technology Technology AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 days ago 100%

    Heck, I sometimes can’t understand my own code. And this AI thing tries to tell me I should move this code over there and do this and that and then poof it doesn’t compile anymore. The thing is even more clueless than me.

  • technology Technology AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 days ago 96%

    How come the hallucinating ghost in the machine is generating code so bad the production servers hallucinate even harder and crash?

  • tolkien Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc. Season 2 of Rings of Power is out!
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 weeks ago 100%

    Im watching for the audiovisual too. The universe is great but to me that’s like a parallel one to the real Tolkien one.

  • programming
    Programming SuperFola 2 weeks ago 100%
    Comparing ArkScript and Python async/await

    This past few weeks, Python 3.13 and the possibility to disable the GIL has seen a lot of coverage and that pushed me to dig into my own language, to see how different our approaches are. So if you’re curious about the rambling of a pldev, that might be for you!

    programmerhumor Programmer Humor Average GitHub PR
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 weeks ago 100%

    Probably too long. That was a philosophy I had at school and iirc the founders never finished school and started MS in a garage.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Average GitHub PR
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 weeks ago 100%

    Who needs tests when you have users?

    The testing environment is production!

  • linux Linux Whats your go-to naming convention?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 weeks ago 100%

    I use camel case for methods and functions and snake case for variables. And pascal case for constants. Why? I don’t really know, it makes for a nice distinction I guess.

  • github
    GitHub SuperFola 3 weeks ago 100%
    Creating custom GitHub webhooks for automatic deployments

    I thought you guys might enjoy it: I have a website that I push to frequently on GitHub, and some GitHub actions that update it periodically by pulling code and generating docs from it. I needed to connect to my vps often and update the website which was cumbersome. Well a solution is to use webhooks on push events and have a server listening to those events to then update said websites for me.

    linux Linux Recommend me a scripting language
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 weeks ago 100%

    If you are interested in tiny lisp like languages, this gitlab could be of interest to you.

    Full disclaimer, I came across it a few years back as I am the maintainer of arkscript (which will get faster and better in the v4, so that data about it there is accurate as a baseline of « it should be at least this good but can be even better now »).

  • linux Linux How to quit VIM?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 weeks ago 100%

    You could consider markdown extensions that helps you write and visualize!

    Like this one:

  • fediverse Fediverse A symbol for the fediverse ⁂
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 weeks ago 100%

    Three dots like this is also an ACAB symbol.

  • macos macOS How do you create a focus that actually works?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry for being this late to the party, it’s a bug in discord: they ignore focus mode. I shoot them a bug report with video evidence and even how to fix that in their electron config (that’s pretty easy to do), they answered saying that has been noted and all but can’t give an estimate…

    Hopefully it will be fixed between them adding two useless new features that nobody want!

  • programming Programming GitHub, the go-to site for open source software, is currently down
  • SuperFola SuperFola 1 month ago 90%

    People always make it such a huge deal but that has been pretty normal, since Microsoft owns GitHub we have had a t least 2 if not 4 outages per month.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Don't use any clicking scripts.
  • SuperFola SuperFola 1 month ago 100%

    A card grabber disguised as a game to me

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Don't use any clicking scripts.
  • SuperFola SuperFola 1 month ago 100%

    This feels like not a game but a card grabber. And no, saying « this is just a game » isn’t convincing at all.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Which cheap mods can i make to my keyboard to make it quieter?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 1 month ago 100%

    If you are using choc switches, the new ambients are made to be silent, and so far it has worked great for me

  • cpp C++ Checking if a hash is collision free on a limited domain
  • SuperFola SuperFola 1 month ago 100%


    It would have been a lot easier to generate a fresh UUID for every record, but that means storing it. And we would have a unique sequential id alongside a unique UUID, two different keys for the exact same data. It is doable, afterall it's just an additional 128bits for every record, but for the sake of it I wanted to not store an additional ID and be able to compute the UUID on the fly from the base sequential ID.

