news News The Empty Adderall Factory
  • Ragnell Ragnell 7 months ago 100%

    Not just that it's a crapshoot, if you are taking other medications some meds are not possible because of potential drug interactions.

  • news News The Empty Adderall Factory
  • Ragnell Ragnell 7 months ago 100%

    Not everyone has the same combination, comorbidities, or severity.

  • tech Technology Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA’s Artemis Towards Black Hole
  • Ragnell Ragnell 9 months ago 100%

    I mean, I understand you need to make money but if you choose to use the name of an ancient Greek Goddess as your trade name, you can't get exclusivity. You just can't.

  • tech Technology Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA’s Artemis Towards Black Hole
  • Ragnell Ragnell 9 months ago 100%

    You should not be allowed to do DMCA searches on words that are over two thousand years old.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter We may have a weak case
  • Ragnell Ragnell 9 months ago 100%

    I think the favored beast of the gods is Bear. They're very tanky.

  • playstation PlayStation What are you playing this weekend? Holiday Edition (2023.12.22)
  • Ragnell Ragnell 9 months ago 100%

    Still doing the Final Draft on Alan Wake 2 but might switch back to a replay of Spider-Man 2.

  • games Games Which Spider Man games to play on PS5?
  • Ragnell Ragnell 9 months ago 100%

    All 3 of the current series. Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2. The first one was released in 2019, I think.

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes Maybe take it down a notch, Han.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 50%

    If the choice is between working on a literal genocide machine and dying, the moral choice is dying. Granting an exception for the guy who sabotages the genocide machine by building in a way to blow it up.

  • technology Technology Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 75%

    Because the assholes got to "men's rights" "men's movement" en masse, and you'll spend your whole life critiquing individuals and find communities full of those individuals when you see those words.

  • memes Memes Being happy for people is free
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 85%

    Older folks: What would our kids generation do in the event of a terrorism attack?

    Millennials who lived through 9/11: Seriously?

    Zoomers who have to have active shooter drills: SERIOUSLY?!

  • startrek Star Trek Wolf 359: The Massacre (part 1)
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 100%

    They would have to call cubes back from where they are pushing territory on the other side of their territory.

    The Borg were not just fighting one species when they came to get the Federation, they were expanding outwards on all sides. So they committed the lowest level of resources they believed were necessary, and because the Queen was an arrogant fool, that was just one cube.

    For First Contact, you can argue that having been thus far unable to assimilate the Federation they are unaware of the speed of human advancement. In the Star Trek Universe it has been implied that humans are EXCEPTIONALLY inventive especially when faced with a problem, and that the Federation is even FASTER than humanity alone because of the additional viewpoints added to human inventiveness. Basically, the Human Problem of Fantasy Games where the humans are an average, all-around boring species while Elves and Dwarves and others all have specialties? That's not applicable to Star Trek Universe, where humans are especially well-suited to be engineers, and highly valued for their social abilities which foster teamwork. The presence of humans in the Federation is one of the ingredients that makes the Federation uniquely effective at technological advancement. Not only is the Federation large and powerful, it advances more quickly than the species that the Borg have assimilated, and has advanced to a level that the Borg never allow other species to advance to, AND it advances the way the Borg do by peacefully trading and adding technologies when it admits new member species.

    The Queen never dealt with a society like the Federation before, and she didn't expect them to advance very far beyond their capabilities at Wolf 359. She figured her cube was better, and that should be good enough and if by some weirdness it wasn't she would destroy the Federation by going back in time and destroying its weirdest, least predictable species: humanity.

  • witchymemes Witchy Memes I guess less weird than the hut on chicken legs
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 100%

    I was planning to go for an island on the edge of the world that you can only find after stealing the single eye shared between my 3 sisters and forcing them to give you directions.

  • startrek Star Trek Wolf 359: The Massacre (part 1)
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 100%
  • news News 2 Gay Dads Helped Uncover $767,000 Embezzlement Scheme in Texas Town Where 'Officials Called Them Homophobic Slurs'
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 100%

    Wish I could offer more than my upvote and my boost for this.

  • risa Risa Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • Ragnell Ragnell 12 months ago 100%

    Upvote the Klingon Kitty? Upvote the Klingon Kitty!

  • news
    News Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    US military asks the public for help finding its missing F-35 fighter jet after its pilot had to eject while training over South Carolina

    The US military is appealing to the public to help find an advanced F-35 fighter jet that has gone missing over South Carolina.

    risa Risa Same could be said for Neelix
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Capes in SPAAAACE

  • risa Risa Same could be said for Neelix
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Garak being really good at buying cheap leftover fabrics and using them up just explains all the clothes on DS9.

  • funny Share Funny Videos, Images, Memes, Quotes and more You'd know that you've made it in your evil career.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%


  • tech Technology US Copyright Office denies protection for another AI-created image
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Or the novelty of AI-created art will wear off and we'll go on with our lives.

  • risa Risa Best poker face in the Galaxy (class)
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    I feel like the only difference between Riker and a Betazoid man is that a Betazoid man tells his stupid jokes over telepathy.

