canada Canada Gig workers gain rights in B.C. — and momentum across Canada
  • Noved Noved 1 week ago 100%

    I've never understood how we haven't been considered employees as gig workers.

    The only difference from a typical job is that you can "turn off" your job when it's convenient.

    You dont get say in the jobs you take, or you don't get all the information to mislead you into taking poor jobs. Sometimes both (looking at you door dash)

    Instacart sends you a t4a at the end of the year, and you are for tax purposes considered to have worked for them. But they don't have to pay into any of our various employee protections because loopholes?

    They can terminate your "not employment" at any time for any reason and use this as a method to force you to do things you don't want to.

    All while paying you less than minimum wage. Instacart specifically is very bad for this. They give you a "predicted shop time " which will often be in the realm of 30-40 mins + 10-20 travel time to and from the store. And the batch will be valued at less then $15m

    If then acknowledge that the job will take X amount of time, the base pay needs to hit $15/h x est time.

    Same goes for all gig jobs.

  • linux Linux Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • Noved Noved 2 weeks ago 100%

    Simply put, I need to buy groceries.

    It's not that I will have issues learning or researching, it is that I don't have the time too.

    If the barrier to using Linux is needing to spend time troubleshooting and researching to do simple tasks, I just won't.

    So far this thread has been very enlightening to me, I'm excited to try something new. But my OS is not my hobby.

  • linux Linux Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • Noved Noved 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh wonderful! Thank you for the suggestions!

  • linux Linux Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • Noved Noved 2 weeks ago 100%

    It's what I got to use in highschool computer class, I'm a sucker for what I know.

  • linux
    Linux Noved 2 weeks ago 94%
    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?

    So I'm building a new computer before the end of the year and lemmy is obviously pushing me towards Linux. I am not computer savvy, I have a family member that will help me set up my PC, but I do not want to be calling/messaging them every day when I want to open a program. Basically my question comes down to: can I operate a Linux PC these days without needing to troubleshoot or type code. I use my computer about once a week for a few hours I would say, so any time spent troubleshooting is time wasted. Thanks! EDIT: since a lot of people are asking what programs I typically use, I'll just list my most used programs. Word, Excel, ect(I'm fine with alternatives) Spotify Gimp (would have been a make or break, so I'm glad it's supported) Brave browser (browser is a browser) Steam Discord I would say that while I could figure out how the kernels work, I'm at a point with computers these days where I don't have the time. My priorities fall with a seamless daily experience. If I have the time to figure something out I can, but ideally my day to day usage being unbotherd is what I'm after. A lot of the comments so far have been helpful! I'm definitely going to give Linux a fair shot with my new build, probably start with Mint.

    torontocycling Toronto Cycling Ghost bike honouring Burlington hit-and-run victim removed by city
  • Noved Noved 2 weeks ago 71%

    Unfortunately, I have to side with the city on this one. They have policies, they warned the family so they could have come and got it. I feel they at least could've delivered the memorial to the family if they wanted

  • canada Canada Opt-in sex education policies coming to Alberta classrooms this fall, province says
  • Noved Noved 2 weeks ago 100%

    Do we want more orphans and teen mothers stuck in abusive relationships?

    The unfortunate answer to that question is yes, they do. Uneducated people vote blue, abused mothers vote what their abuser votes for out of fear. They need to feed the cycle that the church started and we are just starting to climb out of.

    There is a reason that the church is anti-sex-ed, it doesn't survive without people raised in it.

  • alberta Alberta Alberta premier reveals plans to transfer hospitals away from AHS
  • Noved Noved 3 weeks ago 83%


  • alberta Alberta Alberta premier reveals plans to transfer hospitals away from AHS
  • Noved Noved 3 weeks ago 100%

    "anything I disagree with is government propaganda"

  • foodporn FoodPorn I Tried A New Recipe
  • Noved Noved 1 month ago 100%

    Brown Eyed Susan lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Noved Noved 3 months ago 100%

    I purchased a razor branded Smartwatch, way back when. Thing could barely connect to my phone, it's battery life was atrocious when it did, and all it did was show the time and track steps. It didn't have any built-in notifications so you had to use a separate app. This was fairly early in smart watches though, it was pretty fad-esque.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Noved Noved 3 months ago 100%

    As someone who runs a Windows phone launcher to this day, I think you're wrong 😂 had they actually pursued them, and supported them better. I think we'd still have Windows phones today, The app store was truly the killer.

