lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The BBC edited out sections from the Transformers: Earthspark show to censor references to queer people in the show
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    The BBC has rightfully criticised russian state owned media in the past for doing similar things but now its doing the same

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    LGBTQ+ RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%
    The BBC edited out sections from the Transformers: Earthspark show to censor references to queer people in the show

    The original scene goes as follows >Sam: *It's just... sometimes the world can be a scary place. It's hard to know who's dangerous or not.* > >Nightshade: *Hmm, that's true, though dissapointing.* > >Sam: *Hey, it's ok. I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends or other non-binary people.* > >Nightshade: *Non-binary?* > >Sam: *People who aren't female or male. Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed.* > >Nightshade: *I always felt my pronouns felt right, but what a wonderful word for a wonderful experience.* the one on BBC iplayer goes like this: >Sam: *It's just... sometimes the world can be a scary place. It's hard to know who's dangerous or not.* > >Nightshade: *Hmm, that's true, though dissapointing.* > >Sam: *Hey, it's ok. I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends.* > >[second of awkward silence as the audio was removed but nothing was added back in and then it cuts to the next scene] to fellow brits you can see the edited scene here, 10:15 seconds in:

    trans Trans looking for a book about transgender, how the topic is handled in different countrys and the journey trans people go through
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    A good book I liked about it was Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue by Leslie Feinberg, available here in pdf form:

    It was written in the 90s so some of the terms are sort of dated but it holds true with what a lot of the modern trans experience continues to be

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    a new political office who’s sole purpose is to determine if trans people should have rights or not.

    We already have that smh:

    A Council of Europe report[6][7] in September 2021 criticised the Minister for Equalities, stating that rhetoric from the minister is in contradiction with international human rights standards and has contributed to a sharp increase in transphobic crimes since 2015.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    They're basically reassuring her that they're still transphobic enough for her to support after she went against them to endorse the Communist Party of Britain because one of their candidates put out a really transphobic statement for their election (but then CPB disavowed their member's statement in a really limp wristed way to try and maintain the facade that they're still the social centrists in between the former party RFB and CPGB-ML so she took back her endorsement)

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    We're at new new labour now smh

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    LGBTQ+ RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%
    JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy

    This country sucks so bad, why couldn't the weird transphobic internet lady just stick to her castle and keep tweeting about how wizards used to just shit on the floor bcs they were too stupid to use plumbing

    lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Labour to 'simplify' gender transition process if elected
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    Knowing how transphobic Streeting is the "simplification" of the process will probably be banning it all together

    Also how labour is literally getting policy advice from JK Rowling:

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ My beautiful child...
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    iirc from growing up in a church school and all the Bible study bits I did growing up, there's a bit in the bible where jesus says that if someone tries to kidnap and enslave someone they should pay a fine to the parents in addition to the punishment they'd receive from the law which some people twist around into trying to imply that jesus was saying kidnapping and enslaving people is ok as long as you pay a fine to the parents.

  • science_memes Science Memes Science is more like a conversation.
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 85%

    What's the point in memes where it's putting something that's just uncontroversially true and not really that complex of an idea next to a twink wojack

    Edit: just read the comments smh. My bad OP you're entirely in the right for this, apparently the basic idea that the dominant ideology reproduces itself is too complicated for people to get, also someone calling you a tankie for this lol

  • mtf Transfem Online chat communities?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    go to this web address: and then put in either or as your homeserver. the page should look like this once you've done that:

    once you've set up an account try clicking through the link to the chat i sent you again

  • mtf Transfem Online chat communities?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    Have you made a matrix account?

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub I'll add that the capitalists actually want this to happen
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    i found some links for you and edited my earlier comment

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub I'll add that the capitalists actually want this to happen
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    i saw something a few weeks ago about some company in china that recently patented a potential cure for diabetes that removed the need for insulin so it might be referring to that. i'll try and find an article about it

    edit: here's some stuff about it

    idk about hte claim that people are trying to fight it (though tbh as soon as it looks like it might be viable on a large scale they probably will tbh)

  • mtf Transfem Online chat communities?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    There's a blahaj matrix chat, lemme just find the link to it

    Edit: here's the link

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta The Lemmy Canvas is on again this year on July 12!
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    cant wait