  • cpp
    C++ SuperFola 1 month ago 100%
    Checking if a hash is collision free on a limited domain

    I had some fun trying to check if a hash (more like a transformation really) was collision free, so I wrote a quick piece code and then iterated on it so that it was usable. I might add a quick bench and graphs and try to push it even further just for fun, to explore std::future a bit more (though the shared bit set might be a problem unless you put a shared condition variable on it to allow concurrent read but block concurrent writes?)

    retrogaming RetroGaming Moves to News Only, Database and File Archive Released to Internet Archive
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 100%
  • meta Meta SuperFola 2 months ago 80%
    [suggestion] block new accounts from posting

    More and more new accounts are posting spam and ads to communities (eg !, would it be an idea to block new accounts from posting to any p.d community?

    technology Technology Sonos CEO apologizes for disastrous rollout of new app
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 100%

    I thought I lost my Sonos integration with my music source. In fact it was just an update to the app and I don’t know how to navigate that… or maybe the new app just removed the integration

  • technology Technology CrowdStrike Isn't the Real Problem
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 33%

    Dual partitioning as Android does it might have helped. Install the update to partition B, reboot and if it’s alright swap A and B partitions to make B the default. Boot again to the default partition (A, formerly B).

    It wouldn’t have booted correctly afaiu with the faulty update, and would have been reverted to use the untouched A partition.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Rec for portable alternative to ZSA Moonlander
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 100%

    I used to take my moon lander to work for over a year until I designed my own keyboard and have now been using it.

    So yeah, the moon lander is more than portable

  • technology Technology Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 66%


  • technology Technology Can I sell Perchance-generated AI images legally?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 2 months ago 62%

    Why sell an image when anyone can generate the same one with a few words using your model?

    If you want to share stuff, fine, but why sell it? If you want to get money, find a job

  • technology Technology Japan's government finally moves on from floppy disks
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 100%

    It sure took them a while!

    I’m curious how they had to send the floppy disk. Like, go to a special place to use an old computer that could still write to floppy disks? Or create your word document/pdf, compress it as much as possible and somehow find a place to put that on a floppy?

  • programming_languages
    Programming Languages SuperFola 3 months ago 100%
    An online playground for ArkScript

    I wanted people to be able to try out my language online, and it’s now possible with a vscode like interface, sending code to a docker image running the interpreter! It was easier than I thought to implement, and yes, security was a concern, but I have been able to harden the docker container as well as implement restrictions on the websocket server to avoid having users escaping the docker image and getting access to the VM it’s running on.

    programming Programming "Ladybird announcement" by Andreas Kling (from SerenityOS)
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 88%

    Forums really have to get back in the world. I’m trying to ditch discord and move everyone to GitHub discussions for a project (have removed all invite links, just using it for me as a « webhook monitor »). Some people are still there when they have questions on how to use the project (because they prefer speaking in French rather than English).

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Pro tip - you can type  on macOS with option + shift + k
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 100%

    You need an apple device for it to render correctly

  • adhd ADHD How is your consciousness/mind structured?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 100%

    You jump everywhere and like pushing things off table too?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Anyone self hosting on Mac mini M1/M2?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 100%

    I was thinking more like just having dockers on macOS

    But running a Linux like asahi is an option

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted SuperFola 3 months ago 94%
    Anyone self hosting on Mac mini M1/M2?

    I currently have a server, a Dell T310 with an SSD in it and 12Gig of ram (weird config, I know I messed up but it works fine so I can’t be bothered to change that for now), with all my dockers running in it. It runs mostly fine, with Debian 11, a VPN so that I can block public ssh and allow it only on the VPN network, an nginx proxy to have services like a forgejo and a music library (ampache). However it can’t run a Minecraft server with more than a single person on it without stuttering ; so I was considering changing it maybe next year, after more than 3 years of services, for something beefier but also consuming less W/h (current consumption is 80W), and since I already have a Mac for work I was wondering how suitable a Mac Mini M1/M2 would be for a homelab? Does anyone have such a configuration and how does it work for you? Any hurdle that you should be aware of?

    ADHD SuperFola 3 months ago 93%
    How is your consciousness/mind structured?

    I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and just realized how weird it is, after trying to explain it out loud to a friend who’s also neurodivergent. I’m curious to know if it’s a common experience with other neurodivergent individuals. My mind has three different depths: - a very conscious one, capable of conjuring images and sounds from the void, capable of manipulating at will said images, morph them, move them… I can think « words » and have them be real in my mind - a conscious but closed one: I can put words in it but without acting on them, only watching them. This one is the weirdest of all. There is a difference for me when I think about « dog » and just « look at the idea of a dog ». There are some things I don’t want to consciously think about (like things that makes me sad or depressed) so instead of thinking about them I’ll put them in this zone. They exist but it’s very different from having the words out loud in my mind, as if I was thinking inside my own mind. It’s like I’m in a museum watching thoughts behind plexiglass - the dark zone, where I put things I don’t want to think about at all, things I want to forget. It’s literally a foggy dark place made of some kind of fluid darkness with no thoughts shining in it, I have to consciously want and try to pull things from it A while ago, I read somewhere that the mere thing of being able to conjure images was « rare », like only 25% of people on earth can do it. Somehow I linked this idea to people being neurodivergent but I have no proof or source and I may just have made things up in my sleep or under the shower. TL;DR: how does your mind works? Mine is weird

    technology Technology Aptoide becomes first non-Apple iOS store
  • SuperFola SuperFola 3 months ago 100%

    The AltStore: am I a joke to you?