  • technology Technology The problem with GIMP
  • Noved Noved 4 months ago 84%

    Gnu Image manipulation program, no? What a dumb article

  • thelyricsgame The Lyrics Game [Meta] Do you think there's a downvote bot in this community?
  • Noved Noved 4 months ago 100%

    If I had to guess, it's because they can pretty quickly fill up the "local" tab. Some people are pretty anti AI.

  • technology Technology Meta is now internationally limiting the political content you can see on their platforms. Here’s a quick guide on how to stop Instagram and Threads from deciding what shows up on your feed.
  • Noved Noved 5 months ago 100%

    This is literally exactly what I meant, far right folks believe that meta specifically sensors their content.

  • technology Technology Meta is now internationally limiting the political content you can see on their platforms. Here’s a quick guide on how to stop Instagram and Threads from deciding what shows up on your feed.
  • Noved Noved 5 months ago 71%

    What's funny is that both sides of the political spectrum are going to think this is targeting them. When in reality it's more than likely only going to be used to squash misinformation.

  • canada Canada Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 100%

    Wow, so not only is this a direct attack on renewables, but non renewables that fall under the same situation are too be reviewed case by case?


  • canada Canada Competition watchdog concerned about pricing post Rogers-Shaw merger
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 100%

    My partner was on one of Shaw's 0$ per month, by the gig plans. It was easily the most competitive plan on the market at the time. Its no wonder they got shut down so fast.

    Now she is being harassed by Rogers 3 calls a week to upgrade her plan. They want her off the 0$ plan so bad lol.

  • canada Canada Competition watchdog concerned about pricing post Rogers-Shaw merger
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 94%

    In other news, water is wet!

    Hopefully the do something about it instead of just watching it go higher

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Splitting the Alberta NDP from the federal party is a bad idea
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 100%

    Bad for the fed NDP? That's really not our problem, especially if we are trying to deaffiliate

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Average luxury watch consumer
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 100%

    This has got to have been satire right? Since the upvotes/down have been blanked, I'm going to assume it had negative ratio

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Alberta Premier Danielle Smith in Ottawa to open new provincial office
  • Noved Noved 7 months ago 100%

    I don't know where pp stands based on that statement. But this isn't letting parents raise their kids. This is letting the government decide what's best for parents.

  • britishcolumbia British Columbia 'Muscling': Alberta government won't stock B.C. wines that sell direct to consumers
  • Noved Noved 8 months ago 100%

    Something something free market.

    Sounds like Alberta liquor stores need to step up.

  • canada Canada There's no such thing as 'parents' rights'
  • Noved Noved 8 months ago 100%

    Oh of course, I feel like it goes without saying that this is in reference to young school-age children.

    My personal opinion, would be that the age cut off for where a child's rights supersede the opinions of their parents would probably be 13 or 14.

  • canada Canada There's no such thing as 'parents' rights'
  • Noved Noved 8 months ago 80%

    As long as those values do not override those of other parents, go at it.

    Parents should always have the right to remove their child from a situation they do not agree with. They should never have the right to tell other parents or teachers how to teach other children.

  • bapcsalescanada BAPC Sales Canada [SSD] >IN STORE ONLY< SN850X 2TB >IN STORE ONLY< [$170][Canada Computers]
  • Noved Noved 8 months ago 100%

    Good price, but has been cheaper (160) in recent times

  • memes memes It's just a coffee
  • Noved Noved 8 months ago 100%

    Furthermore, Costco employees will never push you to get the executive membership, if your previous year did not have enough spending on it to at least pay back the difference.

    We actually had the Costco customer service Tell us to cancel our executive membership, because we didn't earn enough over the year

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost You guys need to stop
  • Noved Noved 10 months ago 100%

    Open source car? Lol. Design it as easy to aftermarket as possible. Let aftermarket companies sell full seats and ECT. Use only standard connections and hardware

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost You guys need to stop
  • Noved Noved 10 months ago 100%

    As long as the price reflects that absolutely. I feel like one of the reasons cars are getting so pricy is because we are filling them with so much bloat. Ex. Heated seats, power windows, tablets. Like, what happened to a base model car?

