could afford high Index.

    warframe Warframe You either die a Legend, or live Long Enough to craft Another Sibear
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    You either die a Legend or live long enough to be the type of psychopath that uses this light UI theme.

  • warframe Warframe What weapons do you think have the best chance of getting Incarnon forms in the future?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    The dream Opticor right there 🥵

    Angstrum sounds interesting. I have Boar, so I'd like to try it. But Gammacor sounds the most appealing to me. I got the Synoid version for so long it might actually be my longest owned weapon. It was made redundant with Cycron, Nukor, and Ocucor since it's just single target but if Incarnon can help it, I'd love to put it back on.

  • memes Memes I have seen things that were never meant for mortal eyes...
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    The NSFW communities are the best part!

  • warframe Warframe What weapons do you think have the best chance of getting Incarnon forms in the future?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I'm going to assume the weapon cannot have alt fire mechanic of any kind otherwise it would conflict with the Incarnon transformation. I would also prefer to avoid enemy faction related weapons since they can have a Lich variant instead. Lastly, I would prioritise weapons that don't have any other variant (not sure whether to count Prime though).

    Here's a list of potential candidate weapons that come to mind.


    • Attica
    • Buzlok
    • Daikyu
    • Grakata (for Clem!)
    • Sybaris
    • Tigris
    • Veldt
    • Zhuge


    • Akzani
    • Ballistica
    • Fusilai
    • Gammacor
    • Sicarus


    • Cadus
    • Cronus
    • Dragon Nikana
    • Endura
    • Gunsen
    • Heat Sword
    • Machete
    • Okina
    • Plasma Sword
    • Shaku
    • Tonbo

    Personal Wishlist

    • Tiberon
    • Opticor
    • Battacor
    • Gammacor
    • Paracesis
    • Orvius
  • starwarsmemes
    Star Wars Memes Zansacu 1 year ago 94%
    Hello there
    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    The Seven Tips of Kullervo

    1. Consider subsuming Nourish to Kullervo. The added Viral AoE indirectly buffs the damage of all of his abilities by amplifying the Slash proc damage. It also adds Viral buff to your weapons, so it directly buffs the damage of Wrathful Advance. Lastly, the increased energy regeneration will make sure you can always cast Recompense, taking away any survivability issues. 2. Wrathful Advance works extremely well with daggers modded for high range because their heavy attack does a wide slash around you with guaranteed status effect followed by a stab that hits the intended target as well. It's great with meta weapons like Nikanas and Tonfas too, of course. 3. Don't be afraid of Recompense self damage. In worst case scenario, you'll receive damage worth of a single dagger, this means that as long as there is at least a single enemy, you won't be harmed and you will be healed and potentionally get Overguard too (depends on Ability Strength). Also, Overguard prevents knockdown, meaning you don't need Primed Sure Footed or Handspring, and you can stack up to 5000 Overguard. 4. Collective Curse damage ignores the recipients defences. This means you can use the high damage you do to weaker enemies to significantly hurt stronger enemies. E.g.: Shoot a Butcher to take down a Bombard. 5. Collective Curse supports chaining, so damage through abilities like Discharge and weapons like Nukor or Cycron is extremely amplified by multiple chaining instances happening at the same time. The screen will be filled with crazy amount of number and everything will be dead. 6. Storm of Ukko provides very potent area denial thanks to stacking Slash status in numbers strong enough to kill most Steel Path enemies, but you can also use Collective Curse to spread out it's full damage from the affected enemies to those outside of the dagger rain. 7. Use Transference when fighting Kullervo. It charges quickly during the fight and no matter how tough Kullervo may seem, even on Steel Path, our Warframes and weapons wipe the floor with him so quickly you could get all three stages of the fight done in a single Transference.

    warframe Warframe I finally reached LR3 and completed my slate collection!
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%


    I named my Kubrow Ricco after my childhood dog (Riko), so I want to use him exclusively. Using other 'living' companions, especially the good ones like Panzer Vulpa or Smeeta would make me abandon Ricco because they're just so much better.

    A silly personal sentimentality if you will.

  • warframe
    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    I finally reached LR3 and completed my slate collection!

    I have a self-imposed challenge to not use any other 'living' companion other than my starter Kubrow, which is why I needed this update to reach LR3.

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I don't understand...