  • technology Technology Neuralink looks to the public to solve a seemingly impossible problem
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 months ago 100%

    Just add 199 more transmistters

  • technology Technology Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 months ago 100%

    Joke on them, I don’t read ads!

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor The most likely next word
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 months ago 100%

    What do you mean, I’d love to see ai design a potato

  • technology Technology Apple Patent Hints At Foldable iPhone With Self-healing Screen
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 months ago 100%

    You can solve both of those problems by using a folding case/cover for your phone.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple What adblocker are you using on iOS?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 4 months ago 100%

    How does that go battery wise?

  • apple_enthusiast
    Apple SuperFola 4 months ago 92%
    What adblocker are you using on iOS?

    I’ve finally picked up an iPhone about a month ago, and have been loving the experience. However I’m now thrown into an ad-full world again (I used to have a browser blocking many if not most ads on the android), so I’m wondering, what adblockers do you use (may it be safari extension or entirely new browser for my fellow Europeans)?

    technology Technology Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    Good luck getting your vault compromised.

    Unless you have a weak password or the vault isn’t encrypted (which it is, AES256 iirc and you might be able to change that on a self hosted version), I don’t see that happening.

  • technology Technology Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    Because you can enable totp on your Bitwarden account and it would be dumb to store the password and totp for your biwarden vault in your vault?

    Also it can act as a stepping stone for non Bitwarden customers, before getting their own vault.

  • technology Technology How RCS on iPhone Will Make Texting Better for Everyone
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    IIRC at least textra is also able to peruse RCS, though I’m sure it goes through google servers too

  • linux Linux NixOS forked
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    Last time I checked they were working on forgejo runners / actions!

  • opensource Open Source I'm giving up — on open source - Blog
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    And they justified with

    I'm having a mental health crisis right now. What I said was wrong, I could not see that a few days ago. Take whatever you want from that. I am sorry. Please stop piling on now that I have removed everything. I am seriously ill and need to stop being involved in anything for several months.

    (Leaving the end out as it can be triggering, talking about death)

    I don't know what to make of this.

  • linux Linux Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 50%

    I think I'm more fed up with people making those quotes "rust will change everything" when, in fact, it will rule out many if not most memory corruption as you said. Reading your comment, I see now it's the mentality "everything need to be in rust" that bothers me the most, which in fact means "rust can bring memory safety" and not "rust will replace everything". Alas I'm seeing it used times and times again as the latter instead of the former.

  • linux Linux Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 85%

    I'm getting fed up about all those articles "rust x something: the future?", "I rewrote <cli tool> in rust it's now memory safe". I get the rust safeties and all, but that doesn't automatically make everything great, right ? You can still write shit code in any language that can RM -rf all your disk, or let security gaps here and there without intending to.

  • linux Linux What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • SuperFola SuperFola 5 months ago 100%

    I mounted a disk of a server in rescue mode, since I needed to extract everything (the provider didn't have the option to dump everything as a zip). Then installed an FTP server, added a user/pass, it worked.

    But I couldn't access the files of the original disk, even though I could see them. So I just chgrp/chown the original files, since the disk was just "mounted" in the rescue disk /mnt, I thought it was alright (at the time I thought permissions were volatile, stored separately from the files). I could now download the entire disk, yay!

    Upon booting the original disk again, a bunch of errors: shell not starting, tools not running, because they were owned by user and not root...

    Well we reinstalled all the server from scratch that day.

  • cpp
    C++ SuperFola 8 months ago 94%
    ArkScript - a scripting language in C++

    Hello! I've been working on this language for the past 5 years, ArkScript, which is: - as small as I could (language wise, 10 keywords, nothing I deemed too specific/useless) - running on a VM, compile once run anywhere, just ship your bytecode - can be used as a scripting language on its own, like python (though it's not its strength) - easy to embed, made in c++ 17 with simplicity in mind I'm currently working on the v4 (I screwed up with the semver), redoing the imports syntax, and currently cleaning the code and rewriting all the unit tests using boosr-ext/ut. I'm open to criticism, suggestions, discussions on how to enhance it, or just questions on that weird project.

