asklemmy Ask Lemmy Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 2 weeks ago 100%

    Heh, we do the same. I appreciate that Changi airport has bottle-filling fountains at every gate.

    I really appreciate Haneda airport for having bottle scanners, so you can just bring your filled bottles through security. Saw this at an airport in Europe, too, but can't remember where (domestic Athens maybe?).

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, this kind of thing. We have pocari sweat powder.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 2 weeks ago 100%

    As a frequent flier I'd say the most important thing is what you do before and after your flight, not during. Go in well hydrated (get those electrolytes!) and well rested. If you're flying far east/west, adjust your eating and sleeping ahead of going, to make sure the adjustment is not so hard on arrival. If you're arriving in the morning, try to sleep on the plane... if you're arriving in the evening, don't sleep on the plane. Additionally, when you arrive, wait until the appropriate time to sleep/eat as not to prolong jet lag.

  • gaming Gaming When will they learn? When will they learn, that their actions have consequences?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 weeks ago 92%

    I've been busy travelling but somehow already reached 30+ hours playtime... and still only tried a few heroes. redacted is my fave thus far, I like how redacted is redacted.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost No thanks. I'm good.
  • SuperApples SuperApples 1 month ago 83%

    I've had it farm fresh in Bali and at a swanky cafe in Penang. The shared characteristic was how smooth it is. Tastes different, not necessarily better or worse. Depends on what you're after in your beverage.

    In Penang, we had it with a normal espresso to compare. After drinking the Luwak coffee, the espresso lost all it's flavour... It did something to our sense of taste!

    Going through a factory you can tell there's no chance the poop makes it to the final product. In fact, none of the cherry meat is used, only the bean, so I question what effect the digestive process has. Maybe the preparation method is different? I haven't been to a normal coffee factory to compare.

    The conditions the Luwak are kept in vary wildly, apparently the worst practices are in Vietnam. The Luwak are super cute , amazing fur, ones kept as pets were fun to interact with. The size of two house cats. Nocturnal, so I've only seen them active once.

    I liked the coffee but not so much that I want to support demand for it. The Luwak is a totally unnecessary step in making what is already a great beverage regardless.

  • truecomics Everett True Comics The common collective crowd (June 24, 1906)
  • SuperApples SuperApples 1 month ago 100%

    On the trams in Melbourne, the doors have little stop signs on them to remind cars that alighting passengers have right of way. It makes sense as the passengers don't have visibility of the cars, but the cars can see the tram stopping, and the doors opening.

    Also, the tram can't wait for traffic to stop before letting passengers out, then continuing on its route. They have to keep schedule, else the whole network suffers.

  • science_memes Science Memes Hermit Crab Housing Market
  • SuperApples SuperApples 1 month ago 100%

    Got to witness crabs doing this when going for a walk one day. There was a very shallow pool on the beach, about a foot wide, and about 20 crabs having a 'swap meet', scurrying back and fourth between the different shells.

  • cat cats Cat ownership in Europe
  • SuperApples SuperApples 1 month ago 100%

    You don't see many cats out and about in Bucharest. Best move to Greece (or Turkey, I hear). In Athens the city microchips and makes sure "stray" cats and dogs get veterinary care. Public parks are filled with cats so you can't eat your lunch without making a few friends, and you can't park a motorcycle without a cat parking itself on the seat. Even the hill the Acropolis is on is covered in cats.

  • 196 196 Bit of history rule
    196 196 STOP IT.
  • SuperApples SuperApples 2 months ago 100%

    Just want to make sure everyone know about naproxen (Aleve, Naprogesic, etc), because I'm met several people in their 40's who still didn't know it exists. Over the counter, not a pain killer, targets the cause and stops cramps/nausea etc.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Everything old is new again.
  • SuperApples SuperApples 3 months ago 80%

    I've been overcharged/"taken for a ride" by five or so taxis in my life, never had trouble with a ride-share service, even in countries where they are operating illegally. Never had a clearly drunk driver, too, unlike a couple of taxis I've taken.