    So, the CEO knows this, decided against upgrading the viewpoint putting his giga wealthy customers at risk, who likely could sue him or just straight up ruin him, decided to go with it anywa, AND boarded the sub himself.

    My brain doesn't comprehend this logic.

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes it's treason then
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Nah, he's just a regular rich cunt. No super powers involved except the lack of common sense.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe Assassination Nodes
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    He does give you the most shit over comms too. You're right to keep him for the memes.

    That said, I'd change him on Steel Path, where once you kill him, he runs off to some huge ass Corpus mech and you get a round 2 which would be a proper bossfight.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe Assassination Nodes
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    A lot of boss fights are boring but they work as they are, but some need a straight rework, like Sergeant, Jordas Golem, or at least some touch up, like Lech Krill (mostly due to bugs), and Ropalolyst (also bugged as hell).

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Don't give Russians any ideas or they'll use it next. "We didn't invade Ukraine, it's actually a rescue operation."

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    That's some karma.

  • unethicallifeprotips Unethical Life Pro Tips ULPT: if you’re stuck on an annoying call, put your phone on airplane mode instead of just hanging up.
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I'm using this next time my boss calls.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe Assassination Nodes
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    DE said they plan on reworking assassinations to be more like Jackal but they never got to it and Parazon isn't as much used anymore.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 44%

    I think a better question would be "Should they be rescued?". Billionaires are a stain on humanity. You simply do not need that much wealth for any valid purpose.

  • warframe Warframe Elements for Lich/Tenet weapons
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    This is the way.

  • warframe Warframe Questions about the game
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    1. Always do quests first. You unlock more options to use in your general gameplay through them.

    2. Incarnon weapons are meta right now. They get unlocked either through randomised Steel Path mode in Duviri, called Circuit, or through Zariman, which should be unlocked through one of the last available quests. Alternatively, you can opt to get yourself an adversary Kuva Lich (Grineer) or Sister of Parvos (Corpus), who have the second best weapons in the game. They are also unlocked through quests but rather early ones.

    3. Depends on what you want the frame to do. Nuke? Saryn. Survivability? Revenant. Speed? Titania. Ability damage? Protea. Support? Wisp. Defending? Frost. Stealth? Wukong (no really). Assassination? Ivara. Hotel? Trivago.

    4. See 2 and 3 but as long as it's well modded and used properly, nearly anything can handle Steel Path.

  • warframe Warframe Help regarding Archon hunts
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Archon Hunts are the most difficult content available right now. If you don't do enough damage you're simply not ready to solo them. It's a fact you have to learn to accept.

    It's not your fault though, so don't take it as a personal attack or anything. Warframe progression is completely stupid and often throws at you content you're not ready for. Take open worlds for example. A new player has no way to handle PoE but the game sends you there when you're like MR3. Archon Hunts are the same.

    To make matters worse, Archons have a rather unique defence mechanism to them which makes most weapons and abilities useless.

    So, from where you're standing right now, you have 2 options.

    1. Get the Zariman weapons or Kuva Hek. Mod them for Radiation damage and pair them with Ivara or other stealth frame of your choice. Ivara provides additional damage boosting options though, so she's the best for Archon Hunts. Give her Roar with as high strength and duration as you can and Rolling Guard for survivability. That's all you need.

    2. Don't try to solo it and ask for help. I understand you don't want to feel like a leech and want to be useful but you don't have to rely on damage alone to do that. Remember, Archon Hunts have perma death, so having someone who can heal, boost, and revive, is actually super useful there. I'm running a Vazarin Harrow Prime with Roar for support and it's great. Damage buff, CC, CC buff, immortality, fast revives, all in one package.

  • warframe Warframe What is your most satisfying weapon to use?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    For me, it has to be a combination of both the way the weapon feels and the way it performs.

    For example, Opticor looks, sounds, and feels great, but the damage has been powercrept by new weapons, and it feels really bad when something survives it. Everything should die to it in one shot.

    Currently, the weapon that fits all of these the most is Latron Prime. After getting Incarnon Genesis, it's power is so high that if I take the time to aim for the enemy's weakspot, it usually dies in one shot. If not, thanks to Double Tap, you get the satisfaction of seeing your damage steadily increase until the target is well dead and done.

    I'm hoping the new augment for Battacor will push it back to my #1 weapon.