    Nintendo SuperFola 11 months ago 100%
    Did you find Tear of the Kingdom difficult?

    I played BotW a lot, and really loved it. I feel like the beginning of the game was relatively easy compared to TotK, I died a few times trying out things, discovering the game and possibilities ; in TotK I died a lot and still do even with good gear and armour (1*-2* armors, 30-40+ damage weapons). You could say it's skill issues and I would agree with you as I am not a pro player and play games once a week maybe, however I feel like the difficulty curve is far greater in TotK. That has affected how I view the game to the point that sometimes I think I dislike it (even though the new powers are the best thing they could have added, with the verticality of the world) ; that might also have to do with the much darker ambiance of the game, which can feel frightening (to me) to the point going underground is hard. Is it just me? Should I just "git gud"?

    RetroGaming SuperFola 12 months ago 98%
    Finished assembling my dream GBA (SNES themed)

    New clear black shell to fit the IPS screen v3 from funny playing (no soldering needed! This is awesome, I can control the screen with just a touch on the GBA logo). I also added a rechargeable usb c battery, so far it is already lasting 2x longer thanks when I used AA (6 hours in, with a single charge, and medium brightness + sound). Next steps would probably be: - cleanAmp, because I noticed some kind of white noise with my headphones plugged in - GBA accelerator to replace the stock clock (and make grinding in Pokémon Ruby faster probably)

    ErgoMechKeyboards SuperFola 1 year ago 98%
    Altenswoop, 34 keys + 2 encoders wireless split with pinky cluster

    I wanted to experiment with a better pinky column, as for me using the bottom row with the pinky felt awkward and sometimes painful. Thus I created an alt version of my arkenswoop (swoop based), and named it the altenswoop because my brain thinks it is very original and funny. It will take some getting used to, and I'll need to get batteries for this prototype too! Is there a proper name for this kind of pinky formation? I've seen this elsewhere too, and I'm calling it pinky cluster in reference to the thumb cluster but it doesn't feel right Edit: I forgot to add a link to the PCB files: (under pcbs/3x5_nw_pinky_cluster)

    Flutter SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    I made a subsonic client to listen to my music, as a complete beginner with Flutter!

    A few days ago I had this urge of making my own music player, since I have a Subsonic capable server (ampache) to host and serve music. I've been using DSub, which has a lot of features that I don't use, but works very very well. Alas it isn't "up to date" in terms of design. So I made my own, heavily inspired by Android 13, Material 3 enabled, has dynamic colors / system theme fallback (a small thing that goes a long way, I didn't want to make an half baked customisation screen, since Android already has one why not use it?) This was my very first Flutter and Dart experience, and I must say it was very enjoyable! The docs are awesome, there are a lot of plugins to choose from, hot reloading... I know now that I needed that feature, it's a must have to iterate quickly! I might have reduce the amount of time I slept the past few days but it was very well worth it. Here is demo video []( (it has changed a bit since then, mostly on boarders/padding, by a few pixels at most but still relevant ; more up to date pictures on the readme of the github repo)! []( (the code might not be perfect, but I did my best as a backend developper)

    RoguelikeDev SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    A modern C++ and (somewhat) generic roguelike

    Two years ago I started to follow RogueBasin's roguelike C++ tutorial, a somewhat outdated tutorial in term of good practices and C++ version, but very on point in term of roguelikes. My goal when I started Pataro what quite ambitious: I wanted to make a modern C++ roguelike from the tutorial, and write an updated version of said tutorial to help the community! Even better (or worse, in term of choosing your goals) I thought I could make a modern C++ roguelike library for people to use. I got the first 9 parts of the tutorial working pretty smoothly, having set up an architecture inspired by Bob Nystrom about game architecture with roguelikes in mind (great talk by the way: Then I got to a big hurdle: saving and loading. Having used a lot of polymorphism, it makes quite hard to load correctly things and I stopped there. ![progress as of june 2021]( Then a few weeks ago, I picked up the project again, with a much lower set of goals in mind: - finishing to implement the tutorial from RogueBasin - ease the configuration of the project, so that people can pick parts of it or just make a roguelike from it - fix a bunch of problems related to the map and how it is used to be able to extend it and modify it (imagine being able to have spells that could alter the map) - rearchitecture a few more things because it's still very rough on the edges - modernize the C++ code (again) [Progress as of july 2023](

    C++ SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    Tip-of-the-week/cpp readers, an RSS feed is now available!

