politics politics Harris to break with Biden on capital gains tax, proposing a smaller increase
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh yeah, I was in that hell pit growing up and trying to get through college. The hell pit is awful. There is an even worse hell pit for disability benefits.

  • politics politics Harris to break with Biden on capital gains tax, proposing a smaller increase
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 weeks ago 100%

    I really don't believe in the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. I just think people are that stupid. They hear tax increase and never look further.

  • games Games What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 weeks ago 100%

    That would be great. A new Gauntlet Legends game would be great.

  • memes Memes Perfection
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 weeks ago 99%

    I'm pretty sure that's just social anxiety and not being an introvert.

  • facepalm Facepalm Just get a smaller car, pal!
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 weeks ago 100%
  • games Games Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 weeks ago 83%

    Check out Larian's other masterpiece, Divinity: Original Sin II. Original Sin I is great as well, but a little dated.

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Why use The White House executive chef, when the athletes can have cold mass-produced food? It's not weird.
  • Tedrow Tedrow 1 month ago 100%

    Nah, it's still as shitty as it appears. Dude could have at least hired a catering company.

  • games Games TitanFall 2 at 3$
  • Tedrow Tedrow 1 month ago 100%

    You can run through the campaign in a few hours, so there's very little time investment. Give it a shot!

  • memes Memes I think about this meme every now and again
  • Tedrow Tedrow 1 month ago 85%

    I dunno. Rorschach had it coming.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something that's made you feel like a grown-up?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 1 month ago 100%

    I recently had new rain gutters installed on my house, had my trees trimmed, had my patio paved, and bought a power bank. I'm fucking adulting damnit.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Teeth Whitening?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 88%

    I have been told by my dentist that it can permanently damage your tooth enamel. I did a quick search and found an NIH study on enamel softening. It looks at hardness, but that is all. I only read the object and the abstract, but that part didn't mention enamel thickness. The study mentions that hardness is restored after about a week.

    I would generally advise caution and just take your dentists advice about these things. I will admit I am generally biased about this and it definitely can be harmful if not done correctly.


  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Teeth Whitening?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    A lot of people do it, but I would lump it in with getting a facelift. You definitely don't need to do it and it doesn't make you healthier.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Teeth Whitening?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 74%

    No, you're objectively wrong on this. It is more akin to cosmetic surgery because it is harmful for your teeth and potentially dangerous. This isn't a normal hygiene standard.

  • games Games Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    I agree with not buying them. I'm simply saying that Blizzard pulled the rug from the people that bought the first game.

  • games Games Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    And now it's $40 for a skin. What's your argument? Lots of people already bought the game and were forced into the current system.

  • fediverse_vs_disinfo Fediverse vs Disinformation Biden not running for reelection does not amount to a ‘coup’ - PolitiFact
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    I mean, you'd have to be a special kind of dumbass to think that.

  • theonion The Onion Democrats Panic After Kamala Harris Ages 40 Years In Single Night
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    The new owner used to be in charge of the misinformation best at his old news room. Now he makes fake news.

  • theonion The Onion Democrats Panic After Kamala Harris Ages 40 Years In Single Night
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    It's the new ownership.

  • usa United States | News & Politics AOC says many Democrats who want Biden to drop out don't want Harris on the ticket either
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 80%

    There was no primary.

  • politics politics Biden pushes party unity as he resists calls to step aside, says he'll return to campaign next week
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 75%

    I've seen you say that a few times here but haven't seen an argument. I'm just curious, why do you think that?

  • helldivers2 Helldivers 2 I just got kicked right before extraction
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    I'm sorry that happened. Some people just don't love Freedom as much as they should.

  • memes Memes hip dog
  • Tedrow Tedrow 2 months ago 100%

    I think you're cool.

  • adhd ADHD memes Once it's out of sight, it doesn't exist
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    This just leads me to have them unread forever.

  • world World News 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 57%

    Yeah, "blasted." It couldn't have been a shorter, weaker, speach. Pathetic.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy just found a flea on our cat, do we go full nuclear?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 87%

    Get pest control there now. Give your cat a flea bath. Clean everything very well. I had to deal with this once and it was a months long ordeal. If you catch it fast, you might avoid this.

  • games Games What "unique" or single-game-genre games have you enjoyed?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    I always hurt inside when I remember Majesty. It's such a cool concept that could be expanded much more today.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Make your own button for school!
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    You're correct, I had to look into it myself. It was struck down by a judge in April. Looks like it was changed to be allowed, but not as a formal lesson.

  • news News U.S. home prices have far outpaced paychecks. See what it looks like where you live
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    My area is red in income required and home prices. Yay!

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Make your own button for school!
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    Florida, at least. Probably a handful of other states in the US.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Flavored vape bans led to increase in teen smoking
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 92%

    Come on, you know adults don't like things that taste good!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 66%

    I agree that summer is the worst, but it's a regional thing. Also you don't have to go to the beach or in the water. I avoid the beach like the plague. Mostly because the water is plagued.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    Funny enough, in Florida, winter is wildfire see season.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    They are supposed to take air samples before and after a remediation to show that the mold is decreasing. This includes lots of fans and can even include ozone treatment. Unfortunately I know some companies will fake test results to get a client. We're talking pre and post remediation. It's a super shady business. I would always recommend multiple opinions.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 3 months ago 100%

    For me it is people making food, supplements, and drugs. From their production to their quality department. Just full of people that have no idea what they are doing and making poor decisions. That's not even to mention the management and owners.

    Bonus: Home inspectors / mold remediation "professionals". Absolutely clueless.

  • showerthoughts ShowerThoughts NPR stations are the original federated model.
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 months ago 100%

    My local stations small but growing. Plus they recently released The Last Ride which I think did well.

  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 months ago 100%

    I don't think housing is going to get more affordable without government intervention at this point. The market has been too far captured by people trying to exploit it for profit.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 months ago 100%

    Certain circumstances, yes. The comic depicted is not a four way stop. The person turning onto the road does not have right of way over someone turning left onto their street.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 months ago 100%

    Just don't wave anyone. Seriously, like the image says, the right of way is not yours to give.

  • gaming Gaming What did they mean by this?
  • Tedrow Tedrow 4 months ago 100%

    This is a response to them closing down several studios. Including one that made a smaller game that gave them prestige.

  • nyt_gift_articles New York Times gift articles The First Six Weeks of Pregnancy, Explained | Florida is set to ban abortions after six weeks. Experts explain how that can often be before a woman knows she is pregnant.
  • Tedrow Tedrow 5 months ago 80%

    You're a monster.

  • autism
    Autism Tedrow 11 months ago 95%
    Any Parents Here?

    How do you guys deal with parenting? My wife had work events all weekend last week so I had to be on point 100% and then continue to all week. Now this weekend we had a girl scout hike and my wife wanted to go to a special event with me in the evening. I haven't had time for any real solitude for two weeks and am mentally/emotionally drained. How do you guys deal with this? I feel like a bad parent/partner for not being excited for these things or feelings negative about doing them. Am I expecting too much from myself? I don't know, thanks for reading anyway.

    Outrun Tedrow 1 year ago 75%
    Monsters in Paradise by Gunship open.spotify.com

    This is from their upcoming album Unicorn.
