politics politics 'I will not be stepping down,' says Georgia State Election Board member Janelle King
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've noticed a lot of people are the "sit back and watch your neighbors be executed and sent to camps" crowd.

    Unfortunately there's also a lot in the "I would but not alone" crowd.

    It's why left-wing organized groups get alphabetted at the drop of a hat.

  • politics politics Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Heck, I have about 10 phones in my own house, there's about 20-25 at my in-laws.

    Me because I keep old gadgets

    In-laws because they have 8 children, and instead of the trash they just toss old phones into a box for anyone who breaks the new one.

  • news News Plutonium levels near US atomic site in Los Alamos similar to Chornobyl, study finds
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 75%

    I haven't really been keeping up with nuclear news, so that's actually a surprise to me that so many reactors are in-progress!

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the narrative of some is "nuclear is evil" instead of "China is beating us on energy, BUILD MORE TO BEAT THEM!" But oil lobbies really do have their claws into every facet of government... Quadruple down on fossil fuels and smear campaigns, money machine go brrr.

  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 80%

    Have you tried saying the magic words "these edibles ain't shit" after half an hour?

    In seriousness, that's odd that edibles don't do much for you. I wonder if it's a dosage issue or if there's something different about your digestive system. I guess the former implies the latter...

  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Personally I vape, but I do like edibles. I need to stop vaping as mY primary source, I've been noticing a decrease in lung capacity beyond what covid did. I did not enjoy biking long distance last week.

    I'm pretty good at baking, and have always wanted to try my hand at making edibles, but I think I'd rather try and find some chocolate chips or butter or something that I can use in a normal recipe first. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.

  • science science Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Don't feel bad, it took until "valley" for me to realize, and those movies were my jam as a child.

  • science science Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%


    The Voth are pushovers, I can destroy one of their city ships with a Miranda Class.

    Oh what's with the 15 other ships flying around the area? Don't mind them. Just my bros. Totally solo'd. Mhmm.

    Man, what is it with Sci fi and having futuristic tech from Dino-descendants.

    I'm not complaining, I want more.

  • politics politics Trump classified documents case: Special counsel urges appeals court to reverse dismissal
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 94%

    no Democrat is likely to do that

    Honestly this is what pisses me off.

    When an opponent who literally wants you or yours dead hands you a gun, shoot them with it. Because if you don't shoot, they will.

    Republicans have handed democrats so many tools over the years they could easily wield against Republicans.... But they don't.

    They take the "high road."

    The Moral High Road is Filled With Corpses.

  • technology Technology US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

  • atheistmemes Atheist Memes And be sure to "tip" with one of those fake bills.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Brotherly love didn't even last in my parents church while inside the building. They convinced a pastor to move his family across the country, and then when ONE PERSON got offended by a difference in interpretation, they managed to strong arm their church leaders into firing the pastor.

  • news News Chipotle Illegally Withheld Raises From Unionized Location, Labor Board Prosecutors Say | Company found to have violated law at a Michigan restaurant
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 50%
  • news News Plutonium levels near US atomic site in Los Alamos similar to Chornobyl, study finds
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 66%

    Fun fact! This is also how we know when certain asteroids smashed into the earth, because the impact deposits a layer of minerals and elements not found super common in the crust.

    Also, sensing equipment that uses or detects radiation as part of its function has to be made of non-radioactive materials in order to not interfere. And since hairless apes started cracking atoms open, all steel is ever so slightly radioactive. They need special preparations to make steel without any isotopes present. This also means pre-1945 steel fetches a higher price in some instances.

  • news News Plutonium levels near US atomic site in Los Alamos similar to Chornobyl, study finds
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 75%

    That's the whole point of things like this.

    Make it seem super scary, turn public opinion against anything nuclear.

    Usually you see articles like this pop up whenever there are renewed discussions for nuclear power plants. Not sure if this is one of those, or just clickbait.

  • news News Plutonium levels near US atomic site in Los Alamos similar to Chornobyl, study finds
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 88%

    Okay this might sound like conspiracy theory bullshit.... But is there any major country preparing to construct nuclear power plants, or is there a looming decision about nuclear power over fossil fuels coming soon?

    Because this is the exact kind of news article you see get pushed whenever someone starts making nuclear power seem like the viable option that it is.

    Anything that makes it seem like it's seconds from ending all life on the planet as we know it.

    Anything to demonize it.

    Anything to turn public perception negative.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming New leaks suggest Half-Life 3 is indeed real and a massive step for the series, though that doesn't mean you'll ever get to play it.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 97%

    "But that still doesn't mean you'll get to play it"

    Well then it doesn't exist.