  • warframe Warframe Precept Mods/Order Equip
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I can confirm Kubrows adhere to this precept system as well. My Raksa will either restore my shields or stun enemies with Howl depending on which is first.

    As for weapons, if you mean how to combine elements, the priority goes from top left to bottom right.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK you can block Lemmy communities
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I wish this worked. I blocked several communities that are either not relevant / interesting to me or are in a language I don't understand, yet I still see their posts in "All".

    For example, I blocked the Formula 1 community three times already.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I deleted everything Reddit related and haven't been there since. I even avoid Reddit related search results.

  • memes Memes Just can't win
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I have the same issue. This is why I feel like this for most of the day.

  • jerboa
    Jerboa Zansacu 1 year ago 83%
    How can I remove upvote/downvote visibility?

    There's the option to 'Show Scores' but even if I uncheck it, nothing changes. I was hoping to leave this narcissistic feature behind when I left Reddit.

    warframe Warframe Some Citrine augment concepts that I just made for fun.
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    I really like Unyielding Prism. It's the only one I would slot in because Status immunity is a great thing to have on higher levels, especially for companion survivability.

  • memes Memes not sure which is worse...
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 96%

    When they see my data:

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: The term "Genuine Leather", it is not to reassure you that their product is made of leather, rather its the name of the lowest grade of leather a company can use.
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    There's various types of leather, some of which are actually porous. I'm no expert but you can Google it.

    The point about rain protection isn't related to the water getting through but because rain can contain chemicals and salt which can stain the leather and also make the leather brittle and vulnerable to mechanical damage, like getting cracks on it because it loses some of it's natural elasticity.

    This is usually prevented by oiling it and putting various rain protection products on it.

  • memes Memes Cause of all our problems
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Can you prescribe me some moneycillin? 100g(rand) a day ideally.

  • 196 196 When you get a message from your boss saying the office AC broke so the team building got cancelled and you have to work from home whole next week.
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    It attracted me :3

  • memes Memes NASA was truly ahead of its time
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 95%

    Bro that's not CGI, that's the secret footage of Harambe traveling back in time to assassinate Kennedy.

  • warframe Warframe What is your "go to build" for new weapons when you get them?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Damage, multishot and crit mods if the weapon is crit based or Galv status mod and Heat 60/60.

    I main Volt with Nourish, so the weapon will have Viral and double CD buff, which makes even junk without mods be able to handle a few rounds of low level SP Survival as I level them.

    Alternatively, if the weapon is so bad even this won't work, I'll slap it on Styanax and go ESO. Styanax does limited area nuke but more importantly provides insane energy regen if you have Nourish on him, which enables my team to nuke ESO more often and in turn level up my trash weapon faster.

  • 196 196 When you get a message from your boss saying the office AC broke so the team building got cancelled and you have to work from home whole next week.
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    The rule is that you have to post something before you leave.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe Awards - Community Survey Results
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Gara is similar but doesn't do the same job. She's a hybrid between Limbo and Frost in the regard that she offers damage reduction to both static and mobile targets while they give damage immunity to either static targets (Snow Globe) or mobile targets (Banish). The main difference is that Gara provides up to 50% DR to objects, whereas Snow Globe blocks everything.

    In high level content, objects like Excavators don't have enough HP to survive even a few hits from the enemies even with Gara's DR and healing but Snow Globe can keep them alive by blocking the damage completely. There is Mass Vitrify, of course, but in order for it to work properly and have enough health, Gara has to hit multiple enemies while casting it. This means the enemies have to be close enough to her and hence to her defence target, which puts it at risk of getting destroyed before they get glassed.

    Frost doesn't have this risk factor which is why he's better at defending.

  • reddit Reddit Betrayal of the highest order
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    So far it seems as normal re-opening. There's a still a few days to go so maybe they'll change their minds and at least go into a read only mode, if that's possible.

  • warframe Warframe What is the worst part of Warframe and why is it the stealth mechanics?
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    "Change of plans, Tenno."

    That's instant rage quit for me.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe Awards - Community Survey Results
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    Dat Loki though

  • warframe Warframe Some help with Volt Prime builds
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    This is my general purpose Volt build. It can handle anything, even Archons, but it won't excel at ESO due to low Range.

    Feel free to replace Transistor Shield with Rolling Guard if you need more survivability. I have it there because Brief Respite works as a cheap alternative and I like the extra damage Transistor Shield provides.

