earth earth South Sudan May See the First Permanent Mass Displacement Due to Climate Change
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 days ago 100%

    I saw a video about this a while ago and it's crazy. It showed this tiny village and all the people and animals they raise stuck on a football field sized island in what was now a lake. A lot of people think climate change is a future thing but it is here for all of us now.

  • videos videos I just got this ad for a cruise missile on a YouTube vid.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 days ago 100%

    Tech bros and their consequences

  • videos
    videos Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 days ago 97%
    I just got this ad for a cruise missile on a YouTube vid.

    Why tf are they advertising cruise missiles to the general public with epic anime videos? I don't know why I keep breaking the bot I'm so confused. ![thurston]( "emoji thurston")

    usa United States | News & Politics The US military is offering a contract for research on "the effects of nuclear weapons on agricultural systems".
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 5 days ago 100%

    We really in the "prelude to the third world war" part of the history book

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 5 days ago 100%

    He is right it is about principles like white supremacy, colonialism, imperialism, Islamaphobia, racism.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 5 days ago 100%
  • askchapo askchapo If you had to pick any American (living or dead) to be the head of a communist state, who would it be?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 5 days ago 100%

    Chairman: fred-hampton

    Supreme Marshall: JB-shining-aggro

    Labor Minister: big-bill

    Chief Inquisitor: malcolm-checks

  • askchapo askchapo Ebook or Physical?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 5 days ago 100%

    Yeah I've got the Kobo Clara 2e.

  • askchapo askchapo Ebook or Physical?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 6 days ago 100%

    Too true. I have a pretty big collection of TTRPG books that are all fat hardcovers that look nice but moving them upstairs was rough.

  • askchapo askchapo Ebook or Physical?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 6 days ago 100%

    I like my Kobo ereader a lot, but for those books I really enjoy/are important to me I want a bookshelf copy.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse US child poverty has nearly tripled since 2021
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 6 days ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure a good chunk of companies put these job openings up with no intention on actually ever filing them. Like every fast food place is 2 people per shift now.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 7 days ago 100%

    If you can maybe a telehealth appointment?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 7 days ago 100%

    Wide Son?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse US child poverty has nearly tripled since 2021
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 7 days ago 100%

    I saw a snippet of NBC or CNN or whatever with their pundits discussing the debate and the pro Kamala guy was like "We are recovering, 16 million new jobs!". And I just got so angry because these people just blatantly disregard reality. How many of these jobs pay enough to afford rent, food, gas, etc in there area? How many of them provide health insurance that is actually worth a damn? How many of them are permanent and even have benefits?

  • badposting badposting Do you remember that "I want to be ninja song?" Probably not, because you only think about yourself.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 week ago 100%

    She has another song, enjoy.

    Apologies reply bot, my wrongs have been righted.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 weeks ago 100%

    But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 weeks ago 100%

    Why he brought a bayonet is unclear

    I'm assuming his commanding officer just issued a command to affix bayonet and die like men

  • badposting badposting Hellz Angels and a gang from Vuvuzela the "Skull Daggers 666 Krew" are in a gun battle rn outside my home in Denver.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 weeks ago 100%

    Are Hell's Angels Nazis? I know they hate cops and love meth about all my info.

  • memes memes The eternal cycle
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, I'm gonna find out soon. First time having the means to do it so hopefully it isnt too bad.

  • memes memes The eternal cycle
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 weeks ago 100%

    What's 6 years without a dentist visit create? Asking for a friend.

  • askchapo askchapo what do you think when someone claims to be a "democratic socialist"?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    Social Imperialists who wanna slacken the yoke on workers in the Imperial core but are in lock step with the Empire abroad. The left wing of fascism.

    Ordinary people who support and vote for these people just need to be pushed left and grow out of it. The 'intellectuals' are just doing the work of the state department.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    We shall never forgive Stalin for stopping at Berlin. germany-cool

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    Well they get overthrown by CIA funded reactionaries and Business Interests the poor, hungry, democracy loving, coca cola drinking people.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    Don't forgot the Bolshevik-led recall campaign of the Imperial Family.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    They're definitely in the age group to do shit like that.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    No more campaign ads where it's a racist-off between the (D) and (R) candidate on how much they love the police and hate minorities.