  • cat cats Why is my cat so anxious?
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 80%

    Hives suggests she's allergic to something. Yeah, see a vet.

  • worldnews World News Caribbean nations set to demand royal family makes reparations for slave trade
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 60%

    Actually, that money goes to the Welsh and other Celtic peoples and ALSO comes from the British Royal Family, who is descended from invaders.

  • funny Share Funny Videos, Images, Memes, Quotes and more My only regret, is that I have... bones.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, but Wolverine still needs to breathe so Clark can take him out like the Hulk.

  • memes Memes It has everything you could want
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    I have a solution.

    We rename the continents.

  • memes Memes It has everything you could want
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    You can't use the second because the official name for Mexico is United Mexican States.

  • memes Memes It has everything you could want
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    There's also the Republic of Ireland, the Republic of Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United Republic of Tanzania, the People's Republic of China, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Latvia, the Principality of Monaco, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of Peru, the Republic of Paraguay, the Republic of Ecuador and a whole ton of other countries who are called by the last word in their official names because that is HOW ENGLISH WORKS.

    And if you really gave a damn about all the people in Latin America, you'd call them by the proper names of their countries.

    But if you insist I'm wrong, go over to and post a thread telling them they're American. See what they think.

  • memes Memes It has everything you could want
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure those crusaders are not from the Americas.

  • risa Risa What else do you think they do during those long haul warps?
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    This is from the ep where Geordi had that transporter accident. You haven't seen it.

  • funny Share Funny Videos, Images, Memes, Quotes and more My only regret, is that I have... bones.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    I've heard it's stronger than vibranium, but not as strong as Superman.

  • AskKbin Moving to: m/AskMbin! The year is 2030, astronauts have for the first time landed on Mars, they found a cave with human skeletons, and a message written on the wall. What does it say?
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    "We apologize for the inconvenience."

  • risa Risa And no, just taking 5 min to do the thing is not an option.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 66%

    I have never met anyone who hates this episode. This is the one where Lwaxana shows up at the wedding naked.

  • risa Risa This really does cover most of them
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    See, now I think early Lwaxana is key to understanding Betazoids. It is a society of telepaths and empaths, and as a result they have an EXTREMELY strong sense of self that can actually lean into the narcissistic, they don't understand boundaries, and they do not have that filter that lies between thought and speech because everyone can tell what everyone is thinking anyway. They are so aware of people's feelings that they don't feel a need to cater to passing comfort, knowing that annoyance is just a thing that happens and will pass and that it's better to focus on the more important hurts--which is why she goes out of her way to counsel Alexander and Odo but just rolls her eyes at Picard's discomfort.

    This really strong sense of self is so ingrained in the species that even Lon Suder, who doesn't have these abilities, is still such a strong personality that he TAKES OVER Tuvok during a Vulcan mind meld, and Tuvok is no slouch in telepathy.

    I think it was an amazing idea to portray a telepath or an empath like this, let alone both, and it indicates a unique and interesting society in the Federation. Star Trek has a (criminally underused) race of telepaths that is unlike any other race of telepaths and that is all because of Gene Roddenberry's Auntie Mame joke.

    I mean, just stop and think about what Aunties and Moms can be like. Now stop and think about them in a matriarchal culture where men are still traditionally masculine and women are traditionally feminine. Now consider them in a culture where NOBODY CAN LIE.

    That's the key to Betazed. Nobody can lie, so you may as well be yourself even if you're annoying and overbearing.

    Going by Lwaxana, Lon Suder, Tam Elbrum ("Tin Man") and even Deanna Troi when she lets her Betazoid half out a bit, Betzoids are an extremely impulsive and hedonistic species but also the premier telepaths of the Star Trek Universe and that is just unlike any other portrayal of telepaths but it still makes so much sense when you think about it.

  • witchymemes Witchy Memes I'll take this room
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 90%


  • risa Risa I'm Barclay with a hint of Troi
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Equal parts Dukat, Q and Data.

  • risa Risa Uh yeah, totally.
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Does anyone have the blank for this?

  • risa Risa This really does cover most of them
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, Riker probably gets a rebellion roll everytime Troi's mother is around.

    I wonder if there's a category for "The Captain COULD get some tail if he had better taste in women."

  • risa Risa This really does cover most of them
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 89%

    There are two kinds of Star Trek fans: those who love Lwaxana Troi and those who are wrong.

  • risa Risa This really does cover most of them
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Where does "Troi's mother comes to visit" fall?

  • risa Risa This really does cover most of them
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    The one you made me think of falls under "Data takes over the ship" and "The holodeck has a malfunction"

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes "And if you're just joining us, we're looking at sunny and dry conditions again all week..."
  • Ragnell Ragnell 1 year ago 100%

    Well, just about every world is a dystopia with only one climate.

  • tech
    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says in Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause

    A federal judge on Friday upheld a finding from the U.S. Copyright Office that a piece of art created by AI is not open to protection. "In March, the copyright office affirmed that most works generated by AI aren’t copyrightable but clarified that AI-assisted materials qualify for protection in certain instances. An application for a work created with the help of AI can support a copyright claim if a human “selected or arranged” it in a “sufficiently creative way that the resulting work constitutes an original work of authorship,” it said." Thaler was appealing this, and his appeal was denied.

