Anarcho Book Club PuaNani 3 years ago 83%
Any fiction books with an anarchist context?

There are countless games that simulate worlds and societies with hierarchical structures (you are a god, you are a military leader, you are a business owner, you are a football club manager, etc). Are there any games that explore player agency within an anarchic context? I’m not asking for examples with mere absence of visible hierarchy (e.g. OpenSuspect) but rather simulations of explicit anarchist dynamics and horizontal structures. I’m interested less in games that portray anarchy as an unstable state of social unrest (i.e. rioting), but rather as a stable state of being and living for human beings.

fakemon Fakemon Community Flamb my new fire starter
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%


  • activism activism I propose an activist group with no particular cause
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Motivated, Organisational skill yes. Energy no. I've never met someone who could build up a sig movement, even the floyd protests only happened bc of a death.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Peertube PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Is sepiasearch and re education down for anyone else? is returning a 502. Re education is an anarchist content creator, he makes educational videos about anarchy, but all his vids disappeared

    gemini gemini I made a chatroom in gemini
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    link isnt working for me

  • esperanto esperanto why does "Fi'anĝelo re'klinis" have ' ?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    This does not have any context

    It's from:

    Aer'ŝip'estr'ino kaj sia amato.


    "Tavaso, ci ŝajne supozas ke mi zorgas pri ciaj opinioj." Fi'anĝelo re'klinis trankvile sid'ile, levante glitan, akran du'on'brovon al li moke. "Mi ne eĉ povas imagi kial ci tiel pensas."

    Lia esprimo koler'eta tiom ne'daŭris ke sciis ke ŝi ŝajn'igus mal'rimarki ĝin. Li sciis ke plaĉ'igas ŝin rigardi lian koler'adon sid'ile, ne'povante kontri ŝiajn ordonojn, kaj permesis ŝin ĝui ek'fieron. Pri tiu ek'fiero bedaŭr'igos ŝin — tro'volo ja estas lia laboro'fako, ĉu ne.

    "Bone. Mi paŭz'endos iujn projektojn, pri kelkajn ci de'profitos." Ŝi ne ja log'iĝus, sed ĉagren'iĝus. Fi'anĝelo gracie glut'etis la or'koloran vinon si kiel'donace portis ŝin, almenaŭ ja vizaĝe ne mal'trankvila.

    "Ci ĉiam opinias cin tre estim'inda."

  • anarcho_gaming
    Anarcho Gaming PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Any games with anarchist context? (I will settle with movie/book recommendations if there are none)

    There are countless games that simulate worlds and societies with hierarchical structures (you are a god, you are a military leader, you are a business owner, you are a football club manager, etc). Are there any games that explore player agency within an anarchic context? I'm not asking for examples with mere absence of visible hierarchy (e.g. [OpenSuspect]( but rather simulations of explicit anarchist dynamics and horizontal structures. I'm interested less in games that portray anarchy as an unstable state of social unrest (i.e. rioting), but rather as a stable state of being and living for human beings.

    anarchism Anarchism Anarchist solution(s) to loans?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Under the current capitalist system, should people who self identify as anarchist, should they not take out loans for houses/cars? Afaik, capitalism would prevent a lot of people from being able to afford to buy a house without a loan.

  • anarchism Anarchism Anarchist solution(s) to loans?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    I was thinking like cars

  • anarchism Anarchism Anarchist solution(s) to loans?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    afaik anarchism is in favor of housing being a, (whats-the-word) service, rather than a, uh, capitalist good.

    Anarchism is in favor of subsidized/free/i'm-not-sure-what-the-word-is education, transporation, health care too?

    Transportation as in private vehicle or like buses? Buses i can easily imagine being 'free'. Private vehicles my imagination isn't returning anything.

  • anarchism
    Anarchism PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Anarchist solution(s) to loans?