    And until I actually am staring at the introduction screens, it's vaporware.

    Have we gone on long enough to see the endless wheel of "HALF LIFE 3?????" once again spin back around? I remember seeing a handful of these a year, every time valve did anything.

    Expect nothing, and you can't be disappointed.

  • creepywikipedia Creepy Wikipedia Ghost light (theatre) - light left burning on a theater stage overnight
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Tldr long rambling anecdotes of a single haunted theater

    One of the theaters I've performed in is over 200 years old, and the alley it sits against was used to store corpses during the Civil War before they were carted off.

    Supposedly if you walk down the alley on a particularly hot night you can still smell the mettalic coppery smell of large amounts of blood.

    Also, after the show is over, and most people have gone home, sometimes you can see a couple ghosts walking through the air straight toward the stage. This is because the theater used to be flat, but in the early 1900s they redid the foundation and sloped the audience downward. The ghosts don't care and continue using the floor they always used. I guess the floor is a ghost too.

    I never actually looked into the real events, but apparently someone hung themselves from the pulley system 100ft above the stage in the 60s. And now nobody can use one of the tie-off points for the whole system because it has a steel plate bolted over it because "it kept coming undone".

    The basement contains the dressing rooms and makeup room, and the access points to the sub-basement areas that contain the air circulation systems. One is just a gas line busted through the wall going to a large boiler. Another room contains the actual air pump, which is the size of a school bus.

    There are pipes that go some distance under the theater to keep the circulating water cool. That's the original AC system, although they have since added modern ones to the main hall. So once the hall is cooling, they turn on the big one and the whole building gets cooler for a few hours. Just long enough for a play or musical.

    The problem is that sometimes, and for reasons we can't figure out (probably just a factor of how humid it gets) the main motor will stick, and you have to crawl down to the housing and kick on its side. I think it gets a little rusty and the kicks are enough to dislodge it from the thin surface level stuff.

    I have spent countless hours alone in the building just checking out the rooms and nooks and crannies they like to keep people out of during normal operation.

    What most people don't know is there are open areas under some of the dressing rooms. It's not just a wooden floor and supporting lattice, it's a couple of half-sized rooms, possibly intended for storage. There's a lot of rusty blades in one corner, an insane amount of what appears to be dried blood splashed on the walls and floor of one. Legit looks like someone used the areas as their Dexter style murder hole, without the plastic to keep things clean. I placed a single cheese it cracker in the middle of the floor in 2007. It's still there as of 2023. Which really makes me wonder if anyone else even knows the rooms are there anymore.

    And the local police have been called multiple times over someone breaking in and using the ballroom, blasting Orchestra music. Apparently nobody is ever found, nothing is broken into, and the security system says nobody has been inside since it's last performance, or maintainence.

    So yeah. Haunted theaters are neat.

  • memes memes Yup… my aunt told me she sent me an important message via FB. I was inspired.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 95%

    My mother keeps sending stuff over Facebook, my sister keeps inviting me to supposedly important events over Facebook, my work wants me to use twitter, and my brother in law keeps sending tiktock videos.

    I remind all of them that I don't use social media, and my Facebook account is only up for the 2 times a year I need it to get ahold of otherwise-unreachable people. If you want something, send me a text or email and be direct.

  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    So like.... I don't need my preferred substance to get through the day. I think all the days I go without it kind of prove that.

    But sometimes I just am done dealing with the week and want to spend my remaining free time smoking a bowl and listening to Sci fi and fantasy lore videos so I can pretend I'm chilling somewhere near the Anduin or on the holodeck.

    Damn, if holodecks became real, humanity is basically over.

  • games Games Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - The First Preview: A fully faithful remake, right down to the frequent loading screens.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 85%

    Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.

    The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.

  • world World News Cows obstruct Nigeria's capital as climate change and development leave herders with nowhere to go
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    some suggest that herders need to start acquiring private land and operating like other businesses

    Yes, why don't these poor farmers who have nowhere else to go simply BUY large plots of land?

    Let them eat cake.

  • canada Canada Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching the US
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oil companies and the ICE manufacturers that rely on them.

    Changing production lines to EVs is expensive, and they want profits now. Not later. Line must go UP

  • canada Canada Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching the US
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    My hope: increased costs make people demand domestic manufacturing, companies and governments actually listen and decide import costs aren't worth it and move all manufacturing back inside their own borders.

    Politicians like to bullshit about "job creation" all day, but this, massively expanding domestic manufacturing capabilities, would create more jobs than any program put out since WWII.