    I follow (probably too many) a bunch of news source regarding programming, and a few weeks ago I started putting everything in a RSS reader, so that I can a single feed/app to go to (instead of remembering every day/week to check x, y, a websites), so I made a script for totw/cpp to help them generate an RSS feed when a new tip is posted. It might need a few more tweaks to be perfect (markdown to html to XML CDATA sometimes messes up), but it works well and I can finally enjoy reading tips easily anytime, and so can you!

    Voyager SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    [Suggestion] rewriting lemmy http links to community links

    When scrolling on Lemmy I often stumble on links from people that don't use community syntax (!c@server). It would be appreciated for those thinks to be rewritten automatically to avoid the browser opening, and instead staying in Voyager. Implementation could be tough though: do you need to prefetch the page, parse it and check somehow that it's a Lemmy community? Or have a list of known servers to rewrite those links? Both could prove tedious to maintain.

    Voyager SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    Inbox tab doesn't show counts for each category

    Voyager puts a red dot on the inbox tab, so I go there expecting to see if it is 1/2/more messages, if I have unread notifications... but there are no indication that I still have a notification once I click on the tab. It would be great to add a count of each type of notifications, or if it isn't possible just a bubble next to the corresponding type! Thanks for the app, it is wonderful so far

    ErgoMechKeyboards SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    Latest pcb revision of my Arkenswoop arrived today!

    The Arkenswoop is a Lord of the Rings themed revision of the swoop by jimmerricks (which is a revision of the sweep by David Barr, which is a revision of the Ferris by Pierre Chevalier (yes I found that chain of revisions funny so I included it in its entirety)). Don't worry it isn't just a themed put on it, I added hotswap support, keeping the reversible design and wireless support. I also removed the LEDs, having no use for them ; they are also a huge power draw when in wireless. Encoder was moved a bit to the bottom because it was interfering with the nearest keycap (and the key became stuck upon pressing it, I found it funny at first). Alas I also screwed up: the switch plate holes are a bit too big (longer than wider) ; easy fix for now was to put some tape and voilà, every holds as the holes are tighter. I might print another plate with smaller holes but for now this is more than fine.

    Selfhosted SuperFola 1 year ago 87%
    I screwed up but dont know how/what

    3 days ago I setup fail2ban. Nothing fancy, just reading the logs of my docker containers where it applied. Then 2 days ago my server crashed out of nowhere, nothing in the f2b logs (I thought I had banned the entire internet by mistake), doing a nap just tells me port 80 and 443 were open (a few more should have been for Plex). The same happened yesterday and I pulled the cable just in case I was being hacked (I'm paranoid but not too much), and looked in it. usually I ssh from my local network into the server, but couldn't this time, so I put a screen on it and it was quickly flooded with systemd failures and ext4 errors. I reformated the disk a few months ago and ran a SMART, it told me the disk was fine, no error detected. It is a chonky 2TB disk and I have at most 150gigs used (movies, music, backups waiting to be transferred on daily basis to other servers/media, dockers). Where should I look? I know how to work with Linux but when looking for a problem like this, except using systemctl status/restart I'm lost.

    Selfhosted SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    A dashboard / widget to monitor fail2ban jails?

    Hi all, I'm looking for a dashboard or widget for [homepage]( to be able to monitor quickly my fail2ban jails. Does it even exist? How do you people monitor your jails? I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a mail server and send report daily/weekly

    ErgoMechKeyboards SuperFola 1 year ago 100%
    Arkenswoop: a swoop LP with roller encoders (Reddit repost)

    I wanted a swoop low profile, with roller encoders (evqwgd001) instead of the MX version with vertical encoders (ec11) that's currently on the repo by jimmerricks. So I forked the repo and based my work on an older revision that still had the LP/evq PCBs and printed them as is, which you can see in the attached image. It served me as a base to identify what I liked and what I didn't like about it, to know what I should fix for the next revisions. My to-do list: * Biggest thing for me was adding hotswap sockets (still working on it), * moving the encoder down about 0.3mm (it interferes slightly with the nearest keycap, the pads could be made smaller). * I think I'm going to keep the SMD, but add the possibility to use TH diodes, and space them a bit more (I found that soldering 2 SMD near each other makes it very hard to hold them properly). * Somewhat controversial maybe, but I removed the LEDs, having no use for them. * I'm keeping Bluetooth support (in my head that's just pro micro footprint+reset button+on/off switch+battery pads), even though I haven't tested it yet. Here is the repo, feel free to contribute to it (I know I fucked up by removing the kicad library, will redo it for the hotswap rev):