    A summary would be nice. How would anarchists handle people getting loans to buy expensive things? In an anarchist society/group where they still use regular money

    gwynnestudio Gwynne *Permanently Deleted*
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    esperanto PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    why does "Fi'anĝelo re'klinis" have ' ?
    gwynnestudio Gwynne *Permanently Deleted*
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 66%

    imo you delete too many posts with valuable ideas, i am trying to see what other ideas you had, but it seems like a lot of your posts are gone :(. Maybe make one account where you post the ideas and a throwaway account where you chitchat then later delete.

  • gwynnestudio Gwynne *Permanently Deleted*
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 66%

    I like your posts and ideas! I have similar ambitions too!

  • digitalissues Digital Issues Leaving reddit, here's my manifesto. Thoughts?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 66%

    Makes sense to me!

    I believe that reddit is a bad platform. Not because of it’s content, but because it is controlled by a single organization, like in a dictatorship. With it’s only values being creating profit for it’s shareholders. It has a business model of tracking their users and create addiction among it’s users. It will only devolve in time.

    This will confuse/offend some center/righties

  • digitalissues Digital Issues Leaving reddit, here's my manifesto. Thoughts?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Different people respond to different methods, this will help get some users to jump ship.

  • gwynnestudio Gwynne *Permanently Deleted*
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 75%

    Ah, good to hear you're back. Still interested in helping grow the fediverse? Ideas;,

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Promoting_open-source_projects PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Polcompball allows linking to relevant communities. hexbear is there. Can we go through and link some sublemmys?

    I think it'll be good promotion. It sounds like a lot of work for one person, so I'm hoping to get some help.

    opensourcegames OpenSourceGames *Permanently Deleted*
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    They have a discord but not a matrix bridge :(

  • privacy Privacy Hey guys! I would need a 3rd party FOSS Facebook Messenger client.
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
  • opensource Open Source [Solved] Does anyone know how to get recoll to search files whose file names begin with "#"?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    thank you, that worked!

  • opensource Open Source [Solved] Does anyone know how to get recoll to search files whose file names begin with "#"?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    If i cannot figure out how to use recoll better, i will look into those, thank you

  • opensource
    Open Source PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    [Solved] Does anyone know how to get recoll to search files whose file names begin with "#"? Recoll is not finding "suitcase" in "# example.txt", but it seems to work when i rename the file to "example.txt" > characters and file names exceptions in the Recoll preferences Solved: characters and file names exceptions in the Recoll preferences, skipped names section

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Red Pill PuaNani 3 years ago 77%
    If this sub is related to TheRedPill, it might get banned

    Alluding to the symbol of the "red pill" from the film The Matrix, r/TheRedPill promotes misogyny, hegemonic masculinity, and traditional gender roles. The Southern Poverty Law Center describes it as one of several male supremacist subreddits featuring xenophobic discourse. It has been associated with several right-wing movements and the alt-right because of its attacks on feminism and mockery of rape.

    peertube Peertube Tip for use of peertube
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    this method works for me, but libre_warrior's alternative method doesn't work for me. It errors

  • lemmy Lemmy [SOLVED] Is there an easy way to see lemmy's user growth over time?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    I'd guess they wanted more network effect. So they went back to proprietary apps., tldr; more users = good.

  • peertube Peertube Tip for use of peertube
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Weird, i omitted the first @, but I still get:

    "Error Cannot fetch information of this remote account"

  • peertube Peertube Tip for use of peertube
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Hmm maybe the subscribe it's down right now, but "On peertube go to a video, press subscriube. Under subscribe with remote account, write in your mastodon address. Press subscribe remotely."

    Isn't working. At least on the 2 peertubers I tried to do it on. I put in, , but that didn't work. The other method works though.

  • lemmy
    Lemmy PuaNani 3 years ago 98%
    [SOLVED] Is there an easy way to see lemmy's user growth over time?

    Like a graph of the number of users on the whole lemmyverse. Solved, graph here:

    peertube Peertube Tip for use of peertube
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    We can subscribe to peertubers using lemmy or mastodon accounts? How?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How can we make Lemmy easier for new users?
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    69% (not a meme) of the population is not able to complete the task “Find all emails from John Smith.”