  • damnthatsinteresting Damn, that's interesting! This map shows what your city's climate will feel like in 60 years
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    All I can think of while seeing "Oklahoma city" is "oh...... Shit....."

    So much stuff is going to die around here simply because it can't live in Oklahoma's climate.

    Certain trees have started dying en-masse around me because they were already at their upper tolerance for temperatures and water.

  • damnthatsinteresting Damn, that's interesting! This map shows what your city's climate will feel like in 60 years
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Luckily the internet exists and allows you to see present day conditions without going to the place yourself!

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 60%

    Hexbears and simping for fascist dictatorships.

    Name a more iconic duo

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 66%

    "the thing humans programmed is TOTALLY free of human bias!"

    ... Said no rational intelligent person who is capable of critical thinking.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips That new book
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Well now I'm sad and want to go back to the cabin I stayed in for my first anniversary and finish reading.

  • 196 196 Setup rule
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Can I get the N2 delivery system? you don't have to worry about installing anything, just keep breathing and you won't even notice the installation.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips How to draw Mickey -- er, I mean Doug [Super-Fun-Pak Comix]
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 96%

    Just once I would love for a judge to just go "You know what? It's obvious what your company is doing here, so rather than attempt to receive this information in good faith, since it's not being OFFERED in good faith, we can go ahead and say you lose, and now owe punitive damages to every artist you've sued over the years over a couple circles. "

    But no, they pretend that corporations are people.

    I'll believe they're people when I finally see one executed, or taxed, or imprisoned, or face any of the consequences normal people do. You can't argue the idea of a comoany has personhood and then walk that back any time it comes to punishment.

    Fuck disney

  • yurop YUROP Utrecht, Netherlands, now and then
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 75%

    need space

    Press X to Doubt

    Fuck cars.

  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 95%




  • memes memes I bet the one on the left doesn't even have a fake Swedish name.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yes, that is part of the joke.

  • memes memes I bet the one on the left doesn't even have a fake Swedish name.
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 94%

    My grandparents didn't even update their will when my sister and I were born.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter There has to be another way
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    It didn't help ME with chronic pain, but it does help my wife with her fibromyalgia.

    I'd wager if you are up in weight, and chronic pain is in any of your weight supporting areas (hips, knees, ankles, lower back, etc) then chances are your pain could be weight related.

    My parents are 100% weight related issues, and when I was trying to lose weight in 2013-2015 I tried to get them to do light stuff with me. Walk around the trees behind the house a few times. A couple light calisthenics. Ride some shitty cheap bikes around the park.

    Since then their knees, hips, and ankles are their biggest complaints.

  • memes Memes Sir, the water cooler is not heavy machinery
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Still illegal in many places in the US. I just happen to live in a state that is legal.

    Since I'm close to a state border, I only need to drive about 20 minutes to be somewhere it's illegal again.

    And if you live in an "at will" state, they can just fire you even if it's legal.

    Sidenote: "at will" employment is the biggest sack of bullshit that employers convinced people is totally normal.

    Im hopeful that the US, EU, and UK legalize it within the next few years. I'm realistic about the chances, I know how the older generations of politicians are, but I still cross my fingers.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Small reminder: Don't forget to periodically renew your nozzle from time to time!
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Gotta be unpredictable, the nozzles can smell intent.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter There has to be another way
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 90%

    My dude I appreciate you, but I spent years doing all kinds of exercise from yoga to iron man segments and not one has been enjoyable.

  • news News Maryland police officer convicted of tossing smoke bomb at police during Capitol riot
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    6 months probation??? What kind of world do we live in where such drastic punishments are forced upon such good people! Cruel and unusual!

    Surely this poor man has suffered enough for trying to overthrow the government to install a fascist dictator!

  • science science Scientists Found Dark Electrons: a Secret Quantum State Hidden in Solid Matter
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 100%

    Well if we are, there isn't a thing anyone could ever do about it, so.... shrug

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter There has to be another way
  • Transporter_Room_3 Transporter_Room_3 4 weeks ago 96%

    Man, seeing a ton of people all experiencing great returns on their hard work just makes me feel even worse for never experiencing any of it beyond the weight loss itself. For literal years. No good feelings, no endorphins, even some of my joints felt worse simply because they were being used more.

    And now the exact same thing two days in a row!

    Its great. I'm fine. This is fine. I'm not jealous or spiteful at all. Have fun working out for me I guess.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearPR
    The EMH is channeling a power from a galaxy far, far away.