  • worldnews World News Israel invades the West Bank in largest operation since 2002
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 93%

    Is this the IOF version of the Ukrainian Kursk offensive? They seem to be striking out with little to no strategic goals in mind.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah they don't understand how correct they are.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Text from a family member.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    On God America should just do give up the pretense of democracy and do the weird venetian shit to elect a president and have the rule for life. Would spare us the headache.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 3 weeks ago 100%

    I feel like all I do anymore is cry and mourn people I've never met who were killed by my nation.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Weird USonian (Statesian, American, Amerikkkan, etc.) legal technicalities that I hope you find interesting.
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    Very interesting, the document worship of the Usonian Empire was believed to be a large factor in their decline and fall.

  • podcasts podcasts Quick stupid rant about the Well There's Your Problem podcast
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    Thankfully TF mostly doesn't mention AES and they stock dunking on techbros and startups. You'll catch a stray from time to time for course, like during the pandemic Milo said China was doing lockdowns because their vaccine doesn't work(?).

  • podcasts podcasts Quick stupid rant about the Well There's Your Problem podcast
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    I can't speak for WTYP because I haven't listened to it since then but on Trashfuture Alice and the rest have acknowledged the genocide, however they do the "Hamas murdered innocent people thing, but Israel is way worse". Maybe they've changed their tune seeing as Israel has destroyed dozens of hospitals since then but the fact that they were willing to follow the "it was a Hamas rocket" narrative at all was sickening to me.

  • urbanism urbanism My favorite locomotive, the Pennsylvania Railroad S1
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    Man trains used to look cool

  • podcasts podcasts Quick stupid rant about the Well There's Your Problem podcast
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    I stomached a lot of Alice and Liam's brain dead takes about AES and the Soviet Union because I enjoyed the show. the final nail for me was the episode right after the Hamas operation where they said Israel should be given the benefit of the doubt for directly bombing a hospital because they probably didn't mean to.

  • art art Ted Nasmith - The Eyrie
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    This has gotta be my favorite Ted Naismith drawing. I love how fantastic the Eyrie is, it feels the most magical of the castles of westeros to me

  • history history Iran coup d'état (1953) - New General Megathread for the 19th-20th of August 2024
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 4 weeks ago 100%

    My mom was an unintentional antivaxxer, she just kinda didn't know what she was supposed to do about getting me shots. So I had to get all of them in highschool when they couldn't find my immunization records.

  • games games What is your favourite card art? (Any game, ccg, lcg)
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 month ago 100%

    Most of the Board wipes have beautiful art.

    I love progenitus for the scope, seeing this leviathan walking across the world.

  • main main Hexbear! You went to sleep last night and woke up to see that you ended up in the last videogame you played! How's life now?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 month ago 100%

    The werewolf could definitely be the heart of the show because he's really good and plants so all he does is run around super fast at night harvesting and cleaning. Imagining him with a little flowery apron on.

  • main main Hexbear! You went to sleep last night and woke up to see that you ended up in the last videogame you played! How's life now?
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 month ago 100%

    I'm in my Rimworld Colony consisting of three Catholic missionaries and a werewolf.

  • worldbuilding worldbuilding Deluge of Elephants
  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 month ago 100%

    I really liked this, I'd be interested in more of a wiki article if you wanted to show more of the politics if you feel like sharing.