  • activism activism I propose an activist group with no particular cause
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    I am interested. Now there are 2 of us. Now what?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    activism PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Ideas to promote the fediverse/privacy/anything

    BTW do we have any subs about fediverse/lemmy/privacy promotion? --- Change wifi name to x Chalk ads on sidewalks Set up a free public booth and hand out food samples and pamphlets Make song/art about fediverse Cold emailing celebrities about x x related shirt Yelp reviews that are mostly positive and that "it would be nice if they had x" holiday greeting cards In bookstores, put privacy books in more relevant spots When eating out, ask about their social medias, recommend x Bumper sticker or paper printout inside of car with links Facebook status, if have a fb I used to live in a city with a big university library I went to often. Sometimes I left notes or hints in books I liked. Maybe one could leave a list of local instances or a pamphlet about how one can and should host their own in some admin or linux books. [Posters]( --- cc0 Cross posted from

    lemmy Lemmy Lemmy wikipedia page
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Six degrees of separation. At least a handful of us on lemmy are friends with some known tech journalist or have in-laws who are tech journalists

  • lemmy Lemmy Lemmy wikipedia page
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    The fediverse page already mentions lemmy. Someone can try to find a way to get join-lemmy there, but i think it'll be removed

  • lemmy Lemmy Lemmy wikipedia page
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    They rarely accept social medias like reddit as sources. They will accept twitter as a source if it's relevant,

    example: trump toots: "I like vegans". Wikipedia: "trump reported that he likes vegans"[source here]

  • matrix Matrix An image to encourage switching to element from other platforms
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Personally, it sounds easier for me to get my nephew on matrix then to fund the cuban network infrastructure :p. Though, it there is an easy/cheap way to help build up infrastructure in poor countries, I am willing to help.

  • matrix Matrix An image to encourage switching to element from other platforms
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    [Matrix] used to allow phone number registration when it was called i believe. They removed that feature. Anyone know why?

  • matrix Matrix An image to encourage switching to element from other platforms
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100% = 2 clicks = why is the "try now" in a corner? It took 1s for me to find the button, which is 1s too long for many ppl. Otherwise, also 2 clicks.

  • fediversefutures Fediverse Futures Ideas to promote the Fediverse (technologist perspective)
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    Copy and paste my post back in, I improved the spelling and formatting since my post did well.

    Also, I like this: "I used to live in a city with a big university library I went to often. Sometimes I left notes or hints in books I liked. Maybe one could leave a list of local instances or a pamphlet about how one can and should host their own in some admin or linux books."

  • alwaysthesamemap
    Always the Same Map PuaNani 3 years ago 90%
    America #1!
    Fediverse PuaNani 3 years ago 96%
    Ideas to promote the fediverse/privacy/anything

    BTW do we have any subs about fediverse/lemmy/privacy promotion? --- Change wifi name to x Chalk ads on sidewalks Set up a free public booth and hand out food samples and pamphlets Make song/art about fediverse Cold emailing celebrities about x x related shirt Yelp reviews that are mostly positive and that "it would be nice if they had x" holiday greeting cards In bookstores, put privacy books in more relevant spots When eating out, ask about their social medias, recommend x Bumper sticker or paper printout inside of car with links Facebook status, if have a fb I used to live in a city with a big university library I went to often. Sometimes I left notes or hints in books I liked. Maybe one could leave a list of local instances or a pamphlet about how one can and should host their own in some admin or linux books. [Posters]( --- cc0

    communism101 Communism101 what are some good ways to go about organizing
  • PuaNani PuaNani 3 years ago 100%

    In my city, postering has worked to start 2 groups. Posters can go in city specific internet groups, like a city sublemmy or city matrix or proprietary apps.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Poor PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Surging food prices fuel 40 percent jump in global hunger: UN
    Late Stage Capitalism PuaNani 3 years ago 100%
    Former Microsoft CEO becomes ninth member of $100B club

    "Steve Ballmer has seen his wealth grow by $20.1bn this year alone."