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    What Algorithms Can't Tell You about Art: On Prosecraft and why data analysis of fiction rarely says anything at all.

    Here's another perspective on Prosecraft being taken offline. It goes into the actual use case of the program, and it is indicative about what AI makers are getting wrong about making art.

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    “AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers -- and Isn’t Intelligent

    Researchers Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender call on businesses not to succumb to this artificial “intelligence” hype.

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 98%
    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds

    "The chatbot gave wildly different answers to the same math problem, with one version of ChatGPT even refusing to show how it came to its conclusion." It's getting worse. And because it's a black box model they don't know why. The computer science professor here likens it to how human students make mistakes... but human students make mistakes because they don't have perfect recall, mishear things being told to them, are tired and/or not paying attention... A bunch of reason that basically relate to having a human body that needs food, rest and water. A thing a computer does not have. The only reason ChatGPT should be getting math wrong is that it's getting inputs that are wrong, but without view into it they can't figure out where it's getting it wrong and who told it the wrong info.

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    I’m a Luddite (and So Can You!) : What the Luddites can teach us about resisting an automated future.

    This comic goes over the political history of technology in the workforce, showing that even automation to reduce manual labor was introduced as class warfare against the laborers, and that sabotage, protests and legal action were needed to preserve worker's rights.

    Fediverse Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    Is a good resource?

    I've been saying for a while we need a wiki and I finally stumbled across one. But is it a good resource? Anybody use this site? [\_Page](

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    The extensive and unconventional reach of Dan McQuillan’s Resisting AI - Transforming Society

    Dan McQuillan, author of 'Resisting AI' looks at how the publication of his book has helped move the AI discussion away from ‘is it good or bad?’ to the more radical and worrying aspects of the technology as it is being implemented, in terms of augmenting society’s existing disparities.

    Fediverse Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    Thinking about starting a WriteFreely

    I used to blog on blogger and livejournal before using Twitter destroyed my discipline and I find myself writing longer comments and mastodon posts right now. I'm thinking about a WriteFreely account. Does anyone know a good instance to start with?

    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    More Than Television and Movies: AI, Art, and the Struggle for Humanity

    As social media breaks into splinters and conditions deteriorate in general, I want to ask once again for your support. A lot of what I detail in this article has already taken place in academia, which was at the forefront of this new, exploitative push, and having left the halls of higher education to provide analysis and work to find solutions, I rely on DISPATCHES FROM A COLLAPSING STATE,

    networking Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    Question: Network Monitoring service that's not Solarwinds

    I'm researching network monitoring software. We looked into LogicMonitor, Paessler, and Solarwinds. My company is reluctant to trust Solarwinds again, LogicMonitor is EXTREMELY expensive and Paessler just ghosted us. Does anyone know who else is doing network monitoring? My boss would prefer a cloud-based solution because he'd like to cut out all the server upkeep but at this point I can't seem to get my hands on an on-prem setup.

    Lemmy Shitpost Ragnell 1 year ago 97%
    Old Memes
    Technology Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    Artificial Intelligence Is Making The Housing Crisis Worse

    Landlords are using AI to screen their tenants, heightening errors and discrimination.

    196 Ragnell 1 year ago 99%
    Venn Diagram Rule
    Girl Gamer Ragnell 1 year ago 0%
    Game Guides and Questions

    One of the most useful things about old reddit was niche gaming communities where you could look for game guides or ask questions. It's taking a bit to populate those niche communities outside reddit, so could a community like this be a good one to start threads to list all the Hidden locations in Control, or list game guides. Is it a good place, mods and nonmods, for general gaming news and asking about a specific part of a specific game if you get stuck? If so, should we have a dedicated thread for game guides or just kind of post when questions come up or when we post them? OR should we stay away from general gaming stuff and stick to the intersection of women and gaming?

    Girl Gamer Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    Repeat Playthroughs

    I've played through *Control* at least 10 times by now but I just found an area with a resource box that I hadn't seen before. This game is so detailed and so intricate I can enjoy it again and again. Does anyone else have a game like that? That you can play again and again and still get surprised sometimes?

    Reddit Migration Ragnell 1 year ago 0%
    Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media

    This is an article by Cat Valente during the Twitter Migration, discussing the cycle of enschittification and the history of social media. We found it very perceptive and helpful when leaving Twitter, and I think people leaving Reddit may feel the same.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Gaming Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    How Marvel, Just Not Twin Peaks, Inspired Alan Wake 2

    Article talks a little bit about how differing inspiration sources are contributing to developing gameplay.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta Ragnell 1 year ago 100%
    How do I see what magazines I'm subscribed to?

    How do I see what magazines I'm subscribed to? I know how to see the THREADS that I'm subscribed to, but I haven't been able to find a list of subscriptions I have to check a magazine that I've forgotten the exact name of, or magazines that might be active but are getting crowded out by more active magazines, or inactive magazines that I want to just post to. Is this hidden somewhere? [\#kbinMeta](