  • askchapo
    askchapo Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 month ago 100%
    Police Standoffs

    Do police ever justify why when they're in a standoff with a person who doesn't have a hostage and can't hurt anyone else why they must breech and clear and murder them other than their bloodlust? We have gasses that can knock people out or maybe put some tranquilizer on those drones and robots they love to bomb people with. Hell even starving/thirsting them out is an option. A lot of the time these are mentally unwell people who just need help. Just something I was wondering because I never see it brought up when it happens.

    worldbuilding Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 months ago 100%
    Idea for Future Space Cold War

    I've had this idea for a while now of a Universe where Earth is destroyed but the Cold War Continues on Humanity's new home, based on the Verse from Firefly. An early point of divergence is the Survival of Salvador Allende and the success of CyberSyn. No one is exactly sure the cause of the End of the Earth, only that for the two decades proceeding Humanity's exodus the planet was wracked by increasingly devastating volcanic and seismic activity. In the 80's scientist across the globe began looking for a place to flee, to save even a fraction of humanity from the intensifying devastation. The System was discovered during this period, a massive compound Solar System consisting of 5 giant suns orbited by a dozen proto-stars each in turn orbited by nearly a hundred planets and twice as many moons. News of this discovery led to the race to send Humans to The System. Three projects began development under NATO, The Warsaw Pact, and The Non-Aligned Movement. These massive vessels were built over nearly a decade a assembled in Orbit. An agreement was made to limit the number of original colonists of each ship to 10,000, with more ships to come in the future. No more would ever come. The technology of the time meant the journey to The System would take about 57 years to complete. Generations would be born and die aboard the ships, never to see The System. The worlds that each ship finally touched down on were inhospitable worlds with only the ingredients for one day supporting life. The original shelter of mankind in The System was made of deorbited pieces of their original ships, the hab blocks, reactors, hydroponics and more forming the original Arcologies on the worlds. Here the long work of Terra forming began. For the next 300 years Humanity explored and expanded across The System. the new home worlds of Unity (NATO now known as the Union of Planets), Rebirth (NAM now known as the Rebirth Accord) and Cradle (Warsaw Pact now known as the New Peoples Republic) were turned into Shirtsleeve worlds requiring no survival gear. Each faction began colonizing other planets and moons in The System, while each of the large asteroid belts surrounding the home worlds became home to large "belter' communities. Each faction maintained contact with Earth despite the decades their messenger probes took to reach Earth. Conditions on Earth continued degrading with more and more sporadic communication until 280 years after arrival the last probes to ever arrive from Earth spoke of Apocalypse and Upheaval. This began the "No-Contact" Era becoming year zero of the standard calendar. Around 70 NC each faction had made contact with the other two. While originally met with celebrations on many of the worlds of The System, this would be the beginning of the competition and strife in The System. Thank you for reading my Infodump , if you have any questions or comments they are welcome.

    askchapo Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 months ago 100%
    Headphone Reccomendation

    Looking for a good quality pair of over ear headphones to listen to music and podcasts on my bus and train home. I've got a big ass head so something adjustable and preferably Bluetooth. My budget is $150 or so.

    memes Thorngraff_Ironbeard 6 months ago 100%
    In the 70s the Clandestine members of the Volcel Police succeeded in taking control of a town in Oregon.

    They say poorly worded but I know it was intentional ![volcel-judge]( "emoji volcel-judge")

    askchapo Thorngraff_Ironbeard 6 months ago 100%
    Does anyone else experience this while using Hexbear?

    I use Hexbear on my phone mostly and almost every time I open it it will look like this. To fix it I have to reload it several times and if I click on anything it almost always starts doing it again. Wondering if anyone else has this issue and of there is a fix. Thanks in advance comrades.

    askchapo Thorngraff_Ironbeard 11 months ago 100%
    Cell Phone Recommendations

    I lost my cellphone a few days ago and don't wanna pay too much for another one. I'd like to keep it under $200. Thank you in advance comrades.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid Thorngraff_Ironbeard 1 year ago 100%
    Starting a job tomorrow and won't get paid for two weeks

    I just need gas so I can get there and back thank you I have cashapp and paypal

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    antifascism Thorngraff_Ironbeard 2 years ago 100%
    Their have been two separate arguments going on in the replies since I commented this nearly two days ago.

    Full disclosure I am part of one of them.