    When there's any kind of language barrier, choosing the destination in the app rather than trying to speak it is so much easier, and using in-app translation messaging, too. When arriving in a new country, not having to get money out at the airport (avoiding rip-off ATMs or money exchangers) and being able to pay online is so much better than cash, especially when you're not familiar with the currency.

    Certainty of price, and ability to give instant feedback are great at keeping things honest. Sure, Uber/Grab etc are terrible companies, but I swear most taxi licenses in the world are owned my organized crime, so not much of an alternative. There is so much that needs to be done with regulation to get rid of the 'gig economy' and make sure that drivers are properly compensated/employed, but the app-powered ride service is just so superior in every way for the passenger, in my opinion.

    May I suggest a back-up battery for your phone (I just use my laptop USB as it's always with me and works when the PC is off).

  • SuperApples SuperApples 3 months ago 100%

    You've triggered my working with GameCube/Wii through Cygwin PTSD.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 3 months ago 100%

    Operation: Inner Space

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Oh god, kill it!
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%


  • world World News Australia’s richest woman seeks removal of her portrait from exhibition
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 98%

    her status and authority, unfortunately, make her an acceptable target

    Agreed, but It's really more that she's a complete arsehole. As a nimby mining magnate, she is a sponsor of organised climate denialism and vocal about it herself, a race she clearly has a horse in. She's also an active libertarian who wants to further dismantle the welfare system, and reduce taxation, and wants Australian workers to be cool like Africans and work for $2 a day. And a vocal Trump supporter.

    It's not the painting that makes her ugly, it's her behaviour and ideology.

  • dataisbeautiful Data Is Beautiful The market will for sure solve this
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    To add to 's points, Australia isn't afraid of foreigners, it has very high migration. You might be confused because of the government's reprehensible treatment of asylum seekers. Yes it was colonised by England, but internally, diversity is the most celebrated aspect of Australia.

    Australia has been dubbed 'the lucky country' because despite a lack of smarts (manufacturing and other value added economic activity), we've always been able to dig things out of the ground and sell it (coal, wood, gas, food, gold...). Though Australia never developed a serious manufacturing sector, it has pivoted to a service economy instead, with that sector's highest export being higher education.

    The lessons to learn from Australia is be rich, be on the other side of the world away from the world wars, and have high welfare spending (plenty of room for improvement though).

  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Sunt iarăși eu, Picasso!^Oh!^

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Yes, I considered traveling without blades and just buying at each destination (we try to use busses and trains more than flights), but it seems wasteful; I don't use them up that quick. Instead I buy a 12-pack of disposable razor heads (2-blade only - the 5-blade ones are terrible!) and use one per month. With care they don't go blunt too quick.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Nah, it's full-time travel. Most would find it unreasonable, but we find having few possessions liberating. It's strange, but there's a mental load lifted when you don't have a house of stuff to keep track of.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Yes, my wife and I have been doing it since 2016 (with a break in 2020/2021 for obvious reasons).

    Usually stay in short-rental apartments rather than hotels as with two people it's usually cheaper than a hotel or hostel, given weekly and monthly discounts that are common.

    Most airlines used to have 10kg included but now for most it's gone down to 7kg so we've had to get more creative. 5 shirts, 2 pants (one zip-off for swimming), 8 pairs of underwear and 5 pairs of socks, 2 sweaters. Small bag of toiletries. Winter jacket, thermals, gloves (good enough for Hokkaido in the early spring). Do washing once a week when it's cold, twice when it's hot. Heaviest thing is of course my laptop & brick. Changed bag to a thin canvas one to reduce weight further when the size/weight restrictions went down. Some airlines (such as Ryanair) don't even let you use the overhead bins for free so the bag has to fit under the seat in front.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Simple reason! Check-in bags cost $20+ per flight (most expensive I've seen in $50 for the smallest bag). That adds up quick when you take a few flights each year.

    I didn't throw out my razor, I gave it to a friend who has gotten many years use out it now, so it hasn't gone to waste.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    Just do note you won't be able to fly with it (in carry-on baggage), if that's an issue for you.

    I switched to a safety razor and loved it, but since we change continents several times a year now, it's something I had to leave behind and miss it.

