nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is there a Comic book reader app?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Tachiyomi is excellent for comics even though it might seem like (and originally is?) a manga reader.

    I use it with the Komga plugin to read comics from my self-hosted Komga server.

  • 1984
    1984 Zackyist 1 year ago 100%
    I think this is doing insidious things to our minds

    A new way of thinking perhaps? Obviously.

    youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Pixelfed replaced Instagram for me, the same way Lemmy replaced reddit.
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    At least in Finland it's normal for some employers to offer to pay for your phone and plan and you can use the same phone all the time for both, personal stuff and work.

  • technology Technology Nearly all of Evernote’s remaining staff has been laid off
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    This 100%! I switched over years ago and have been very happy using it on my desktop computer, laptop as well as my phones.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 66%

    With only around 100k users and most people using anonymous usernames that cannot be connected to their identity it would hardly be worth the effort, time or money.

  • books Books Great audiobook narrations?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, the audiobooks I have tried haven't had the best narrators. Just too bland ones I guess.

  • books
    Books Zackyist 1 year ago 100%
    Great audiobook narrations?

    After listening to a few clips of The Silmarillion narrated by Andy Serkis, I am interested in seeing if I could actually get used to listening to audiobooks. I usually can't focus enough on audio alone to keep up with a book but now I'm thinking it might be more of a narration quality thing than anything else. What are your suggestions for other audiobooks with great or at least similar narration as this new version of The Silmarillion?

    fantasy Fantasy books, stories, &c What are your favorite fantasy novels/series?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    The Wheel of Time and Mistborn (I have only read the first trilogy so far) are definitely up there for me.

  • meta Meta Maintenance break tomorrow at 18:00 / Huoltotauko huomenna klo 18:00
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Done. Everybody join me!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Porkbun are giving away the choice of a .dev or .app TLD (1yr)
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Been using them for years and aside from a single domain at Google (rip) I have been using them exclusively for the last couple of years. Hard to beat the prices and the support is top-notch.

    And who doesn't love a cute little piggie!

  • artshare Art Share🎨 A Dapperly Mustachioed Dolphin-Doggo
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    This is really cool!

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: You can save your fav comments from Lemmy to a dedicated text archiving service
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    After going through the painful experience of trying to export my hundreds of saved Reddit posts in a smart manner a couple of weeks ago I would definitely love to avoid the same with Lemmy. This certainly looks like something that can help me with that.

    Thanks for your hard work!

  • games Games Thoughts on BattleBit Remastered?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    The devs were testing out FACEIT anti-cheat (which won't work on Linux and also has a bad reputation as a rootkit) a while back but decided to revert back to EAC (which works on Linux) "at this time". If they do decide to implement FACEIT later on, that would lock all Linux gamers out of the official servers. Apparently the community servers might still run EAC after that and therefore possibly be usable with Linux though.

    So it works on Linux for now but there's no certainty about the future until the devs unveil their plans further.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Favorite retrogaming Youtube channels?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Seconding these!

  • 1984
    1984 Zackyist 1 year ago 100%
    Of course it's still going, the great experiment of our community!

    Like seriously, I had not expected things to go so well for our glorious banhammer of a leader. No revolts, no strikes, no dislikes! What a beautiful and orderly community we have built. I, for one, welcome our new bot overlord!

    python Python Wrote a Python script to sync your accounts across instances.
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    If only I had found this yesterday when I did everything by hand. Great to see this nevertheless!

  • steamdeck Steam Deck What games have y'all been playing a lot on your deck recently?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Definitely! Crash is next on my to-Deck list.

  • firefox Firefox Dear Firefox, please stop shoveling that awful “Pocket” app our throats on every browser upgrade… it’s really useless tbh
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    I agree with this. I have been using Pocket way before it was integrated into Firefox and tbh the extension was much better - seems like after tying it to my Firefox Sync account I have to relogin every few days to get the "Add to Pocket" button to work. The extension just remained logged in and stuff worked.

    I'm intending to switch over to self-hosted Wallabag though, for privacy and efficiency reasons.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck What games have y'all been playing a lot on your deck recently?
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Mostly Spyro Reignited here, reliving the moments of my childhood in higher definition. Along with Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered.

  • linux Linux Word of Warning: Backups
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    My condolences on your lost data. That must have been a horrible realization.

    I've also learned the hard way to keep all my important documents on Nextcloud which is completely synced to my desktop and laptop as well as backed up to another server with Borg. I also backup the ephemeral local files (screenshots, wallpapers, programming stuff) from my SSD, again with Borg to that same backup server and an external hard drive.

  • suomi Suomi Kuluttajariita­lautakunta linjaa, että kalliita määräaikaisia [sähkö]sopimuksia pitää kohtuullistaa – seuraukset voivat olla järisyttävät
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 75%

    Hyväksikäytön rajoittaminen on toki fiksua, sitä en kiellä. Sähköyhtiöiden katteet ja asema yhteiskunnassa ovatkin sitten eri keskustelu. Tässä tapauksessa (tai siis tämän jutun perusteella) vaan lähinnä tulee itselle mielikuva, että aivan liian monet ihmiset ovat sopimuksia solmiessaan tehneet pikaisia päätöksiä kilpailuttamatta vaihtoehtoja tai miettimättä kunnolla sopimuksen seurauksia - ja nyt niiden seurausten nielemisen sijaan tarvittaisiin valtiota pelastamaan omilta huonoilta päätöksiltä.

  • suomi Suomi Kuluttajariita­lautakunta linjaa, että kalliita määräaikaisia [sähkö]sopimuksia pitää kohtuullistaa – seuraukset voivat olla järisyttävät
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 66%

    Paljon puhutaan holhousvaltiosta eri kontekstissa, mutta mielestäni tämäkin alkaa olla jo sellaista. Reilu hinnoittelu on hyvästä ja ymmärrän loukon, johon osa ihmisistä on (sähkömyyjän hintojen nousua pelotellessa) päätynyt, mutta ei mielestäni kuulu valtiolle valvoa ja korjata kaikkia ihmisten huonoja taloudellisia valintoja.

    Enemmänkin kaipaisin valtion panostamista kansan taloustietouden huomattavaan parantamiseen, koska vaikuttaa siltä, että moni ostaja ei ole määräaikaisuuden käsitettä sisäistänyt tai miettinyt, miksi sähköyhtiö tarjoaisi (silloista) pörssisähköä halvempaa sähköä ylipäänsä.

  • suomi Suomi Juhannusviikonloppulqnka - 22.6. - 25.6.
  • Zackyist Zackyist 1 year ago 100%

    Huomenna käväsemään kaverien luona iltaa viettämässä, mutta muutoin ajatuksena pitää rentoutumisviikonloppu feat. kirjat ja videopelit (ja vähän sitä pyykinpesuakin).

    Oikein mainiot jussit kaikille!