  • femcelmemes
    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%
    me fr
    lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The abs that shook the pillars of civilization
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    In future I'd advise using the term cis woman instead of biological woman because biological woman has a history of being used as a transphobic term by TERFs to delegitimise trans people, especially in the UK.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub The discourse around this is frankly unhinged
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    One thing I've seen used for CPGB-ML (an ML party so notable for their transphobia that JK Rowling has repeatedly endorsed them and their members and even the MLs in Britain largely range from looking down on to openly hating them) are the phrases tailism and right deviationism being applied to them

    As a general trend in Britain the term tankie (at least in my experience) is used less by the far left because it originated here and has had more time to be misused to the point that most of us remember stuff like Jeremy Corbyn being called a "tankie trot" by Boris Johnson and stuff like that

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub The discourse around this is frankly unhinged
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    I literally just use the web browser bcs I'm spiritually a boomer despite physically being a zoomer

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub The discourse around this is frankly unhinged
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    I mod the comm and it has been removed now o7

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub The discourse around this is frankly unhinged
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 92%

    I actually got banned from a comm on here just yesterday for pointing out that one of the people who was posting a load of things saying "FUCK TANKIES" had repeatedly admitted that they were a fascist and shouldn't be trusted. Like I'm a trot, I have no love for stalinists obviously but I think it should be pretty obvious to people at this point that the people constantly yelling about tankies are just using it as an excuse to amputate the entire far left out of political discussions.

    ::: spoiler receipts

    The image I posted:

    The mod who removed it:

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub The discourse around this is frankly unhinged
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    I mod that comm and it has been removed o7, thanks for reporting it

  • dunememes Dune Memes "what he saw was a time nexus within this cave, a boiling of possibilities focused here, wherein the most minute action ... moved a gigantic lever across the known universe to change the trolley path"
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    full quote:

    The prescience, he realized, was an illumination that incorporated the limits of what it revealed- at once a source of accuracy and meaningful error. A kind of Heisenberg indeterminacy intervened: the expenditure of energy that revealed what he saw, changed what he saw.

    And what he saw was a time nexus within this cave, a boiling of possibilities focused here, wherein the most minute action - the wink of an eye, a careless word, a misplaced grain of sand - moved a gigantic lever across the known universe. He saw violence with the outcome subject to so many variables that his slightest movement created vast shiftings in the patterns.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Dune Memes RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%
    "what he saw was a time nexus within this cave, a boiling of possibilities focused here, wherein the most minute action ... moved a gigantic lever across the known universe to change the trolley path"
    youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 50%

    just to clarify i want evidence of this specific admin function being misused, i and everyone else already knows that the mods are trigger happy with their bans, but you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog that they actually removed for criticising china to cover their tracks which i havent seen anyone else accuse them of

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 50%

    can you link me a single example of someone saying that they had their post removed from the mod log

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 50%

    I didnt say that mods havent been overbearing with their moderation i said "i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly".

    if you want me to spell it out slowly i can:

    • mods have abused admin powers at some points
    • it is possible that the people could abuse this admin power
    • as far as im aware there is no evidence that anyone has misused this specific admin power
    • this specific admin power has been used to remove child porn and dox info
    • since this admin power has been used for good reasons and hasnt been used for bad reasons it shouldnt be removed as an admin power
  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 50%

    well i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly, only people saying that maybe it could be used in this way, so no i dont think that the ML tankie front are using it that way. and since i know it has been used for its stated purpose to fully remove actual doxx information and child porn i dont see why it should be removed as a feature, at very least until there's some evidence of it being used maliciously

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 60%

    all instance admins have the ability to do this on their own instance, the functionality was added to deal with doxx info being posted so it wouldnt be visible even in the modlog, and it was used a lot to deal with the CSAM spam attack too - basically whenever this happens the relevant message will still be in the modlog but it will be changed to "Permanently Removed". Currently there's no evidence or even accusation that this functionality has been used for anything except the stated purposes though so i wouldnt worry too much.

  • garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism Garfield has transcended the urge to purposely have a bad time on the internet
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    your brain is being eaten by reddit prions

  • garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism Garfield has transcended the urge to purposely have a bad time on the internet
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    on lemmy i dont really use it because it screws up comment chains but on twitter and fedi and stuff i go wild with it

  • garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism Garfield has transcended the urge to purposely have a bad time on the internet
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 3 months ago 100%

    Pretty sure I haven't posted this one before, I have like a big folder of Garfield memes to post and sometimes I get mixed up with which ones I've posted already and which I haven't

  • femcelmemes
    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%
    me :3
    asklemmy Asklemmy Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    I think micro plastics in our anything will probably be an issue

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub This has to be one of the most pants-shittingly bad takes I keep seeing from liberals
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%
  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes too real smh
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    I used to quite a bit but I don't anymore, because cigs fuck with hrt

  • trans Trans New Nintendo "Paper Mario" remake features transgender character
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    pogging off

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Would you rather be stuck in the woods with an updated Windows 11 or a Windows 7?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    whichever of the two is more like a bear

  • worldnews
    World News RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 91%
    Biden administration signals it will support push to hit ICC with sanctions

    Key sections from the article: > The Joe Biden administration will work with Congress on possible sanctions against the International Criminal Court after its prosecutor announced it was seeking arrest warrants for senior Israeli and Hamas officials, US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Tuesday. […] > Blinken’s openness to bipartisan co-operation over the ICC is a sign of the level of anger in Washington over its request for arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant. […] > The sanctions could be similar to those imposed by the Trump administration on the ICC’s then chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and the court’s head of jurisdiction Phakiso Mochochoko for their investigation into alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The sanctions froze their American assets and banned their travel to the US. The Biden administration has not yet indicated what kind of sanctions it would support. […] > Republican Senator Lindsey Graham praised Schumer’s response to the ICC warrant application and urged him “to follow strong words with strong deeds”. > “It is imperative that the Senate, in a bipartisan way, comes up with crippling sanctions against the ICC — not only to support Israel but to deter any future action against American personnel,” Graham said. > In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Netanyahu said his response to the ICC’s announcement was “no different from what President Biden said, this is outrageous and many people across the political spectrum in the United States . . . have called it exactly that”. > “It’s a rogue prosecutor who’s out to demonise the one and only Jewish state,” he added.

    politics RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 84%
    Biden administration signals it will support push to sanction ICC

    Key sections from the article: > The Joe Biden administration will work with Congress on possible sanctions against the International Criminal Court after its prosecutor announced it was seeking arrest warrants for senior Israeli and Hamas officials, US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Tuesday. [...] > Blinken’s openness to bipartisan co-operation over the ICC is a sign of the level of anger in Washington over its request for arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant. [...] > The sanctions could be similar to those imposed by the Trump administration on the ICC’s then chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and the court’s head of jurisdiction Phakiso Mochochoko for their investigation into alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The sanctions froze their American assets and banned their travel to the US. The Biden administration has not yet indicated what kind of sanctions it would support. [...] > Republican Senator Lindsey Graham praised Schumer’s response to the ICC warrant application and urged him “to follow strong words with strong deeds”. > “It is imperative that the Senate, in a bipartisan way, comes up with crippling sanctions against the ICC — not only to support Israel but to deter any future action against American personnel,” Graham said. > In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Netanyahu said his response to the ICC’s announcement was “no different from what President Biden said, this is outrageous and many people across the political spectrum in the United States . . . have called it exactly that”. > “It’s a rogue prosecutor who’s out to demonise the one and only Jewish state,” he added.

    politicalhumor Political Humor *Permanently Deleted*
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    im literally in one of the protest encampments in britain right now and the vast majority of people here are anti liberal leftists, there's literally more overt marxists here than there are liberals

  • trailers Trailers for movies, television and games Dune: Prophecy (2024, creator Diane Ademu-John)
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    this looks so cool

  • trans Trans Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    A trans communist I've talked to a lot over the internet for ages, she introduced me to her wife and a load of other trans communists from across the world and helped put me in contact with people to get hrt from and helped me pay for it after I got cryptoscammed out of the money I was using to buy it, also given me a lot of advice on self injecting and general good social advice. Also helped me get through a pretty traumatic situation I was going through several months ago that kind of fucked me up mentally.