  • SuperApples SuperApples 4 months ago 100%

    As the oldest Millennial (just scrape in), I insist they peaked at Dragon Ball. A half beaten to death pre-teen launching himself through the bad guy to defeat him? Epic stuff.

    (Married at 22. You can marry young and be in your 40's discussing Dragon Ball with internet strangers!)

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Biden calls Japan and India xenophobic: ‘They don’t want immigrants’
  • SuperApples SuperApples 5 months ago 100%

    I learned the language during high school, working in Japan after that, then doing a lot of translation work work back in Australia. In recent years we just visit visa-free for three months each year, and stay in this old house up north in exchange for doing a few jobs around the place to stop it deteriorating further after the winter chill.

    If we wanted to live here full-time we'd have to get local jobs, but I have zero interest in working for a Japanese company. Would sooner start my own business, which has gotten easier recently but is still highly monitored for the first few years.

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Biden calls Japan and India xenophobic: ‘They don’t want immigrants’
  • SuperApples SuperApples 5 months ago 100%

    I am currently living rent-free in Japan because there's so many empty houses that just need looking after.

    Everywhere in Japan has a declining population except Tokyo and Osaka, and both cities are well designed and don't feel crowded. I think Japan is around the 50th most densely populated country, but the very well designed public transport systems and well planned (and mostly hidden!) highways make it so much more open and walk-able than many less densely populated places.

    The only place that feels crowded is Kyoto and that's because it was never built to sustain the level of tourism it attracts.

    Japan has a limitless water supply. They don't even charge for the stuff in many places (like here). The agriculture industry is strong and supplies most of the food.

    The country is still like 70%+ untouched forest.

    Japanese policy and mainstream culture is xenophobic and racist, mostly towards Asians (and indigenous people, and lower caste people), but starting to improve based on sheer desperation because of the declining population and economy. Unfortunately, few have the language competency required to work here, and basically no one here can speak English, which makes it really hard to attract people, as the government has not put in the support measures like Korea (a more densely populated place with an even lower birthrate!). It's not uncommon to see Desi, Vietnamese and Thai workers in convenience stores in Tokyo now though.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What happened to "You're welcome!" as a response to "Thank You"? It's not even included in the canned answers on an apple watch. Have we as a society abandoned it?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 5 months ago 88%

    Yes, to me, the nuance is what's important here.

    "You're welcome" implies you did something good, and you know it. "I am good for doing this for you. You owe me!"

    Whereas "no problem" implies it didn't cause you any trouble. "Doing this for you was not detrimental to my life. You owe me nothing."

  • thesimpsons The Simpsons Emojiis are the hieroglyphs of our era.
  • SuperApples SuperApples 5 months ago 100%

    Akshually, you can often know the pronunciation of a Chinese character from one of it's radicals. I don't know how many characters this is the case for for Chinese (and how it varies between different spoken Chinese languages), but for Japanese it's like 80% of them.

  • forgottenweapons Forgotten Weapons Aussie Outlaw Ned Kelly's Body Armor (1879)
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 100%

    If you haven't come across him yet, check out John Francis Peggotty, the (alleged) ostrich riding, blinged-out, Irish little person bushranger Birdman of the Coorong.

  • 196 196 Please, for the love of God, VOTE!
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 100%

    I'm from a country with ranked choice voting. We can vote for our preferred third-party candidate and it's not only fine but better. Even if they don't get in, they will get a portion of government money for help with campaigning in future elections, and our vote for the first viable candidate will be counted instead.

    In the USA this is totally not the case. Your electoral system is designed to prevent third-party votes from meaning anything. As an anarchist who hates the politics of both neoliberal US major parties, I would still vote democrat, because a third-party vote is literally a wasted vote. It does not influence the 2 major parties in any way. They know there is no real threat from minor parties or independents unless they have massive overwhelming majority support.

    Change the system through political action, community engagement, and spreading information. This vote will not change a thing unless it's for a major party, and only really if you're in a swing state. It's shit but true.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the best sandwich in the world?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 100%

    Yes, very sure! It's probably because I'm not Dutch that I even considered it. Turned out really well, had to use lower heat then you would for frying regular bread as not to burn.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the best sandwich in the world?
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 66%

    Toasted ham and cheese with quality ingredients. It's a tasty marriage of sweet sugar and salty ham, crisp toast and melty cheese.