  • canada Canada Alberta government report on safe consumption ‘pseudoscience,’ says medical journal
  • Noved Noved 10 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately you don't need to peer review a study to convince conservative voters 😔

  • technology Technology Peertube's moment might come soon
  • Noved Noved 11 months ago 100%

    I feel like all of these fediverse platforms are going to suffer from the same issue.

    I searched up peertube and clicked on the peertube link. No where was there a "recommend videos" feed or "upload videos" or "create account" and the first link to a peertube platform is a cliche "rebellion" something or other.

    These things will never see mass adoption if they aren't approachable to the casual browser. It sucks, but the average user would rather give their data to Google or watch 25sec of ads before each video then try to figure out fediverse. Especially since when you do figure it out, there isn't any good content yet.

  • canada Canada Analysis: Canada may struggle to recoup $26 billion cost of Trans Mountain pipeline
  • Noved Noved 11 months ago 100%

    LOL, albertans think Trudeau stopped the pipeline.

  • technology Technology [Survey] Can you tell which images are AI generated?
  • Noved Noved 12 months ago 100%

    The one that got me was definitely the fruits, I didn't realize that AI was able to generate decent text yet lol

  • canada Canada India tells Canada to withdraw 41 diplomats, report says
  • Noved Noved 12 months ago 100%

    It's like saying that you're intentionally not going to get a first aid ticket, so that you don't have to help someone when they get hurt. You can just throw your hands up and walk away while yelling at all the people who do have their first aid ticket that they're doing it wrong.

    And then applying for a job as an EMT.

  • technology Technology Suing Writers Seethe at OpenAI's Excuses in Court
  • Noved Noved 12 months ago 66%

    But you do need to negotiate with Sarah Silverman, if you take that book, rearrange the chapters, and then try sell it for profit. Obviously that's extremified but it's The argument they're making.

  • canada Canada Moneris says systems back online after users across Canada report outages affecting debit, credit payments
  • Noved Noved 12 months ago 100%

    99.98% uptime, and you get to stand by the clerk at the coffee shop for 30 minutes for your payment to process 😂

  • technology Technology Amazon to introduce ads on Prime Video in 2024
  • Noved Noved 12 months ago 96%

    Only thing I can think of is ads during content instead of before?

    Yar har I guess.

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Anyone else experience extreme dysphoria from watching this video?
  • Noved Noved 1 year ago 100%

    Well seeing as we're going through another one of those eras right now after COVID, I'm going to say it probably had a pretty strong direct effect

  • canada Canada Environment minister must unblock Rebel News founder Levant on X under court order
  • Noved Noved 1 year ago 100%

    Time to get off Twitter if you already haven't.

  • gaming Gaming I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu
  • Noved Noved 1 year ago 100%

    What if I have an Xbox controller plugged in and want to use my keyboard? A simple spacebar hit sets the default controller for fit this play session.

  • offbeat Offbeat The city mistakenly tore down this man’s home. Now, they are suing him for $68K in demolition costs
  • Noved Noved 1 year ago 100%

    From what I gather, the house was inspected and deemed not fit for habitation. They failed to mail the notices to the proper address. House was too get torn down either way, the guy in the story just didn't get the warnings.

  • bread
    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    So how's your weekend going?

    They might not be the most consistent, but I'm learning a lot! Recipe will come with the final total product photo tomorrow!

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Happy Canada Day! Lemmy here is working overtime!

    Starting my 3rd double recipe of Country Loaf for the weekend, goal is 4-5 or 16-20 loaves!

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Goodnight sweet prince(s)

    It's gonna be a busy production weekend for me. Putting that starter on double duty! Aiming for 8 loafs a day for the weekend, starting with an overnight *removed*ation.

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    A good crust makes the pizza!