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes let me have my sloppp 😭
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    im not out to my grandma yet though so she just sort of thinks of me as her weirdly effeminate grandson

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes let me have my sloppp 😭
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    im such a fiend for tv slop, like my favourite shows are garfield and friends, the big bang theory, and ancient aliens and also futurama but i dont think that really counts as slop tbh (though tbf i only really like ancient aliens and the big bang theory bcs i like watching them when i go over to visit my grandma (a lot of the time she doesnt really have the social energy to interact for too long but she likes having me around the house so i'll go over and we'll talk a bit and then she'll get tired so i'll just potter around with the tv on for a bit and then ill make her dinner or something))

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes let me have my sloppp 😭
  • RoseTintedGlasses RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 100%

    fr, one of my favourite wads of all time, i used to stream myself playing it to them and then they'd stream themselves playing myhouse.wad bcs they werent good enough at the game to deal with ancient aliens, imo the first episode will always be my favourite though because the whole collision of the mayan / sci fi aliens / standard doom aesthetics is just so cool (also bcs ive played the first episode through on its own so many times when ive just got a little bit of time to kill)

  • femcelmemes
    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 4 months ago 99%
    too real smh
    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 5 months ago 100%
    So true :3
    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 5 months ago 100%
    Me fr frfr

    Unironically did this for a while but she was 43, I'm so cooked smh

    News RoseTintedGlasses 5 months ago 94%
    Senior Democrat calls for arrests of ‘leftwing fascists’ urging Gaza ceasefire | The Guardian

    accidentally posted this in world news before bcs i forgot about the no internal US news rule by accident > Congressman Adam Smith says ‘totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’ > >Protesters calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested. > >“Intimidation is the tactic,” said Adam Smith of Washington state, the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee. “Intimidation and an effort to silence opposition … I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.”

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    LGBTQ+ RoseTintedGlasses 5 months ago 100%
    Kansas governor passes law requiring ID to view acts of 'homosexuality' online, vetoes anti-LGBTQ+ bill

    > The governor of Kansas vetoed an anti-LGBTQ+ bill while simultaneously letting a [law pass requiring ID]( to view "acts of homosexuality." > Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly issued vetoes Friday against a ban on gender-affirming care for minors as well as two anti-abortion measures. She also let pass without her signature a law [requiring age-verification to view content "harmful to minors."]( > Under [Kansas criminal law](, material "harmful to minors" includes nudity and "sexual content," which is defined in part as "acts of masturbation, homosexuality, or sexual intercourse." > The law, which will go into effect on July 1, requires users to share their government-issued identification in order to view adult content. Websites can be fined up to $10,000 for each instance a minor accesses their content, and parents are allowed to sue for damages of at least $50,000. > This could theoretically apply to family-friendly media with queer characters, LGBTQ+ charities and community resources, or even medical websites that include information on gender and sexuality. Such websites could soon be forced to block access to young users — cutting off their access to vital resources and information — or face hefty fines. > Kelly did not comment on the age-verification bill, but gave justification for each of her vetoes. She said that a ban on gender-affirming care for minors “tramples parental rights” and targets “a small group.” She vetoed a similar bill last year, and the legislature did not have the votes to override it. > “If the Legislature paid this much attention to the other 99.8% of students, we’d have the best schools on earth,” she wrote. > Lawmakers were able to override Kelly's veto on an [anti-transgender school sports bill]( last year. Her veto of a bill ending the state’s legal recognition of changes in gender identity was also overridden, meaning that transgender people can no longer change their sex on their driver’s licenses or birth certificates in the state. > The minority leader of the Kansas Senate, Democrat Dinah Sykes of Topeka, [told The Advocate]( earlier this month that she's concerned Republicans will have the votes to override Kelly's vetoes this time around. She said that the laws are "just filled with hate and really just an ignorance toward what this community goes through." > “It makes these children feel so different and feel like outcasts, and that’s just so cruel," Sykes said. “I worry that these kids and their parents won’t feel safe in Kansas and that they will move to other states, and it's a loss for our state. Unfortunately, we're going to lose some wonderful Kansans because of this bill.”

    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 5 months ago 100%


    [MOD ANNOUNCEMENT]: hi garf heads, i'm going to be taking a temporary break from the internet. Don't worry about me or anything, im just going to be out touching grass and having gay sex basically

    i've appointed Good Girl as interrim mod while while im gone to just like make sure this place stays moderated and clean of bigots and stuff, but yeah, goodbye all, i might be back at some point but idk really (realitistically im probably going to be back within a few weeks)

    Femcel Memes RoseTintedGlasses 8 months ago 100%
    Save me middle aged milf with excess maternal instincts and a thing for twinks, save me 🥺

    I am mentally ill but reasonably pretty and one of the consequences of that is that I have mad game for the trans milfs in my dms but also latch onto them emotionally, like a lot