    Best one I made was when staying in Antwerp. I got the cheese in Amersdam - a truffle gouda. Butter was also dutch, from memory, but I can't recall exactly. Nice and salty. Bread was local - Suikerbrood. Sweet bread that browns easily. Ham was prosciutto from France somewhere.

    Have to put the butter on the outside and pan-fry slowly to ensure the cheese melts. The If you don't have a sweet brioche bread, sprinkle sugar on the butter to get that crisp, sweet exterior.

  • memes Memes A retro problem
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 100%

    I tighten them and it saved my monitor! Robbers broke in to our house, stole a bunch of stuff. The computer monitor was still there, connected to the computer, dangling from the table.

    How do I know they tried to steal it? Because they tried to cut through the cable with PAPER SCISSORS, because they didn't know how to unscrew the cables.

    I feel sorry for the dumb robbers. I hope they didn't pawn it and are still enjoying playing Wii Fitness without the balance board, which they neglected to take with the console.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting I lost my mouse a couple times and bought an exact replacement, then found the old one. You can see the evolution of the logo
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 100%

    Yes, my Logitech mouse, which is great it every other regard, had the left button give out after about of year of very heavy use (StarCraft, not that my APM is that high). With the addition of some superglue and a piece of plastic I've been using it for 4 more years, still going strong.

  • news News A nuclear plant’s closure was hailed as a green win. Then emissions went up
  • SuperApples SuperApples 6 months ago 86%

    Depends on where you're talking about. In Australia the right wing are using nuclear as a diversion to slow down the transition to renewables, so they can stay on gas and coal longer.

    There's no nuclear power in Australia, and the time needed to create the industry, train or poach workers, create a plant and get it up and running makes no environmental or economical sense compared to what they are already set to achieve with wind, solar and storage.

    If you've already got nuclear up and running, use it, but each new plant needs to be compared to the alternatives for that specific location, and the track record of the nuclear industry and government in that location.

  • SuperApples SuperApples 7 months ago 100%

    I have this problem. A couple of AAA projects I worked on, years of work, got cancelled and all that exists now is "stolen" footage. Then there's the dozen mobile apps that have been pulled from the app stores (or gotten "out of date" and no longer supported). Can't find APKs or store listings, just 3rd party site reviews are the only evidence of their existence.

  • SuperApples SuperApples 8 months ago 95%

    Yes, but the video has been deleted and reuploaded several times after been called out.

  • SuperApples SuperApples 8 months ago 89%

    For any cave dweller who haven't seen it, here's Hbomberguy talking about the history of this video and it's plagiarism, as @Mago alluded to. (if the timecode doesn't work, it's arond the 1:24~25 mark.

  • news News Chinese music student faces US trial for alleged threats to activist
  • SuperApples SuperApples 8 months ago 100%

    Not at all, we're all just being jackassed :).

    Here's a fun video essay on the craziness that is Falun gong and the Epoch Times if you want to go further down the rabbit hole:

  • news News Chinese music student faces US trial for alleged threats to activist
  • SuperApples SuperApples 8 months ago 100%

    By age eight, he had acquired "the superb great law with supernatural powers," which was supposed to include invisibility, levitation, etc. Li Hongzhi

  • news News Chinese music student faces US trial for alleged threats to activist
  • SuperApples SuperApples 8 months ago 100%

    There's enough provable atrocities being committed by the Chinese govt to worry about the conspiracy theories as well. Especially when a lot of the body and organ harvest theories are spread by a California mansion dwelling homophobic cult leader who can totally levitate he just doesn't have to prove it to you!

  • shiningforce
    Shining Force SuperApples 1 year ago 100%
    Shining Force 2 | Competitive Co-Op With Tyrelin & lavathor

    A fun way to re-experience ShFII which will create some... unique... ways to tackle each battle.

    Shining Force SuperApples 1 year ago 100%
    I like trees!!

    I've created this community in case this Lemmy thing takes off. Have fun, and play Shining Force! >Groovy! - Lemon.