    Recipe: ``` High quality bread flour: 375g Garlic powder: 5g Italian Seasoning: 5g Water: 225g Oil: 40g Poolish: 200g (it's what I had on hand, I'm would normally have only used 100g) Active Dry Yeast: 5g Salt: 15g 1. Mix water with poolish and Oil 2. Mix salt in wet and combine with dry 3. Knead till a ball forms (skin will tear easily) 4. Rest in warm environment for 30 mins. 5. Knead into smooth ball, rest for 30 mins 6. Flour (or semolina) rolling surface and expand to two, 10 inch rounds. See tips after recipe 7. Build your pizzas and bake at 425 for 20ish mins ``` Pizza shaping tips! -wet dough is harder to handle, but way easier to shape. -equal parts semolina and flour is an awesome dust for your bench. -tossing your pizza in the air is a great method to expand a soft and supple dough. It’s also real fun. -let your dough balls rest for 15-20 mins before expanding. -place your dough ball on the dusted bench and press from the inside out. Try to avoid breaking the skin! -always rotate the dough while expanding it. Envision a circular rope around the outside of the crust that you are trying to stretch but not break. If you do this right you will be able to actually feel the gluten strands forming a circle around your dough.

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Banana Bread is still bread!

    Recipe: ``` 3 ripe bananas 1/3 melted butter 1 cup white sugar 1 egg Vanilla 1-1/2 cups A.P flour or cake and pastry 1 tsp baking soda Salt 1. Preheat oven to 350° f 2. Mash bananas and add wet. 3. Add dry, mix until just combined with no flour lumps. If using c+p flour sift first. 4. Transfer into parchment lines or well seasoned loaf pan. 5.Bake for 1h-1:30h depending on your oven. Start checking after an hour. 6.let cool in pan! ```

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Starter Saturday! Lemmy is just resting this week 😊

    Gone all weekend, so no bread for me!

    Food and Cooking Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Package Ramen, Cured Egg Yolk, Green Onions

    Cured Egg yolks by separating and submerging in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, white sugar and red chilli flakes. 24-48 hours in the mix before use!

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Sourdough Sunday!

    Tartine Country Loaf: 90% AP flour 10% ww flour 75% water 20% poolish 2% salt Cornstarch to dust/prevent sticking. Baked in a dutch oven at 450 for 40 mins, removing the lid after 20 mins.

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Happy Starter Saturday!

    In honor of my switch to Lemmy, I think I'm finally gonna name this starter. Meet Lemmy! 180g AP flour 180g water 40g discard.

    Lemmy Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Which of the Lemmy pledge options yields the most profit for the Developers?

    I know patron takes a slice of the pie, but I don’t know the details on Liberapay or OpenCollective. Presumably crypto would have the least potential for fees, but I would rather pledge fiat.

    Lemmy.World Announcements Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Which of the pledge options is the most efficient for the developers?

    I know patron takes a slice of the pie, but I don't know the details on Liberapay or OpenCollective. Presumably crypto would have the least potential for fees, but I would rather pledge fiat.

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    It ain't perfect, but it's mine

    This week's sourdough Sunday, I wasn't able to pay too much attention to their proofing this week and I overfed my starter the night before. Oops!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Kai, the English Setter we are sitting for the weekend ☺️

    Her toes tho! And the ears! I can't get over them!

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Starter Saturday!

    Something I want to get going here on a weekly basis! Make your own post with a picture of your sourdough starter! I'm hoping to make sundays *Sourdough Sundays* so if you bake sourdough yourself, let's post some beautiful (or maybe not so!) Loafs tomorrow!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    VTubers Noved 1 year ago 90%
    Discovery Thread!

    Who are you all watching? What do you like about them?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Find a Community Noved 1 year ago 100%
    Like Bread? So do we!

    Come share your creations, failures, ask questions or post pictures of the cool restaurant you went to! Im hoping to build a community of learning and teaching!

    Bread Noved 1 year ago 100%
    My best Rye Country Loaf to date.

    Recipe: Modified Country Bread from Tartine Bread ``` Flour: 100% -60% AP -40% Rye ``` ``` Water: 75% Poolish: 20% Salt: 2% ``` I usually do a 850g raw loaf. Baked in a Dutch-Oven for 40 minuets at 450°f.