    Shock has been replaced by Tharros Strike for healing and defence strip. Alternatively, you can use Nourish to buff your weapons with Viral and to get Energy regen buff. Both work very well with Volt. Also, if you use Archon Stretch and Shocking Speed with Nourish, you'll end up generating massive amounts of Energy and won't ever have to worry about it.

    The Arcanes are Arcane Avenger for extra Critical Chance and Arcane Energize for Tharros Strike build or Molt Efficiency (+36% Duration) for Nourish build.

    It has 5 Azure Archon Shards adjusted for Armor. This gives Volt over 1000 Armor. This, paired with the Umbral mods gives you 800-1000HP as a fallback if something goes wrong and to prevent Toxic from oneshotting you.

    Remember to use Crit focused weapons because Electric Shield doubles your weapons Critical Damage.

  • warframe Warframe Happy Father's day!
  • Zansacu Zansacu 1 year ago 100%

    As a Volt main, I find this ridiculously adorable.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRE
    Reddit Zansacu 1 year ago 95%
    Betrayal of the highest order

    I joined Reddit mostly because of one specific game focused community. When they went private during the protest and migrated to Lemmy, I followed suit. While Lemmy doesn't have a lot of the functions Reddit had, I like it here more and want to stay. After reading a bit about the protest, it resonated with me and in an attempt to support it I deleted my 7 year old account with all the content on it. Now, I found out the said community will be opening their Subreddit again in a few days. They will keep their Lemmy instance open but I feel like the majority of people will return to Reddit because there's years of content there already while they would have to build everything from scratch here. I respect their decision but I feel fucking betrayed and need to went. Sorry if I chose the wrong place to do so.

    196 Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    I made (stole) this Golden Lemmy. Award it to someone as you see fit...or not. It's your problem now.

    I tried Googling 'golden lemmy' and only found this and furry porn. After six hours of watching unrelated *documentaries*, I made this badge.

    196 Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    Today is having me like

    Shit day rule

    196 Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    I come here too often rule
    196 Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    James Astley rule
    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    I can't shake the feeling Kullervo was designed with the help of AI.

    Just feels like AI generated design. Nothing wrong with that mind you.

    One Piece Zansacu 1 year ago 85%
    I just realized... What language is the live action supposed to be in?

    I don't even want to imagine the English versions of Gomu Gomu no attacks and similar. I've never heard One Piece in other languages other than Japanese and I'm scared to look it up. The alternative would be that the characters won't shout out their attacks, which makes more sense for a live action adaptation but at the same time, I would kinda miss it. "Usopp Rubber Band of Doom" combo in Arlong Park was made for the big screen, so I sure as hell want to see and hear it.

    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    What is the Warframe's community's stance on the Reddit blackout and what are your next steps?

    I haven't been to Reddit for a few days, I've also completely deleted my data and my profile from Reddit, and I don't want to return. Are we here to stay? Are you moving back to the Warframe subreddit? Are we moving elsewhere, like the official forum, for example? Personally, I like Lemmy although I miss being able to use GIFs and directly upload videos, so I'm happy if we decide to stay here.

    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    TIL you can play Flappy Zephyr directly from her Arsenal appearance menu by clicking the "Z" in her config loadout selection

    It's a nice little detail I just found out and appreciate even if I don't play Flappy Zephyr myself.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRE
    Reddit Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    How can I completely wipe my Reddit account?

    I'm a fully mobile user (Android), so that limits my options. I don't just want to delete my account but also delete my posts and comments. I was mostly shitposting but still had some 200k Karma so it could pinch Reddit a bit to remove that but it won't hurt users or Google search since I wasn't doing anything 'productive' or 'helpful'.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearSN
    How can I completely wipe my Reddit account?

    I'm a fully mobile user, so that limits my options. I don't just want to delete my account but also delete my posts and comments. I was mostly shitposting but still had some 200k Karma so it could pinch Reddit a bit to remove that but it won't hurt users or Google search since I wasn't doing anything 'productive' or 'helpful'.

    Asklemmy Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    How can I upload videos and GIFs?

    Whenever I try uploading a gif, I end up uploading a static image instead. Sorry, I'm new here, one of the Reddit refugees, and Google is shit when I tried to look this up.

    Warframe Zansacu 1 year ago 100%
    Good boy!

    [When the Mecha set hits just right.](https://im.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-1-2e4a026c0b.gif)
